When Life happens…. Send me an email. Life happens to all of us every day of the year! As much as I hate to admit this, we have very little (if any) control over most of the things that happen in our lives. Most mornings we arise and think we have a good idea of how we have planned for our day to unfold. Enter Life! There is always something that will not go how we wanted and if we allow it, will throw us into survival mode instead of our normal thrive mode. It can be minor things that start to pile up or it can be a giant life altering event. Either way when you see yourself starting to stress out remember to just breathe. My husband had a heart attack on a Friday morning in April. My world as I know it, was shaken to the core. He had never even been in the hospital or even been sick. The most difficult moment of my life had arrived. I was just barely coping. This was the hardest day I have ever endured. I fell off the radar to my students for 2 days. I emailed my Department Chair immediately, and he offered to teach for me. I emailed my classes and the response was overwhelming. I worked from the CCICU Unit at the heart center. My pace slowed, but, I got through it, and everyday kind and encouraging notes came from students everywhere. The tables were now turned and my students were all checking in on me. Emotional support is a very healing thing. You will have your day, the big and the small event, possibly more than one, when life happens to you. It may not be this semester, but you need to realize, life happens, at the worst times, always arriving, when we least expect it. I have been at this long enough to have seen many difficult things happen to my students. Instead of reaching out, they sit silent! When life happens, just send me an email. I am here to help you in any way possible, so let me know if you need me. My students have lost family members, gone through breakups and divorces, and one even called to tell me she was homeless. (We got her in a dorm the same day) You may welcome a new baby into the world, get married or graduate and you need a few days to regroup. (These are all stressful events too.) Your kids will get sick and a spouse may be in the hospital, just send me an email. I will help you get through it. (no matter what it is.) I can give extended grace periods, tutor you one on one by phone, be a good listener, offer a list of campus resources, and help you catch back up, if you have fallen behind. Your success in our classroom is very important to me. If you drop off the radar, I worry, and I will be calling you. So, if during this semester you experience any “Life Happens Events”, do not suffer through them alone please, just send me an email.