CITY OF LOS ANGELES PAYMENT VOUCHER DOC ID PV 70- BUDGET FV INVOICE N0 EMPID VENDOR CODE - NAME -- Travel PV TVPE 1 DOCUMENT TOTAL $18500 CD DP AUTHOR FUND DEPT APPR ACCT OBJ AMOUNT 1 PD 70 100 70 2I30 "8500/ DESCRIPTION I SECURITY FOR PUBLIC OFFICIAL SAN FRANCISCO, CA FROM 05/02/20l 8 DATE OF GOODS (HEA DER) PREPARED BY FOD PHONE NO 485-8505 DATE 5/22/2018 cm 0: LOS ANGELES RECEIVED PERSONAL EXPENSE STATEMENT $336522? MAY 15 2018 1mg "19 007 EWGEEWEN wzam 111 YRAVEL No 131, gamma" mcoumms us: om {Zr EMPLOYEE 447 FMS DOC NOD <<51 uEanNmN DEMAND No DEMAND ME 551 91.101111, <> mm 933331": 595EXPENSES 32 93 @5543 my LESS OYHER EXPENSES mo av cn'v 121) casn ADVANCE [22) OYHER EXPENSES my Ev cm 714 53 123>> MRFARE mu 455.457 .175 '73 (QA) mm OTHER EXPENSES pm By i my 101.qu ENELENEE was I HEREEY above '5 a we <<915mm Mme mvel expenseumcumd hy me Amareznce wan naval palm-s and grease ma germs: 91" 0F Les ANGELES my. ME nanny 1 cam-cum: N11 (he pnflomvam.' D1 my am as>> APPfio'vmfi NAME A 5mm (27: uni (mummy) (257 - 55!. mm 1mm mm 1291 am (mm/667W! 517/8 TrzvelSlore/Camavelslole 7m 3rd Sllael 3m Flaw Wasl Sacrament CA 95505 Statewide Travel Program 23 5:912:59": Fnday 2mm 2mg 07 all 501 Pissennom' Renard Locale! Agar" Fests: Agent Dllecl Phone' Please reviewfll nmry below In! accuracy and verify um names appeur exactly I: on nllalo ID or passport. Conbcl ouv nlfino whhin noun nyou nollce any alscrapanci-s. lnumalmnal mm: when lnvellng lnmnallnn-lly a vls: may be required and ln man cam your passpafl mull be valid to: al leasl monlns beyond your mum am. Please begun |o mlly requnemen's your "1mm av navlgm lo nun/mm snug my A AIR Monday, Iowa 2013 Amrrican Alnlnes onelaleo By compass AIRLINES As Nnmhev 5005 Class L-CoachlEchomy EAGLE me (LAX) Las Angeles CA USA Dopan 00AM To San Fransisco CA, usA Arrive 12 35 PM Smus Nonslop Duratmn 1 Mur(s) 35 mlnulels) Seals 22c Slams CONFIRMED Mugs 339/ 542 KM Equlpmenl EMBRAER EMB 175 ARRIVES SFO 2 Flequem Flyer Numhev -- mum cannrmanon number ls- new [or splcizl disconm mm sum, Duuflesy ol cm Monday, awn 2m: Emuprim can confirmation Number -- Flekup San CA. USA Plek up Time: 12 35 PM Lucallun 7am MCDONNELL ROAD SAN FRAuclscoLA 94123-3103 us mm 650-697-9200 on San CA USA Remm; Wednesfliy mm mm lo 00 PM Tyw: Mlaslze Aulo NC Rat- usn 42 9A Dally Ra's - Ilse m! Omp Dlsowm ID -- Appiaxlmafe lalal usmaA 33 AR W:dnnday.2MAY2ma 1 American Page or a Operated By: COMPASS AIRLINES AS AMERICAN mom Numbor 5023 Class L-OoamIEeonumy EAGLE me (SFO) San Francisco CA, USA Depart 10 10 PM To (LAX) LDS Angela: CA, LISA Am. 1166 PM soaps: Dural'rcn 1 nourIs) 45 mrnmeu.) Scan 220 Slams: CONFIRMED was 335 I 542 KM EMBRAER EMB 175 DEPARTS SFO TERMINAL 2 quuenl Flyer Numbe! ArrIaIican AIrIInes Confirmallon number OTHER Manny. 2015 WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT To FILL OUT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY CALTRAVELSTORE PHONE NUMBER E77 454-8785 No HOTEL AT THE TIME OF BOOKING FOR AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE WHILE TRAVELING THE US PLEASE CALL 1477-4544155 AND USE VIT CODE staF YOUR RECORD LOCATOR IS - 07'3an A FEE APPIJES To ALL EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE CALLS AM) IS IN ADDITION TO STANDARD FEES, IF THE TOLL FREE NUMBER LISTED DOES NOT WORK FROM YOUR CALLING AREA THEN You CALL SIMWM DIRECT. nekanmom Inhmulion mkellv -- Dal-Issued 412mm; lrwoloe Nor mam memor Yes Amwm 44440 Base 3&3 as us Tax 2902 use xT m- 28 40 USD Ch-vgad Io -- mums: 44440 TquAmount 444.40 +11 Click ban in mun ln ammo: Io omln bowl"; pan": Amgncau Check operatlng earner websne Ior my pullcles max my Vary chuck In: II ls adv/lied you check in a mlrIImum I - Ls lrours pr'lm Io depamlre Ior damaw: flights and 2 3 huurs Ior IIrths Baggage: Checked baggage ufl'lces vary by Imouam nyer flaw; huakng dag" bag slze, sno Fees may awry ynu plan In check hays, or you plan In carry spans aqulnmenL or an odd-Shaped item or ynur bug exceeds weIgm hen for mom quvaql yolchu and hes: Amnggin ammo: You must prevlde wove! phmo IO arm mom number: or airline confirmonorr number In obram you boarding pass Alror-n mom-mm. Noflcl: some countries require spraying oI aircrafl priorIo a mom or Mule you are an me alrcran FeaanI I-w mquua: man we refer you In 9915 ml wehsrle or "among |o rm gm gnv/gffigg-ngl I . I nn~r Hmmou; Hahflill: Federal Isa Iorblos me mnleqa nl oenairr halardous m-IerIaIS' such as aerosaIs, mworks' and flammable aboard aileron II you on not underslano mane resIrICn'nm' camel your arm: or go Io Ia>> ovlaoouv we Zm I For Norm Emcrgancy Smut: wmIa traveling the 5. plane call "77.87444 ml use vn coda Vow (scald Incanr IS HYATT Hyan Regency San Francisco Airport 1333 Bayshare H|ghway Buangame. CA 94010 (3 Tel: 550-1347712114 7 Fax. 650759672659 ?iflfraud?ma [pa hya( mm Room No. 5119 Arrival 2013-04-30 Angeves, CA somz "mm 5mm Depanure 2015705702 Page No 1 ch Cnnfirmalian No Foho Window 1 Group Name Nu. Dale Dosclimion "7 pharges Credit; 047302015 SelfPaerg Room: 5119. 0430-2015 155 00 04-30-2018 Occupancy Tax12% we so 74?? 04402015 Tcunsm Fee 1 25 0570172015 Se'fFamng Room>> 5119: (R) 05-01-2015 Acwmmodahnn 155 no 0501-2018 Occupancy Tax12?lu 1a 60 '74 0570172013 Fee 1 25 0502-2013 sza -- 405 70 Teal A09 70 403,70 Guest Signamre Balance 0 00/ mm 'uxmylubmu [m IhuMll .. nul "mm (ob-heldpuwml'y mm: mammal "'5;me Wm mum-y mm, m. Mm chugu 0 ya ummam Membership-- Bonus Codes. ngms' 2 Englme Spend. 310.00 Redempuon Ehgible' on Summary Invoice, please see (ram desk for eugimmy details. 05 "human" rm 44557145muusco 1m :va Rawrn az-mv-zmn mm: SAN rxAanw um ARW Nassam man ass Drwen Fm "1155 (Harged mu censav -- smu/Pruvmca LA Drwen as on: mu m; In 29450 sun us: Han dhugs 4 3 Days 45.20 135 68' RECOV FEE 25 15' TAX ".756 21 35 mum on: usu 3am; . Yuxnme mm: Sumact mu Fur a-saa-xzumrux TRAINING Angeles Depanmeni (ClIck One) REQUEST FOR TRAVEL AUTHORITY NON-TRAINING FOR NON-INVESTIGATIVE TRAVEL ONLY DATE SHEMITTED DATES 0F TRAVEL DESTINATION DEPARTURE May 8, 2018 4/30/2013 5/2/2013 San Francisco, CA TITLE OF TRANSPORTATION Security for Public Official Auiemnbiie' FeTsmIal Guy 11 AN Dmsr' TRAINING COORDINATOR OR DESIGNEE PHONE :1 persnnai Vumcia MII be um pammnamis) Saga," ,1 -- 213-486-0150 mi comniv Mm Manuai Socimn 3mm 57) TRAVELING EMPLOYEE #1 RANK, FIRST s. LAST NAME SERIALT: ASSIGNMENT or EMPLOYEE Officer -- - OCOP Metropolitan Division EMPLOYEE a2: RANK, FIRST LAST NAME SERIALK ASSIGNMENT 0F EMPLOYEE officci-- -OCOP Mdmpolivan Division TRAVELING In RANK. FIRST A LAST NAME SERIALII ASSIGNMENT or EMPLOVEE SOURCE or FUNDING (CLICK ALL APPLICABLE BOXES) - souRcEs IN REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL No EXPENSE OUTSIDE REVOLVING TRAINING FUND EMPLOYEE FINANCE NALTF (SID ONLY) POSTLETTER OFAGREEMENT OTH GENERAL FUND SPA (DETECTIVE BUREAU ONLW CA0 TRAVEL COSTS 0i END Days Cos| Suanlai 101AL AMOUNT OF TUITI FUNDS PER LODGING 2 3 $525 00 $525 on 327% <55 SUBSISTENCE 2 3 5370 00 $370.00 $3 VEH RENTAL $304.33 330433 GRAND MIsc EXPENSES - I be>> m. w- r: -- AIR FARE 3 2 sum an $1,164.84] TED MUST BE SUBMITT T0 CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION 45-DAYS PRIOR To DEPARTURE MET NOT MET IF MET, EXPLAIN IN nEstTIoN as EMPLOYEE DUYIES NATVRE YRAVELI FUNDING SOURCE CLARIFICAVION 0N OFMISC EXPBEES i; NEEDED ANDAPPUCABLECHIEF LEGISLATIVE ANALVSY DR mom NoTIrTonNs I Officer --and Officer- "availed to San FrancIsco. CA to perform theil dunes as serum Secunly AIdes Vol "19 protecIIon of a publlc offlcIai Officer--rented a vehids lo [he pubiic oHIcIal's 53's and secure movement. FundIng Ior travel w'IIl be provided (Torn Ihe DepanmenI'S GsneTaI Fundlate mice of travel, Questions regarding travel can be directed lo Sergeani II GI 2134860150. natures Wow certify Mai me I's me Imi Interest olme Dayanmenl and City REQUESTING Chief of Staff Office of the Chief ofPolicc om TURE 5/3/2018 REQUESTING GROUP (IF APPLICABLEI omcER DATE REQUESTING BUREAU Chief of Staf'f/ Office ofthc Chicl' of Police 5/5/2015 This fun" in b: completed by Coordinator orduiynee Heep! Mada-1: . Revised 2/03 Maui suppomng dowmemahon Tie, course hmdwures. course syIIaImS znnouncemenis, eIc.) . Epram NaTrMIveIPuTmse semen Esbank a; SYATEMENY oMLv" LT 510 573682DBU DO NOV PAYMENT CITY OF LOS ANGELZS-TRVL Jun 3 5T 1; >072 mu \s-r Maw. LCS magmas CA 900n~u12 camnomer SAgna'ure/Date SupeMsov slananerDa'e 'maw ARRWAL Mawa mamas 05m niruz HVATT SAN FRAN A BURLINGAME CA -- zsumzaa mama . 3v wfikjlelW A win: Wmflefiqfimfir POSY YRAN an: an: rammnon nascmmon Reranzucanumaw moum mm CROWNE PLAZA SACRAMENTO CA -- \54 24 0547>> 0M2 RENTVA CAR SAN FRANCISCO on -- am as as?) mm DelaullAccoun ng cm Accoum NUMBER ACCOUNT SUMMARY CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL -- FWE N2: 3 00 800-344-5696 SYAYEMENY an: msvw'zu mow! a. 05-07-13 an mew-- mum; maumas TD Amount nus a an VA we meow same: awn. me BANK NAHONAL no NOT REMIT no sex 5335 955mg 5 m1 moo, ND 5812575335 an ACTIVITY $36817 cowmow zans aAvx mow msocme mm ar' Per Diem Rates Look-Up Page 1 of 1 i us. General Services Admisistratien FY 2018 Per Diem Rates for San Francisco, California (October 2017 - September 2018). Cities not appearing below may be located within a county for which rates are listed. To determine what county a city is located in, visit the National Association of Counties (NACO) website (a non~federal website) . October 2017 - September 2018 The following rates apply for San Francisco, California. Max lodging by month (excluding taxes.) The last column is the Meals and Incidental Expense rate. Primary Destination 2017 2018 (1, 2) County (3, 4) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep (5) San Francisco San Francisco $302 $222 $222 $276 $276 $276 $276 $276 $276 $276 $276 $302 $74 Footn otes 1. Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the Work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained. 2. Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those bound aries." 3. Per diem localities with county definitions shall include"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries ofthe key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)." 4. When a military installation or Government-related facility (whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and/or counties, even though part(s) ofsuch activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality. 5. Meals and Incidental Expenses, see Breakdown of Expenses for important information on first and last days of travel. gsa. .. 5/21/201 8