EL PASO POLICE DEPARTMENT Original PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DOCUMENT Administrative Case IA16-0568 Location of Incident Date/Time of Incident Allegation Code MP 13 1-1013, El Paso, TX 79922 10/02/16 @0029 Complainant Address Phone Chief?s Of?ce 911 N. Raynor (915) 212?4000 Noted on Supervisor?s Log By/Date Lt. John Lananhan Ill #1032/ 10-03-16 PID Initiation Approved By/Date Of?ce of the Chief/ 1 1-12-17 Employee(s) Involved: ID Division On Probation? Type of Probation Date Probation Ends 1. Ofc. Michelle Gonzalez 2298 Fusion No Employee Witness(s): 1. 2. Brief Explanation of Events: This Preliminary Information Document is being generated to document that the involved employee violated Department Policy and Procedure, Rules and Regulations, and any other relevant City of El Paso policy, including Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Policy and] or Procedure. Signatures: KD Supervisor Initiating Re Rank/Position Date/Time Mike Valles #1833 2:43;} Sergeant 1?12?17 ??ax Shift/ Section Commander Recommendation Division Commander Recommendation Bureau Commander Recommendation Final Disposition: 2. 1' 6/14?) 74% 4/lo7i 3/02/6200 Signature of Employee Date/Time Valles, Michael From: Valles, Michael Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 11:05 AM To: Gonzalez, Michelle Cc: Maloney, Patrick James; Talamantes, Humberto; Callan, Jennifer Subject: Notice of Disposition: Importance: High Officer Gonzalez, This is your formal notice that the above referenced administrative case was reviewed by Chief Allen and a disposition was rendered in the same. Based on the evidence, the disposition is as follows: Allegation 1. (Violation of Safety Practices - Accidents?Minor?Marked unit): Not Sustained Should you have any questions or" comments, please feel free to contact me at the number listed below. Secgewz? Jitiif'?e ?Ua??eo #3333 5121505524113 Wm @Moimz 277 g?azetzce Ste 265 as few, 5 .1, 7996?? Wig-?2724995 mom mm Max mm 15332395.: ACUVE I .3 mm 1]ch scmmuaus 1:1 mumImmam a. fax-s P. an Office arm. Rnpofl (Form cm mums) Mall en: Texas Depanmem OVTranspunauun. Cvasn Data and Anmysus, FD, Enx 149349, Auslin. TX 73714 quesuorm call 544/274-7457 Harem manner: can sneu [or Numbered nexus - mass was ave required an a" mmanal sheels suhmmed Mm dash (ex: add-now vemvas. occupants. qumd, etc m, I 2 mm211mm mm, cum'um astound "Ana" . '1 new. my. 2 am am 1 :5qu Em 1' Num. "3 1 Numm "3 Vufix Name huh-d! spud zm, Ev" mm gm EU Mummievmmfimmgm Dunk": mm 6n lam Dun um NDYAYINYERSECTIDM II my" "(My Kwy. 2 mm. mm mum mu. 515. 1" mmmum-mum Em "mum. 5 gm umLMm-r unn mm um, am, made In" mum" m. a ha 1 My PugMancunian 5m 3 Hum DUID 9 DL In cm. DL m. sm- Dunc as ,8 "amusm cm Sumi'Fl an I. Dyna: 75932 g: 5g NamauermLMIddI17254me Bm.e wakgurp'x>> I 1 1 mum, mamanmihk-Akmuam -- mum. Dw- - ma, my as 9500 Dy=x 31 me, TX 79932 um um Ufiuwid mm rm Mum aux Resp DEWI mm" m. m, mm pm #19in {Num- mum. Elvu WWIWWIIDriver mum Mammy 9m. 1|:an mm Cm; End. I I II I I "awn". "sump, g5 N.m.h,.r..n,mdya ELSE-2: 2 2 ezfi and . a wapmun-Akwmm 3 no." own nus. "mm mm mama 26M Mp Ru): Human. mm. .4 nnlusv. 2mm. mum v-w. mm mm Num DImng-R-hngImmune DN: mm mm :y n: Law Enforcement and Use ONLY. Case Page 2 of 2 Form CPI-3 16?277001 Crash ID l5382898.1/201650854B Unit Prsn. .. .. . .. .. ?I'D-ataofDaath TimoofDeaih Num. Num. Take" T0 Take" 35? (mwoorwm 535$.- Charga Citationi'Referenca Num. a U) Damaged Property Other Than Vehicles Owner?s Name Owner?s Address c: TXDOT wire safety lines TXDOT .. . . .. - .. .. .. .. nit 10,001+ CMV Disabling 85 . anier Num. LBS. HAZARDOUSMATERIAL Damage? BN0 0pm. ID Type ID Num. Carriers Carrier's 30 Veh. Corp. Name Primary Addr. Type 31 Bus HazMat 32 HazMat HazMat 32 HazMat HazMat 330argo UGVWR I I I I I Released GNU Class Num. ID Num.I I II I I I Class Num. ID Hum; I II I I I Body Style Twila? Unit 34Trir. cw Disabling ElYes Traim Unit CIRGVW 34Tiir. CMV Disabling IZIYBS Num. EIGVWRI I I I I Type Damage? EINO Num. UGVWR I I I I I Type Damage? Sequence Ovaents 35 Seq.1 35 Seq.2 35 Seq.3 35 Seq.4 to SE Contributing Factors (investigator's Opinion} 37 Vehicle Defects {Investigators Opinion) Environments! and Roadway Conditions 3% Units Contributing May Have Contrib. Contributing May Have Oona'ibWeather Light Entering Roadway Roadway Surface Traffic tall 1 20 Cond. Cond. Roads Type Alignment Condition ContraInvestigators Narrative Opinion of What Happened Field Diagram - Not to Scale (Attach AdditionalShoatsifNocessaiysix lane roadway with three lanes heading and three I ?him?; lanes heading divided by a raised protected median. Sunland II Park off ramp (W13) is 3. off ramp from I10 Driver of unit #1 stated that she was working a. operation and was approaching 110 13/3 at {301-1293} and. was unable to see the safety wires causing unit #1 to collide in the wires. No injuries or witness reported at the scene. No citation issued. HUWIB Wind shield DamageB.) Hood Damagetl.) Driver side mirror Damages.) Push Bumper Damage 3 Property Damage (Safety Lines) Paso or a 2 E. 2 Simiand Park Ramp tc Time Noti?ed HOW Time Anived Report Date Noti?chalk?In (24HRMM/03/2 0 16 L5 invest. EYes Investigator iD EComp. Name (Printed) Jones, James Horn. 2941 ORI i Service! EuumAgency EL PASO POLICE DEPARTMENT RegioNDAl WI cI I I I