- UNITED STE'lno GOVERNMENT r. DATE: ?b 12?? 5 a 2r: . O?ice Mammal/?M772 pV/ T0 The Director October 25,1 mom D. 131. Ladd . l/ 01m sumac-r: REAR ADMIRAL R. LENKOETTER db mama DIRECTOR INTELLIGENCE AGENCAY . var?? 7 A ?3 A any ice the Admiral confidentiall advised Agent DeLdach that he had conferred with Admiral Sbuers *regarding the annarent stunidity of Mr. Willia?k?ackson, new Deputy Director of CIA, and he i'elt that Admiral bouers would attempt to do something about replacing Jackson as soon as this could be done without raising too much fuss. T015011 You ecall rantin Admiral an an ointment at 10:15 A. October Aftermy 'leaving your of? If The al also comme as indeed relieved to know that vou fu blundering and corrupt?ion of (088 and certain elements of CIA. 1v "knew the score" about the ll] ACTION: This is for information purposes:??a?zgf??Ut ?Ap?f 33901626; At . . Sim-33 WM Ya75??r/?z5?7 Swot-93 1 t??a . 5 . .