61 637 USEIOEZOIB 12:00:28 PM LYNN MORRIS, CSR (228)424-2041? E-MAEL 1 Michael Gillich (applicant) To . ta. 1 only thing stopped me. The reason it 2 consider an application for several .W. 2 stop me was I have an issue with the 3 Required Spacing Between Certain Uses 3 first engineer with a dumpster. He put a a. Variances, to authorize the establishment . 4 dumpster in the middle of the parking 5 of a Bar/Grill in a CB?Community Business .. 5 lot. Itold him I don't want it. I went 6 zoning district upon property which does . to another engineer. He does it and it not meet certain distance spacing . 7 was back 6 foot on my property. The bank 8 requirements, as prescribed within Table 8 moved the fence and I have additional 9 of the Land Development .. 9 space to put the dumpster. And 10 Ordinance, for property identified as 176 10 everything is fine. So I am going to fix 11 Veterans Avenue (re: Tax Parcel No. . 55 11 it. Now, like I spent $100,000 already. 15:43:13 12 T1115 case was TE?i?i?? '12 MR. STANOVICH. .W 13 advertised on April 19th and April 26th. 15:33:14 13 When were you last here? 15.102314 CipOHa. MR MANDAS. ism-:3: ?15 MR. CIPOLLA. I '15 4 OF 5 years. iic?ll ?15 T111515 directly next to the fire 15-2122 ?15 MR. STANOVICH. department. The old tokyo Massage and .W 17 It's been a lot longer. Sauna. Come back up towards the railroad . 13 MR. MANDAS: 19 tracks over at the bar. And Big Play is 19 One reason to stop me was to We 20 down the street. And directly next to 20 finish the dumpster. And like I explain 21 the ?re department we have the emergency 21 to Mr. Ed, I was stuck in removal from 15.91.36 22 management. Sorry for that. Dodging 2-2 the dumpster from here to there and back issue-123 cars. In the front is out here to We 23 and forth and back and forth for the 15-3120 Veterans. The back goes in the back by 155121} 24 dumpster. It drive me crazy for the 25 the fire department. Right back there is 25 dumpster. It was not his fault. The LYNN MORRIS, csa LYNN CSR (228)424-3104? E?ilelL (228) 424?204? E-MAIL 62 54 .W 1 the parking lot that goes around the back . 1 bank was 6 foot on my property. That is 2 side. 2 the reason the bank move the fence. So same: 3 MR. WASHER: . a. 3 everything is fine. And I find a 15cm 4 Thank you. Mr. Mandas. 4 gentleman who suppose MR. MAN DAS: 5 I have two businesses already, two .W. a How y?all doing. I been here 6 convenient stores, and those drive me 1? before. We explained the situation and - 7 crazy too. I'm not married and like I 8 been approved. All this has been a have seven wives every day. .W 9 approved. The only thing I stopped was I W. 9 MR. WASHER: 10 got sick. I own two businesses too. So 10 Tell us a little bit about the teens: 11 I got sick and was focused on my two Home 11 proposed operation. isms: '12 1311511185535. 12 MR. MAN DAS. 15.115513 MR. WASHER: 13 Yes. It is a bar. Just like I 14 What's your address? 14 said last time. There is a reason. It .W 15 MR. MANDAS: 15.15.2215 is for my retirement. It is going to be .W is This address? 1524.22: 16 my own bar and drink my cold beer on my mass '17 MR. WASHER: 15-3433 ba mast-18 Whatever address you want to use .W. 18 MR. WASHER: 19 for the record. 19 You will be serving food there 20 MR MANTAS uszsiae 20 3150? new: 21 142?}: Lamey B?dge ROad, ?.32 21 MR. MANTAS: 22 D'iberville, Mississippi. I already 1534-33 22 No food. 15.9210 23 Spend over a $100,000 to ?x the bU11d1ng 15:34-23 23 MR. 15.9213 24 halfway. The only thing left is the 24 It says bar and grill in the 15-1-22 25 parking lot on the dirt. So that was 25 application. Page 6153 cf 74 LYNN MORRES. sea 424-2114? E-lylAlt . 15 of 19 sheets as a? .aass 1 MR. MANTAS: sass-as 1 And you've went over the parking 2 No, it was a lounge. Somebody .?aga: 2 iot and the size of the building with the 3 put -- I saw that bar and grill. .a 3 parking and handicap? 4 Somebody make mistake. 4 MR. SHAMBRA: 5 MR. WASHER: a 5 Yes. issue 5 50 just a 15.55.55 5 MR. GILLICH i5-c-us 1 MR. MANTAS: 7 He has WC4 doing the parking lot. isoua 8 I do have a corporation all these .sas-aa 8 Just waiting to get reapproved. 15:04-31 9 years. wee-.6: 9 MR. WASHER. 10 MR. WASHER: 10 Any other questions of members of .s.a._sa 11 What are your proposed hours of 11 the Commission? Anything else, sir? ism-55 '12 operation? 155605 12 MR. GILLICH. 13 MR. MANTAS: =s-asn 13 The only thing being changed is 14 Yes, in the evening like last lass-12 14 the dumpster. Everything else was 15 time. I think I say. 15 approved four years and everything is .aagaa 16 MR. WASHER: 15 still the same inside. The inside is 1? Refresh our memories. 1? like 90 percent finished. We just need 18 MR. MANTAS: 18 the parking lot. The only thing we are 19 It 3:00, 4:00 in the evening till 19 asking is to get the dumpster moved about 29 4:00. .aag-a. 20 ten feet over. 21 MR. WASHER: 1.s-as-aa 21 MR. WASHER: 22 4:00 to 4:00. mass: 22 Thank you. We?ll ask if there is 23 AUDIENCE MEMBER: 23 anyone in the audience Speaking in favor 1531524 4:00 to 4:00. We will try it. 24 of the applicant?s request? Anyone 25 MR. WASHER: 25 speaking in favor? No one speaking in LYNN MORRES. CSR LYNN CSR (22834242047 [228) 42442047 60 03 1 Come to the microphone and give 1 favor, anyone speaking in opposition? No 2 us your name. 2 one speaking in opposition, we will tease: 3 MR. GILLICH, 111:3 that hearing Ci??ed. .sag. 4 Mike Gillich, the third. If 4:00 as 4 Under old business we have if 5 to 4:00 does not work than 8:00 pm. to 5 Orleans request waiting on the main ase . ass. 6 4:00 in the morning, six days a week. .saa. to be decided on. 15:2?: 2? MR. WASHER: isoroi 7 Any new business come efore us 8 Closed Sundays? sea 8 today? 1525.31 9 MR. GILLICHI 15-03:: 9 Again, next meeting .aasaa 10 Yes, sir. 10 on Thursday, May 17th, fo mass 11 MR. WASHER: .sagaa 11 planning commission. 12 Proposing any kind of gasaa 12 Let?s go back look at the .sasaa 13 entertainment? 13 cases we just heard see if we can were 14 GILLICH. lac-2111:- 14 render a dEClSlOn those. No. a 15 Case NO David 555.35 15 MR. WASHER. 15.22.11: 15 1595.3: 17 SO no entertainment? 1? MR. SHAW RA: 13 MR. GILLICH: .a-as..a 13 This a request for variances .a-asa. 19 Yeah, a DJ. 19 necessary 0 aliow the construction of .sagas 20 MR. WASHER: 20 two additions to a single?family .aas?a. 21 So we do have entertainment .sasaa 21 residen specifically a three?foot 22 there? 22 side?y rd setback variance to allow a 23 MR. GILLICH: 23 pool ouse to be situated seven feet as: 24 Yes, sir. 24 insi the property line instead of 10 as: 25 MR. WASHER: 1? 25 fee required. And an Bsfoot height LYNN MORRES. CSR LYNN MORRIS, CSR (228') 424-204? E?i?rie?di. {228} 424-204? E-lylAlL 17 of 19 sheets Page 65 to 6:8 or? 74 U?r?l?r?zma 12:00:23 en as 71 . as 1 variance to allow 20 feet of privacy 1:314 1 are. The distance variance of 2 fence to be erected at a height of 1 15o 2 approximateiy 173 feet to allow the bar 3 feet instead of the 8 feet maximu 13:19.1; 3 lounge to operate within 370 feet of a 4 allowed. This is for property ide ified 4 facility visited by 6 to 18 year olds. .W. 5 as 2544 South Shore Drive. . i. 5 And 309 feet to allow the bar lounge to 6 Again, I think you've eard all 6 operate within 191 feet of an 1W: 7 the particulars. From our 5 ndpoint, 7 multifamiiy residential zoning distance. 16.3.55 8 the side yard setbacks for he pool house 8 A variance of 215 feet to authorize the is something that we no mally see that is 9 same bar iounge to operate within 15.951: 10 not an unusual reque . The height is a. 10 285 feet of two other bars and lounges, was 11 little bit more than at we normally 11 which are the Biioxi Bar Grill and the 12 see. This is twice hat we allow and I 12 Lady Horseshoe Bar on Veterans Avenue. Wei-.1313 will let you mak he determination on .W 13 That is the particulars of the case. 11931114 that. 15.11129 14 MR CREEL: 15.1:a13 15 MR. ER: 15:19:11} 15 to bring Up that If thE 16 Ope the floor for discussion or 16 Planning Commission decides to approve 17 questions. No questions. Anyone want to 151c:2.- 17 this we would require that the interior 1591-2318 make a otion? 13111-1] 13 would have to comply with the building 19 MR. POULOS: ass-i. 19 code because it is a change in use from a 15.03.1520 I make a motion to deny the 20 spa and massage parlor to a bar. And the .W. 21 appli ation. 1511151 21 interior would have to meet current 22 lR. STANOVICH: 13.105: 22 building requirements for restrooms and 15.55:: 23 Second. iota-:5 23 those type Of things. 15.21.25 24 MR. 15:10.11: 24 MR. 25 Motion by Mr. Poulos recommending 25 How do you feel in that regard, LYNN CSR LYNN (381?. (228) 424-2047 E-MAIL (228) 424-204? (2 in . 1 do you have the restrooms necessary? 1' a 15 1 2 15:1:11 3 Yeah, I fixed them. Two ladies 15.111 4 bathrooms and two mens bathrooms. They .. 5 are already rewired and everything is 15:1 1 5 brand nevi}. 7* MR. WASHER: a Any sound proofing needed; are we .5. i 9 good on that? 10 Let the record show that was M. 10 MR. CREEL: man. 11 u: nimous for denial. 11 Well, they have to comply with 15:33.55 12 Case No. Stratos 12 the Noise Ordinance. ss 13 Ivla?daS an MiChael 13 MANDAS. 14 MR. SHAMBRA. 51 -14 That bUlidlng is Up to CUde. 1529.119 15 This is a request for several 5 .s 15 MR. WASHER: 15 required spacing between certain uses . .2. 15 Don't want no surprises for you. 17 variances to allow for an establishment :21? Any discussion on that? Anyone want to 13 of a bar iounge in a Community Business 5 18 make a motion? W. 19 zone. This is for property identi?ed as 19 MR. POULOS: W. 20 176 Veterans Avenue. 20 Motion to approve the applicant?s 15-1225 21 As was discussed, this was in 21 request. 22 fact the same material case that carne 22 MR. PARKER: 23 before you in May of 2013 and pretty much 23 Second. 21 the same offer. I will go over itjust 24 MR. WASHER: .. 25 so you know exactly what the variances 25 Motion by Mr. Poulos recommending LYNN MORRIS. CSR LYNN CSR (228) 424-2134? E-MAIL {228] 424-2oi1? E-ilelL 12:00:23 PM Page 691:1: of 3'4 18 oi 19 Sheets :5:li:3$ 1 33:11:l?dk? 3 9 15:11:55 19 13 ?1approval and seconded say Parker. All in favor of approval raise your hands. Thompson; Mr. King; Mr. Stanovich; Mr. Delahouoey; Mr. Dellenger; Ms. Humphries; Poulos; myseif; David Washer. opposed. Motion carries. ism: 11 stand adjourned. 12 (BOARD OF ZONENG ADJOURNED AT 3:11 PM.) 73 Mr. Harrison; Ms. Smith; Ms. Lethner; Mr. Parker; Mr. Snow; Mr. Any opposed? Mr. Delahousoy Nothing also come before us we LYNN MORRIS, 08R {2'23} 424?2047 EMAIL mansion a mom! of mania?: ublic, doiy fox too county of artisan, stato of Hiaoinsipoi; do 9 ap?oazod brfOEE me the City of ?iioxi ?oard of 30' Elia?1.1.1313 EX-?justmani75; and that ?33143 p?eqq??in?} 11 _1aqoo cocooin a fuii, troe, and oostoca coo oi 4? 13 ?ow by Ii :ronsorip?ion; of the tootimony of oai? if: proceodliigs: 1? with any of the oontieo to this 13 o? action. or anal; counsel, and th?ryozai L. Norris; GSR'aod ?otary ?155: That on tho 31d day of May, thoro otonotypd n?ta?. Later reduced to Tho? I am not telat?d to in anywioo not Einanoiolly inkocoatod in tho oomo; IR I have go: hand; too lath day of May. 2933. LYNN woman, ism w: ammoo: 2--m-2o2o LYRR Mooglo. tag ?325; 424?33?? 19 of 19 sheets Page' 73 to Tn; gr o4 9511912018 1210U128 PM