Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4 Filed 08/30/18 Page 1 of 3 PagelD 55 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON DIVISION WESTROCK CP, LLC, Plaintiff, v. JAMES C. JUSTICE COMPANIES, INC., SOUTHERN COAL CORPORATION, and CIVIL ACTION KENTUCKY FUEL CORPORATION, FILE NO- Defendants. 3 SUGGESTION WHEREAS, in the above action, judgment was registered in the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, Charleston Division, on the 10th day of July, 2018, by the plaintiff, WestRock CP, LLC against the defendants, James C. Justice Companies, Inc, Southern Coal Corporation, and Kentucky Fuel Corporation, in the amount of $1,022,380.01, plus post?judgment interest accruing at 12% per annum, and upon which a writ of execution has been issued, and is now in the hands of the United States Marshal for the Southern District of West Virginia, unpaid and unsatisfied, the Plaintiff, WestRock CP, LLC, by attorney, suggests that the following entity: Premier Bank, Inc, 2883 Fifth Avenue Huntington, WV 25702 is indebted to defendant, Southern Coat Corporation, or is in possession of property belonging to Southern Coal Corporation, which is subject to the writ of execution previously issued, consisting of the following property: (1) Business checking account nos, 1300148283 and 1300114723; (2) any and all other checking accounts; (3) savings accounts; (4) saving certi?cates; (5) certi?cates of deposit; (6) money market funds; and/or (7) property of other types. The Clerk is therefore required to issue a summons upon said suggestion. Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4 Filed 08/30/18 Page 2 of 3 PagelD 56 Steven P. Turner Arnold J. Janicker (WVSB #9071) Steven P. Turner (WVSB #12571) Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC 325 Eighth Street Huntington, WV 25701 (304) 523?2100 (304) 523-2347 (facsimile) Counsel for Plainti? 21% i 3 making ?f?egxe?eiinmkenmm Sega?) making {e x} etermaker ., mm Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4 Filed 08/30/18 Page 3 of 3 PagelD 57 SUMMONS T0: Premier Bank 2883 Fifth Avenue Huntington, West Virginia, 25702 You are hereby summoned to serve an answer to the above suggestion, in writing, within twenty?? one (21) days after service of this summons, upon Arnold J. Janicker, Steven P. Turner, and Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 325 Eighth Street, Huntington, West Virginia, 25701, MEle with the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia Clerk, an answer, in writing under oath, to the answer suggestion within twenty-one (21) days after service of this summons. Date: gait-yr 5 RORY L. PERRY, II CLERK tit :r ,r ff: 59? #5 Ex, a7?, 1 '55 is?? 1i r, ??55 55s" Deputy Clerk (Seal of the Court) Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-1 Filed 08/30/18 Page 1 of 3 PagelD 58 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON DIVISION WESTROCK CP, LLC, Plaintiff, v. JAMES C. JUSTICE COMPANIES, INC, SOUTHERN COAL CORPORATION, and CIVIL ACTION KENTUCKY FUEL CORPORATION, 3 FILE NO- Defendants. SUGGESTION WHEREAS, in the above action, judgment was registered in the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia, Charleston Division, on the 10th day of July, 2018, by the plaintiff, WestRock CP, LLC against the defendants, James C. Justice Companies, Inc, Southern Coal Corporation, and Kentucky Fuel Corporation, in the amount of $1,022,3 80.01, plus post?judgment interest accruing at 12% per annum, and upon which a writ of execution has been issued, and is now in the hands of the United States Marshal for the Southern District of West Virginia, unpaid and unsatisfied, the Plaintiff, WestRock CP, LLC, by attorney, suggests that the following entity: United Bank 514 Market Street Parkersburg WV 26101 is indebted to defendant, James C. Justice Companies, ind, or is in possession of property belonging to James C. Justice Companies, Inc, which is subject to the writ of execution previously issued, consisting of the following property: (1) Checking accounts; (2) savings accounts; (3) saying certi?cates; (4) certi?cates of deposit; (5) money market funds; and/or (6) property Of other types. The Clerk is therefore required to issue a summons upon said suggestion. Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-1 Filed 08/30/18 Page 2 of 3 PagelD 59 Steven P. Turner Arnold J. Janicker (WVSB #9071) Steven P. Turner (WVSB #12571) Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC 325 Eighth Street Huntington, WV 25701 (304) 523?2100 (304) 523-2347 (facsimile) Counsel for Plaintiff ei i enki 11551310171 etetmaiiey at am. Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-1 Filed 08/30/18 Page 3 of 3 PagelD 6O SUMMONS TO: United Bank 514 Market Street Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26101 You are hereby summoned to serve an answer to the above suggestion, in writing, within twenty? one (21) days after service of this summons, upon Arnold J. anicker, Steven P. Turner, and Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 325 Eighth Street, Huntington, West Virginia, 25701, ?le with the United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia Clerk, an answer, in writing under oath, to the answer suggestion within twenty-one (21) days after service of this summons. Date: ,5 it, ?mi/?t RORY L. PERRY, 11 CLERK By 44% a? Deputy Clerk (Seal of the Court) Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-2 Filed 08/30/18 Page 1 of 3 PagelD 61 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR. THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON DIVISION WESTROCK CP, LLC, PIaintiff, v. JAMES C. COMPANIES, ENC. SOUTHERN CUAL CORPORATIQN, and CIVIL ACTIGN KENTUCKY FUEL CQRPORATION, 2 FILE NOI Defendants. I SUGGESTIGN WHEREAS, in the abmvs 21mm, judgment wag mg?s?sm? in {he Unhe? Siatm Cau?: far Ike Sguthm?n District Virginia. Char?azstm I?vis?m, (In. the 10?? day (If .IuIy. 24318, by the pIgintif? Wegt?ack C113, LIX: againsst the dafmdamg, Iam?is; C. Juatice Campaniag, Ina, Seuthem Cami Cm?pgra?mm anci Kemucky Irma} Carpet-men, in the ammum 0f I, pius Infra-rem gaming pa? amI upm which 23:, m: {If exewt?gn hm; bean ?ggaadg aged: IS {law {he hands of $13.6: United States Marsha f0? ?(Ike- 89%th Diati??c?? Sf WGSE Virginia. mnpaid magi unmm?w. Em P?a?mif? Wm?wck LIE, by a?tmm?m Suggegtg ma? {he IQIIQWIEQJ mii??y: Ci?y Nafiimai Bank 25 {Iatgwater Rami Lauem 25738 is; Indabwd dafam?m?. .Iam?g If In??w a: :35; paggegsim {If prgigis??zy beImg?ng Iamm C. .Fug?ca Cgmpa?nisg, Ina, which ?3 subjac?i the Wm previaust ismsd. of me: faiiaw?ng pmperw: Bmimgs chaskimg atz??ng m. acmun?i m. (2) any and an 031161? ahesk?ng accaumgg Savings acaounta; Saving; certificams; (5) certi?catas 0f ?iepemii; (6) money funds; aim/0r pmperiy 0f iyp?ts. The?: is therefore {equ?red to ISSUS a 13pm Said suggeg?on. Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-2 Filed 08/30/18 Page 2 of 3 PagelD 62 Steven P. Turner Arnold J. Janicker (WVSB #907i) Steven. P. Turner (WVSB #i2571) Jenkins Fenstemaker, PLLC 325 Eighth Street Huntington, WV 25701 (304) 5232180 (304) 523~2347 (facsimiie) Camsef?ir a7 a: ?s'zk if: {was {ma Ra's? . 2:9 ngg?igrs ?e fe?zasgm m} akin", mm Case 2:18-mc-00116 Document 4-2 Filed 08/30/18 Page 3 of 3 PagelD 63 SUMMONS City Natianai Bank 25 Gatewater Ruad Crasg Lanes, West Virginia 25313 Yam hemby summoned i0 serve an amwer t0 the abzwe in writing? within twenty- me (21} days Ef?e? Service ofthia summens, upon Amaid 3 . Janicker, Steven Tamer, azici Jenkins Fenstermaker, PLLC, Plaintiff?s atmmay, address is 325 Eighth Straet, I?Iluntingmn, West Virginia 25701} M?ie with the: United States Digtrim: Cour: far {he Southern District 31? West Virginia Cierk, an answer? in writing under mm, 10 the answer suggestion within twenty?one (2E) days; after servise of this gummons. Dam: RORY L. PERRY, CLERK Bf; H?pmy {Ei?rk {Seal 3f the; Cam?)