l?L?l- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA IN RE: GUARDIANSHIP OF DIVISION: 12 WENDY SCHMID. CASE NO. AGREED ORDER AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES OF GUARDIAN On the petItlon of ELIZABETH SAVIT, the suCcessor co guardlan of WENDY SCHMID, the Ward by and thrOugh her attorney, Sheri HazeltIne Esq for an ordeis.? '5 authorizing payment of guardian? fees for services rendered and expenses incurred; an 3331 Cir" :u 293,: having examined the file In this proceeding and having considered the evidence presentegnzg: 2w?- :50 regarding the "criteria establIshed under the Florida law, and that the . . an allegatIons of the petItIon are true and being otherWIse fully adjudged It Is 231" ADJUDGED as follows The sum of $900 00 Is reasonable compensation for the services of ELIZABETH SAVITT for the periodifrOm May 10, 2012 through November 7 2012 2 The co-guardlan Is entItled to reimbursement for expenses In the amount of $3 84 3 The co guardIan of the property of the Ward, ELIZABETH SAVITT Is authonzed and dIrected to pay that compensatlon and those expenses from the assets of the Ward In the total amount of $903.84. ORDERED on November 1 2012 at Delray Beach, Florida 1 Circuit Cou uldg?'Ja'mes L. Martz Sheri L. Hazeltine, Esq. 800 Palm Trail, Suite 3 Delray Beach, Florida 33.483 F3 ?a a: 09 CD.