UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION VI ARKANSAS LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI OFFICE FOR CIVI L RIGHTS 1999 BRYANST., SUITE 1620 DALLAS , TX 75201-6810 T EXAS May 7, 2014 Ref: 06142269 Mr. Bobby Smith , President Cisco College 101 College Heights Cisco, Texas 76437 D~ar Mr. Smith: On March 21 , 2014 , the U.S. Department of Education (Department), Office for Ci vii Rights (OCR), Dallas Office , received a complaint against Cisco College (College), Cisco , Texas. The complaint alleged that the College failed to promptly and equitably respond to com laints, re orts and/or incidents of sexual violence of which it had notice , including (b)(6 ),(b)(7 )(A),(b)(7 )(C) (the Student's) report of sexual assault , and , as a result, students , including the Student , were subjected to a sexually hostile environment. OCR enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. § 1681, and its implementing regulation , 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity operated by a recipient of Federal financial assistance. Title IX also prohibits retaliation. As a recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Department , the College is subject to Title IX and its implementing regulation . Additional information about the laws OCR enforces is available on our website at http: //www. ed.gov/ocr. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely, it is opening the following issues for investigation: 1. Whether the College provided prompt and equitable responses to compla ints, reports , and/or incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence (including the Student's), of which it had notice (knew about or should have known about) , as required by the Title IX implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.8 and 106.31. a. Whether the College complied with the requirements of the Title IX implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. § 106.9, regarding notice of nondiscrimination. b. Whether the College complied with the requirements of the Title IX implementing regulation , at 34 C.F.R . §§ I 06.8 and 106.9(a), regarding the designation and notice of a Title IX coordinator. The Departm e11tof Edurnli on s mi ssion is to prom ote s tud e11tachie vem ent and preparati on for gl obal competitiv by fos tering e du cation al ex cellen ce and ensuri ng equa l access . ww1v.ed .go v en ess Page 2 - Mr. Bobby Smith, President 2. Whether any failure by the College to provide a prompt and equitable response allowed the Student , or other students , to continue to be subjected to a sexually hostile environment that denied or limited the Student's or students' ability to participate in or benefit from the College ' s programs , in violation of the Title IX implementin g regulation at 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.8 and l 06.31. Please note that opening an allegation for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to its merit. During the investigation , OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of the allegations, in accordance with the provisions of Article lfl of OCR ' s Case Processing Manual. Section 100.6(c) of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations stipu lates that each recipient of Federal financial assistance shall permit access to pertinent sources of information to responsible Department officials or designees . Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. § 100.6(c) and 34 C.F.R. § 99.3 l(a)(3)(iii) , of the regulation implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) , 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, OCR may review personally identifiable records without regard to considerations of privacy or confidentiality. Below is an initial data request. Please provide the requested information to OCR within 15 calendar days of the date of this letter. This request may be supplemented through interviews with College personnel or any witnesses who may have knowledge of the issue, and if necessary , additional data requests as the comp laint investigation progresses. After reviewing this information or any addit ional information , OCR will determine whether an on-s ite investigation is warranted. If so, you will be contacted to arrange a mutually convenient date. Please be advised that the College may not harass , coerce, intimidate , or discriminate against any individual because he or she has filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens , the complainant may file another complaint alleging such treatment. Under the Freedom of Informa tion Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request , we will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personally identifiable information , which , if released , could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Please notify OCR of the name , address, and telephone number of the person who will serve as the College ' s contact person during the resolu tion of this complaint. We would like to talk with this person as soon as possible regarding the information requested in this Jetter. Page 3 - Mr. Bobby Smith, President If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Relesia Gray, the assigned investigator , at (214) 661-9618 or by email at relesia.gray @ed .gov, or you may contact me at (214) 661-9600. Sincerely, ,hf\)Justin T. Evans c/\• Supervisory Attorney/Tea m Leader Page 4 - Mr. Bobby Smith , President Data Request Cisco College 06142269 Please provide the following information and documents for the academic years 201120 12, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. Please note that in this request, the term "correspondence. , includes, but is not limited to, e-mail messages. meeting notes. interviews. notes of telephone conversations, and all related memoranda. In each instance where a policy is requested but a written policy on the matter at issue does not exist, provide instead an explanation of the College 's usual practice. I. A copy of the following Coller ~olicies , procedures , and documents that have been in effect at any time from to the present. To the extent that these documents are available on the College's website , an appropriate link is sufficient. ~~>P~;~~S2, ! a. Title IX policies and procedures regarding discrimination based on sex and , if different , policies regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence. b. Grievance procedures for complaints and other avenues for reporting alleged sex discrimination , and if different, sexual harassment and sexual violence. If the College has different procedures depending on whether complaints are against students , faculty or staff, provide all procedures. c. The Student , Staff and Faculty Codes of Conduct and any other document(s) that contain the College 's policies and procedures regarding student , staff and faculty behavior and discipline, including procedures for determining whether the College will impose sanctions for sexual harassment and sexual violence. d. Student, staff and faculty handbooks. 2. For each grievance procedure or complaint process procedure offered to students and used by the College to address sexual harassment and sexua l violence or other sex discrimination complaints , if not indicated in the policy or procedure , identify the name and title of each individual, including College police, administrators , staff and students responsible for accepting, investigating, deciding or otherwise resolving complaints. Identify any other offices or departments with any responsibility for responding to reports of sexual harassment and violence , and any other offices or departments to which students typically report such conduct. 3. A copy of any: a. internal or external assessments of the adequacy or effectiveness of the College ' s policies and procedures concerning sexual harassment and sexual violence; and Page 5 - Mr. Bobby Smith , President I b. intern~! or external rec~mmen~ations made to the College since.l~~m)W)i2} regarding changes to its policy and procedures for responding to or investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Please provide a narrative response as to whether the College made any changes to its policies and procedures in response to these reports and/or recommendations. · 4. ff the · College has···conducted any climate · s·utveys or ·s·elf-assessments , or otherwise collected data on or monitored sexual violence, provide a copy of the tool used , the results, any analysis of the results , and a description of any action the College took in response. 5. Identify the College ' s Title IX coordinator (or coordinators) for the years stated above, including the person's name and job title, and the dates each person held this position. 6. Describe how complaints of alleged sexual harassment and violence are communicated to the Title IX office. Which classifications of staff/employees does the College consider mandatory reporters? How do mandatory reporters document and relay complaints of sexual harassment/violence to the Title IX office? 7. A copy of any Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) or other written agreement between the- College , the College police department and/or the Cisco police department related to protocols that are followed regarding the handling of sexual violence complaints. Unless stated in the MOU or other written agreement, explain how the College handles criminal complaints and the effect of criminal complaints on the Title IX investigative process. 8. ldentify by name and title any College designated contact points for criminal investigations of campus sexual violence. Describe the process for communications with the local prosecutor about the status of criminal investigations and decisions to proceed with or decline prosecution. 9. Explain how the College's policies regarding sexual harassment and sexual violence are (or have been) distributed and publicized to College students , faculty and staff and any other means the College uses (or has used) to notify students , faculty and staff about how to file a complaint of sexual harassment and sexual violence or other discrimination based on sex. Please include documentation or web links that support this response , including , but not limited to, brochures , distributed flyers , newspaper or web articles , and orientation materials. 10. Provide a det iled description of training provided to College faculty and staff since (b)(5 ),(b)(7 l covering the topics of sexual harassment and sexual violence or other discrimination based on sex . Include the date(s) provided and the names , titles , and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s); and lists of Page 6 - Mr. Bobby Smith, President attendees and their positions. Provide copies of any material provided during the training including power point slides . 11. Provide a detailed description of training and information sessions for students (including freshmen orientation) since (b)(6),(b)(?) covering the top ics of sexua l harassment and sexual violence or other discrimination based on sex. Include the dates the training was provided and the names, titles , and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s). Provide copies of any material provided during the training. 12. Provide a detailed description of training provided to individua ls responsible for investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence and to members of any committees or boards that hear or decide complaints on sexual harassment and sexual vio lence, including bodies that decide sanctions. Include the date(s) provided and the names , titles, and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s); and lists of attendees and their positions. Provide copies of any material disseminated during the training including power point slides. 13. Provide a list of all student complaints or reports of (a) sexual harassment and sexual violence or (b) retaliation or intimidation in relation to a complaint or report of sexual harassment or sexual violence , that have been brought to the College ' s attention (formally or informally) for the time period indicated above. For each complaint identified , please provide the information below with the dates for each step of the process: a. The name , or unique identifier , and sex of the student who made the report or complaint. b. The name or unique identifier , sex and position (e.g., student , faculty , staff) of the individual against whom the complaint was filed. c. The date each complain t or report was made , the date the investigation (if any) was started, the date the investigation was completed , the date any hearing was convened , date the final decision was issued, and a description and date of any other step in the process. d. The type of report or complaint filed, i.e., formal or informal. e. The al\egation(s) made in the report or complaint including whether it alleged sexua l harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence, and whether the incident(s) described in the complaint occurred on or off campus. If off campus, indicate the location , whether the location was hosted or sponsored by the College and whether the location was owned or leased by the CoHege. f. The title of the College office or name of College staff member where the report or complaint was filed (campus police , student services , academic dean , counselor , etc.). Page 7 - Mr. Bobby Smith , President g. Indicate whether the complaint was investigated. If yes, provide the name and title of the College official or staff member who investigated the complaint. If no, indicate why not. h. If the complaint was investigated , provide a copy of all investigative reports , findings or other documents that describe the outcome and resolu tion, including a description of all the remedies and sanctions resulting from the decision. 1. Copies of all correspondence between the College and the complainant and respondent, informing them of the status of an informal or formal process, the results of any investigation , the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding, and if an appeal has been filed, the notification to either party of the opportunity to provide input on an appeal. J. Indicate whether a hearing was conducted in connection with the complaint. If a hearing was conducted, indicate which process was used and the names and titles of all persons who participated in the hearing and decision making ; provide a copy of the hearing decision, report or other documents describing the hearing decision , including all documents describing the remedies and sanctions that resulted from the decision. k. Indicate whether an appeal was filed and by whom. If yes, provide a copy of the appeal procedure , identify the_staff person responsible for deciding the appeal , and provide a copy of the appeal decision or outcome. 14. For the 2012-13 and 2013-14 schoo l year, please provide a list of studen ts who have been subject to a no-contact order (or the like). For each stude nt, please provide the following information : a. b. c. d. student's name or unique identifier ; date of the no-contact order; reason the no-contact order was put in place; and whether the student made a complaint of discrimination or harassment prior to the no-contact order being put in place. 15. Any other information the College believe s would be helpful in resolving this matter. UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION REG ION \ ' I ARKANSAS t..OUISIANA MISSISSlPPf OFFIC E FOR CIVIL RIGHTS 1999 8RYANST., SUITE 1620 DAL LAS, TX 75201-6810 TEXAS May 7, 2014 Ref: 06142269 (b )(6 ),(b )(7 )(A),(b )(7)(C) Dear 1(6)(6),(b)(()(A) ,(b) (7 )(C) I On March 21, 2014 , the U.S. Department of Education (Department), Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Dallas Office , received a complaint against Cisco College (College) , Cisco, Texas. In the complaint , you alleged that the College failed to promptly and equitably respond to complaints , reports and/or incidents of sexual violence of which it had notice , including (b )(6),(b )(7 )(A),(b)(7 ) (Student) report of sexual assault , and , as a result , students , including the Student , were subjected to a sexually hostile environment. OCR enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) , 20 U .S .C. § 1681, and its implementing regulation , 34 C.F .R. Part I 06, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity operated by a recipient of Federal financial assistance. Title IX also prohibits retaliation. As a recipient of Federal financial assistance from the Department , the College is subject to Title IX and its imp lementing regulation. Additiona l information about the laws OCR enforces is available on our website at http: //www.ed.gov /ocr. Because OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely , it is opening the following issues for investigation: 1. Whether the College provided prompt and equitable responses to complaints , reports , and/or incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence (including the Student ' s), of which it had notice (knew about or should have known about) , as required by the Title IX implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. §§ I 06.8 and l 06.31. a. Whether the College complied with the requirements of the Title IX implementing regulation , at 34 C.F.R. § l 06.9 , regarding notice of nondiscrimination. b. Whether the College complied with the requirements of the Title IX implementing regulation, at 34 C.F .R. §§ 106.8 and 106.9(a) , regarding the designa tion and notice of a Title IX coordinator. The Depar tm ent of Edu cation 's nu'ssion is to pr omote stu dent achievem ent and p reparati on lor global compe titi veness by fostering edu cational e,,-cellence and ensuring equal access. w ww .ed.gov Page 2 (b)(6) ,(b)(7)(A),{b)(7)(C) 2 . Whether any failure by the College to provide a prompt and equitable response allowed the Student, or other students, to continue to be subjected to a sexually hostile environment that denied or limited the Student's or students ' ability to participate in or benefit from the College ' s programs. in violation of the Title IX implementing regulation at 34 C.F .R. §§ 106.8 and 106.31. Please note that opening an allegation for investigation in no way imp lies that OCR has made a determination with regard to its merit. During the investigation , OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant , the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of the allegations , in accordance with the provisions of Article Ill of OCR's Case ProcessingManual. Please be advised that the College may not harass , coerce, intimidate , or discriminate against any individual because he or she has filed a complaint or participated in the complaint resolution process. If this happens , you may file another complaint alleging such treatment. U nder the Freedom of Information Act , it may be necessary to release this document and related correspondence and records upon request. In the event that OCR recei ves such a request, we wiJI seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personally identifiable informat ion, which , if released , could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. If you have any questions regarding this letter , please contact Relesia Gray, the assigned investigator , at (214) 661-9618 or by email at relesia.gray @ed .gov, or you may contact me at (214) 661 -9600. Sincerely , W Justin T. Evans .,,, · Supervisory Atto rne y/Team Leader SUPPLEMENTALDATA REQUEST TO: FROM: OCRCOMPLAINTS: DATE OF REQUEST: DUE DATE: Cisco College (CCor College) U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) 06-14-2269 March 21, 2016 April 5, 2016 OCRseeks to collect the requested supplemental data by utilizing information technology whenever feasible and convenient to do so, in an effort to reduce the necessity of paper production and ensure the CC's timely submission . Responsive documents the CCmaintains in electronic format should be produced in their native electronic format and submitted to OCRvia email. This may include using email to forward to OCRscanned or saved hard copy documents, word and PDF files, spread sheets, data bases, digital photographs, and email correspondence. When data files are too large for email, a CDof USBflash drive can be submitted by regular mail. Any requested data readily available at the College's website can be provided by referencing the College's direct website links where the requested information is located. Please note that in this supplemental request, the term "correspondence" includes, but is not limited to, email messages, meeting notes, interviews, notes of telephone conversations, and all related memoranda. In each instance where a policy is requested but a written policy on the matter at issue does not exist, provide instead an explanation of the CC's usual practice. Unless otherwise noted below, OCRis requesting supplemental data for the 2014 -2015 and 2015-2016 ,(bj !and the "Student" is identified as school years . The "complainant" is identified as@~~/bJ(l)(A) l~~\(6),(b)({)(A),(b)({) I DATA QUESTIONS 1. The name and contact information of the person the CChas designated to assist OCR in completing our investigat ion and resolut ion of the complaint, includ ing the primary contact for any quest ions OCRmay have about the College's supplemental data response. 2. Copies of any and all of new and/or revised CC policies and procedures currently being used to address complaints of sex discrimination (i.e., sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual violence), including the College's notice of nondiscrimination statement prohib it ing sex discrimination, grievance procedures and appeal process(es), and the specific date(s) the pol icies and procedures and nondiscriminat ion statement were revised. 3. Explain how students and employees are made aware of the new and/or revised policies and procedures for sexual harassment and sexual violence, includ ing the CC's not ice of nondiscrim ination statement. Indicate how the College distributes and publ icizes this information to CCstudents, faculty and staff and any other means the CCcurrently uses to Page 2 of 4- (06-14-2269) CCSupplemental Data Request notify students, faculty and staff about how to file a complaint of sexual harassment and sexual violence or other sex/gender discrimination. Please include documentation or website links that support this response, including, but not limited to, brochures, distributed flyers, newspaper or web articles, and orientation materials. 4. The name and contact information of the College's Title IX Coordinator(s), if changed since 2014, and any designated assistant Title IX Coordinators, if applicable. In responding to this request, please include the dates each person has held this posit ion (the month and year are sufficient). 5. Describe how complaints of alleged sexual harassment and violence are communicated to the Title IX office. In your response, please state which classifications of staff/employees the College considers mandatory reporters and how mandatory reporters document and relay complaints of sexual harassment/violence to the Title IX office. 6. A copy of any written agreement between the Cisco College Campus Safety Police Department and local law enforcement related to protocols that are followed for handling sexual violence complaints. Unless stated in the written agreement, explain how the College handles criminal complaints and the effect of criminal complaints on the Title IX investigative process. 7. Identify by name and title any CCdesignated contact points for criminal invest igations of campus sexual violence . Describe the process for communications with the local prosecutor about the status of criminal investigations and decisions to proceed with or decline prosecution. 8. For all student complaints or report(s) of sexual harassment or sexual violence that have been brought to the College's attention (formally or informal ly) during the 2014-1015 and 2015-2016 academic years, please provide the information below with the dates for each step of the process: a. The name, or unique identifier and sex of the student who made the report or complaint. b. The name or unique identifier, sex, and position (e.g., student, faculty, staff) of the individual against whom the complaint was filed. c. The date each complaint was filed, the date the investigation was started, the date the investigation was completed, the date any hearing was convened, date the final decision was issued, and a description and date of any other step in the process. d. The type of report or complaint filed (i.e., formal or informal). e. The allegat ion(s) made in the report or complaint including whether it alleged sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence, and whether the incident(s) described in the complaint occurred on or off campus. If off campus, indicate the location , whether the location was hosted or sponsored by the College and whether the location was owned or leased by the College. f. The title of the College office or name of College staff member where the report or complaint was filed (campus police, student services, academic dean, counselor, etc.). Page 3 of 4- (06-14-2269) CCSupplemental Data Request g. Indicate whether the comp laint was investigated. If yes, provide the name and title of the College official or staff member who investigated the complaint. If the complaint was not investigated, please indicate why an investigat ion was not conducted. h. If the complaint was invest igated, provide a copy of all investigative repo rts, findings or other documents that describe the outcome and resolution, including a description of all the remedies and sanctions resulting from the decision. i. Copies of all correspondence between the College and the complainant and respondent, informing them of the status of an informal or formal process, the results of any investigat ion, the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding, and if an appeal has been filed, the notification to either party of the opportunity to provide input on an appeal. j. Indicate whether a hearing was conducted in connection with the complaint. If a hearing was conducted, describe the process used and the names and titles of all persons who participated in the hearing and decision making; prov ide a copy of the hearing decision, report or other documents describing the hearing decision, including all documents describing t he remed ies and sanctions that resulted from the decision . k. Indicate whether an appeal was filed and by whom. If yes, prov ide a copy of the appeal procedure, identify the staff person responsible for deciding the appeal, and provide a copy of the appeal decision or outcome. 9. Copies of the following documents regard ing the complainant's/Student's report of alleged sexual assault or sexual harassment (b)(6),(b)(?)(A) ,(b)(?)(C) made to any College staff or referred to local law enforcement (including counselors, CCsecurity staff, Title IX Coordinators, etc.): a. Any complaints of sexual assault; b. Any investigative notes, summaries, witness statements, findings, etc.; c. Any hearing panel/appeals panel documents. 10. A summary of any steps taken by the CCto invest igate the complainant's claim of sexual assault/harassment (b)(6),(b)(7)(A ),(b)(7)(C) the results of the CC'sinvestigation, any interim steps taken during the CC's investigation , and the conclusion reached by the CCat the end of its investigation. Please include correspondence notifying the complainant/Student of the College's investigation, actions taken, and final determination. 11. A copy of any interna l or external assessments of the adequacy or effectiveness of the CC's policies and procedures for sexual harassment and sexual violence. Please identify any internal or external recommendations made to the College since the fall of 2014 regarding changes to its policy and procedures for responding to or investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence and whether the College made any changes to its policies and procedures in response to these assessments and/or recommenda tions . 12. If the CC has conducted any climate surveys or self-assessments, or otherwise collected data on or monito red sexual violence, provide a copy of the tool utilized, the results, any analysis of the results, and a description of any action the College took in response. Page 4 of 4- (06-14-2269) CCSupplemental Data Request 13. Provide a detailed description of training prov ided to CCfaculty and staff since the fall of 2014 covering the topics of sexual harassment and sexual violence or other discrimination based on sex. Include the date(s) provided and the names, titles, and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the tra ining(s); and lists of attendees and the ir positions. Provide copies of any material provided during the train ing, includ ing PowerPoint slides. 14. Provide a detailed descript ion of training and info rmat ion sessions for students (including fresh men orientation) since the fall of 2014 covering the topics of sexual harassment and sexual violence or other discrimination based on sex. Include the date(s) the training was provided and the names, titles, and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s). Provide copies of any material provided during the training. 15. Provide a detailed description of training provided since the fall of 2014 to individuals responsible for investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence and to members of any committees or boards that hear or decide complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence, including bod ies that decide sanctions. Include the date(s) prov ided and the names, titles, and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s); and lists of attendees and their positions. Provide copies of any material disseminated during the training including PowerPoint slides. 16. Provide the College's Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) data for the most recent three academic years for which Clery Act data is available. 17. Any additional information that the CC believes would be helpful in understanding the College's supplemental data response and to assist OCRin completing the invest igation and resolution of the complaint. DATA RESPONSE Be advised that the CC'sdata response should be submitted to OCRno later than April 5, 2016. Please send all responsive information in electronic format via attached documents to the email address below. For hard copy documents or large electronic data saved to a CD or USBflash drive, please submit to the U.S. mailing address listed below. For questions about this data request , please contact my office at the telephone number or email address listed below: U.S. Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Email Address: Dana K. McKenna, Senior Investigator U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Dallas Office 1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1620 Dallas, TX 75201 214-661-9639 dana .mckenna@ed .gov UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCAT ION OFFICE FOR CIVILRIGHTS 1999 BRYANSTREET,SUITE1620 REGION V f ARKANSAS LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-6831 July 19, 2017 Sent Vi a U.S. M ail and Email (b )(6),(b )(7 )(A),(b )(7 )(C) Re: OCRComplaint No. 06142269 Dea (b)(6),(b) (7)(A),(b )(7 )(C) By letter dated May 7, 2014, the U.S. Department of Education (Department), Off ice for Civil Rights (OCR), notified you and Cisco College (College) that OCRhad opened for investigation a complaint against the College in which you alleged t he College discrim inated againsq ~~~nL !(student) on the basis of sex, and that OCRwould investigate the following legal issues: I l~~\<~~, ~~S2, 1. Whether t he College provided prompt and equitable responses to complaints, reports, and/or incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence (including the Student's), of which it had notice (knew about or should have known about), as requ ired by the Tit le IX implement ing regulation at 34 C.F.R.§§ 106.8 and 106.31. a. Whether the College compl ied with the requirements of the Tit le IX implementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. § 106.9, regard ing notice of nondiscr iminat ion. b. Whether the College complied with the requirements of the Tit le IX imp lementing regulation, at 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.8 and 106.9(a), regarding the designation and notice of a Title IX coordinator. 2. Whether any fai lure by the College to provide a prompt and equitable response allowed the Student, or other students, to continue to be subjected to a sexually hostile environment that denied or limited the Student's or students' abil ity to part icipate in or benefit from the College's programs, in vio lation of the Title IX implement ing regulation at 34 C.F.R. §§ 106.8 and 106.31. This letter is to inform you that OCR has revised the scope of its investigat ion of th is comp laint as follows: The Departmentof Education'smissionis to promotestudent achievementand preparationfor globalcompetitiveness byfosteringeducationalexcellence and ensuringequalaccess. www.ed .gov Page 2 of 2 - {06142269) Amended Noti fi cation Letter to Complainant Whether the College discriminated against the St udent on the basis of sex by fa iling to res ond rom t i and e uita bl to sexual harassment l