UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE FOR Cl VIL RIGHTS 1999 BRYAN ST., SU ITE 1620 DALLAS,TX 75201·68 10 REGION VI ARKANSAS LOUISIANA MISS1SSll'Pl TEXAS March 18, 2015 Reference: 06-15 -2023 (b )(6),(b )(7)(A) ,(b )(7)(C) Dear (b)(6),(b)(7)(A),(b)(7) C The U.S. Department of Education (Department) , Office for Civil Rights (OCR) , Dallas Office , has completed its evaluation of the above -referenced complaint, which was received by OCR on Nove mber 3, 2014 and filed against Texas A&M University (TAMU) , College Station , Texas. Your comp laint alleges that T AMU discrim inated against you on the basis of your sex (male), in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as your nat ional origin (American) , in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of l 964 (Title Vl) , 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d et seq., and its implementing reg ulation at 34 C.F.R. Part I 00, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Based on a careful review of your comp laint, a telephone conversation with you on December 3, 20 14, and your January 5, 2015 response to OCR ' s December 18, 20 14 letter requesting additional information , it appears you are raising the following allegations : l. TAMU ·subjected you to discrimina tion based on your sex (ma le) durini TAMU 's 5J,(){/)(A),(b)({) invest igation into allegations of sexual harassment against you during !?~l< l partm ent of £du c;1Uon:,. mission is to pmm ote stud ent achivvem ent and prepamtion for global comp etitiv enMs by fostering ecfurn lional e:fthis letter (April 2, 2015). In the event that additional time is needed to compile the necessary information, please feel free to contact me to request an extension. After receiving and reviewing the requested information, it might be necessary for OCR to request additional information through supplemental data requests , interviews with personnel and , if necessary, an onsite visit. If an onsite visit is deemed necessary , you will be contacted to schedule a mutually convenient time for the visit. Please notify OCR of the name, office address , and office telephone number of the person who will serve as TAMU's contact person during the resolution of this complaint. Under OCR procedures , we are obligated to advise the institution against which a complaint has been filed that intimidation or retaliation against a complainant is prohibited by regulations enforced by this agency. Specifically, the regulations enforced by OCR, directly or by reference , state that no recipient or other person shall intimidate , threaten, coerce or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by regulations enforced by OCR or because an individual has made a complaint , testified , assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation , proceeding or hearing held in connection with a complaint. Under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and other related correspondence and records upon request. In the event we receive such a request , we will seek to protect , to the extent provided by law, personally identifiable information which, if released , could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by telephone at (214) 661-9631 or by e-mail at: Richard.Cho @Ed.Gov. Sincerely, Richard J. Cho , Attorney Office for Civil Rights Dallas Office Attachment DATA REQUEST Texas A&M University (T AMU) OCR Reference: 06-15-2023 To facilitate the resolution of the above-referenced complaint, it is requested that T AMU provide OCR with the following information and/or documentation within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of the attached letter, or April 2, 2015, unless TAMU is interested in participating in OCR's ECR process. The complainant is identified as!(b)(6),(b)(7)(A) ,(b)(7)(C) I *Although not required, it would be helpful if the data response was numbered in the lower righthand corner (e.g., 00 I , 002) to ensure staff from OCR and T AMU are looking at the same page during any future discussions about this data response. 1. Please provide the name, job title, office telephone numb er, and office e-mail address of the employee who will serve as TAMU's contact person throughout the processing of this complaint; Allegation# l: Sex Discrimination 2. -, Please provide a copy of all T AMU policies related to sexual harassment and documents regarding hearings related to allegations of sexual harassment; . Please provide the name and job title of the individual who investigated an allegation of , ~emester ; sexua l hara~sment against the complainant during the !~~~~%~?({)(A) 4. Please provide the names and job titles for the individuals who served on the hearing anel to consider the allegation of sexual harassment aga inst the complainant during the (b)(6),(b)(?)(A), semester .) ' 5. Please provide a copy of T AMU's investigation into an allegation of sexual harassment semester. In responding to this data against the complainant during the req uest, please provide a copy of any written complaint filed , notes /summary documents written by the investigator , notice of hearing , hearing panel findings, and notice of disciplinary action; 6. Please provide a summar of the number of sexual harassment complaints received by TAMU during the (b)(6),(b)(?) schoo l year , broken down by the sex and national origin of the accused student. For example , "During the !school year , TAMU received I 00 complaints of sexual harassment , broken down as follows: " l~~g~!~~!(f)(A) ,I l~~E~>;~~>2, Category of accused student Sexual harassm ent complaints against males Sexual harassment complaints against females Sexual haras sme nt complaints afa!;ainstAmerican-born students Sexual harassment complaints against Foreign-born students Number of comolaints 70 30 80 20 Page 2 - Dr. Mark A. Hussey, Interim President In responding to data request #6, lease rovide a breakdown of sexual harassment compla ints rece ived by T AMU during the (~)(~),~)(?)(A) , chool year aoainst foreign-born individuals by their country of birth (if known ). For examp e, ·'Dur ing the (b)(6),(b)(?)(A), school year, TAMU received 20 complaints of sexual harassment against foreign-born individuals , broken down as follows: " County of birth for foreign-born accused students France Germany Honduras Japan 7. 8. Number of complaints 5 5 5 5 For each complaint of sexual harassment listed in response to data request #4 above , lease identify the general type of discip line issued (if any). For exam ple, "During the (b)(6),(b)(?)(A), school year, TAMU received l 00 complaints of sexual harassment. The punishment issued is broken down as follows:" Student category Complai nt withdrawn Unable to substantiate allegations Male accused Female accused American born acc used Foreignborn acc used 20 Allegations verified, accused student expelled 15 Other Total 20 Allegations verified, accused student suspended 15 0 70 10 10 5 5 0 30 25 40 5 10 0 80 5 5 5 5 0 20 If desired , a written response to the allegation that T AMU subjected the comp lainant to discrimina tion based on his sex (male) durinf T AMU ' s investiga tion into allegations of , semester. A written response is sexua l haras smen t again st him during the !~~~U,~{(()(A) not required ; ! 9. If des ired, a written respons e to the allegation that TAMU subjec ted the complainant to discrimination based on his national origin (American) durin TAMU ' s investigation into allegations of sexual harassment against him during the emester. A written respons e is not required; ~~lm c~t)(A) , 10. Page 3 - Dr. Mark A. Hussey, Interim President 11. (b )(6),(b )(7)(A),(b )(7)(C) Miscellaneous 12. Please identify all individuals T AMU believes can provide relevant information for the issues under investigation. For each identified individual, please provide their name , job title, and a brief summary of their area of knowledge. For example , "Jane Smith, Title IX Coordinator , can summarize the steps she took to investigate the allegations of sexual c~t)(A), semester ;" harassment against the complainant during thel~~l~~l I 13. Any other documents or information TAMU believes will help resolve this complaint.