'; :··~ITH>STATESDEPAR.T\1Et\JTOF :.T>UC.\TIO:\ OFFICE FOR Cl\'lL RIGl·l'f~ 3n U~~l lH) , A 'Jll) NS Pl../\/.,'\ ;<..J AIL 13,r<1200; 1.::,ul\11 54:• SAN n : .\ !\:(.' l~n \ \ :.\ 'l~'lO:.: DEC7. 8 201~ (In reply , please refer to case no. 09-17-2091.) 6),(b Dear!(b)( )(7)CC) !: 6 o~ (bX ).CbX7XC) !2016, the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), received your complaint against Harvey Mudd College (the College). Your complaint alleg es discrimination on the basis of sex when you were denied an equitable process to resolve a sexual assault complaint that was filed against you. OCR enforc es Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its imptementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. The College receives funds from the Department and is subject to the above laws and their regulations as enforced by OCR. We have determined that your complaint is appropriate for investigat ion under the laws enforced by OCR and OCR is now opening your complaint for investigation. In addition, please note that OCR's investigation will also include the following areas of Title IX compliance: 1. Whether the College: a) disseminated notice of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex as required by 34 C.F.R. § 106.9; b) appointed a Title IX coordinator as required by 34 C.F.R. § 106 .8(a); and c) adopted policies and procedures that provide for prompt and equitable response(s) to sexual harassment , including sexual violen ce complaints and reports as required by 34 C .F.R. § 106 .8(b). 2 . Whether the College failed to provide an equitable process to the OCR complainant and other students and whether the failure of the College to provide an equitable response to complaints of sexual violence subjected students to a sexually hostile environment that denies or limits the student's ability to parti cipate in or benefit from the school 's program under 34 C.F.R. §106.8 and §106 .31. OCR is now beginning the complaint resolution process . Bec ause OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely or qualified tor a waiver of the timeliness requirement, it is open ing these alle gations for investigation . Please note that opening these allegations tor investigation ' ' · : ·.r •:·,·,··::- •. '".,.It:, ,lt ion ·., mi," on 1-; t<> pn.>mote stud ,:n t ,1,·h i~Vl'llWnt ,111d pr~paration f or gh, hal ,. , ,n, p, ·ti t:1 ..·1•, ,, . b, ln~ kring ,•dur .ition al ,•x,d lt!nce ,ind 1·nsurm,; L'qual ,iL,.,._..,s_ Page 2 -(09 -17-2091) in no way implies that OCR has made a det ermination with regard to their merits. During the investigation, OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and analyzing relevant evidence from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensur e that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of the allegations, in accordanc e with the provisions of Artic le Ill of the Case Processing Manual. OCR is committed to resolving complaints as promptly as possible. OCR may close this complaint prior to making formal findings of compliance or noncompliance , provided that the circumstances or information gathered establishes an administrative or other basis for resolution in accordance with the Case Processing Manual. Fede ral regulations prohibit the College from retaliating against you or from intimidating, threa tening , coercing, or harassing you or anyone else because you filed a complaint with OCR or because you or anyone else take part in the complaint resolution process. Contact OCR if you believe such actions occur. Unde r the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request , it will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released , could reasonably be expected to constitut e an unwarranted invasion of privacy. If you have any questions about this letter, please call our offic e at 415-486 -5555. ... . . : . .. .. :..'.'\:iTEDSL'\ TES DEPARTMl:NT OF EDCCATION t)FH CE fOH C!Vll . RIGlrI ~ -{t..,F,r ,, r ' ... .. t! ·. 5tl Ll:S.:l: 'l' D ."•.\ rl(•l\i S f' L.\ Z.'-. MAil. BOX 1.200; ROOM 15-15 SAN FRANCISCO . C \ '14Jll2 Dr. Maria Klawe President Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Blvd Claremont, California 91711 (In reply, please refer to case no. 09-17-2091.) Response required by: January 31, 2017 Dear President Klawe : 7 6 on( CbX ).Cb X Xc) } the U.S . Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) , recetyed a cojplaint against Harvey Mudd College (the College). The Complainant , alleges discrimination on the basis of sex when he was denied an equitable process to resolve a sexual assault complaint that was filed against him. !(bX6).CbX7X C) OCR enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. The College receives funds from the Department and is subject to the above laws and their regulations as enforced by OCR We have determined that the allegations stated above are appropriate for investigation under the laws enforced by OCR. OCR will proceed with resolution of the compla int. In addition, please note that OCR's investigation will also include the following areas of Title IX compliance: 1. Whether the College: a) disseminated notice of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex as required by 34 C.F.R. § 106.9; b) appointed a Title IX coordinator as required by 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(a); and c) adopted policies and procedures that provide for prompt and equitable response(s) to sexual harassment, including sexual violence complaints and reports as required by 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b) . 2. Whether the College failed to provide an equitable process to the OCR complainant and other students and whether the failure of the College to provide an equitable response to complaints of sexual violence subjected students to a sexually hostile environment that denies or limits the student's ability to participate in or benefit from the school's program under 34 C.F.R. §106.8 and §106.31 . . :. ' ::~. •,ii• H i \ 11\l:--.."lt'Ii ·"' fi . r•ronltHt' st , td t'llt d c'ht t ·V(~llH·lnt \t i ··d pr~par ;..H u H'l l'c.•. (~l: ,(.,(): t i'\ :, 1,L·r in,; ,•Jm·,1timtal l':..cdk•r.Kl' ,,nd t•nsuri rn; , 4u ,1i rl,t ~-5..,_ 0 t 11)\ ~ ' ·! :(;: . ' ! : .. • Page 2 - (09-17-2091) Be cause OCR has determined that it has jurisdiction and that the complaint was filed timely or qualified for a waiver of the timeliness requirement , it is opening thes e allegations for investigation. Please note that opening the allegations for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to their merits . During the investigation , OCR is a neutral fact-finder , collecting and analyzing relevant eviden ce from the complainant, the recipient, and other sources, as appropriate. OCR will ensure that its investigation is legally sufficient and is dispositive of th e allegations , in accordance with the provisions of Article Ill of the Case Proce ssing Manual. Enclos ed is a copy of the OCR Case Processing Procedures and an initial data request. Plea se provide the information described in the data request by the date indicated at the top of this letter. Please also provide the name and telephone number of the person you design ate to respond. OCR's right of access to this information is found at 34 Code of Federal Regulati ons, section 100.6(c). Considerations of confidentiality are not a bar to OCR obtaining requested information under section 100.6(c). Please be aware that it might be necessary for us to make additional requests for information in the future . OCR is committed to resolving complaints as promptly as possible. OCR will contact you or your designated representative soon to discuss the allegation(s) , the initial data request and the complaint reso lution process. Further, OCR may close this complaint prior to making formal findings of compliance or non-compliance, provided that the circumstances or information gathered establishes an administrative or other basis for resolution in accordance with the Case Processing Manual. OCR routinely advises recipients of Federal funds and public education entitie s that Federal regulations prohibit intimidation , harassment or retaliation against those filing complaints with OCR and those participating in the complaint resolution process. Complainants and participants who feel that such actions have occurred may file a se parate complaint with OCR. Under the Freedom of Information Act, it may be necessary to release this document and related records upon request. In the event that OCR receives such a request, it will seek to protect, to the extent provided by law, personal information that, if released , could reas onably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy. Your coope rat ion is appreciated . If you have any questions, please contact our office at 41 5-486-5 55 5. incerely, (b)(6),(b)(7) Charles R. Love Program Manager Enclosu res U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Initial Data Request Harvey Mudd College Docket Number 09-17 ~2091 Please provide the following information and documents for the academic years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, and the current academic year through the date of compilation. Include all information and documents related to allegations by students at all academic levels (i.e., undergraduate, graduate , etc.) regarding alleged sexual harassment by other students, faculty, instructors , and staff. Please note that as used in this document, "sexual harassment" includes allegations of the following conduct: sexual assault; rape ; sexual battery ; sexual abuse ; sexual coercion; rape or other sexual acts occurring without consent; domestic violence ; dating violence ; stalking; unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors ; and other sexual misconduct; and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Document means : a piece of written , printed, photographic , electronic, videotaped, audio taped or other matter. Items 1-16 should be submitted no later than January 31, 2017. Item 17 (a)- (p) should be submitted no later than March 1, 2017 1. Identify the following individuals by name , job title , department, and the dates that the individual has held the position: a. Title IX coordinator(s); b. Staff at any offices serving the role of ombuds services ; c. Campus safety (or police department) officers ; d. Community service officers ; e . Staff responsible for the investigation and response to complaints /reports of sexual harassment; f. Members of the student conduct committee ; g. Hearing coo rdinator; and h. Hearing admin istrator. Notice of Nondiscrimination and Sexual Harassment Procedures 2. A description of all College channels, procedures , or processes available to students to report sexual harassment, including making anonymous or confidential reports . Include a description , as well as documentation , of how students are informed of these channels/processes. OCR Data Request - 09-17-2091 3. The College 's notice(s) of nondiscrimination and all document(s) in and locations through which such notice(s) is/are published or disseminated and the individuals, groups and associations to whom the notice(s) is/are published or disseminated. 4. A description . as well as documentation , of the role, function , and interaction of all College offices and staff (e.g., Title IX, Office of Ombuds Services, Campus Safety, Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health , etc.) that play a role in receiving, identifying, and/or responding to reports of sexual harassment. 5. A description of the role by campus safety (or a comparable department) in the reporting and investigation of complaints/reports of sexual harassment, including receiving reports, responding , investigating , tracking, and prosecution, and any documents describing the role. 6. If applicable, provide a copy of the College's memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the local police department. Otherwise, please describe or provide documents describing how the College interacts with the city or county police in cases of alleged sexual harassment , including reporting, responding, investigating , tracking, and prosecution. 7. Copies of or web links to: a. College policies and procedures regarding sexual harassment; b. College grievance or complaint procedures that students, can use to file a complaint of sexual harassment against a student, third party or employee . For each grievance or complaint procedure. if not indicated in the policy or procedure , identify the name and title of individuals who are responsible for accepting, investigat ing, deciding or otherwise resolving complaints; and c. The College 's student code of conduct and discipline policies regarding sexual harassment. 8. An explanation of how the College's policies and procedures, including grievance or complaint procedures, for sexual harassment are distributed and publicized to College students , administrators , faculty and staff. Please include supporting documentation, including but not limited to brochures, distributed flyers, newspaper or web articles , and orientation materials. 9. To the extent any of the policies or procedures overl~p or provide more than one option for addressing sexual harassment complaints, an explanation of how and when the College uses a particular policy or procedure and how it addresses any inconsistencies in requirements or processes for addressing sexual harassment complaints. 2 OCR Data Request- 09-17-2091 Training 10. A cfetailed description of training provided to College administrators , faculty, staff, and resident advisors on sexual harassment. Include the date(s) provided; the name(s) , title(s) , and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s); a listing of training topics or training agenda; and a description of the category of employees in attendance. 11. A detailed description of training and information sessions for students on sexual harassment. Please spec ify if the training was targeted to a particular student population (e.g., international students , freshmen ., transfer students) , how the training was provided (on-line, in-person), and if the training is mandatory or if registration holds are imposed. Indicate any on-line vendors used (e.g . Alcohol EDU). If in-person training was provided to students , please list the date(s) of this training , and the name(s), title(s) , and qualification{s) of the person(s) who provided the training . . . 12. A detailed description of training provided to individuals responsible for identifying , receiving, and/or responding to complaints of sexual harassment , and to members of any committees or boards that hear or decide complaints of sexual harassment. Include the date(s) provided: the name(s) , title(s} , and qualifications of the person(s) who provided the training(s); a listing of training topics or training agenda ; and a descr iption of the category of employees in attendance . ·.~ Individual Complainant Information 13. A complete copy of dqc11roersrelated to reports of sexual harassment/assault 7 6 made against! CbX ),CbX XC) (the Student), including: all documents provided by the Student; meeting notes; .interview notes ; memos to the file ; correspondence , including email ; other information generated or gathered by the College during the course of the College's investigation ; and all other documentation of the College's response, including any interim measures, remedial actions on behalf of the Student or the Reporting Student(s) , and/or disciplinary or other remedial actions for the alleged subject of the complaint. Data and Information Systems 14 . Provide a descr iption of all systems/procedures used to track complaints/reports of sexual harassment. Please indicate the College office(s)/staff who are responsible for compiling such information and how such statistics and reports are shared with College staff and the College community. 15. Copies of the College 's Clery Reports. 16. A detailed description, as well as documentation, of any climate surveys the College has conducted regarding the issue of sexual harassment. Please include 3 OCR Data Request- 09-17-2091 in your response a description of any steps the College has taken in response to the results of the surveys. Informal and Formal Sexual Harassment Complaints 17. A spreadsheet, Excel or other type , that includes all informal or formal student complaints or reports of sexual harassment, whether written or verbal. Please provide an electronic copy of the spreadsheet. For each complaint/report identified, please provide the information below: a. The name, or unique identifier, sex and academic status (e.g., undergraduate, graduate .) of the student who made the complaint/report; b. The name or unique identifier, sex and academic status or position (e.g., student , faculty , staff) of the individual against whom the complaint/report was filed; c. The date of the incident(s); d. The date someone reported to a responsible employee; e. The date a written complaint was filed, if applicable; f. The title of the College office and name of staff member to whom the complaint/report was made (e.g., campus safety/ services/counselor, title ix office/intake person, etc.); officer, student ' g. A brief description of the allegation(s) made in the complaint/report, including whether the allegation includes sexual assault/violence; h. Whether the complaint/ report was resolved through a formal or informal process, and what College / procedure was used to investigate / resolve the complaint; i. Whether interim remedial measures were taken with respect to the complainant. If yes, specify the measures taken; j. Whether the complai nt/report was referred to local law enforcement. k. Whether or not the complaint/report was investigated; I. Whether or not the complaint/report was resolved informally; m. The date the investigation was completed and written notice provided to the parties; 4 OCR Data Request- 09"17~2091 n. The date on which an appeal was filed through the College's process, if applicable; o. Whether the College found the respondent violated its policy and how, including a description of the sanction and/or remedy issued. p. Whether the incident(s) described in the complaint/report occurred on or off campus and the location of the incident(s). 5