HENRY JOHN KERNER b)(6) EXPF.RJENCF. CALSE OF ACT[ONINSTITliTE May 20 I 6-present ,frsistam Vice-President • Oversee Strategic Investigations Unit within this non-pro tit government accountability organization dedicated to fighting for economic opportunity and against federal encroachments. • Supervise team oflawycrs utilizing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and other tools to Gbtain information from· go\'ernment agencies related to many high-prol'ile ::;candals. including: c unlawful payment transfers to support the foiling Obamacare program; o cash payments to the Iran government: o inconsistent instructions w banks on scrutiny oftinancial dealings with Iran; c efforts lo skirt federal law by establishing gun registries; o federal agency overreach in imposing onerous regulations, frequently on questionable legal grounds, on organizations and individuals with insufficient due process; and o abuse of environmental laws to undermine private property rights, especially in Amcricnn West. lJ:'l'ITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVF:S .Ian. 2015-Mar. 2016 COM\1ITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORM Deputy S1aj/"Direc1orf~/'Overs,:~hrond Investigations (Afqiorily). ( 'Jwirman .iasm, Chqj]'eiz • Oversaw a team of more than 20 lawyers, professional staff. and interns conducting congressional oversight of the executive branch. • Acted as lead investigator of the IRS's political targeting of conservative 50l(c)(4) groups, and advised the Chairman on related efforts to impeach the cu1-rcnt[RS Commissioner. • Managed the Committee· s work related to criminal justice reform, including conducting hearings, consulting on lcgislulive initiatives. and invcstigu{fng waste and abuse in the federal prison system. • Helped expose the secret coordination between seemingly neutral experts and the administration in the formulation of the Ohamacarc through extensive document review and witness interviews. L'.'.ITED STATES SEI\ATE PERMANENT S! 1BCOMMITTEE ON I.\'VESTIGATIONS Sia.ff Director and Chie/Cmmse! (Minori(1,), /?a11ki11K Member Senator John 1\,fcCain • • • • Feb.2013-Jan. 2015 Directed all operations of the SenatL' 's primary investigative panel on beha-[f of the Ranking Republican Member, including managing and balancing a nearly halt~million dollar budget. lnsli!lltcd innovative editing methods that maximized staff collaboration and peer mentoring. Coordinated multiple bipaitisan investigations while defending Republican Members· principles and priorities. \Vorking with majority stall produced seven bipar1isan staff reports and numerous investigative hearings on issues including banking oversight. derivative trading~S\viss bank scct-ccylaws, JRS targeting of conservative 50 I (c)(4) groups, internet privacy and ··maJv~rtising." high-frequency trading, and physical commodities. • Led the Ranking Member's efforts lo expose government waste and abuse by sending approximately l 00 lellers and document 1-cquestsand publicizing key findings. U'.\'.ITEDSTATf,S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jan.2011-Fcb.2013 COMMITTEE 01\ OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNM~'.NT REFORM Senior Co1111sel_f<,r !nvestigarions (;v/ajorily), Chairman Darrell h-sa • As co-lead investigator of Operation Fast and Furious. advised Members of Congress and Senators on ail aspects of the congressional invc-stigatiun into Op~ration Fast anJ furiuw;, • Conducted ovct :26transcribed interviews of high-level ATF and DOJ officials. • Coordinated six congressional hearin.fls on Opc-rativn Fast ond Furious. • Co-m1thored five congressional stalTreports on-Ope-ration Fast and Furious. • Supervised numerous other high-profile investigations. inclL,ding examinations of For-Profir EJuculiun and the culpability vi' a frcnch railruad cvlllpany iu lhc Holucau,l. LOS ANGEU~S COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1993-201 I Deputy District Artorney JlJVENli.F JUSTICE OFf'lCE. Compton, CA.A.1-si.wa11t Supervisor, 2007-201 I • Managed all operations ofa ten-person unit. • Supervised and conducted bench trials in the juvenile courts. • Directed and p:irticipated in law enforcement investigations of sensitive cases. including homicides and sexual offenses. <;Q_JV!PTONBRA"CH Qf'fJ~_!;;. Compton. Cl\. Depu(v !Jis1ricr Allorne_v.2000-2007 • Deputy-in-Charge of Criminal Complaints for LA County's largest branch office. • Prosecuted more than 35 folony cases to jury verdict, including an executfon-:.,;tyle mt1rdcr case. HARDCORE GANG DIVISION, Long Beach/Inglewood, CA, Uang Proseculor, l 994-1996 • l'rosecutor assigned to the Strategics Against Gang Envimnmenrs (SAGI-') program, which targets notorious strcd gangs with civil injunctions. • Successllllly enjoined the Crcnsliaw \1alia Gang. resulting in a clrnmatic decline in crime in the Darby-Dixon neighborhood of Inglewood. California, with homicides dropping fi·om dozens in prior years to zero in the year following the issuance ol'the injunction. Tlrn HONORABLE WILLIAM D. KELLER, IJ.S. DISTRICT JUDGE FOR ·nrn CK'IITRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA Law Clerk • \\'rote memoranda and drall opinions in major federal cases. such as prisoners' hahcas app-c!als.and death pen~lty appeals and a landmark trade dress ease involving clurndelicrs. 1992-1993 EDUCATIOJ'i HARVARD LAW SCHOOL. Juris Doctorate, 1992 UCLA, Deparrmenlal Scholar, MJ\ and BA in History, 1989, summu cum /aude PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL Fluent in German and Polisl1, working knowledge of Spanish: Member, California Har, Washington. D.C. Bar (pending); Member, Federalist Society: Student of Modern European and L'.S. History: Dallas Cowboys and Los Angeles Lakcrs Fan.