LCCF HOUSING 4 LOCKDOWN SCHEDULE NOTICE TO omens You remain on a lockdown status because of disruptive behavior or security reasons. This status has been To ensure that you understand the conditions and process ofyour return to normal 'vities, the progressive release schedule is explained below. Although some participants have been i . ed, all have yet to be iduti?ed. Those who have been identi?ed will have the accrual of good time suspended during this lock down. All others, will continue to accumulated good time. If your behavior is acceptable, you will progress from week to week, while gradually earning privileges back. Behaviors which will prevent progression to the next week are as follows: Coming/arguing with staff, or failing to follow staff orders; Throwing foodltrash onto the runs; Flooding the cells or runs; Failure to return trays immediame following the meal; Any trays found in cells (when meals are fed in day area); Covering of windows and lights. Week One (moxie-0312mm: . You will receive showers/necessities three (3) times weekly, showers will not mtceed 10 min in length. Showers will begin immediately folloWing shift change at 0600 hours. You may bring any trash from your cell and throw it in the day room trash can at this time; You will receive one sack meal and two hot meals; There is no visitation and no access to make-phone calls, should you need to make an attorney call, you must submit a request to your Case Manager; 0 You will only be approved to purchase hygiene, stamps and writing materials (paper, pens, enveIOpes, etc) through commissary; I If your behavior is acceptable, you will progress to Week Two. Week Two I You will receive shivers/necessities three (3) times weekly, showers will not exceed 10 min in length. Showers will start immediately following shill change at'0600 hours. You may bring any trash fromyom' cell day roonitrashcanatthistime; You will receive three hot meals; There is go visitation and no access to make phone calls, should you need to make an attorney call, you must submit a request to your Case Manager; 0 You will be approved to purchase hygiene. stamps and writing materials (paper, pens, envelopes, etc) through connoissary; 0 If your behavior is aceeptable, you will progress to Week Three. Week Three (0910318439?10118): I a You will receive showersiner sac: nines weexry, showers will not exceed 10 min in length. Showers will start ittlmediately following shift change at 0600 hours. You may bring any trash from your cell and throw it in the day room trash can afthie 0 tierudllbefedete?me. Notraysaretobetakentoyomcell; - envelopes. Visitation MES: willbere?ed? . N0 special visitswillbeapproved; - Week Four (estrous-seams): I followinigtheOSls out followingthe 1200cojmt. time. 'I?henoonandeveningmeal willbeservedinthe dayroorn. Following I and ?oat? product through commissary; 0 VW. Naspecialvisits willheapproved. Note: foodtray slot. lfyourcelldoesnothaveafood trayslotto fscethewall. Whenyoubave willbeplacedinsidethecelldoor. It is the intention of LCCF to resmne nonnal operations by September 17, 20l8; however, this is soler dependentuponbehavior. schedule. . 1 i. "l?JiL: ?t 1 91'5" . . I A In}; I PillLinewill Submitit Should . Hoff?site appointments or mental health appointments have been scheduled. you will continue to attend these appointments. outgoingmail. Incomingmailwillbedeli The Grim Coordinator or designer: will make rounds through the housing unit daily, at 1330 hours to collect or retum any grievances. ME undresameday. ganda?ernoon. 8 Daily, two pod order-lies will be utilized upon comple?oo ofall showers, to clean the showers and Weep/mopthedayareaandruns. Any cell tothenextwillresultinthe removal of the irlrnate ?nm this inh aceianmnt Imam. ma I..- i