HEREIN IS UNCL.ASSIFIEO [JATE m11-19-2013 BY NSICG F54M93K42 u.s. Department of Justice Federal Bureau ofInvestigation Washington. D.C. 20535 July 29,2013 Honorable Rand Paul, M.D. United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Paul: this responds to your follow-up letter to the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) dated July 25, 2013, requesting additional information regarding the FBI's definition of a reasonable expectation of privacy, particularly as it relates to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This letter supplements our July 19,2013 response to your earlier inquiry about the FBI's use of UAVs. As noted in our July 19th response, the FBI uses UAVs in very limited circwnstati.ces to conduct surveillance when there is a specific, operational need. Since 2006, the FBI has only used UAVs in 10 cases for surveillance to support missions related to kidnappings; search and rescue operations, drug interdictions, and fugitive investigations, including earlier this year in Alabama in the successful rescue of a 5-year-01d child being held hostage in an underground bunker by J.immy Lee Dykes. Further, the F.BI does not, and has no plans to use UAVs to conduct general surveillance not related to a specific investigation or assessment. In addition, all proposals for the use ofUAVs are (1) reviewed by legal counsel to ensure their use does not infringe on a person's reasonable expectation ofprivacy under the Fourth Amendment; (2) authorized by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under its rules; and (3) operated consistent with the FBI's policies and procedures. All FBI agents are trained on the Supreme Court's interpretations of a reasonable expectation ofprivacy under the FOUlth Amendment, and on the circumstances where the FBI would be required to seek a warrant dming an investigation. These principles apply to all of our investigations and any collection of information, regardless ofthe technical platform. Moreover, these principles are set torth in several sections ofthe FBI's Domestic Intelligence and Operations Guide ("DlOG"), which are used for training and apply to all FBI agents. See, e.g., DIOG §§ 18.5.8., 18.6.12, 18.7.1. Any investigation using UAVs must comply with the Fourth Amendment and the DrOG, which includes the definition ofa reasonable expectation of privacy provided by the Supreme Court. While there arc no reported cases specifically involving UAVs, the Supreme Court has analyzed the Fourth Amendment implications ofmanned aerial surveillance in three cases: California v. Ciraolo, 476 U.S. 207 (1986), Dow Chemical Co. v. United ..Wales, 476 U.S. 227 (1986), and Florida v. Riley, 488 U.S. 445 (1989). In these three cases, the Court held that CREW-3497 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000001 Honorable Rand Paul, M.D. aerial surveillance was not a search under the Fourth Amendment requiring a \varrant because the areas observed were open to public view and, as a matter ofIaw, there was no reasonable expectation ofprivacy. The Fourth Amendment principles applicable to mmmed aerial surveillance discussed in these cases apply equally to UAVs. Also, in United States v. Jones, 132 S. Ct. 945 (2012), the Supreme COUlt added an additional factor to consider when determining whether a search implicates the Fourth Amendment: whether the Government ,,,ill obtain information by physically intruding on a protected property interest. With respect to UAVs, there is no physical trespass involved in their use, and a warrant would not be required under this standard. The concurring opinions in Jones suggests that long-term warrantless surveillance of a person, while the person is in public, may constitute a search under the Fourth Amendment, even without a trespass. We do not use UAVs to undertake such surveillance. However, the FBI remains cognizant ofpotential post-Jones concerns about using UAVs to conduct long-term surveillance, and all uses ofUAVs by the FBI are reviewed to be consistent with the Supreme Court's Jones decision. We hope this additional information is helpful. If you have any additional questions concerning this or other matters, please contact the Office of Congressional Affairs at (202) 3245051. Sincerely, ~ Assistant Director Office of Congressional Affairs CREW-34gB EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000002 DRAFT July 18,2013 The Honorable Rand Paul, M.D. United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Paul:, This is in response to your letters to the Federal Bureau of Investigation dated June 20 and July 9, 2013, seeking information concerning the FBI's use of unmanned aerial vehicles (DAVs) for surveillance purposes. The FBI uses VA Vs in very limited circumstances to conduct surveillance when there is a specific, operational need. UAVs have been used for surveillance to support missions related to kidnappings, search and rescue operations, drug interdictions, and fugitive investigations. Since late 2006, the FBI has conducted surveillance using UAVs in eight criminal cases and two national security cases.! For example, earlier this year in Alabama, the FBI used UAV surveillance to support the successful rescue of the 5-year-old child who was being held hostage in an underground bunker by Jimmy Lee Dykes. None of the UAVs used by the FBI are armed with either lethal or non-lethal weapons, and the FBI has no plans to use weapons with UAVs. The FBI does not use UAVs to conduct "bulk" surveillance or to conduct general surveillance not related to an investigation or assessment. The FBI only conducts UAV surveillance consistent with our rules and regulation for conducting aerial surveillance in our investigations, as well as specific rules and regulations applicable to the use ofUAVs for surveillance. Specifically, the FBI's use ofUAVs for surveillance is governed by laws and policies including the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Privacy Act, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations, the FBI's Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), and the FBI's 2011 Bureau Aviation Regulations Manual, which has specific policies for the use ofUAVs for aerial surveillance. For example, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA prior to using UAVs for surveillance, and comply with the FAA's guidelines on the use ofUAVs in the national airspace (this includes significant limits on the area and altitude where UAVs can be operated). See FAA Interim Operational Approval Guidance, UAS Policy 05-01, "Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System" (2008). In addition, every request to use UAVs for surveillance is reviewed by FBI legal counsel to ensure there are not potential Fourth Amendment or privacy concerns implicated by the proposed use ofUAVs. Every request to use UAVs for surveillance inust be approved by senior FBI management at FBI Headquarters and in the relevant FBI Field Office. Without a warrant, the FBI will not use UAVs to acquire information in which individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the Fourth Amendment, such as information about the interior of a home. To date, there has been no need for the FBI to seek a search warrant or judicial order in any of the few cases where UAVs have been used. 1 The FBI authorized VA Vs for surveillance in three other criminal cases, but they were not actually used. DRAFT CREW-3499 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000003 DRAFT While we share your interest in transparency concerning the use of law enforcement and national security tools, we are not in a position to disclose publicly more detailed information concerning the Bureau's specific use ofUAVs. Such additional information is "Law Enforcement Sensitive" or, in some cases, classified, based on the need to protect the effectiveness of this capability in law enforcement and national security matters. We have enclosed a classified addendum that provides more detailed information in response to your inquiry. We request that you not disseminate the information in the addendum without prior consultation with the FBI. We appreciate your interest in this issue and trust this information is responsive to your inquiry. If you have additional questions concerning this or other matters, please contact the Office of Congressional Affairs at 202-324-5051. Sincerely, Stephen D. Kelly Assistant Director Office of Congressional Affairs Enclosure DRAFT CREW-3500 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000004 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535 July 19,2013 Honorable Zoe Lofgren Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Reprcscntatives Washington, DC 20515 Honorable Ted Poe Committee on the Judiciary U.S House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Rc;presentatives Lofgrc;n and Poe: This is in response to your letter to the FBI dated July 1, 2013, seeking information concerning the FBI's usc ofulllllanned aerial vehicles (VA Vs) for surveillance purposes. The FBI uses UAVs in very limited circumstances to conduct surveillance when there is a specific, operational necd. DAVs have been used for surveillance to support missions related to kidnuppings, search and rescue operations, drug interdictions, and fugitive investigations. Since late 2006, the FBI has conducted surveillance using VAVs ill eight criminal cases and two national security cases.! foOl' example, earlier this year in Alabama, the FBI used DAY surveillance to support the successful rescue of the 5-yearold child who was being held hostage in an underground bunker by Jimmy Lee Dykes. None of the UAVs used by the FBI are armed with either lethal or non-lethal weapons, and the FBI has no plans to use weapons with DAYs. The FBI dol.:s not use DAYs to conduct "bulk" surveillance or to conduet general surveillance not related to an investigation or assessment. The FBI only conducts UAV surveillance consistent with our rules ancl regulation for conducting aerial surveillance in our investigations, as well as speci fic rules and regulations applicable to the use ofUAVs for surveillance. Specifically, the FBI's' use of UAVs for surveillance is governed by laws and policies including the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Privacy Act, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations, the FBI's Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), and the FBI's 2011 Bureau Aviation Regulations Manual, which has specitie policies for the use I The.FB[ authorized UAVs for surveillance in three other criminal cases, but they were not actually used. CREW-3501 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000005 Honorable Joe Lofgren and Honorable Ted Poe ofUAVs for aerial surveillance. For example, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the 'FAA prior to using lJA Vs for :::urveillance, and comply with the FAA's guidelines on the use ofUAVs in the national airspace (this includes signHicant limits on the area and altitude where UAVs can be operated). See FAA Interim Operational Approval Guidance, UAS Policy 05-0 I, "Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System" (2008). In addition, every request to use UAVs for surveillance is reviewed by FBI legal counsel to ensure there are not potential Fourth Amendment or privacy concerns implicated by the proposed use ofUAVs. Every request to use UAVs for surveillance must be approved by senior FBI management at FBI Headquarters and in the relevant FBI Field Office. \Vithout a warrant, the FBI will not use UAVs to acquire information in which individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the Fourth Amendment. To date, tbere has been no need for the FBJ to seck a search warrant or judicial order in any of the few cases where UAVs have been used. While \\'e share your interest in transparency concerning the use of law enforcement and national security tools, we are not in a position to disclose publicly mor~ detailed infOlmation concerning the Bureau's specific usc ofUAVs. Such additional information is "Law Elll~)rcement Sensitive" or, in some cases, classified, based on the need to protect the effectiveness of this capability in law enforcement and national security matters. We have enclosed a classified addendum that provides more detailed information in response to your inquiry. We request that you not disseminate the information in the addendum without prior consultation with the FBI. We appreciate your interest in this issue and trust this information is responsive to your inquiry. Tfyon have additional questions concerning this or other matters, please contact the Office of Congressional Affairs at (202) 324-5051. Sincerely, dn~ Assistant Director Ofl1ce of Congressional Affairs Enclosure CREW-35D2 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000006 U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20535 July 19,2013 Honorable Rand Paul, M.D. United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Paul: This is in response to your letters to the Federal Bureau ofI.l1vestigation dated June 20 und July 9, 2013, seeking information concerning the FBI's use of unmanned aerial vehicles (DAYs) for surveillance purposes. The FBI uses UAVs in very limited circumstances to conduct surveillance when there is a . specific, operational need. UAVs have been used for surveillance to support missions related to kidnappings, search and rescue operations, drug interdictions, and fugitive investigations. Since late 2006, the FBI has conducted surveillance using UAVs in eight criminal cases and two national security cases. I 'For example, earlier this year in Alabama, the FBI used UAV surveillance to support the ~mccessful rescue of the 5-year-old child who was being held hostage in an underground bunker by Jimmy Lee Dykes. None ofthe UAVs used by the FBI are armed with either lethal or non-lethal weapons, and the FBI bas no plans to use weapons with UAVs. The FBI does not use UAVs to conduct "bulk" surveillance or to conduct general surveillance not related to an investigation or assessment. The FBI only conducts UAV surveillance consistent with our rules and regulation for conducting aerial surveillance in our investigations, as well as specific rules and regulations applicable to the use ofUAVs for surveillance. Specifically, the FBI's usc of UAVs for surveil1ance is govell1ed by laws and policies including the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Privacy Act, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations, the FBI's Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DrOG), and the FBI's 2011 Bureau Aviation Regulations 'Manual, which has sp~cific policies for the use ofUAVs for aerial surveillance. POl' example, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA prior to using UAVs for surveillance, and comply with the FAA's guidelines on the usc of DAVs in the national airspace (this includes signiticant limits on the area and altitude where UAVs can be operated). See FAA Interim Operational Approval Guidance, UAS Policy 05-lH, "Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System" (2008). In addition, every request 10 use UAVs for surveillance is reviewed by ,FBI legal counsel to ensure there are not potential fourth Amendment or privacy concerns implicated by the proposed use ofUAVs. Every request to use '(JAVs [or surveillance must be approved by senior 1 The FBI authorized VAVs for surveillance in three other criminal cases, but they were not actually used. CREW-3503 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000007 Honorable Rand Paul, M.D. fBI management at FBI Headquarters and in the relevant FBI Field OUice. Without a warrant, the FBI will not usc DAVs to acquirc information in which individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the Fourth Amendment. To date, there has been no need for the pm to seck a search warrant or judicial order in any of the few cases where VAVs have been used. While we share your interest in ti"ansparency concerning the use of law enforcement and national security tools, we are not in a position to disclose publicly more detailed information concerning the Bureau's specific use ofUAVs. Such additional information is "Law Enforcement Sensitive" or, in some cases, classitied, based on the need to protect the effectiveness of this capability in law enforcement and national security matters. We have enclosed a classified addendum that provides more detailed information in response to your inquiry. We request that you not disseminate the information in the addendum without prior consultation with the FBI. We appreciate your interest in this issue and trust this information is responsive to. your inquiry. If you have additional questions concerning this or other matters, please contact the Office of Congressional Affairs at (202) 324-5051. ' Sincerely. d&K~ Assistant Director of Congressional Affairs Enclosure EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000008 EEBEIl'I IS ONe DATE lt~19-2013. ~~- IFIEIJ BY NSICG ¥54~EK42 DRAFT [Date] The Honorable Zoe Lofgren Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Ted Poe Committee on th~ Judiciary United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Representatives Lofgren and Poe: This is in response to your letter to the FBI dated July 1,2013, seeking information concerning the FBI's use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance purposes. The FBI uses UAVs in very limited circumstances to conduct surveillance when there is a specific, operational need. UAVs have been used for surveillance to support missions related to kidnappings, search and rescue operations, drug interdictions, and fugitive investigations. Since late 2006, the FBI has conducted surveillance using UAVs in eight criminal cases and two national security cases. I For example, earlier this year in Alabama, the FBI used UAV surveillance to support the successful rescue of the 5-yearold child who was being held hostage in an underground bunker by Jimmy Lee Dykes. None of the UAVs used by the FBI are armed with either lethal or non-lethal weapons, and the FBI has no plans to use weapons with UAVs. The FBI does not use UAVs to conduct "bulk" surveillance or to conduct general surveillance not related to an investigation or assessment. The FBI only conducts UAV surveillance consistent with our rules and regulation for conducting aerial surveillance in our investigations, as well as specific rules and regulations applicable to the use ofUAVs for surveillance. Specifically, the FBI's use of UAVs for surveillance is governed by laws and policies including the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Privacy Act, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations, the FBI's Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG), and the FBI's 2011 Bureau Aviation Regulations Manual, which has specific policies for the use ofUAVs for aerial surveillance. For example, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA prior to using UAVs for surveillance, and comply with the FAA's guidelines on the use ofUAVs in the national airspace (this includes significant limits on the area and altitude where UAVs can be operated). See FAA Interim Operational Approval Guidance, UAS Policy 05-01, "Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System" (2008). I The FBI authorized VA Vs for surveillance in three other criminal cases, but they were not actually used. DRAFT CREW-3505 ~-- EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000009 DRAFT In addition, every request to use UAVs for surveillance is reviewed by FBI legal counsel to ensure there are not potential Fourth Amendment or privacy concerns implicated by the proposed use ofUAVs. Every request to use UAVs for surveillance must be approved by senior FBI management at FBI Headquarters and in the relevant FBI Field Office. Without a warrant, the FBI will not use UAVs to acquire information' in which individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the Fourth Amendment, such as information about the interior of a home. To date, there has been no need for the FBI to seek a search warrant or judicial order in any of the few cases where UAVs have been used. While we share your interest in transparency concerning the use of law enforcement and national security tools, we are not in a position to disclose publicly more detailed information. concerning the Bureau's specific use ofUAVs. Such additional information is "Law Enforcement Sensitive" or, in some cases, classified, based on the need to protect the effectiveness of this capability in law enforcement and national security matters. We have enclosed a classified addendum that provides more detailed information in response to your inquiry. We request that you not disseminate the information in the addendum without prior consultation with the FBI. We appreciate your interest in this issue and trust this information is responsive to your inquiry. If you have additional questions concerning this or other matters, please contact the Office of Congressional Affairs at 202-324-5051. Sincerely, Stephen D. Kelly Assistant Director Office of Congressional Affairs Enclosure DRAFT CREW-3506 EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000010 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOI/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET FOI/PA# 1218644-0 Total Deleted Page (s) Page 47 - b7E; Page 48 - b7E; Page 49 - b7E; 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X Deleted Page(s) X No Duplication Fee X X X For this Page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EPIC-16-09-09-FOIA-Drone-Policies 000011 TILL HEREIN IS WCLHESIFIE 11-03-2013 ET NEIEG (Rev. UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/28/2010 To: CIRG Attn: ASC UC SSE From: Operational Technologv Contact: Approved By: Drafted By: (Pending) 321D-IR-A7788 (Pending) Case ID Title: STANDARD OPERATING Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Synopsis: Recommended.Standard Operationg Procedures for the lementation of services for UAVI I and operating requirements and parameters for equipment and personnel operating these vehicles. Operational Technology Divisio (OTB) Video Surveillance Unit (USU) currentlv has an inventorv of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles These are availaole for deployment as needed in support of fiend office investigations. In an attempt to formalize a request process and the parameters for the use of these platforms, certain requirements must be met by both the operator of the vehicle and the requesting entity as follows; Details: UNCLASSIFIED 000012 136 136 137C b3 UNCLASSIFIED To: From: Operational Technology Re: (Pending) 10X28X2010 These can be classified as a remotely piloted mobile video surveillance systems, capable of moving from location to location in the air, remotely controlled by the pilot. Since UAVs operate in the National Airspace (NA),as defined by the FAA, UAVs are required to operate under established Federal Aviation Administration (FAA}regulations. All UAVs have the capability of transmitting video, therefore UGVs are subject to FBI ELSUR recording policy as established under ELSUR rules by the DIOG. The following are recommendations and the prerequisites, rules and requirements by the operators of both UAVs and Ithe requesting field office. UNCLASSIFIED CREMFBEI 000013 b7E FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1213644-0 Total Deleted Page(s} 3 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Deleted Pagefe) ND Duplication Fee For this Page 000014 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 11?03?2013 BY NSICG F54H93K42 (Rev. 05-01-2003) UNCLASSIFIED ., BUREAU OF INVESTIQATION - To: Critical Incident Response Attn: ASCI I ASE Group UC SSA From: Operational Technology Traditional Unit Contact: SSA Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID 321D-IR-37788 (Pending) Title: Synopsis: Recommend Standard Operating Procedures for the 41111-17 matirn? PM: F?r I and operating requirements and parameters for equipment and personnel operating these vehicles. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Organization Policy NJ07110.52 effective 12/16/2009 Federal Aviation Administration, Memorandum, unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the U.S. National Airspace System a Interim Operational Approval Guidance, dated 12/16/2005 Interim Operational Approval Guidance 00?01 Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Operations in the 0.8. National Airspace System dated 03/13/2008 Enclosure(s): Details: Operational Technology Division (OTDJ/Traditional an inventory of I These are available for deployment as support of investigations. In an attempt to formalize a request process and.the parameters for the UNCLAS SI FIED CREWF1289 000015 b6 I b6 b?C HTE h?E- UNCLASSIFIED To: Critical Incident Response Group From: Operational Technology Re: 11/10/2010 use of these platforms, certain requirements both the operator of the vehicle and the requesting entity as follows: b3 b?E UAVs. These can be classified as remotely piloted mobile video surveillance systems, capable of moving from.lo a-tion to location in the air. remotely controlled by the pilot. I b3 Since UAVs operate in the National Airspace (NA), as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), UAVs are required to operate under established FAA regulations. The following are recommendations and.thejprerequi?sites, rules and requirements by the operators of both UAVs and I the requesting field office. ?k?E UNCLASSIFIED -2 CREWF1290 . 000016 UNCLASSIFIED To: Critical Incident Response Group From: Re: lleO/ZOlO Set Lead 1: (Info) CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE GROUP AT QUANTICO, VA For information only. Enole CC: ?t UNCLASSIFIED 6 Operational Technology 000017 136 Please caii should you have additional questions or comments. Re ards I b6 "r 3512- c: I-?itl Desk - Ccli From : be Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 3:21 PM b7: To: Ingber, Laura 'l cc: Bean, Scott IDiCIemente, Anthony Pl on 000's Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Laura, spoke with ssal: abaut [use] _}wili track it down. be It may not have been a formal request, but rather] Itaking initiative. We will find an answer. her: Regarding question #3 -there was no procedure to make such a request. 1373 Regarding question #4 I would think there wi I an FBIHQ policy on making such requests, as opposed to having possibly 55 different procedures. have been i about a month now. So, if there is no FBIHQ procedure, we wiil certainly generate some internai controisi Thanks. please note below, replies need to go to INSD and SC Scott Bean at OTD. From: Ingber, Laura R. Sent: Wednesday. October 30, 2013 9:40 AM To be Cc: Bean. Scotti I emente, Anthony PJ m: Su?ject: Em DIG on DOJ's Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Good Morning SACs, DDJ DIG is currently in the second phase of captioned review. During the first phase, INSD worked closely with 0T0 and CIRG to identify utilization of UAS. Recently, the OIG came back to INSD when DHS revealed in a that its Bureau Customs and Border Protection (CBP) performed approximately 100 flights for law enforcement agencies with its Predator UAS program between 2010 and 2012. See: othervagencies. DHS lists the FBI as receiving the assistance of CBP UAS flights twice in 2010 and ten times in 2011. In Phase I, the DIG had requested information on the "Number of instances in which the FBI requested the assistance of UAS operated by third parties or instances with the FBI operations information obtained by third party The FBI indicated it was aware of two instances in 2011 where it requested UAS coverage and that assistance was oniy provided in I Icase if] toid DIG that the other request was made in I I Wowever, the EEG notes that a recent Los Angeles Times article cites both current and former law enforcement officiais in some detail that a flight was actually made in February 2012: 3 CREW-4744 000018 i3 II In light of the new information from DHS, which appears to include ten additional flights, DIG is requesting details. b7E I Further inquiry with identified the 12 instances as follows: DIG is seeking: [ll confirmation of precisely how many times the FBI received assistance from or otherwise coordinated or collaborated in joint efforts involving [ll-IS CBP UAS flights {or UAS operations from any other governmental agencies} both domestically and abroad; an explanation for why the was unable to provide information on the additional CBP flights listed as received by the FBI, if your division was involved with any of the flights identified above, please provide the following to INSD and (SC Scott Bean]: 1} Documentation showing the Field Divisions involved in for each DHS flight, the associated investigations for which UAS flight assistance was requested or received, and the case agent or points of contact for the officials that requested Di?lS assistance for each such DHS flight. 2} A brief summaryr of the reason DHS assistance was needed for each flight received and what information was obtained, if any. 3} The procedures by which your division is supposed to make requests for outside agency aviation asset surveillance assistance, if any. 4] Any official guidance on whether such outside agency requests require the FBI headquarters to be notified? Please let me know your designated POC for this matter so we can timely follow up. Also, feel free to respond via other side if the matter is classified. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Laura CREW44745 000019 UNCLASS I reage? U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation January 4, 2016 MEMORANDUM OR Deputy Attorney General Mt FROM: Gregory Cox, Assistant Director, Critical Incident Response Group Ernest J. Babcock, Deputy General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel SUBJECT: CYZOIS Annual Report on the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) As required in your memorandum, Department Policy Regarding the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), dated May 22, 2015, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is forwarding the following information regarding its UAS operations for calendar year 2015. UAS Operational Deployments During calendar year 2015, the FBI had a total of operational UAS deployments. Although a UAS and operator were deployedl ?ights occurred upon arriving at the mission locationf A total otl: EUAS ?ights occurred in connection with the operational deployments in which ?ight operations were conducted. 3 I [operational deployments were in support of deployments involved a total of ?ights, and [involved a total of ?ights. 1 An operational deploymenti An onerationai deployment may invotvel ?5 On occasion, a UAS ?ightl 5 A flight, for purposes of this repon, is defined as one UAS takeoff and recovery. UNCLASSIFIEDW 000020 UAS Assistance The FBI did not request UAS assistance from any other federal, state, local, tribal or territorial agency. The FBI did provide assistance Ivvas included in the overall statistics reported above. UAS Privacy Reviews Prior to conducting each mission, as required in your memorandum on UAS operations, the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations, and Chapter 4 of the Domestic Investigations Operations Guide (D106), the reviewing and approving authorities conducted a ?least intrusive method? analysis to ensure the protection of privacy and civil liberties. Additionally, DGC Bab-cock, the Senior Component Of?cial for Privacy (SCOP), conducted an annual privacy review of the use of UAS on December 18, 20l 5, and has ensured that the operations are compliant with existing privacy laws, regulations and Department policy. Further, the FBI SCOP had no privacy concerns about the 131 UAS program based on the information provided during the review. UNCLASSIFIED 000021 -. as hm Frorn: - Sent: Thursda December 08, 2011 11:12 AM To: Subject: FW: Proposed Press Release Please review this. You?il recognize it. Let me know what you think as soon as you can. Associate General Counsei and Unit Chief Science and Technology Law Unit b6 Of?ce of the General Counsel b'i'C Federa BI ire-an of Mitigation (Of?ce (Cell (Sec (Fax From: Bessette, Gerald R. be . Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 2?:31 AM hi?: To Cc Subject: Proposed Press Release As discussed here is where our programs stands. We currently havaifferent type of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) made up of 21 aircraft which :3 I We flew on a total of 6 missions last year. cases an cases. Each mission would have been comprised of numerous actual flights. The program is managed out of Traditional Technology Section-Video Surveillance Unit. Operation of UAS in the national airspace is strictly regulated by the FAA and we must request permission to fly from the PM, ASE, and the FAA puts out a notice. We participate in numerous working groups and cross training exercises with other local, state. and federal law enforcement agencies as we "jointly" pursue the FAA to make LEO speci?c regulations and create rules pertaining to different weight classes. Right now, ourl aircraft fall under the same regulations as the predator. There is a lot of interest in UASs because a small department/agency that can't afford a plane or helicopter with pilots could easily buy and operate small UAS UAS team in advises that we do not have a 'ics on how the FBI in requested Predator services since that was done from FBI. STLU UC assigned to support OTD, advises that the legal review for the use 0 . a [ate a or was done by CDC. agreement with on the use of any of their assets, to include Predator, is rnostiy informal and on a case case basis. When the FBI request support from other local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies there is usually concurrent jurisdiction or a task force. The FBI also assists other law enforcement agencies with a variety of assets as Is DOJ policy under either statutory, or other authority. Many of the FBI border offices and other divisions have individual relationships with the other federal agencies in .WMEMH not know-what-ihey- are rest-restingfor whattinvestigation. For ex?arnpie, 000022 Deolaesif 20381231 File: 2013 BAR {2).pdf ss- Page 58-60 of the Bureau Aviation Regulations (BARl-attached- outlines the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems CIRG, Surveillance and Aviation Section coordinates all UAS missions with OTDfTechnicai Response Unit (TRU), which ?owns? a limited number of vehicles for FBI use. 0T0 owns the and has qualified pilots, as does SAS, which approves the missions, and coordinates with STD and the FAA. Thev were used in the recent Hostage taking in AL, and are currently being used for: Thev are NOT armed; there is no capabilitv, nor intention, of arming theml Please let me know if you need any more information. Thanks- ha From Sent: Thursda February 14, 2013 3:21 PM CC: 3 RAE (ocn) (rand (ocn) 337? [ooxranl Hoe) (FBI) Subject: RE: Report re: FBI Surveillance Capacity SE Em Classification: ism/meek Claeei By: J13T65 Derived Fr . ultiple Sources Deolas On: 2 1231 CREW-1 2 000023 For your situational awareness: In order to operate a UAV in US airspace. the FBI must first obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA. In matters of life and death, the FBI may apply for an Emergency COA for the utilization of UAVs, which may be approved in 24 hours or less. In non-emergency matters. obtaining a COA can take several weeks or even months. All communication with the FAA regarding UAVs, including COAs and Emergency COAs. is conducted solely by the Field Flight Operations Unit (FFOU), Surveillance and Aviation Section, CIRG. public inquiries on the use of UAVs should be directed to the National Press Office of OPA at 202-824-3691. The National Press Office has previously provided the following public response which may be used by authorized personnel for general response to an inquiry only: ?We have used aircraft in very limited circumstances to support operations where there was a specific operationat need. Unmanned aeriat vehicies {UA?v?st attow us to team criticat information that otherwise wouid be difficutt to obtain without introducing serious risk to tow en torcement personnei. As an exampte, the FBI a UAV at the crisis site during the Jimmy Lee Dykes hostage barricade situation in Ataboma eartier this year. ?FBt?s UAVs are oniy utilized to conduct surveiltance operations on stationary subjects. in each instance, the must first obtain the approval of the FAA to use the aircraft in a very confined geographic area.? In the coming months, program management of the operational UAV fleet wilt transition from OTD to Once the transition has been completed. divisions should consider UAVs as a resource to support their surveillance needs. integrated as part of Surveillance and Aviation Section assets. Ali requests for UAV operations will come through the Aviation Coordinator to their Program Manager at FFOU. A separate notification will be sent when the program management transition to has been finalized. When the transition is finalized. the Aviation Policy Guide will reflect any new policies governing the use of UAVs. If you have specific questions or it you would like to receive additionat information about he FBI UAV pr OTD. at WR Amy Hess (OTB) Classification: SE Classification: 8 CR Records Management DivISIon Record/information Dissemination Section Legal Administrative Specialist FBI-HQ, Winchester FOIA 5-21 I Phone 2 EPIC-16Wolicies CREW- 1 1 7 epiC-Org 000024 gram. Section Chief Scott Bean. Technical Surveillance Section. (desk) out cell). b6 b6 b6 l? OTD and are currenfiy coordinaTing responses To inquiries from CapiTol Hill abouT The JAV program. if you receive direcf communicaTion from your local SenaTor or RepresenTaTive. please coordinaTe Through The Office of Congressional Affairs on any proposed response. For your siTuaTional awareness: in order To operaie a UAV in US airspace, The FBI musT firsT obTain a Cerfificafe of AuThorizaTion (COA) from The FAA. In maTTers of life and deaTh. The FBI may apply for an Emergency COA for The uTilizaTion of UAVs, which may be approved in 24 hours or less. In non-emergency maTTers. obTaining a COA can Take severai weeks or even monThs. All communicaTion wiTh The FAA regarding UAVs, including COAs and Emergency COAs. is conducfed solely by The Field FlighT OperaTions UniT Surveillance and AviaTion SecTion. CIRG. public inquiries on The FBl?s use of UAVs should be direcTed To The NaTional Press Office of OPA air 202-324-36W . The NaTional Press Office has previously provided The following public response which may be used by auTharized personnel for general response To an inquiry only: ?We have used aircraTT in very limifed circumsiances To suppori operafions where There was a specific operaTionai need. Unmanned aerial vehicles aiiow us To iearn criTical informaTion Thai oTherwise we uid be diffic uiT To obiain wiThouT in Troducing serious risk To iaw enforcemenT personnei. As an exampiei The FBI a UAV aT The crisis siie during The Jimmy Lee Dykes hosiage barricade siTuaTion in Aiabarna earlier This year. ?FBi?s UA Vs are oniy To conducT operaTions on sTaTionary subjecTs. in each insiance, The FEST musT firsT obTain The approval of The FAA To use The aircrafi in a very confined geographic area.? In The coming monThs, program managemenT of The operaiional UAV fleeT will TransiTion from OTD To Once The TransiTion has been compleTed. divisions should consider UAVS as a resource To supporT Their surveillance needs. inTegraTed as parT of CIRG's Surveillance and AviaTion SecTion asseTs. Ail requesis for UAV operaiions will come Through The AviaTion Coordinafor To Their Program Manager or FFOU. A separafe noTificafion will be senT when The program managemenT TransiTion To CIRG has been finalized. When The Transifion is finalized. The Aviafion Policy Guide will reflecT any new policies governing The use of UAVs. you have specific quesTions or if you would like To receive addliional informafion abouT "he UAV pr gram, ease conTacT SecTion Chief Bean, Technical Surveillance SecTion, orb. a (desk) oi keen). Anny Hess (OTD) Jim Yacone Classification: 2 CREW-3654 EPIC-16 e-Policies 000025 L. HERE EIED PT asses: B?i' MSI Ci: FE $1.15! 3H4: WHERE SHE-PM OTHERWISE 1 . 4 its} DH: . ems: ii?oa?aoia From: BEAN, SCOTT (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Friday, July 05, 20?13 5:12 PM To: I I Subject: RE: Proposed Talking Points re UAVs mm Sentinelcaseld: TRANSITORY RECORD Classification: wet/[Rom Classifi TRANS I TORY RECORD Disregard. The mistake was on my end when i cut and pasted the chart. For some reason, it repeated one of the lines. I am good to go, now. SB From: BEAN, scorr In (070) (FBI) Sent: Frida Jul 05 2013 5:0? PM ?ames RE: Propose Talking Points re UAVs Classification: Classif' (11 By: T13. Derived From. NSISC- 31 TRANS ITORY RECORD 20090615 The number of deployments don't add up. We have consistently stated 3d deployments in 13 cases. This table shows 35 deployments. From: Sent: Friday, Juiy 05, 2013 4:50 PM To: BEAN. secs?r111 (0T0) cd I (ore) (FBI) DICLEMENTE ANTHONY P. (ore) (FBI) (OTB) (FBI) Subject: RE: Proposed Talking Points re UAVs ClassificationwsW/?em Classifi F56M23 Derived Fro - -20090615 1 EPIC-1Wicies CREW-3656 000026 156 136 1575 1:16 hares; Section. In coordination with CIRG, OTD has operationally deployed UAVs on a handful of b1 b3 and criminal surveillance missions. Wiven the recent interest in UAVs, OTD and CIRG are providing this e-mail as a reminder of the sensitivity of specific information regarding the FBI UAV program. Generally, utilization of UAVs in criminal matters is considered liNEi ASQIFIFDHFOR OFFIFIAI 0N1 ?Ul AW SFNSITIVEI I b7E I Please keep these classi?cation designations in mind when responding to inquiries from your state and local law enforcement partners, and especially the media. I b5 OTD and are coordinating responses to numerous questions trom Capitol Hill about the program. If you receive direct communication from your local Senator or Representative, please coordinate through the Office of Congressional Affairs on any proposed response. For your situational awareness: In order to operate a UAV in US airspace, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA. In matters of life and death, the FBI may apply for an Emergency COA for the utilization of UAVs, which may be approved in 211 hours or less. In non-emergency matters, obtaining a COA can take several weeks or even months. All communication with the FAA regarding including and Emergency COA's, is conducted soler by the Field Flight Operations Unit Surveillance and Aviation Section, CIRG. (Ufg?Fe-U-efEES-?i- Program management of the operational UAV fleet will transition from OTD to CIRG in the coming months. Once the transition has been completed, divisions should consider UA?v?s as a resource to support their surveillance needs, integrated as part of Surveillance and Aviation Section assets. All requests for UAV operations will come through the Aviation Coordinator to their Program Manager at FFOU. A separate notification will be sent when the program management transition to CIRG has been finalized. When the transition is finalized, the Aviation Policy Guide will reflect any new policies governing the use of (UffF??d?fEES-l? If you have any questions or if you would like to receive additional ation about th . FBI UAV program, please contact Section Chief Scott Bean, Technical Surveillance Section, OTB, at b6 desk} 0 Scott From: THORNTON, RICHARD T. (IR) (FBI) Sent: Monday, July 01, 2013 3:43 PM To: BEAN. I (OTD) Cc OTD Subject: RE: UAVs 5 (FBI) 2 EPIC-Wmncies b6 CREW-3663 000027 Derived Sources Declaeei 231 Since This email never made iT ouT The firsT Time Es in lighT of recenT evenTs, l'd like you To coordinaTe wiTh your counterpart of CIRG B. updaTe iT To reflecf recenT events. The poinT of The message should be To remind SACs of The LES naTure of This Technology, as They are likely receiving inquiries from Their LE IC parTners, The media, congressional reps, civil orgs, a privaTe sector. The below info is sTill applicable, buTjusT needs Tweaked To address recenT concernsfinquiries raised by The Director?s TesTimony B. resulTing QFRs. I'd like To geT This Turned around To AD Yacone by COB Tomorrow, if possible, as 1 will recommend a joinT communicaTion [which is why I need you To coordinaTe with The CIRG SC up fronT}. Hopefully, we can geT The DD's blessing To send iT ouT by The end of The week, while The Topic is fresh before some SAC somewhere discloses more Than They should abouT The program. Thanks. From: moons, JAMES (IR) (FBI) Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 10:14 AM To: HESS, AMY FBI) Subject: FW: UAVs Classification: By: J87T32 Classifi Below is our recommended language. are hieh]iehted. W) During the past several months, both the media and Congressional representatives have shown increased interest in the FBl?s utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The FBI has a small fleet of UA?u's currently managed and maintained by the Operational Technology Division as a development effort within the Technical Surveilla ice Section. In coordination with CIRG, OTD has operationally deployed UAVS on a handful of and criminal surveillance missions. i5} Given the recent interest in UAVs, OTD is providing this email as a reminder of the sensitivity of the FBI UAV program. Utilization of Unifs in criminal matters is considered UNCLASSIFIEDHFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLWLAW RFNRIT Please keep these classification designations in mind when responding to inquiries from your state and local law enforcement partners, and especially the media. For your situational awareness: In order to operate a UAV in US airspace, the FBI must obtain a Certificate of Authorization from the FAA. In matters of life and death, the FBI may apply for an Emergency con 4 CREW-3665 000028 b5 b6 b1 b3 000029 for the utilization of UA?v's, which maybe approved in 24 hours or less. In non-emergency matters, obtaining a COA can take several weeks or even months. All communication with the FAA regarding including and Emergency- is conducted solely by the Field Flight Operations Unit Surveillance and Aviation Section, CIRG. (UffPo'ti?ftES?l Program management ofthe operational UAV fleet will transition from UTD to CIRG in the coming months. Once the transition has been completed, divisions should consider UAVs as a resource to support their surveillance needs, integrated as part of Surveillance and Aviation Section assets. All requests for UAV operations will come through the Aviation Coordinator to their Program Manager at FFDU. A separate notification will be sent when the program management transition to CIRG has been finalized. When the transition is ?nalized, the Aviation Policy Guide will reflect any new policies governing the use of (WW If you have any questions or if you would like to receive additional ation about the FBI UAV program, please contact Section Chief Scott Bean, Technical Surveillance Section, OTD, at {desk} 135 :lce"l- Thanks, Amy i Regards, AD Jim Yacone Critical Incident Bg?ponse Group b6 From: YACONE, JAMES (IR) (FBI) Sent: Tuesday, May 2013 5:38 PM To: THORNTON, RICHARD T. (IR) (Paul (FBI) b5 Subject: Fw: UAV WC Importance: High Classification: w/m?m Gents, I need your input on the below email that will be sent by AD Hess to all SACs, ASACs, and Please add or delete language as deemed appropriate. As an example, i think it should clearly state that all Certificates of Authorization to operate the UAVs must come through the field Aviation Coordinators to SAS (Unit?}. Please provide me your comments via email be COB tomorrow or Thursday and FM forward to AD Hess. It would be helpful is you highlighted your changes in the body of the email for ease of identification. Thanks. Jim From: HESS, AMY Sent: Tuesday, May 2013 9:56 AM To: YACONE, JAMES (IR) (FBI) 5 CREW-3666 136 Subject: UAVs b? Cci:i(IR) (at) Classification: WW Jim, . To address several concerns we?ve had with the deployment 8: use of UAVs over the past year, I had my folks draft a paragraph we could send out to all SACs, ASACs, TiAs, When you get a minute, couid you or your designee review the below make any edits/additions you deem appropriate? Let me know if you want to discuss further. Thanks. MWELDuring the past several months, both the media and Congressional representatives have shown increased interest in the utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles The FBI has a small fleet of UA?v?s currently managed and maintained by the Operational Technology Division as a development effort within th=I Technical Surveillr nce In coordination with CIRG, OTD has operationally deployed UAVs on a handful of 1211 Corrine: b3 and criminal surveillance missions. MIN-EL Given the recent interest in UAVs, OTD is providing this e-mail as a reminder of the sensitivity of the FBI UAV program. Utilization of UAmlminaLmatters is considered UNCLASSIFIEDHFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYILAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE I IPlease keep these classification designations in mind when responding to inquiries from your state and local law enforcement partners, and especially the media. For your situational awareness: In order to operate a in US airspace, the FBI must obtain a Certi?cate of Authorization from the FAA. In matters of life and death, the FBI may apply for an Emergency COA for the utilization of UAVs, which may be approved in 24 hours or iess. in non-emergency matters, obtaining a COA can take several weeks or even months. {WW?Program management of the operational UAV fleet will transition from OTD to CIRG in the coming months. Once the transition has been completed, divisions should consider UAVs as a resource to support their surveillance needs, integrated as part of CIRG's Surveillance and Aviation Section assets. A separate notification will be sent when the program management transition to CIRG has been finalized. if you have any questions or if you would like to receive additional information about the FBI UAV ro am tease contact Section Chief Scott Bean, Technical Surveillance Section, OTD, at {desk} or I b6 Classification: Classification: 000030 EPIC-1 - olicies ALL CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-22-2013 ET (OTB) (FBI) From: I tore) (an b6 Sent: esda Jun 2 2 11 8:58 AM Hm To: limo} (FBI) Subject: FW: Ensure UAS Compliance with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations Below is SSAl:Ianswer to the Of?ce of the Inspector General (DIG) regarding FBJQiMIOperations. I did meet b6 with ernoon but was not able to review the document which was sent sinceElwas Mission. The below document reflects compliance with FAA rules as they apply to the FBI. b'i'E Any further questions please-let me know. Fromi Se Thursdav 1% non Ci:12 AM To: (Fart as (OTB) (FBI) Subject: Ensure UAS Compliance with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations UNCLASSIFIED RECORD: This communication contains a proposed response to concerns expressed in an EC dated 03f25f2011 to A1561245-DO concerning compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations by FBI unmannedaerial systems. --tear The FBI has maintained 100% compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations concerning the operation of unmanned aerial systems The Field Flight Operations Unit within Surveillance and Aviation Section and Video Surveillance Unit within Operational Techroloav Divisio continue to partner to ensure compliance and effectiveness. During January, 2011, SSA from FFOU, a current pilot in command b5 ICustoms and Border Protection Predator b6 b'?C ISeveral ME applications for Certificates of Authorization have been submitted for FAA review] I All mission flights have been conducted strictly in accordance with issued COAS. 1 CREW-4750 000031 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1353258-0 Total Deleted Page(s} 59 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 116 125 126 147 148 149 150 151 194 195 196 19? 19B 200 201 202 203 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 63; 66; 61; 65; 65; 65; 65; 66; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 63; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 65; 66; 63; 65; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 66; 000032 Page 204 b5; b6; Page 205 b5; b6; Page 206 b5; b6; Page 20? b5; b6; Page 213 b3; b5; Page 247 Page 248 b1; b3; Page 252 b1; b3; Page 254 bl; b3; Page 259 b6; Page 261 b1; b3; Deleted Page{s) No Duplication Pee For this Page 000033 DECLASSIEIED HSICG 1 DH b6 EMAILS AND ECS FROM ET PARTZOF I Classi By: JTEJ 3 Derived From* i Decla 011: 20381 I i CREW - 000034 DECLASSIEIEB ET HSIEG 354M93K4E DH - b6 (OTB) (FBI) hm From: I horn) (FBI) WE Sent: I t. ?t 20124126 PM To: omen Subject: - on rat. 5 Categories: Saved for ref Classification: SMETW Frown] (OTD) (FBI) b6 Sent: Thursday, September 13, 20112 3:48 PM MC 1' LA) (FBI) Su Je entraets Classification: BMW b6 b'h: if you could get these Docs toi ll would appreciate it very much. Thanksi I. df ME 136 SSA, UAV Program Manager b7?: 1 CREW-3768 000035 Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Office Cell Classification: SEMETHW 2 CREW-3769 000036 136 b?C IHEURMATIDN CUNTEINEE HEREIN IS DATE ET HEICG b5 (OTD) (FBI) 137:: From: Hem) (cow) Sent: 12. 2012 929 AM. To: I (om) {Feel (om) lFBliI Go: I HOTD) (FB )1 (FBI) Subject: RE: SUAS Spectrum Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b5 w? r, 335 Acquisition Analyst, BAE i&S b7?: Video Surveillarce Unit, TTS, OTD From: b5 Sent: Tuesdav. Sentemaer 11, 2012 s-ns PM 1?79 To owe: (0 D) Cc! (FBI) IR) (FBI) Subject: SUAS Spectrum . Classification: UNCLASSIFIED participate in several which have been established to have private industry, federai agencies and federal regulators work together on future spectrum issues. At these meetings we private has described technical parametersl Iwhile federal agencies describe the eneral use and technical aspects of spectrum as it relates td IUne of the working groups isl: with a sub group of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems which is dominated bvl: but is important to other agencies as well. have been asked to present DDJs SUAS operations which is very limited inl: and is also limited in Due to the limited use in the band of interest I would like to provide a brief explanation of our operations and its potential as it relates to spectrum matters. Please review the attached; File: FBI SUAS 9-11-12.docx 1 CREW-3789 000037 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-3 790 000038 IS UNCLASSIFIEE 11-20-2013 ET (oro) (FBI) 1?6 From: I (OTDMCON) Sent: ues av. ep erriber 11, 2012 5: 8 PM Iroroi (Paul To: I lfOTD?l (FBI) (ore) iFBlil o'er (Fem Itoro) (cow) Co: I limo) Gaul Ina) (FBI) Subject: I SUAS 3: Spectrum . Categories: Saved for ref Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I participate in severalI Ivhich have been established to have private industry, federai agencies and federal regulators work together on future spectrum issues. At these meetings WE private industry has described technical parameter hiie federal agencies describe the eneral use and technical I One of the working groups isl: vvith a aspects of spectrum as it relates td sub group of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems which is dominated bv but is important to other agencies as well. have been asked to present 0035 SUAS operations which is very limited inIZand is also limited in]: I I Due to the limited use in the hand of interest 1 would like to provide a brief expianation of our operations and its potential as it relates to spectrum matters. Please review the attached; FBI SUAS 9-1 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3791 000039 To: OTD) (FBI) Cc: KOTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: SUAS working group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 5 bi": Yes this helps. Next Wed 8: Thur there will be anotheirborne Working Group meeting. We will have a SUAV ME I breakout meeting on Thursday. They are trying to get FAA to address current 8: future regulations at the break out meeting. This may be helpful for you. Froml IOTD) (FBI) Sent: Tuesday. September 11, 2012 3:25 PM To: Cc (FBI) Subject: RE: SUAS working group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hellc - sorry Tor tn- delay. The only changes that have are - Program started d_ate 2005 Hope this help?s and let me know if you need anything else. Thanksi: From: Sent: Manda Se temper 10]r 2012 9:46 AM mime) (Fan Subject: FW: SUAS working group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED . From: I Sent: Frida Au ust 31, 2012 11:20 AM Talia) (F801 Subject: SUAS working group 2 tom) 136 136 b6 b6 b6 b7C CREW-3 792 000040 Classification: UNCLASSI FIED . I am on a few different Spectrum related working groups that involve all agencies, private industrv,l:l The purpose of the groups is to and find wa that industry and government can share ectrum or agree when it cannot be SharEd- This is mainlm?l One of the groups the sub group l?m onis WE SUAS. They have asked very limited authority in 1 am attempting to write a brief description of our use. Can you guys help me out with some of the facts or anything else to describe our use and the technology used. [but we must look at the future of SUAS 8: law enforcement. should mention. There is no other 001 involvement. File: FBI SUAS.docx Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED have said that we have CREW-3793 000041 Hell sorry for the delay. The oniy changes that have are - 4m started date - 2005 Hope this help?s and let me know if you need anything else. Thanks El 125 b?i?c Emmi (oTo)(c0N) b5 Sent: Monde Se temper 10, 2012 9:46 AM WC To (FBI) - Subject: FW: SUAS working group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED From: (OTDXCON) - b5 Sent: ~ricla Au ust -1, 2012 1:20 AM we Tod he) (om) . Subject: SUAS working group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I am on a few different Spectrum related working groups that involve all agencies, private industry]: The purpose of the groups is to try and find we 5 that industry and government can share 5 ectrum or agree when it cannot be shared. This is main LDne of the groups idnd the sub group I?m on is SUAS. Theyheve asked to describe our use and the technology used. I have said that we have very limited authority i but we must look at the future of SUAS 8: law enforcement. I am attempting to write a brief description of our use. Can you guys help me out with some of the facts or anything else I should mention. There is no other involvement. File: FBI SUAS.clocx 3? Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000042 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3795 000043 To:l (IR) Subject: RE: Demo (OTB) :38 tom) (FBI) Classification: - :20 I was asked by my security folks if a EC was generated for the foreign visitors and if we can get a copy for the AD to singe off on for the visit? Thank From: tom) (FBI) 335? Ser nes For enfem 1er 05, 2012 11:33 AM 3?73 To: (IR) V0 0) (IR) (IR) (OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: Demo Helml:l b? We have the conference room just inside the front doors of DTD main building set for the demo. We will be ready to go by 9:30. Thanks Framl (FBI) - Se l" Wednesdav ?29 atember 05! To: OTD) (FBI) IR) (FBI) Subject: RE: Demo =C1assification: 336 33-70 Thanks for the assistance. . .I am scheduiing tne : demo for Monday, ME September 10?) at 9:30am. advised fer the group to meet out at the TEVOC track tower. From: (0To) (FBI) 3?5 Sent: Wednesda Se terr ber 05, 201? 10:41 AM we To: OTD) (FBI) (IR) FBI - (IR) Subject: RE: Demo 000044 Hello All We can provide] land all supporting equipment for thel: demo. We have lots of video and can provide this ori Itracker to display the stabilization and tracking features as well? I can come up and bring all the equipment whenever you want. Due to the issues aircraft are back atl: for repair: We will have video that we can access from the internet to one for display as all show all the aspects of th we will not have system. Thanksl: _ From: Ser t: Wednesdav. Se atember T0: Subject: FW: Demo I (OTD) (FBI) 05, 2012 10:05 FM (two) (FBI) Classification: Can you reply to everyone and let them know what we can give them for the Demo. Thanks From: Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 20" To: IR) Cm] Km) (FBI) Subject: RE: Demo Classification: Gents, I think we have multi Ie email Clema?l Thanks all threads going on here at the same time From: (IR) (FBI) Sent: Wednesda September 05, 2012 9:57 AM Subject: RE: Demo IR) To Go: I (OTD) (FBI) I (FBI) Clas sification: (OTB) (FBI) has said he can give us what we need for a should get together withl: to determine ich gear is appropriate for the demo. CREW-3797 000045 336 BTU 335 Thanks for the assistance with this b6 I have been involved with the International Surveillance Group for the last 6 is a great group of guys and I really feel they would benefit tremendously from this demonstration. Most of these groups lack the aviation capabilities and would probably be very much interested in this form of surveillance. They have provided us with access to their technology in the visits to each of their respective countries and I would like to provide them with a meaningful and productive program for their visit to the US. I have other DTD departments assisting as well, but your help would probany be the most pertinent and beneficial. Thanks. - Froml (IR) (FBI) EEC Sent: We nesdavr Septerr ber 05, 2012 9:49 AM [0"Dl Ii FBI) Subject: RE: Demo Ian) (FBI) Classification: The Demo is for a group of international surveillance agenciesl Ilf you only have one air vehicle, ME you probably don?t have enough to deploy anyway that?s my thoughts at least. Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager MC {desk} lBIackBery) From: kon (FBI) b6 - Ste E: Wednesdav Reptember 05, 2012 9:47 AM hm To: (IR) (FBI) . Cc: (om) (FBI) Su Ject: Demo Classification: b6 b'rc Who is thisdemo for? . - b7E If It were up to me, I would say no. We only have EIUAV in our inventory right now. Everything else is fixed. I?m going to ask my management to see if they concur since your upper management wants this. Thanks, a CREW-3 ?98 000046 b6 SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section Ooerational Technology Division" Office Cell Classification: 9 CREW-3 799 000047 Classification: 10 CREW-3800 000048 INEDREATIUN as were: -WHERE OTHERWISE DECLASSIET om; 11-2o?zoae DATE: 11?20?3313 b6 (FBI) - bro - From: (FBI) Sent: 01, 2012 10:39 AM To: om: (FBI) Co: Bi) Subject: 1g 3 FoIEow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Categories: Active Task Class ificationM Classifi 82T91 Derived From. I Declaeelf 71231 Dee I need dates (airworthiness date) and purchase date of each of before I can enter it go into ME SS Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) From: (FBI) b6 Sent: '=riela October 26, 201? 3:03 PM NE IR) (FBI) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Flights Classification:m? b1 b3 1:6 1:75 .m we I lare as follows. Below is a excel spread sheet with the current UAS inventory. Thank: 1 CREW-3801 EPIC-WPolicies - 000049 File: FBI UAS Aircraft Froml (FBI) 3:5 Sent: urs an 0 er 25, 2012 8:21 AM 3370 "ml (FBI) Co: (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Flights mm Classification: Absolutely yes keep tracking times. please send serial numbers for as; Fiel Fight Operations Unit Program Manager desk} BlackBerry} From (FBI) :0 Se Wednesdav. Ostober 24]r 2012 5:11 PM ME To: (FBI) IIR) (FB) Subject: UAV Flights Classification: Classifi BT43 Derived From. I Declassif 71231 b6 mo b'i'E Classification: CREW-3802 000050 EPIC-1Wolicies 3 EPICWHCES 000051 CREW-3803 FILL CUDTTMI-TEB HEREIN IS DATE ll?EU?E?l?i Ell" 35421193334: IOTD) (FBI) :30 From: I I WE Sent: IJALedoasdaLQctohar 31, 2012 9:47 AM To: (FBI) Subject: RE: FBI UAVS UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I was curious ifthere was any movement on training for the field of?ces. Thanks From: I (OTB) (FBI) I be Se Tuesday. Auoust 07 20' 2 3:29 PM 537?: To: (FBI) Cc: (OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: FBI UAVs Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hello: We are on hold at this time as management makes a decision on the home for the program. There will be a meeting at the section level on the I will let you know how it goes. Talk to you soon From: b6 Ser t: uesdav. 2012 11:3? AM To: OTD) (FBI) Subject: FBI UAVs Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Has there been any more movement on UAV training for the field offices? So far I havel I be who qualify but others who would require the ground school. In order to get ground school and medical certification I?d need some sort of policy or EC to justify training and physicals. Thanks Classification: UNCLASSIFIED . CREW -3804 000052 Clas Sif ication: UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-3805 000053 INEDREATIUN CONTAINED . IS UNCLASSIEIED CLASSIFIED BY HSIEG 354M33K42 ENHERE SHEEN REASON: 1.4 {Ci DEBLASSIFI OI-T: 11-20-2033 DATE: 11-20-2013 b6 (OTB) (FBI) hm From: I (FBI) Sent: 2012 ?:40 AM To: (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Flights Classification: Thanks! Will try to make it up there for your next training day. From: 'koro) (FBI) b6 Se t: Fridav. Octob 25, 2012 3:03 PM hi: To: (IR) (FBI) ME Su Jject: RE: UAV Fights . Classification: Classified Declassif Hellci I 131 are as follows. Below is a excel spread sheet with the current UAS inventory. Thanks :2 I b'i'E File: FBI UAS Aircraft From: (FBI) b6 Sent: urs av, cto or 25, 2012 8:21 AM To:[ (FBI) biE Cc: OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Flights 1 CREW-3806 I EPIC-16 - olicies 000054 :8 Classification: Classifie 82T91 Derived From: I Dsdlassify 71231 Absolutely yes keep tracking times. please send serial numbers for 55 Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (CIRGISASIASBIFFOU) {desk} [BlackBerm From: [1:31) 24, 2012 5:11 PM To (FBI) (:01 km) (FBI) Subject: UAV Flights Classification: Should I continue tracking UAV flight times? It doesn?t look like the aircraft were entered into the iatabase. Thanks, Classification: Classification: 2 EPIC-16Wlicies CREW-3807 000055 b6 336' 3378 b6 ELL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE 11-20-2013 a? 3543mm: OTD) (FBI) From: IIR) (FBI) Sent: Friday, October 26. 2012 3:03 PM To: I IOTD) (FBI) Subject: Out of Of?ce: UAV Flights SSA is at ?rearms. BB is: 1 CREW-3808 000056 136 - EKLL HEREIN IS DATE 11?20?3313 Ell" FEQMEJSEHE b6 (OTD) (FBI) Me From: I tore} (cow) Sent: Thur v. October 25, 2012 4:24 PM To: (oro) (FBI) Subject: RE: Can you clean or me? UNCLASSIFIEDHEES Clae eification: WW3 The information marked in this document is the property of fbi and may be distributed within the Federal Government {and its contractors), US intelligence, law enforcement, public safety or protection officials and individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without fbi authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure-this information is stored andlor destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. Information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in-Iegal proceedings without first receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequentiyposting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network. FBI UAS program power point 3 From: toro) (FBI) ?35 Sent: urs ay, Octo er 25, 2012 2:55 PM 3?73 T01 (CON) Subject: Can you clean for me? Clae Sification: (U) Who information markedTUTTtESi-in this document is the property of fbi and may be distributed within the Federal Government (and its contractors), US intelligence, law enforcement, Public safety or protection officialsand individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without fbi authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored andfor destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. Information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in legal proceedings without first receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequently posting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network. File: UAV Program and it's Future 1.pptx File: FBI UAS program future 241th File: FBI UAS program power point 3.pptx >2 Thanksilil classification: 1 CREW-3809 000057 ELL IMEDRMATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE ET NSICG 354333K4E b6 porn) (FBI) how) (cow) r25, 2012 4:12 PM (OTB) RE: Can you clean for me? From: I Sent: To: Subject: Thursda Classification: (aim: The information marked this document is the property of fbi and may be distributed within the Federal Government (and its contractors}, US intelligence, law enforcement, public safety or protection officials and individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without fbi authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored andlor destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. Information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in legal proceedings without first receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequently posting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network. Double check the bullets to ensure they make sense. FBI UAS program future From: (om) (FBI) b5 Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:55 PM To: (CON) Subject: Can you clean for me? Classification: W?he information marked this document is the property of fbi and may be distributed within the Federal Government {and its contractors}, US intelligence, law enforcement, public safety or protection officials and individuals with a need to know. Distribution beyond these entities without fbi authorization is prohibited. Precautions should be taken to ensure this information is stored andfor destroyed in a manner that precludes unauthorized access. information bearing the LES caveat may not be used in legal proceedings withoutfirst receiving authorization from the originating agency. Recipients are prohibited from subsequently posting the information marked LES on a website or an unclassified network. Fiie: UAV Program and it's Future 1.pptx File: FBI UAS program future 2.pptk File: FBI 0115 program power point 3.pptx - Classification: 1 CREW-3810 000058 b7: ET FISIE-G 354M93K4E 11-20-2013 . b5 (ore) (FBI) I m: - From: (FBI) Sent: .8121 AM To: Co: KUTD Subject: RE: UAV Flight SE ET Classification: Absolutely yesh keep tracking times. please send serial numbers for all SSA Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager {desk} BlackBernr) From: b6 . Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 5:11 PM 137?: To kIRl (FBI) WE Cc IR) FBI) Su?jeEE: DEV Fllg?E El' Classification: Classi By: J9 BT43 Derived Fro . BI Deolas 3? On: 20 3.231 136 we database. Should I continoe tracking UAV flight times? it doesn?t look like the aircraft were entered into the Thanks. Classification: S?g?gT CREW-381 1 000059 Classification: CREW-3812 000060 CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIFIEE IRATE El" OTD) (FBI) a 3?35 is'i'c From: I (FBI) Sent: 2012 11:46 AM I To: (FBI) i Cc: (FBI) I Subject: i-vv: idol:ng TOT 1 ms wn are licensed pilots UNCLASSIFIED I i Follow Up Flag: Foliow up Flag Status: Flagged i i Categories: Active Task i Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 Can you look into this and see if we can assist? Thanks, From: (FBI) 3?5 Ser- - ,g 12 11:39 AM :0 To (OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: looking for 'lTAs who are licensed pilots UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b7c is'i'E TheI I I I The exercise will include rural patrolling, sniper movement and building assaults. This would be a great time for thel Iteam to train with air surveillance assets. Would this exercise ?t into your Unit?s operational and training schedules? Thanks Technical Advisor BB Tech Shop Fax 1 CREW-3813 000061 I I o- From: Sent: I'Ilpqriav. Aucruet 28 2012 8?22 AM {000) (FBI) CREW-38 14 000062 b6 Subject: looking for'l'l'As who are licensed pilots Classification: UNCLASSIFIED- UAV program manager As it stands right now, the FBI hasljJAV pilots and approximatelyElJ is looking for Tl'As who currently have a pilot?s license. AV aircraft. Within the next two years the UAV program will double in size and hopefully triple in the amount 'of requests for UA?vr deployments. If any licensed pilot Tm is interested in participating, please contact SSA after receiving management approval. Operational deployments will be involved with this program. Any interested pilot please include type of license, whether or not you are instrument rated and have a current Class II medical. Please respond to : and myself if you are interested. Thanks, 5 CREW -38 16 000063 336' 337': b6 b'i'c SS Technical Personnel Development Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000064 136 137': ALL IHEURMATIDN CUNTEINES HEREIN IS DATE lln20"2013 ET HSIEG (OTD) (FBI) From: (0TB) (FBI) Sent: 7'01 8:48 AM To: I om) (FBI) Subiect: UAV UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED UAV Program and It's SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Seotion Operational Technology Division Office Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000065 335 33-70 IHEDRMATIDN CONTAINED -HEREIH IS 11-20-2013 ET NSICG F54393K4E b6 I EOTD) gFBl! me From: I (cow) Sent: Wednesda Ootobe 17, 2012 2:5? PM To: (FBI) Subject: FW: inventory Updated 10H 102012 UNCLASSIFIED Categories: Active Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED [mud Jis still on list Fromd (CON) Sent: Wednesday, October 2012 1:54 PM To: OTDI I (0T0) (com TD FBI term 31); OTD) (FBI), QTD) (FE. ject: Inventory Updated 10;;r 17,12012 UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED FYI Betow is updated Fist you all been waiting for let?s try to work together and ?nd these items. Emit Inspection 2012.215 hanks, 136 Management Analyst hm Video Unit (V509 0 ereiiwmi Technology Division RF Von Simp ?0_[fice Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-38 19 000066 Classif ication: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3820 000067 ALL INEDREATIDH CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIFIEE 11-20-2013 ET 354?93?42 b6 (OTB) (FBI) MC From: I I (OTD) (FBI) Sent: W12 8:22 AM To: (OTB) (OTB) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Not the only expert Not the only FAA contact Onlv expert in manned aviation Emmi tom) (FBI) b5 Se - ar 15, 2012 8:18 AM hi": To (OTB) (FBI) Su 1e LASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Knew was taking over be leaving bare Conflict of interest HE 136 MC SSA, Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Tech noiogv Section Operational Technology Division foice Sell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3821 000068 hLiL HEREIN IS DATE 11-20-1013: ET HSICG b6 (om) (FBI) From: (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Iuesoav, uctooer ?Ib, 2 12 8:18 AM To: (FBI) Subject: UAV UNoLeb'tsu-itD Clae Sifioa?c i011 UNCLASSIFIED . - - 136 was takln over leavmg Conflict of interest b6 SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Office i Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I I i . CREW-3822 000069 EUREQITICIN EHEREII-I IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE 11-20-3313 31" NSICS 3543933342 136 (0T0) (FBI) me i From: I loom) {com Sent: W012 1:53 PM To: (om) (FBI) I Subject: RE: Weekly highlights for UAWUAS program. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Vida-03m? enernit .MenaaemeniAasistant woo From: [0To) (FBI) b6 . Ser t: '=ri av. Octo er 12. 2012 To: kcrro) (cow) Subject: RE: Weekly highlights for UAWUAS program. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 17'"h and Thanks ?35 Emmi Mom) (cow) Sent: Frida October 12, 2012 1:3? PM Su 1e ee ighiights for UAWUAS program. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Whai will the training on be? be Video Surveillance Un?- sisfant aid CREW-3823 000070 OTB) (FBI) From Ser Friday, October 12. 2012 1:36 PM To: 3TB) (CON) Cc' OTD) (FBI) Classification: Subject: Weekiy highlights UNCLASSIFIED for UAWUAS program. UNCLASSIFIED Hello We have a request fro covery Group deploying personnel on Id 3 their training that will be he forl out of Quantieo to support training of new week We will he nrmriding aerial photography as well as a yideo of IThanksI: Classification: UNCLASS IFIED We will also be conducting Proficiency training CREW-3824 000071 136 b6 b?E ELL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE ET NSICE (FBI) From: Sent: To: Subject: I I (om) (CON) rELidaL?cmb?LlLfO'lIZ 1:3? PM OTD) (FBI) RE: Weekly highlights for program. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED What will the training on Video Surveillance Unit Wma? (Fax) From: OTB) (FBI) Sen t: Friday. October 12. ?2.012 1:36 PM To: Cc: (0TB) (FBI) Subject: Weekly highlights for UAWUAS program. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hell We have a request fro 1 tho woven; Group deploying personnel or their training that will he held atl forl out of Quantico to support training of Wilding aerial photography as well as a video of Classification:-UNCLASSIFIED 1 We will also be conducting Proficiency training Thanksl: CREW-3825 000072 136 HR: b6 136 1370 136 137': Classification: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 6 CREW-3837 000073 ELL IHEDEEATIUN CONTAINED ESE: CLASSI EIEE HSIEG HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT sacs-m - 1 '31 in} CIN: 11-20-2033 BATE: (OTD) (FBI) From: (IR) Sent: 01, 2012 10:39 AM To; arm) Cc: Subject: RE: UAV Flights Followr Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Categories: Active Task Classification :m Classi Derived From: Declas Dea I need dates {airworthiness date} and purchase date of each of : 3efore I can enter it into SS Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) (BlaokBerry) From; (FBI) Sent: Frida October 26, 2012 PM Subject: RE: UAV Flights Classification: 1 EPIWcies are as follows. Below is a excei spread sheet with the current UAS inventory, Thanks CREW-3838 000074 assassins I I I I I 136 1:136 hi?: File: UAS Aircraft Froml klR) (FBI) 335 MW 012 3:21 AM me To: FBI) b'i?E Cc: OTD (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Classification Absolutely yes - keep tracking times. alease send serial numbers for Fie Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) lBIackBerry) From i=5 2012 5:11 PM To' rm (FBI) Cc: (IR) (FBI Classified J68T43 Derived From: BI NSISC-20090615 Declassify n: 71231 136 hi?: Should I continue tracking UAV flight times? It doesn?t look like the aircraft were entered into the BAOZ database. Thanks, Classificat ion CREW-3839 .- Classification: Classification: Classification: 3 CREW-3840 EPIC-Woncies 000076 ELL INEDREATIDH CUNTEINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE ET HSICQ E54393K42 b6 (OTB) (FBI) 1:7: From: :laaxan Sent: T1 merino Alimlqi 7'1 ZUTZ 3:52 AM To: (IR) (F80 Cc: navFeni FBI I DH til]; (IR) STEVES, MATTHEW A (IR) (FBI) Subject: RE: TR 51 for FY 2013 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Classification: UNCLASSIFIED be .456 Maii Sieves has authorized the use of MST Reserve funds for This Training since if is within The F5 program. b7: I will make record of it on my spend plan. Thanks, b6 em: Managemen?r cit Program Analyst CIRG, Surveillance See?ilon {office} {cell} From: (IR) (FBI) 3?5 Se uesdav. st 2012 8:4? AM me To Co (FBI: (OTD) Subject: RE: TR 51 for FY 2013 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 336 eal: we b'i'E The funding is for the UAV in-servioe. OTD I I ETI hav also be able to help with the funding. It is critical to FY13 goals and objectives that thii lbe funded. Let me know if you need additional help from me. Best wishes, From: IR FBI 1?5 1 CREW-3842 000077 Sent: Monday, Auaust 06, 2012 4:01 PM 'Tol FBI) Cc: (FBI) Subject: FW: for FY 2013 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED See the below request and let me know how this will be funded. It was not in the FY13 spend plan, Thanksr Management 6: Program Analys?r GIRL-3, Surveillance Aviation Section [off ice) Icell) From: (IRXFBI) Sent: onda Au ust 05, 202.2 2:54 PM co (IR) (IR) (FBI) Subject: FW: TR 51 for FY 2013 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED As per our conversation1 here is the Trustee request for TR51 event. Please con?rm that this is valid. If so, you must reprogram your funding in FY13 to cover this-request. Thanks From: (1R) (FBI) Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 2:44 To: Subject: TR 51 for FY 2013 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-3843 000078 136 b'i'C 3 b6 bvo h? b'i'C he hi?: b6 b6 Please be advised that we will need to transfeli lfrorrl I(Training Division) so that a TR 51 .573 number he issued for FY 2013 as soon as the Budget is loaded. TD won?t issue the-number until the funds have been received and this school starts File: TR 51.mht>> A new Account Status will need to be created irEIas well undei b6 Budget Analyst to? Financial Management Unit Critical incident Response Group Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW 3844 000079 CONTAINED HEREIN IS 11-20-2013 ET NSICG 35413933342 (ore) (FBI) From: I RFD) (FBI) Sent: 9:(FBI) Subject: RE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED This week. I?ll email you when it?s ready. Contracting Of?cer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT ERF Annex Roe From: (OTB) (FBI) Sen - 2 9:32 AM To: (FBI) Su 1e Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Do you have a time frame when the Requisition will be ready? Thanks, SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technoiogy Section Goerational Te ?nnolognr Division Jifice Sell Clae Sification UNCLASSI FIED 1 CREW-3845 000080 136 hi?: b6 1m: Cla?sification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3846 I 000081 ELL INEDREATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS DATE 11-20-E013 ET NSICS F54333K4E b6 (OTB) (FBI) From: I (FBI) Sent: W59 PM To: OTD) Co: torn) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Pilot Program Classification: UNCLASSIFIED We need to talk about this first Henry. don?t want to be required to have yet. We can get together next week on this. From] (ore) (FBI) Se t: Fridav. intranet i?i 2012 9:33 AM To (0TB) (FBI) Co (FBI) Su Ject: UAV Pilot Program Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Would like to propose something like the attached to the FAA. Fiie: UAV Pilot Programdocx Thanks, Henry SSA, UAV Program Manager . Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Office Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED when we don?t even own one I b6 b6 b7C b6 CREW-3847 000082 ELL INEUREATICIN HEREIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE DATE 11-20-3313 ET NSICS (OTB) (FBI) (OTD) (FBI) From: (FBI) Sent: 01211215 AM To: OT (FBI) Co: I Subject: Books and Range Time Categories: Active Task Clea i icat ion: UNCLASSIFIED Dear People are starting to register in Virtual Academy so I wanted to check in on two immediate priorities: ordering books We order twelve copies each o? Also, We?ll need range time each day of the week (including: range on Wednesday and Thursday.) Best wishes, 55: Imanuals these are military manuals Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager FFO U) desk) BlackBe on Thursday and a distant Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3848 000083 b6 b6 E36 1317!: HEREIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE DATE 11-20-3313 ET NSICS TD FBI 5'5 (0 i me From: (FBI) Sent: W12 9: 33 AM To: (OTD) Co: (FBI) Subject: UAV Piiot Program Clas i ficat ion: UNCLASSIFIED b6 Would like to propose something like the attached to the FAA. UAV Pilot Programmatic Thanks, i - I SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveiilance Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Office Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3849 000084 ALL II HERE I '1 UNC LAS If IEE DATE lln20"2613 El" I-TEICG b6 (OTD) (FBI) me From: I (FBI) Sent: W18, 2012 1:31 PM To: PoTn (FBI) Co: IEOTD) (FB 0TB) (0TB) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAVS Categories: Saved for ref Classification: UNCLASSIFIED As of right now: I ME (in Order UAVs. Total for FY12ZFY13: UAVs) From: oroxcow) ?36 Sent: ednesday, July 18, 2012 9:35 we To! TD) (FBI) (OTD) Subject: UAVs Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ME I am participating in a large Airborne Spectrum Working Group which is primarin driven by One sub group is UAVs which we are a minor participant. Can you send me a list of the UAW we have. Please inciude any UAVs that we may procure in FY1313. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3852 000085 ALL IMEDREATIDN CUNTEINED IS UNCLASSIFIEE 11-20-2013 ET (OTD) (FBI) From: I Sent: =1 15, 2012 4:49 PM To: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: FW: BAR Categories: Saved for ref Classification: From} Iroro) (FBI) Sent: Thursday. Auous 09, 2012 4:56 PM To (OTB) (FBI) Su 1e Classification: bar_Jen 1 2009.pdf policy 2011 BAR.pdf 2011 is the latest one I can find on the intranet. SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section Doeraiionel Technology Division Office Cell Classification: 1 CREW-3853 000086 1:16 106 1:6 eve ALL INEUREATICIN CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE DATE 11-20-3313 ET NSICS (FBI) From: (OTD) (FBI) Sent: Wednesday, August ?15, 2012 9:2? AM To: (FBI) Subject: RE: UAS Ops Classification: UNCLASSIFIED W?s: UAS Operations Rev< Framl KOTD) (FBI) b6 Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 8:25 AM 1'01 KOTD) (FBI) Subject: uAs Ops Classification: UNCLASSIFIED File: UAS Take a cut at this. It?s just a start. ClassificatiOn: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3854 000087 EHEREIH IS EECEPT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED E?i' REASCIN: 1.4 DH: DATE: 11-20-2013 EPIC-1W b6 (0TB) (FBI) From: I I (FBI) Sent: . A 14 2012 4:10 PM To: OTD) (FBI) Subject: ues Ion Classification: Thanks he From} (FBI) Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 3:51 PM . To: lam) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Question . Classification: Hello b6 bi?: b1 1:3 From! (FBI) . b6 . Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 2:24 (CTD) (FBI) (OTB) (FBI) Su 12 I ma non Classification: 1 CREW-3860 000088 Emmi b1 3:3 From] koTo) (FBI) b5 Sent: Tuesda Au ust 14, 2012 2:21 PM 3070 To (OTD) (FBI (OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Question Classification: bl - 133 IE Froml tom) (FBI) 3?35 Se 1t: Tuesdau. minus 14, 2012 2:11 PM we I To oTo) (FBI) Subject: UAV Question Classification: Guus b1 b3 l?I Please include any additional information that you mat,?r feel pertinenti l imaglne that you?ll take the lead on this as 195 you?ve been with the program longer. Also, it?s a short lead time, so please get me your response as soon as you can. 337': Thanks. Classification: CREW-3861 000089 Eplcwoncies Classification: FEED Classification: 3 EPIC-16 e-Policies CREW-3862 000090 ELL CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-20-2013: ET HSICG 354139333112 OTD FB 135 0 From: (OTDXCON) Sent: 2012 1:53 To: TD) Cc: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: Working Groups SUAS Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I sit on severall lone of which is for Small Unmanned Air Systems We will have a onference Thursday at 10:00 if interested. They are looking for operational parameters and locations from each component as well as 00.1. I will need our help on this but you are certainly welcome to participate. The only authorization we have on record is in I:Ibut we still need to he engaged. There is a demo irl The demo will be from Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3863 000091 CONTAINED HEREIN IS DATE 11-20-3313 ET NSICG 3543333342 OTD FBI b5 1 From: (OTDMCON) . Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 2:55 PM To: (om) cc; STD) (FBI) Subject: UAS . Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000092 be Do we have any authority to operate UAS icon a? temporary or experimental basis. This would include here at Quantico. I am trying tojustify costs for relocating future systems._ Classification: UNCLASSIFIED i i i i i 1 CREW-3864 INEURMATIDN CUNTAIHED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE ET NSICG 354M93K4E b6 (OTB) (FBI) b'i'C has From: (FBI) Sent: ?,2012 5:3? PM To: (FBlil Cc: I lFBlil lFBl) l?FBli'l I Ir liFBlil lFBl)l Subject: RE: UAV School Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Heltol:l b6 i?m copying all our pilots, and we virill give you a response soon. This is high in the wish list, having proven its worth in the recent 5 ecial, and it does not hurt to have more tools in the arsenal. Thank you for reaching out to me and keepingdhigh on your list. SSA IUR) (FBI) b6 Se 4:42 PM 137?: To: (31) tear) his Cc: OTD (FBI) Su ject: UAV School Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Dearl: b6 - 1370 Please have your people out in for the unmanned aerial system in-service. It?s in virtual academy. Just search for unmanned aerial vehicle. ME already have their people in. need applicants frorrl 3e Bureau pilots in command. See below: qualified candidates should ideally Best candidate: FBI Special Agent PIC with technical, cyber, and tactical experience. Acceptable Candidate: FBI Agent or Investigative Specialist Aerial, FAA Private, FAA instrument. Please route everything through Virtual Academy. Thanks, 1 CREW-3865 000093 - b6 i . Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3866 - 000094 :EthL CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE 11-20-3313 ET NSICS FEAMEBKJIE b6 (0TB) (FBI) MC From: (lR) (FBI) WE Sent: . i To: Fad Cc: (om) (FBI) Subject: UAV School Classification: UNCLASSIFIED - b6 em: Please have your people ut in for the unman ed aerial system in-service. It?s in virtual academy. Just search for i unmanned aerial vehicle. already have their people in. I need applicants froml :lquaiified candic ates should ideaily be Bureau pilots in command. See below: I Best candidate: FBI Special Agent PIC with technical, cyber, and tactical experience. Acceptable Candidate: FBI Agent or Investigative Specialist Aerial, FAA Private, FAA instrument. Please route everything through Virtual Academy. Thanks, b6 Clae i i cation: UNCLASS IFIED 000095 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED UAV program managerl: is looking for who currently have a pilot?s license. 305 As it stands right now, the FBI pilots and approximately DUAV aircraft. Within the next two years the UAV b'i'c program will double in size and hopefully triple in the amount of requests for DAV deployments. If any licensed pilot is interested in participating, please contact approval. Operational deployments will be involved with this program. after receiving management Any interested pilot please include type of license, whether or not you-are instrument rated and have a current Class II medical. Please respond to and myself if you are interested. Thanks, Technical Personnel Development Unit Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division {Desk} (Cell) Classifieation:.UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3868 000096 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3869 000097 3mm. FBI San Francisco Squa 18-2 Tec cal Operations Desk: Cell: UNet: From: (ore) (FBI) Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 5 :33 AM Subject: looking for iTAs who are licensed pilots Classification UNCLASSIFIED UAV program manager is looking for This who currently have a pilot?s license. As it stands right now, the FBI pilots and approximately?l?iv aircraft. Within the next two years the UAV program will double in size and hopefully triple in the amount of requests for UAU deployments. if any licensed pilot Tm is interested in participating, please contact 55}! after receiving management approval. Operational deployments will be involved with this program. Any interested pilot please include type of license, whether or not you are instrument rated and have a current Class medical. Please respond to Thanks, SSA and myself if you are interested. Technical Personnel Development Unit- Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000098 b6 306 1:70 1:6 b6 b6 b6 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW 6871 000099 ALL CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIETIEE ET HERE IN (OTB) (FBI) From: Sent: '12 1:40 PM To: OTD) Co: (FBI) Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED -That requisition is not on the list. the equipment. Video Surve?lan ceUni?c ?If-In: I Fromi Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:19 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED 3TB) (FBI) (FBI) (cow) (OTD) (Fem Classification UNCLASSIFIED Contract with reduction in cost of From Sen To: t: (FBI) urs av, er 11, 2G12 12:05 PM Cc: Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Cal (Farm (OTD) (F331 O) (CON) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hellol?I Just talked with] 1 Original Requisition was for - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED land the amount left over was: This was due to a reduction in the cost of CREW-3812 b6 b6 b6 b6 b6 b6 From: (FBI) b5 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:51 AM me To Cc: kero) (ram Mom) (com). Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 We had a cost reduction in one of our purchases with I think about Can you get : the numbers. Thanks From] tom) (FBI) ?35 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:43 AM - b7: T04 Ce] (ore) (com) Moro) tom) I Irorm (FBTH I i 0T0) OTD) (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED can you please look at the attached spreadsheet and update accordingly. We had a lot of inputs on be quantity discount acquisitions the last time around. hm please respond to me if you have anything to add. Thanks,l: Video Unit Admin isfrazivs Pro am Manager O?icei?l? Blackberry. Unclass Emoii: From ?35 Sent: hursda October 11 012 1:7: Tel 0TB) lore) I tore) i Horn) (FBIH Hero) (FBIH (ore) (oTo) (FBI) 2 000101 (an {om} (com); :3 (OTD) (FBIH (0TB) b'i?E {comi? (OTD) (FBI OTD) (CON) i KOTD) (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call - Due Tomorrow: Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED I Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ALL: Piease complete the attached Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call, as best as you can, and submit to me for SC approval bv C951 __Qstehsr_12_ Thank you, b6 b'i'C Executive Administrative Assistant Traditional Technology Section Wuhnology Division From OTO) (FBI) 1?5 S_er t: Thursdav. October 11, 2012 9:50 AM To: OTD) (FBI) . c: (OTD) (FBI) DICLEM ENTE, ANTHONY P. (OTO) (mistress Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avdidance, Ef?ciencies Data Cali UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Finance Division sent out a tasking to at! Divisions requesting information on cost savings, avoidance and efficiencies. Please read the e-mail below from the Finance Division and have your units complete, as best they could, the attached template. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thanks 136 337?: File: CostSavingsEOY12.xls Froni (FBI) 12-5 - Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:51 AM - 3379 To (OTD) (FBI) - Cc: (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call UNCLASSIFIED 3 000102 lg] Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Please task this out through the section chief? s. From: I (FBI) Sent: Wednesdav firi'nhe-r 1h 7m? o4: pm Subject: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call Clas eificat ion: UNCLASSIFIED All, It is time to update the progress against the cost savings, cost avoidances, and efficiencies SMS corporate measure. Included in the template is the information that your division submitted in 3 for reference along with the projection you provided for all of FY 12 earlier in the year. instructions to complete the template: 1.) Filter on your respective divisions? savingsiavoidance initiatives as previously submitted. 2.) In column D, update the FY 12 EOY actua!s of savingsfavoidancefefficiencies for each item. If the number has not changed from 3rd quarter, just use the 3rd quarter number {included in column for your reference.) 3.) For new cost savings items, add rows to the bottom ofthe Excel file, ?lling out the information in each column with the exception of columns or since these columns are included merer as reference points for items previously submitted. 4.) Update the contract] requisition numbers as needed. As a reference, below are the definitions for savings, avoidances, and efficiencies: 000103 336 3378 336 b'i'c - Cost savings represent permanent cost reductions. For example, if a division converts contractors to government positions, therebv incurring a permanently lower cost to the government, this would be considered cost savings. - Cost avoidances represent differences between the expected cost and the actual cost of a good or service. For example, if a division anticipated a cost of $2 million for a contract and through a series of negotiations and adjusted requirements the actual cost is $1.8 million, the $200,000 difference would be considered a cost avoidance. - Efficiencies are de?ned as obtaining more value without expending resources bevond current levels. While difficult to quantify, an example of an efficiency would be automating a workflow process, therebv reducing work year requirements by 20%. The corresponding compensation for these 20% of work years would be the cost efficiency. File: Cost Savings SMS Measure Templatexlsx Please let us know if you have am,r questions. Thanks, Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000104 136 i375 ALL INEDREATIDH CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE IRATE 11-20-2013 ET NSICC 354M93K4E (OTD) (FBI) From: I (FBI) Sent: Thursda?r. October 11, 2012 1:19 PM To: DTD) OTD) (F31) Co: (OTB) (OTB) (CON) Subject: RE: Cost Sawngs, Avoidance, Efficiencies Date Cell - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October '52 UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Contract witi'i I reduction in cost of From: (FBI) 5PM Se: 2012 12: To' OTD) Ii Cc (OTB) Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Date Cal OTD) (FBI) 0T0) (cow) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hello Just talked with and the amount left over was the equipment, From: Sent: 1, 2012 10:51 AM To OTD) (FBI) Co: OTD) Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Cali - Due Tomorrow; Friday, Ottober 12 UNCLASSIFIED I (FBI) Original Requisition was for - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED This was due to a reduction in the cost of tow) Classification UNCLASSIFIED Can you get the numbers. Thanks From: (FBI) Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:43 AM 1_ bro) (cow) We had a cost reduction in one of our purchases withl: i think about :] CREW-3877 000105 b6 b6 b7C b6 as mo 1:16 1370 1:16 137': 136 137?: To: (cow) b6 Cc: roTo) lff?JTD) (FBI) I(oTo) Fan- 137?: I Iro'rm (FRI tom} (Fan OTD) (Fool EoTo) (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Cal] Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 136 can you please look at the attached spreadsheet and update accordingly. We had a lot of inputs on MC quantity discount acquisitions the last time around. please respond to me if you have anything to add. Thanks, Video Surveillance Uan Adm in Emotive Pro om Manager O?cel?l? Blackberry: Unclass Email: Froni b6 Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 9:59 AM 137?: T01 norm (FBDJ Iron man-I torn) (FBI) omvcomd [(oro) form {Fem om) tom) (cow); i (WE) (Fem (orov I Mom) (Fan! Fool Moro con - (OTD) I Moro) (ram Lona) (com) Coil kOTo) koToszI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Cali - Due TomOrrovv; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Importance: High Classification: ALL: Please complete the attached Cost Savings, Avoidance, E?iciencies Data Catl, as best as you ca n, and submit to me for SC approval by ALIGOB Tswana: 123933;. Thank you, 136 hi?: 2 CREW-3878 000106 Executive Administrative Assistant Traditional Technology Section Ogerational Technology Division - ERFIFO (FBI) 1, 2012 9:50 AM OTD) en 10m) DICLEMENTE, ANTHONY P. (OTD) [Toxcom Finance Division sent out a tasking to all Divisions requesting information on cost savings, avoidance and efficiencies. Please read the email below from the Finance Division and have your units complete, as best they could, the attached template. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Thanks File: CostSavingsEOY12.xls kOTo) (FBI) Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 8:51 AM To' OTD) (FBI) Cc Su :ject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Please task this out through the section chief? s. From; (FD) (FBI) Wednesdav. October 10, 2012 5:43 PM I To .5 000107 336 3:378 336 3:378 336 eve b5 136 me b6 136 i375 Subject: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Call UNCLAbbll-ltu Classification: UNCLASSIFIED All, it is time to update the progress against the cost savings, cost avoidances, and efficiencies corporate measure. included in the template is the information that your division submitted in 3 for reference along with the projection you provided for all of FY 12 earlier in the year. instructions to complete the template: Filter on your respective divisions? savingsfavoidance initiatives as previously submitted. ln-column D, update the FY 12 EOY actuais of savings/avoidancefefficiencies for each item. if the number has not changed from 3rd quarter, just use the 3rd quarter number (included in column for your reference.) For new cost savings items, add rows to the bottom of the Excel file, filling out the information in each column with the exception of columns or since these columns are included merely as reference points for items previously submitted. Update the contractfteouisition numbers as'needed. As a reference, below are the definitions for savings, avoidances, and efficiencies: - Cost savings represent permanent cost reductions. For example, if a division converts contractors to government positions, thereby incurring a permanently lower cost to the government, this would be considered cost savings. - Cost avoidances represent differences between the expected cost and the actual cost of a good or service. For example, if a division anticipated a cost of $2 million for a contract and through a series of negotiations and adjusted requirements the actual cost is $1.8 million, the difference would be considered a cost avoidance. - Efficiencies are defined as obtaining more value without expending resources beyond current levels. While dif?cult to quantify, an example of an efficiency would be automating a workflow process, thereby reducing work year requirements by 20%. The corresponding compensation for these 20% of work years would be the cost-efficiency. File: Cost Savings Measure Template.xlsx Please let us know if you have any questions. I Thanks, b6 (?les 3 i icat i931: UNCLE-183 I FIED CREW-3880 000108 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3881 000109 ALL CONTAINED HEREIN Is UIICLASSIETIEE lama 11-2o?so13 as sales sseusstots - b6 (OTB) (FBI) me From: I kerb) (FBI) WE Sent: 2012 11:06 AM To: OTD) Subject: FW: Request line added to Req. UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED FYI From: (FD) (FBI) Sent: Wednesday. Seotemser 26, 2012 3:06 PM i To (OTB) (FBI) 5 Cc: (ore) OTD) (ore) (FBI) 5 Subject: RE: Request line added to Red: i Classification: UNCLASSIFIED No, I?m sorry. . Over a century ago, the Comptrofler of the Treasury stated, "An appropriation should not be used for the purchase of an article not necessary for the use of a fiscal year in which ordered merely in order to use up such an appropriation.? A bona fide need for the work, supplies or services must have existed when the original contract request was 5 established. In this case, you are asking for an increase in quantity of items because pricing dropped from the amount i quoted originally to the amount quoted after response to the RFQ. The scope of the contract does not include increasing 5 the quantity. In this case, your request is considered a new obligation, because it exceeds the intent of the original request. It?s hard to see money let go, i know, but i cannot yiolate Federal Appropriations Law. 5 as i Contracting Of?cer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT 1 Fe PS srcu i ERF Annex Room 5 From: horn) (FBI) b6 Sent: Wednesda Se tember 26, 2012 1:32 PM 137?: To: (FD) (FBI) Cc: torn) Irma) (FBI) Subject: Request line added to Req E014821 . 1 CREW-3882 000110 Class ification: UNCLASSIFIED I was told your might be able to do this, Request an additional line for services be added to amount - Resoectfully, SSA, UAV Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technoiogy Section 0 chnoiogy Division ffiee ell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 12 in the CREW-3883 000111 b6 b7: IS UNCLASSIFIEE EDATE 11?20?2013 31" (FBI) ?05 b'ir'C From: I (FBI) Sent: W012 10:51 AM To: OTD) (Fan Co: (FBIH (OTD) (CON) Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Efficiencies Data Cail - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 b'ir'c We had a cost reduction in one of our purchases with : I think about: WE Can you get : the numbers. Thanks From: (FBI) b5 Sent: hursday. October 11, 2012 10:43 AM 337?: To: OTD) Cc: ore) (cow), (ore) (ore) BI - I (FB (FBIEI Iroroi (FBI) (OTD) (OTD) (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Date Cell - Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED TImpor-tance: High Classification: UNCLASSIFIED can you please look at the attached spreadsheet and update accordingly. We had a lot of inputs on 335 quantity discount acquisitions the last time around. we please respond to me if you have anything to add. Thanks]: - b5 3cm: Video Surveillance Unit Administrative Pro am Manager O?'icej I Blackberry] I Unclass Emaii: From: (oTo)(c0N) b5 307:: 1 . CREW-3884 000112 Sent: Thursda October 11 2012 93:59 AM Tol (OTB) (Fanl iOTB)(Fani b5 FBIH IIOTB) (FBI (Fem (Fem I (OTB) (sand (anl {Fem (com); (OTB) (FBI): (FBI) 1 (FBIH (FBI): an) (cont rob) TD) (CON) Cc: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Date Cell Due Tomorrow; Friday, October 12 UNCLASSIFIED Importance: High Classification: UNCLASSEFIED ALL: Please complete the attached Cost Savings, Avoidance, E?iciencies Data Call, as best as you can, and submit to me for SC approvai in NH COBTemstteetEridorganizer Thank vou. I - b'rc Executive Administrative Assistant I Traditional Technoiogv Section i Operational Technoiogy Division - From (FBI) b5 5 Sent: Thursdav, October 11, 2012 9:50 AM mi km) (FBI) Cc: KOTD) DICLEMENTE, ANTHONY P. (OTB) Subject: RE: Cost Savings, Avorclance, Efficiencies Data Call UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Finance Division sent out a tasking to all Divisions requesting information on cost savings, avoidance and efficiencies. Please read the email below from the Finance Division and have your units complete, as best they could, the attached . template. if you have any questions, please give me a cail. Thanks b6 SRUIOTB WP File: CostSavingsEOY12.xls to- From: OTB FBI 1?5 . 2 CREW-3885 000113 Sent: Thursday. October 11, 2012 8:51 AM To Mom) (FBI) b5 Cc 3973 Subject: FW: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED '2 . as; Please task this out through the section chief? 5. MC From: (FBI) b6 Se Wednesday. October 10 2012 5'43 PM 3370 To ME Subject: Cost Savings, Avoidance, Ef?ciencies Data Call UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED All, It is time to update the progress against the cost savings, cost avoidances, and ef?ciencies SlviS corporate measure. included in the template is the information that your division submitted in 3 for reference along with the projection you provided for all of FY 12 earlier in the year. Instructions to complete the template: 1.) Filter on your respective divisions? savingsfavoidance initiatives as previously submitted. In column D, update the FY 12 EDY actuals of savingslavoidancefe?iciencies for each item. If the number has not changed from 3rd quarter, just use the 3rd quarter number (included in column for your reference.) CREW-3886 000114 For new cost savings items, add rows to the bottom-of the Excel file, filling out the information in each column with the exception of columns or since these columns are included merely as reference points for items previously submitted. Update the contractfreouisition numbers as needed. As a reference, below are the definitions for savings, avoidances, and ef?ciencies: Cost savings represent permanent cost reductions. For example, if a division converts contractors to government positions, thereby incurring a permanently lower cost to the government, this would be considered cost savings. Cost avoidances represent differences between the expected cost and the actual cost of a good or service. For example, if a division anticipated a cost of $2 million for a contract and through a series of negotiations and adjusted requirements the actual cost is $1.8 million, the $200,000 difference would be considered a cost avoidance. Efficiencies are defined as obtaining more value without expending resources beyond current levels. While difficult to quantify, an example of an efficiency would be automating a workflow process, thereby reducing I work year requirements by 20%. The corresponding compensation for these 20% of work years would be the cost ef?ciency. File: Cost Savings 5M5 Measure Template.xlsx Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks b6 b7c Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3887 000115 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3893 omme Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3902 000117 ELL IHEURMATIDN CUNTEINEE IS ET HEICG OTD) (FBI) From: (FBI) Sent: Tueedav. October [32,2012 8:24 AM To: FBI) Cc: (FBI) Subject: UAV Demo Categories:' Completed Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Please reach out to $5.0 to arrange a demo of the capabilities of our UAVs. Thanks; Program Manager Video Surveillance Unit Traditional Technology Section O?ke Cell Classification: errational chnologv Division UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3903 000118 b6 bi?: b6 ALL HEREIN IS DATE he (FBI) MC From: - I (DTD) (FBI) Sent: rManda?ctohe?JJ?JL?l'tio PM To: (FD) (FBI) Cc: IOTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: Update Clas eification: UNCLASSIFIED he If the document is unclass then I don?t understand why you can?t fax an unclass document on a non-secure fax IDwon?t waive the shipping charges then we have only two ways of shipping the items. Either give them OTD shipping number or payr with a credit card on FY 2013 line. I told : she has to make you happy not me; Ho this helps, . b6 checked the historyr of issued to them back to 200?: 1 CREW-3904 000119 I From: (so) (FBI) Ser 2012 2:30 PM- I To: OTD) (FBI) I Cc (OTB) (FBI) Su 1e a Classification: UNCLASSIFIED . . b6 1 Just received a telephone call from POC for MC h'i'E 2. FOB Destination was used as per our usual requirement; shipping was not included. I WE FY11 FY10 .FYUB FY03 V07 We have never paid for shipping. In addition, we can?t establish a line item with an open-ended amount. Thank you, Contracting Of?cer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT FD I PS STCU Eror?l lam) (FBI) Sent: 2012 11:0? AM Tm] (FBI) Subject: RE: Update Classification: UNCLASSIFIED The sooner the better. Thanks for all your heipiil FronEI (FBI) Sent: Thu rnber 27, 2012 11:06 AM To OTB) (FBI) Subject: Update Classification: UNCLASSIFIED What?s y'ali?s posture on shipping charges? b7E b6 b'i'C . b6 136 1370 CREW-3905 000120 Requisitionl I amount of I has been assigned contract numberl:l. The purchase order has been issued, PO No. Iarnount of orderl I Requisitiorl [amount of] I has been assigned purchase order has been issued, P61 Thank you, Copies of both orders are being sent to uonuacung SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT FDIPSISTCU ERF Annex Roe As there is nothing classified on the actual Purchase Orders, i would like to fax them to the vendor. If you have an objection, please let me know. Classification: ' UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-3906 000121 b'i'E b6 CREW-3908 000122 ELL Hanan-i Is UNCLASSIETIEE ems sn- sagas-lass: 336 (cm) (FBI) From: I I (FD) (FBI) Sent: Mondav. October 01, 2012 2:30 PM To: (FBI) Cc: (FBI) Subject: RE: Update Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Ijust received a telephone call tron? 135 Mt: b'i'E 2. FOB Destination was used as per our usual requirement; shipping was not included. I checked the history of issued to them back to 2007: FY11 FY10 rvus FY08 FY01 We have never paid for shipping. In addition. we can?t establish a line item with an open-ended amount. What's y?all?s posture on shipping charges? WE Thank you, b6 b'i'C Contracting Officer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT FD PS STCU 1 CREW-3909 000123 From: (FBI) Sent: Thursda Se ternber 2012 11:0? AM To:l (FBI) Subject: RE: Update Classification: UNCLASSIFIED The sooner the better. Thanks for all your From: (so) (FBI) Se - mber 22, 2012 11:06 AM To torn) tom) (FBI) Subject: Update Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Requisitiori lamount oi I has been assigned contract number been issued, PO No. lamount of order The'purchase order has Requisitior] [amount oil [has been assigned contract number :lThe purchase order has been issued, As there is nothing classified on the actual Purchase Orders, wouid like to fax them to the vendor. Ifyou have an objection, please let me know. Copies of both orders are being sent to Thank you, Contracting Of?cer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT FD i PS STCU ERF Annex Roog-I Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3910 000124 136 b'i'C . b6 - 136 b6 b'i'C Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-3911 000125 BALL CUDTTMI-TEE IS 11?20?3313 31" FEQMEJSEHE b6 (oro) (FBI) From: I lie-I'D) (FBI) Sent: 2012 8:54 AM To: (FBI) Subject: FW: UAV Program Clas sification: UNCLASSIFIED From: (FBI) . - b6 Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 10:59 AM MC To (FBI) Su ject: RE: UAV Program Classification: UNCLASSIFIED UAV Programdocx From: (FBI) ?35 SerirJEodaLSentemheui, 2012 8:55 AM hi?: To: DTD) (FBI) Subject: UAV Program Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I 000126 b6 b7C At you earliest, I need a summary by year of what was budgeted am: what was actually spent on the program, what our current inventory is, FSL dedicated would guess that?s about and what the program is requesting for FY13 and I why. Thanks. : Jnit Chief Video Surveillance Unit Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-39 12 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3913 000127 haul; It-tsoassa'rma consul-nan Is UNCLASSIETIEU amass" gamma seesaw est-mamas FY 2011 NSICG F54EESAEK42 REASON: 1.4 it} Em: 11-20-2033 11?20-3313 Budget-?? Purchased Total b?E Current inventory: Pilots trained Dilots from VSU ilots from'ClRG and from ClRG._have never'flown a missuon or have flown in any type oftraining).. FY 2012 Budget I Purchased - Total Irnrerltowr after : requisitions filled: Pilots trained Dill be instructors. FSL- FY 2013 Requested Budget? EPIC-W CREW-39 14 000128 ILCI Projected Inventory (Doubie Size of Program): 3:21 3:3 Pilots trained will be instructors. FSL- Program needl Need to expand UAV visibility by stagin I Need to trai additional UAV pilots to run progran'i I Sometime in FY2013, should have a EDA in place thatl I This will allow the FBI to fly more missions Need to expose the UAV system to th utilization to increase exponentially rograms out of CIRG. With this exposure anticipate FY 2014 Requested Budget - Projected Inventory [Double Size of Program): Pilots trained - still kee?nstructors for standardization. Expand FAA Exnand UAV Proerani CREW-3915 000129 INEURMATIDN CUNTAIHED EHEREIH IS UNCLASSIFIEE 11-20-2013 ET NSICG 354M93K4E (FD) was, 2012 To: om) torn) (FBI) (OTD) (FBI) From: Sent: Subject: Update Categories: Saved for ref Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Requisitionl {amount of] Ihas hen assigned {2 ntract number been issued, PD Neal lamount of order The purchase order has has been assigned contract number l'he purchase order Requisitio amount of has been issued, P0 As there is nothing classi?ed on the actual Purchase Orders, I would like to fax them to thevendor. If you have an objection, please let me know. Copies of both orders are being sent to Thank you, Contracting Of?cer SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS UNIT Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3916 000130 136 1376 b6 INEDREATIUN CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT QNHERE SHEEN OTHERWISE Frem: (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Fri av. Februarv 10, 2012 11:42 AM Toi More) (FBI) (FBI) Cc:] Subject: RE: SAMMS Classification: File: UAS Aircraft Heud:l Here are the its ferthe UAV side. Thanks]: Capital assets on hand number}r type, and cost. Type I Cost Per Aircraft Personnel Year acquired FY Cost per System CLASSIFIED EH HSIES REASON: 1.4 DECLASSIET DH: 11-20?2033 DATE: 11-20-2013 136 b'i'C b6 b?C Aircraft Training I Services] Parts and suppiies Services; Parts and supplies 2 . CREW-39 1 7 000131 Operational Deployments EEK Operations Division Days Deployed Type Year b1 b3 From (OTB) (FBI) ?5 Sent: Thursdav, February 09, 201? . MC To (FBI) (OTD) (FBI) Cc . (OTD) (FB Subject: FW: SAMMS Classification: ?3 . Please get me some numbers for Itemswrote an EC and need to add these figures to it. Plus I need to add additional info to the EC. Please do this ASAP so we can turn it in. 3 CREW-3918 000132 Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification: Classification: UNCLA SIFI UNCLAS IF UNCLASS IED UNCLASSI IED LUNCLASS ED UNCLAS IF 6 EPIC-Wponcies CREW-3919 000133 ALL IS .DATE 11-20-2013 ET NSICG 35413933342 b6 om) (FBI) . From: (OTB) (CON) Sent: 01 2:02 PM To: OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: April Signi?cant Activity Report Due COB Mon April 30, 2012 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 b'i'E What doesl: stand for? Did you assist with the repeater test which lasted Video Surveillance Unit Wrist-"ant i {Fax} From: (FBI) b5 Sent: urs av, 2012 10:30 AM We Tel KOTD) (CON) Subject: RE: April Signi?cant Activity Report Due COB Mon April 30, 2012 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Here is a quick rundown for the UAV side of the House for April. I 3* repeater TEST conducted I Academy : flights where cor ductedl On [participated iri Iieolotrment exorcizel b3 Demo for, Lei; division new UAS capabilities. Follow-on meeting will be scheduled. Demo for Demo for I Discussion will need to be set up to resolve for further UAS missionsll Demo for class I Demo for students at El: huiidine freml I Demo hosted by the FBI 136 1376 Thanks From: (OTB) (CON) 1 CREW-3920 000134 EHEREIH IS UNCLE-1331371312 DATE lln20"2613 El" 35113933154:- b6 (OTD) (FBI) 307:: From: I (FBI) Sent: 12 8:54 AM To: Subject: uppo [nteragenoy Task Force Classification: UNCLASSIFIED We need to talk about this and also what happened at: ME 336' Brut ?hle; Video Surveillance 3373 Traditional Technology Section Operational Te hnology Division Office Cell From: (OTD) (FBI) 535 Ser t: Fridav Anril )0 T112 4:24 PM 137': To (0TB) (FBI) Subject: FW: OTD Support to Interagency Task Force Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hell Working out the details From: (FBI) - ?35 Ser t: hursdav. April 19, 2012 5:52 PM 537?: To: (om) Mom} (FBI) - (FBDI Il'FBIizl Irnuil om) (FBI) Subject: OTD Support to Interagency Task Force Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Gents, 3:3 I Iwith a tentatively scheduled start date of INe?ll be deploying a few guys out wil be the advon the week prior as advance party. ME There is potential that thisl Iturns into at least 1 real world mission. Along with this training, our shop of ETs has to concurrently support The 1 CREW-3921 000135 will be stretched and would like to put in a few requests to OTD for support. Below are not formal b3 . . 336 requests, but rather items of interest that I'd like to open with in order to start a dialog. MC I Isome of din-mission planners mentioned the conversation about abilityl I his is of interest to usI [and we?d like to look further {get more info) into deploying this capability. we?d like you W0, at the ve least another assessment of the Operational Area (which, at this timeOthell Iw?l be supporting so that may be of bene?t to your program as we?d like to extend an invite to you. We?ll be able to leverage inteI I thats currently operational, but think that it would be good if you?d be able to come out to this as well. At risk of sounding redundant, target packages are currently being developed with so as Intel comes in, we?ll know more specifics on the AD. If there?s anyone else I need to [ash up with, please feel free to pass me their info or call with questions. i Resoectfullv. Tactical Section Tech Squad Fe Wigwam b5 0: bill: BB Unclass: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 epic.qu CREW-3922 000136 Classification: 2 CREW-3923 000137 FiaLsL CUETTMNED . HERE IN IS 11-20-2013 ET 35413933342 b6 5 (OTB) (FBI) b7: From: Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 10:30 AM To: mommy Subiect: I Categories: Active Task Classification: a a I I a seems to be the data: which UAV systems will ?mm but all the vendors erI be there the entlre ma I am going so if you Show up the you can meet the Tvendors and then see the ME UAVHJAS in action. Emmi b6 Sent: Frida A ril 20 2012 10:22 AM b7?: Tol WE Cc (FBI) Subject: I Classification: a tcl: He is going to try and attend {possiblyr some in both weeks). hm Based on the matrix you had at the meeting, do you know which days the stuff is being shown? From: FBI) 1?5 Sent: hes a A ri 18; 2012 1:4? PM 137?: To: (wormed lrorm Iron (Fen: Iron {Fem loom: (FBI) {om} (FBI) Subjectel I Classification: If you have difficulty understanding if an experiment your mission, feel free to schedule a call and I can hopefully decipher the experiment. Also as soon as I'Iearn of the clearance and registration, I will advise. 1 . CREW-3924 000138 Please email our Full Name. POB. DOB. and SSAN to you intend to participate at any time down at Matt Acting UCfI'c-zhnioai Liaison Unit Operational Division Engine-aria Research Facility- Building 1300:1le Quad-W 35-000] Desk Fax Cell Ema: Unit The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain con?dential andior privileged material. Any review. retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the Intended recipient is prohibited. if you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. Classification: CREW-3925 000139 336 b'i'c tease; Fromi (FBI) Ser, 3:52 PM To: OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV Assets UNCLAMFIED Henna We deployed Dimes total. Out of that we had flights (.1 eration we are Thanks I that actually occurred. As for the actual ii of Fromrl (FBI) Sent: Monda Ma 07, 2012 12:40 PM To$??m Su 1e A Assets Classification: He Of the missions listed below, what is the number of operations? is that flights? Did each one of the missions below actually have a flight which occurred? From (FBI) Sent: Frida Ma 04 2:112 2:30 PM Tor] Subject: UAllr Assets Classification: ancestry?iao Hello: Here is a excel sh eet with the current inventory and status ?otation ect. Also I sent a Quote from l: on the on your IC nclassified email. There is a brake down below on the missions that we have flown on in the past. Hope this helps File: FBI UAS Aircraft lnuentory.xls Capital assets on hand number;r typer and cost. 2 EPIC-1WPolicies CREW-3926 000140 I would need to compile all the data in the flight logs to find out the hoursb?E ALL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-20-2013 ET 136 More) (FBI) From: I More) (FBI) Sent: IluesiaLMame?lZ 2:58 PM To: Ia} (FBI) Subject: DA 1 Co: TD) (OTB) (FBI) I Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 - b7c b?E FYI. As you may already know requested our UAV guys to train with them at this air park has already been there to check things out and got approval with the management of the air park. Does ther to do training] I They would like to incorporate into their training and use this tool for live ops when feasible. I?ve asked to research this and to draw up a training COA for this area so we could train with Unit Chief Video Surveillance Traditional Technology Section ?neratinnal Tor nomgy Division foice Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3929 000141 Classification: Heild:] b6 Here is a excel sheet with the current inventory and status i Location ect. Also I sent a Quote from : on th4:l)n your unclassified email. There is a brake down below on the missions that we have flown on in the past. Hope this helps File: FBI UAS Aircraft Inventoryxis Capital assets on hand number, type, and cost. Type Cost Per Aircraft Cost per System Aircraft Training Personnel Year acquired FY Services! Parts and supplies Services! Parts and supplies Operational Deployments Operations Division Days Deployed Type Year 2 CREW-3930 EPIC-1W5 000142 ELL HEREIN IS EXCEPT NHERE SHOWN OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED E?t? HEICG 3954;831:012 REASON: 1.4 DH: 11-20-2038 BATE: 11-33-2013 b6 (OTD) (FBI) MC From: I I (OTD) (FBI) Sent: 12_12:40 PM To: om) (FBI) i Subject: RE: UAV Assets i Categories: Completed Task Cla331flcation UNCLAS ED HEB :Sc Of the missions listed below, what is the number of operations? Is that flights? Did each one of the missions below actually have a flight which occurred? From OTD) (FBI) b5 Sent: Fride?rr Maw 04, 2012 2:30 PM 3379 To Su bject: UAV Assets Classification: Hell . be Here is a excel sheet with the current inventoryland status {Location ect. Also i sent a Quote from on the on your nclassi?ed email. There is a brake down below on the missions that we have flown on in . the past. Hope this helps File: FBI UAS Aircraft to Capital assets on hand number, type, and cost. Type Cost Per Aircraft Cost per System Aircraft Training Personnel Year acquired FY .1 CREW-3932 EPIWoIicies 000143 Classification: UNCL SS FIED Classification: UNC SS FIED 3 EPIC-Wolicies CREW-3934 000144 ELL CONTAINED IS UNCLAESIETIEE EELF-HICKS. 11-20-3313 ET NSICS (oro) From: Sent To: Go: Subject: Categories: (ore) (FBI) 155nm TD) (FBI) Bureau Aviation Regulations on PIC Observer Requirements 1 Active Task OTD) (FBI) Classification: Ri ht now, I am working on obtaining two COAS forl wili have to come later because i have neither its Operations Manual, nor an Air Worthiness Statement signed by our AD.) But, before I submit these COA requests, I would like to state that all-our pilots/observers are current with their requirements. Also, according to night operations are not tvpicailv approved bv-the FAA unless a unique situation warrants it. However, for a training COA that is controlled by the proponent in a ve specific area, in a rural location, it mav be approved! So, i recommend that we put in for night operations atlj [222:] Below are quotes from the Bureau Aviation Regulations, which compliment the FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations). 136 b'i'c b6 1 CREW-3935 000145 From: IR) (FBI) Sent: Wednesday, June 13. 2012 10:59 AM To: I keen Cc; Iron keno) (om FBI torn) UR) (FBI) Subject1 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED FOR RECORD SERIALIZE TO Sir: Thank you for sending me the information on counter arts at the En in rin Research Facility. Our view is that we are currently addressing the need for a ions. We believe thatl 5 expected to enter FBI servicel anned aerial system through our on oin rocurernent of the offers performance advantages overi [although we have not flown [offers the following capabilities: nmanned Aerial System. 1 have had a chance to discuss it with Procurement of Sincerely, 55.64:! IS already underway. The joint FFOUIVSU UAS team looks forward to flying in support Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager .FFOU) {desk} {BlackBerryi i 2 CREW-3938 000146 .bE b6 Classification UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3939 000147 DECLASSIEIEB ET HSIEG E54M33K4E DH 11-20-2?13 (om) (FBI) From: (FBI) Sent: 2 4:39 PM To: Cc: OTB) (FBI) Subject: Practice Run for the ADIDAD on the UAV Demo Classification: Classi By: 83 Declassify . 0370612 Derive ram: FBI C-20090615 Can YOU the hill Either up at ERF. Thanks I: Classification: 1 on the UAV Demo for the people on CREW-394D 000148 b6 b6 . ALL CUPTTMI-TES HEREIN IS UNCLE-11331371312 DATE ?11" I-TSIEG FEQMESIIHE koro) (FBI) From: I (FBI) Sent: 0:11 AM To: (OTD) FBI Cc: (0TB) I Li} {l-til) Subject: UAV Operator Training for OTD pilots Classification: UNCLASSIFIED We?re trying to stay ahead of the curve and have extra folks we can call upon to assist us with UAS. I?d like to build a pool of certified UAV pilots and observers bv canvassing OTD empl Jvees. We would conduct the train to operatel IUnmanned Aerial Systems ng to certify them Requirements: Candidates must have their FAA certificate showing they passed the Pilots ground school course and be able to pass a Class II medical physical exam. This would be an ancillarvr position subject to their respective duties and supervisors? approval. Candidates must also be available to travel upon short notice. How do you propose we proceed? Unit Chief - Video Surveillance Traditional Technology Section One-rational Technology Division Office Cell Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3941 000149 336 b6 3:16 1378 (U) Performance Measures Operational Technology Division Traditional Technology Section Video Surveillance Unit VSU Near, Mid and Long Term Strategy Plan 1. Increased Requests Total number of Technical Management Database (TMD) received from ?eld of?ces during reporting period 2. Responsiveness TMD measure: 90% within 30 days for off-the-shelf and available equipment, 90% within 90 days for specialized solutionsisystems 3. Speciaiized Support Total number of number of specialized systems required by ?eld of?ces and provided by VSU 4. Feedback? Cmnulative total of annual VSU surveys, Technical Conference Feedback, Technical Advisor Feedback, Direct TTA Feedback 5. Training Includes mandatory agency training, certi?cation training UAV pilot, PM vendor training and technical training to stay current on latest technologies ormance Measure has Increased Requests nsiveness ecialized rt Feedback Train *Perfonnance monies for FY 12 and beyond are estimates (U) PROCUREMENT INFORMATION FY 12 Contracts in Place Program/Initiative Vendor Description Aivara' Date Period of Performance Strategic Planning Session - VSU Page 15 CREW-3942 000150 Operational Technology Division Traditional Technology Section Video Surveillance Unit . VSU Near, Mid and Long Term Strategy Plan FY 12 Contracts in Place Program/Initiative Vendor Description Award Date Period ofPerformoHoe Ceiling/Uoobligored FYBConrreet Requirements Program/Initiative Vendor Description Award Date Period Ceiling/Unobligored Strategic Planning Session USU Page 16 CREW-3943 000151 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1358258-0 Total Deleted Page(s} 55 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom 81 193 196 197 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 248 249 254 255 269 270 231 280 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 313 314 315 316 31? 318 319 320 323 324 325 326 b3; b1; b3; b6; Duplicate See Serials Duplicate See Serials Duplicate - See Serials Duplicate See Serials Duplicate - See Serials b5; b6; b7E; b3; b3E; b3; b3; b6; b3; b3; b3E; 61; 63; b6; b3C; from from from from from Duplicate - See DTD UAS Documents Section 7; Duplicate See OTD UAS Documents Section 3; 61; 63; b1; b3; b6; b?E; 66; b5; b6; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; Referral/Consult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; b6; b3C; 000152 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom 32? 328 329 330 331 332 333 Deleted Page{e) No Duplication Pee For this Page 000153 ALL HEREIN IS DATE 11?20?3313 E's" FEQMESEHE b6 (OTB) (FBI) b7c b?E From: I he) (FBI) Sent: FWD PM To: I iFBll'i IrOToi I Cc: {lRliFBIl Subject: Update on UAS Inservice Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ALCON: Just for your information. ljust spoke with training division and my plan for a basic unmanned aerial system inservice in October at the FBI Academy appears to be moving forward. Not all hurdles have been com leted at but the ath ahead appears smooth. The priority divisions for this are 1373 I should have positive confirmation by the end of next week. Be thinking about who you want to send. At this time, the qualifications will be something like: FAA Private FAA instrument - Special Agent or Investigative Specialist Aerial (possibly willing to consider investigative Specialist) Persons who are not already accredited Bureau pilots (Agent or ISA) will be required to formally enter the FBI aviation program by completing an FD-586 and taking 2012 F31 written test. Just start thinking about this but you don?t need to do anything now. Best wishes, :gc Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) (BlackBerry) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3944 000154 ihLL INEDREATIDN CONTAINED EHEREIH IS 11-20-E013 ET NSICS F54333K4E (0TB) (FBI) b6 From: (IRKFBI) Sent: W11 :23 AM To: OTB) (FBI) Co: I Subject: RE: UAV training? Follow up Flagged Follow Up Fiag: Flag Status: Categories: Active Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED FromJ (FBI) Se ?lnne 28, 2012 10:12 AM To: (IR) (FBI Cc: (FBI) Su ject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Sounds good, see you at 10:00 am at your place on Tuesday. From (FBI) Sent: urs a June 28 2.012 10:06 AM Tol (OTB) (FBI) Cc (IRXFBI) Su bject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Let?s make it 10 am on Tuesday. See BB message for the date 33 Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) (BlackBerry) Fromi (FBI) 1 136 have b6 b6 h?C 136 1370 CREW-3945 000155 Ser t: Thursday. In a 28, 2012 9:26 AM To: Cc: (IR) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Can we come up to your place around 0930 on Tuesday?I Thank rou, Frontal Sernlau?daxamaf?lfl 9:03 AM To: (0TB) Cc IR) (0To) (FBI) Su JJECE: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Monday or Tuesday are wide open for me. Anytime is good. From: tom) (FBI) Ser t: Wednesday. 31 me 27, 2012 4:01 PM To: Cc: IRXFBI) (IR) (FBI) Subject: RE: LiA?yr training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED is it possible to meet with you next yyeek? Say, any time Monday or Tuesday morning up at your place? Would like to talk with you about the UAV mission and hopefuliy talk with the FAA sometime during the second week ofJuly. Thank you, Henry From: IRXFBI) Sent: Tuesday, June 26. 2312 8:57 AM To: (OTB) (FBI) 2 CREW-3946 000156 QWIR) (FBI) Su 11: Classification: Welcome to the program. i understan: UNCLASSIFIED is retirinut before he decided to do that, we set up a meeting to discuss the future of the program. That meeting was set for this Thursday. I?m not sure if that meeting is still set to take place but unfortunately i have an Aviation Safety Council meeting which i must attend. I would like to get us all together at some point in the near future (perhaps next week] to talk about the program. In the mean tirn this training? has submitted a trustee event to fund a training in early FY13 to train a few new UAV operators. This has made it up my-chain to my AD who has asked if OTD could pay for it. As you have probably figured out by now this is a unique relationship between Field Flight Operations and Video Surveillance Unit. Who should pay for the various aspects of it can often fall into a gray area. Do you have a sense of whether UTE) would be willing to fund Let me know your thoughts on it and i look forward to meeting with you. Unit Chief Field Flight Operations Unit Surveillance and Aviation Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-3947 000157 136 hi?: b6 b7C IN HEREIN DATE 1 CONTAINED IS UNCLASSIFIEE 1-20-2013: ET HSICG 35439333112 (FBI) b6 From: I (OTD) (FBI) Sent: . 2012 10:12 AM To: (IR) Co: Subieot: RE: UAV training Categories: Active Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Sounds good, see you at 10:00 am at your place on Tuesday. Fromj FIR) (FBI) Sent: urs ay, une 8, 2012 10:06 AM To: (0T0) (FBI) Cc: We 31) Su eject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Let?s make it10 am on Tuesday. See BB message for the date 55% [g perations Unit Program Manager (CIRGXSASIASBIFFOU) {desk} [BlackBern? From:[ [000) (FBI) Sent: Thursdav. Jun21 28, 2012 9:26 AM To Cc: (IR) (FBI) Su Jject: RE: UAV training (OTB) (FBI) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Can we come up to your place around 0930 on Tuesday? Thank jou, 1 (FBI) b6 b6 b6 136 CREW-3948 000158 From: 335 012 9:03 AM 1:70 (Fan Cc: tom) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 136 Monday or Tuesday are wide open for me. Anytime is good. we Fromi (FBI) Sent: Wednesday, June 2012 4:01 PM To: Cc: 11R) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 336 137:: Is it possible to meet with you next week? Say, any time Monday or Tuesday morning up at your place? Would like to talk with you about the UAV mission and hopefully talk with the FAA sometime during the second week ofJuIy. Thank ion, Fromi I 5 Se t: Tuesday. June 26. 012 8:57 AM 337'": To (om) (FBI) Cc: Subject: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 %come to the UAV program. I understanEis retirinEut before he decided to do that, we set up 3373 a meeting to discuss the future of the program. That meeting was set for this Thursday. I'm not sure if that meeting is still set to take place but unfortunately I have an Aviation Safety Council meeting which I must attend. I would like to get us all together at some point in the near future (perhaps next week) to talk about the program. In the mean timel: has submitted a trustee event to fund a training in early FY13 to train a few new UAV operators. This has made it up my chain to my AD who has asked if OTD could pay?for it. As you have probably figured out by now this is a unique relationship between Field Flight Operations and Video Surveillance Unit. Who should pay 2 CREW-3949 000159 for the various aspects of it can often fall into a gray area. Do you have a sense of whether OTD would be to fund this training? Let me know your thoughts on it and I look forward to meeting with you. Unit Chief Field Flight Operations Unit and Aviation SectioniClRG Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-3950 000160 136 ALL- CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE Ei?r' ETSICS OTD FBI ?35 . (. b'?C From: I (070} (FBI) - Sent: Wednesdav. Jun 27, 2312 4:01 PM To: Co: (is) (FED-I torn) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV training 5 Categories: Up comming task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 b'i'C ls it possible to meet with you next week? Say, any time Monday or Tuesday morning up at your place? Would like to talk with you about the UAV mission and hopefully talk with the FAA sometime during the second week of July. Thank you, Froml (IRMFBI) b6 3 Sent: Tues av. June 26, 2012 8:57 AM bic To: (OTD) (FBI) Cc: IR) (FBI) Subject: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFEED 136 Welcome to the program. i understan4:Iis retiring:lbut before he decided to do that, we set up MC a meeting to-discuss the future of the program. at meeting was set for this Thursday. I?m not sure if that meeting is still set to take place but unfortunately I have an Aviation Safety Council meeting which I must attend. I would like to get us all together at some point inthe near future (perhaps next week) to talk about the program. In the mean submitted a trustee event to fund a training in early FY13 to train a few new UAV operators. This has made it up my chain to my AD who has asked if OTD could pay for it. As you have probably ?gured out by now this is a unique relationship between Field Flight Operations and Video Surveillance Unit. Who should pay for the various aspects of it can often fall into a gray area. .Do you have a sense of whether OTD would be willing to fund this training? Let me know your thoughts on it and I look forward to meeting with you. 136 Unit Chief MC Field Flight Operations Unit Surveillance and Aviation {cl 1 CREW-3951 000161 Classification: CREW-3952 000162 ELL HEREIN I UNCLASSIFIEE 11-"20-"2013' 3?1" 35111329331341 b6 (OTD) (FBI) MC From: (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Wednesdav June 97 2 12 8:00 A To: (Fali Ce: . pa) (FBI) Subject: raining Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I apologize that I won?t be able to meet this week as things have gotten more hectic with last minute things. I'll leave it up to you all to decide on a meeting. 336 2 Unit Chief - Video Surveillance 3?79 Traditional Technology Section Operational Technology Division Office Cell Fruml loTo) (FBI) 1?5 . Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:IR) [0To) (FBI) Subject: RE: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 Let me check with believe fronDhat VSU was going to pay for that training. Thursday morning would be good for me, I think may have plans that afternoon. Thank: From: b6 Sent: "Iloqdav 1mm: 96. ar 12 8:57' AM 3370? To' o'ro) (FBI) Cc: ha) (FBI) Subject: UAV training Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3953 000163 b6 Welcome to the UAV program. I understancijis retiringl:lbut before he decided to do that, we set up a meeting to discuss the future of the program. That meeting was set for this Thursday. i?m not sure if that meeting is still set to take place but unfortunately i have an Aviation Safety Council meeting which I must attend. I would like to get us ail together at some point in the near future (perhaps next week} to talk about the program. In the mean timel: 1as submitted a trustee event to fund a training in early FY13 to train a few new LIAV operators. This has made it up my chain to my AD who has asked if OTD could pay 1For it. As you have probably ?gured out by now this is a unique relationship between Field Flight Operations and Video Surveillance Unit. Who should pay for the various aspects of it can often fall into a gray area. Do you have a sense of whether OTD would be wiliing to fund this training? Let me know your thoughts on it and I look forward to'meeting with you. be Unit Chief 137?: Field Flight Operations Unit Surveillance ardAviation SectionfCiRG (cl Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-3954 000164 HEREIN IS DATE ll?EU?E?l?i Ell" FESMEJSEHE b6 (OTD) (FBI) me From: (DTD) (CON) Sent: Tuesday. September 27, 2011 4:57 PM To: Go: I tom) (Fem kcow) Il?nhl?i Subject: FW: I Categories: Saved for ref Classification: UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL U515 ONLY I Please see VNF below. Thank you! 0T0.Form.022206. 136 Your request has been processed. MC security 3: Comp iance Manag?ment Unit 813611 "itv Sneeinliq??RF FLE Desk Fm: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY mom) (FBI) :gc Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 9:21 AM To: DIV18 VI 1T Subje Classification; UNCLASSIFIED Hello Attached is the VNF for two gentlemen from : that will be visiting the academy,?r onl to 23C attend UAWUAS training held at the TEVOC track FBI Academy. The visitors will not be entering am; of the facilities. If b7E you have any questions or concerns I can be reached at Thanks 1 . CREW-3955 000165 Classificatioh: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3956 000166 ihLL INEDREATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS 11?2 ET NSICS F54333K4E VSU - New Pro Date Inventoried: COTR: LMS: Date Entered AMS 12f10f12 Invento Form NbrIProp ISerial INbrIProp [Serial CREW-3957 136 hi?: FIFE L. HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE lln20?2013 BY HEICG (FBI) From: (IR) (FBI) Sent: 575mm}! .2012 1:02 PM To: (FBI) Subject: E: urent FBI UAS Aircraft Classification UNCLASSIFIED near: Thanks. I?m putting them ME Best wishes, From Sent: 11 a an 2012 11:50 AM I To! rm (FBI) (OTB) i Subject: Curent FBI UAS Aircraft gem) (FBI) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hello : Here is a spared sheet of current and on order UAS. Thanks : File: FBI UAS Aircraft Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 I epicbrg ?bS CREW-3959 000168 b6 336 3:78 335 2:70 ELL INEDRMATIDN CUNTAIHED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE ET NSICG 354M93K4E kom) (FBI) From: (OTD) (FBI) Sent: WV 13 2012 :30 AM - To: IOTD) (FBI) Ce: W3) (F301 (F31: Subject: RE: IPAC question Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Ne from this one either l?another one for thel I Frem:L (FBI) Sent: Fridav. Januaw 13. 2 12 10:18 mid?t To: (OTB) (FBI) OTD) (FBI) Ce: ere) (F8131 (0TB) Subject: RE: IPAC question Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Any word from HQ on this open ltis still showing as fully funded in FMS. Management and Program Analyst Techni it Pho Fax: UNCLASSIFIED From{ 1 k?gwm) 0Tb) (FBI) (OTD) (FBI) 0T0) TD.) (Fem ETD) (FBI). Subject: RE: IPAC question We are inqui?ng'abeut turning ever the open to let you know if )1 when this From:l IOTD) (FBI) Sent: Thursda A Ii] 21, 2011 1:35 PM mien? (FBI): teTe) (FBI) 1 CREW-3960 000169 136 b6 b6 13-6 12-70 b5 cc (FBI) (OTD) {Fanl keno) Ject: RE: IPAC question This PO is still open per FMS. What is the status of getting this MIPRIIPAC for payment. It needs to he paid and closed out. FY10 ytnooai 0001 PERM TO PAY INVOICED TO DATE PERMIT TO PAY i thanks Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit Pho Fax UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD From] (FBI) be To OTD) (FBI) we a CC (0TB) (FBI) Subject: RE: IPAC question Hello Just wanted to let you know that 1 reached out tol:land discussed the problem and he referred me to Elm WV as the subject matter expert. After talking with them I called theDOC and she researched the process on 'r sponded saying that the group that they are in cannot due IPAC. just received a cail from and they determined that the MIPR was un completed Rejection of MIPR due to Absence or line ot accounting. They are going to forward the new special deposit requirements over and are requesting a financial FCC to contact. Would you like me to ferward your work it to them? Thanks Fromi (OTB) (FBI) b6 Se Monday. Fehm ry 0}"Ir 2 11 2:46 PM To: (FBI) Su eject: FW: IPAC question 2 CREW-3961 I Se 11:: Monday. March 20 1 3:22' PM 1:70 000170 b6 B7: Management 85 Program Analyst Contracting Of?cer Operational Toohnolog Division From (FD) (FBI) Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:11 PM To tore) (FBI) - Cc: tom) (FBI) Su Ject: RE: IPAC question UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD b6 if you still need my help please give me a call at: or. OLE Object: Picture {Device Independent Bitmap} From: (FBI) - b6 Sent: Wednesda February 0'3, 2011 9:52 AM .1375 To: (OTB) (FBI) WE Subject: FW: - MIPR Here is one of the outstanding where the vendor is waiting to be paid. To date no has been charged to this account. I Management and Program Analyst Technical Ftes onse Unit Phone Fax From: 1 tom) (FBI) b6 Ser Mam-lav 2010 2:23 PM 137?: To: oTo) (FBI) Su 13:21:: RE: l- MIPR UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD The name of the person that you need to speak to is in the email below from: 3 CREW-3962 i You have an EPAC fol in your To Do box- and don?t see any IPAC for this amou n1 000171 Management and Program Analyst Techniw. Phone: b6 Fax:l I we b7E From: (FBI) Sent: when? 2:22 PM To: me) (FBI) Subject: RE: I UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD Do I need to send another copy of the don?t thel: submitting payment to the Bureau? The purchase order provides the funding to them. Pm not getting anything in IPAC to approve for don't know what else I can Mmagement a Program Analyst Contracting Of?cer 01: era?onal Technologr Division State%?c Resources Unit From: b6 5 Sent: Mondav. Became I3, 2010 12:09 PM 1370 To: (oreCc: o'ro? I OTD) (FBI) - Subject: RE: PD - MIPR . Importance: High UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD : any soluiien to getting this paid? I Management and Program Anaiyst Technical Res onse Unit Phon Fang From: (0To) {Fan 1 b6 Sent: 8 nos av, ovemher 03. 2010 2:39 flu?L om: To: (Fen limo) (FBI) HE rm) lo: a; @3111 low; (FBI) Subject: RE: MIPR UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD Heilol: 4 CREW-3963 000172 Is it possible to get an update on the payment to or the payl ed Also is an extension to the 2010 funding being he . lite-Id to this so that they can use it? Just talked frorr nd no funding has been sent. Thanks From: [0111} (FBI) Sent: We 11:51 To: {Pan} L'on {Fan Co: pm} (FBI) Subject: RE: PO MIP UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD Any updates? The funds still have not be spent per FMS. Thanks Management and Program Analyst Teohni Fax: From IcFo) (FBI) Ef?e Sent: Thursda Se temper 30, 2010 2:11 PM ME Tod IroTo) (FBI) Cc! OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: IPA-C question UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD You have an IPAC forljin your To Do box and I don't see any IPAC for this amount: If you still need my help please give me a oat! a1 OLE Object: Picture (Device independent Bitmap) From: I KOTD) (FBI) he Sent: ThursdayI September 30, 2010 1:31 PM To: Fm Co: kOTo) (FBI) Subject: IPAC questlon UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD 5 CREW-3964 000173 Can you help with have a vendor that should have an in the a stem but it doesn't show up (at least I. can't see it). It?s purchase order IHow do - the invoices show up in I don?t understand the process. Thank you, Management 35 Program Analyst? Contracting O??icer Operational Technology Division From: I Igoro) Sent: 7:28 AM To: (0T3 FBI OTB FBI Cc: Dro? Subject: RE: MIPII Importance: High UNCLASSIFIED Can you please contact and work with her and maybe the MIPR was not excepted and they can't IPAC for payment. .4 Management and Program Analyst Technical Ree onse Unit Phone Fax: From. IoTo} . Sent: :52 PM . To: (ore FBI Cc: {Fan (oTo) Subject: MIPR UNCLASSIFIED I still don?t see anything showing up in the IPAC approve for payment. I'm not sure what the problem is. ..will check again. From: I tore} (FBI) Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 2:31 PM To: {Fenl Cc: (FBIH IIUI LIN-til} Subject: RE: I- MIPR Importance: High UNCLASSIFIED 6 CREW-3965 000174 136 136 I370 137E 136 12-75 b6 have-just been advised by the vendor that they need to have this PO paid by this month in order to use FY10 b6 FUNDS. Nothing has been posted in FMS to date re the MIPR payment. The POC for payment on this contract fol and email Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit Phone: I Fax: 136 From: I (FBI) 3373 Sent: Fridav. Julv 30. 201:} 10:29 AM To: (0TB) (FBI) Cc: I?nTn? EFEI) Ul FWD) (FBI) Subject: RE: Do you have any update on this From: I 306 Sent: urs ay, uy 3:14 AM 337?: To: (FBI) Cc: I?ts?) to'meBnl loom) (FBI) Subject: RE: Po MIPF. Importance: High NON-RECORD mailed yesterday inquiring about payment for the above purchase order. I checked FMS today and no mg as een posted for payment. We received the item in January. Can you please provide an update of the MIPR payment to this vendor. The POC for payment on this contract tort Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit PhoteJ Fax: From: I (F31) b6 Sent: :19 PM 1370 To: (0'13) 1373 Iron (FBI) Subject: RE: Poo] IMIPQ Importance: High CREW-3966 000175 UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD Any updates on this MIPR with 1 Management and Program Analyst Techni Pho Fax. From: I More} (FBI) Sent: - FWD 2:59 PM To: oTo) Cc: 0TB (FBI) Subject: I?m?:1 MIPR UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD b6 FMS is showing the money has not been taken. b6 I:here is the contact info for the person that needs to talk to you about setting up a MIPR account so vendor can get payment. Thanks: Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit Phor, Fain. (0TB) (FBI) 3 11:01 AM (FBI) BI) From: Sent: a rue To: Cc: Subject: MIPR UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD b6 b7E I have sent you emails on your [0 account in reference to a MIPR being set up'witi'l received these items so the vendor wants to MIPR for payment. Thanks Management and Program Analyst Technic .it Phone: I . We have 3 CREW-3967 000176 Fax: UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3968 000177 136 ELL INEDRMATIDN CUNTAINED HEREIN IS EDATE 11-21-2013 ET NSICG (OTD) (FBI) From: (OTB) (FEE) Sent: War 28, 2011 11:39 AM To: TD) (FBI) Cc: (om) Iro'ro) {com Subject: FW: UAV program purchases 1sthuarter. Categories: Saved for ref Clea Sif ication: UNCLASSIFIED Please check the smelling on all three documents for the word It shouid be]: Thank From] (FBI) Se Wednesdav. Decerr ber 28, 2011 10:41 AM To: (OTD) (cow) Co: OTD) (FBI): (OTB) (FBI) Subject; UAV program purchases 1st quarter. Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Heil Beiow are the Security Addendum Sole Source Justification Statement of need to be submitted. Please let know if you need any further documentation and 1 will get right on SecurityI JUSEFICAUGN UAS Perches Addendumdoc 0R SOLE SOURCE . 2012.doD( Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3969 000178 136 b6 leE 136 b7C b6 b?C His L. IS UNCLASSIFIEE 11?21?2013 31" pm) (FBI) paw?a . Sent: ednesday, November 30, 2011 2-23 PM To: {Fed IrnTm - (ER) (FBI): Subject: EC Categories: Active Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED fig This EC describin raining has been serialized and uploaded as serial 82. Please review and make your travel arrangements. s54: Field Flight Operations Unit Pregram Manager (desk) lBlackBerrv} Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-39.70 000179 136 - b5 HEREIN IS lln21-El313 El" b6 (OTD) (FBI) 3:70 From: I (ER) (FBI) Sent: ?,201211:43 AM To: (FBI) Subject: RE: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I just submitted the EC saying we will do our own in-senrioe. SSA :38 Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager (desk) (BlackBerry) mel [010) (FBI) b6 Sent: Wednesdav. Marc]- 28, 2012 9:00 AM 337?: To: (0T0) (F - 0c IR) koTo) (0T0) (FBI) Subject: RE: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 336 3:30 The cost per student will he I am assuming that the price goes down as you add students? Thanks : From: (FBI) Se rlt: Tuesdav, March 2012 4:3? PM To (0T0) (FBI Cc (IR) (FBIH (FBUEI (0T0) Subject: RE: Train the Trainer status Ok thanks My understanding is the cost of the course is per student. The requisition we submitted was for : How' ME did we get four slots? From] [000) (FBI) b6 1 we CREW-39H i Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000180 Sent: Tuesday, Ma_rch 2012 4:10 PM Toi [om as o) {931(1- 3:20 (OTB) Subject: RE: Tram the Trainer szatus Classification UNCLASSIFIED Hanoi: be The contract folks were working on the P0 last week. AfteDeceives the P0 and excepts it we can schedule the b7?: training for Quantico. The quote is for 4 People to If {flied at Quantico and could possibly take a copal of weeks or so ME to lock down the availability of an instructor ill let us know ASAP when we can schedule the training. ThankCl b6 From: (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Tuesdav. March 2012 3:52 PM To (mo) (FBI Cc: om) (om) (FBI) Su ject: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED be What happened to the train the trainer course? Was it scheduled? Also, you mantioned in passing we had four slots? How was that achieved? Thanh. SSA Program Maria er UAV FBI Academy Quantico VA Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000181 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-3973 000182 IHEURMATIDN CUNTEINED HEREIN IS DATE 11?21?2613 ET HSICG b6 (0TB) (FBI) me From: (IR) (FBI) Sent: 28, 2012 4:35 PM To: (OTD) Subject: RE: Demo i Test for Lab Classification: UNCLASSIFIED will be there 55 b6 . . . . bar: Fleid Fiight Operations Unit Program Manager FOU) {desk} BlackBe ry] Emmi (OTD) (FBI) 1?5 Sent: nes a are 20, 2012 4:29 PM 337?: To: (OTB) (IR) (OTD) (FBI) Subject: Demo Test for Lab When: Tuesday, April 2012 12:00 AM to Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:00 AM Eastern Time (US 3: i Canada). Where: TEVOC FBI Academy Classification: UNCLASSIFIED ello we h'ye scheduled a demo f0 UC ever at the Lab for grim Demo will start remaining time for pro?ciency ?ights. Please et me new if you can attend and help HE with the Demo. Thanks UNCLASSIFIED Classification: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 000183 ELL IMEDRMATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-21-2013 ET NSICG 354333K4E b6 (OTB) (FBI) b7: From: I Sent: 28. 2012 2:20 PM To: (OTD Subject: RE: UAV test! Demo Categories: Active Task Classification: UNCLASSIFIED :Iwill be OK for us. Fromi tom) (FBI) ?35 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 1:29 PM b7: T01 Imam Subject: RE: UAV test 1' Dem Classification: UNCLASSIFIED How about the Fromi (FBI) b5 Sent: Wednesda 28, 20.2 10:04 AM To: (F . Subject: RE: UAV test I Demo Classification: UNCLASSIFIED won?t work for us. From: [(oTo} (FBI) b: - Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2012 8:59 AM 1? To Su Jject: RE: UAV test;r Demo for 29th Mar Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hell How will th ork for you? From: (FBI) 1 CREW-3975 000184 Sent: Tuesda March 2012 9:47 AM Te?on? (Fan Su Ject: RE: UAV test; Demo Classification:-UNCLASSIFIED We are good to go for What time do you want to get together? From; Emu) (FBI) 9:0? AM To: Subject: UAV test Demo Hello Looks like the TEVOC will be Ii alked witi?l I over at the track and he has 2 clas ses on that day utilizing the track. Wouidl Ibe good for you and your folks? Thanks Classification UNCLASSIFIED CREW-3976 000185 136 Hi?: b7E b6 EKLL IS Eli" FESMEJSEHE I as (FBI) 137:: From: I Sent: Tuesday. Ma_roh 2? 2012 4:37 PM To: (OTB) Cc: real Subject: RE: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Ok thanks My understanding is the cost of the course is did we get four slots? per student. The requisition we submitted was for: How From (FBI) - :gc 5e - 2012 4:10 PM To (0T0) (FBI Cc: OTD) (FBITI he) (OTB) Subject: Rt: Iran the status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 The contract folks were working on the PO last week. Afterljreceives the PO and excepts it we can schedule the MC training for Quantico. The quote is for 4 People to be trai ted at Quantico and could possibly take a cape! of weeks or so ME to lock down the availability of an instructor. will let us know ASAP when we can schedule the training. From OTD) (FBI) 5?5 Sent: Tuesday, March 2312 3:52 PM we To: (OTB) (FBI) kom) (FBI) Cc: OTD) Subject: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I: be What happened to the train the trainer course? Was it scheduled? Also, you mentioned in passing we had four (4) slots? me How was that achieved? Thanks 554 Program Manager 1 000186 UAV Academy Quantico VA Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 000187 336 12m: .EKLL CUETTMI-TEE HEREIN IS ll?El?E?l?i El" FEQMEJSEHE I 336 (0TB) (FBI) am: From: I I (OTB) (FBI) Sent: W. 2012 3:52 PM To: (OTD) (FB - I Cc: am) Ina) 5 (FBI) . Subject: Train the Trainer status Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b'r'c What happened to the tram the trainer course? Was It scheduled? Also, you mentioned In passang we had four slots? ME How was that achieved? The '55!5 Program Manager we: FBI Academy Quantico VA Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 000188 1 DECLASSIEIEB ET HSIEG DH 11-21-2?13 glow) (FBI) From; Sent: Mondav, Marsh 19, 2012 6:45 PM To: Rom) (Paul (om) (FBI) Co: (FBI) Subject: FW: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress Categories: Completed Task Classification: i Classifie JTSJ 5 i Declaseify_0n: 370319 i Derived Multip Sources i Gentlemen, See below. Sent: Mondav. March 10, 2012 6:43 PM To: (FBI) Cc: Subject: RE: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress I . i From: BEERS, ELIZABEFH RAE (om) (FBI) Classification: Beth Eeavs of?oe of Coma vassiomi, Affairs 1202-324 4510 i CREW-3980 000189 .b5 b7!) b6 mo b5 b6 336 1370 From] Sent: Mondav. Marcw 19, 2012 4:40 PM To (DO) (FBI) Cc: ELIZABEI RAE (OCA) (FBI) Subject: FW: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress Classification: Classifie J75J 65 Declaeaify On- 70319 Derived om: Multip Sources {Ul?-Fe?d?lOn Congress signed the new FAA bill. This bill requires the FAA to establish new rules within 90 days which would allow law enforcement immediate access to non populated class airspace for aircraft sizes 0 to - 251bs. This was accomplished through great effort of the FBI working with the DOJ and the FAA. This collaborative effort between the FAA -Unmanned program of?ce and represents various law enforcement agencies. If you need additional information, we would be more than happy to provide. if; From: (FBI) Sen 2012 10:23 AM To: Cc: BEERS, ELIZABETH RAE (OCA) (FBI) Subject: RE: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress Classification: Classifie K53 Declaesify 0 370319 Derived Sources b6 This is the paragraph OCA SC Beth Beers had. a question about: MC 135 Is the Hill drafting this legislation and the FBI is providing technical assistance on it? Or is the executive branch andf'or the drafting it? Thanks for any clarification-you can provide. b6 2 CREW-3981 000190 b6 boo Special Assistant to the EAD Criminal fvher, Response and Services Branch {desk} (blackberry) From! Se 1t: Monda March 19, 2012 9:59 AM Tail (no) on Su Ject: RE: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress Classification: Classifie Declassify On: Derived Fr b6 Thank you Will let you know if i hear anything back. From-1 DO) (FBI) Sent: Fri av, Marc 15. 2012 3:25 PM 10:] hm oi Ina] (o0) FD) Cci EDOXFBI) Subject: Revised Draft Surveillance Report to Congress Importance: High Classification: Hi all, Attached is my effort to incorporate the additional material your divisions provided, at AD Kelly?s request, into the Surveillance Report to Congress called for in the 2012 Intel Authorization Bill. File: FY 2012 Intel Please let me know by COB Monday, March 19, if your executives are okay with the portions of the report that affect your programs, or if I have messed anything up. Thank you! b6 3 CREW-3982 000191 ?5 . . h7c SpeelaI to the EAD Criminal, Cuber, Response and Services Branch {desk} (blackberry) Classification: SE RE Classification: SE THsessas nu Classification: SE Classification: SEC Classification: SEC Classification: SEC Classification: SE T/?ieFGRbi- Classification: SE RE ?nes-reas? CREW-3983 000192 DECLASSIEIED ET 354133513012 DH 11"21?2?13 b6 (OTD) (FBI) From: I (FBI) Sent: 5. 2012 5:04 PM a To: (FBI) Cc: (FBI) Subject: RE EC Categories: Purple Category Classification: ssb?ET/m b6 Iconcur100%. 3?73 Thank You. From: (FBI) b5 - Se - 5, 2012 4:54 PM (OTD) (FBI) . Cc 3TB) Subject: RE EC Classification: Classifi Declassify On: 00315 Derived 0090731 Gentiemen, b5 336 3370 1 CREW-3984 I I I . 000193 Sincerely, Field Flight Operations Unit Program Manager {desk} {BlackBerry} Froml 0T0) (FBI) Ser Thursdav. March 15, 2012 10:08 AM To: 3TB) (FBI) IR (FBI) Cc: (OTB) (FBI) (0T0) (FBI) Subject: PW: Classification: Classified Declassify On: T0315 Derived Fr 0090731 ': Thanks I will forward this team his review. From: (FBI) Sent: Thursdav, March 1 2012 9:03 AM To: IOTD) (FBI) Cc: 0T0) (FBI) Subject: (I Classification: Hello : Here is the EC for rhanks File COA Classification: 83%sz 2 b6 136 1376 b6 b7E b6 CREW-3985 000194 Classification: CREW-3986 . 000195 EHEREIH IS EECEPT CLASSIFIEE 1 4 OTHERWISE EECLASSIYY Cit-i: 11-21-2038 2 DATE: 11?21?2013 331 (OTD) (FBI) 333 From: (FBI) Sent: 2012 8:54 AM To: (OTD) (FFili Subject: FW: Operational Technology Classification: SEXMET Class' 'ed By: 374 Deelassif . 0370301 Deriv From: Other uide I:Iplease provide a copy of for this presentation and coordinate wit I may be gone by Fromi koTo) (FBI) b1 Sent: Tuesda Februa 28, 2012 3:45 AM 333 To: rFenl (oTo) (=enl [(003) b5 limo . (OTD) i (FBI) Cc: (FBI) Subject: FW: Operational Technology Classification: Mark your calendars forl: According to the Let me Know it I?m missmg anything. I'll b5 present the material while you all prepare all the props. i Ir'i 1 g3; them some of the eguipment that we could brin Unit Chief - Video Surveillance Traditional Technology Section Ooerational Te'hnology Division Office Cell From: (OTB) (FBI) Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 2:07 PM (FBIH (0T0) (FBI) WFBII 1 (OTD) EPIWoncies low) (FEW: be 1378 CREW-3987 000196 iOToi (Ferd I (OTB) keen) b1 ml om) [oeayl I :2 (0TB) (FBI). W: . kOTmrand I I FBI) in. [gt-35%) 0T9) (F . abl Subject: Operations: ec no oml Brie?ngAgendaPag e123 Classification: Classif' By: 49W33B92 Declassify 20370224 Derived om: er b'ir'E 331 -Can you please facilitate havingl:l:ome back to present his laser technology briefing? b3 336 The inaservice detailed in the attached EC has been approved. Please assist this effort by: 337:: 1 Identifvina someone from vour Unit who can attend the in-service. I 2 i5) I briefing agenda has been I attached iden i it? If you need additional background please reach out for me and I will elaborate. Most of you are already working on this project with TOCU and understand what is expected. 136 me b'i'E Technical Operations Coordin .ation Unit Operational Technology Diuis Qua ntico, VA ion Classification: 2 EPIC-16Wolicies CREW-3988 000197 Classification: CR 3 CREW-3989 epiC-Org EPIC-Wlicies 000198 IDECLASSIEIED ET HSCIG 354M93K42 DH 11"21?2013 (OTB) (FBI) From: kOTo) (FBI) Sent: Friday, February 12, 2D12 12:18 PM To: (FBI) Cc: hero} (cow) Subject: FW: Statement of need and Sole source. Classification: S?pg?T I made some changes to the bodyl I ISompare it to the one you submitted before, also cut and paste the changes from the correctedl I document to the Statement of need Document. Then forward them back to me for review . I will then send it to If you want to print out the original document we can compare it to the one I corrected . Sent: Thursda Februa 16, 2012 1:38 PM Toj (OTB) 0To) (FBI) Cc are) (FBI) Subject: Statement of need and Sole source. Classification: SEQQET Classifi Hello] I Here Is the Statement of need for req Parts and supplies as well as Sole Source justi?cation. for the UAV program. Thanksl I nd Parts.docx OR SOLE SOURCE . 1 Froml (0To) (FBI) I will email over the Quote from to you on you on your unclassified email. This will finalize the budget for 2012 CREW-3990 000199 335 136 if?: 336 337': as . ch' Classification: sg??ET 2 CREW-3991 000200 HEREIN IS EATE lln21-El313 336 how) (FBI) From: (OTD) (CON) Sent: 5, 2012 2:45 PM To: (OTD) (FBI) Cc: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: Shortfall for UAV purchase I Classificationr?UNCLASSIFIED 136 W9:th (Fax) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-3992 000201 i a I- n- 5 Emma to )3 short for UAV purchase. Can I take the funds from Front Office funds, If available or ask . Videovae?lanernii' EKLL HEREIN IS DATE 11?21?2013 31" b6 (om) (FBI) From: (CON) I HE Sent: 310 9:51 AM To: (om) {cow} Cc: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: Follow Up Flag: I Follow up Flag Status: Flagged UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD FYI, The following items were omitted by me when, I transferred thel: program over to VSU. Please verify and accept in 337E PMA. If you have any questions please let me know. Property Number I Suffix Old Prop Number 0 ME Description ANNED AERIAL SYSTEM Office Description anufanturprl I Property Nu mberl I Suffix Old P'op Number 0 WE Description Office Description] I UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-40 13 000202 HALL HEREIN IS UNCLE-1133137131: .DATE 11-21-El313 Ell" I-TSIEG FEQMESITHE From: (0TB) (FBI) 1 Sent: nee av oohe To: OTD) Cc: (OTB) (FBI) Subject: UAS Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged UNCLASSIFIED uas FREQ This freq plan is the same as the approved DOJ plan only I increased: This HE should work for our new UAS. [t is onlyDohannels but that should be plenty. UNCLASSIFIED 000203 I I I I . 1 CREW-4014 -A L. HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-"21-"2013' 3?1" 35113933131 FBI UAS FREQUENCIES CHANNEL CENTERFREQ GUARD CREW -40 1 5 000204 DECEISSIEIED HSICG FEQMSIEKIJE DH (OTB) (FBI) From: Sent: To: Go: Suhject:_ Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: RECORD UAV Security Addendumwpd how) (cow) 05, 2010 10:1? AM n-rm (F31) IOTD) (FBI) (ani Security Addendum Acquisition Follow up Fiaggsd Per attached is the addendum for the subject acquisition. DERIVED . ON: 203508 SECRET- Bl Classification 1 a ed 1I97. Foreiqn Investioations CREW-4016 136 DECLASSIEIEB ET NSICG 35413155133342 DH 11-21-2'113 136 OTD) (FBI) From: I koro) (FBI) Sent: Ilmwoajlmo 12:16 PM To: (OTB) {an 1 n=sn; hero) tore) More) (sou) Subject: Security Addendum 1 Acquisition Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged SEC RECORD I:Iand All, attached is a security' addendum put together this morning for]:lJAV acquisition. b6 - needs this to be signed out by Security before the package can be forwarded. Please take a look and make mods as MC necessary so we can push it along. ME . Thanks, i% .cquisition Security . b6 b'i'C Video Surveillance Unit (VSU) Operational Technology Division (0TB) DI ex ice Mailbag?Cell DERWED G-3 FBI 6-3, dated 1l9'l, Foreign Counterlntelligenoe Investigations DECLASSIFICATIO TION 1 1 CREW-40 19 000206 IS UNCLASSIFIEE EBATE 11-21-2013 Eff NSICG E54393!de b6 . 137?: I From: I Sent . To: (FBI) Cc: Subject: Unmanned Aircraft Training Iroro) (FBI) torn) {.an Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD ETEISCUSS the Issues Let me explain where we are with the U53 {gnmanneg Aircraft Systems) program. l?v?lv Unit inherited this program from another Unit 2 months so Basically all is needed to request our assistance is a Tiv'lD request by your to this Unit for UAS support. we?ll touch bases with you and net ail the info we need for the Certificate of Authorization issued bv These are some of'the constaints we operate under: 1- FAA COA's approval (no GOA, no flying) . Field Dram:- PIC I b6 0 1 Icertitied} WC not allowed ME We are trying to push this program forward as much as we can. I know this can be a huge bene?t to the FBI it given the right support. I wasn?t present at a meeting two weeks ago where it was mentioned that folks in this Division was looking at cutting the UAS program out entirely to meet the budget cuts we're facing next year. My goal is promote this program as much become a toot the cannot do without. I mention this so that we can also generate as much Field support from SAC's. ADIC's etc. to get to the Director. Due to the new FAA stance, we will collect as many requests for UAS support and hopefully get FBUDOJ execs to support us and go to Congress. As to your investigation, 1 would be giad to send someone to take a look at your situation and see if we could come up with another solution to meet your needs. Let me know. Thanks. b6 Chief - Video Surveillance Unit Operational Technology Division ERF-Ouantie Of?ce Cell 1 CREW-4022 000207 From: I I (FBI) Sent: 10 5:46 PM To: (FBI) Subject: RE: Unmanned Aircraft Training 136 I ISAI Ispoke to someone in your unit about our request for assistance with a surveillance drone. When you get a minute could you send me an email with the details as to what needs to be done at our end to put official request in to your unit? Also can you provide me with a step by step explanation as to what happens next? My ASAC is asking me all kinds of questions on this and I want to have all the facts straight before brief him. Thanks for all your help. We are looking forward to working with you on this mission. From: I (0TB) (FBI) 136 1370 Sent: 2 PM Ted krsi}; (FBI) WE Subject: RE: Unmanned Aircraft Training UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD Sorry, ['ve been out for the last week. We'll make note of your interest. I?ve asked to see when he could do a surveyr for you. Get back to you later today. - eo Surveillance Unit Operational Technology Division ERF- Of?ce Cell From: I Sent: 01f) 5:56 PM To: 0TB) (FBI) Subject: Unmanned Aircraft Training Please let us know how to proceed. Fran} (FBI) b6 b'rc b'i'E and are both interested in UAS training. If there is a list, please include us. Our Supervisors is very interested in the new technology. We have a unique opportunity to use the equipment in this case 136 Sent: Tuesda Jul 06 2010 9:18 AM IrFan-I Subject: FW: Unmanned Aircraft Training 2 lann-I ME CREW-4023 000208 b6 If you are interested in using a UAS in your case onl Isend SSA below requested info. we i Let?s and at one or more of these assigned to us! Ibut I will push to ME haveILE??lget a UAS unit. Let me know if any of you are interested in attending the training to get certified 2 when it gets approved. From: (FBI) b6 Selm. AM 397?: To FBI) NE Cal 0TB) (FBI): (FBI) Subject: RE: Unmanned Aircraft Training UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD b6 Just send us your exact locationls) (Iatilon) where you want the UPS to cover or] could send peopleto survey this with your TTA's. FYI. we are trying. hard to promote and sunplv the Field with UAS suonort. I at Our current UAS operable but new UASI I Hopeful . i FAA has to issue a Certificate of Authorization to fly in the requested region. They have the ultimate say in whether we fly or not. - ASB (Aviation Surveillance Branch - also has to concur UAS use. ASB has ?rst right of refusal. Discuss UAS use with your PIC or Flight coordinator and get concurrence. If he thinks a manned asset can do thejob, you'll have to convince him otherwise. Let us know how we can help. 335 b7c Chief Video Surveillance Unit Operational Technology Division ERF-Quantico Jf?ce Sell From: (FBI) b6 Sent: :1 a one AM b'i'c To: UTD) (FBI) Subject: nmanne Ircra raining suggested i send you an email to request a slot or two at future training on unmanned aircraft program. I am the Tech Supervisor in have going on in a remote area calledl and we have a I talked to 3 bout the dif?culties great need for deploying a CREW-4024 000209 336 BTU I I Let me know what need to do to request deployment of unmanned aircraft in this investigation. Thanks. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 4 CREW-4025 I 000210 ELL HERE IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE lln21-2013 EEQMBEEHE From: Sent To: Subject: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD need me to do anything. UNCLASSIFIED Iis looking for a so how) (FBI) I (FBI) (FBI) 10 8:35 AM {Fan-I UAV capabilities demol Follow up Flagged 1 CREW-4026 000211 13-6 3378 b6 demo from the UAV program. i told him I would ask. Let me know if you WE INEDRMATIDH CUNTEINED QHEREIH IS EDATE 11-21-2013 ET HSICG I program. 1 am the Tech Supervisor in have going on in a remote area called 1:6 I tore) (FBI) From: (OTD) (FBI) Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 9:07 AM To: (FBI) Co: I om iFRl (OTB) (FEDI (OTD) Subject: RE: Unmanned Aircraft Training I Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged NON-RECORD 136 me Just send us your exact location(s) (letflon) where you want the UAS to cover or I could send people to survey this with your TTA's. F'i?lI we are ?ing hard to promote and suoolu the Field with UAS 0 Our current operable but new UAS Hopeful ME expected delive - FAA has to issue a Certi?cate of Authorization (GOA) to fly in the requested region. They hate the ultimate say in whether we fly or not. 1: A83 (Aviation Surveillance Branch - also has to concur UAS use. ASB has first right of refusal. Discuss UAS use with your PIC or Flight coordinator and get concurrence. If he thinks a manned asset can do the job, you?ll have to convince him otherwise. Let us know how we can helpChief - Video Surveillance Unit - Operational Technology Division ERF- uantico Of?ce Cell From: I . 1'35 Sent: Frida June 25 2010 9:25 AM b7: To: threes} be Subject: Unmanned Aircraft Training Isuggested 1 send you an email to request a slot or two at future training on unmanned aircraft and we have a great need for deploying aerial surveillance in a case we I talked Iabout the difficultiezi or unmanned aircraft In this Investlgatlon. Thanks. 1 Let me know what I need to do to request deployment CREW-4027 000212 UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-4028 000213 33-5 1370 FALL IHEUREATIDH CONTAINED I5 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT EHHERE SHEEN OTHERWISE . CLASSIFIED BE HSIEG REASON: 1.4 DECLASSIIT DH: 11-21-2033 DATE: 11-31-3013 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To: Operational Technology Attn: Operational Technology Division (OTB) TTS/Technica'f Dissonance: From: Date: 01/20/2010 Technical Response Unit Contact: SSA . Approved By: Drafted By: i Case ID 31912 (Pending) Title: SCHEDULES AND DEPLOYMENTS 1 UNMANNED AERIAL SYSTEMS 55 Synopsis: ?521 CREW-4033 EPIC-Wo?cies 000214 b6 b7!) bl b3 To: Re: Operational Technology From: 0 ational Technology CREW-4034 000215 bl b3 ALL CLASSIFIED ELY HSICG . HEREIN IS EIHEEPT I REASON: 1.4 {all eases sage? OTHERWISE DEELASSIFY 0N 11?21?2033 oaTE- 11?21-2013 b6 OTD) (FBI) b'i'c From: ore) Sent: Wednesdau Denen? her 1 2009 5:58 PM To: (ore) Co: {ore} (an (OTD) (FBI) Subject: RE: Test Flight Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged UNCLEIFIED Thank you. Please keep me advised. When i mentioned this to he said we might need bigger UAVs and said 136 with people and it is all possible. We Acting Section Chie Traditional Technology Section Division Des . BB From: ore) b6 Sent: 15, 2009 2:25 PM To: (OTB) FBI Cc: (ore) {isotherm (FBI) Subject: Test Flight UNCMIED NON-RECORD bl b3 b6 {53 mo sail: bi Technical Response Unit Opp-national g3; Division (W) (C) 1 CREW-4042 EPICWPOHCES 000216 2 CREW-4043 epiC-Org EPICWoIicies 000217 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1353258-0 Total Deleted Page(s} 103 Page 11 56; Page 12 b6; Page 13 b6; Page 18 b6; Page 19 56; Page 21 b6; Page 43 ReferralfDiIect; Page 44 ReferralfDirect; Page 45 ReferralfDirect; Page 46 ReferralfDirect; Page 4? ReferralfDireet; Page 48 ReferralfDirect; Page 49 ReferralfDirect; Page 50 ReferralfDirect; Page 51 ReferralfDireet; Page 52 ReferralfDirect; Page 53 ReferralfDirect; Page 54 ReferralfDiIect; Page 55 ReferralfDireet; Page 56 ReferralfCensult; Page 5? ReferralfDirect; Page 58 ReferralfDiIect; Page 59 ReferralfDireet; Page 60 ReferralfDirect; Page 61 ReferralfDirect; Page 62 ReferralfDiIect; Page 63 ReferralfDirect; Page 64 ReferralfDirect; Page 65 ReferralfDirect; Page 70 b3; b6; Page 75 b3; Page ?6 53; Page 7? b3; Page ?8 b3; Page 81 b3; Page 82 b3; Page 83 b3; b6; Page 84 b3; b6; b?C; b?E; Page 85 b3; Page 86 b1; b3; b6; Page 88 Duplicate; Page 89 Duplicate; Page 90 Duplicate; Page 91 Duplicate; Page 92 Duplicate; Page 93 Duplicate; Page 104 b6; b?E; Page 105 b6; 000218 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom 186 18? 188 189 118 111 146 14? 148 149 158 151 152 153 24? 253 254 255 256 25? 258 259 268 261 262 263 288 281 283 284 285 289 298 291 295 296 298 299 388 381 382 383 384 385 388 389 318 311 312 313 314 315 316 31? b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b6; b3; b3; b3; b3; b3; b6; b6; b3; b3; b1; b3; b3; b6; b6; b3; b3; b3; b3; b3; b6; b1; b1; b3; b3; b3; b1; b3; b3; b1; b3; b6; b6; b6; b6; b3; b3; b3; b3; b1; b3; b3; b6; b6; b?E; b6; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?C; b?D; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?E; b6; b?C; b?E; b3; b?E; b?E; b6; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?E; 66; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?C; b3; b?E; b3; b?E; b?E; b?E; b6; b?C; b?E; b3; b?E; b?E; 66; b?E; b3; b?E; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?E; b?E; b?E; b6; b?C; b?E; b3; b?E; b?E; b6; b?C; b?E: b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; b?C; b?E; 000219 Page 318 Deleted Page{s) ND Duplication Fee For this Page 000220 DECLASSIEIEB ET NSICG 35413155133342 DH 11-25-2'113 EMAILS AND ECS FROM ET Classifl By: 21T83 Derived Fro BI NSISC-20090615 Declass' On: 2 1231 CREW-4962 000221 136 ALL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-"25-"2013 ET 1" I - FEDERAL BUREAU OF 10-33334 COVER SHEET PRECEDENCE f" lmmedlate Priority Routine CLASSIFICATION ?Top Secret i? Secret i" Confidential f? Sensitive )KUnclassl?ed TD Name of Office: Date: b5 Mos . Attn: Room: Telephone Number: - FROM Name of Office: - Number of Pages: (including cover} or :3 when ?71 Origin I Facsimiie Number? Approv DETAILS Subject: woer Cue?9mm Special Handling Instructions: Pom. was Mesa. Wigs 42? em :Pilo?l? Jet-19.31.. I Will 5on3 mediates Wlx?lh oblalmok A 136 Brief Description of Communication Faxed: - ch . Cuff 12x53" do. {has a :6 Class LI a WARNING Information attached to the cover sheet is U.S. Government Property. If you are not the intended recipient of this information disclosure, reproduction, distribution, or use of this information is prohibited 641). Please: notify the originator or local FBI Office immediately to arrange for proper disposition. .l CREW-4963 Fo-44?30Fnei?ised 1o-2rpzoo4} FEDERAL. BUREAU OF mesaxserron HALL HEREIN IS DATE Ell" EEQBBEKJJE i Mi? . From: (FBI) 335? 5 SentSubject: RE: Medical Gert, Class II Classification: UNCLASSIFIED . b6 me only maintain records of these certificates for the Video Surveillance Unit and also forward copies tel: mm Position Title: ANAL Functional Title: Organizational Title: Cost Code/Responsible Unit Code: 2242 Cost Center Name/Responsible Unit Name: D22-AVIATIDN SUPPORT Fax Number: k? Pager Email: Blackberry Email lean Zia Ser on 6% arc :26 AM To: (FBI) Subject: Medical Cert, Class II - - mtEn-vavwll. warn-n J: 1 000223 mum u-lnl- arm-nu "mm-?an. ?var-w? q?m 1. --.1 I need To ge?r you copy of my Cioss 11 mediooi cer??cofe. PIeose provide on bu-moil oddress so 1 can forward ?o youli Thonksi! Very Respectfully, Investigativ - tien Buenberr'y: Critical Incident Response Group Field High: Operations Unit NEE SAFE, STAY VIGILANTN . Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b6 b?C b7E CREW-4968 000224 EKLL HEREIN IS DATE 11?25?2013 31" Fin?443 - - FEDERAL Reiriseo' 10-2?-2oo4 - FACSIMILE COVER SHEET - PRECEDENCE Immediate - r? Priority \Kao?tine I . CLASSIFICATION 1 1? Top Secret Secret I if" Confidential t? Sensitive Unclassified Name of Office: - Facsimlle Number: Date: Sugo'oflf b6 Attn: 1? . I I MIL-ulnar. I FROM Name of 0333 . . . I . Number of Pages: (including covermam?. I rinln?fnr': 1- - .- Approu DETAILS Subject: - im?? ..uiT?xie- tr? ET :30 _.w*iee ea We cm, mi- um . U353 1 ?or . ET LVsu)-? 'U-Piv pier WARNING Information attached to the cover sheet is Government Pro I . . party. If you are not the Intended i'ECiplent of this information discl reproduction, distributionr or use of this information is prohibited 18.USC 641 . Plea ?gure: immediately to arrange_for proper disposition. I 5e notify the anginamr or local FBI Of?ce CREW-4969 000225 L. IS EDATE 11?25?2013 31" EEQMEJSKIJE m" . FEDERAL INVESTIGATION 10?2??2no4 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET paeceoauca 1" Immediate f? Priority XRoutine CLASSIFICATION r? 'Top Secret f" Secret r? Con?dential r? Sensitive XUnclassi?eds jab; 1 in'te: FM . Name of Df?c - Gigs/sag Att . noom. 1e ephone Number; 136 . FROM - Name of I Number of Pages: {Including cover} Brian-lat h' I Approyer DETAILS Subjeot: [class Ii: moire/l CLtH-Fi?wiu - 9le @6091 (Lupus . h'xjour I 1_ b6 bye 5 SpecialMandling Instructions: i Brief-Description of Communication Faxed: I . on piles 0-f? Information attached to the cover sheet is U.S. Government Pro reproduction, distribution; or use of this information is prohibite immediately to arrange for proper disposition. WARNING party. If you are not the intended'recipient of this information disclosure, (18.USC, 641}. Please notify the originator or lose! EBI Of?ce 000226 Ithl: CUETTMHED HEREIN IS DATE 11-25-2013 ET NSICG 35413933342 y: "rath- I . . Figs 7 - FEDERAL softestqu INVESTIGATION 10-2??2004 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET PRECEDENCE I I f? Immediate I f? Priority XRou?tioe .. CLASSIFICATION ?k ?Top Secret Secret f? Confidentiai f? Sensitive XUnclassi?e T0 - 1 Er: Nameof-D?ic? . - "if-f '31. Attn: . Room: Teiephone'niumber: 0? b6 FROM - Marne of foi Number of Pages: {including coveroriginator I {Oriainator?q ?rininhenmn approved: DETAILS Subject: II: -. Special Honoring Instructions: ingots i379 4ft; Your b6 Brief-Description of Communication Faxed: Qif?fth't? 0093? 01(1- WAR MING Information attacheti to the cover sheet is-U.S. Government Property. If you are not the intenoed"recipient of this information disciosure, reprocfuction, distribution, or use of this information is prohibited (18.USC, 641}. Please notify the originator or loca! FBI Of?ce immediater to arrange for proper disposition. 1 CREW-4973 000227 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE ?11" I-IEIEG EEQMEEKJEE b6 . OTD) (FBI) MC From: :oTo) (FBI) HE Sent: urs a us 31?] 12:35 PM . To: (OTD) (FBI) I Subject: ma Services an Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Clea aification: UNCLASSIFIED Shore is the EC and a short description of what the Field Offices arearequired to have before we submit a 305 COA request to the FAA. You can forward this email and the attachment to anyone in the FBI that need the MC information. Froml Moro) (FBI) be Sent: Thursda Jul 21 2011 7:40 AM 3370 To: I I are "Fan I FBI (FBI) El (FBI) Subject: FBI Small UAV Services and Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hybrid Squad We Operational Technology Division (OTD) and Critical Incident Response Group offering our services in support ofI Ifor the Hybrid Squads and across all Field Offices. . b6 Video Surveillance Group the Tech guys who give you : and cool gadgets and Field 137?: Flight Operations (FPO) the guys who m: have been working jointly for over a year in an effort to create an operational Unmanned Aerial Vehicle{UAV)Program. The time'is now here and we are offering these services. In order to legally fly and operate the UASs, we need to submit what is known as a Certificate of Waiver andAuthority (COA) to the Federal Aviation Administration - - Once the authority is granted {usually 2-3 months) we can deploy the team 1 CREW-49.75 000228 - Leaf," We currently have several approved CDAs and have applied for a county wide (IDA id I 136 All we need from your Squads are thel 1:3: I I If approved we will them submit these coordinates on the CDA to the FAA via our new and streamlined online COA process. Once approved by the FAA, we will require certain administrative assistance and approvals from your office management (see attached EC). We have successfully operated thel Please take a moment to read the attached EC for requirements once a COA is approved. If you are interested in these services please contact me or have your case agent contact directly and I can assist you with the process. Regarding the] II returned from their training several weeks ago. While at the training we were able to b6 utilize thel I These services are also available and we are WC coordinating these between OTD and Aviation Surveillance Branch] I Once a determination is made that : Services are feasible, we will contactI Rememberi:lis on a case by case basis and not a blanket offer. Any Questions please feel free to contact your Technicai Advisor, your Aviation Coordinator or me directly. Thank You SgAl 136 Program Manager hm I I b7E i o'ro-vsu FBI Academy Uuantico, VA Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-4976 000229 IS . I a: ET HEIEG FEQMEEIOJE . (Rm. 054)] ?00 8) a UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE. Date: 11/10/2010 To: critical incident Response Attn: ASCI I ASE :gc Group ocl From: Operational Technology Traditional Technolo Section Video Surveillance Unit b6 Contact: SSA bee i i Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID Title: . eve 'Synopsis: Recommend Standard Operating Procedures for the request.and implementation of services tor DAV and {better known asl Iby field offices and operating requirements and parameters for equipment and personnel operating these vehicles. EnclosureTsjk 0.3. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic I Organization Policy NJ07110.52 effective I 12/15/2009 Federal Aviation Administration, Memorandum, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the 0.5. National AirSpace System - Interim I Operational Approval Guidance, dated 12/16/2005 interim Operational Approval Guidance 08-01 Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Operations in the 0.5. National Airspace System dated 03/13/2000 Details: Operational Technology Division (OTDJ/Traditional Technology Section Surveillance Unit (V50) currentlv has an inventorv of UAVs andl I h?E VSU_314.1.wpd ?19.11. In 3049,92 . CREW-500 1 000230 9 To: Critioal Incident ResponSe Group From: Operational Technology Re: 11/10/2010 ?Set Lead 1; (Info) For information only. Enols 00: I be I UNCLASSIFIED 6 CREW- 5006 000231 Wul By sales P54nssK42 HEREIN Is sicEPT - REASON: 1_4 DECLASSIFY DH: '(Rsm0501200m DATE: 11?25?2013 I Precedence: ROUTINE . Date: 02/02/2012 5 To: Operational Technology Attn: b6 3:70 i From: Operational Technology Contact: SSAI - b6 Approved By: Drafted By: I I Case ID 319T-2-HQ-A1487668 (Pending) Title: nmanned Aerial Vehicle I Synopsis: Provide information on Unmanned Aerial VehicleEUAV) lfor FY 2011. DeiailgilDuring Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, the UAV program consisted Iof fullwtime andl Ipart-time personnel. The UAV Program with regards to operating procedures, requests forl service procedures and training. These operating and training procedures and guidelines were established in accordance with the EC dated 10/28/2010, titled Standard Operating Procedures file numbers and This EC was drafted and approved based on observations and lessons learned from previous UAVI operations and a b7E desire to implement a within OTD which was not only successful but followed investigative guidelines, both legal and operational. The EC also addressed training and Electronic Surveillance (ELSUR) requirements not met in previous In addition, the EC established a request process from Field Offices for and guidance on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Bureau Aviation Regulations (BAR) for Pilot?in?Command, Co?Pilot and.Observers for DAV operations within the National Airspace System (NAB) and throughout the United States. As a result, the following Goals' and Objectives were established and met for FY 2011. I 000232 i UNCL SIFIED To: Operational Technology From: Operational Technology Re: 02/02/2012 EPIC-16 CREW-5014 000233 ALL IHEURMATIDN CUNTAINEE HEREIN IS ET HEICG 6 Administrative: (Rev,G5-Ul-2003) UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: .0?/22/2010. be If To: Attn: I. deo Surveillance Unit Operational Technology Frdm: CIRG SASXASBXASU Co rant: SSA b6 Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID (Pending); Title: AIRCRAFT BUREAU AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Synopsis: FAA UAS All Hands Conference Call Reference: Serial 32 Slides delivered to VSU via UNET. Enclosure(a)= For the file only: FAA provided briefing slides. Details: On I the FAA Unmanned Aircraft Sveteme Office I lheld a conference call to discuesl b6 20: )l.wpd UNCLASSIFIED uploadggig? $02 CREW-5021 000234 UNCLASSIFIED To: Operational Technology From: CIRG Re: 07/22/2010 Set Lead 1: {Igfo} TECHNOLOGY Am QUANTICO, VA Read clear. UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW- 5022 000235 CONTAINED EHEREII-I IS UNCLASSIETIEE 11-25-2013 ET ETSICS 35439333112 {Mel-2mg) :4 UNCLASSIFIED FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: To: Operational Technology ?Attn: Video Surveillance Unit From: CIRG Contact: SSAI I b5 Ayproved By: Drafted 3y: Case ID {Pending} Title: UNMANNED AERIAL FIELD FLIGHT OPERATIONS BUREAU AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Synopsis: Guidance from FAA Unmanned Aircraft Program Office. Details: On per telcal, the investigating Agent be discussed unmanned aerial system training issues with I Air Traffic Manager, Unmanned Aircraft ys ems, I [reported that the FBI could conduct internal UAS training and QilOt certification training. The only be prerequisite to such training is that all attendees be licensed pilots. The investigating Agent invitedl lto send an FAA employee to attend the first such in-service. UAV2.WPD UNCLASSIFIED CREW-5023 000236 UNCLASSIFIED To: Operational Technology From: CIRG Re: 03/29/2012 Set Lead 1: (Info) OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Read a clear. UNCLASSIFIED '2 CREW- 5024 000237 CONTAINED IS UNCLAESIETIEE .DATE 11-25-3313 ET ETSICS FEQMEBKJIE ?iev.05-0142038} UNCLASSIFIED Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 03/14/2012 To: Technology Attn: USU From: CIRG Contact: seal - b6 b7c Approved By: b?E Drafted By: Case ID (Pending) Title: UNMANNED AERIAL FIELD FLIGHT OPERATIONS BUREAU AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS b?D Synopsis: GAS Conference b?E Reference: Serial 89 Administrative: The writer?s presentation is available on the ASE SharePoint site. Enclosure(s}: For the file only, four FD-340 envelopes containing: Business cards from conference participants, (2) i Summary of conference presenters, The writer's presentation. b6 b7C Details: IUnmanned Aerial Svstem conference atl h?E from The investigating Agent attended and delivered a lecture entitled, ?Legal Challenges to Unmanned Aerial Systems in the United States." The presentation focused on the relevant constitutional and administrative law governing UAS Operations in the United States. UAV3.WPD UNCLASSIFIED CREW- 5025 000238 13;;14'd? a-K UNCLASSIFIED To: Operational Technology Fxom: CIRG- Re: 03/14/2012 Set Lead 1: (Info) OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AT VSUE VA Read clear. Set Lead 2: (Info) CANBERRA AT CANBERRA, AU Read clear. UNCLASSIFIED 10 CREW- 5034 000239 INEDEHRTICHI HEREIN IS TJI-IELAESIFIEE DATE 11-45?2013 BY HSICG a. i "231. FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION 07332155502 RECEIPT FOR GOVERNMENT PROPERTY REQUEST TYPE l7 Received F, Returned . PROPERTY RECEIVED FBI Identi?cation Card No.: Special Agent Badge No.1 Special Agent Credential Card No.: Support Employee Credential Card No.: ContractorlTask Forcefother Credential Card Key Number: Hook Number: Room Number: Government Credit Card No.: Telephone Calling Card No.: Cellular Telephone No.: Laptop Comp?ter No.5 Bullet Proof 'v'est: Other: Signa Date: 136 01/19/2012 ETC I certify that I have received the government property acknowledged above for of?cial use. The government property which you hereby acknowledge is charged to you and you are responsible for taking care of it and returning it when its use has been completed. Employee will be required to reimburse the FBI-for in cases where the emponee is found to he negligent. XSignature: ?ame: ISSN: PROPERTY RETURNED Reasun'for Ratuming: Absence For Maternity Reason Transfer Military Leave Resigrlation Retiring Cther FBI Identification Card No.: Special Agent Badge No.: Special Agent Credential Card No.: Support Employee Credential Card No.: Contractor?ask Forcefother Credential Card No.: Key Number: - Hook Number: Room Number: Government Credit Card Non: Telephone Calling Card No.: Cellular Telephone No.: Laptop No.: Bullet Proof V'est: Other: PROPERTY RETURNED TD Signature: Name: Date: CERTIFICATION I certify that I have returned the government property acknowledged above for of?cial use. Signature: Name: SSN: CREW-5035 Fo-za1egkeelsed 07-25-2002} EPIC-16-09?9??opmne-Policies FEDERAL BUREAU OF momma 1 ALL HEREIN IS UNELASSIETIEE DATE 11-25-2013 31" EEQHSIEKJIE T0 CONFIRM CHARGE OUT: PRINT THE SCREEN PRESS KEY01/19/2012 CHARGE OUT - CONFIRMATION SCREEN 15:18:45 Property Number Suffix Seria] Number Mode] Number LocaT Ser1aT Number Manufacturer - Descr1pt1on Office-Description Cost Center 1846 RA A You are responsibTe for taking care of the Government property which you A A hereby acknowTedge 15 charged to you. You must return at upon compTetion A A of 1ts use. DO NOT MARK 0R WRITE IT OR MUTILATE IT IN ANY WAY. A officiaT Name . . . SSN Charge Out Date . . 01/19/2012 Return Date 01/18/2013 Non?F81 LE EmpToyer I . . Locat1on LocaT Locatmon case No Remarks I EmpToyee S1gnature Date E1: HeTp F3: Exit F12: CanceT 4A0 24,078 136 FIG 000241 5036 PILL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-"25"2013 31" 1131153 TO CONFIRM CHARGE OUT: PRINT THE SCREEN 81 PRESS IENTERI KEY. A A 01/19/2012 OUT - CONFIRMATION SCREEN 15:19:49 Property Number Suffix SeriaT Number Mode] Number LocaT seriaT Number Manufacturer Description Office-Description Cost Center 1846 RA You are responsible for taking care of the Government property which you A hereby acknowiedge is charged to you. You must return 1t upon compTetion i? 01C 1125 use.- DO NOT MARK OR WRITE IT OR MUTILATE IT IN ANY MAY. OfficiaT Name . . . SSN Charge Out Date . 01/19/2012 Return Date 01/18/2013 Non-F01 LE EmpToyer . I . . Location LocaT Location Case No 'Remarks EmpToyee Signature Date - El: HeTp F3: Exit F12: CanceT 4AU 24,078 CREW-50 000242 1371?. 136 CONTAINER IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11-"26w-2013 ET ETEICG FEQMSIEKJIE TO CONFIRM CHARGE OUT: PRINT THE SCREEN 8: PRESS KEY. PMAPR18K 7? A A EM ?i 01/19/2012 . CHARGE OUT - CONFIRMATION SCREEN 15:20:46 Property Number Suffix SeriaT Number Km 2 ModeT Number LocaT SeriaT Number 5 Manufacturer . Description Office Description Cost Center 1846 -RA A You are responsibie for taking care of the Government property which you hereby acknowTedge 15 charged to you. You must return it upon compTetion A ?i of use. DO NOT MARK OR WRITE ON IT OR MUTILATE IT IN ii OfficiaT Name . . . SSN Charge Out Date . . .01/19/2012 Return Date 01/18/2013 Non?F31 LE_EmpToyer I Location LocaT Location - Case No Remarks I . . EmpToyee Signature . Date HeTp F3: Exiti F12: CanceT 4A0 - 24,078 CREW- 038 1 000243 IHEDRMATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS DATE 11-25-2013 ET NSICE 354M93K4E 000244 TO CONFIRM CHARGE OUT: PRINT THE SCREEN 81 PRESS IENTERI KEY. 3" ?1 01/19/2012 CHARGE OUT - CONFIRMATION SCREEN 15:14:02 Property Number Suffix SeriaT Number Hm Mode] Number LocaT SeriaT Number Manufacturer Office Description Cost Center 1846 8 You are responsibTe for taking care of the Government property which you 8 8 hereby acknowTedge TS charged to you. You must return it upon compTetion Of 1115 use. DO NOT MARK OR WRITE ON IT OR MUTILATE IT IN ANY WAY. 1? OfficiaT Name . . . SSN i?c Charge Out Date . 01/19/2012 Return Date 01/18/2013 LE EmpToyer I Location LocaT Locat10n Case No Remarks . I EmpToyee Signature Date E1: HeTp F3: Exit F12: CanceT 4AU 24,078 CREW-5039 ALL HEREIN IS UNELASSIETIEE 11?25?3313 El" FEARBSKAE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE - Date: 04/10/2012 To: Operational Technology Attn: Video Surveillance Unit From: CIRG Contact: SSA b5 Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID (Pending) UNMANNED AERIAL FIELD FLIGHT OPERATIONS BUREAU AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Synopsis: ?(Ul UAS Test Site Request for Comments, Details: (U) On 04/10/2012, the investigating Agent participated in a web based seminar hosted by the Federal Aviation Administration The topic of the presentation was the solicitation st on prepssed unmanned aerial System test ranges for use in evaluating integration of UASs into the National Airspace System. The conference was open to the public and journalists reportedly participated. As all statements were on the record, the investigating Agent did not speak. FAA employeesl Iwere the b6 'presenters. The main topic was the review of the FAA h?C modernization and Reform Act of 2012 and the current notice of proposed rule making concerning the test ranges and the associated pending request for comment. This requirement was included in the Act by Congress. The BAA shall determine the location of six test ranges which shall be operational within 180 days. is the Federal Register document number for the requirements concerning test ranges. The ranges are intended to test a variety of UAS capabilities such as conventional takeoff and landing, high speed flight, maritime capability, operations at very high altitude, and evaluation of dissimilar aircraft in multiple altitude structures. Geographic and climatic diversity is a goal for_the test ranges. The FAA will UAV1.WPD CREW- 5040 000245 To? Operational Technology From: CIRG Re: 04/10/2012 not fund the operation of these test ranges. Each user wanting to operate a range must demonstrate ability and experience to do so. Comments are due 05/08/2012. Test site selection will be published in December, 2012. All comments will be posted to or on the FAA website. Additional information is provided at Relevant questions and answers are discussed below. One questioner asked about whether the test ranges would allow' both civil and public operations. The FAA.responded that both civil and public flight operations would be allowed. The tenor of the answers to various questions made clear that the test ranges are meant for use in research and development and not for operational use. The program is intended to allow the FAA to evaluate system safety, aircraft certification, command and control links, control station layout, sense and.avoid, environmental impact, and human factors. The request for comments is intended to help define the range selection criteria. No sites have yet been chosen. The funding of the test site will be the responsibility of the proponent. The FAA would not charge for test range use. The question of whether the operator of the test range could assess fees was not answered. 2 CREW- 504 1 000246 Re: Operational Technology From: CIRG 04/10/2012 Set Lead 1: #0 ?{Info) OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AT USU VA (U) Read Clear. 3 CREW-5042 000247 I, . ALL. s5 2121:0011?: Is DATE 11*25u2013 Bit? Management and Program Analyst Techni 137:: Fa I From: lore) (FBI) b6 Sent: Frida Jul 30 2010 10:20:10: - To: IDTD) .Cc: (Fem IOTD) ME Subject: RE: P001 I UNCLASSIFIED Do you have any update on this From: I CITD) (FBI) he Sent: Thursda Jul 20 2010 :14 AM 137?: To: o?ro) (an Cc: {ore} (FBI) Subject: RE: PD Importanca: High UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD alied yesterday induiringtebouttpayr?entffof the abo'ye purchase order. I checkedI:I today and nothing has been posted for payment. We received the item in January. Can you please provide an update of th I be I The FCC for payment on this contract for Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit Phone: Fax: . . .. . From: I (FBI) b5 Sent: Tuesda A 11120 2010 1:19 PM hm To: 7E oc: tom) (FBI) Subject: RE: I I - Importance: High I be SI I I - Any updates on thi with thel Iis showing the money has not been taken. b7]; Management and Program Analyst CREW 505 1 - 000248 a" Em. Technical Res onse Unit Phone-vr-n- -0 From: OTB) (FBI) Sent: rt air, man; 4, 2:59 PM To: Cc: DTD FBI Subject: UNCLASSIFIED .. ,i .. :Ihere is the contact info for the person that needs to talk to you about setting up a] payment. Management and Program Analyst Teohni it Poor: e: Fax; in. From: I Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 11:01 AM (Fan Co: (FBI) Subject: PO UNCLASSIFIED NON-RECORD loan get being set up with the] have have sent you emails on settle received these items so the or paymen . ri?e Management and Program Analyst Technical Res onse Unit Pho Fax: UNCLASSIFIED 4 .. UNCLASSIFIED CREW- 5052 000249 b6 b7.If UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Tracking: - . . . - Recipient Read Read: 3:32 AM Read: Bf16f2010 10:rl?n' .. "Pun??(n .. CREW-5053 000250 b6 Acquisition Security Unit Checklist . Version 3 Previous editions are obsolete and will not be accepted . 1 start. . 7.4; Request Date: 05i24f2011 Anticipated Procurement Date: Requisition . b6 Point of Contact: 1:70 .POC Phone it: WE Highest Ciassification Required for Vendor to Provide Services 1 Products: (Access to FBI systems? Access to classi?ed information?) I Ei SECRET El TOP SECRET TOP SECRETISCI Comments: - -. . I lira}. 9:27: 1 . '1 1 -- sets 3?s it sate-ma I . . DO: . Date Received. :1 136 Date Additional Information Requested: have Date Returned: El El Classi?ed Contract (DD 254 Required) 13 Community Acquisition Risk Section (CARS) Special Security Requirement Assessment Required) ContractingC?icer?s Security Representative El E-QIP Special Security Requirements IE-DOJ- Procurement uidance-for Security Systems-and Data, including Personally identi?able Information {Pil} Special Security Requirements - Cl DOJ Consent for Warrantiess Searches of DOJ Workplaces El Personnel Security Special Security Requirements i3 Source Selection Board (SSES) Requirements for Classified Contracts Special Security Requirements Contractor Financial Disclosure Requirements El Contractor Suitability Requirements National interest Determination El Required if not already accomplished as part of the original comm'?I . Ci Required it connected to a FISMA or Critical Asset System (is HE Ci Required if includes procurement of iT hardware 1' software connected to a FISMA or Critical Asset System intergovernmental procurement i reimbursement El No actions related to security were identi?ed in the documentation provided ASU Date .. -- 33554-9131? -, "tic: - .- 'rvtErr we", an? 1, star 3 - "i .- 'oii El - rear-.2 Procurement OfficiallCOTRiTechnical resentatiye: i] i certify that those security requirements identi?ed above by the ASU have been incorporated into the procurement documentation. Ci This mission essential contract. Sig nature: Date: b6 b'i'C Printed Name: ALL HEREIN IS DATE 11-25?2013 ET Please attach the completed checklist to your package at submission to Finance. CREW-5066 000251 ACQUISITION SECURITY REQUEST LI - .rt .. Anicied r. Procernent Date: . in eseller With ?g Access to seame1i"; . .- . Vendor Name: Vendor Address: I Manufacturer Hardware Software Maintenance Vendor Marne: I Vendor Address: El Contractor Providing Classified Services El DD Form 254 Required Vendor Name: services in detail) 1. being procured (list the speci?c hardware I software I Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Division. Section, Unit, and Program)? 2. What entity witl be purchasing and using the product (Location, Video Surveillance Unit, Operationai Technology Division, Traditional Technology Section. Unmanned Aerial Vehici 3. Network on which roductlservice is to be used (Lel I I I etc.) NIA 4. Highest Ctassi?cation I Security Requirements (Le. Top Secret, Top Secret SCI, Secret, SBU, LES, etc.) UNCLASSIFIED 'the equipmentlsoftware (FBI personnel, vendor, other)? 5. Who is installing and maintaining FEE PERSONNEL 6. Will the vendor require access to classi?ed NO one: FBI COTR NameiPhone: Program Managerfl?echnical POO: Requisition Number: Purchase Order Number: cairn" TL swear} .?Htr ?it $11! 31% . teeterslit-siftestedtt rag-1A -- bin: [-551 Statement of Work 80 Jul :2 i. All requests will cqoisiti Key Management Personnel Listing (KMPL) I FD-369 Requisition for Supplies andIor Equipment be handled by date received by ASU~'unless i.e. Director?s Priority, are specifically provided in writing by the Contracting Officer. Risk Questins (therplace uired if a ciasied ontact Specific issue prioriy, Comments: vii SDI-ITAIHEU IE UTTC IEE BATE 11-25-2913 35431333012 Revised Return to Acquisition Security Unit, PIA-555 I =2 ncassl?ed Fax 220 9232 000252 HIE b6 137': BY I-TSICB ?ienosumenng) season: 1 4 {e3 11-25-2033 DATE.- Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 12/28/2011 b6 b7C To: Finance STCU From: Operational Technology . Unit Contact: Approved By: Drafted By: Case ID iU} Title: Requisition Matters Synopsis: (U) To request that the Science and Technology Contracts Unit evaluate and provide approval for the attached requisition for for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), training and repair services. Class; F88 Derived From Decla On: 2036 (U) sn?369 Requisition (U) Vendor Quote (U) Sole Source Justification Acquisition Security Request Enclosure(s}: Acquisition Security Unit Checklist Technical or Scientific Product Waiver Security Addendum Details: (U) The Video Surveillance ?nit (VSU) is responsible for vsu362.1.wpd MAIL ID 36903 ett Iusoanewlon ?tlgg?> HEREIN Is EHEEFT asset snows OTHERHIEE - b5 $9 1370 CREW-5068 000253 To: Finance From: Operational_Technology Ian. A 135: Re: iiy??/?bll Set Lead 1: (INFO) FINANCE AT WASHINGTON DC For information only. cc: 1 QTERF (Encs.) 1 QTERF (Enos.) 1 - IQTERF (Enca.) 1 - IQTERF (Encs.} 1 IQTERF (Encs.) b6 000254 sou Discreet-ricer snowman Is cars trelcc scariest-:42 HUN I REQUESI '?equhestbate: Anticipated Procurement Date: 011309012 . -. a? on. toting-res, El-Reseiler With Access to FBI Facilities .- . u- -- a -. - -- "memes" -- r" .3454? army-f. a?'hu swear-Eel. r. . as": g. tel. FAQ i, 1.. - El Reseller With Access are Facilities Vendor Name: Vendor Address: Manufacturer lHardware I Sofhvare I Maintenance Vendor Name: Vendor Address: ElContractor ProViding CLASSIFIED Services Vendor Name: Vendor Address: I . . FISMA System I Critical Asset System El Telecommunications 1. Products being procured {iist the speci?c hardware 1? software i services in detail) 2. What entity will be purchasing and using the product (Location, Division, Section, Unit, and El DD Form 254 Required Unmanned Aerial Systems, Training and Repair Services Operational Technology Division, Traditional Technology Video Surveillance Unit, Unmanned Aerial Program)? 3. Network on wiricbmduc?semj' WA is to be used its letc.) 4. Highest Classi?cation i Security SECRET Requirements Top Secret, Top Secret SCI. Secret, SBU, LES, etc.) 5. Who is installing and maintaining FBI PERSONNEL the equipmentrsottware (FBI personnel, vendor, other)? 6. Will the vendor require access to NO classi?ed informaticnisystems?? - i. .3 lift Title]: ?t Contracting Of?cer Namerr Phone: FBI COTR NamerPhone: Program Manager??echnical POC: Requisition Number: Purchase Order Number: Contract Number: Answers to the Acquisition Risk Questions (the replacement for the Key Management Personnel Listing (KMPL) I Err-see Requisition for Supplies andior Equipment El Statement of Work (80W) ?rt-aw: 's??i?tgg?oor?ce *1 I "i .- - dices-3All requests will be handled by date recei ed untess spe acting the priority, i.e. Director's Priority, are specifically provided in writing by the Contracting Officer; Comments: ,1 Return to Acquisition Security Unit, Unclassi?ed Fax: 202-220-9232 Revised 07i?'ir?03 CREW- SOFS 000255 Sec ion Vehicle ME 136 1378 Acquisitibn Security Unit Checklist it .3: 12 Version 3? 10i01i2009 Previous editions are obsoiete and wit] not be accepted was an: Haas-er. - - 1 insert-?55s?- "if Request Date: 12I'28i20?f 1 Anticipated Procurement Date: Requisition Point of Contact: POO Phone Highest Classification Required for Vendor to Provide Services i Products: (Access to systems? Access to classi?ed information?) I UNCLASSIFIED 13 SECRET. El TOP SECRET El TOP Comments: wt . mes. opiate"; use.? u! Date Received:- Date Additional information Requested: Date Returned: ?a nearer-rc-ter as {gain at w" starve? 335E933 "in" 1-. ?tars-Iii?: . ASU POC: t. her-314:? El [3 i3 El Classi?ed Contract (DD 254 Required) El Contracting Of?cer?s Security Representative El E-QIP Special Security Requirements (Pli) Special Security Requirements Requirements El Contractor Financial Disclosure Requirements El Contractor Requirements El National Interest Determination ?rWr?-?i?fh rt. r. '5 kEH'j'?i" vii-04an}? 1-. ?e?atss?i??im?sd it: ?tsE-i?lafsf. El Community Acquisition Risk Section (CARS) Special Security Requirement (CARS Cl DOJ Procurement Guidance for Security Systems and Data, including Personaliy Identi?able Information {3 Dad-Consent terWarrantiess Searches ef- DC-J Workplaces El Personnel Security Speciai Security Requirements E1 Source Selection Evaluation Board Requirements for Classi?ed Contracts Special Security Assessment Required) E1 Required it connected to a FISMA or Critical Asset System (Le El Required it includes procurement of lT hardware 1 software so It intergovernmentai procurement reimbursement it No actions rotated to security were identi?ed in the documentation provided 13 Required if not already accompiished as part of the original contract award snecteo to a Home or Critical Asset System ASU Date . 1 1 g] i - n39; soggy-21antistaticThis is is not a mission essential contract. Signature: Printed Name: Procurement OfficialiCO'i'Ri'l?echnical Representative: Ei i certify that those security requirements identi?ed above by the ASU have been incorporated into the Date: I i procurement documentation. Please attach the completed checklist to your package at submission to Finance. an Inmates-tron CONTAINED HEREIN Is uuclesstsIEE II:an assures-:42 CREW- 50?6 000256 b6 b6 b6 'iaLL DATE 11?25?3313 31" 354M93K42 FEDERAL BUREAU OF IINTVESTEGATION TECHNICAL 0R SCIENTIFIC PRODUCT WAIVER JUSTIFICATION FORM Version 1.0 {1222812010} Thisform must be completed by a Program Manager within 0TB, LB, or CJIS. Once compieted, this form, aiong with the completed FD-369 Requisition form, must be submitted to the appropriate divisional approvai supervisor per the table ofdoiiar-ieveis below: ilii?iitii s'f'llas; 100,000 Up to and including Section Chief $500,000 Up to and including Deputy Assistant Director $1,000,000 Over $1,000,000 Assistant Director Once the approved form is remitted with proper approval indicated, it must be included in your Requisition Package. Program Name: UAVFUAS . Date: 12i23i2011 Requisition bra DivisioniSectioniUnit: OTD i VSU Veryj: criteria apptju The acquisition will not con?ict, duplicate, or compete with a service already provided by The acquisition will not aid in the development of conflicting, duplicative, or competing networks already provided by ITB, or if so, a document is attached evidencing approval of the The items will be used to {you must check: at ieast one): _'lntercept, capture, collect, or record audio, video, image, or digital data in the course of surveillance activities; Exploit secure technologies and protect covert operations; Conduct scienti?c research, iaboratory, or forensic analysis; an_d The products will not be connected to or installed on one of the FBI Enterprise networks, or if so, a document is attached evidencing approval of the CIO. b6 ove are adequately satis?ed and at! information provided on titisform is accurate: NC Program Manager Name (printed) Approval Signature: Date: 121289.01 1 Name and Title: Unit Chief 000257 ti)ch unless at eta gm MtiL it) scams ALL. CENTRE-TED CREW-5081 HEREIN IS to"? qv Us? :st??itliits bi?: tiers-stiletto toils ?111,11- gag": . 6 REQUIRED REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (See Acquisition Documentation Guideline} .Acqutsition Pial'l {Required tfor acquisitions ESEM system life cost} i EC (Required for all acquisitions; except contract renewals) i indecendent Government Cost Estimate Market Research 1 Sole Source Justi?cation Statement of Work (80W) or Statement of Need (SON) Source Selection Plan {Required for competitive acquisitions 3$100Ki i Acquisition Security' Checklist i Acquisition Securityl Request R) - DD Form 254 (Required for classi?ed contracts) Section 503 (Required for etactronic and IT acquisitions} Waiver Justi?cation Form Additional Re uirements for IT A uisitions 0 I COTS Approval {Required for ALL IT acquisitions} IT Acquisition Form {Required for requisitions -- .J . hi5 neourneo 2. UNIT CHIEF APPROVAL itial 137:: on some all APPROVAL initial PrintedName (tit-i tits. it a" ?salt stat? . slates Is the request 3 will assist in preparing for Acquisition Review Board)? to request to fund a Sewioe Contract (New Contract __or Existing Contract If funding an existing contract option or mod identify the Contractit 1 ts-requestto tund-an-Actiuity or Project {New or'Existing it an existing Activity or Project reported in PAMS. identity RAMS to at] 4. El '-3oction Chief lat Printed Name 5, $500,000 - Deputy Asst Director Anthony P- ?Clemente b5 . b'i'C i 6. $1,000,?00 - Assistant Director Amy 3- HESS initial I I i 7. REG UISITION WITH ECS ATTACHED: i or uploading or alternate initial Printed Name REQUIRED 8. 1- FUNDING APPROVAL 3; TRANSMITTAL to CONTRACTING _initia All Accounts initial I initial 6 was} initial was initial 3?73 IITP: STAS initial _initial ALL HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE . 1 DATE ?11" I-IEIEG assessors: - car-rasaorsr ran -, . - .- r1: it Pitt? 11:: a .1 -..- 7?1- eseUl agent REQUIRED ?1 DOCUMENTATION (See Acquisition Documentation Guideline} l?h Acquisition Plan EDI-911 (Required for acquisitionsz-?EBM system life cost) EC (Required for all acquisitions except contract renewals) Independent Government Cost Estimate . Market Research Sole Source Justification Statement of Work (80W) or Statement of Need (SON) Source Selection Plan {Required for competitive acquisitions 3310010 Acquisition Security Checklist Acquisition Security Request DD Form 254 (Required for classi?ed contracts} Section 508 (Required for eleclronic and IT acquisitions] Additional Requirements for IT Acguisltions . COTS Approval [Required for IT non-baseline acquisitions} iT Form (Required for requisitions REQUIRED 2. UNIT CHIEF APPROVAL titial ?i PrintedName i initiai Printed Name will assist in preparing for Review Board}? request toiund a Service Contract (New Contract or Existing Contract ffunding an sarisling contract option or mod identify the Contract 3 request to fund an Activity or Project {New or Existing an existi or in PAiutS, identify PAMS ID the 3: 4. i $100,000 - Section Chief 5. $500,000 - Deputy Assistant Director Keith Bryars initial 6. $1,000,000 - Assistant Director Marcus C. Thomas 7. WITH ECs sinner-rec: for uploading or aitemate initial veins to CONTRACTING manureao 8. SRUIMSU - FUNDING APPROVAL 8: b6 b6 b?C _initiaI Ail Accounts initial initial @343) _initiai WRIAD initial STAR mm initial _initial CREW-5082 000259 IHEDREEATIUN HEREIN IS LINE LABS EIHEE PT WHERE OTHERW I SE a .- 3 m. CLASSIETEED HSICC- REASON: 1.4 EECLASSIEY DH: 11-25?2036 DETE: 11-25-3313 (Rev. 95-01 -2 [103) . 3 .wpd 'Approved By} FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/12/2011 To: Finance STCU Operational Technology Traditio a1 Sectioanideo Surveillance Unit Cortact: From: Drafted By: 1 Case ID Title: (U) Requisition Matters Synopsis: (U) To request that the Science and Technology Contracts Unit (STCU) evaluate and rovide approval for the attached requisition Unmanned.Aerial Systems Classified - seems I Derivelerom SISCG-20090615 Declassify . 2036 Requisition Enclomire (U) (U) Vendor Quote (U) Sole Source Justification (U) Acquisition Security Request (U) Acquisition Security Unit Checklist a never ending struggle to provide better service and capabilities to the FBI thru the use of new technology the 45?! b6 b6 1372. b7E HAIL ID 33332- ?3 000260 WW To: Finance From: Operational Technology Re: 04/12/2011 Set Lead 1: FINANCE AT WASHINGTON DC For information only. CC: 1 - QTERF QTERF (Enos.) b5 1 - {Enos.) b7? 1 QTERF [Enoe.) +0 4 CREW- 5086 epi?.org 000261 ELL meanest-Ion HEREIN IS DATE lln25wi?l? ET HEICG ACQUISITION SECURITY REQUEST Re uest Date: 04i?12r'201 1 Anticiated Procurement Date: 05i12i2011 3 it? Reseller With Access to FBI Facilities Reseller With Access to FBI Facilities Vendor Name: Vendor Address: I Manufacturer I Hardware Software El Maintenance Vendor Name: Vendor Address: El Contractor Providing Classified Services El DD Form 254 Required Vendor Name: Vendor Address: "r l' .Al i] "Edits FISMA System I Critical Asset System [3 Telecommunications .- - m? ,e VII. El Audiovisual 1. Products being procured (list the speci?c hardware 1 software i services in detail) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 2. What entity will be purchasing and using the product (Location, OperationaiTechnoiogy Division, Traditionai Technologyr ection. Video Surveillance Unit, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Requirements (Le. Top Secret, Top Secret SCI, Secret, SBU, LES. etc.) Division, Section, Unit, and I I Program)? 3. Network on which rcductr?service NA is to be used (LEI I - lets.) Highest Glassitication f- Security UNCLASSIFIED 5. Who is installing and maintaining the equipmentlsofhvare personnel, vendor, other)? PERSONNEL 6. Wiil the vendor require access to FBI COTR Namei?Phone: Program ManageriTechnical POO: Requisition Number: Purchase Order Number: Number El Statement of Work 80 air. . v. quests will handle .iire - - .. . - Answers to the Acquisition Risk Questions (the repiacement for the Key Management, Personnel Listing I FED-369 Requisition for Supplies andior Equipment I uired if a classi?ed contract . dby date received by ASU uniess specific issues affecting the priority, :j .. -. - 1 Comments: Le. Director?s Priority, are specifically,r provided in writing by the Contracting Officer. armory CREW-5095 S?furi?o: gags-555 000262 b?E 136 we b'i'E ALL CUETTMHED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE 11-25-3313: Ei?t' NSICG FEQEBBEME Acquisition Security Unit Checklist Version 3, rotor r2009 Previous editions are obsoiete and will not be accepted 4? Lil -. Request Date: 041' 1 212011 Anticipated Procurement Date: Requisition Point of Contact: IPOC Phone 1 Highest Classification Required for Vendor to Provide Services 1 Products: {Access to FBI systems? Access to classi?ed information?) I Cl SECRET l] TOP SECRET El TOP SECRETISCI b6 Comments: Date Received: - b6 Date Additionai informationRequested; a 137:: Date Returned: . Classi?ed Contract (DD 254 Required) i Community Acquisition Risk Section (CARS) Special Security Requirement Assessment Required) [21 Contracting Officer?s Security Representative El EHQIP Special Security Requirements . . El DOJ Procurement Guidance for Security Systems and Data. including Personaiiy Identi?able Information (Pll) Speciai Security Requirements Ei DCJ Consent for Warraritiess Searches of DCJ Workpiaces ?ltered on el'Secu rity 'Special?Security Requirements 11 Source Seiection Evaiuation Board Requirements for Classi?ed Contracts Special Security Requirements El Contractor Financial Disclosure Requirements i3 Contractor Suitability Requirements National interest Determination CI Required if not already accomplished as part of the originai centralisatio? Required it connected to a or Criticai Asset System {Le b'i'E El Required if includes procurement of hardware isoftware connected to a FlSiviA or Critical Asset System intergovernmental procurement! reimbursement No actions related to security were identi?ed in the documentation provided ASU . is Procur me tOfficia TRITechnicai Representative: El certify that those security requirements identi?ed above by the ASU have been incorporated into the procurement documentation. . i -. Ifgyii?wJI Ki. - Signature: Date: Printed Name: - b'rc CREW- 5096 eplc'org ?shy-rt. at?. nl- otlhmieoinn i-n Cinah?a 000263 I . MALL INEUREATICIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE IRATE 11-18-3313 ET NSICS - 1- b6 FBI) From: (Fat) Sent: 011 :03 PM To: FBI) Subject: RE: FBI Small LIAV Services and - - - ervioea Available I UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Thank you: Yes. this is the email I received. Sorry for the delay. we?re looking for b3 b5 b6 b7: b7E Cc?d iZIcan give you some locational information on b3 b6 bvo Regards, From low) (FBI) b6 Sent: Wednesdav. Julv 2011 11:14 AM b7: To: ME Subje ma Services and Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Below is the email I sent to the Hybrid Squads. [think you said vou had the EC below but just in case, here it is again. As far as the 03:15 are concerned we just got word that] I b3 b6 From: Iroro) (FBI) are Sert: Thursdav. JuIv 21. 2011 ?-40 AM me To: 1 CREW-29 58 000264 4 b6 i we Cc: I How) (FBI) ME Subject: FBI Small UAV Services and Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED File: Hybrid Squad We Operational Technology Division (OTD) and Critical Incident Response Group offering our services in support of] Ifor the Hybrid Squads and across all Field Of?ces. 1173 Video Surveillance Group (VSU), the Tech go 5 who give you : and cool gadgets and Field Flight Operations (FFO) the guys who flyl:lhave been working jointly for over a year in an effort to create an operational Unmanned Aerial VehicleIUAVIProgram. The time is now here and we are offering these services. 336 loTE in order to legally fly and operate the UASs, we need to submit what is known as a Certi?cate of Waiver and Authority (COA) to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Once the authority is granted (usually 2-3 months] we can deploy the teaml I We currently have several approved COAs and have applied for a county wide COA inI I WE All we need from your Squads are theI I I If approved we will them submit these coordinates on the (IDA to the FAA via our new and streamlined online COA process. Once approved by the FAA, we will require certain administrative assistance and approvals from your office management (see attached We have successfully operated irl i ME Please take a moment to read the attached EC for requirements once a COA is approved. If you are interested in these services please contact me or have your case agent contact directly and I can assist you with the process. Regarding the DHS-CBP Predator, I returned from their training several wee <5 ago. While at the training we were able to ME utilize the MCI-9 Predatoll These services are also available and we are coordinating these between OTD and Aviation Surveillar ce BranchI I Once a determination is made that Predator Services are feasible, we will contact DHS-CBP I Remember, Predator is on a case by case basis and not a blanket offer. Any Questions please feel free to contact your Technical Advisor, your Aviation Coordinator or me directly. Thank You SSAI I as Program Manager 2 CREW-2959 000265 ALL CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLAESIETIEE DATE 11-18-3313 ET NSICS he ?35 307:: From: [Fan Sent: Thursda Jul 21 201 9:39 AM To: I OTD) Subject: RE: Small UAV Services and Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Will do. Cuidate. Fran?! [(oro) (FBI) ?35 Se W11 9:1? AM are To (FBI) WE Subject: RE: FBI Small Services and DHS-CBP-MQ-Q Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED OK thanks, I spoke witH [last week. 3?35 bro From: be Sent: Thursda I 21 2011 9:5? AM 3370 T04 KFBI) Subject: RE: FBI Small Services and Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Claeei fication: UNCLASSI FIED 33-6 137:: From: (ore) (FBI) EC Sent: hursclav. Julv 21. 20 1 6:40 AM ME Toi Cc: More) (FBI) Subject: FBI Small UAV Services and DHS-CBP-MQ-Q Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED 1 CREW-2961 000266 . aClaeeification: UNCLASSIFIED File: Hybrid Squad We Operational Technology Division and Criticai Incident Response Group offering our services in support o? Ifor the Hybrid Squads and across all Field Of?ces. ME Video Surveillance Group the Tech 5 who give you : and cool gadgets and Field Flight Operations the guys who fle??E_Y?Ihave been working jointly for over a year in an effort to create an operational Unmanned Aerial VehicleIUAviProgram. The time is now here and we are offering these services. 395 etc: b'?E In order to legally fly and operate the UASs, we need to submit what is known as a Certificate of Waiver and Authority to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Once the authority is granted (usually 2-3 months} we can deploy the teaml I 397E l:l We currently have several approved COAs and have applied for a county wide COA inI I BE All we need from your Squads are theI I If approved we will them submit these coordinates on the (IDA to the FAA via our new and streamiined online COA process. Once approved by the FAA, we will require certain administrative assistance and approvals from your of?ce management (see attached We have successfully operated th UASs inI I WE Please take a moment to read the attached EC for requirements once a COA is approved. If you are interested in these services please contact me or have your case agent contact directly and I can assist you with the process. Regarding the DHS-CBP Predator, I returned from their training several weeks ago. While at the training we were able utilize the (1-9 PredatorI IThese services are also available and we are b7E coordinating these between OTD and Aviation Surveillance BranchI I Once a determination is made that Predator Services are feasible, we will contact OHS-CBPI I Remember, Predator is on a case by case basis and not a blanket offer. Any Questions please feel free to contact yourTechnical Advisor, your Aviation Coordinator or me directly. Thank You Program Manager be FBI Academy Ouantico, VA bar: b'i'E 2 CREW-2962 000267 ALL HEREIN IS DATE 11?25?2013 31" HSIEG Description b3 93 137E Current Requirements to Operate UAS in the NAS . *3 Certi?cate of Waiver or Authorization (GOA) is the method to receive approval to ?y public owned UA in the NAS. Special provisions are aiven to allow safe ?ight in a Speci?c limited area. *3 For the COA generallyal-lows operations in class airjspace I 9.4 +3 Two-person flight operation is required . CREW-273 I, - 000268 SUAS Description a 133 0:0 vote Current Requirements to Operate UAS in the NAS ms o} 1371?. Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (GOA) is the method to receive approval to ?y public owned UA in the NAS. Special provisions are given to allow safe ?ight in a speci?c limited area {1 *3 For the COA generally allows operations in class airSpace - 4:4? *3 Two?person ?ight operation is required +3 h7E 4:9 CREW-4821 000269 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEE DATE 11?25-2013 El" 14 as. 05-01-2003) UNCLASSIFIED Precedence: Date: To:- Operational Technology CIRG Attn: ABC SSA From: Operational Technology Contact: SSA b6 Approved By: Drafted By: I I Case ID (Pending) (Pending) Title: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Synopsis: Request for authorization to attend Department of Bender Peeteetion Office of Air and Marine, b7E commonly referred as Predator DAV Enclosure(s): Syllabus, Curriculum, Lesson Plan, and related training schedule for MQ-B Predator] I - A L. I ?Details: Since the acquisition of UAVs within OTDs Technical Response Unit (TRU)several years ago, OTD was faced with challenges in operating UAVs in the National Airspace System {NAS)and a program as a whole. As a result, a determination was made-by OTD upper management in mid 2010, to transfer the UAVs and personnel from TRU to Video Surveillance UnittVSU] and create a UAV Program within VSU of OTD. As such, this program is now fully operational'and has submitted additional Certificate of Waiver or Authorization the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in support of Field Offices across the country utilizing UAVs. UNCLASSIFIED CREW-4892 0002.70 UNCLASSIFIED To: Operational Technology From: Operational Technology Re: 02/24/2011 000271 b6 b7: CBPs availability to support FBI Unmanned Aerial surveillance missions, utilizing their 136 me i 156 b6 b7: request process had been developed and established at OTB. I ICEPs (Predator)l 136 MC UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-4893 5Lf't 1 UNCLASSIFIED To: Operational Technology From: Operational Technology Re: 02/24/2011 I IMQ-9 Predator] I I IPredator DAV requeste I IDHS Predator 1? I DHS MQ-9 Predator b6 MQ?9(Predator? UNCLASSIFIED 3 CREW-4894 - 000272 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIETIEE DATE ?11" I-IEIEG EEQMESIIHE OTD) (FBI) From: IOTO) (FBI) Sent: urs a us 31?] 12:35 PM To: (OTD) (FBI) I Subject: . ma Services and DHS-CBP-MO-Q Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Clea sifioation: UNCLASSIFIED Shore is the EC and a short description of what the Field Offices arearequired to have before we submit a COA request to the FAA. You can forward this email and the attachment to anyone in the FBI that need the information. Froml NOTE) (F-BI) El (FBI) Subject: FBI Small UAV Services and Predator Services Available UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hybrid Squad We Operational Technology Division (OTD) and Critical Incident Response Group offering our services in support of] Ifor the Hybrid Squads and across all Field Offices. Video Surveillance Group the Tech guys who give you] land cool gadgets and Field Flight Operations (FPO) the guys who m: have been working jointly ed in an effort to create an operational Unmanned Aerial Vehicle{UAV)Program. The time'is now here and we are offering these services. We have available several small Unmanned Aerial Systems available forudeployment. Our team is composed of two certi?ed Vehicle Operators (VO) which are also certified pilots I I from and 4 Mission Operators (MO) who are ETs from OTD. In order to legally fly and operate the UASs, we need to submit what is known as a Certificate of Waiver andAuthority (COA) to the Federal Aviation Administration - - Once the authority is granted {usually 2-3 months) we can deploy the teen] 1 Sert?hursda Jul 21 2011 7:40 AM IFBDFI I "Fan I {Far (FBI) es soc as 1 too 336 3:30 136 hi?: CREW-49.75 000273 Ail we need from your Squads are the GPS coordinates for the target areals) and we and review these for any National Airspace conflicts. If approved we will them submit these coordinates Luz" We currently have several approved COAs and have applied for a county wide COA h: b'r'E and streamlined online COA process. Once approved by the FAA, we will require certain administrative assistance and approvals from your of?ce management (see attached EC). We have successfully operated the smail UASs in: And are planning more deployments. b'rE Please take a moment to read the attached EC for requirements once a COA is approved. If you are interested in these services please contact me or have your case agent contact directly and I can assist you with the process. Regarding the OHS-CBP Predator, I returned from their training several weeks ago. While at the training we were able to utilize theCIbased MCI-9 Predator for a I These services are aiso available and we are coordinating these between OTD and Aviation Surveillance Branch] I Once a determination is made that Predator Services are feasible, we will contactl I Remember, Predator is on a case by case basis and not a blanket offer. Any Questions please feel free to contact your Technicai Advisor, your Aviation Coordinator or me directly. Thank You SSAI I :3 Program Manager I I HE FBI Academy Ouantico, VA I i Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED CREW-4976 000274 Sentinel Working Copy 30f6 To date approximately eight requests have been received by OTD and CIRG. Of these eight (3), five COAs have been approved by the FAA. One (1) is pending FAA approval. The UAV team maintains liaison with the FAA, CIRG, Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Firearms (ATP), Drug Enforcement Agency, Department of Homeland Securitv -.US Customs and Border ction rnHe-r?nml I I b6 emoom EPIC-W-Policies b3 CREW- 164? 9:05 AM Sentinel Working Copy ETE To date approximately eight requests have been received by i OTB and CIRG. Of thoee eight five COAS have been . approved by the FAA. One (1) is pending FAA approval. The UAV teem deployed eight times throughout FY 2011; b?E The UAV team maintains with the FAA, CIRG, Bureau of Alcohel, Firearms and Firearms Drug Enforcement Agency, Department of Homeland Security - US Customs and Border I Protection i I 136 hi?: b3 CREW-1652 3 Of? 23:51 AM WW To: I From: CIRG 1?3 Re: (U) b3 b3 Ifour pilotsl b3 b1 b3 MW CREW-2949 000277 133 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1218644?0 TOta1 De1eted Page(s) 10 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 5 b7E; 6 b7E; 7 b7E; 8 b7E; 9 b7E; 10 b7E; 11 b7E; 12 b7E; 13 b7E; 14 b7E; De1eted_Page(s) No Dup]1cat10n Fee For Page Page 1 000278 Public - aw Enforcement wv-W-- u. Privacy Safety/Security Vetting - Persistent surveillance .- - FOIA 4th amendment alignment (Notice of surveillance) Protection of data and info shanng Ensure safety of flight and protect the from attempts to disrupt flight operations Spectrum allocation Wayward UAS protections Position/location identi?ers Determine appropriate scooind (55 pounds or less, Lwithinblass airspace, Manned Aircraft process Public Operators responsible for vetting/training Public Operators with Manned aircraft requirements? Consensus to align UAS vetting requirements for 133 b?E 8 CREW-5232 000279 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIXPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1213644-0 Total Deleted Page(s} Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom b5; b6; b5; b5; b5; b5; b5; b6; b7C; b5; b7E; b5; b6; b7C; b5; b7E; b5; b7E; b5; b7E106 b5; b6; b7C; b7E; b7E; b7E; b7E; Duplicate - See Policy of UAS Section 1; b7E; b5; b6; b7C b5; b7E; b5; b7E; b5; b7E; b5; b7E; b5; b6; b7C b5; b6; b7C b5; b5; b5; b5; b5; b6; b7C b5; b6; b7C Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate - Duplicate b5; b6; b7C? Duplicate Duplicate - b5; b6; b7C Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate - Duplicate - Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate - I- . . I- b7E; See See See See See See See Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS b7E; See See See See See See See See See Audit Section Audit Section Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Policy on UAS Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1; 1; Section Section Section Section Section Section Section HIP "It ?0 ?it 'i-o "It eheletH 'i-o ?0 "No 'i-o ?0 000280 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page emoom 82 Duplicate - See Policy on UAS Section 1; 91 92 124 125 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 133 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 143 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 153 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 163 168 169 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 133 65; b6; 65; 66; b5; b6; b3C; b5; b3E; b3E; Duplicate See Policy 65; 66; 65; b5; b3E; b5; 65; 65; 66; b5; Duplicate b5; b3E; Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate - Duplicate See See See See See See Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy Policy ReferralfConeult; ReferralKConeult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConeult; ReferralKConeult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConeult; 65; 65; b5; ReferralfConsult; ReferralKConeult; Referral/Consult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralKConeult; Referral/Consult; ReferralfConeult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; Referral/Consult; ReferralfConeult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConsult; ReferralfConeult; ReferralKConeultUAS UAS UAS UAS UAS UAS UAS Section Section Section Section Section Section Section HLH Ha H- 1n 1n 1? 000281 Page 183 b3; Page 186 Page 2?0 ReferralKConeult; Page 2T1 ReferralfCOHSUlt; 2 Deleted Page{e) No Duplication Pee For this Page 000282 Classification: 2 b5 CREW-5120 000283 b5 137:: An FAA COA is a Certificate of Authorization or Waiver to fly in US airspace. Generallvr the general public can model planes very similar to the I Because we are the Federal Government we have to adhere to the general aviation guidelines that the FAA enforces. These waivers are not hard to get but generally can take : to obtain UCl:lCommon spelling} and SSAI:kAnother common spelling} are the two Agents that will be running the UAV program but are also in charge of our general aviation programs in the field. Hope this helps, Froml (FBI) :8 Sent: Wednesday, Septem er 18,. 202.3 4:28 PM Toll (OTD) (FBI) Cc: Emma) Subject: RE: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I What is I I From: (FBI) :0 I Sent: Wednesdav, September 18. 2013 1:02 PM To (FBI) 1 Co. 1 I Subject: RE: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED TRANSITORY RECORD b6 b'i'C The FBI does own several UAVs. As of October 1?r CIRG will have the UAV program. UAVs will be utilized the same way the aircraft are used along with the same approval levels except the UA?v?s will require a COA from the FAA which can take to obtain. Thanks. From: :gc Sent: Wednesday. September 18, 2013 3:51 PM ME to: (FBI). 2 CREW-5 163 epiC-Org 000284 Col 23:: Subject: FW: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED I got a bounce-back from 04:] Can you advise on below? From] be Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 12:48 PM it?: To ave Subject: FW: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hl: A blast iron-Deming at you! Hope ali is weli. Noticed you are UC of Video Surveillance Unit. I?m looking at a 2011 EC in which your Unit was requested to provide UAS. So my question is, does the FBI have its own dronels} for deployment? if so, is there an elevated approval level from the BIOS cites noted below in my question to DGC. From: :3 Sent: Wednesda Se ternber 18, 20 H: To newer) OGC) IoechaI) Su ject: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance UAS UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED b3 l?m asking whether anv of vou know of a prohibition against FBI use of UAS or an elevated approval level for such? Thanks for any guidance. 3 CREW-5164 000285 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 4 CREW-5165 000286 b5 From! (FBI) in ?:53 AM H: To Cci IroroirFan KER) (FBI) Subject: RE: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED TRANSITORY RE CORD b6 b'iCertificate of Authorization or iv . planes very similar to the UAV eral aviation guidelines that the FAA enforces These waivers are not hard to get but generallv can take : to obtain Uq [Common spelling) and common spelling) are the two Agents that wi I be running. the UAV program but are aiso in charge ofour general aviation programs in 1the field. helps, From] (FBI) b5 Se 1t: Wednesdav. Sentern er 18, 2 13 4:28 PM 1370 To om) (FBI) NE Cc: Su Ject: RE: Unmannec Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED What is Froml koro} (FBI) 135 Se Wednesdav Sent-ember 18 2013 1:02 PM 1:70 To: (FBI) WE Cc: Su JJect: RE: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 2 CREW-5 166 Hula?L. 000287 TRANSITORY RECORD The FBI does own several UAVs. As of October CIRG will have the UAV program. UAVs will be utilized the same way the aircraft are used along with the same approval levels except the UAVs will require a CDA from the FAA which can take to obtain. Thanks, From] Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 3:51 PM (OTB) (FBI) Cc Su Jject: FW: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED i got a bounce-back from Liq: Can you advise on below? Froml Sent: Wednesda Se tember 18, 2013 12:48 PM Tel browser) ed (FBI) Subject: FW: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS) UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Hil: A blast from :omingat you! Hope all is well. Noticed you are UC of Video Surveillance Unit. l?m looking at a 2011 EC in which your Unit was requested to provide UAS. So my question is, does the FBI have its own dronels} for deployment? If so, is there an elevated approval level from the BIOS cites noted below in my question to OGC. Froml KFBI) Sent: Wednesday, September 18, go. 3 12:35 PM Tol (FBI) Subject: Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (LIAS) Uh CLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 136 1370 b6 b'i'C b6 b6 CREW-5167 000288 b3 I?m asking whether ansr of you know of a prohibition against FBI use of UAS or an elevated approval ieue] for such? Thanks for any guidance. Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 4 CREW-5 168 000289 INFORI-IATIDN CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE {14?19?2814 BY HSIEG b6 From: (FBI) Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 11' To: Subject: Sentinel Document Re: (U) Report of Florida Legislative Activity 2013. UNCLASSIFIED Classification UNCLASSIFIED TRANS ITORY RECORD 136 1376 This document was sent to me in Sentinel. In case I haven?t succeeded in sending it to you so that you can read it, it discusses a new law in Florida limiting UAS use by state/ locals. Obviously, it doesn?t apply to us. but it could have an impact on any ITFs. I assume that laws like this in other states may well be on the horizon, so I guess we?ll just have to monitor it. The following document has been forwarded to you: Title: (U) Report of Florida Legislative Activity 2013. Synopsis: (U Florida statutes enacted during the 2013 legislative session and ME noted four items that may us or mtei est to the FBI. Link to Documenti I WE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED 1 . CREW-5 17 1 000290 - . . .. . . . . ALL CONTAINED -HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 311? HSIEG F54M93K42 18.5-83.4 in an Guardian, an BC, or other appropriate form requesting ASAC approval. 13533.41 (UHFOUO) {Maud 1-3-39 WCLASSIFIED - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY U?rsio? Dated: Ociqiier15. 2011 CREW-5223 000291 I FOR OFF USE ONLY ?.18 Domestic Investigation? and Operation? Guide ME (UHFOUO18. (UIIFOUOJ i 1 WE Tile-following procedures must he followe?: A B) 18533.43 AND-MONITORING UHFOUO Authoritation documents?ragarding the use. ofl I ME must be (10011111611th in the appropriate BLSUR sub??le. 18.410 d: . - . - - .11 UNCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5224 000292 ALL FBI CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE {14?19?2314 BY NSIEG . . .. .. . .. I ?yuan-mummy..-" . - ?hv .- H'i- - - -- -v Domes Use of Unmanned I Airc?ra stems (UAS) .. I . I ?19 .41it'll" I .. h. L'.?h?new? Mo 'u-mrCREW-5225 000293 NSPARENCY RESPONSIBLE USE Policy Framework PUBLIC CIV?iwLm-?mm' Law Enforcement - Commercial Privacy - - Non Law Enforcement - General Aviation Safety/Security Emergency Response . Scientific/Research! Recreational/Hobby Vetting Property management Ai n' CREW-5226: Policy Objective Create policies Create new -