Seattle Poli Department 3 Work Schedule, Time Project (WST) Vision and Scope Context SEETJLE Long Term Overall Vision Funded and Unfunded for ?Planning for the Future? All parts that change and do not change SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7/31/2018 Previous Dashboards Application Ad i ator Versonnel Employee (Versaterm's Employee 3 Data) Msors Reports Cops for Hire Web Cornerstone Application Futurew? I Interface Receiv- Alerts/ Web ice Reqiiested Notifi ations Update - For R- eive Employee . Notifi- .tions Up?ate Approve Reject Receive 'equest Settings Re .se Securit? 'rofiles Configure: Report Setup sfer Or Approve/Reject to-be-o - - rmined Employee Move Supervlsor Police Employee Tracking (EMT) Send Schedule "Workflow Engine for - 6 Approves Timesheets Directory System (PEDS) SaaS SPD R0 ster" E-M Appi-ved Tra i sfers HR Payroll Receive Alerts/Noti?cations Receive Alerts/Notifications; Review Schedules [New Workforce System] . 8. Shift Bidding; Shift Trades (retain data forever) MCIS Noti i-ations SChEdule Approv /Reject C-Mail to generate Automatic Ticket Generator (ATG) HEAT Ticket for Employee Transfer Emplo ee ID Require ields Pr- ision For Trans ?r I Ldal for Actuals Fields ents Summit Re Active Directory Data nalytics Implementation Federated Project (SRI) (Chart ADFS $50 Platform (DAP) ld . PD '7 (EvSl (Exports) 5) On premise Authentication (aka PeopleSott Financialsl Creat- 3' art Fields Creates Cha rt Fields Fina ncials ?i ADP Payroll . Pa roll Cloud Processing SEETJLE Overall Context of Net Change SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7/31/2018 Previous Employee lsors Request Transfer 0r Approve/Reject E-Mail Approved Transfers E-Mail to generate Automatic Ticket Generator (ATG) HEAT Ticket for Employee Transfer Provision For Tra nsfer PD IT Employee Move (EMT) "Work?ow Engine for SP0 Roster" HR Supervl Receive Noti?cations Approve/Reject Receive Noti?cations Update Receive Noti?cations Approve/Reject HR Supervl Update pd ate Send Schedule (flat ?le) Phase 1 On Premise Versonnel (Versaterrn's Employee Data) (EVS) Interface Requested For pdate Police Employee Directory System (PEDS) Application Ad - ator Reports for Hire Web Cornerstone for Actuals Dashboards Cops Application Receiv- Alerts/ Web ??rvice Certi .tions Settings Re .se Sewrit~ 'rofiles Con?gure 'un Report Setup to-be-u- - ined HR Payroll Receive Alerts/N otifications Supervisor .. . . aff Approves Tirnesheets 5335 Receive Alerts/Noti?cations; Review Schedule; [New Workforce System] . 8. Shift Bidding; Shift Trades - Si for"- -.veR uests (retain data forever) 3202mm orEnterTimeseq Enter Off-duty Work; Self Delegate -loyees rm mins Receive Alerts/Notifi stions; Overtime Overage Alerts Update Roste on loan, etc.) Schedule Work; (.. set intervals) Approve Timesheets; App - Leave Requests Bas;n on Empl- ee ID 0 Reiieve Requir- ?elds edulers Creates Chart Fields Summit Re- Implementation Project (SRI) (Chart Fields) (aka PeopleSoft Financials) Active Directory (is I DataAna'YthS era ?95 Platform DFS) SSO Authentication Crea tes scal Cha rt Fiel ds (Exports) Creates Chart Fields Update Financials ADP Payroll Cloud Payroll Processing SEATTLE PE, .9 on ?51. GB 1369 at. Dru POLICE Scope Phase A: Plan/Design for Work Scheduling Timekeeping Ph?sg implement Scheduling for Communications Unit/911 and PEDS (one-way interface to Sc er SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7/31/2018 Previous HR Update Supervl Dashboards Application Ad ator Reports Versonnel (Versaterm?s Employee Data) Update Futures" Interface Web Service Re uested ago, UK Communications ?date #58 Center Unit/911 Update Securib 'ro?les 696 of dept HR Payroll Con?sum Advanced Scheduler Receive Supervisor .. . 6 eff ApprovesTimesheets Employee a rvlsors . ions Receive Employee Noti?cations Data Approve/Reject Receive anagers Notifications - - Setup Update Only Update to-be- - ~rmined Request Transfer 0r Approve/Reject Employee Move Phase 1. Tracking (EMT) "Workflow Engine for SP0 Roster? Police Employee . . Directory System for all-0ne-way Communications (FEDS) SaaS Center Unit/911 Review Schedules [New Workforce System] 5% of dept ~5hift Trades Jones (retain data forever) Advanced Scheduler Requsm r8 min: (a Send Schedule (?at ?le) Phase 1 E.Mail Approved Tra nsfers . A rm; Only Self Delegate Recem i Communications Noti?cations Center Unit/911 Overage Alerts Approve/Reject 5% of dept etc.) K, Advanced Scheduler tervais) A - eave Requests Only E-Mall to generate Automatic Ticket HR Generator (ATG) HEAT Supervi Ti diet for mployee Transfer Ba an Emplv ee ID 0 Re ieve Require 'elds TI mesheets For Pay - Pro- sing anges :ad< for Actuals Creates Chart Fields Provision For Tra nsfer pdate Creates PD IT Chart Fields (Ev5) On Premise Creates Chart Fields Update Finandals ADP Payroll Cloud Payroll Processing Currently Unfunded Phase 2: Implement Scheduling for Remaining Police Units, and Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS) Phase 3: Implement Timekeeping, Off-Duty Controls, and Automated Payroll with Interfaces to SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 7/31/2018 Previous Questions? POLICE DEPARTMENT 7/31/2018 Previous Next 9