[Hf Activists ballot box behind IliilL?S angry untappcd voting bloc in ?ings HI (2. II . Dry-mums ?ha 111ml tum ul LhIIusandx .Icruw Ihc In prillul (?nnm?viicd imi lin- guunng up for will" lilL?\' lIupu Ill by .In L'\'cll lug- din? at loru' ruIIrJ numhrn .11 lhu lnruwr." AnIlIunlu Ir.In~l.IIu Inn? Ihc vutc." prul'cswr .I m cu- nl th? Minna Human RIglna. which helped ur- Ihu prulcst Lm ,I?Ingulu In Mann Murc 1.0ml LA :Ingn? Ihat wuld makc Il- lcgzil untry IthI the .I tulnmt IlIc mcnxun: an In Ihu Huuw In Ducumhut ulw l?lL?\ u?hII IIclp nn tltaI mo- Inunlum :Ind IilL? XLII i .Il?tli \ilnui i?lly? mil liu- \Iccku later In liIu and IhruIIglv nut ch it?lmukxmg IlIc IIHIV wnIulhIng Inuru lusting' pIIu'Cr Il min? _In Nut llkL? [his LIN InIcrL-sl." \Jld VIcr ?01" Manuel I?urcl. pro.- Rnn?u. shuuld hum mulw linng ?th .Ign ?huh m. 88?" ?Ian." .um" all lose Gardunn ol lndIn. ?0me nt (,mr?Imla V-llit?. Irunm .I A lr'tll'" ?m mm l5 I?l" meeting at Zacatecas Restautant Mav THE LATINO VOTE I I I- at .rl'lilt?l II I: .IIWH II I?m It 'ilvA a I :Ir-nim? Ii' 7n~ I-I It: Ilrv Iiimzm'ii: l; uwIwIt I Hm-rsma l'm .I I HUME I1 .o'x'x l-l Li Iv LII. 'hw NIHWII- l- II II II .IIM I. {w '1 hi 'l Eslher txecond lrum IIglIt) IlIIeclur of leI AI: I I mm and illSitCt! :peaks to :1 amp from (on lif? Zacatecas Restaurant In or: May 9 ?rum.? 111 mm \?nllu? .llki. .l i?Lll LIM at . "lI?x l\ unlx I: .Iizm \?uulhx Inku mum Il]( unduly lmnuw lilL' \uu 'l.r in Jlel?lhil \.llIi .I I. II .I gl-Ill' \llL \lun .I I HUI-I, mung? ~ud1 \t.m ll In 'rIclI? I?lcnw w: \1 ?ll American policy-makers are looking for legal models on which In base new laws they have a handy guide: the Mexican constitution." I Debate l'ruln I dun. .II I-l ml! ?Impm luI ul llu' .Im! .Ill .nllunu vaImn luau-II I'm-1mm: .II .II .?Mll ?t I-Iml Ilw rumll (rum pulItI..Il ..qul .I win Inunm 1h.? Ullun luv L'dumlul and man? mr "ll ml \ntlnu 1mm lu?rr nn. 1 lhqu u'c'tc uumg In hc u] .I InlL-rnl lu Mum Juan-r lur Ixum Allhnuuh Luau! utth ng-up l' S. In? 1x31? lum [ll 1? L?L'lu'nl ?It pupulallun \nlul \I-nr [ultrd 31 puncm u: ?hum and U1 km rum-nu. an. .llL? ullcn Im- \uung In ml?; .In' lh'l Hm huh-h IIN fur Ilu- ~;lkx? Icglulcrum. Ilrudlillt'? Isn't gum! cnuugll l?lu? luml 11II-1I Ill .Ilw Imludc And l?nlIkc mu ?It ullh dirk-?I .Imnng rclummg 1mm \V'ulld II In mm! mmnm- mlqu and 1m- 'hlh. lilucanu Im mun: tins vunr'u prntustx havc Ihnu mum nmunullx? \nlL-r Ann: l\ mu gnu?: In mgulhcr unlcw \?uu l'rIImI: Il With .1 lulu-w." Numrru mu! "l?cuplu ncul .I. mun: And Ilm. muld Inaku the presunl Irv-:r rulnmh .1 FROM PAGE 1 AIM Negrete Horn of Palm Desert applauds met a comment at a Nalmnal Alliance for Human RIgms nIeetIng at Zacatecas Restaurant In Rwersuln Im May 9 .u Ihuy any llml: after time: "I'hc hruu'n glam Inn Is Imw In du It." I?L'rcz ?1 .I rx'glelun ?'l'hun: su?lm In ho.- .I rcsur<