IMPORT&~T NOTICE FROM THE VENABLE PTO Please attend the June 19 School Board Meeting at 7:00PM at CHS. The School Board is attempting to rush through a poorly conceived, piecemeal redistricting proposal which will immediately lead to further overcrowding at Venable this fall. Ifpassed, this proposal will move stud,ents from Greenbrier School, a much newer, larger facility with small student~teacher ratios and more federal funding, to Venable which already has the highest student-teacher ratios in the district and receives no federal funding. Furthermore, we have no available classroom space. Music classes are already being held on the stage, and the guidance counselor now operates out of the custodial closet! Folks - they are suggesting we turn the teacher's lounge into a classroom if necessary, and they are not kidding!!! Not only will there be an immediate negative eiIect on Venable students, many o[\.vhom are already in large classes, but also on the Greenbrier students involved who will lose services they presently have that do not exist at Venable. Moreover, these students and their families have not yet been consulted on the proposal which, ifpassed, would take effect in September. The Charlottesville City School Board has traditionally focused only on issues tbat yield a positive and measurable impact on the budget (i.e., ways to spend the taxpayer's money more responsibly or effectively) and/or a positive impact on the quality of instruction ... with an explicit goal of improving opportunities for each student. THIS PROPOSAL MEETS NEITHER OF THESE CRITERIA. The board promised to thoroughly review and discuss the issue of redistricting during this past school year and failed to do so. We need to tell the board: 1. Venable is at capacity NOW. 2. Redistricting that results in overcrowding is NOT acceptable. 3. When redistricting is done properly, carefully and fairly, taking into consideration the individual situations and needs of all tht~ students and schools il1volved, Venable families will embrace any required changes. We will NOT accept redistricting when it is done, as in this situation, sloppily and huniedly and in a way which negativeiy impacts the quality of education for all students involved. THE VENABLE PTa URGES THE BO.A.RD TO TAKE THE NEXT YEAR TO STlJ'DY THIS ISSUE. If you cannot come to the meeting, please contact the School Board or the City Cowlcil. E-mailscanbesenttoboardmembers.LindaBowen( or lulie Gronlund (julie@