never saw a nun lift a hand to a child? StJoseph'sOrphaw. I948to I953. Vilhh?homewori..i?3lmuilon?tm- ?lwuneverhit?'dtesaid. todthu'sit.? [mud to say they have a ?nen- ?ldon?t believe them heveeornuch come out nomnny year's leterf'sheuid. "l juntryim topleomernone-y.? But when the Free Prue celled une's brother. Richard. orphan. summed up. Ev: Prim of Colehester. who lived II the orphanage from [934 to 1939. agreed with Patricia Dune. ?They?re trying to nuke tome easy rnoney. that?s what I have had any life at all.? ?rbin herdomhedtoptnmeirmoumnheihllt becausemomwoutd pennunon. try to foreenchildtoeolvon'ndl'ood. Twootherwomen hadtlteumerecollectiom. "lmmted?nefuidborothy?emhoflum who livedet St. Joseph?s from I931 to I939. Added Lucille Bouloy oI?Colcheuer. a resident from I932 to Neitherdid Janet Brunch of South Burlit'moo. ?Wllen dotheycomeupwith lhenlkerlhenked. anelle?s younger sister. Marilyn Nobel. ieoneofthe I4 former St. Joseph?s have used the church. durum. . Marie was never hitbyanyone. hetedit there. It ?them