DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SURFACE FORCE UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET 2841 RENDOVA ROAD SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92155?5490 NAVAL SURFACE FORCE ATLANTIC 1751 MORRIS STREET BOX 168 NORFOLK VIRGINIA 23511?2808 COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 N7 6 Sep 18 INSTRUCTION 1412.9 rom: Commander, Naval Surface Force, US. Paci?c Fleet Commander, Naval Surface Force Atlantic Subj: SURFACE WARFARE MARINER SKILLS LOGBOOK REQUIREMENTS Encl: (1) Surface Warfare Of?cer Mariner Skills Logbook Quick Reference Guide (2) Commanding Of?cer End of Of?cer?s Tour Sample Letter to PERS-41 1. Purpose. To establish guidance for the implementation and use of the Surface Warfare Mariner Skills Logbook as an experience tracking tool. The logbook captures an individual of?cer?s experience gained during each watch, special evolution, and simulator training session. 2. Discussion. As part of the Surface Warfare Community's effort to best develop, assess, and sustain navigation, shiphandling and seamanship pro?ciency, Surface Warfare Of?cers School Command (SWOS) developed the logbook. Reasons for its development and implementation are as follows: a. Building mariner skills pro?ciency and maintaining high standards of performance are paramount to the overall readiness of the Surface Force. The ability of Surface Warfare Of?cers (SWOS), from ?rst tour Division Of?cers through Commanding Of?cers (CO), to perform as experienced and pro?cient bridge watch stander is a core competency of our profession. b. Documenting bridge time, simulator time, and special evolutions is necessary to tailor future training and ensure that an of?cer has been provided the at-sea opportunity necessary to develop mariner skills pro?ciency. c. Over time, the logbook will allow the surface warfare community to conduct the trend and data analysis necessary to link experience with pro?ciency. The logbook is an initial step toward that goal and will provide a tool to aid the SWO community in addressing the challenges of building and maintaining necessary levels of performance and readiness. COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 3. Responsibilities. a. COMNAVSURF PAC and COMNAVSURFLANT are responsible for establishing Surface Warfare Mariner Skills logbook standards and will establish a Navy Stock Number for ordering logbooks for initial accessions and replacement logbooks. b. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-41) is responsible for documenting and maintaining electronic versions of an of?cer?s experience, using inputs provided by Commanding Of?cers (as outlined in paragraph below). PERS will periodically provide the captured data to SWOS for analysis. c. CO, Surface Warfare Of?cers School Command (SWOS) is Executive Agent for Surface Warfare Mariner Skills Logbook program. As such, SWOS is responsible for the day-to-day' management to include: (1) Liaison between Commander, Naval Education and Training Command (N ETC), and the Surface Type Commanders to coordinate requirements and resources for the execution of the Surface Warfare Mariner Skills Logbook, as well as tailoring of shiphandling training across the of?cer training continuum. (2) Perform initial issue of the logbook to new accessions at the start of the Basic Division Of?cers Course (BDOC). d. Immediate Superiors in Command (ISICs) are responsible for supporting their Commanding Of?cers by providing their of?cers opportunities to gain underway or simulator experience. ISle will also provide feedback, as appropriate, on recommended improvements to the system. e. COS are responsible for the required implementation of the Mariner Skills Logbook on their ship and establishing a wardroom culture of meticulous documentation of mariner skills experience. Speci?cally, they will: (1) Ensure all Surface Warfare Of?cers, including themselves are participating in the Surface Warfare Mariner Skills Logbook program. C03 and Executive Of?cers (XO) will annotate or in the position column as they track their own maritime experience. (2) Review for accuracy and sign each of?cer?s Logbook quarterly, including cross decked officers. (3) Submit detailed reports of Logbook usage using enclosure (2) to . The CO will document the following data using enclosure (2) prior to an of?cer detaching from the command, COs are authorized to submit their own report to when they detach from command: COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Bridge watch hours W). Total amount of underway bridge watch hours spent in a designated watch station as delineated in an approved watchbill. This includes CONN, 00D, and 00D, quali?ed or under instruction. Bridge simulator hours. Total amount of hours spent in bridge simulators. This includes all simulator watches during any simulator time as determined appropriate by the ship CO, (0) Special evolutions. Number of Sea and Anchor details, Underway Replenishments, and Anchoring Evolution in a designated watch station as delineated in an approved watchbill, quali?ed or Under Instruction. Congested Water Space Transits. Number of transits in which multiple risks of collision exists straits transits, approach/exits of Suez Canal, Singapore, English Channel) spent on watch, in a designated bridge watch station as delineated in an approved watchbill, quali?ed or under instruction. f. Surface Warfare Of?cers (SW03). Both unquali?ed (116X) and quali?ed (111X) SWOs will be issued a hard copy Mariner Skills Logbook. They are personally responsible to use and maintain the Logbook throughout their careers and begin tracking their experiences upon receipt of the Logbooks and this instruction at their commands. 4. Reporting. The reporting requirements contained in this instruction are exempt from the reports controlled by SECNAVIN ST 5210.16. 5. Records Management. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of media and format, must be managed per Secretary of the Navy Manual 5210.1 of January 2012. 6. Review and Effective Date. Per OPNAVINST 5215.17A COMNAVSURFLANT N7 will review this instruction annually on the anniversary of its effective date to ensure applicability, currency, and consistency with Federal, DOD, SECNAV, and Navy policy and statutory authority. This instruction will automatically expire 5 years after effective date unless reissued, canceled, prior to the 5?year anniversary date, or an extension has been gra -. COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Releasability and distribution: This instruction is cleared for public release and is available electronically only via COMNAVSURPAC COMNAVSURFLANT directive website, COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Surface Warfare Officer Mariner Skills Logbook Quick Reference Guide First Page Record name, ship(s) he or she is assigned, dates reported, and dates detached while maintaining this book. If the of?cer is cross decked at any point he or she needs to record that ship, date reported, and date returned to parent command. In the Ships Employment section, record the ships UNCLASSIFIED employment schedule while maintaining this book. TAB A (Individual Watch Log) Log Date Time (Hrs) Position UI Traf?c/Watch Complexity Deployed I Patrol 9/24/18 4 (ONN ow Med I High Yes Fleet ((ide) 3 4 5 6 7 location: Notes: ?matured night steam but: J?reporohorts for morning RAS LEWJB AND CLARK ampumor - limiting engines-Hm (Jinn-15 4.19m: Fete: udder :wrng that its 1 Figure 1 Log Date Block: Date which the watch commenced. Time Block: Indicate total number of full hours stood during the watch. For partial hours? over 30 minutes, round up time. (Ex: 4 35 min 5 hours indicated) Position Block: Bridge position (CONN, 00D, 00D) during the watch. 00W or similar position shall mark 00D, and annotate speci?c position in Comments section. Block: Mark with an if assigned position was Traf?c/Watch Complexity Block: Mark with an description of traf?c density. This ?eld is subjective based on the of?cer's assessment of traf?c density encountered and the complexity of the watch. As a general guideline, a watch that encounters 3 contacts in an hour watch that met CO's reporting criteria would be considered medium/moderate traf?c density. More contacts meeting reporting criteria would be considered high traffic and less than 3 per hour would be low traf?c density. Normally, high complexity watches are associated with high traf?c density; however, ship's events could result in a determination that a watch was deemed high complexity with little or no traf?c. Enclosure (1) COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Deployed/Patrol Block: Mark with Yes/No as applicable Fleet Block: Circle the Numbered Fleet assigned OPCON (not necessarily geographic). Location Block: Geographic Description of the ship?s operating area. Speci?c body of water/ designated area names preferred. Note: Do not record speci?c locating data or the ship?s position that would make the entry CLASSIFIED. Notes Block: Note events that occurred during watch, to include training, evolutions, drills, etc. (Ex: Engineering Drills, GQ Exercises, Man Overboard Training, Small Boat Ops, Flight Quarters, PACFIRE) Totals CONN JOOD 00D UI Hours Traf?c/Watch Complexity Low Med High Sum Last Watches Carried 12 24 36 2 1 1 Forward Total 36 44 80 5 5 2 Figure 2 Log (Totals Rollup section) Sum Last 11 Watches: Record total hours stood per watch indicated on the preceding 2 pages, and how many were Under Hours, add total CONN, JOOD, OOD hours across and indicate sum in hours column. Under Traf?c density, capture number of watches vice hours for each category. Carried Forward Row: Transcribe ?Total? from previous page. Add down each column to keep running total of hours for each position, overall total hours across bridge positions, and total watches of each level of traf?c density. When Quarterly Review is conducted, close out page diagonally from top left to bottom right, annotating FURTHER ENTRIES THIS Resume log keeping on next page after ?Total? calculated. 2 Enclosure (1) COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Tab (Special Evolution Log) Special Evolution Tracker Date location: (oastal San Diego 17Feb18 Position Evolutions Traf?c/Watch Complexity DOD OTHER 5&1: ARC RAS ST Other Low Med ?gh? Notes: - Dnvtime anchorage at Coronado Roads anchorage 118 ?i?armbie saunas - 5 its rbrrent, the west . 75 yards from Intended anchorage u'ocotion Figure 3 - Special Evolution Tracker Date Block: Date which the watch commenced. Location Block: Geographic Description of the ship?s operating area. Speci?c body of water/ designated area names preferred. Note: Do not record speci?c locating data or the ship?s position that would make the entry CLASSIFIED. and Blocks: Mark with an below, if the event occurred predominately during the day or below if event occurred predominately at night (based on sunrise/ sunset). Position Block: Bridge position (OOD, OTHER) during the watch. may include, but is not limited to NAV, XO, etc. OOW or similar position shall mark GOD, and annotate speci?c position in Comments section. Evolutions Block: Mark with an for appropriate evolution. The Evolution Codes are located on the Table of Contents. ?Other? block to be used for less frequent evolutions, with three letter code noted on table, and will be included in Commanding Of?cer?s tabulation. Traf?c /Watch Complexity Block: Mark with an description of traf?c density. Characterization shall be based on average number of ships per hour met contact reporting criteria. Notes Block: Indicate key descriptors that characterized the event (EX: Weather, visibility, seas, cooperating ship, other notable variables.) 3 Enclosure (1) COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Position Evolutions OOD Other ANC RAS ST Othe OOD Sum Last NOT NOT NOT 3 2 5 2 11 Events USED USED USED Carried NOT NOT NOT 15 5 20 4 Forward USED USED USED Total NOT NOT NOT 18 7 25 6 Hours USED USED USED Figure 4 Special Evolution Tracker (Totals Rollup section) Sum Last 11 Events: Record total Special Evolution hours of each watch, and OCCURRENCES of each type of evolution that occurred on the preceding 2 pages, and how many were Carried Forward Row: Transcribe ?Total? from previous page. Add down each column to keep running total of hours for each position, and total number of evolutions. When Quarterly Review is conducted, close out page diagonally from top left to bottom right, annotating FURTHER ENTRIES THIS Resume log keeping on next page after ?Total? calculated. Tab (Simulator Training Log) Simulator Training Log Date Simulator Evolution Hows mm 8. WEEKS Command SW05 1'5 MAR 18 Bahrain Pierwori 2 Signature: Bud Weeks Environmental . . 3 Iillons ffseltmg and current Self-assessment improved sance iast sessmn Need to work on my awareness of non-controllable forces Instructor Comments Continue to work on split ship concept Figure 5 Simulator Training Log 4 Enclosure (1) COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Date Block: Date which the watch commenced. Simulator Evolutions: Describe the evolution (3) performed Hours Block: Total number of hours for simulator training session. (Non?classroom time) Instructor and Command: Simulator facility and instructor name Signature: The simulator Instructor?s signature Environmental Conditions: Describe environmental data presented in simulation(s). Self-Assessment: Of?cer?s own account of lessons learned, critical notes, and self?assessment Instructor Comments: Instructor shall record his or her comments based on the session. Tab (Commanding Of?cer Quarterly Endorsement Page) Commanding Officer Quarterly Endorsement Page icertify completior of 150? underway tons, to Simulator hours, Sea and Arthur Detail, Replenish mert at Sea, Archaring EvolLtions, and Straits Transits during the period from Cilia" 3:21;; to 31 . ['(Sigj. eclg' Commercing Of?cer Comments: 4 :7 [L'iflt'ifoi fright RA 5 it"! February DOD trams-git J4 Fem'nur't' Ij'ffir'er? need-:- t-f: fetus or? rift-:5 no": of mm." armory": warm fem}:- Figure 6 Quarterly Endorsement Page Quarterly Sum of each of the indicated items shall be noted on endorsement based on rollup data for each section. Comments section should contain speci?c observations on that Of?cer?s performance, and be used to inform future development. 5 Enclosure (1) COMN AV COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 COMMANDING OFFICER END OF TOUR SAMPLE LETTER TO 1412 Ser CG DD YY From: Commanding Of?cer, USS SHIP (CG XX) To: Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-41) Subj: MARINER SKILLS LOGBOOK DATA SUMIVIARY OF ENS SALT E. SAILOR, USN, 1 1. During ENS Salt E. Sailor?s tour on USS SHIP (CG XX) from Month Month 2. Watch Experience a. Underway Bridge Watch Hours: (1) OOD (quali?ed) or (under instruction) (2) Bridge watch other than OOD or OOD b. Bridge Watch Simulator Hours: (1) OOD (quali?ed) or (under instruction) (2) Bridge watch other than OOD or OOD 3. Special Evolutions Experience (Day/Night) a. Sea and Anchor Details: b. Underway Replenishments: c. Anchoring Evolutions: d. Straits Congested Waterway Transits: Enclosure (2) COMNAVSURFLANTINST 1412.9 6 Sep 18 Subj: MARINER SKILLS LOGBOOK DATA SUMMARY OF ENS SALT E. SAILOR, USN, e. Other (specify particular evolution or event): 4. Overall Assessment: (Comments if desired) C. O. SHIP Copy to: ENS Sailor 2 Enclosure (2)