1m lf/?UI/ . CHNI 0N ENGINEERING SERVICES, Inc. Construction Testing Inspection GeofeC/mical Em?iromnenral Engineering February 18, 2000 4042 Mr. Lalkumar Y. Goonawardena, P.E. City of Fresno Redevelopment Agency E?J?tmtt?t?MEN't? 6371.0 2344 Tulare Street, Suite 200 SUBSTANCES Fresno, California 93721 ?j Aa?t??t?mli FILE RE: Summary Report Hyde Park (former Auto Salvage Yard) Fruit and Church Avenues Fresno, California Mr. Goonawardena: in accordance with your request and authorization, TECHNICON Engineering Services, Inc., has completed the following summary report for the above-referenced project site. The following includes a brief history of the site and summary of the activities completed at the site since 1994. The summary was requested by the California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The site history and summary was prepared based on documents provided to TECHNICON by the City of Fresno dated January 1994 to October 1997, and also from information obtained from site activities conducted by TECHNICON since December 1997. Background Information The project site is the location of the abandoned Church and Fruit Auto Salvage Yard located north of Church and east of Fruit Avenues in Fresno, Fresno County, California. The site is triangular in shape and encompasses approximately four (4) acres. The former salvage yard site is generally flat and is located adjacent south of the existing Hyde Park. The property was acquired by the City of Fresno in 1972 from McNeary Auto Wreckers. Subsurface investigations were conducted in 1986, 1988, and 1989 to establish the extent and severity of the impacted soils and groundwater beneath the site. The 1986 investigation included the sampling of shallow soils at the site for analysis of various compounds including 4539 N. Brawley #108 0 Fresno, CA 93722 0 Phone (559) 276-9311 0 Fax (559) 276-9344 NET 0 E-MAIL: Summary Report 4042 Hyde Park (former Auto Salvage Fruit and Church Aves, Fresno, California Page 2 heavy metals, biphenyl?s and chlorinated pesticides. The results of this investigation revealed that the shallow soils were impacted with lead. The 1988 investigation included the drilling and sampling of six (6) soil borings to depths of approximately 31.5 feet within the site boundaries, and the drilling, installation, and sampling of five (5) groundwater monitoring wells through MW-S) in and around the immediate vicinity of the site. Selected soil samples were analyzed for metals, organochlorine pesticides, purgeable and aromatic halocarbons, and/or ethylene dibromoethane (EDB). The results of the soil analyses suggested that the insitu soils underlying the debris fill area and in the immediate area of the site were nonhazardous. Groundwater samples were collected from the monitoring wells and analyzed for total metals, and organic and inorganic compounds. The results of the groundwater sampling indicated that the uppermost aquifer underlying site was not contaminated. The 1989 investigation included the excavation of three test pits at the site and the collection of soil samples for chemical analysis of metals, and organochlorine pesticides. The results of the sampling revealed that the soils were impacted with soluble concentrations of copper in one of six samples tested, and soluble concentrations of lead in five of eight samples tested. Summary of Site Activities Since 1994 in January 1994, the City of Fresno, under direction of the California Environmental Protection Agency DTSC, initiated a response action for the site to remediate the impacted soils. The entire site was capped to minimize infiltration and percolation of rainwater into and through the contaminated soils, the movement of contaminated soiis in surface runoff, and the airborne transport of contaminated soils. The purpose of the cap was also to eliminate direct public contact with surface contamination. The site was cleared, leveled, and covered with a suitable imported material, compacted, and leveled for proper drainage. A deed restriction was completed for the site to prohibit soil excavation and construction of buildings in January 1994. The deed restriction was formeriy recorded March 1, 1994. Since June 1988, groundwater samples have been collected from the five monitoring wells and submitted to an analytical laboratory for analysis of total lead. A summary of the sampiing results obtained since January 1994 in presented in the following table. ECHNI CON ENGINEERING SERVICES, Inc. Summary Report Hyde Park (former Auto Salvage . TABLE I Fruit and Church Aves, Fresno, California Water Analytical Results; Total Lead Hyde Park, Fresno, California Concentrations expressed in mg/L (ppm) Sample ID Total Lead Date Sampled: (Pb) MW-1 06/29/1994 ND 07/07/1995 ND 04/03/1996 ND 09/17/1996 ND 12/17/1997 ND 09/24/1998 ND 09/17/1999 ND 02/01/2000 ND MW-Z 06/29/1994 ND 07/07/1995 ND 04/04/1996 ND 10/02/1996 ND 12/17/1997 ND 09/24/1998 ND 09/17/1999 ND 02/01/2000 ND NEW-3 07/13/1994 ND 07/07/1995 ND 04/04/1996 ND 09/17/1996 ND 12/17/1997 ND 09/24/1998 ND 09/17/1999 ND 02/01/2000 0.0059 MW-4 06/29/1994 ND 07/07/1995 ND 04/04/1996 ND 10/02/1996 ND 12/17/1997 ND 09/24/1998 ND 09/17/1999 ND 02/01/2000 ND MW-5 06/30/1994 ND 07/07/1995 ND 04/0411 996 ND 12/04/1996 ND 12/17/1997 ND 09/24/1998 ND 09/17/1999 ND 02/01/2000 ND mg/L milligrams per Liter parts per million ND not detecled CHNICON ENGINEERING SERVICES, Inc. 4042 Page 3 Summary Report 4042 Hyde Park (former Auto Salvage rard), Fruit and Church Aves, Fresno, California Page 4 In December 1997, four of the five monitoring wells (MW-2 through MW-5) were refitted with 8- inch diameter steel well monuments with a lockable steel cap. The new well monuments were placed within the previously installed 12-inch diameter flush-mounted well vaults and secured with concrete. An 18-inch square concrete base was formed around the new well monuments. Steel marker posts were also installed around the four wells. The posts were 4?inches in diameter and extended to a height of approximately 30-inches above grade. The posts were buried approximately two feet below grade, filled with concrete, and painted. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your project. If you should have questions or require additional information, please contact us at (559) 276?931 1. Respectfully, TECHNICON Engineering Services, Inc. Dane A. Mathis, CEG, REA Senior Geologist No. 07293 Expiresz?g 0 DM24042 HydePark Summary RPT.doc TE CHNI CON ENGINEERING SERVICES, Inc.