Statement from Barnaby Joyce I am fully aware of the night mentioned in August 2016. I absolutely deny any allegation of sexual harassment. I asked that this be referred to the police if the complainant wished to pursue this issue so I had the capacity to defend myself as I firmly believe the complaint to be spurious and defamatory. This allegation should have been dealt with immediately the complainant first believed there was an issue they wished to pursue and the passage of nearly a year and a half since the time of the event to when the allegation was raised has not allowed a clearer determination on this issue. The process also did not avail me of natural justice as it appears to have been discussed far and wide before it was ever brought to me. I cannot speak for others, but I don’t appreciate the presumption that an allegation is a truth and, as stated at the time, this prompted my resignation not because I believed it was true, but because the allegation alone was so damaging to me and my party.