Omega Morgan, Inc. BPA Rock Creek sub Washington Route Survey Google Route Link: Image of complete route: Dimensions of load, height pole: Pole Height 20’ Surveyed by: Pete Uhler 3-13-2018 Pole height: 20’ 1. Head North on Sundale road towards Hwy. 14 .0 Start at rail spur .1 Clear over head Power .2 Turn left onto Hwy. 14 West (reset odom) .2 Miles 2. Head west on Hwy. 14 towards Hwy.97 27.1 Miles .1- MP. 128 .3 Small Pullout .9 DB Guard Rail 1.4 DB Guard Rail 1.8 DB Guard Rail 2.1 DB Guard Rail 2.4 Pull Out LS Small 2.8 Pull Out LS Big 3.1 Pull Out LS Big 5.1- MP 123 5.5 Pull Out RS Big 6.3 Pull Out RS Big 7.0 Rock Creek Rd Bridge crossing Bridge Number 14-240 Span 115’ Year 1962 1 Page Pole height: 20’ 9.8 DB Guard Rail 10.1- MP 118 10.9 DB Guard Rail 11.5 DB Guard Rail 12.2 DB Guard Rail 12.3 Pull Out RS Small 12.8 DB Guard Rail 13.3 Clear Over Head Power 13.7 Clear Com Wire 14.0 Clear OverHead Power 14.5 Clear guide wire 14.7 Clear guide wire 15.1- MP 113 15.7 Clear com wire 16.4 Clear power wire 16.5 Clear power wire 17.6 Clear guide wire 17.7 Clear guide wire 19.5 Clear com wire 19.6 Pull out RS small (Alcoa Aluminum) 20.1- MP 108 21.3 Clear power wire 21.4 Pullout LS big 21.6 Pullout LS big 21.7 Pullout LS big 22.1 Clear power lines 22.2 Pullout LS big 22.5 Clear guide wire 23.1 DB guard rail 2 Page Pole height: 20’ 23.8 Clear power lines 25.1- MP 103 25.8 Clear power lines 26.1 DB guard rail 26.6 Cont west on Hwy.14 / 97 27.1 Clear com wire 27.1 Turn Right onto Hwy.97 North (Reset odom) 3. Continue on Hwy.97 North Towards Hoctor Rd. 6.7 Miles .3 Start Up Hill Grade with passing lane .4 Clear com wire .6- MP 3 1.0 Pullout RS parking (chain up area) 3.9 Clear power wires 4.2 Passing lane ends 4.8 Pullout LS Overnight parking 5.4 Centerville Hwy. Crossroad for reference for bridge 5.6- MP 8 5.7 Bridge #97-06 Span 103’6” Year 1960 3 Page Pole height: 20’ 5.8 Clear power lines 6.7 Turn right on Hoctor Rd. (reset odom) 4. Continue east on Hoctor Rd. 14.2 Miles .2 Clear power .3 Pullout RS small 4 Page Pole height: 20’ .6 Clear guide wire .7 Clear guide wire 1.0 Bridge Span 227’8” Year 1985 (no bridge number) 1.0- MP 1 1.2 Clear Power 1.3 Clear Power 1.4 Clear House Power 1.4 Hit Com wire 19’ push 1.6 Clear Power 2.3 35MPH curves 2.6 40mph curves 2.9 Clear guide wire 3.0 Hit Com wire 18’ push 3.8 Hit com wire 17’ push 4.0 Clear power 4.8 Clear guide wire and house power 5.0- MP 5 5.0 Clear power 5.3 Clear Power 5.5 Clear power 6.0 Clear Guide wire 6.8 Clear guide wire 7.0 Clear Power 7.2 Clear House Power 7.4 Clear House Power 7.8 Hit com wire 19’10” push 8.3 Clear guide wire 9,0 Cleared power 5 Page Pole height: 20’ 9.4 Clear com 10.0- MP 10 10.1 Cleared power 10.2 Clear power 10.2 Clear guide wire 10.6 Clear power 10.7 Clear power 10.9 30mph curves 11.2 Clear power 11.6 clear guide wire 12.0 Hit house power 18’ push 12.1 Clear com wire 12.4 Clear guide wire 12.4 Clear power 12.4 Hit com 17’ push 12.7 Hit guide wire 19’6” push 13.0 Clear power 13.1 Clear com wire 13.2 Entrance to transload Com wires 19’6 pushable 13.7 Clear com wires 14.0 Clear com wires 14.1 west entrance to sub cleared com wires 14.2 Main entrance to sub station End of Route 6 Page Pole height: 20’ End or Route Total Miles 48.2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 7 Page Pole height: 20? 8 Page