State Court of Fulton County **E-FILED** 18EV003863 9/18/2018 12:57 PM LeNora Ponzo, Clerk Civil Division IN THE STATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY STATE 0F GEORGIA DELICIA GORDON, Plaintiff, CIVIL ACTION FILE N0.; 18EV003863 S V. LESHAWN KAMEL MCCOY, TAMARCUS JEROD PORTER, : and LKM TRUST, : - Defendants. AFFIDAVIT OF STEPHANIE MAISONET PERSONALLY APPEARED oaths, before me, an officer duly authorized by law to administer STEPHANIE MAISONET, who after being duly sworn, files this Affidavit and states the following facts: 1. My name is STEPHANIE MAISONET, regarding the matters set forth herein. I and am I am competent in . outcome of this I am the mother I lived at son. On know them to be true. I I have no case. 0f LeShawn McCoy’s six (6) year old son. LeShawn McCoy’s LeShawn McCoy son’s clothes. respects to testify a United States citizen over 18 years of age. have personal knowledge 0f the facts stated herein and interest in the all He July 9, 2018, refused to also took I residence in 201 let me 1, until he kicked me out, along with our back into the residence to retrieve any of our back certain items that he purchased for me. was with LeShawn McCoy and Tamarcus Porter t0 receive a passport for our son. I overheard need t0 get LeShawn McCoy speaking 0n this bitch out 0f my house”. the phone with someone in which he stated, “I Later that day, LeShawn McCoy was supposed son, pursuant to our custody agreement. LeShawn McCoy would be unable July 2018 was the first time that LeShawn up our On time with our received notice through Tamarcus Porter that I he and 9, to exercise his parenting to pick up our son that day. McCoy has m had t0 reschedule picking son. July 10, 2018, home heard about the I invasion that took place at LeShawn McCoy’s residence. Normally, LeShawn to our son. This 10. After the home time in years. my son requires that arrangement has been LeShawn McCoy home home Miami. is I no need mother also contacted me and 11. LeShawn McCoy. Reluctantly, in the best interest 0f our son. I gave Tamarcus Porter me. The comment were 12. false However, McCoy and I my found battle. to me directly for the first Cordon and proffered persuade me t0 offer. LeShawn McCoy’s into being a character witness for believed that I Instagram password and he wrote a the allegations by allowing me I Also, if he did not have any involvement in agreed to help him because Cordon was that if be odd because he has been fighting so make such an extreme tried to I this t0 stated that the allegations about that Delicia knew to contact invasion, he will concede in our custody case in school in invasion, there in place for years. talked badly about Delicia hard against that during our custody the speak directly With Tamarcus Porter in regard I LeShawn McCoy decided invasion, help him With this enroll McCoy I was acting comment pretending to be LeShawn McCoy abusing our son trying to ruin him. were true and even made a report about LeShawn abusing our son to child services, prior to the home invasion. That case is still pending. Our son would often come .hOme With bruises in which receive outlandish excuses as to where the bruises 13. Our s0n would 14. ' 15. I if he knew LeShawn McCoy’s parenting would consistently would come from. cry hysterically whenever he had to spend time with Our son would cry even harder present during I that Belicia LeShawn McCoy. Cordon was not going be time. He should not get away with sending our s0n to a monster eVery two weeks. LeShaWn McCoy should regret ever agreeing to help LeShaWn McCoy in this case. potentially orchestrating this heinous incident. I feel like I am be held aqcountable for his actions, regardlesslof his career choice or his income. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYS NOT. . Swom and subscn before me this day of to 2. m \«vga- S . 400‘ g; '401&PRIL [“45 NOTARY PUBLIC A Bpo’l45finhln¥Mfisonet, Afiiant §¢§wsszo,v ;.{% ‘85, Rx 300,3 umu g =