OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER COUNTY OF COOK, ILLINOIS REPORT OF POSTMORTEM EXAMINATION a; r? i; LAQURN CASE EC. AGE 3 ?y RACE BLACK SEX MELE BRIE OF DEATH 20; 281% DATE EXAMINED OCTOBER 21, 2014 {8:25am} EXAMIKEB BY Damika Meang, Q0 investigator Daniel Kobel with the City 9f Chicaga Independent Review Autharity is present for the autopgy. EXTERNAL EXAMINATIOR The bcdy is identified by tee tag, 9hotograph8 and radiographs are taken. When first Viewed, the body is Clad in a gze?n hespital gewn, A tan rubber band encircles the right wrist. Accampanying the bady is a black, hcoded, zipwup sweatshizt {cut}, a black with white lettgring sweatshirt, blue jeans, black baxera {cut}; black shmas and twa black sacks. No jawelry is preaemt. #11 Gf the clothing is relimquished to a representatiV@ cf the Chicage ?alice Bepartmemt. The body 13 that 3f a wall~developed, wall?ngurished, black malg whage appeara?ce i3 campgtible with the stated &ge 0f 1? years. $3 received, the bady weighs 180 pgundg ?nd i$ ?2 inches lsng. 13 goed preservatian in the absenca 9f embalmi?g. Th8 bady is warm, rigcy martis ig easily brak?n, and iividity is The biack saalp hair $3 in ?faadiQ?kS up is Eong. ?a ?vgrage amaunt Q5 bady hair i3 in a marm?i ma?a ?iSifl??iiOa. ?he ixides are tag ggz?eae ?re Cigar, am? thare ar? we g?taahiae sf i?e Euibax $3 pa?gebral ?urfaxag gf tE? g?n?unctivae. Th? nsse ag? izyg ara a?xem?rk&bi?* agath arg m&tura? gad ix gasd asm?itian @li? agp?r ief: aagtrai incigaz. ?ag: ahagt are aa? 3&8 ?g ii i. geiitg?zg, angg amd g?zi?eum ara unrgwafxamla @xixemiti?g are @913 ??veiggad T36 b??k 15 strgighz. LAQUEN Fage SEARS black ink tattee en the tight egpet etm.reads ?Qeae?. A bleek ink tettee en the detsem ef?the tight hand teade ?Seed Sen". On the ?eteem ef the left heed ie black ink tettee that reads and has pair ef diee. EVXEERCE OF THERAPY An endetreeheai tebe is in the meuth. Eetravaseular lines are in the left grain aed ieft fessa. Rn line ie in the left Shin. leesely sututed runs tram the tight line t0 tEe ieft lateral back just inferior t0 the nipple line, EVIDEKCE XNJURX I. ?nltiple Gunshot ?bunds: There ere :6 gunshot weunde, numbered 1 through 16 erbittatiiy eitheut regard to sequence or severity. 1.GSRSEOT WOUHD OF THE LEFT SCALE: there is a gueehet graze weund Of the left parietal scalp centered lwifE inches item tee top ef the heed and 1/2 inch anterior te the Superier attaehment of the pinne ef the left eat. The gaping weemd ie ieehes ieng and up to 1/4 inch deep, exteeding t0 the evetiyieg the ekeii. The weun? has me marginal abraeien, Seet, er stippiing. with this teete is miid left temgetegatietei eebseapeier hemetthage. ?hie embetaeheeid hemetteege everiiee the ieft temeetei and petietei et the brain. eeneet be 0? THE Teete is et ef the ieft ef tee ii free tee tee et the teed eed 2 ieft ef eatetiet mi?iiee, the eizeuiet weued ie 3516 inch ie diemetet ewe tee eitetmfeteetiei ?ty mezgieei teet meesetee e? te 25% et 12 e?eieet, 2/8 ieeh e: LRQUAN Fege 3 3 e*e3eek, z/e inch at 6 e?eleekg ehe ieeh at 9 e*eleeks There is ee seet er etipplieg. After the skin tissue ef the Eeft et the neck, the ballet perferetee the steep ef the left side ef the the trachea and the mueelee ef the right side ef the meek. defermedx eepeer-jeeketed, medium caliber bullet is from the right sepreepinetue muscle, at eppreximetely 12 inches free the tee ef the head and eppreximetely 5 inches right ef eeterier midliee. the bullet ie phetegrephed, sealed within an appreprietely labeled envelope and eehmitted te ef the Chieege Felice erertmeet. with thie ie hemorrhage and pelpifeetien ef the eeued treekt The directiee is left to rightf front te back eed 3.GUNSHOT WDUND OF THE LEFT CHEST: $hexe is genehet weund ef entrance of the left upper chest li?l/? inehee frem the tap ef the head end 8 ieehee lett ef eeterie: midline. The eveid 1/2 1/2 ieeh eed hee circumferential; ery, mergieel that measures 1/16 inch at 12 e?eieck, 1/8 ieeh et 3 e?eleek; 1/16 inch at 6 e?eleek and 1/8 ieeh et 9 e?eleek. There is me ee etieplieg, efter the ekie eed ef the left epeer eheet; the heliet the Eeft ehe of the left beek, the ef the peeterie: left ere e? the and ekie ef the Eeft eeper are. $11 ei exit ef Ehe peeterier Eett up free tee tee et the ieft ieeh te tee eidliee e? the le eve?e 5/:6 3526 ieeh hee mergiee? teet ie thee Ef?e it :e ee er etiepiiee? eiee. MCQONALQ, Page with this weued i3 hemerrhege ene pulpifactiem Of the waged track. The directien is free: 30 back; right te Eeft and deemwerd. 4.8UNSHOT OF THE CEBST: There ie a genehet wound 0f the right side 05 the eheet ieches frem the tap ef the heed and lelf? ieehee Eight ef enteriez midiine. The Circular weund 33 3/16 inch ie diametex and bee circumfexeetiel, dry, brown marginal ebreeien that measures 1/16 inch at 12 o?eleck, 3/16 inch at 3 o?eleek, 1/16 inch at 6 e?cleek and 1/16 inch at e*eleck. There is me seat er etipplieg. Aftex perfereting the Skin and sebauteneeue of the right Side 0f the chest; the bullet subsequently eerferates the right peeieralie muscles, the anterior pextioe 0f the right feuxth rib and right feurth intezceetel muscle, the right upyer pulmenie lebe the right middle pulmeeic lebe and the lateral pertion of the right sixth interceetel A markedly defermedg eepperwjaeketed bullet is frem the right latiesimue derei muscle at a peint approximately 18 inches free the tep 0f the head and apezeximately 2 inehee peeterior :9 the right mieaxillery line. with this weend is an enterier fracture of the right feurth rib and an epexeximetely ??mL right hemetherax. There is hemerrhage and pulpiieetien ef the waned track. ?he direetiem is free: te back, :eft {e right ae elignely ?eeneerde 5.633539? OF THE LEFT ELBQW: Theze ?e genehe: ef ef tee left 12- bee Ezee tie ?ee ef tee lef: Em ?fe latexeg te tee midiiee ef ief exm @he eiree lee ef ee en? 1/:e ieeh geek size emfexeetie; eezeezee @hexe ie ee ex stipeizeg. Page 5 Afier perferetieg the ekin and tissue of the lateral left elbow; the bullet perferetee the ieft humerus and the musculature, tieece and Skim cf the left upper arm. genehet weund of exit cf the mediek left upper arm 13 located liwl/? inches from the tap cf the ieft sheulder and along the medial midline ef the left erm? The irregulerly~ehaped weund is 1/2 1/2 inch. A 1/8 inch brown marginal abrasion extends frem to 3 c?cleck and a 1/16 inch brewe marginal abresiec extende free 11 to 12 There is me ecet er etippling, with this weued is a 3/16 inch dark brawn, abraded skin bridge that separates the entrance gunehet weund #5 (scperierE item the entrance genshet #10 (infexicr)? There ie a fracture of the dietel ieft humezce es well as hemerreege ewe pulpifeetien of the weend track. The direetiee is left to right; back tc freet and upward. WGUND OF RIGET UPPER ARM: There ie a gunshot weend of entreece of the peeterier right upper axm lecated 6-1/2 inches item the of the right ehcuider and aleng the peetericr midliee ef the right arm. fee circular weued is 3/16 inch in diameter and has a 1/16 inch dry, dark marginal abrasion exteneieg free 1 tc ll e?cleck. There is me sect er sticp?ieg. After eerferetieg the skin end subcutaneeue tissue cf the right upper axe, the beliet eerferetee the meeceleture ef the right are, the eight hemetee end the meeceletere, eed skin ef tee ziget eeper ere. ?ee:e is ehered ef exit ef the eedie? eight upper ere free the ice ef the Eight and eieeg the eid?iee ef the right eye, Tee e/ze jeeh has Ky, geek eircemfezeetiel meegieei see? measures 2/1e ?eeh e: 12 c?eleck eed 3 e?eieck, :ece at e?eieck 2/26 e: e?eleek, 33 ee see: e: etiee?ieg? LAQUAN Page 6 with this wound ie en abraded inch meiet piek skin bridge that separates the entrance genehet wound #6 {inferior} from the entrance geeshet #11 (euperierE. There ie else a fracture of the right hemeree end hemerrhege ee? eulpifeetiee ef the track. The directiee is back te fxene, dewmeerd end eiightiy left :0 right. 7.8UNSHOQ OF THE FOREARM: There is a gueshet wound ef entrance of the eoreal left 19 inches frem tee tep ef the left eheulder and 152 inch meeiel :0 the pesterier midliee ef the left arm. The wound measures 1/4 3/16 inch and has a cireumferemtiel dry dark marginal abrasien that 1/8 inch at 12 e?cleck en? 1/16 ieeh at 3! 6, and 9 o'cleek. There 15 me seat er etippiing. After perferatimg the skin and subcutaneeue tissue of the left forearm, the bullet subsequently perferetee the left radius and ulna and the musculature; eubeutaneeue tissue and skin ef the medial left forearm. e_gueehet weued ef exit 0f the medial ieft fereerm is lecated 20-1/2 imehes free the tap 0f the left eheulder and 1/2 inch aeteriox te the medial mid?ine 0f the left are. The eveid weued 5/16 1/4 inch and has an ellipee~ehe?ed marginal ebraeien that 1/4 inch at 12 e'eleek! 3/16 inch at 3 e?cieek and 6 e?cloek and 1/8 inch at 9 e?eleck. There 15 no er stipelieg? with this weemd ere freezeree ef the left and e?ee. is hemezrhege and ef the ie beck te eiighEEy rigee ?e d1 eft "ed ieheiy {wal HGURE $38 LATERAL RIGET LEG: feeze 35 ef e5 :ee right eepee Eeg S?wg/E? inehee free the tee ef tee eed ieehee rige: ef t?e ef the right leg. Page ?EEGl?leQ?l The eireuler weund measures lie in diameter and has a than l/l? inch marginal extendieg free 5 O?clock ?e 6 e?cleck, The margin is exteneively and bee a Circumferential 3/16 ieeh gerele There le no e: etipplieg. After perferetieg the Skin and tleeue ef the lateral right upeer leg, the bullet the mueceletuxe ef the right ugper leg; the pelvic flee: mueculatere end the mueeuleture ef the mediel left upper leg. A mederetely defermed, cepper?jacketed, medlem caliber bullet is from the medial left uppez leg at paint 39 inches free the tee ef the head and eppreximetely 2 lechee Klee: ef en?erie: midllee cf the left leg. The bullet is phetegraphee, sealed eithie an eppxoprietely labelee envelepe submitted ?e a representative ef the Chieege ?eliee erertmeet. with this is hemerrhege and pulpifeetiem ef the treek. The ?irectiee is right te left, deeneard freet t0 beck. 9.GUHSHOT WOUED 9F TEE LEFT UPPEK BACK: @here is a gueehet of entrance 0f the left upper back ll inches free the top 0f the head end 4m1x2 iechee left of midline. The eonn? measuree g/l? 5/16 inch end has an ireeguler, circumferential brown that measures l/e inch at l2 e?cleek, 3/16 ee 3 e?eleek! 1/8 ieeh e: 6 e*eleek end B/l? et 9 sleek. $here is me ez etieeling. kite: perfereEing the Skim eed ef the le beck; the : >1st Cask Swat}! mama? Examiaar W?fk?f?ai? 45?5?3?3 mm: gamiem 15.53133 Page ,3 $2 2&1 Wag: ?ar?mn Siraat C?is?ga EL imsi?m Fin?i?g?z aumgaggzz? gawk was ?henays??m 5% gym, 3% {Emma {Simmga sadism iafamtian ?Festihg Ragiagsim: ?naiysis Corie De?crig?w ?1953 Rizyea?am am? Metabmi?ta 3153553 83?8?53 ?zenwsiiad??e, B?mci $33ec?mans ?aeaive?: ii:- mhaicsmaimr Wham ?atiaa?an maria: Emma mgcfaiiamags gags Eaie?'ime mfamgatian Ra? ?gag Tube": 5% mi. ??vea away Bkm? $3 53er yo?amasfweigms age agmaxima?a?a Sgec?mana remiw? mamas; Waraar??r masgseg MS Cii?sain 1?851 53% -- Patiant 38 @3213? @4515: 4 933;: 3 if!" 2 ?gtaiie? F?z?ings: Rm, 3.333395% am cameats Rama: ?aiis aim? Sggai?zw swim a?aiy?ia ?ae?cyc?i?im $5 ngimi, 3% am y- 123%? cm: than ?112 airwe fins?iags, axamiaa?an 9f {ma speaimenig} aahm?te? ?1333 mi mama; may ws??te ??dinga immaicsgigai aiyni?cama by partway? wt?md if; im aswmpaayiag Anaiyms Rafarenm ?amma??: Phencyci?aine {?agaz 3:133; Sisem} a ?aviisy 81:22:35: Vngaayaii?i?a {931733 3% 3 Sam?uia i: amimi?e? ?asgamus :13 mc?mgamc ?mg? Yham ?31535 3 a? gharmwk?m?c ?aia 5f ugagg if; 321137353335: Magma; i: has wen remrted iagwi? phemyc?a?a {a?gg? ?Ram 2% ngfmiimaa, ?35 ?gmi.) in igzdia?dua?s stagge? 123:? ?riv??g 13mg 131% in?ueme a? 1:3! far bang iaiaxiaamd Ea pubiic. Ataxia; agiia?m?a, asmbs?va??as: ?izur?m sgaatia?g cams and magvigamrf ?agrasgien are with phamysi??ne wawrz?atisaa rangigg {mm 8313 - 22:3 ngmmiasma. we phyaiaiggigai a?aais 423:2 :99 aiaggi?ea as iaw a? big?! assa, in 3113395595933 can aim Masai :?smrisamea ?mwsimszg, haiiusi?a?am i?argase? guise {are 52% bim?rasgm, bmmhaspagm; mci?eass? rwg?raimy {313 am? ?aypertisaymiam 1:ng ?asas? PWcan eeawiaiaraa. c5333,? a?hy?zmias??gcma?a? 3:33am? preaasra 22:33:? reapim?ms an? {hammy?ysia game a?geears ta: mt: raiat?imz piazza mmia a? pheacyai?dine am; daggaa 9f iat?x?gatia?w Even as, ?eaih has began @9233?th fa?iswi?g $339 2259 9:133; 1:29 Haggai ?e?syciidi?a ?imd if; phamyc??ae?rsiatw fa?aii?ea haw 3:23am; {water} is {a $393 - 25%? agimL {mesa 5436i? agme). Unms aiier?at? armngemms an? ma?s by gm i215? remi??gz a? 2kg submi?e? awaimms Siibe ??car?ad am 11?} yea: mam me 2mg 93? $133 mpart; am? ga?s??ata? (1313 15:23: be diam {53% ?ve {53 yams imam {ha ?atag?a awaiysgs were Analysis Sammary am Rapmiirsg aimits: A5 a? $839 fa?awiag; was were fay 3355 (saw gar 2951 15% mmwm?? Esta ware in?ia?e? i1: i332 3mm ??139 Eewni?g Limit far 933?: wmgam? ?gme?ts 21% 3mm: w?cea?a?gg me ma: baa mm?a? 95 mag mama ?13m wmgsagd is ag Deteata?s ii; is as: gr?s?ni; awva: aha 32%an Limit F?i?aga {?3er {a the? P?g?im 5mm {?1565 {a gum; f?f ?ww 133a: aware i?ant??w 35 being sfgseai. Asa?a ?isgsef??am am ?aiami?ge; Siam {savity mm w?m?ygi? it}? Rim: 53e5?ezma?ca Ta??am??aas awakemiry 32:: gg: Eat Limi: iim??i E?y?mxgigwridme if} ngm? ?isgze??gw am WA @518 gi?a? 83mg ?An?ysis :33? $35 Q?ramatagmg?yf?ag? Swa??me?y fiamggag 89%, gm: Eam?w? 23mg 53 ?gfm?. ?LabCorp . a: ?whim a - ramming?: n. Specimen 139- ?30-0 Accll:12122732 Rte: lb Control 80019005042 COOK COUNTY MEDICAL MCDONALD. LAQUAN 21 21 HARRISON CHICAGO IL 60612 Patient Details Spedmen Details Physician Ditalis DOB: 09:251?1997 Date collected.- 1115' Local Ordering!) MEANS Aguiw?midk?l?usml Date entered: omenms Referring: Gender: 55?: Dale (upon-ed: 0903 ET ID: Patiunt ID: General Comments 3. Additional Information Clinical 0F CAVITY Clinical lnlo: BLOOD SPUN DOWN Altarnata Conltol Number: 30019005042 Allernata Patient Ordered Items Valproic Acid - 1-2.5qu Valpraic incid l?apakotli in] HEFEHENCE INTERVAL-ML Wits-T"? <4 Lou 1.1;me 50 - 100 01 "Verified by upset, analysis? Detection Limit II 4 <4 indicates Noni Out-ctod Toxicity may occur at lavsla of. 100-500. Heuunmonta of It? unbound valproic acid may improve th- autu- a! clinical response. Dublin Nathan Scanzillu. 5370 Wilcox Road Dub_ii_n pl-i 43016-1259 For Inquiries. the physician mayr oonlacl Branch: 300- 597- 8025 Lab: 890-282?7300 cm.- Issued: mums 0903 ET FINAL REPORT P3991911 1995-20 is Labmatory Corporation a?Amuizai Holding: Ihis documcn: tannins pmam and can'iuenllai health Informtianpwtected by state and federal law. All Right: Klill'll'id' (mantis: Report Vernon: 1 DO ?you have received 1hi1. document in war. pIL-u: mli 390-282-7300 Head sarfaca and ska; Setalf an ?20: view lnf?noz: View sf neck - 3 Ram web/3? W59 pap-13) @353 a? 3W ef Fermi: fafiwfagy GFFICE 3F THE REBICAL EXAMIKER NAME Mc?matd Laquan 1 A65 WY SEX Maia EASE Biaca 19? HT 172 380 ?mew! ?g mask 5% Wm 3 A <2 I 5 4M. .47 KAWWMM WFHCE OF THE MEMCAL EXAMINER COUNTY OF COOK gang ffVl??MRGka 5 i . @535 3a. SEX akcs? ww a" 1 My OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER COUNTY OF COOK Lka MWOMMW mm I 55$ mm 1 ma?a 5f1w~wm Case Hm Bate 33m?? "#:311an 3 - OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER 3 3 COUNTY OF COOK ?35 Mammtg .1 AGE Difskx aacswi 3 c] 9: Eg?m?a ?3 . 39% - OFFICE OF THE MEWCAL EXAMINER 1 COUNTY OF COOK WW {?3592 AGE Hi3 XES RACE mm 1 Wm Ab? ?41? I .W?m 50m $4 uffArWim fag/W @sz Mm Medicai Examiner ?nvestigatians Case Report 071 Campanion Cas? ts: Case Type: Forena?c laitial immession: Paige Invoked Sheeting getedeat i Subiect Deceaseci Name: Laquaa Mcacnaid {Deceased E308: 9f25f1997 Deceased Gender! Race 111w: Maia Siack 17 Deceased Home Address Caunty: 5; a Chicags, County: Cook County Deceased Phane: Unkmwa Sociai Security: Netification Bate: 10/20/20?4 Time: 11:51:59 PM Name: Detective March Title: Beiec?va Star: 26563 Teiephane Namber: 312-747-8380 Agency or institation making mti?catien: Chicago Paige Separtment Beat: 5121 Pciice Report Qisaovemd Discgvered by: Chicagg Paiim Beat 845R Address: 342$ W. 83rd Street? Chicaga, IL 596% Phage: 312-74i8739 Title: Felice Qf?cer Reiatiamhig: Of?cer Lagt knewn aiivaz WQOZZSM miscammd Qa?emme: 1Qi2?3f2i314 9:58:00 PM Page ?af? Medical Examiner investigations Case Repert 89R perfarmed: WA Coaditiea a? may: Maitipte GSW mace of I incideat Address where ORIGINAL lncideat scanned: 4132 S. Puiaski Chicago; EL Cnanty of Occurrance: Cask Ceumy Type of Premises: STREET Time of occurreace: PM Date: 6f Qecegsed: Positive l?entification: Cowerker Identification Means: Fingamrima Additianal TD Info: Chicaga 3R 2105340 Pronouncemem Piaca deceased pronognced: Hospitai ER Methed 9f Pronouacement: Or: View Hospitai: MOUNT STNAI MEDTCAL CENTER Bate and Time: 30/20/2014 10:42:00 PM Pronounced by: Dr. Titeei Fire Departmant Scam: Chicaga Fire Sept 21 List cf Person Interviaweg Name: Rehtienship gr ti?e i Address x? Phcne Numbet Seiective March Psiice Deteciive 5?36?; 8. Wenmiarth; Office? Chicagag 66599 Page 60632 3?3 21?747?8389 ng? Medics! Examiner investigations Case Report Next of Kin Next at Kin Name: Unknewn Kin Contact info: Unknewn Next at Kin eetified: Next cf kin unknewn Narrative On 20 October 2014 at 2351 hears Detective March 20563 of the Chicago Police Department Ares Central Detectives Beat it 5121 noti?ed the Forensic Institute the subject Laquah McDonald had expired at Mt. Sinai Hesgitsi after being shot by an or: duty Chicage Pciics Of?cer. Detective March related the feiicwing; on or about 2156 hours 19 October 2014 Chicago Peiice 8th District Beat Car 815R responded to 41st and Kiidare in reference is a ?Citizen Heiding a Subject?. Upch arrivai Beat it 815R was confronted by the subject whe threatened the cf?cers with 4 inch feid knife. The subject ?ed the scene en feet where at41t2 S. Pulaski the subject was stabbed by of?cers assigned to Best 845R. The officers enheunsed their cities as ?Chicago Peiice Of?cers" and ordered the subject ts drep the knife. The subject hinged at the of?cers with the knife. Fearing for their life and attempting to step the threat brie of?cer (star 9465) ?red sixteen rounds from his duty steeper: a Smith Wesson 9mm handgun striking the subject numerous times . After striking the subject an ambulance was requested by the of?cers. Upen arrivsi of Chicege Fire Department Ambuleriee 21 the subject was transported te Mt. Sinai Hespitsi. Once at Mt. Sinai Hespitei emergency reern staff were unebie to revise the subject and the subject expired at 2242 beers being preneunced by Doctor Titeel. it appears that the subject sustained the feiiewihg gunshet weends. {our to the chest, six to the right arm. five is the left arm, one tn the rightside terse, two to the back, one to the right hip, two ts the left leg front. ENG to the left ieg rear. 2 ts the left thigh and three to the right thigh. At this time since the of?cer tired sixteen times which of the gunshet weehds ere entrance er exit weends. At the time hi this incident beth ct?cers assigned to Beat it 845R and 8159 were in fuit Chicago {Desertrnent uniierrn. The subject was ordered sieng with ail petice medicei records which inciuded sdrnissien bleed which was drawn te the Ferensis institute fer further examinatieh. Sebjeet was besitiseiy identi?ed by the Chisege system based en a prier Chiesgs Beehieg Member iRZt?SCi?iti. At the time ei this resent it is enhnceh why the citizen was ?Heiding the Sebject? since the citizen iett the scene anti caste net be intewiewed. Sebject?s next ef kin has set been Pertinent inferrestien Pegs 3 st 4 Medical Examiner Investigations Case Repart :3 R1 Sate?'ime leaving for scene from cffice: Arrival an scene time: Departiira fram scene a? time: arrival at Institute: Point 0f aantact; Detective March it: 20583 $emperature of Emironmentz 52 Degree Fahmnhe?t Medicatiensmrugs on ssene: Drug ?ame Pharmacy Rx ?e Number Essued Rate Physician Name Rx Bate Number Left Phone his ?esgge Name an Baf?e Photagraphs taken on seem: False Medical Histog General Medical History: Attending Physicia?: NIA Last Caniact with physician: Unknown End {31? Repart z; {72.7% 76 ?12? #3 lavestigater Supewiser {Bate am! '?me camgleted: 1912312614 1:30:31 AM Paga 4 4 mm Cog}: {Emmy Mgdital Examiner?s Uf?ce ?91m Kmart! I, 3 Ram Ea?mi?ime Mix/f"! 7x 752qu RH. Ad?mss 3%53 M??/ng Ema a! Fawn! ?imter (?ame i?r?ini) @m f/ {553/ ka?l g?zaawwm Printed 1 Qatar: McDonald Path Autopsy ?33m: .1 3% 0? 0.1 Q?ginai?l?hae?i?sg Wed ?f?mg?mm'fag} Eli}, Signatare $13332 asthma TheTagA?a?a? 122mm By amazing their 1am haiow; all 123W indicai: ?1131 ?aey 13mm mmiaed me tag far the anti thai it matches with age WE damanfx an? ei?er mlam? materials, am! that mate has been mmy?anm xvii}; 311 Media: rimming ma?a tela?ag t9 tim re?ne remainsMAWB WEE NAM 1:22:15 KEEN [(Imam) Rmr?a {imam} QFFIQE 0? THE - COUNTY GP 309K i PERSOFAEAL EFFEQTS C355 34:23. TECH: ?a . . 1:321:2on DQTE: 38521523M $355242 AM WC BEAT: QUANBW 1' CGLOR 2? NAME 2 Saiici Baasziz Ear Cuff 2 8533?: Charm 1 Pa?kada?is B?ac?s; Baaks 1 am 0m: 1 amid Btack Ring 1 Sclid Black Piajamach ?3 Si?gea Gwen Keychain $5 9mm WBICAL OF WXCAL EWW CASE {4 I (Z mmemcmr i WE it} Am: SEX max?m (300%; macaw mums? DATE mam rum; am" mama?? SDCIAL SEW Wm: 14241?. Emmi?; smug mm mum?s mm NAME) A 2330 mm mummy. ?m With? . mama's mm mm gee? SECHQN II ONLY WIATE 0? mm MAY W3 WILL BE SHOWN GNLY ONCE. WW3 ME BEEFLAYW FOR WY CREW THAT 1 MW mawm THE A331W LAST THE DECEDENT ALIVE GEN 0R 5 Tm WWT mm umomn TEE is NOT (:0an smm?rmg ?th?i/ i133 3 mamas?; i .r .1 131 7" cam xii/(u 2.13? EWE0NE4L mm; macs ?gmx?m 2 mm: 3:1: 2/ 3 gamma UPDATEB