l'2-1 actic-n wcruld be a punitive nr disciplinary measure but rather- a necessary interventinn ICE can safeguard the health and well?being cnfits detainees. cents in this District, including this Court, have gamed such curders an at least sis. IBM-1 Plainti?s have net a cf irreparable injury absent an injuncticnn- D. The Balance of Hardships Dues list Tip in Tater Iu ccnsidering a TRU, the Ccurt must alsn whether the balance equities tips in the ?ver cf the nicrtring party. Winter- S. Ct. at 325. Here, it den-es net. Speci?cally, ICE and the H-ISC is fcir the health and 1well-being crfall detainees- If a detainee is allnwed tc die nr severely his health because {if a hunger strike: ?ether inmates will infer that the gnvernnient is indi?'erent their well-being, and that such a result muld lilcely incite disnrderly cbnduct.? In rs Sali'ms'ii- 134 F.3upp-2d at 1253- Censequently- the balance {if equities tips in favnr cf pretecting ability tn carry but its mandated niissinn- . The Public Interest Dues Ilia-t ii'ei-gh in Plaintiff's I'ai'er Finally, in ccunsidering whether tn grant a n1crticrn TED, the Cnurt will censider tbh. public?s interest. Win-Fer: 12EII S. Ct. at 32'5- l'n an earlier Cnurt appeals crpinicrn in the Winter case: the Ninth Circuit reiterated the impedance this ?ctcur: ?the district ccnurt n1ust the pussibility nf irreparable harm- but alscr, in cases, the public interest- The public interest is net the same thing as hardship tea party . . - . Balance cf hardships is the third ?ctcur- and the public interest is the factnr- They are separate. . - Natural Ra's-stirrer Defsiise Ccunrii y. 502 F-3d B59, HIE-2 [9th Cir- 20?2} {reversing the district court?s cnrder granting a preliminary injuncticnn where the district ceurt did ccnsider the public interest REE-P0135 TU DRIER- UNITEIJ STELTES [Ease Nb. IE THUS-TEETH SHEET: SUITE ?73.5mm 931121 (sci-SJ sis-ism