"Hahn?. .1, 5-23-51 1004821956 120 . [31.12. Jams Heme to Hr. fiicizols* RE: 2202mm REAGAN gong t? A summary of information from public: s?urces and Bufiles regarding the above is given; ?Ronald Reagan-1 Ronald Rgagan-Z 35E: 0.9. TO moan BQNALD REAGAN RONALD BEAGAN called, wished to use "Communist 5 the Director pamphlet, as the . basis of one of his television shows, Gearal - Electric Theater. He also brought up the possibi- lity of the Director appearing on his EV program ACTION: Inasmuch as Reagan?a program would un? doubtedly do a great deal of gopd, it is suggest: 1 that we offer no objections to the program. gyI doublt wisdom of this. Any misunderstanding ?to the RBI. Concur RonaklReagan- -3 ., 5 ?an 100-382196-?2 63 GEszaW/ 8/31/60 Mr. Ronald Reagan RONALD REAGAN 1669 San Ono'fre Road i Hp?o?n return to Wash I was immedv agivisigsofeurtele con- ,1 Versation with Assist Dir C. DeLoach on 8/26/60. I am pleased to learn of ur int in congressional pamphlet I wrot. Ur desire to use pamphlet as basis for TV show ur thotful invitation for me to appear on program source of deep personl satisfaction; however, must decline. Re-5 1 Pacific Palisades, California gret we are not in a position to cooperate in such a pro- Euction, Ronald Reagan-5 ?100-382196?3 . . i 8-26- 60 DeLOach to Mohr "Commumst Target-~Youth" Call from Ronald Reagan, .1: 20 9.. M. Possible TV SHOW Reagan called 8; I talked to by ref from DO. Said h?e (1 like to do show based on above pamphlet. He brot up pass ibility of Dir bein on show at end. I told him Dir pleased at his interest correspond with him in near future.Reagan known gin ACTION: We offer no objections to program lett go to Reagan informin him Dir cannotappear on program. Ronald Reagan?7 :5 73 73 w? r54. glee-3821964: I 33 I 9-8-60 Ronadl Rea-at genes to ?eLoach Reign: REAGAN 5301: will recall that the subJ. telephoned the fillirecter'e Office on 8-26-60; and upon referral, 33701: talked to him. 51113;]. was igterested in ?producing a television show for the "General 7 fElectric Theater? shown on a national network: on . ?Sunday evenings on the subject of Hoovers' ZZ-pamphlet, ?Commutaet Target-u-Youth.? He stated gthat he would like the "Director to appear on the gehow at the conclusion of the program and give :2 or 3 minutes of remarks concerning the danger ;of p? communism and particularly Finfiltration of youth. rDirector deelined. ?Yes i 100?382196-5 RONALD EEAGAN RONAED EEAGAN MASTER OF CEREMONIES OF G. E. THEATRE WEST CALIF. '2 7- MR. Ronald Reagan, Master of Ceremonies of the 5 General Electric Theatre, telephoned through operator from West Los Angeles, Californis, 2 for the Director. He was advised of the Director's absence from the office and offered the services of Assistant Director DeLoach, which he Ronald Reagan-11 a .. Ronald Reagan-12 63 9/8/60 loo-3821966 2 ms amazes, CALIF. Sub: tale for Director. He was adv of Dir absence from off 8: was offered the serv of an ass which I he dealined. He asked when he could expect to 351 speak with Dir 8a was told Director is presently attending conf that it was not pose to say 3118' when Director would ret. Mr. Reagan said that perhaps he would try to contact Director temarrc1 morning. NOTED: quj tele 8/26/60 in regard to desire to do RV. show based on Bur pamphlet Targgt-?Youth" 8a desire to have Dir 8?13 a en 0 Ronald Reagan-13 - 9 19'80 Ronald Reagan-1f} 3.00.383964 E. A. Jones to DeLoaeh Rona? Reagan 15 A RONALD REAGAN Rommel) ACTOR 2* ABir a3kd 4 sum?ry on Ronald Reagan"? 3.51.6355 isue' of Post Tims HQchontnd column by JOhn Chamb?rlain diseases California poltos g: gen refrs to Ronald Reagan. Data Infor Bufiles?f Has not been by Bu, files contain numrus 2 him. Has vistd LA Office Kai} relations with him hav ben cordial. REC: For i? ALMA ?r .1 - W. .W 16- 3-16-65 The Washington Rona-1d Reagan Post and Times Herald . Sen. George Murphy, long a. Republican, also bega?? his political life: as a. Democrat, but he suppori: 'dDick Reign against John Kennedy. This is a. chameleon State, politically speaking, and evideraj ?y it doc-ant matter so much what you were as when 5 you changed..- - Ronald Reagan-11 Ronald Reagan-18 A: . - #h?A 100?3821961-8 ?Lek if rgnaISABeagan $7 91151- 2 229,st 1-16-66 M. A. Jones to Wick RONALD REAGAN, APPEARANCE ON TV SHOW THE PRESS, 1 1?9-66 .1 Ronald Reagan, well-known aft ?1912 W110 announced his candidacy 4 Cal??fmgs gubernatorial nomination on 1-4-66, appeaned on "Meet The Press" TV show on Chanhel 4 (NE) at 1 p. m. 1- 9-66 Over?all, Reagan made a. good appearance 8; Was quite quick witty answering dangerous questions put 2 him Which could have been considerably embarrassing 2 his future palm}. 1,1. . . olippings encl .v 1 70m Ronald Reagan-20 . 1 - a. - Ro?aklReagan-21 EV1oo~332196?9 I I 3/19/35 Eur Ronal? Reagan . Paelflc Ealisades, Galif - "In recent weeks my staff and I have worked eat a? Ean antiucrime program for Calif, that in large apart wauld entail strengthening and improving ?a Eaur law enforcement precedures. As part of the Eprogram we anld nape next year to present ta Ethe Legislation setting up?a state law officer Efacademy-aimed at provi?ing the best training gpossible for all california law officers. In :5 E?onjunction'with this, we ?bula seek ta extahlishE laboratory that would utilize the HE '9 13138 Ronald Reagan-22 ?few Mr. Ronald Reagan 2 RONALD REEGAN Pali'?ades, 90272 in resp urlet 8/19 re plans to strengthen law procedures in Cal. if elected, can assure this Bmalway mg extend coperativ services any 8; all locl, state Fed agencies order more combat crime. desire iniplemn}ur tentatv plans, hope will not hesitate 32111 an FBI agsistance all matters?mutual interest. ,7 '9 . 2. m1). 35: . ?lm 2 Ronald Reagan-24 /5 K) 100-382196-v-10 i? 6 w? l?l b6 Romano RAGAN comm, CALIF. As a citizen I feel it is my obligation to form v01; of some info given me. 811 _ active in politics, and close to some con-we; gressmen, informed me that'Z days before the November election, Mr. Ronald. Ragan, candidate for gevernor of Calif. will be smeared in the press and on Was a card carryin? commist 6c 1will not have a chance to repudia the charges": cans ?s1e1a1mn antyh?o??mgistq?f 377,10 . . ,1 ?s 2? Ronald Reab?n-ZB 4' 1 s. astr~- 7g. ?uJRR jam 9/28/66 j, 3 RONALD RRGAN 1sz lb"? ioo~3szi?ezao *9 w; Pg: '41: ?vn; 1 am: -. Covma, Calif; "~0Igwup w; a; yu- Urlet of 9/22 reed; W3 gd of '11 bring info to my attain; 8. I xpres my thanks. 3: . 5 Eli: g- 'f II: 1.1 Wanna, any? gym; 0 .. . Ronald Reagan-27 1- Emu! 11.3 Ronald Reagan-28 11 I. 100-38?1?6 11 3 25 GEM?mei 11?9-66 aim .: fr :32: fHon. Ronald Reagan :Pacific Palisades, Calif. REAGAN fCongrats upon ur electn as Gov. of Calif. Ur friends" 111 Bu join me in hepe that ur term in ofic wil meet every {suces, we want to fei ire ?0 let as law whenevr we can} of servic. With warm regaras, Ronald Reagan-29 Ronald Reagan-30 *4 '1 10068219642 i 22 I 11.19-ERR RAE MCISCG WE 11mg REM. CAILS TO LBS AEGELESRonald Rgagan Ronald Reagan-32 [gr . b100n38219?5u13 22 I 11.10~66. RQHAIB REAGAR I JOSE, CALIF. Ronald Reagan-33 i Ronald Reagan-34 i 100 382195~14~ *3 I 22 11~11~66 mam REAGAN 0 ?0 BAETAGLIA SUITE man: ZED EEK EBUIIDING EDIE ZERO CAPTIOL HALLrmbhui?zh?uu 4m . . Ronald Re?gan-36 gi?a?sams-ls I 23 Ronald agan FM FIG 11/14!55 39521:} $223, 2292222122 m2 Iw?sm 2221 1312:2231: 3.3 aml Ixs Mm BE 853 32351 2355031221233 2:21 221330242211 22222: 2331921223 182 FLT 22136211131912: GFI Icqm) b6 b7 b7 1 ?mp2; 2 .- i I $25.45! m- . my? 1 a'm Ronald Reagan-38 1 i 35313113 431,113,; ?Ronald Reagan100- 382196-16 13/15/65 m: - 1.x. OF CHICAGO, 7 THREAT To ASSASS INATE ?1 RGNALD common? a ELECT OF CALIFORNIA, . NOVEMBER 8, 1966, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. SAC, CG STUDENT, .3 ?1 1 EBACKGROUNO DATA REI ISET 16 a 337'?: {3 Ronald Reagan-40 . DECS 1965 CHANGED /;1z33=1 44/24 4/0 2:45 I Ronald Reagan-41 Ronald Reagan-42 1 1 ?RonaldReagan- 43 f; 106-1382196416 I 71% ?5 ELEM 11~16~66? Jones is: 6231611 Meme 651611153 REAGAN 3:66 1118566,.61361111166 606616 Reagan, P221613 Pahea?ee, 196161 ?efeatei 6161111113111: 2161216613. G. 19211331309211 In. gabnato?? in Cali. Ream reeve? A. 3.. degree from Eureka, 53111. College 16- 16.663616 3; 616? 36601111 61 6111: 637 he be 111061111 131011661 a: mixer F966 1:13 11:61 111 Baf?es cancerng his aatieemmunis?t activities 16}: Hammad etemWe 11? 11311 cordial relaiiems 6161 111111 he 3113 exert-336611 desire Dir by let ta strengtim Iaw enf 111 3101116185 Bar? 6111 seated coeperaiive eemces. He he vista L. A. 911186.338. fer Information. Ronald Reagan-44 3 - a: 100-33219?vlg 3' 29 I ll/l?/Es I. . RONALD REAGAN I - b7c GRESGEM, om in a recent conversation about the fall 919.3th a friend questioned the politlcal backgroud of Governorele?ci: Ranald Reagan of ?alif He asserted that Reagan was at one time a card earring member of the Gomnist Party- C?cmld you clear this matter up- 18 DIRECTOR 11/16/66 3} RonaId Reagan? ?45 Ronald Reagan-46 . 100-38 22-2 .1 m. 5.. . Rg?ald Reagagn-47 A 11 . 4.1; ?at? 29: BGH:tlc 114346 Wama? 2on Rama; b6 Crescent; leahoma? ERe?urlet 11-114: ?1 new mad Su?sm: Gavemr-elct of Calif, Ronald Reagan, was one time "a card carrying member 2. of the Communist Party. I apreciat knong identy of ur friendiw??o atribt?z?td statmnt to me so I can adms him of inacuracy. The FBI strc?y inves?gatv agncy of Fed Gov? as 303, neithr maks evalutnd nor draws 301101313; as ti charactr ?r of any orgnzatn, publcant or The-If {21could not mad Sindhi: 1:1 1.5-5] 'i 3 Ronald Reagan-48 Numbering Unit File and/or Serial No. amp :20 Charged to 27,40? My Room NO. BY 0 322 Recorded Serial not yet in ?le Not Recorded Serial (Green)??There will be no abstraef 4:306 (Rev. 8?5-63) GPO Ronald Reagan-49 Numbering Unit re 1 File an or Seriai No. M3 maze Subiect (harsed to Room No. y: 7657/ JEEQ s. Recorded Serial (Ra? tin file 2 Not Recorde/d/S ria? (Greenf?There?n?be no abslract 4-306 (Rev. 8-5?63) GPO: l0423-028 nald Reagan-g3 3 ,4 Ti 3- . yfgi -r21." . 1} ?t ?4 3? 15- [me-?az?fs?-zl .a mel?aed far Mean are. games 53? 1&1 are sum; 2 aegis}; far infm {322183303 93:31:29? 503 ?ngeles; 23.99;? each mg San Eramisaa and [gearet Sgrviceg. San manciscm Eertinant infomtinn set: farm an LEI5?3} ??'nah g. b; {3?1 I Ronald Reagan-51 ?a Ronald Reagan-52 it.? 11,: mi. {1 1151? at my (.9. 333:" 4.4 I 51'" 1: gan_ y; 100?138219611- 19 REF :1 56/63 - Ronald . 5.191;: 11 . an - ?Vic 3131 DE .- 338133; 3111111: threat Agai113t . ,5 19111301111911, ?avmers-Eleeti 1' at? C?lifq ta ?$911931: 1229;33' ?In? I ?3361193: 90319 213113931331! 33311111 211193 3:311:31 ?29m 113%; 311111 ?itting he 3333- g?1i11g 11111 1931111 333% $11311 Suing i336 A 3370 . :1 5 . .. n'?Ltzu ?ann if r. .3 u- ,7 Ronald Reagan-54 A 100-382196E-f5 19 '5 Reag?an'SSE? W- SAG an . 0mm AGAERST my; 1 A 22/6/66. IE EAT AAREADE Em, As EEAA As .033 01? as 8: AACAA 9? IR Ems LEE E93. 913% am EA EEREISEEDEA BU BE THE BE THAT IEAA masmm EXPAAREA. mam OF THIS NATURE ARE IE Aeneas Em BU '3 INSTAECAIOESA 3m Em a Ronald I I 25' 731:? 5'51?! 1 4. I?m? 1 11 '1 1116131219123 ?uyw?w?mm . $353 13331 m; AMER 11113111611111 11111111, 111 mm" . 1211165 31911111111113 1211111111.me 1 11111113111 191111111161 .11 11W 3111:111ng 1:111. 311*. 12/10/65.: 111 1; 531W 213111. 1161111111 1121111111 1131 131311 133111 wwm'wweww? A ,1 Vii-319? "0wa 2 Jr 4: Ronald Reagan-57 Ronald Reagan-58 ?Lg-name: I 1 :1 a; EM .. agngi?. a Siss?s; 52:93; am? 'i a Ni? up .53 ?16? 12/5f65 h'a" '1?qu ?f 5* rov- 335%,, 33 I. Ronald Reagan-60 h? 100:? 382196 25 2 ?ncl. Em??gi?i??f 19 1/6/67 SAC, SF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN Letter transmitting articies fnom the "San fFrancisco Chron1c1e" 1/6/57 re1ative to GovernorZ 1nqugura1 message. Hawspaper cliPPingS enclosedRonaklReagan-61 14.1967 Ronald Reagan-62 3 32194!? QQ - IN ms FILE SKIPPED DURING SERIALIZAII ON . i2 3 Ronald Reagan-63 Ronald Reagan-64 1009333219 2 191311382; sac,m THREAT AGAINST Roman? BEAGAI, SIME OF sgcmemmo, CALIFORNIA 1m: stim?mmn cngoimn HAIIER COPY 03 LEM IISSEHINAIED Io. SECRET 53311103, Ronald Reagan'365 Ronald Reagan-66 o" 100-382 195-23" I 69 i 3/ 1916? 33m, LA 30mm 22mm 9 m3 JUNIOR ROLAND mm: A A 123nm: ms BEER mom mamom Gems-119:2. e. cum}: j?nl? . Ronald Reagan-67 3 :7 12 Ronald Reagan-68 was?; a x. RWJ 69 I 2/2715? gamma 12313915431 ahmm REAGAN max cm? 160*382195-29 . Wmv: ?212 ahave aaptiane? addresee recieved infamtim that the FBI :has going t5 Ewen a 353231m Seadquatere in Santamnte sane? he; sent this letter ta tei?i the Bureau that he will feel safer with them there: Ronald Reagan- -69 'gwiama m5. 3 7 Ronald Reagan-70 ram441434 2 :5 3 4 . 4" 100-382f496e29j 469 4 :33;de 3?7467 Honorable Ronal?Reag-an 5 The Goveljnor demonize 4 R?E?fm? REAGAN Sacramento, California JV :4 4F .3 Br thof? letjws reed alga?6 831011 behalf "Signs; asociats, I: :to ?hnk .u for ur perS?nl asurancs of ?eoperatn night; against crime 8; s?bver?ie?. Ev my reps extnd} all posibl I?xg?cl' state agencies :1 Calif 11 mats :3 of mutual inteze the; ?ope will not hesitat call upon us whenever we Emit? b? of ser?c. Ii for suitahl quaf'trsi? favorabi, we plan open our Sacramento Q?g :1 early summer. JEFWEIIQ Reagan-71 1 . Ronald Reagan-72 i ?11:33 '5 :Ei??ncl gem-33239 63,3 A Sim. IA: 363293 Rom 3233333, MA 2 mam 1.1m mm. mm a 331513323 memes A: Wm} rm WAR OF Siam SERVICE Ami 0?31Ronald Reagan 7-3 Ronald Reagan-74 Oaka John Doe; Gov. RONALD REAGAN - Victim ESAC, SF UNSUB, EBnolosed is 1 xerox ooPy of letter 8 enveloPe Eto "Governor anald Reagan", which was furnishe_d; Eby ARTHUR VANECW Chief, Special Services, EOffice of the Governor, State of California, Ewp pich letter was threatening his life and his if amily' 5 life. VAN COURT has turned letter over to CII and that agency is _condu! ing investiga?n. furnished to.U.S. Secret Service, forinfo. ENC 1Wyest1gatlon?be1ng 6_onducted in View of 011 investigation. - ?5 Ronald Reagan- -75 5 4 Ronald Reagan-76 t. W332i 1 3 g? ?v?ww 100~382196 ?32 WME :51: 3W. M. Felt Memo fer Mr. qusOn Re. QRONA11) REAGAN, GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA 33w F?agwt. :2 E5011 J?ne 15.1., 1967; I met Gev.f?eagan in com: with inspection oi Sac?ramente RA. High in praise of Bur. 3 Highest admiration fer the Biz? and hetf?Was extremely pleased that the Dir rep had Called?16:1 him. Reagan 3? 29?; that his kindest personal regarcfs be conveyed to :Dir. 31:: ?4 Hm; if Ronald Reagan-77 28-?87 a Ronald Reagan-78 .. \r?va-Ss bugger - . .1 7 55% 1:11? 1.00 382196433? Iii-3f I amr 7/;3533/67" g1 Cleveland to Between INQUIRY FROM OFFICE OF GOV. WASEIC iglEd Gillenwater in Wash. ofic of Gov. Reagan called re?i? ?quested guidance re obtaining gun permit for auto for wifei: Egof Gov's press sec'y to travelcross country from Va. to ECalif. After checking w/ ESAC McDermott, Gillenwater ESzauiviSed that no such thing as natil gung pet-Hut nor any one: ?gency to autorize person to carry weapon in auto except ?gF?deral officers. Gillenwater apprec. off-g info. For record ,purnoses. 1 ,?onaalgReagaciiSieiu; ?w :?Mr 2? 4; $1.45. 8 '9 957? Ronald Reagan-8O 100-38219 - b6 SAC. LA ROE-ALE REAOAH 1 SANTA BARBARA, CALIE., PD, ADVISED THIS DATE THAT HE HARE HAD ASCERTAIEED FROM A SOURCE EHOE HE BELIEVES TO BE RELIABLE, THAT A GROUP OF RE TOUHO SANTA BARBARA NEOROES, WHO HAVE NO CONNECTION HERE HITH ARI ORGANIZED GROUP, HAVE MADE PLANS To CREATE AN INCIDENT *5 DURING THE SANTA EAEE BARBARA FIESTA AUGUST SIXTEEN TO Tim NEXT. Ronald n. . 9 1167 Ronald Reagan-82 ?74 loo?aszif?ss-as ?5 47? mm?mf; :922 5:1 332: Honorsble Ronald Reagan 393m 3311693 The Governor of Califoifnia Sacramento,- California 95am FBI Will open additionai office Calii on 9625:6713 Bu prompted by expanded respensiblli?es to provide ina- creased ser?e?sjo citiZens sf state. New Office, .. when is 4th is be {established in algf, will be located at 2020 Street in Sa??ramente. ?John B. Williams 8; Assistant Philip R. Sheridan will direct investigations covered by that facility. may be assured that we will be glad to be {if servi?e to you. AIRTEL ?nmw . his; Ronald Reagan-84 (again-E - loo-382196436 is; to Tolsen {Homosexuals on Staff) Jack Anderson ca11ed re rumor red by Drew Pearso_ :39 abv effect; Earticularlx that Gov Reagan' lalso that young FBI Agt had Ebeen approached. I told And?mson,after checking? with SAC Grapp,that we had no in?e re FBI agt being involved; that this was ?at matter within - our jurisdiction. Grapp was instructed to make i no comment if he-rcd call from Pearson. For record purposes. a ,f . . RonakIReagan- -85 Ronald Reagan-86 m. - \r 108-382196?37 4m Q-W?r??y?A?f 194?23-67 EDWIN game REAGAN LEGAL AFFAIRS momma, cg. IF. Governor Reagan has asked me to acknowledge receipt of your letter of recent date, in which you informed him the? ?he FBI has an additional effice in Sacramento under the supervision of Mr. John B. Williams. I'have already spoken to er. Williams, and-feel sure that we will become better acauainted in the future. .wmi RonaklReagan-B? Ronald Reagan-88 i F100-382196f38 48 GTQismg 148-368 Honorabie Ronald Reagan RONALD . The Governor of California BEGAN -: Sacramento; California 9583.4 Was certainly a pleasure to see 8; Mr. Meese in my o?ice this morning. As mementos of occasion, copies of the photos made during ur visit will be sent to 31 8; i Mr. Meese separately. Ronald Reagan-89 3. 24-68 Ronald Reagan-90" I :10 Tones to Bighop memo GOVNR RONALD REAGAN MEET WITH DIR THURS. A. M. Ref mde memo Bishop toDeLoach 1mg cap ?nd as above 11:3:511: 51161911? ?11511? 33315531131311 mfes?p meme Lavise regard ing ma?er? just ldeame higch Rea may is iiscuss Dir during meeting. Said Calif. Senae Judiwry 3 mmittee holding meetin inf Sacramento on pro osition?i a1 state?wide camg us p61 1ce force be created 1111 er con-f1 of Governor. Tins would centralize lawH enforcement on 3005:011e university came ?ees in state.H olitical a an ailinyantagee1 Reag?gnnasa?yegso ?5135 r;%e1r no ess ogin 03? are 37 Ote issue. 3%1: sed ewi Ass1stant Iggsperm we or ii? 3 1 24-58 Ronald Reagan-92 100-382196-40 wfifjl?mi?aERONALD REAGAN SAC PG RETEL PG TO BUREA JAN EIGHTEEN INSTANT . LIEUTENAT CLARK TOMER ADVISED THAT BETWEEN TWLEVE OECLOCK NOON AND ONE PM INSTNAT DATE APPROX. THIRTY FIVE INDVIDUALS CONDUCTED PIA CKETING DEMONSTRATIONS BEFORE SYRIA MOSQUE, PG WHERE GOV. REGAN WAS TO SPEAK5:21:33? 1? . . 1 . Ronald Reagan-93 I 1r} r18 muOU Ronald Reagan-94 v-L-vgw if BISHEP To 133me GOVERNOR 12mm REAGAN approximately .1330 pgm? toc?iay. 12/22/67; Ed Gillenwaters in GWe?raor? Rom?21.6 Reagan?s' {R?Galif?d Washingtan affic?e: telephenically contacted my office. and maria the fanciring raquest."At 1.0 3.111. Jan. 18. Ronald Reagan-95 A l- f3 r5 (.0 "av Ronald Reagan-96 .1 WM 6100-382196-42 I 1&1 I 1/2/68 A HMinmm?a DELOACH The Directar has agreed to see Gavernar Ronald EReaga?a of California at 10: 03 3.1113, 1/18/68. f:?Thi3 appaiatment has been confirmed with the GZiavernar's Washington office. WM 11:39? rim; Ronald Reagan-97 u. 23-5 Ronald Reagan-98 3: 7'7: - - . ?3 Egg-?ext-M: .35} Me.? aeg? 100-3821964333 1. 7 A IJHC: Lilia-63 3 Bishop to Behoach memo GOVERNOR RONALD :3 The Director he indicated he will meet Go?iiernor Reagan at date and time. There is attached 3 a brief concerning matei'ial of interest that Ethe Director} may tree in his discussion with the Governor. REC: F01: the Director 8 information; xi ?1 '3 1 '1 ?.33 - a. mm Ronald Reagph- -99 [Av-r/ 1-. Ronald Reagan-100. 2 E361. 100-382196-lm 43; 3302:1115 1/17/53 JONES T0 BISHOP GOVERNOR Romm REAGAN Reference 3.3 ma?a to Mr. Bishop t6 Delaach memorandum, 1/12/68,, captioned as above, which enclosed a brief canceming material 4 of interest that the Director may desire to use in captioned meeting which the Gavemor. my" Ronald Reagan-101 2 Ronald Reagan-102 100-382195-145 ?51 333mm 1/31/63 TOISQN GQVERNOR RURALD REAGAK On 1/18/68, I saw Governor Ronald Reagan _of California, wha was accompanied by Mr. Edwin Meese, the Governor?s Secretary for Legal Affairs. Ronald Reagan-103i a 31 Jm??n?qnu \v 2 9 Ronald Reagan-104 100-382195-46 1/24/68 RONALD REAGAN RGNALD REAGAN GOVERNOR a STATE OF CALIFORNIA Thank you so much for the picture. Nancy is having it framed, and I shall be very proud to have it here in the office for all to see. Ronald Reagan-105 Ronald Reagan-106 5: is: i a 45;: a: 100-332196-4?7 97 3 2 . EHonorable Ronald Reagan 1 RONALD REAGAN EThe Governor of ?California ESacramento, California 95814 I ER is a pleasure to enclos a copy of the March, 1968, issue ?of "The Investigator," the employee publicatn of the FBI. The photo of takn in my of?c appears on page 19, and I thought might lik? to have this copy. Ronald Reagan- 107 a - f. 3 F4 CO (H 03 Ronald Reagan-108 3m? I 43 523m, SF 30mm ,3me gamma, amus- THE gramme mommies." ?Ronald . Ronald Reagan-110 00 ?5 4 ?Egg w; WITWWM i: ii; ?3g21 6?4 4/12/58 SAC, SF UNSUB ,DThreat Against GOvernorg RONALD REAGAN of Calif. 4/ 10/ ETEMCL. IS LHM FOR APPROPR. COPIES DISSEII ;,Io SECRET SERVICE, ALAMEDA 00. so, OAKLAND, PD, ALAMEDA, AND TO N135, SF. Ronald Reagan-111 I . 'l in; c?w M, 100-382196-49 I 20 I 5/26/68 WILL IN PUBLIC AREA SAC CV RONALD REAGAN CV NEWS IEDIA ANNCUNCEB ON HAY SWEEN, SIXTY EIGHT, GOVERNOR REAGAN SCREWED TO MAKE PUBLIC SPEECH IN CV SQUARE FIAY TWENTY TUB NEH AT FIVE P11. A CV RELIABLE SOURCE ADVISED ON THIS CV WAR AND AT THE OF SCHEME ii Ronald Reagan-113 Ronald Reagan-114 100- game?~sac, cv RONAIB- REAGAN GOV. REAGAN APPMED IN 0WD, OHIO, FIVE PE. THIS DATE AND MADE PUBLIC ADDRESS on 13831.16 SQUARE mimosa: Imcmm. PROPOSED GANGEIJED DEE T0 LACK or SUPPORT. . .. Rwaldfigaga?-HS 94.x . 4 -. 1. {mint-L 32221.23: hri-?zm?. It. My Ronald Reagan-116 Hg E: 3 ., :j 100-382196?5i 14 - . . EE- J..EBrennan ?83 3.. RONALD REAGAH, SECRET 33:. W. 0. 8311513313 ICE OF E) GANDIDATES EA: 3 3o Gary Eggs-3333, SS, 33131130313311? advised E33333 ?aky 83932333393: a. B. slough. 5r. ?33.53 1333333333013 of Ron-318 5* f?Reagan 33 3333312131 3133331333131 3336363123 was :1 Loves Mary," ?The Girl From Jones Beach," and ight Unto Might.? (In 1948 he made the picture ?The Hastnyeart" in England mane of group 0f Hollywood actors ems-7399 ?Eb/mg ?39x nd was were? goon? forfthe Roy%% ifg?-,?29% mg f?aamm WYR314 MM 79 1963 - I .i - .. . i :11. - . i' Memo to Mr. Nichols May 2ii 1951 In 1949 Reagan was cast for a starring role opposite Ida Lupino in ?Fugitive From Terror" but retired from the cast in June 1949 after breaking a leg playing in a charity baseball game. In that year, Reagan signed a five year contract for one picture a year with Universal-International. Reagan is under exclusive con- tract to Varner Brothers First National Studios. Reagan became active in the Screen Actors Guild in 1941 and became a member of the Board of Directors in 1946. In 194? he was elected to serve the unexpired term of Robert Montgomery as President of the Screen Actors Guild. In a subsequent campaign for that office Reagan was opposed by ?Left?wing Members," but won the .office in November 1947, was elected for a second term in 1948, and 1was re-elected in 1949 as President of the Guild. Writing as a vacation substitute for Victor Riesel, New York Post labor columnist, on 6?24?47, Reagan, speaking for himself and past presidents of the Guild, Ceorge.Murphy, Edward Arnold, and Robert.Montgomery, declared that they were violently opposed to ?indiscriminate Red~baiting" but urged that every union realize the menace of Communism seeking to infiltrate trade unions. Victor Riesel was quoted as commanding the ability of Reagan which he said would be useful to the AII. Reagan testified before the Heuse UnaAmerican Activities Committee in October 1947 at which time he claimed that Communists in the Guild constituted only one percent of its members. Reagan in 1949 was named Chairman of the.Motion Picture Industry Council which in that year passed a resolution promising cooperation with law enforcement agencies in ?ridding the community" of criminal elements, and recommended that young newcomers to the movie studios be thoroughly schooled in personal behavior and responsibilities. During the 1948 Presidential election the actor, who serves on the board of the Hollywood chapter of the American Veterans Committee, organized the Labor League of Hollywood Voters, backed by twenty?one AFL unions, in support of President Truman's candidacy. Reagan is a member of the Friars Club and attends the 1 Christian Church. In January 1940 the actor married Jane Wyman and they have two children. They were divorced in July 1949.' Reagan is described as 6? 1" tall, weight 175 lbs., blue eyes, and brown hair. His address is 0/0 Warner Brothers, c/o The Screen Actors Build in Hollywood, and his home is at 360 North Camden Drive, Beverley Hills, California. Reagan?298 I Ronald Memorandum to Mr. Nichols CW May 23, 1951 American Veterans Committee (AVG) ORGANIZATTONS . A report of the Los Angeles Q?fioe dated June 17, 1946, contained information that Ronald Reagan attended a conference luncheon of the AVG in Los Angeles. At that time he introduced a speaker at the luncheon. In the report appears the statement that the conference adopted a program'Vin complete conformity-with that of the communist.Party line," and there was stated that affew Communists were active in the AVG. The report, however, contained %no information regarding Communist activity on the part of Reagan ior his own associates. (100-339008-31) The Paso Robles Press on 8?20?46 carried an article regarding an AVG meeting and mentioned Reagan as active in the national organization, along with F. D. Roosevelt, Jr., Harold Stassen, Tyrone Power, Sterling Hayden, et al. (lOOu339008?49) A confidential source reported plans for an AVG dinner to be held at the Plaza Hotel in New York Gity in November, 1946. Ronald Reagan was listed as a member of the National Finance Gom- mittee of the AVG, whose chairman was Newbold.Morris. (100-339008-109) Committee Fer A Democratic Far Eastern Policy A Los Angeles Q?fice report of 4?11-46 mentions the Los Angeles Committee For A Democratic Tar Eastern Policy, described by a confidential informant as being a Communist front pressure group-set up to support Soviet Union foreign policy in the Orient. The report contains the statement "the Communist nature of the e?fort is located (in Holly- location is continuously used by Communists as a propaganda center." The report then lists Ronald Reagan as one of 'the "sponsors and directors, all of whom have records of Gommunist activity or sympathies." No?further details along this line are contained in the report with respect to Reagan. (100-138754-124) In Jane, 1946, the letterhead of the Committee For A Demo- cratic Far Eastern Policy carried the name of Ronald Reagan as one of the sponsors who included Irving Potash, Dowey Wilkerson, Louise R. Bransten, Paul Robeson, and others. (100-64700-488) According to the Communist newspaper "Peoples World" for 2-26?48, this Committee urged President Truman to recall troops?from China and declared support of Indonesian A confidential source furnished a copy of a form letter and other literature of the GDFEP announcing that in April, 1945, Ronald Reagan-299 'r .7 Memorandum to ur. Nichols May 23, 1951 a "Spotlight on the Far East" dinner was held in_New YOrh City, attended by Senator Tobey, Agnes smedley, Richard watts, Jr., 0.8. Congressman Hugh DeLacy and others, at which time there was played a recorded message from Madam Sun Yat-Sen. The printed program listed Ronald Reagan as one of the sponsors on this occasion, along with Lee Pressman, Paul Draper, Paul Robeson, and others. (100-64700-684) - Americans For Democratic Action (ARA) In a Los Angeles report dated 4-16-48 it was pointed out that the ADA in Hollywood is "left, and that the majority of its members had at one time or other been members of Communist front groups over a period of years. As being typical of such indipiduals, according to a confidential infOrmant, there was listed the name of Ronald Reagan. Also listed were Leo Rosten, walter wanger, Reloyn Douglas, and others, "who are affiliated with AIM but who have helped the Communist movement." (100?138754-461) International Rescue And Relief Committee ff The handbill ?Alert," self-styled confidential weekly report on un-American activities in California, announced the Los Angeles appearance on 4~6-48 of Arthur Koestler, described as an expert in Marxism who was hated and feared by the Communists. The appearance was sponsored by the International Rescue and Relief Committee, and among members of the Southern California Committee was Ronald Reagan. (100-1852-24) ANTI- COMMUNIST ACTIVITIES Labor League Qf Hollywood Voters The "Hollywood Reporter"?for November ll, 1948,-reported the farmation of the last mentioned organization for the purpose of blocking Communist penetration of motion pictures. Ronald Reagan was reported to be the chairman. (100-138754-513) Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee 0f Arts, Sciences and Professions On December 12, 1950, Mr. Bore Schary, second in com- mand at MGM Studios, had a conference with the SAC in Los Angeles.- He stated that in 1945 he, as well as ?such other well-known anti- Communists as Ronald Reagan" had been active in the HICCASP. The 'informant said that in 1945 the CommunistStooh over this organiza- \tion at an open meeting and that he and others dropped out of the organization and had nothing more to do with it. The Director noted would view with some reservations Schary' prafession of anti- Ronald Reagan-300 -4 kA/ifITigd??r3 3 . Gm??w?t 1. 1 Memorandum to ur. Nichols May 23, 1951 Communism now. It is, of course, not popular nor profitable to be known as fellow travelers now, but these Johnnies?come-lately raise in me a question as to their basic sincerity." (100-138754-695) ,Motion Picture Industry Council a A confidential informant of the Los Angeles Q?fice reported in 1948 that in an e?fort to ?whitewash" charges of Com- munism in the movie industry, there had been organized the.Motion Picture Industry Council under Mr. Dore Schary, to cover up and play down all public information relating to Communist activities. Among the members of this group was Ronald Reagan, and also named was Cecil B. DeMille and others. (100-138754-481) At a meeting during June, 1949, Y. Eh freeman, an execu- tive of Paramount Studios, referred to Ronald Reagan as being exem- plary in avoiding unintentional listing of his name by Communist front groups. (100?138754?525) In January, 1951, a confidential army source reJErredfun.&Eggu to this or aniaation as being headed by Ronald Reagan, and as bei "allegedlngommunis-t Party infiltrated. -138754-699) you A confidential informant of our Los Angeles Office, however, reported in 1950 that the organization was free from any COmmunist taint or penetration. (100-138754-66?) Ronald Reagan-301 May 23, 1951 Screen Actors Cuild The washington Evening Star for carried a story regarding the election of Ronald Reagan as President of the Guild which adopted a resolution calling for officers to sign non?Communist affidavits. ,1 In September 1949, Ronald Reagan was nominated for re-election as head of the Guild. (100-138754-545) A confidential informant of the Los Angeles Q?fice in November 1950 reported that the Guild was controlled by a group of actors who were actively opposed to Communism. Ronald Reagan had been reuelected as President in November 1950 and was out- 3 oken in his oppoSition to Communist activities in 100-138754-691) A confidential informant of the Los Angeles Q?fice had reported in September 1950 that Ronald Reagan was definitely an anti-Communist Guild leader. American Activities on 4-10-51, reported by highly confidential source) the confessed Communist Sterling Hayden referred to his. Hollywood cell activities in the movie industry during 1946. He said his group made no progress because of the Board qf Directors of the Guild and referred to Reagan "who was.a one-man battalion against this thing? (presumably against Communism.) (1 00-138754-793) . During his testimony b?fore House Committee on un- TESTIMONY BEFORE COMMITTEE Ronald Reagan was one of a number of {friendly witnesses" called to testify before the House Committee on_un-American - Activities during October 1947. ,He said that he had been a member of the Screen Actors Guild since June 193?; that he had received literature from the Committee for a Far Eastern Democratic Policy which he could not identify as being Communist or_not and with whose views he disagreed; that he was duped through a telephone call to lend his name as sponsor of a recital which he later learned was actually under auspices of the Jaint anti-Fascist Refugee Committee;~and that he recognized the Communist strategy of using the names of prominent people to raise money and gain support. - um. Reagan recognised the Communist Party as being a political party and said he hesitated to see any political party? 3 outlawed on the basis of its political ideologies. If an organi- I nation proved to be an agent of a.foreign power, that is another matter. He referred to disruptive Communist a?forts in the Guild - 6 - RonaklReagan-302 1-- . 9-. a, 4- May 23, 1951 ?f but he referred to Communism as being a very small group in the organization. He said that he abhors Communist philosophy but as a citizen he never wanted to see our country submit to fear to the extent that we would compromise with any of our democratic principles. (100-138754- 362) ASSOCIATES A Los Angeles Q?fice report describes a cocktail party held in Beverly Hills during.November 1943 at which time Ronald Reagan almost came to blows with a man who made anti- Semitic remarks. He also had an argument with Edward G. Robinson at the party, no details given. (100-146517-33) . A confidential source of the Los Angeles Q?fice re- ported that in march 1943 (reportedl a member inb6 the Communist Party in Hallywood) was asked b7c to try and raise campaign.funds for.Mr. Borough, Congressional candidate, by cont ting Ronald Reagan, Thomas Bonn, Olivia De Havilland, and DEMOCRACY The Los Angeles foice obtained from a Los Angeles police officer a copy of a radio script broadcast on September 9, 1946, in Los Angeles under the title "Operation Terror"-which was presented by Mobilization for memocracy, an alleged communist front organization. This organization was reported to be under the direction of Robert R2 Kenny, Attorney General sf the State of California. Its Executive Secretary was William R. Bidner, described as a Communist Party?functionary. The radio broadcast Ewas narrated by Ronald Reagan and purported to list a number cf - Elna Klan acts qf terrorism in the Los Angeles area. A plea swas made for cooperation to bring about better understanding among Idi?ferent elements cf society,regardless af race, creed or color. CONTACTS WITH FBI In September 1941, Special Agent Charles C. Browning, Jr. submitted a memorandum to Mr. Clegg pointing out that as Assistant Executive Secretary of the college fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon he was in a position to make contacts with a number of persons including Ronald Reagan. In a letter from the Director 9-26?41, Special Agent Browning was thanked and was asked to contact Ronald?' Reagan and the other individuals named, furnishing them the names of our various Special Agents in Charge. (66- -2542-7560) 7 - RonakIReagan-303 may 23, 1951 On April 10, 1947, Special Agents Richard B. Auerbach and Fred G. anuis interviewed Ronald Reagan and his wife, Jane Wyman, as to their knowledge of Communist activity within the Screen Actors Guild. Reagan described a meeting at the home of James Roosevelt in Beverly Hills, California, of July 5, 1946. This was a meeting of the Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee cf the Arts, Sciences and Prqfessions. Reagan and.his group advocated a resolution opposing Communism as well as Fascism. John Howard Lawson was present and declared that no resolution would ever be passed condemning Communism. The resolution proposed by Reagan was voted down whereupon he resigned from the organi- zation that same evening by telegraph. (100:33892-l24) - ?Jgighl? In a letter dated October 24, 1947, to the Director, Mr. Quentin Reynolds made reference to a dinner which they had attended and at which Ronald Reagan had made a passing remark that or. Reynolds was said to be a Communist. (This is mentioned in this memorandum because the letter from.Mr. Reynolds indicates that the Director and Ronald Reagan were both present at the . dinner in question) (94-34419-9) - ?On December 19, 1947, the Los Angeles foice reported information concerning Communist activities in the motion picture industry. The investigative report sets forth the in- formation received by Special Agent Fred C. Dupuis from (Ronald Reagan, President of the Screen Actors Guild.) .Reagan said that he had been made a member of a committee headed by L. B. mayor for the purpose of purging the motion picture industry -af Cammunists. Reagan referred to the House un-American Activities iCommittee hearings conducted by Chairman Thomas in Washington, D. C. as being regrettable. Reagan thought that the "unfriendlvaitnesses" should have been allowed to make the prepared statements they had Eready, and they would have condemned themselves in the eyes of the {public more efficiently than the Committee was able to do. He (criticized the attitude of the Committee Investigator, Stribling. :Reagan said that the group to which he, himself; belonged did not' {have a sound program for eliminating Communism, because it was jimpossible to identify Communist Party members, some of whom he iwas convinced were members of the Guild. Reagan was convinced that Congress should outlaw the Communist Party and that Congress should -define organizations which are Communist controlled. (100-138754-3679 Los Angeles report dated 2-10-48 was submitted concerning Lloyd Cough, a reported.Communist Party me . The investigative report sets out information obtained from T-6 Ronald Reagan, LL. - a - RonakiReagan-30} Ii I 4 . i paw. . 5 ?rt. if -- May 23, 1951 f?15_ . 1/ President of the Screen Actors Guild) who said that meetings of the Guild were attended by a clique of individuals headed by Ann Revere, and included Lloyd Gough, Larry Parks and Karen Morley, who invariably followed the Communist Party line at Guild meetings. (100-351325-5) . Ronald Reagan-305 A, i Ronald Reagan-306 - p?iwt?comt FORM No.10 . . Tyolson CL. a" mom? QPED STATES GOV MENT Parsons Memorandum Malone McGuire Hosen T0 1 Mr. Mohr DATE: August 26, 1960 Term Trotter W.C. Sullivan . Tele.Room FROM C. . D. DeLoach Ingmm . iv SUBJECT. NOMMUNIST FROM RONALD REAGAN M., 8- 26- 60 POSSIBLE TELEVISION SHOW By reference from the Director/s Office, I talked with Ronald Reagag, the movie star, at 1: 20 p. m. 26- 60. Mr. Reagan had just finished reading the Director 8 pamphlet, "Communist Target-?Youth. He was very enthusiastic. He stated he has a Sinday night television show which has a viewing audience of 30 million people. It is the eneral Electric Theater. He mentioned that this was a very high type show and the programs usually are of the. type that will render a public service. Mr. Reagan felt that the Director's pamphlet should receive considerable publicity throughout the United States. He expressed the thought that the entire population should be made aware of the communist danger. He would like to base a future Sunday night program upon the pamphlet if the Director has no objections. He stated that the locality in which the youth riots occurred (San Francisco) would naturally be changed and that all names would be fictionalized in view of legal problems involved. He pointed out that the show would reflect innocent appearing students on a college campus and how these students could be duped by the communists into carrying on subversive activities. Mr. Reagan also brought up the possibility of the Director appearing on 4, his television show at the conclusion of the program. He stated if the Director could not come to California he would be happy to have a camera crew film the Director in his office. He stated this would lend great authenticity and dignity to his program. Z543..- He would request the Director to give approximately 2 to 3 minutes of remarks concerning the danger of communism and particularly communist infiltration of youth. I I told Mr. Reagan that the Director would be very pleased at his interest inthis matter and would, of course, correspond with him in the very near future. He was told of the Director?s travel status at the present time. He was additionally advised that the Director? 5 very tight schedule usually precludes him from appearing on television or radio and that such would undoubtedly be the case in. this instance; however, the matter would be checked. :23. 94" a. REG.- 63 Enclosure 333 AU. commute eigEe (5 see I 1 Morrell HEREIN iS uncrisusto 1 - Mr. Jones 0.17.5171: 811%ng NE ((133) IV: :1 . Ronald Reagan-307 DeLoach to Mohr 8-26-60 Re: Call from Ronald Reagan 8-26?60 Possible TV Show Ronald Reagan-is, of course, well known to the Director as an anti? communist. He has paid several visits to the Los Angeles Office and we have had cordial relations with him. ACTION: Inasmuch as Reagan's program would undoubtedly do a great deal of good, it is suggested that we offer no objections to the program. This should serve as a great public service, if produced prope and should additionally furnish considerable desirable publicity for the Director' 5 amphlet,"Commun1s Target--Youth.? Mr. Reagan specifically indicated he would appreciate very much our - informally reviewing his script whenever. it was written concerning the program. 1? Mr. Reagan did not ask for any teChnical or consultant advice in connection with this program. He merely desires permission from the Director to use the pamphlet and to have the Director on his program. There is attached a suggested letter to Reagan. Theletter additionally informs Mr. Reagan that the Director, because of his heavy schedule of commitments, cannot appear'on the program although? the invitation is deeply appreciated. 41 7 1 Ronald Reagan-30g 195E NAME March 20, 1959 OFFDGE OP HAVAL IITBLLIGEICE IAHE CHECK REQUESTS ?0 Reference is and. to your nau- ohaok request: FA. concerning the individual. liotod below, requesting only copies of report. or any security-typo investigation. conducted by this Bureau. In.rolpanoo. on are adviaed that no ouch investigations of no person: have been conducted by the FBI. 0 maggagaam February 6. 1911 Illinoi- Janos E. Daugherty Employment: Univerlity or Pennoylvania Foreign Policy Research Institute Philadelphia, The foregoing information is furnished to you as a result or your request: for on RBI r11: check and is not to be construed as a clearance or a non- clolronce or the individual: involved. This information in loaned for your use and it not to be outside or your agency. Orig and one to ONI Req. rec'd 3/9/5? Ao Lo lottman/aal hief Yeoman W. Carroll, ORI, requested a search for main subversive files only. He advised that only copies of investigative reports of the results of investigation were requested. Reason: Global Strategy Conference to be held at Naval War College early 19,9. -mequwemom Qot Tolson - . I. Brilliant?? 7 "T?C?rf?dai?gi?i; I I re Hohr .. - ., ~71" 3 E: I . Noon 7 . a, NOT RECORD i 3 . .. AUSSAQKQS 4 1959 . Roson 5 MAR 2 .. . f? Tomm 405? as 14 7V, 5 Trotter I if} Sullivan 3911919 4 Tole. Room a Holloman . P3X m1 ?3 Candy?~49 3i UNIT i m? a? i . August I31, 1960 . . -- 2 Rhine 13 homestriEB 22": . i 2 - Enii BY 5 Mr Ronald Ream - ?71 Mina; Mag?je - 1669 San Onofro Read . . 4451/93 Pacific ?Rolland?, Caliternia I . . . V?Dear _Mr. Reagan: Upon may return to Washington I was 1mmedtatoly advised of your telephone conversation with Assistant Director C. D. Deloaoh I?on August 26, 1969. . . I are pleased to learn of your interest in the 'sional pamphlet whieh I mote entitled "Communiot Target- ~Yonth. Your desire to use this pamphlet as a but: for producing a television show and your most thongh?nl Invitation for the to appear on each a program are the several! or deep personal eausfaotion for me; however, I regretfully decline. - . . - The producuon of an inspiring program of the magnitudo you propose would necessarily require our technioal aeslot'anoe regarding 3 the thany rami?cations involved in aeourately portraying the meridians . methods the comma to infiltrate our youth.? I regret that we - 2 to cooperate? in ouch a meditation. '7 -- . .. Stnoemly My. . '2 ?-EdgenHWY?er - .. . . 31;: - Los Angeles - g- .. 1 _.Mr DeLoach 2 - . 1 - Mr. Jones (Sent Direct252:. 1 Mr. MorIrell (sent Direct) - . . Tolson . .. See DeLoach to Mom memo dated 8/26/60 captmned ?Commrira?-t TargetH-Yputh :22 Call from Renald Reagan: 20 13- ?122 8/26/60 Television ShoWl oak. I I DeLooch MAIL. Ronald. Reagan _309 Malone . A McGuire . Rose-n ofnm 1 rotter .C. Sullivan .T?le. Room '?nqrom . 2}ndy I . . OFFICE DIRECTOR . ,ft I BUREAU OF Mr. Belmont I 7 UN-ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AuguSt 26,1960 thani" a 00?6 eLeac Mr. Malone Mr. RONALD REAGAN telephoned W. McGuire through Operator from West Los Mn Angeles, California, for the Director. Mr- Tarnm He was advised of the Director's Trotter absence from the city and referred Jones to Mr. DeLoach. SUN wan_ Tele. Room Mr. Ingram Mr. DeLoach advised that Mr. Reagan Miss Holmes had. just read thepamphlet "CommunistMiss Gandy Target-~Youth, and Mr. Reagan thought that this pamphlet should be brought to the attention of as many of the public as possible. M?i?e/agan has a Sunday night television show called and he would like to do a tel vi ion show based on the pamphlet showing how college youths could be duped by the Communist Party. Mr. Reagan stated he would change the location and fictionalize the identities of the public service. people involved. He thought this would be a yea; Mr. Reagan said he would like to have the Director appear at the end of the program and express the 3 danger of communism. :27 22 ng? Mr. De oac advised Mr. Reagan that he doubted seriously that the Director would be able to do this, A but that this very kind invitation to the Director's attention for consideration. Mr eagan asked about making a show basedm?t?e? let, and he was told that this would also be considereggw he would be advised. Mr. DeLoachLi 'ng amemorandum. machete? 9 71968 ALL Wi?iltt? HEREIN 35 UNCLASSIFIED switj/g??davg; ?12 .Mohr OPTIONAL FORM no. 10 A, . Tolson . .. 7 ?7 UNITED STATES . - pagans Belmont Malone McGuire dun? Ronald Reagan?311 $11132: i, 32:? TO 2 Mr. DeLoach DATE: 9'8?60 gm? W.C. Sullivu .. Tele. Room FROM ALL mmaam 01?: ?011.11: 111111: 33:12? HEREIN it; 91?? 11120 0111 815.52% Hausa SUBJECT: RONALD REAGAN 8,405 (4'3 MASTER OF CEREMONIES GENERAL ELECTRIC THEATER BACKGROUND: You will recall that the captioned individual telephoned the Director's Office on 26?60, and upon referral, you talked to him. Reagan was interested in producing a television show for the "General Electric Theater" shown on a national network on Sunday evenings on the subject of Mr. Hoover's pamphlet, "Communist Target- -Youth. He was very enthusiastic about the pamphlet and stated that he would like the Director to appear on the show at the conclusion of the program and give approximately two or three minutes of remarks concerning the danger of communism and particularly communist infiltration of youth. You told Mr. Reagan that the Director would be pleased at his interest and that you would bring the request to his attention and that Mr. Hoover would write him in the near future concerning this matter. Reagan did not ask for technical advice in connection with the program but particularly wanted permission from Mr. Hoover to use the pamphlet as the basis for the script (79 and to have the Director appear on his program. Mr. Tolson commented that he doubted the wisdom of permitting the program with our consent as any misunderstanding would be attributable to us. The Director concurred in this observa?, i0 ,9 REG- 33 '7 31/ Q?w if; The Director wrote Reagan on 84,) 31- 60 thanking him for his interest I, in producing the television show but declining to appear on the program. The Director's letter also stated that such a program would necessarily require our technical assistance to accurately portray the communist methods in infiltrating youthful groups but that we were not in a positionto c00perate in such roductionReagan again telephonedm?e Director on 9 8 60 and declined to speak to an assistant when Mr. Hoover's absence was explained. He said perhaps he would try to contact the Director tomorrow morning, Friday, September 9, and while he did not explain his reason for callingthe Director's pamphlet as the basis for a telev ion production. i9? - 1. - 5-f- Ingram 52f (6) (continued next page)? Jones to DeLoach Memorandum Re: Ronald Reagan BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, on 2-6-11 and was graduated from Eureka, Illinois, College with an A. B. degree in 19 32. He began his career as a newspaperman but switched to sports announcing on station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, where he was employed from 1932 to 1937. He has been a prominent motion picture actor since 1937 and is one of Hollywood? most active political figures and considered very conservative by Hollywood standards. He served as a Captain in the Air Force in World War II, was married?and divorced from actress Jane-Wyman and is presently married to Nancy Davis. He was President of the Screen Actors Guild, 1949?19 51; breeds thoroughbred horses and trains hunters and jumpers. INFORMATION IN BUFILES: The Bureau has not investigated Ronald Reagan. Our files do contain numerous references to him chiefly in connection with his anti- communist activities in different Hollywood organizations. Informants have advised us that he is definitely anticommunist and he so indicated when he appeared before the House Committee on UnmAmerican Activities as a friendly witness in October, 194.7. He has been contacted on several occasions by Agents of our Los Ang?eles Office and in every instance has been cooperative and helpful; he in turn has visited our Los Angeles Office, and our relations with him have been cordial. (100-38219 6) RECOMMENDATION: For the Director's information in the event Ronald Reagan calls him on Friday, September 9, 1960. Ronald Reagan-312 RonaldReagan313 . 12in?? ?*5?va ?B??sztg '9 3.35 4'1; ?i ?'oTLson OFFICE OF DIRECTOR FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ye . 2:35 PM September 9 1960 anahan Mr. DeLoach . Mr. Malone Mr. Ronald eagan, aster of Mr. McGuire Ceremonies of the General Electric m. Rosen Theatre, telephoned through Mr. Tarnm Operator from West Los Angeles, Mr- Trotter?7?3: California, for the Director. He ??er was advised of the Director's :gemi'oom absence from the office and offered Mn 'mgram the services of Assistant Director M58 Holmes DeLoach, which he accepted. iss Gan - - . 51%! 31g ?me Mr. DeLoach advised theft Mr. Reagan indicated he appreciated very much Ehe consideration given on his call to Mr. DeLoach on August 26 and also the letter which he received from the Director dated August 31. He said he was somewhat disappointed inasmuch as the Director had indicated it would be impossible to c00perate regarding this matter, which was to permit him to do a television program regarding the Director's pamphlet ?Communist Target - Youth" and for the Director to appear at the end of this program. Mr. Reagan pointed out that he knew of the grave importance of communist infiltration of our youth and he thought it highly desirable to produce a TV program based on the San Francisco riots, which, however, would not mention the Director's pamphlet or involve the FBI in any manner. He stated he wanted an alarmist?type program to awake the American public to the fact that ?it; can happen here. He intends f1 continued Ronald Reagan-314 35 332.. 415 [as Dag? r- . to show how college students can be duped into carrying out the work of the communists. Reagan said that he would be the narrator of the program. He said he had recently seen the TV portrayal of the Sacco - Vanzetti case and he thought this was distorted to favor/the "sob sisters? viewpoint and he thought it? was high time somebody reflected the true facts as to what the communists are trying to do. He said he sincerely hoped the Director would not think he was trying to plagiarize the magnificent pamphlet which the Director wrote concerning the San Francisco riots. He reiterated he would not involve the FBI or the Director in this program. Mr. De Loach emphasized the fact that the FBI could not offer any service to him regarding the program in view of our heavy responsibilities. He said he fully understood this but after the script has been written, he is h0peful that we will take a look at it. Mr. DeLoach told Mr. Reagan, while the Director could not interpose any objection to a public service program which did not mention the name of the FBI or the Director's pamphlet "Communist Target - Youth, he should be very careful not to infer that this program is FBI sponsored. Mr. Reagan stated this would certainly be done. ceh Ronald Reagan-315 Ouald Reagan-316 00?6 0 Mr. Tolson OFFICE OF DIRECTOR Mr' MOM - Mr. Parsons - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I Mr. Belmont . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE r? . I Callahan - I 2-08PM September 3 1960 3 DeLeach . 5 Mr. Malone Mr. RONALIQREAGAN telephoned Mr. McGuire through Opel-mos Angeles, Mr- California, for the Director. He Tam . was advised of the Director's absence ?Otter 4 from the of?ce and was offered. the $21353me services of an assistant which he declined. He asked when he could Mn Ingram expect to speak with the Director Miss Holmes and was told that the Director is Miss Candy presently out of the office attending a conference and that it was not possible to say just when the Director would return. .. a Mr. Reagan Said that perhaps he would try to contact the Director tomorrow morning. It is noted that Mr. Reagan telephoned for the Director on August 26, was advised of the Director' 5 absence from the city and was referred to Mr. DeLoach. Mr. Reagan cal-led in regard to his desire to do a television show based on the Bureau's pamphlet "Communist Target--Youth" and his desire to have the Director appear at the end of the program express the danger of communism. LO .. anti/3133 Mr. DeLoach's memorandum (copy?s attached . Mr. DeLoach's office advised that the attached copy of the letter to Mr. Reagan dated August 29, had been rewritten. Revised letter is on special locate and will be submitted to the i or immediately -. V7 upon receipt in this office. die:?ifwf5~ I Background memorandum has been requested. . \m ??aIi??V i 5 ceh ALL INFORMATIONC HEPEIN IS @31th AEP 2 QQW I (p.55 F: It. ?an 70-19 (Rev. A Mayor Namediimmy for 12-14-64i . "Days LOS Vis- itor to California 'quickly gets the idea that virtually has a ?past. Ronald Rea~ gan, the H01- lywood broad- casting star who made by far the best speech of the whole 1964 campaign for Barry Gold- . water, used Chamberlain to be a Dem- - ocrat, and once, so it is now charged by some of his ene- mies, unknowingly consorted with Lefties in an innocent front. (The answer to this might be, ?Who didn?t??) Sen. George Murphy, long a Republican, also began his political life as a Democrat. Mayor Sam Yorty of Los Angeles has always re- mained a Democrat, but he supported Dick Nixon against John F. Kennedy. This is a chameleon State, politically speaking, and evi- dently it doesn't matter so much what you were as when you changed. A far. more basic trouble, 1 is that some . .- ALL ?it 63;} every local political figure people don't change at all. There?s Congressman Jim- my Roosevelt, for example, who wants to. take the-L05 Angeles mayor?s job for himself in the coming April primary, which will see him running against incumbent Yorty and a Republican named Pat McGee. Jimmy stands right Where he was, the darling of the Left. YEAR AFTER YEAR he has been in the forefront of the fight in Washington to ;abolish the House Un-Amer- ?ican Activities Committee. iNobody accuses Jimmy Roosevelt of any sinister mo- tives in this, but at this juncture in California af- fairs, un-American activities are an important issue. This is the state that has 'witnessed the quickest growth of the new W.E.B. DuBois clubs, which take .their?name from the Negro ischolar whoso, turned his back on a lifetime of constructive activity to become a Com- munist. The recent campus riots at Berkeley were a mixed- bag affair, with Mao- ists, DuBois clubbers and even right-wing Goldwater- gites making a united front 7.1 eious free speech issue. i? One question in Los An- - geles is why Jimmy Roose- velt cares about protecting DuBois clubbers and Mao?- ists from the possible prob- ings of congressional .inves- tigators. Mayor Sam Yorty has not always pleased con- servatives, but people in both political parties who :take the safety [Wriously recall that .. ston, the State Comptrol er, By John C?avm?be?rlain Yorty, as a State legislator, once played a prominent part in starting an investiga- tion of Communist manipula? . tion of the State relief ad- I ministration. The memory of I this is bound to get Sam Yorty some Re _;ub1ican votes come April. - THE LEFT-RIGHT split in i the .Los Angeles mayoralty 1 race picture shades off into other splits, which are ex- acerbated by the feuds in both parties. In Yorty?s cor- ner, if only unofficially, there is Jesse, or Big Daddy, Unruh, the Democratic speaker of the State Assem- bly. This means that Jimmy Roosevelt can claim the sup- port of partisans of Gov. Pat Brown, who feuds with Unruh. The left wing of the Dem- ocratic Party, the council of . Democratic Clubs, consti- I tutes itself a chowder and marching club for Jimmy Roosevelt. This means that Jimmy has the support of many labor groups, and he is claiming the ethnic group vote. But the CDC'couldn?t keep Pierre Salinger from snatching the senatorial nomination from under the nose of popular Alan Cr Ga; last year, so it can hardly be said to be all-powerful. And Yorty has been wooing the big Los. Angeles Mexican bloc. An outside-r would think that with two Democrats fighting one Republican in the ?nonpartisan? mayoralty primary, the Republican might sneak in as a result of the division between his enemies. But the outsider is ?uid that Republicans will . flock to Yorty? 8 banner just to keep Jimmy Roosevelt out. The hope of the conserv? ative Democrats and the Re- putblicans is that Yorty will ge 51 per cent of. the ri- mary (vote, thus? wielding a rufFthest. IE Mom; Callahan ?(is red Trotter Tele Room Holmes Gondy we . at against Yorty ?bickers? with the City Council. But the city charter gives negative power to the Council, and every mayor since 1935 has had to be a bickere?r in order to make . himself heard. Jimmy Roose- Velt, who has dallied With the idea of putting a review board over the Los Angeles Police Department, would hardly decrease the sum to- tal of local yakking. And it would be a yakking in which the leftist decibel count would be high. co Weatu?mte, Inc. ENOT ??7193. 7 fit 7 MAR 29 1965 igi?ff?? TWington 4mg Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star New York Herald Tribune New York Journal-American New York Daily News New York Post The New York Times The Baltimore Sun The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer People's World Date w&R 1 Ronald Reagan-317 - ,iJv't. Hi: ?Tl-ugh? let'- table;- a Lhu' I. A "nah-1;? h. ., 45 Me a 1231' r! . "e'v'em ?nnm?wmg. INF SGT f2 I, 1. Gay. 1_sc *ys'b'u uSs; .- a ATSBN ?1 11.4 A . - 713m 5-. . . 5w)? ONE 9 .Time?" 1 . 2131: 1:112115.151 terat'l . . 1:31. -- - . v.4 . oniy 41 wax mm ?OthT?ihs-hi. 1;.isce11a 2- cm 12' is enmzm :V?Jas (53311125 .92 11-1113! ha ?Ti 1:311? 27: 'exo? 1:112.- :2 3. the SW1, in? F1755. .132: slogaznw-Qs-Fr. ?Vote fo; the: nd-idai?a .11; .1 your c1196-} 31211?32200. ?re Drew Pemso-n mm {apart how Digging. affects Christmas- Mississ??pi r. 0P :11?1'3: trig? 2?01? ?ght.- in of 555 333:? gm. 'pt igge? 1111.135: hurt .iu-mhe (" St??ml Teachers'? Tries, Fails4o Muffle Ron Reagan's Spiel To Students St. Paul, Jan. 31. Fearing a political talk, the St. Paul Federa- tion, of Teachers didn?t want, gen; alas'itea ,an, to be allowed to "ma 8 an address to students at this city?s largest high school. The body protested to the local school board against the schedul- ing of the talk, but in vain. Board refused to call it off. Brought to St. Paul by its area Chamber of Commerce to speak at that body?s annual membership meeting and to participate in the local Winter Carnival celebra- ti n, Reagan was persona non *ata to the teachers? organiza- ti n. That?s because he?s generally sidered to be a Spokesman for extreme conservative point of view. In its protest letters to the schools? superintendent and school board members, the Teachers? Federation asked for the establish- ment of ?a policy dealing with the presence of controversial issues in the forum of the school assembly.? Chamber of Commerce of?cials said that the ?schOOl administra? tion? itself requested that Reagan be made available for the high school talk. It was stated that neither the Chamber nor anyone else had advance information'as to t' 8 nature of the actor?s talk, but . at there was no reason to believ i would be political. What Reagan did talk abou mostly to the students was th danger of communism, especiall to youth. He Spoke in several areas of political dispute, expressing the viewpoint that compulsory health insurance is not the answer to the problem of illness among old people and that the income tax is unfair. Upon his arrival from Holly? wood at a press conference, when apprised of the Teachers Federa- tion protest, Reagan said that ?in fairness, they should wait and hear what somebody says before attack- mg. ?It?s a sad day if you can?t dis- cuss issues without being attacked in advance,? he told the reporters. ?Who is defending- the extreme right?? asked Reagan, who men- tioned that he?s not a John Birch- Society member. ?It seems that people determine what is extreme right by looking at you from the far left. The same people who were labeled pinks and other Such terms, and who retested, see nothing: wrong- in taking on the ?neo fascists? an the ?lunatic fringe?.? While in the Turin Cities, Re gan also addressed the Minn apolis Conservative Citizens Club. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mohr. 77%: :1?ahan i Tele. Room llr. l? Miss Gandy ALL INFORMATION HEREIN 35 RATE 5 MM ?4'3 9? {it A/af 615555555? ?3 FEB 15 l962 Daily Variety Hollywood 28, California February 1, 1962 Pa ge 8 (M FEB 161952 Ronald Reagan-320 aRChald?Reag?a?szl E. . 3 . . ?Jorge . - - tW? crunrars?? I Um. .. ED Kisser wars" ?one mannersMei/Lia Honorable Frank Church United States Senate ?3,5ch 1 - . 7 - Washington 25. D. c. crossesON: Miami - es - Mydear Senator: 465,123 - - is. . Your letter enclosing a cepy of a news item iroimtl? ??iE "Twin Falls Times - News,? Twin Falls, Idaho, was received onQ 3 3E November and I Welcome the opportunity to respond to your ?1est??ns - $4 . about the communist menace. . . . 05- In View of your concern, may I point out that the 1 communists have tried to infiltrate every part of our society, but they - . havednot achieved substantial success because of our internal security 4programs; the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of a number of . l? f? Party functionaries; and the rising tide oi public opposition to the - :3 .Ecommunist movement. All this has been accomplished inorderly ,7 ii- in" ?constitutional fashion and is something of which every American should be proud. must continue to be alert to these infiltration efforts. I.. -~'wishto emphasise most strongly that communism is a grave threat to?: existence of the United States. Because of this, it is 11.2 rational, and thoroughly accurate; - doubly imperative that we be calm, in What we say and do in opposing communism. This is no time . rumors, unfounded suspicion, gossip and the hurling of false - Vt; accusationsaccordance with Presidential directives, instructions iron: the Attorney General and various Federal laws, the FBI is charged 25 With conducting specific types oi investigations concerning applicants, 0/ at i? app}. iratees and employees of agencies of the Executive Branch of the 1333.21. wiggpur'se, the FBIdoes not issue clearances or .?i?cf ., :13 I I . Mohr Callahan . Conrad [t'uli?i? 332:3?hw. gich'AED-owtcmu E?(See?p?tep I . . 1'10313?? 195; 1 Us Tele. Room ,ifgi? 1, Ingram . .- Gondy umonoou Trotter . Federal agencies. The purpose of these inquiries is to determine A I. son and friends were taken on a special tour on 6-21-61. .f fHon'orable Frank .mch 1: I nonclearances, express opinions regarding the suitability of persons Go" 5; 1tar: for Government employment or make recommendations with respect 5} 1? to hiring, tiring or retaining applicants and employees of other facts about an individual on which appropriate officials can make a sound judgment as to whether or not that person warrants the trust placed in him as a public servant. In the domestic intelligence field, the primary aim of the FBI is to keep appropriate Government officials constantly informed with respect to the activities and plans of the enemies of democracy within the United tatesif so that effective 3 countermeasures and preventative means an be devised The FBI, as in the past, will endeavor to carry out these investigative responsibilities- to the utmost. Enclosed are several items estimg forth my views on these and other matters relating to communism which you may find of interest. - I Sincerely yours, In, Edges scores: 1" Enclosures (5) The Communist Party Line Annual Report For 1961 -April 17,1961 Statement of J. Edgar Hoover Poster on Communism 5 LEE Introduction of April 1, 1961 @151 NOTE: Bufiles reveal limited correspondence with Senator; Church. His wife, I 4? Ronald Reagan has been very active in anticommunist'activities in several Hollywood Organizations. He has been contacted on several occasions by Agents of the Los Angeles Office and has been cooperative and helpful. Last contact with him was in September, 1960, at which time he endeavored to have the Director appear on his television program in connection with a show he desired to do which would be based on the Bureau' 3 pamphlet, "Communist TargeteYouth. This, of course, was declined. Editorial ticklers re?ect limited but cordial correspondence with the ?Twin Falls Times - News, last outgoing 1943. Ronald Reagah- -333 law. PULIRIGHT. swam/um. ALA. ALEXANDERW .wIs. T0150 1 NUBERT H. HUMPHREY. mun. BOURKE a. HICK ,.msn. IOWA Mr. *Br?lm: . MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT- GEDHGE D. AIKEN. VT- mismanALBERT cons. TENN. JOHN J. WILLIAMS. I wratfeb giafeg ?enafe Mr. Cm?? FRANK J. LAUSCHE, OHIO CHURCH. IDAHO s'rumn' smmam. Mo. COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS I MT- 17"! I mom? 1. noon. cancan HaneyDARRELL If. cums. cum: 0 tObe 26 961 Mr. II Mr. fave} Mr. k' Tale. Room. Mr. Ingram Cg? . . Miss Gang}? gxy/ I?fgaxg 11f Wish-2:: m?aat .J as. new . I I Sign; J. Edgar Hoover, Director . . Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Hoover: Attached to this letter is a copy y?3f of a newspaper clipping from the Twin Falls, 73: Idaho Times-News of October 17, 1961, report- ing on a meeting at which a tape recording of a speech by Ronald Reganm was heard by the ?g group . Do you have any information that would support Mr. Regan's charges as made in this article that the Communists are inn NOV ?7 1961 filtrating all phases cf the governmentposition to tell me what I steps are being taken to remove these persons 8 from any government positions that they may be holding? 3 ALL UPI MAT ??qu 5 IS UN ICLASSIHEU 22:: 4} ELSP Sin/derel as I, swag ??ldae/ Mil/l /Frank Church (f $33! II It' 53' If NOT RECORDED I: I 145 Nov 10 mm N0\_l 1961?kg?c ?15130131 ?079, . \Ajw?I. is ":wa . Ronald Reagan-323 r-n- - FORM NO IO 5010-!06 MAY 1962 EDITION 05L REG. NO. 27 . . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT if: Tolson DeLo och Ronald Reagan-324 Memorandum 232:2? Gale Rosen To DATE: 1/10/66 31111.22 Wick FROM $2121.30? . Gondy "Au; mmaamoa SUBJECT: RONALD REAGAN HEREIN l3 APPEARANCE ON TV SHOW 31:291.? FL THE - 55.7sz 1:00 P. M. 1/9/66 Ronald Reagan, the well-known actor who announced his candidacy for California's Republican gubernatorial nomination on 1/4/66, appeared on 'v . "Meet The Press" TV show on Channel 4 (NBC) at 1:00 p. m. 1/9/66. W) Reagan was queried considerably concerning the John Birch Society and specifically as to why he had condemned the communists and the Ku Klux Klanvx but had not made the same denunciations of the John Birch Society. In reply, he 5 answered that the Communist Party and the Ku Klux Klan had been listed as . subversive by the Department of Justice and that the FBI had not found anything subversive in the Birch Society. He also commented that the State of California hag investigated the Birch Society but found nothing subversive. He called for a Congressional investigation to ?clear the air. . 2 LU Reagan was also asked why he decided to run for Governor and he ?g replied that the people in California have been living under a dictatorial fiat long 8 enough. He was also questioned concerning a statement allegedly attributed to him that he did not support the Civil Rights Bill. He stated this was erroneous and if?: that this comment was attributed to him after a long explanation pointing out certain weaknesses which he felt existed in the Bill as passed. He indicated that this statement certainly should not be interpreted as being an indication of his being anti- civil rights. Overwall, Reagan made a good appearance and was quite quick and witty in answering the numerous questions put to him which could have been - A considerably embarrassing to his future political ambitions. 9 RE OMME NDAT ION: ml}. 17 AN 177955 Claoagg??or information. . j? 033% 4W aria-*- Miss Holmes {it ?t3; Miss Gandy - 7:4 :Tg)ggag32g22@1266 0-19 (Rev. 11-3045) . w" Tfeega?uggeSts Probe Of John Bi BURBANK, Calif. Ronald Reagan, in answer to suggestions he is right-wing politically, declares ?my views haven?t changed an awful lot since I was a Democra Reagan, actor-turned-politi? clan, is out for the Republican nomination for governor of California. He was the guest Sunday on .?Meet the Press.? Reagan has been a Republi- ican since 1960, when helhelped 'Richard M. Nixon in his unsuc- cessful bid against the late President John F. Kennedy. The veteran of movies and television was questioned much on the John Birch Society whether he would or would not den-ounce it in his campaign. think that in order to clear the air, Washington should investigate" the John? Birch ?You can?t kick an organiza- tion out, of your party that is not in it. SurVeys have shown that the JohnBirdh Society has as many Democrats as ?Republi- cans.? Reagan, vociferous in his condemnation of Communists and- the Ku Klux Klan, was asked why he hadn?t made the same denunciations of the John Birch Society. Reagan replied: ?There is a vast difference. I?ll take second to no one in my denunciation of the Communists and the Ku Klux Klan, but they are listed Las subversive. organizations. The FBI says it found nothing subversive about the John Birch Society.? He stressed: -'am not?a member of the John Birch Seciety"? Reagan said. Society, nor am I mm.? ALL newsman HEREM is a ale 0. 550935? 45, :73 . 9814.. I5. Tolson DeLoach Mohr Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen Sullivan Tavel Trotter Wick Tele". Room Holmes Gandy The Washington Post and Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star New York Herald Tribune New York carnal-American New York Daily News New York Post The New York Times rl?he Baltimore Sun The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National dbserver People's World Date 0-19 (Rev?) 1-30-6 5) - ,1 )f s. Mo?sks 5 ?Air-Cl?aritng? Birch Probe BURBANK, Calif., Jan. 9 (UPI) Republican Ronald .Reagan today suggested a con- gressional investigation of the \?IJ?ohn Birch Society to ?clear the air? on whether the anti- . . . organizatlon IS Communist subversive. Reagan, 54, who announced last Tuesday that he is a can-?l didate for California?s Repub-; lican gubernatorial nomina-i tion, made the suggestion on the television program ?Meet the Press? (NBC, WRC). The GOP hopeful was asked why he hesitated to express the ?general conclusion? on; the Birch Society when he was willing to condemn the Com- munist Party and the Ku Klux Klan. He answered that the Com- munist Party and the had been listed'as subversive by the Justice Department. On the other hand, he said, I ?neither the FBI nor investiga~ tions by the California Senate had uncovered anything of a subversive nature in the Birch Society. ?Maybe the air could be cleared if Washington would investigate the Birch Society anminEether it isor is notl subVerswe;? he sait:?? . an commute HEREIN is Mia} 405', (?13 Ronald Reagan-326 415% 55m air/5kg. Tolson DeLoach Mohr Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen Sullivan Tavel Trotter Wick Tele. Room Holmes Gandy ?3 a The Washington Post and Times Herald The Washington Daily NewS The Evening Star New York Herald Tribune New York carnal-American New York Daily News New York Post The New York Times The Baltimore Sun The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Ubserver People's World Date Ronald Reagan-327 emorw. roam uo. 1_0 sow?loo A . 15:12 27 89:30? UNITED STATES RNMENT Mob De Casper Memorandum gm Felt ng?f Mr. DeLoach DATE 3-17-65 ?my vel Trotter . . :73 ?lm? Tele.Hoom FROM 2 M. A. a - Holmes 0 have ?andacta? Gum? See?s Serial - RONALD REAGAN F0 . ?33174} .542 5 HOLLYWOOD ACTOR ant conriznm' mania is The Director has asked for a summary on Ronald Reagan, the Holly- wood actor. The 3-16?65 issue of ?The Washington Post and Times Herald" contained a column by?John Chamberlain which discusses California politics in general but specifically?reiers to Ronald Reagan, who Chamberlain claims made far the best speech of the 1964 campaign for Barry Goldwater. Chamberlain states that Reagan usedto be a'Democrat, "and once so it is now charged by some of his enemies, unknowingly ?consorted with Lefties in an innocent front. (The answer to this might be, ?Who It is noted that recent news articles indicate Reaganniay run against Pat Brown for California Governorship. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: dwwamwa . gt/ Ron ,xl'Reagan was born 2-6-11 at Tampico, Illinois?, and received his A.B. degree Wirbzf?zfureka, Illinois; ?cottage." He "became a newspaper'man? but switched to sports announcing, being employed from 1932 to 1937 on Radio Station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, Since 1937 he has been a motion picture actor and ?as become prominent. He served as a Captain in the Air Force in World War II, and for some years was married to Jane Wyman, whom he subsequently divorced, and married Nancy Davis. Reagan breeds thoroughbred horses and trains hunters and jumpers. INFORMATION IN BUFILE S: it. The Bureau has not investigated Reagan; however, our files do contain umerous references to him, primarily concerning his anticommunist? activities in ario?us Hollywood organizations. He has been considered one of Hollywood's most active conservative political figures. In the recent political election he campaigned for Barry Goldwater. He has spoken in various parts of the country on the evils of communism and was a friendly witness before" the House Committee on Un?American Activities in October, 1947. One source in 1960 advised that he understood that Ronald Reagan, along with several other prominent Hollywood perspnaliti?es?ina?iding Adolph Menjou, were members of the Beverly Hills.~Chapter ofut?e' ?oh?n Birch Society, but in Reagan incidentally mentioned that he Was not a member oi th?? 2:lo ~bir62uNew was born onl in ICanada. His permanent home address is which is likewise the address of his iather,l whose occupation was listed as a business manager. His mother is deceased and the name of his stepmother is not known. In 1964, was graduated from the University of-British b6 b7C Columbia with a Bachelor of and a major in stated ent to San Jose, 19669 to serve a oneuyear internship California in June9 under the auspices of the Santa Clara County Council of Churches in San Jose. This is being done to meet the school's fraduation requirement for two units of Clinical Experience. is expected to return to Chicago Theological Seminary for the Autumn term beginning October, 1967 and to graduate in June, 1968. be an excellent i student with no record of disciplinary problems or of mental' instability. She stated he has been active in the Student Christian Movement and during the two academic years he has completed, he resided in a student's dormitoryl Chicago. according to his records and recollection, is described as follows:\\ Ni Name I I 6 Date and Place of . 1W Birth ?5 mb7c' Sex Male Race White Height 5'4" Weight 140 Dark brown, crewcut Hair .I -2- Ronald Reagan-348 CG 62?New Permanent Residence Canada On 11/15/66, a female clerical employee of the Bureau of Identification, Chicago Police Department, advised a search of her files disclosed no arrest record for I I 106 b7c A review of indices of the Chicago Division disclosed no information identifiable withl b6 b7c Ronald Reagan?349 :Hw wgfg/sz/7 CHANGED TO ?5 3a, wd/ QEC 5 1966 ALL INFORMAHSN HEREIN IS 40-5, ma Ronald Reagan-350 November 17, 19? DIVISIO 0n 11/8/66, 21 young man named (last name unknown), while working on can- vass to get out voters in California election, was quoted as saying "We'll kill him?-assassi nation is justified as a tool" when he heard that Ronald Reagan was leading in election returns. Attached airtel indicates possibly identical with No violation within our jurisdiction apparent and no further investigation being conducted. Pertinent information disseminated to Secret Service, local authorities and Governor?Elect Reagan. a 413-?? USESTPL- .NFJJ DISK-.51- ZS Jug, optiortlti tom Mo. to solo?10? - Tolson GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 .r (I. 3 DeLouCh UNITED STATES ERNMENT 3 Mohr . WiCk Ronald Eff; MemOrandum Reagan?352 :4 ?21150 1 3 .. 1?ng 1? To Mr. we 11?16-66 Tuvel i Trotter Tele. Room Holmes (in SUBJECT i RONALD REAGAN (R) GOVE RNOR- ELE CT - - CALIFORNIA BACKGROUND: ,3 ,3 3337 My ?Met On 11-8-66, Republican RonaifRezagan Palisades, California, defeated incumbent Edmund G. (Pat) ?Brewn? 3? 3 in the gubernatorial election in California. Reagan, an actor and] "j rancher,was porn 2-5? 11, Tampico, Illinois. He received an A.B. degree from Eureka, Illinois, College in 1932, became a newspaperman and then switched to sports announcing on radio station WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, from 1932-1937. Since 1937?, Reagan has been a motion picture sister and breeds thoroughbred horses and trains hunters and jumpers. During World War II, he was a Captain in the Air Force. are satire?1W . HEREEN is INFORMATION IN BUFILES: DATE 5,412 mg The Bureau has not investigated Reagan; however, our files do contain numerous references to him primarily concerning his anticommunist activities in various Hollywood organizations. He has been considered one of Hollywood's most active conservative political figures and election, he camp 1 91,,er Barry Goldwater. g} a! ?4 Mme??3?? 3 Reagan has spoken in various parts 0; on the evils of communism and was a friendly witng?is We? {a House Committee on Un-American Activities in October, 1947. Alghough he has been extremely anticommunist since ther?QMVS, was a sponsor of the Committee for a Democrat Far Eastern Policy (cited [573}, pursuant to Executive Order 10450). In testimony before the inlgj Octeber, 1947, he stated he. had-received some literature from this organization and that he was duped through a telephone call?to lend name as a sponsor of a recital which he later learned was?under th?gr auspices of the Joint Anti-Fascist Re?ugee Committee. In the IQQVS, Reagan was reportedly a member of the Americans for Democra$i>c Action and the American Veterans Committee. In 1950, Dore Schary, IDLE a prominent Hollywood personality, indicated he and Reagan, as well as 3 others, had been active in the Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee 7 ?2193 satinces and Professions in 1945, but got out that year when the :33: ommu 1 00 over. - xii 1 Mr. D?Loach ULsz?fgf (8) Bi 1 - Mr. Wick (Contltiuedw over) a; M.A. Jones to Wick Memo RE: RONALD REAGAN (R) .b7C In March, 1960, we cooperated with Reagan by making inquiries he re in Washington concerning Maureen Reagan, daughter of Reagan and Jane Wyman, who was iving with a married Metropolitan Police officer here in Washington Our inquiries appeared to confirm this situation and the information was furnished on a confidential basis to now Senator George Murphy who originally contacted the Los Angeles Office in this matter. (100-382196-7) By letter 8?24?66, the Director stated in response to Reagan's letter of 8-19-66, concerning plans to strenghten law enforcement procedures in California if elected, that this Bureau is always willing to extend its cooperative services to any and all local, State and Federal agencies to more effectively combat crime. The Director invited him to call upon the FBI for assistance in matters of mutual interest. (100?382196?9) Reagan has visited our Los Angeles Office and relations with him have been cordial. By letter 11-9-66, the Director extended his congratulations on Reagan's election. RECOMMENDATION: None . For information. 7 t? 2 .. Ronald Reagan-353 it 323:; mums 5- M. . Crescent, Oklahoma aM?gk??mm November 14, 1906 {Ma amen. . Ifir. Felt- J. Edgar Hoover, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation b6 zyfg??jgg Department Of Justice 11in Tavel_._ Washington, D.C. - jrn.mmaai Tale. Dear Sir: 3: Miss i?Iclmes_ 3 Miss Gandy__ In a recent conversation about the fall elections a friend que?aioned the political background of Governor? 61903 Ronald Reagan of California. He asserted that a "card carrying member of the Communist Party". When I pressed my friend for his source of information he attributed it as a quotation ??Trom yOu. It would be greatly appreciated if you could clear 9 this clouded situation as you are a well known authority 3' on the international Communist movement and its growth in America. Such accusations are not new in American politics, but they seem to be more prevalent in the rise of the political career of the new Governor of California. His?; association with the Screen Actors Guild has led to a great amount of it. But I believe it was at this point in his life that he became aware of the infiltration of Communism in the movie industry and initiated a cleaning of the industry. Thank you for your time and trouble. YOur response? will uncloud some muddy waters. an, if"? cantata YO 8 tr 1y HEREIN ?mael?qt. i . 44:5 195 ?3 a be b7C Ckescent, Oklahoma 730 . (u 131 ?iirum-l; . ?if .i gamer 4" we be it?? ?2 if; I re i late .l . @313, a a a 1 WWVA t, a Ronald Reagan?354 51"" ,1 1/ Ronald Reagan-355 104 fij/Q/ November 18, 1986 /0 0-3 - i a INFORMATION common gang. mu 3 UNCLASSIFIED 405,173 .5 ??ll Crescent. exam. fines Dear Your letter at November 14th has been received. as n?l J?i i; I never made the statement that Governor?elect of California, Ronald Reagan, was at one time "a card carrying member on? the Communist Party. I would appreciate knowing the identity at your friend who attributed the statemgt to me so that I can advise him of its inaccuracy. . The FBI is atrium;t an investigative agency eithe Federal Government and, as such, neither makes evaluations nor draws conclusions as to the character or integrity any organi- zation, publication or individual. Therefore, I am sure you will understand why I could not have, made that statement. Sincerely yours, 9. ?gs ?rmer n.wnn L/?f soc i .ws?tiftOklahoma City~ Enclosure 45?; NOTE: n61? identifiable in Bufiles. Ronald Reagim has not been inves ted by the Bureau. He testified bef the Holise Committee on ricalti?c'ti?ties in 1947 stating he beenduped when he allowed his nam to be used as a sponsor to a recital sored by a group known Tolson DeLoaCh Mohr Wick Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen Sullivan Tav 91 No.6? is? Trotter Tele. Room?l??g 4' Holmes Candy as the oint Anti? Fascist Refugee Committee. nthe 1940's he allegedly ected with several organizations which have been cited as being Ronald .- Reagan-356 SAC, an 11-33.1313 1 Mr, FBI mm hammer) 1? ?5 I m: Hermes. :1 ememom, 611mm NN NN 3? - . a momentum Wrens mg! 5% 770%, :41ng3 3' ?t 1" 1103?: m. Moliord rm Bureau on :1 . November 17, em tower-mine .11 We could 1 hemmedbyeoyemrweled . . poulbkeomm?WMIdt-n -1 1 . position in the California We goreremm Be new it is Reagan's medium to eliminate mum. perm from the at? gourmet end the University ofcu?enleetaerkeley. mm he?e?ed hit. home-mnemhrteteh by a number of mines on the 1mm 1 Berkeley. 1 .- Mr. Muhord Restated thisoomml?ur?lhe . - ?alum? -- MA: 1.43 i1" W?lmw - - .-..I 1- ?he- 5 a 1 :l?h-l :Ji 1 in; For your Mormetm, Mum?! the Winona? from fenlehlegthe Momma? A .. 171 Qt He reminded me other muted!? bodies, each as the} Cements. Committee on mnemerieeu Ashram, here We?! le?bmebremmherotm '9 5% htheevmmetyou, ornaherottheCelttoa-niu 6mm 113 2.: by Rem or me of Meeqtetmmim 3:3:ch thtemetter Bummahmw Matthew we}: Mm w? mm Wham? \N?gzw . the 4 REMEMW . . if? 5 memN HQN 281965 R0 1 Mr. Sullivan itI1 Mr. Wick (D NOTE: See Jones to Wick Memo dated 11? 22- 66, captioned Mr. Donald Mulford, 145 Hillside Avenue, Ptedm?s'? Cglifornia, . -. omen? IOIM NO. to 54 1 um no: 1111110? A am. no. no. 17 UNITED STATES 50? 0?!06 NMENT Memorandum To Mr. WicWe?? DATE: 11-22-66 Trotter M. A??g . 7' Ronald . XS I SUBJECT. MR. DONALD MULFORD ?Reagan'357 ii 145 HILLSIDE AVENUE :3 PIEDMONT, CALIFORNIA g?m?m 00111111an 3 95:11: 15 UNCLASSIFIM clean out the left- -wing elements which have been so active recently - in the State of California. 71115 ?13 1111111195: maxmas?aa; - . 405/93 On November 17, 1966, Mr. Mulford visited the . Bureau and spoke to SA John W. O'Beirne, Crime Re search Section. CALI FORNIA LEGISLATURE i? Mr. Mulford explained that he has been a long? ?time friend of the FBI and is well?known to our San Francisco OffiCe. He said that during his term in the California Legislature he has introduced a number of bills designed to assist law enforcement in that state. He recently introduced a measure which will make it a felony to attack a police officer while he is on official business. Mr. Mulford advised that as very active in the . recent gubernatorial campaign of Renal eagan and desires to . exploit the Opportunity he feels exists to have Governor Reagan He said Phillip Battaglia, Reagan's assistant, will be appointed by Reagan to head a ten member policy guidance committee. F1100: 384/676 He advised he was visitingl Egee whether or not some arrangements can be worked out (Pig rmation given by the Bureau to this committee through Battagliam to assist Governor Reagan in identifying communists and other left yigg extremists. The purpose will be either to eliminate them from theghovernment or to prevent their receiving an appointment to a State position. Mulford said Reagan is planning to clean up the University of California at Berkeley and that shortly after beginning his campaign for Governor, Mulford invited him to his home where, for two hours he was briefed by Mulford and a number of his sources on the Berkeley campus concerning communist efforts to in?uence the students in the University. He said that Reagan was astounded at what'he heard and promised to make changes if he was elected. Elnclosuw 5 ~66 - Mr. eLoach - with enclosure 7 with enclosure Continu?g 11 $8 1955. ORIGINAL 1111:!) IN- (6) 'ivan With enclosure . - . .. 7 7.3, ?11. ?1 M. A. Jones to Wick Memo RE: Mr. Donald Mulford Mr. Mulford was tactfully informed that although his position was well understood, the FBI could not be placed in the position of "clearing" appointees to State positions. He was reminded that . information concerning communists and liberal personalities has been a concern of the State of California Committee on Un-American Activities which has been functioning in this field for many years. Mr. Mulford replied that while he realizes the Bureau?s position, he thought it would be well to place on record what he believes to be the attitude of the incoming administration of his state regarding these matters and he thought the Bureau would want to assist. He was advised that we are precluded from the action he suggested. Bufiles reflect Mr. Mulford has been a long-time friend .of the Bureau and is on the Special Corresp'ondents? List. In addition' to his position as a State he is a self?employed insurance broker. RECOMMENDATION: . For information. Letter to California Offices attached, them that in the event they are contacted by a Reagan representative regarding this matter they should contact the Bureau for guidance. .. f, 1/ {-3.43 Ronald Reagan-358 - ?it? a i 9 mun?- Mr. ?Poison, . Mir Mr: Mn?uz Mr. WickimW Mr. Casper? Mt ("T?r??anwaw . I i Mr?11Date: NOVZ 2.1956 s52. . Mr. I Transmit the following in Mr. (Type in plaintext or code) Mr. My. Vm AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Priority) Miss is Miss Gani TO FRI rpm-2'23 ?sac, FFANCISCO ('62?5315) if}: THREAT TO ASSASSINATE savanna? ELECT OF CALIFORNIA 11/8/66 JOSE, CALIFORNIA CONCERNING. rat-U and San Francisco teletype to Director, Chicago, Los Angeles, ll/lH/EB. a '3 Title is marked changed to include the true name of the Subject obtained from the Chicago Theological Seminary. Re San Francisco teletype to Director, 11/10/66 ?17 Enclosed for the Bureau are four (H) copies of letter- head memorandwnand photoscaptioned as above. Two (2) copies are being furnished to Chicago inasmuch as Subject plans to return there to continue studies at University of Chicago. copies with four photographs are bang furnished Los Angeles so te dissemination can he made to PHILIP BATTAGLIA, . .e retary for Governor-Elect RONALD FEAGAN. One ?eing furnished Secret Service, (1) COpy with photograph is San Francisco, San Jose Po Department, Santa Clara Co. SO.J and Immigration and Naturaliza igeq??y San Franc1sco. Four LA.. .7 asst-2; an: (e iwwc? xi 2 .. Chicago (Info.)? (Encl. MEL-C- 47 Eiwgw i5? . fr? 3 4 Los Angeles (incl. 8 9 2 San FranciSCO' . MES:bja if?) *4va 2% (12) nwgtii? U?uzx. . . . . ?mm: (363'? are ?:33 i' I ?3936 mm Sent --M er Appioved: . Special Agent in Charge Ronald Reagan-359 .. SF 62-5315 MES:bja be 1137:) The first source is by SA BALCOLM E. SAMPLE on 11/10 and.15/CB. The second source isl I Santa Clara County Council of .hurches, contacted on ll/lu/GB. The third source is] contacted r1 . b7C the fourth source 18' Ibve I local radio newscaster who requested his identity be protected, was contacted on 11/18/66 by an WILLIAM H. JR. be I I Teqistrar, Chicago Theological Seminary, was contacted by SA ROBERT 11/15/65. On 11/13/85, SA WALCOLF E. SAMPLE contacted ?rs. DIAEHA WILLSON, Credit Bureau of Santa Clara Valley, Mrs. PEGGY DONALD, San Jose Police Department and hrs. MARY JO FOWLER, Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. Ronald Reagan-360 . on UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Re to - 'v 6 Hana San Ca11101nla s7c November 22, 1956 em 2m, INFORMATTEOW COETAIIW in HEREIN KS UNCLASSIFIED Balm. ass-x4 an: 140% On November 10, 1956, ISan Jose, California, advised this office that she had gone to the campaign headquarters of California Assembly? man WILLIAM F. to assist in making house calls to make sure all the people in the area voted. said she was aSSigned to a group of four to work on the east side of the city of 8a: Jose. She accompanied a young man introduced to her as He told her he was a student at the University of Chicago and indicated that he was not rec istered to vote in California. described as short, small build, brown eyes, clean cut and approximate 20?22 years of age. After conta tin: all the residents of the assigned area, to STANTON headquarters in car. While in he car expressed anti-Vietnam sentiments and when election returns started to come over her car radio showing that had taken a large lead over incumoent EDMUND G. hl" "11y excited and said, him. Assassination is justified as a tool.? CH On November 18, 1966,] Ipositively identified photograph of las the individual who was intro- duced to her on November 5, 1956 the individual who made statements regarding Governor?elect RONALD REAGAN. 2 . be A source of this office who has furnished reliable b7c information in the past, advised on November 13, 1966, that one I lie employed by the Santa Clara Council of Churches, San Jose, and associated with personnel of the Economic Opportunity Commission and the Vista program and a pears to fit the description name unknown.? was a student at a theological seminary associated with niversity of Chicago and that he worked part time with the Council of Churches but is actually sponsored and paid by the First Methodist.Church, Fifth and East Santa Clara, San Jose, California. A second source of this office advised 136 2137C This document contains neither recommendations nor con- clusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. y5 7 \fi - C?s EITED 5 I END o?tlai?ia Bvseqmmajgpa01:? ,qq Wu? F: - A if": ?Lu Nari: 6 @937 ii Ronald Reagan-385mm WW ;i .FDl-Sh?lf?Rev. 5-22-64) . a II ..- I ?Wi?r . - i Tem? a; . . I I Mr. Detaachdm I I I Mr. Camel-hm 5 Date: 2?26-67 Callahan." if I 111,?- Cn?mggs i? Transmit the following in PLAINTEXT I Feltm (Type in plaintext or code} 3" GQLM 1* 4? Vic, AIRTEL L, 3% .. (Prior?y) 1 13?. I TruthsTO: DIRECTOR, FBI (Ba-?110790) ?Miea 5 A FROM: SAC, ST. LOUIS (ITS-1) b/r? AMBROSE EARL ARNETTE, THREAT AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, 3: if, IRECTOR OF FBI, GEORGE ROMNEY, GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN i; .GOVERNOR OF PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. ?i i 231?)? 2/7?5 ?3:3 .4 REFERENCE TELETYPES: DETROIT To BU, BU TO DETROIT, ST. LOUIS TO BU, SAN FRANCISCO TO BUREAU ALL DATED 2-26?67. NO COPIES T0 \w I: . . I ?Jif? ST. LOUIS IS ENCLOSING PERTINENT ZEROX COPIES OF SERIALS FROM II nu ITS FILE ON SUBJECT ARNETTE FOR OFFICES AS AFTER SET OUT. if No cepies are being furnished to the Bureau except three copies ii of St. Louis memo dated four dash twenty seven dash sixtysix, since 5; it has received all other pertinent information in the past. 35 0 One copy of these serials are furnished to WFO for information. They are self explanatory. It may be that WFO may be called to conduct investigation this matter at a later date. - Bureau MT @gg?a a Detroit 'End;@ ?g /_my 6 . 2 - San Francisco (End. 23) "r 2 Louisville (Enc. 9) . 2 - W190 (Enc. l3) man. 1 - St. Louis Ann 1,33%me JUNE ?my 1957 UNI-MA 11;: rank.? Pam . m1 0 6? m5. 930 (12) 405:9 bam?? 2?ijth I ~f4?f\ - I 1 Approved/?19 Sent [Special Agent in Charge Robald Reagan-386 a 6 SL 175?1 - a . .m St. Louis will prepare LHM suitable for dissemination to local authorities on latest defelopments when complete data obtained on 2/27/67. ENCLOSURES FOR DETROIT of SL airtel to Bureau and Louisville, dated 3/2/66 of FD 302, dated 3/8/66 re interview of Ambrose Arnette of airtel and copies of LHM from Louisville to Bureau dated 3/lu/66 copies of St. Louis letter to USA, dated 3/7/66 copy of St. Louis Memo, dated #227/66 photographs of Subject taken 3/1/66 2 front with hat; 2 front without hat; 2 profile) copies copies copies ENSLOSUBES FOR SAN FRANCISCO 2 COPIES of St. Louis airtel to Bureau and Louisville, dated 3/2/66 2 copies of St. Louis teletype to-Bureau and Louisville, dated 3/1/66 2 copies of FD 302 dated 3/8/66 re interview of Ambrose Arnette 2 copies of airtel and 2 copies of LHM from Detroit to Bureau dated, 3/h/66 2 copies of airtel and 2 copies of LHM frOm Louisville to Bureau, dated 3/lh/66 2 copies of St. Louis Letter to USA, St. Louis, dated 3/7/66 1 copy of St. Louis memo, dated h/27/66 6 copies of photOgraphs of Subject taken 3/1/66 2 front with hat, 2 Front without hat, 1 profile) ENSLOSURES FOR LOUISVILLE {2 copies of FD 302 dated 3/8/66 re interview of Ambrose Arnette copies of airtel and copies copies of LHM from Detroit to Bureau, dated 3/u/66 of St. Louis letter to USA, dated 3/7/66 copy of St. Louis memo dated h/27Z66 ENCLOSURES FOR WFO of of of of of St. Louis airtel to Bureau and Louisville, dated 3/2/66 St. Louis telet pe to Bureau and Louisville, dated 3/1/66 FD 302 dated 3/%/66 re interview of Ambrose Arnette airtel and LHM from Detroit to Bureau, dated 3/u/66 copy copy cepy COpy cepy RonaklReagan-387 p. h, a SL 175-1 FOR wpo (oont.) copy of airtel and . copy of LHM frOm Louisville to Bureau, dated 3/1h/66 copy of St. Louis Letter to USA, St. Louis, dated 3/7/66 copy of St. Louis memo dated u/27/66 copies of photographs of Subject taken 3/1/66 1 front with hat, 1 front'without but, 1 profile) copy of Detroit teletype to Bureau, dated 2/26/67 F1 kaden?+4 Ronald Reagan-388 1. 1 OPTIONAL. FORM No. so 1. -, . "Fir-w? . U. STATES 7 - 1 1 fr, (\Jff'f f/?lf 777?; . - 1 an VU- VJ: vuudv. - at) an '20 sac, ST. LOUIS (175-1) - nA-m? 4/27/66 FROM 31 1mm E. SMITH 1:131 commas) . 1 11223103131121??113,331,,qu . 131,1 5539803ng - 1 4051/2? On 4-/19/56, at 5:20 pm, Mr. GEORGE GRIFFIN, Attorney, Monsanto Chemical Company, Creve Coeur, 1eph ned th1s office aL1d stated that an individual been oallinr' the guard office late at night, making kinds of th eats against the property Monsanto the guards employed by them. This individual threatened machine the guards and threatened to come out and up Monsanto Chenaicale. He also told the guards that was a communist, that he was in favor of the over-throw the US Government by force and violence and Was in favor aiding Russia and furnishing scientific information the Chinese. Mr. GRIFFIN stated that he did not know he id entity of this individual who was making the phone calls but that he had been told that a certain individual, name unknow1 to GREFFIN, Was suspected; that the supervisor of this person had listened in on a phone conversation over an extension and believed it to be identiCal with a former Monsanto employeestated that these anonymous telephone calls had began in 2/66, and that the guards were getting "juxmsy". Mr. GRIFFIN wished to know if there was any Federal statute under which the FBI could investigate the matter. He \1 was inloim t1at in the absence of any information that these 1 phone calls were interstate in character, the FBI could 3 take no action. he was requested, however, to ascertain the name of the suspect so that this office would be aware of his identity and coukiadvise the Secret Service in SL ofhis . threats to do violence inasmuch as they wish to know the identities of all such persons as did the FBI. ?n 4/20/66, Mr. GRIFFIN stated that the individual who was suspected was AMBROSE ARNETTE, who has been used occasionally as a temporary employee doing common labor work and whose services are furnished through Man Power, Inc. a A 5; SL 175?1 At ?his tine Ur. GRIFJIN stated that he had conducted qu1"e a research project through the law library at and had asce1tained that it was a Violation of Section 2835, Title 18, to advocate over- throw of the 3- Government by force and violence. Mr. GRIVFIN was informed that this particular section of the USO is ider=t1 cal with the old Smith Act which has been practical 1y emasculated by US Supreme Court decisions; that ARNETTE vas known to this office and that he had made a 1 similar statements to the F31 and that the USA had declined 1 any prosecution against ARNETTE. . Mra GRIFFEN stated that he realized that this was oroba ?or local authorities in View of the threats to blow up Monsanto and machine gun the guards I and that he would take the matter up with the Creve Coeur .w PD. '11 should be noted that Mr. GRIFFIN stated that he was formerly a SA of the FBI but resigned in 1961 and has been employed in the Con ract Division, Legal Dept., . Monsanto, since 1/66. hr. GREFF 1N stated that should any charges be nade against ETTE, he would immediately notify this office. 1 ROnaklReagan-390 rmm- no.? a. 1 JJlrIIidl" uElJTahivvb :5 '1 2?43 ragga ?987 FEE WASH DC 31 .. J: 113.5.? Tani?: DZTROIT Inf. TQQ PO URGE 1N1 20 280 06? JCB i:.14 al?Urumugusox e: 2 am LOUISUELLE (Ivs- ~23, ST. LOUIS (175-1); 1% FPOE GET 5P nurm?mvm?i (a ?9?er - .. 61?9?" 3332903 202%. OHDROSE EARL ANNETTEQ THREAI AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, OR OF FREQ GEORGE RDWNEYQ GOVERNOR 0F GOVERNOR OF ASSAULTING A FEDERAL OFFICER, EXTORTION. THREAT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. CHICAGO (175-6) AND INDIANAPOLIS 0 RE DETROIT TEL FEB. TWENTY SEVEN LAST. FOR INFORMATION OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIVIDUAL BELIEVED EDENTICAL ANNETTE CALLED DETROIT OFFICE EVENING OF FEB. FEVE AND STATED HE ADVOCATES THE ASSASSINATION OF EDGAR HOOVER. MR. GEORGE ROMNEY AND MR. RONALD REAGAN. FURTHER. THAT HE MAY GO TO WASHINGTON PRETTY SOON AND ASSASSINATE THAT NO FEDERAL GRAND JURY COULD EVER CONVICT RIM OF ANYTHING EZIECS THREATENED TO ANYONE WHO VISITED RES NITHOUT A SEORCH WARRANT: BLANED FBI FOR ASS DENOUNCED FBI AS GESTAPO AND OEUGOHCED 223 223 WOULD 22323312272 LEADER. CALLER EFUSED . x" ?22729 HE JUST Inn/Imam? I Mg?. W22 .1 DC. 192? 3 Ronald Reagan- -391 - JAQ: TNO I: I75PE INVESTIGATION DETROIT INDICATES SUBJECT EMPLOYED BY SALVATION ARRT9 DETROIT9 ERON EEB. ONE TO FEB. TNENTT FOUR SIB SUPERVISOR AT SALVATION ARMY SAID SUBJECT STATED NHEN R2233 TTAT HE INTENDED TO RETURN To HIS PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT AT EONSANTO CHEMICAL 0009 LOUISS AND THAT RIS JOB TS NATTINO EOR RIB SUBJECT TOLD SUPERVISOR ON LAST DATE OF EEPLOTEENT9 TNENTT POUR LASTB HE NAS LEAVING DETROIT c; NORRISS OP TNENTT LAST BY GREYHOUND BUS FOR ST. LOSTS AND NOULD RAVE A ETVE HOUR ORANGE OVER AT INDIANAPOLIS, -EDIARAO ORETROUND SCHEDULE INDICATES TRAT BUS LEAVING DETROIT AT ELEVEN TNIRTV AN ARRIVES AT INDIANAPOLIS AT SIX FIFTY Pm AND NERT BUS LEAVING TOR LOUIS DEPARTS AT TEN ETPTEEN PM. BRETROODD ADVISED THIS BUS ON FEB. TVENTT SIX LAST CONSISTED OE TNO SECTIONS, ONE DRIVEN OTRER DRIVEN BY 33D EXTRA DRIVERQ AND BOTH CAN BE LOCATED THROUGH GREYHOUND, Jot/:3 b7C If IROQPOLISO HAS BODGE NUMBER SIX FIVE FIVE FIVE AND END PAGE TWO Ronald Reagan-392 33E CR BADCE NUMBER THREE ONE EIYE SIX. M: INVESTIGATION DETROIT INDICATES SUBJECT RESIDES AT HOTELSA OBTAINS ENPLOYNENT THROUGH TEMPORARY HELP TYPE OT ENPLOTNENT AGENCIESG SUBJECT ARRESTED IN PEB. NINETEEN THO AS RULE INDIANAPOLIS CONTACT GREYHOUND TC DETERNINE IE SUBJECT NAS ON BUS DRIVEN BY EITHER 0? THEN DETROIT TO INDEENNPOLISA EEB. TNENTY CONTACT EEC PD POR POSSIBLE ARREST RECORD As DRUNK SUBSEQUENT :3 THAT CONTACT ALL LONER CLASS HOTELS IN AREA OF CREYHOUND BUS CONTACT ALL TEMPORARY HELP TYPE OF ENPLOYNENT AGENCIES TN INDIANAPOLIS FOR INFORMATION RE LOCATION OE IE SUBJECT LOCATED INTERNIEN HIN CCNCERNING TELEPHONE CALL To DETROIT OFFICE ON FEB. TNENTY INDIANAPOLIS ALSO DETERMINE IDENTITY OF DRIVER.NHO TOOK TEN PIETEEN PN BUS TRON INDIANAPOLIS TO ST. LOUIS AND INTERVIEN RE TRAVEL TRON INDIANAPOLIS TO ST. LOUIS- :33 PRGE THREE Ronald Reagan-393 PAGE FOUR OE 275v: STO LOOTS OATOTAIN NTTH NONSANTO CORPORATION. OLSO CONTOCT OLL ARPROPRTOTE LON CLASS HOTELS IN ST. LOUIS OREO OOD NM NTATN CONTACT NTTH APPROPRIATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. STO LOVES PD RE POSSIBLE ARREST OF SUBJECT AS DRUNK. OTROISH COPY OE PROEOORAPH OF SUBJECT TO INDIANAPOLIS FOR 3OOTEET TON TO GREYHOUND BUS DRIVERS. SOSOECT9 NHTTEO BORN APRIL SEVENTEEN, NINETEEN SERO OVENSEOROO FIVE FEET ELEVEN INCHES, :33 EVENTN THREE PODODS EROVN EYES, SROVN HAIR, BALDING ON TORO SSN FOUR ZERO SEVEN DASH TWENTY SIX DASH ZERO EIGHT FOUR ETOHTO END ROSE-FOUR Ronald Reagan?394 .. \dw - I a FOR INFORMATION ENDIANAPOLISQ BUREAU INSTRUCTED ALL LEADS BE PURSEED SUSJECT WHEN LOCQTED BE INTERVIEWED RE THREATS asuginm? VIOLATEOHS CF AFQ AND STATUTES re? ?tr um . a HILL ?8 OF ANY OVERT ACT 0R CONSPIRACY HE MAY HAVE vn r-qu- 1'in??ruu . math. SOMEONEG IF NO BASIS FOR FEDERAL VIOLATION DISCUSS REGARD Y0 MAKING A TRIP TO WASHINGTON ., . .. Li: up. HITH LOCAL RonaklReagan-395 A . i u. uu-L1-.if? Mu? TEEDEEATTDN - 3 MM FBI VASE DC EEI Imwmw: ummr Tw'ma . DP Trig - AOEPM DEGENT s?I-sv BJS 4051?; ST- LOUIS AND DETROIT FROM INDIANAPOLIS ITS-I (22., ?33 EARL ARNETTE: THREAT AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER: DIRECTOR: OF . I .- . 273:3 GEORGE RONNIE CY: GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN: RONAL AGAN: GOVERNOR 0F Af?mcg ASSAULTINE A FEDERAL OFFICER, THREAT A69INST THE PRESIDENT. Dog DETROIT, NE DETROIT TEL To DIRECTOR, FEB. TVENTYEIGHT, SIXTYSEVEN, :3 INDIANAPOLIS PD NEGATIVE RE SUBJECT, FEE, TVENTVEIEHT, STANLEY ASSISTANT REGIONAL MGRI, ENDZANAPOLISD IND, ADVISED MARCH DNE, SIXTYSEVEN, THAT TVD BDSES LEFT INDIANAPOLIS FOR ST, LOUIS TEN EIETEEN EM. FEB. TVENTVSIX, SIXTVSEVEN, DDS FDDE NINE DRIVEN BYI BADGE EIGHT EIGHT: AND EDSITDVR THREE FIVE SEVEN DRIVEN . :1 . b6 BYI No. SEVEN. b7c - - .. - TIER ON MARCH SIXTYSEVENII IDADGE No. EIGHT EIEET UREA I INDIANAPOLIS. IND. SE9 EE Dus SIX FIVE FIVEITIVE FROM DETROIT To INDIANAPOLIS 2? Eew my - g3;jjg??f? Q2gf7?25??7?36? ?j 15"? {9 :5 . - :4:er f3; II {d,j?RonaklReagan 396 AOE TNO ?r . A TWENTYSIXA BUT ADVISED THAT HE HAD NO PASSENGERS T0 INDIANAPOLIS AND HIS BUS wAs HEADED FOR MEMPHIS, TENN. ijc DRIVER EDETHEE STATED DESCRIPTION OF SUDJEOT NOT FAMILIAE To HIM. INDIANAPOLIS. BADGE EIOHE FIVE ADDISED HE DRODE DDS NO. EODE THREE FIVE SEVEN, ENON INDIANAPOLIS TO ST. LOUIS ON FEB. SIXTYSEDEN. BUT CAN REMEMBER NO ONE EITIINO DESCRIPTION, HE STATED THAT IN NED YORK AND HE BECAME DRIVER AT INDIANAPOLIS, HE REMEMBERS NO ONE WITH A TICKET THAT ORIGINATED IN DETROIT AND . . I . 3b? ONLY IND MEN DOS AT INDIANAPOLIS, BOTH VERY YOUNG. big ON MARCH IBADGE NO. SEVEN EIGHT EIONOI ADVISED HE DEOVE DDS NO. ONE Two EODR NINE, FROM INDIANAPOLIS T0 LEADING INDIANAPOLIS TEN FIFTEEN EEO. NE STATED ONE INDIDIDOAL COULD BE.IDENTIOAL NIIN BOARDING EDS DESCRIBED ONE EIDE FEET NINE, BRONN EECEDING HAIR, END PAGE IND RonaklReagan-397 azamxme BLUE woma CLOTHES: PLAID abswass THIRTYFIOE To YEARS OF AGE: DEPARTED BUS AT DRIVER STATED HE DOES NOT REMEMBER WHERE ANY OF THE TICKETS 0 "7?1 a'lv-I ?3 1 5? PEOPLE THAT WERE 0N AND coULb FURNISH N0 FURTHER.INFO ON MARCH 0N ROAD BE Raf?awxwe THE NEXT ?bg 5T9 Louis PHOTOGRAPHS 0F SUBJECT, OTHER or? :csz ADVISED SEE. END I FBI DC Ronald Reagan?398 FBI WASH DC EE 2 26 67 DEGEE. EM *ij E: .1 1-1? I 1. ?t Gig ?62? 9 DETROIIQ LUUISUEFL79 AND AN OJ - n.13' mafia $9169 SEED LGUES g) 21: 38673 ?,Jwi 3533033 EERL ETEETEEQ 98 JOHN EDGAR F329 GEDEGE DE MICHIGANQ RONALDQEEGAE, GPUPQEST 9 A Ir. Ti}. - ..E b? GE TEE fzh?wr, DETEDTT EED BUREAU TESTEET SUBJECT HAS NOT STAYED ORTEL HOTEL SINCE NINETEEN SIXIYSTX. TOR RECORDS NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL HE WAS AT NEWSTEAD FOUR QNE SIX SEVEN ONE NIGHT NINE DASH THREE DASH ED EDEE EECEET IRECAL s/ ETE AS ALCHOLIC AND EELTEVED MAY HAVE STAYED DE EESTETETETEE MORGAN ETEE ZERO ETEE9 AND REGAL EDDMIEG HOUSE, EDUE ZERO FIVE EIEE SUBJECT ECEOEDTEG To SECRET SEEVTCE was EDEKTEG FOR MANPOWER TNCORPOTP ATED TN SEPTEMBER NTNETEEN SECRET SERVICE DID NOT EEDE EESTDEECE . Egc I IMDNSANTO COEEDEETIDE9 ST. I RECENT TEFORMATION RE SUBJECTO RECORDS NOT AVAILABLE SUBJECT HAS NUT WORKED THERE.SINCE LAST xv END PAGE ONE W?qungp f: 3mm {3:54} 5? {a Ronald Reagan-399 FEED: (92. 3136 . b7c PAGE TWO IMANPOUER9 SYO LOUISQ UNABLE TO FURNISH INFORMATION RECORDS HOTEL mommyo HE RECALLS SUBJECT BUT KNOW LOST 2.3 CR FLACE OF EMPLOYMENI FROM MEMORYO HE SUGGESTED 333420? ma? ??ve maxpawzag zmc.g DETROITO nun AGENCY IN FOR INIO SAM FRANCISCOQ MOTHER INTERVIEWED THREE DASH ONE REFUSED IO FURNISH INFORMATION RE SHEREQBOBTSO SUBJECT INTERVIEUED 8T0 THREE DASH ONE DASH DENIEO REWEMBERING PHONE CALLS IO SQID DID NOT INTEND TO HARM AMYONEQ WAS LOYQL ADMIITED BEING END MAY HRVE CALLED FBI WHEN PROMISED NOT TO DO IT AGAIN- NO CRIMINAL RECORD SIO LOUIS SENDING BY PERIINENT SERIALS ITS FILE EAIE IO DETROII9 LOUISVILLEQ SAN FRANCISCOQ AND HFO FOR COPIES OF IQKEN THREE DASH ONE DASH SIXTYSIX. l-?J LOUIS WILL CONIINUE EFFORTS To ADDRESS OF IO DETROIT, AND CONTACT IN.ST9 . 4 Hui FBI HASH DC Ronald Reagan?400 TBI 'Init". ?3 2/0- 0 04?dais u?l? Iw'Ul I -. . . DETROTTQ AND SII IRAN cISca Ti? 5 SIG Lewis (117 7.,5 Hammowwomow?mm ijj/ IE 449% Hz ARKETTEQ EDGAP [1FBTQ GEORGE GOVERNOR 0F RONALD g; eava?mon 0F PROTECTION PRESIDENT. - Ti? xa'I ~w SE SETRDIT TE T6 saw nmscog AND LOUisg?tyfr?ng\ :ga Irzvaszx SIXTYSEUENO ITII Io CONTACTS SII LOUISQ man I UNEQ SIXIISIKI SUBJECT 3T9 LOUIS OFFICE TELEPHGNICALLY ow IHE DATESI Ann T10 AND JUNE I?w?Iv IT TIME mo THREATS WERE AGAIIQI MRI ICOIER OR THE PRISIDENII AN UNSEB BELTEUED TO BE SUBJECT CDNTACTED MONSANTD CHEMICAL SCIPINVQ LOUT39 FROM FEBRUARY THROUGH APRIL AND THREATEN GUARDSQ DAMAGE TO PLANTQ AND SPOKE OF OVERGOVERNMEWTO MORE HEARD FROM SUBJECT SINCE 33338 IEDICATEDI SUBJECT WHILE TN LOUIS LIVED TN FOURTH RATE .3 'Ja-Ln [7&3 TYPE IGIELSO SUBJECT APPARENTLY KEPI IN HER a CATHERINE AHNEIIE BY TELEPHONEI ww~?ur LOUIS HELL Io DEIROII AND SAN 4. .g m? SUBJ WT AGENTS 3T0 LOUIS ON MARCH 13:. Us SEER ET SEFFI CE ADVISED OF RE BEIROII TEL. 2i GTHEH {If 7 5?57aids 133 Ma"? 6J1057 f: DC Ronald Reagan-401 - C, LE . 3'33". a? 35!. .?zj'n'y?t?ruj- {-11:51 I 1.6: 1 . my 2'2557 - Dc {341? - "3?53: 'Mr 2- 5 FBI. l, T93: 3:3? mm. x. \:i2E: Tm- 2/273/67 DDS far"; - D: - 7:31:33 (Gamma? 90> RED HTS-2) ST: LOUIS (1755}:th ., .4 . If?: TD 7 ALI. r? DTTROTT (WE-T) HEREITIS UNCLASSIFIED DATEAMTQ - AMBROSE EQEL ARNETTET THREATS EGATNST JOHN EDGAR BEBE T032 01? E819 GEORGE GOVERNOR 0f? R?ii?lLD, EZGQEQW GOVERNGR 0F PEOTECTTON OF THE PRESIDENT. RE BUREAU TEL T0 DETROIT THO TWENTY SIX TNVESTTGATTON DETROTT INDICATES SUBJECT RESTDED AT SALVATION ARMYQ ONE TWO TWO ZERO WEST 2? FEBRUARY ONE TO FEBRUQRY TWENTY FIVE SUBMITTED ?71! .. SELF CHECKOUT ON TWO TWENTY TWO WOULD LEAVE . ?il SALVATTGN ARMY 0N TWO TWENTY FIVE BUT NO FORMERDING vent: 4 ADDRESS LTSTED: EXACT TTME 0F DEPARTURE FROM SALVATION a- In; a ARMY LAST PREVIOUS moms DTT: CASTING ?gm? i TTVT BEAUFMTS, FROM gay" :31: SIX TD FOURTEEN SEVEN. U: m; 2 SUBJECT ME some To ECU: 3 To $2263 ESTATE AND OBTAWED LTTVE 0T *k T5), fir? (/75 PAGE DDT ?3.11? L, - "13335.32 SEQ Q: at" Q3.) Z. 23 133nm- 6 1957 a El, cg; Ronald Reagan-402 DE PLOE THO QDSENOE TO FEBRUARY FIVE SIXTY SEVENQ BUT HES NOT RETURNED. SCBJECT LISTED ERENCESI I be ONENSBOEOQ KENTUCKY9 3T0 LOUTSQ QT LOJTSUTLLE AND 3T9 LOUIS CONTACT REFERENCES FOR INFORMATION 33 LOCATION OF DETROIT SUBJECT TS TRANSIENT AND RESIDES LOWER CLASS HOTEL39 INCLUDING SALVATION ARMY AND EMPLOYMENT THROUGH TEMPORERY HELP TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT LAST ARRESTED TN DETROTT TN NTNETEEN TWO AS GOLDEN RULE DRUNK AND NO PHOTO 3T0 LOUIE RT 3T0 AND LOUISVILLEQ ET OWENSBOR09 KENTUCKY 9 CONTACT LOWER CLASS HOTELS AND TENPORERY HELP EEPLOEMENT AGENCIES TO LOCETE SUBJECT END INTERVIEW RE TELEPHOJE CALL TO DETROTT OEETCE ON FEBRUARY TUENTY FIVE. LOTH OFFICES ALSO CONTACT LOCAL EDS FDR ODRRENT ERR EST RECORD LTD BE ELEET ED OBTATN UP TO DATE PHOTO END IMMEDIATELY T233233 SAME TO DETROITO VD PAGE TWO Ronald Reagan-403 GRAYHOUND BUS NEGATIVE RE ANY TRAVEL 0F SUBJECTO MECHEGAN STATE POLICE ADVISED 2'30? IN POSSESSION OF MICHEGAN DREVERS LICENSE RIC-D NO CURRENT OWNERSHIP Of? CARD ETTER FOR SUBJECT PRESENTLY BEING HELD ROTEL9 P6 OUENSBOROQ Eva9 BUT SUBJECT NOT RNONN AT TNAT LETTER RECEIVED EROR SANE ADDRESS AND RETURNED To SEN ER ABOUT ONE WEEK @600 PRESENT LETTER BEING RELD POR DAYS AS BATTER OF HOTEL INUESTIGATION CONTINUING TO LOCATE AND INTERVIEN SUBJECT AND APPROPRIATE POLICE AGENCIES RAVE BEEN APPROPRIATE LONER CLASS HOTELS AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BEING CONTACTED. MATTER NILL NOT BE PRESENTED TO USA PENDING RESULTS OE INTERVIEN OP SUBJECT AND BUREAU UILL BE KEPT ADVISED. SCR UASN DC Ronald Reagan-404 Ronald Reagan-405 SDI NASH 177' 7 7" . 1 27031? . I /7 31 1.11 -11. 3:3: LOUESULE f3?? 73.1} ?15:;11:1. .3177 {71314' I C. 1' 2-26"67 JBR .113421.11. .211 ROD 11 4731' {9/7 FROM LOUISVILLE (175-2) 11v1?1.1 RUSROSE ERRL ARNETTE9 IRRERI AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR OF F819 GEORGE RONNEY, GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN1 RONALD gyt?m1 1 11 ~11, GOVERNOR OE PORTECTION OF IRE PRESIDENT. RE DIRECIORS IEL THIS 1 . 1 . g/szzx?z LOUISVILLE FILE SROUS SUBJECT CALLED LOUIS FBI OFFICE N5 tn - FENCE ONE NINETEEN SEXTYSIX AND THREATENED TO MR. HOOVERS SUBJECT DESCRIBED AS BORN APRIL SEVENTEEN TNENTYSIXQ- HEIGHTS, NEIGHL ONE SIXTY LBS: BROWNS EYES ATTENDED UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY FOR THREE YEARS. ON FEB-.TWENTYSIX INSTANT MOS. CATHERINE BOGGS, EEGHT ZERO FIVE NEST TENTH STREETQ KY1, BUT VERY UNCOOPERATIVE AND OBJECTED T0 BEING HARASSED BY FBI. CLAIMS GETS DRUNK AND MAKES THESE PHONE CALLS BUT WOULD NOT CARRY OUT THREATSG BOGGS CLAIMS SHE KNOW WHEREABOUTS AND IEL IF SHE RUEU1 . . 1 SUBJECT SERIRRIED FROM NAME AND URERERDOUIS UNRNOUN. NO FURTHER.INVESTIGATION BEING CONDUCTED u1ca 1 111 1111121 Ff? '5 ?1311? 1.,111 5; 7777'?" .U QIRVAIL COPIES TO LOUIS SAN ?32;.7 1. f1 1/77 ?1 WED i -1 f'f" 11W 41 11,1? I1I3I. INFORM- I011 OODIAI 191?;ch ?3 11; RSSIFIED 6 1957 1511919 ., . FBIIURSH 91-4-7697 LA SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Us ?a ?1 FD 36 (Rev 5- 22- 64) 1 Date: 3/6/67 Transmit the following in I (Type in plaintext or code) AIR MAIL REGISTERED (Priority) V. 1C1 TO: DIRECTOR, FBI 17%le SAC, Los ANGEIES (175? AGAINST RONALD IQAGAN, GOVERNOR, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT Enclosed for the Bureau are four cepies of a letter- head memorandum (LHM) in captioned matter. A cepy of this LHM is being disseminated to Secret Service, Sacramento, California. 7 Information copy of this airtel and LEM being fur? I nished San Francisco Office(It, 5514920 ?9 - . cu 40", 7? REGAlig'r? 7 (gs? ?g MR 7 ?35? Bureau (Encls. Ios Angeles - San Francisco 103 (5) 5.: snot?? '3 glam; UVJ- J- A A A 61MAR141SBZ Approved: Sent For Special Agent in Charge Ronald Reagan-406 mm (101'- gm cor STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 FileNo. LA 175-0 March 6, 1967 Director United States Secret ServiCe AGAINST RONALD REAGAN, Department of the Treasury GOVERNOR, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Washington, D. C. 20220 SACRAMENTO, CALEORNIA Dear Sir. PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT - The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro-? tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee, including foreign government officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the U. S., because of his official status. 2. Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public official by other. than legal means. 3. Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U. S. 4. [3 U. -S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or Chinese Communist blocs and return. 5. Subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists who meet one or more of the following criteria: Evidence of emotional instability (including unstable residence and employment record) or irrational or suicidal behavior: Expressions of strong or violent anti-U. S. sentiment; Prior acts (including arrests or convictions) or conduct or statements indicating a propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order 7 and government. - . 6. Individuals involved in illegal bombing or illegal bomb-making. Photograph has been furnished enclosed is not available may be available through 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s) U. S. Secret Service Sacramento (RM) Enclosure(s) (Upon removal of classified enclosures, if any, this transmittal form becomes UNCLASSIFIED.) Ronald Reagan-407 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Los Angeles California In Re I Please Re er a Nana; March 6, 1967 THREAT AGAINST RONALD. RRAGAN, GOVERNOR, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT 0n march 3, 1967, U. S. Postal Inapector E. J. Smith, Jr., Fresno, California, furnished a COpy of the attached note to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This note was found in a mail box at the corner of Second and west Front Streets, Selma, California, on March 1, 1967. A xerox copy of this note is attached to this memorandum. Special Agent Robert J. Emonts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation telephonically advised Special Agent Stephen A. Byrne, U. Secret Service, Sacramento, California, of the con- tents of this note at 2:30 PM on March 3, 1967. At 3:02 PM on the same date, Special Agent Raymond Miller, FBI Resident Agency, Sacramento, California, advised he would immediately notify Governor Reagan's Office in Sacra- mento of the contents of the note. Chief of Police James Brockett, Selma, California Police Department was advised that the U. S. Secret Service and Governor Reagan's Office had been notified of the contents of the note. Chief Brockett advised his office contemplated no further action in this Case. This documEnt contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. Itis the prOperty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not.to be dis? tributed outside your agency. ansa?-ltl?lk? wSS?qi?g?wax Ronald Reagan?408 'l . . . . . . ., . .m . . . . . anoww?w n. .. ?mam. Rib..- no...ll hi?iluikalt . . 5. . .. . JJLW. I.., .18 .. a! 3 1.. .a-ru8.1. .8 igf?i3PF. .31. u. . . ., r? . uni:- {n'hC a lav-2-4.1.5Iluli? I .. 5-20.. . :33; . . ill /0 0 382 3 2? IN THIS FILE SKIPPED DURING an f?nmIImmI eom?rm I IWMSIFIED mingle/?1? 406 ?g Ronald Reagan-411 I TIHNINN NW: A1105 LI MDATIUNS FEB "81967 Pd FBI NASH Dc WEALEZYEE, FBI CHICAGO ISSOAM URGENT 2/28/67 JLS TO DIRECTOR, DETROIT AND ST. LOUIS FROM CHICAGO (175-6) 1? AMBROSE EARL ARNETTE, THREAT AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR OF up. OF PRESIDENT. FBI, GEORGE ROMNEY, GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN, GOVERNOR 3 RE ST. LOUIS TELETYPE FEB. TWENTYSEVEN, LAST, INTRA-OFFICE. RE TELETYPE ADVISED BROTHERI IRESIDES CHICAGO, AND REQUESTED RE LOCATION. ADDRESS 18 BAR LOCATED IN SKID RON AREA EEC NNERE RECEIVES NAIL ABOUT ONCE A NEEN. HOTELS AND BARS IN SKID ROW AREA CHECKED AND BROTHER UNKNOWN. BROTHER HAS RECORD, CHICAGO PD BUT NOT NOW IN CUSTODY. RESIDENCE AND FOR PAST Two YEARS. INTENSIVE INVESTIGATION To ICONTINUING. 6 END ?Ii? I Mg 35? b7C END TIA SHOESWEI 2%?than . 1197 (g If GJG 5 . nah-wrap .- FBI WASH DC ALL INFORMATION y, . HEREIN DATE 6 9 BY 4 Ronald Reagan-412 . 465, (?73 - I . . I Ronald Reagan-413 . 2-26-67 1.. PLAINTEXT - .. 1 - Mr. Cajigas .7 . TELETYPE URGENT 1 Mr? Peelma?n i To SACS DETROIT LOUISVILLE . 5% ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO i . wmw?wmm? . I. FROM DIRECTOR FBI (Oz-110790) - ,y AMBROSE TRREAT AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR OF FBI, GEORGE GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN, RONALD GOVERNOR OE PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. RE BUREAU TEL FEBRUARY TWENTYSIX SIXTVSEVEN. ST. LOUIS EXPEDITIOUSLY FURNISH DETROIT, LOUISVILLE, AND SAN FRANCISCO COPIES OF PHOTOGRAPH 0F ARNETTE. ST. LOUIS FURNISH DETROIT TELETYPE SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF MARCH ONE If - 3 INTERVIEW WITH ARNETTE AND OTHER BACKGROUND DATA. I E61: If} .I .- 1% gzjim- 63? ?7 if? ATP . Jami-D 131.3333 II 5: I .99? ,Ssmgoz??lgs A--. . .I . "mm To] Son DeLoach Mohr - FB 3 {51967 Wick Egg! 1! . . Casper . . . 3:31:30" {$006333 ME - FEDERAL BUREAU o. on U. s. DEPARTNINI 3,33,,ysnc 2215:? LR 315: M, Sullivan a . 151? - '2 . . Tavel 7? a ii 1'41": toner ?ref": {a gale. Room AR 8 {56? 51"" a 1&3 33:11:? MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT .E in ., . I Ronald Reagan-414 ., 5? 1. 1 f1 (ll? 1'5 - ff? ?11:1. 450v: L174 131 EESH DC - . 1,;1 ~1314~11 111/ 1" 57%; . S3: DETROIT 11:. I EEUE URGENT .2-26-ST. LOUIS1-2-3: A 3301 DEER 011 /175-Mira: ?Tc-??mm-?wd? [a 5 -. 51-. 12:15.23 Li} EARL ARNETTE, THREAT HGHINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, I: 1 \17 0F FBI, GEORGE ROMNEY, GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN, EUEELD tz?3\\ ?ng 0 R?w, GOVERNOR OF PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENTJ 12? $2133 11:11:11; 11)) 15: 1/1111 111 51/ ii - 1, EE DETROIE AIRTEL To BUREEU, COPY ST. LOUIS, MERCH FOUR 2 1 E1 1% 51? GE TWENTYFIVE, SEXTYSEVEN9 ET SEVEN ZERO NINE ng TELEPHONE CELL RECEIVED BY DETROIT OFFICE OF THE FBI FROM EEG To IDENTIFY HIMSELF OTHER THEN BY U.s. MERINE CORPS, 51x FIVE ONE EEICE IS THEE OE THAT HE ADVOCETES THE ESSESSINETIOE OF JOHN VAL. if} JGVEHE NR. HOHNEY AND MR. REGAN. HE DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS CORPOHHL OF WORLD WAR T1109 HE STATED THAT HE WOULD LOVE TO BE 1"?3139 THE BASES OF HIS WAR EXPERIENCE AND RECORD IN WORLD WAR HG THHT WOULD BE DETERMINED BY THE COURT WOULD BE. THAT 12317;? THE ONLY 2311513 CONSIDE RED WE 1111111111123 ARE GOING TO RUN THIS 3i OR THAT J. EDGAR HDOVEH HE. IS GOD, ?1 .cR 1- 2/ DOESH THINK IT AND HILL HEDGE ONE 54;? we) . -. MEEWOREW U11 110T 3.1-3 1.111 ?72 REM. 2 1911 69 MAR 1 41966 :Ea?aqu?a .. QUOTE I MAY GO TO WASHINGTON PRETTY SOON AND ASSASSINATE I, THAT NO FEDERAL JURY EVER CONVICT HIM 0F ANYTHING BUT SEINE HIS NAME NAS HNONN BY AGENT PETERSON, EDI OEEICE, ST. LOUIS 3 THAT THE FBI SENT AN AGENT TO HIS MOTHERS HOUSE NITHOUT A SEARCH THAT ALL HE NANTS IS FOR SONEONE ELSE To SO INTO HER HOUSE HITHOUT A SEARCH NARRANT BECAUSE I GOING TO ASSASSINATE THEN AND THAT THE EDI NAS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT To OLAHE FOR THE ASSASSINATION 0F PRESIDENT KENNEDY BY OSHALD DUE TO THEIR UTTER STUPEDITY HNONINO NHAT THE SECRET HAD ALHE TOT TOLD THE EDI. HE CONCLUDED THE CALL BY STAYIN89 IN REFERENCE To THE F819 TOO ARE THE SESTAEO OF THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA. I DENOUNCE YOU AND NOULD ASSASSINATE YOUR LEADER. ET WE DURING THE CALL HE REFUSED TO GIVE HIS NAME AND STATED HE JUST TRAVELED AROUND. HE CLAIMED To HAVE- ATTENDED THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY TOR THREE YEARS RIGHT AFTER NORLD TN09 NINETEEN FORTY SEVEN - NINETEEN FI TY. DETROIT INDICES DISCLOSE CPGE TWO Ronald Reagan-415 RAGE THREE SUBJECT ST. LOUIS ON MARCH ONE SIXTYSIX AND SAID HE ADVOCATES THE VIOLENT OVERTHROW OF THE U.S. THRT HE COULD TO A COMMUNIST AND THE FBI COULD NOT DO ANYTHING TO HIM ABOUT THAT HE IS AWARE THAT HE COULD BE ARRESTED FOR THRERTENING THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S., BUT NO ONE WAS GOING TO BOTHER HIM FOR STATING THAT HE WANTED TO J. EDGAR HOOVER, I, AND ADDED COTE WE ARE GOING TO DO JUST THAT ONE OF THESE PERSONNEL AT THE MILITARY PERSONNEL RECORDS CENTER IN MADE AVAILABLE THE SERVICE RECORD FOR AMBROSE ERRL ARNETTE in. .. MARCH ONE SIXTYSIX. THE AND WAS-HONORABLY AUGUST TEN, FORTYSIX. HE ATTAINED THE RANK OF A CORPORAL. HIS RECORD IN THE MARINE CORPS WAS GOOD. HE RECEIVED NO DISCIPLINRRY ACTION. HIS MILITARY WAS.SHOWN TO BE RIFLEMAN AND LATER AUTO PARTS CLERK. HE RECEIVED A FOUR WEEK COURSE AT CAMP PENDLETON IN NINETEEN FORTYEOUR RT THE RIFLE SCHOOL, FROM WHICH SCHOOL GRADUATED. ERD RPGE THREEO Ronald Reagan-416 PAGE FOURE THE FOLLOWING IS TAKEN FROM HIS SERVICE RECORD9 NAME- DOB POB - owzwsaomog xv.; - SEX - MALE: MARITAL SINGLE a HEIGHT - INCHES: WEIGHT - ONE 51x ZERO EYES - BROWN: HAIR - COMPLEXION - BUILD - b7c sagas awn MARKS - SCAR om LEFT SIDE BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH SOCIAL SECURITY wo. OCCUPATION BEFORE SERVICE - EDUCATION FOUR HIGH MOTHER - . OWENSBORO, BROTHER - SLME ADDRESS. IN FORTYSEUEN, EDDRESS WAS THE SAME AS HIS $561171}? 03% 5m? twin SHOW FEBRUARY YEW AS GOLDEN RULE HIS QDDRESS THEN W95 TWO THREE TWO FIVE CASSQ DETROIT. SUBJECTS ADDRESS IN SEPTEMBER, SIXTYFIVE WAS NEWSTEAD HOTEL, END PAGE FOURE Ronald Reagan-417 PLEE FIVE S?o LGUES, WHERE OWNER- MANAGER HEM MILD - WANNEREDP NON ALCOHOLIC. NOT KNOWN TO HAVE WEAPONS: NEVER WOT KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN ARRESTED. ALL PERTENENT DATQ IN INDICES FURNESHED WITH ABOVE INFORMATKON SRALLY T0 SA SECRET SERVICEQ DETROIT, AT ELEVEN FIFTY TWO ng FEBRUARY TWENTYFIVE. NSF AND DPD NOTIFIED. LHN FOLLOWS. ST. LOUIS SHOULD FURNISH DETROIT END SAN FRANCISCO ANY ADDITIONAL OR CONTACTS 0F SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE OF BENEFIT. HHFL FBI HASH DC TU DISP Ronald Reagan-418 1- lanes? wuu?uo. 10 . f? cad! mu mmou - amSTATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum - 1 - DeLoach 1 - Sullivan I Gale TO D. DATE 1/17/67 2:55: am; INFORM (inseam - Tuvel Trotter HEREIN IS 1 - CD Brennan Tele.Roorn FROM -W. C. SullivanME?l?L - CW Thompson 32:3? SUBJECT. STUDENT AGITATION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA INFORMATION CONCERNING . (INTERNAL SECURITY) San Francisco advised on 1/14/67 that California Lieutenant Governor Robert Finch had requested rep sentatives of the Bureau to meet with him and Governor ?ggald?weagan on 1/16/67 to discuss the situation at the University of California campus at Berkeley. SAC, San Francisco, was instructed to comply with this request and to make no commitments but to determine what the Governor had in mind Which prompted the request. . The aforementioned meeting took place as scheduled on 1/16/67. Governor- Reagan advised he is concerned about the situation at the University of California, particularly, on the Berkeley campus. He indicated he is apprehensi?s1$hat1aqnew pf get Berkeleylas a result of his strong.stand agitation and his insistence that the UniverSity of California be operated on a sound fiscal basis . irector if he could be advised of any information developed concerning plans for future demonstrations to be held on the campus or at press conferences scheduled by him. He indicated he feels it is probable that some of his press conferences J?could be stacked with "left who might make an attenpt ?i?D Governor Reagan said he would be very grateful to the. #6 to embarrass him and the state government. He also said it would be Si very helpful if we would furnish him on a confidential basis any subversive information contained in our files concerning f; l\ e. Clark Kerr and the members of the University of California Board of Regents. Kerr is the President of the University of California and has adepted a palliative attitude toward campus agitation. In regard to the latter request, SAC, San Francisco, referred the Governor to the Thirteenth Report of the California Committee on Un?American Activities . which contains detailed information regarding Kerr and the 1 Board of Regents. There is no additional pertinent information in our files. h.(zgg . Enc. l?l? 100-151646 7K WCS:pdb (5) CONTINUED - OVER gyms-?MW ORRENALEHED 5,14 4 Memorandum to Mr. DeLoach Re: STUDENT AGITATION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA loo?151646 . As you know, the situatiOn at the University of {California at Berkeley has been an eXplosive one which has i been exploited to a tremendous advantage by communists and other subversive elements. This situation was a political issue during the last election and Governor i determined to take appropriatemactign,to quell the unrest on the Berkeley campus. OBSERVATIONS: We are instructing San wFrancich_to Governor MReagan? requesf?tb bemadvised of informationugh dev61:op regarding plans for future demonstrations on:t_he Berkeley campus or at hisnpress conferences, We are alsgminstructing. Sa?fFranciscq,to confidwntially advise Governor Reagan that.we4 ave qumpertinentm information Kerr_ or th?_?9azd :f'Regents: of the University of California? In addition, we are requesting WSan Francisco? to prepare blind memoranda . concerning faculty members and students at the University of i California at Berkeley who have subversive affiliations. These emoranda are to be forwarded to the Bureau for review. This presents the eanreangwith an Opportunity to take steps to thwart the ever.increasingiagitation subversive elements 6n the campuses. Berkeley has long been the "proving grounds for 6ampus agitators and agitators on other campuses take their lead from activities which occurlat erkeley. ligagitationalcactiv1ty at,Berke1ey can be effectively curtailed, this could set up a chain reac.tion which will.resu1t .in the curtailment?of such activities QR Other campuses throughout the United States. This would also be helpful to the FBIstrongly feel that the most effeCtive way to take advantage of this situation is to have a Bureau official, $h6 i is thoroughly familiar with the Berkeley situation and subversive activities in general, confidentially brief Governor Reagan. At that time, copies of the blind memoranda prepared by the 1 San Francisco Office regarding students and faculty members with subversive affiliations should be furnished to Governor Reagan for his confidential information. Section Chief D, ?Brennan of the Internal Security Section has the qualificatipns nit? this sensitive matterjanmherefore L6 recommend that he be designated to handle this assignment. 5 CONTINUED -3 OVER - I 2 Ronald Reagan-420 Memorandum to Mr. DeLoach Re: STUDENT AGITATION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA loo?151646 . . RECOMMENDATIONS: 59:07 (1) That attached teletype which instructs San Francisco to act in accordance with the above observations be approved. . (2) That upon receipt of the blind memoranda requested from the San Francisco Office, Section Chief C. D. Brennan be designated to furnish these memoranda to Governor Reagan on a confidential basis and to personally ?brief him concerning the Berkeley situation and the problem of student agitation on college campu;Ronald Reagan-421 H?mm?mh . 79 JANZG 196 URGENT 1-19-57 RAK T0 SAN FRANCISCO - ENCODED FROM DIRE (I -151646) ?3 STUDENT AGITATION, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, INFORMATION CONCERNING (INTERNAL SECURITY). REURTEL DECEMBER SIXTEEN LAST. YOU SHOULD COMPLY WITH GOVERNOR REQUEST TO ADVISE HIM CONCERNING ANY INFORMATION DEVELOPED REGARDING PLANS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS AT BERKELEY OR AT PRESS CONFERENCES SCHEDULED BY GOVERNOR REAGAN. IN REGARD TO REQUEST FOR SUBVERSIVE INFORMATION CONCERNING CLARK KERR AND MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF REGENTS, GOVERNOR REAGAN SHOULD BE CONFI- DENTIALLY ADVISED THAT OUR FILES CONTAIN NO PERTINENT INFORMATION. NO INFORMATION REGARDING SUBVERSIVE AFFILIATIONS OF INDIVIDUALS SHOULD BE FURNISHED TO GOVERNOR REAGAN. INSURE THAT BUREAU IS ADVISED OF ALL PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS REGARDING THIS ?13 03599:;3 A END AND QCCS Segf Serial HIT: . Term 74 a In 11:: :9 1 v? Dd??al 13h 3% ?95 FBI SAN FRA Ronald Reagan-422 Am. J. .i . m. {Lin-{f} ?at 6 <35? 1' ORIGINAL 0 ?4 . I (5120 (Deg. 1-26-66) I 3 DeLoach . - Ronald Reagan-423 1 asper Callahan Conrad. Felt Gale .3 Rosen 1 6 Tele. .Boom 3 'HolmO? Candy; 1 I (REAGAN) SOVIET NENSPAPER SAID TODAY CALIFORNIA GOV. RONALD EEAGAN IS BY THE FORCES NEICH TOOK JOHN w- I LITERARY GAZETTE COMPARED EEACAN TO HITLEE IN ONE OE THE SHARPEST ATTACKS SEEN HERE so EAR ON TEE EX-ACTOR, EEO EAs REPLACED BARRY GOLDNATER As ONE OF THE FAVORITE EEIDPINC BOYS TEE SOVET PRESS. I LITERARY GAZETTE SAID REAGAN IS CONTROLLED BY PUBLIC RELATIONS WEN AND MORE POEEPFUL FORCES WHO TOOK JOFN LIFE THE FORCES WHO ARE GETTING RICH THROUGH THE WAR IN VIETNAM, TFE IOPCES WHO HATE THE VERY IDEA OF CIVIL RIGHTS. HITLER AT FIRST HAD HIS OWN PPOVINCIAL IT SAID THEY LATER BECAME HIS A RDAGAN IT SAID WAS A BAD ACTOR HAD WON PIS NEW FAIN A ROLE WHICH THREAIENS MILLIONS OF PERSONS WITH ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED 15 UNCLIISSIHED 2wNOT R?Ieom??! ?3 ?3 . 145 MIN 23 1961 flingWASHINGTON CAPITAL NEWS SERVIICE DA.E 4% {l My. Assess. -. ?In; FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION sIsI. .. - u. 3. DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE FBI NASH Dcas COMMUNICATION SECTION .171. NOW Mani? Of?wmi MAR 1 01967 :23: FBI L05 ANG. 6 . 3, fig/xd?; 7 Ft? IASPM URG 3-10-67 NJZ Aiikb ??f?i?T0 DIRE TOR AND UASHINGTON FIELD OFFICE FRGM JUNIOR ROLAND HUMBLE, AKA GERALD R. HUMBLE, THREAD 0 I. . . AGAINST RONALD PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. b6 b7C A. N. NEILSEN, OFFICE. LOS ANGELES. TODAY I Isms?: JUNIOR ROLAND HUMBLE: LEFT FAMILY HOME MARCH NINE LAST IO RAP: KILL THE: GOUIERNOR. HUMBLE, A RETIRED ARMY CAPTAIN, IS 5:5 I. . . \L?ss ALCOHOLAC AND CAPAOLD ACT OF VIOLENCE NHEN DRINKING. HE IS 1i. RAPORTEDLY ARMED mm A DERRINGER. NEILSEN SIAIED PASADENA: CALINORNIA. POLICE DEPARINENT REPORTS CAPABLE OF ANY DESPERATE ACT. IN IHAT HE HAS RECORD OF PULLIING CON ON g: POLICE AND LAST NEEK NEPONIEDLY THREAIENED WMWINHEWNW E: HFRI 3?7; DEFTNED mm SNIICHDLADD KNIFE. 405, 195 HUMBLE HAS ACCESS TO FREE TRANSPORTATION. HE :3 MAY 50 TO LAS VACAS, NEVADA. . 1 5 . JAWIIJN Hg)?f/ ?g II I If; -3221? Rohald Reagan-424 RAGE INO LA 32.75::0 NIELSEN DESCRIBED HUMBLE As NALE. SIXTY SIX YEARS, SORN ONE THREE, ONE NINE ZERO ONE, LEEDS, SOUTH SIX ONE FORTY EIUE LBS.) BLOND NAIR, GREEN EYES, RSI NUNSER SIX ONE RIDE ONE NINE ONE A: NUMBER FIVE EIGHT FIVE ONE ZERO FOUR. LAST ARREST SAN BERNARDINOS OALIEORNIA. OFFICE JANUARY SIXTY SEVEN DRUNK. My 2 ff NIELSEN STATED OFFICE, SACRAMENTO: ADVISED. Ck? fiuym?y? SAim? A HUNSLE IS APPARENTLY IDENTICAL NITH SUBJECT JUNIOR ROLAND GOVERNOR REAOAN PRESENTLY IN NASHINOION. INPERSONATION. NHIOH INVESTIGATION IN NINEIEEN EIEIY THAT HE HAD SEEN SEPARAIED ERON ARMED EOROES IN ONE NINE FOUR EIVE AS RETIRED AND RATED AS ONE HUNDRED PER OENI DISRQELETYS PSYORONEUROIIO. BASIS OE INVESTIGATION NAS THAI DURING NINETEEN FIFTY RE HAD BEEN UTILIZING AIR EOROE TRANSPORTATION NRILE DRESSED IN HIS UNIFORM, OLAININO THAI AS REIIRED UNDER MILITARY REGULATIONS HE WAS PERMITTED To AIR FORCE AIRORAEI FOR CASE NAS NEVER PRESENTED. NO OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE, SEOREI LOS ANOELES. ADVISED, AND IN VIEN OE PREVIOUS USE OR AIR NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, ALSO ADVISED, AIR NAIL OORIES To SAN ERANOISOO AND LAS VEGAS NOR END EASE INO RonaklReagan-425 Yuma-tr 1? .. I 1 RAGE Taagg La ?7s-9 0 T335 gs suamgsuzn FOR INFORMATION or BUREAU IN Vl?w 0% segeraaT IS CURRENTLY IN D.C. LEngaageD MEMORANDUM I ADVISE METROPOLITAN PD. snouab BE comsrn?Rgb ARMED AND DANGEROUS. END: 1 .. I 1731' 1H Ronald Reagan-426 ?j?1?r mi ?7 RET- "I'nlsu min-?H?l I FBI I t: a 2/27/67 infammtm;i_ the followmq II: (Type in plant?; or code) i, 1-1. 31rd?: .UDLM AIRTEL 3.10 I .1, Via I .{qg imr (Priority) I Mir as Candy 5 - :T-Jui TO: Director, FBI (62 110710 I Go??i??im H?pr- mats; 3 FROM: AC, Detroit (175-1) gm, ?1912 BY . I . 5" AMBROSE EARL (7 . THREAT AGAINST JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, I OF FBI, GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN, (Zr IIKL RONAL EAGAN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA, OF THE PRESIDENT teletype to Detroit. Louisville, St. Louis and San Francisco, dated 2/26/67. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 8 copies and for Louisville, St. Louis and San Francisco 3 copies each of a LHM concerning the subject. Two copies of the LHM have been furnished to Secret Service, Detroit; one copy to the USA, Detroit and one copy to Detroit. An extra copy is furnished to Louisville, St. Louis and San Francisco as noted in the event dissemination to Secret Service is desired in the future. Leads in this matter to locate and interview the, subject are being set out by teletype. ,4Qgs? Referenced Bureau teletype instructed Detroit to consider early presentation to USA regarding possible Federal violation. .uaes, Detroit will hold presentation inED a yance pending location and interview of subject. .4 Arum?! xjr?L- ?SBureau (Enc. 8) (RM) [06 Pitch) - Louisville (175 2)(Enc. Igghington 2 1 St. Louis - San Francisco (Enc. Re Detroit teletype to Bureau, dated 2/26/67, Bureau CERHNALFHEDIN )(nm Detroit 1 c, LHM ll?! [item wear. L8) 3 1?1 . We. Approved: Sent Per H, Special 531m in Charge Ronald Reagan-427 175?1 Two copies of the LHM are being furnished to WFO in view of subject's statement that he may go to Washington to assassinate someone. RonaklReagan-428 4n \1 vr,? . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT 035* $135ng FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply. Please Refer to . . . mk?m Detroxt, February 27, 1967 He: Ambrose Earl Arnette Threat Against John Edgar Hoover, Director of FBI, - George Romney, Gavernor of Michiga Ronald Reagan, Governor of Califo n, nia ALL INFORMATION IS SSEFEED ism-1W2 m; cam/8;. 5,192. Maw 3157;9/ ENCLOSURE Ronald Reagan-429 -302 Kiev. lC?Il?63(151.? ?ti; "In T?tent?:RAL (BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .. 1 - Date On February 25, l957, at 7:09 a telephone call was received at the Detroit Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from a caller who refused to identify himeelf other than by his United States Marine. Corpo Serial Number 955641. This caller stated that he advocates the ase'esihotioh of JOHN EDGAR HOOVER, Diroctor of the FBI, Mr. GEORGE EGMEEY, Governor of Michigan, and Mr. NALD REAGAN, Governor of California. The caller described himoelf he an exwharihe Corporal of World War ll and stated that he would love to be tried on the basis of his war experience and record in World War II and said that the only thing that would be determined by the court would be that he wee considered ineane. The caller also said that, ?We eX~Marihes are going to run thie country or destroy it; that J. EDGAR thinks he is God, but LBJ don?t think it and will be glad to get rid of him,? an: ?that I may go to Waohihgton pretty soon and assaseihete someone?. He aleo said that no Federal Jury :ould ever convict him of anything but being iheaho. The caller further stated that the FBI sent an agent to his mother's house without a search warrant and that all he wants is for someone elee to go into her house without a search warrant becauec ?I?m going to asoaseinatc them". The caller said that his home was known by Agent PETERSON of the FBI office in St. Missouri. He also said that the FBI woo 100% to blame for the aesassination of President KENNEDY by OSWALD due to their utter stupidity and knowing what the Secret Service had already told the FBI. He comeludcd by stating in reference to the FBI, ?You are the Gestapo of the United 8 ates of America. I denounce you and would aesaeoineto your leader?. During this call the caller refused to give his name and stated that he just traveled around? He claimed to have attended the Univcrgity of Kentucky for three Years after Yorld War II from 1947 to 1950. g/gg/gv Bottoit, Michigan V, heircz? 175vww?? SA 15:2{of11?. - document con-lama nonhu- rxums-?V-J?u-h- 13 ..or tonclusmns of the Mil. '3 "f and 15 10:1de to Ronald Reagan-430 I1 it and its. contents are .. be dlaztnhumd ouLSide yOUr agenctb? ~n if? We Re: AmbroMe Earl Arnette Threat Agaith John E?gur Hoover, etc. A revi.eW by Investigative Clerk R. Douglas King on February 18 196., of the Military recordM on file at the Milita r3 Personnel RecordM Center, St. Louis, Mis;Mouri, revealed that Serial Mumber 965641 is assigned to Ambrose Earl Arnette, Who Mervec in the United SteteM Marine Corps from June 23, 19i5, to August i0, 1946, receiving an honorable diMcnarge at Cem.p Le m:ne, Noith Caroii na, by re LES of convenience of the government. Arnette had foreign service in the Asiaticmpacific Theatre and was aWarded the Asiaticupacific Theatre Ribbon With one Mta* and the World tar Ii Victory Medal. The records contained no indication of courtmmartial, absence Without official leave, or treatment for any mental or nervous diMochr. The folloWing background information WMM contained in the records: Date of Birth Piace of Birth Residence Owensboro, Kentucky Relatives Mother I Brother both rcsidek? I b7c Owensboro, Kentucky Military Occupation I I . Civilian Occupation None?ustudcnt Social Security NO. Veteran'M Administration a Claim Number I I Attached hereto is a letterhead memorandum dated March 4, 1966, at Detroit, Michigan, captioned, ?Ambrogc E. Threat Against John Edgar Hoover,_Director of th-c Federal of Investigation?, Which letterhead mem01r=ncutn contains additional information concerning Arnettc. Dctectiv- Lieutenant George RollinM Specia 1 5.1110ns Detroit Police De?artmant HI. 0n lchxunry 27, 1967, advised that recei'dg 05 1 Ronald Reagan-431 Roz Ambrose Earl Threat Against John Edgar Hoover, etc. Jctroit Police Department contain no record Arnettc bc"ond the nr?cst on Febrnar 10 1962 as a .y a . ?Golden Rule Drunk?, information concerning which is set out in the attached letterhear memorandum dated March 4, 1966. Information Set out above was furnishod to the following individuals 33 noted: Inspector Donald Cunoo Control Center Detroit Police Department Detroit, Michigan At 12:10 February 26, 1967 Corporal James Thomas Redford Post Michigan State Police At 12:22 February 26, 1967 Special Agent William Shiles U.S. Secret Service Detroit, Michigan At February 25, 1967 Mr. Robert Danhoff - Executive Assistant to Governor George Romney State of Michigan February 26, 1967 ThiS document contains ncithr reCommondntions nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is the property of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is loancd to your agency; it and its contents are not to be diStributed outside your agency. Ronald Reagan-432 RONAUDREAGAN GOVERNOR State nf OFFICE SACRAMENTO 958M February 27, 1967 Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justi' Washington, 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Hoover: It has recently come to my attention that the F.B.I. will soon open a Division Headquarters in Sacramento having jurisdiction over the newly established Federal Eastern Judicial District. This is gratifying as this will more ably assist all of us in our continuing figh against crime and subversion. As I study the large area covered by the Eastern District, I am favorably impressed with the wisdom of your decision in this matter. I am vitally interested in doing everything I can to combat the moral decay as shown by our rising crime rate in our country today. Having always had the highest regard for you personally and the splendid record the F.B.I. has achieved, please 1 accept my personal assurance that your agency will have the most complete cooperation possible from my office. A) I am looking forward to meeting the new agent in charge for your Sacramento Division in the near future, and if my office can be of any asSistance whatsoever, do not hesitate to call on me person ALL INFORMAHGN CDNIAINEB magLA33ueio 2? 04m _L5n?37 . 'r2- ?h-r i as . 1. RONALD REAGAN mee? Governor an? - - REC- 1, Max-9411 1967 Howrah? The Governor of California sacrammto, California 98814 - AU mammal 14,33,- 145:?: My daar Gave-mar Roam: ?44.14 WELSH 81.29.? Your moat thou?h?ul lotto: waived on? March Guiana, onbohaliolall innitoiiunk you for your panama! momma oi oomplote cooperation in the. fight against crime and muons-lion. haw. instruct? my representative: to all ihluuiltmoo to looal and auto agencies in California ??zzle! mutual Moral, and 1 do hope you will not huh ?1390:: up whmvor we can be of ?Moo. I share on that a amt dual om be by work-? -. it mount mailman: for sultan. quarto? are r, adorable, wo plan to open our memento out? in Early {jg??33 unmet. litter upon problem- aro ruched, lwill name 4,2,1. Maud haw the now would Amt in Charge set intouoh 8 witiyou at his mliut opportunity. You may be sure that all 0111:. lathe Fulookiomdiowormwithymandyour windiniuiatration. With wax-maul personal roan-m, . Simon-My yours, .. Edgar: a Manda.? 1 1 - Los Angeles - Enclosifre 1 $th 1- San Francisco? c?closure . -. QT: Attention Mr. Hyde JV 1 Mr. Callahan "Enclosur?/?W Attention Mr. C. Q. Smith 1- Mr. W1ck- Enclos GEM: 11121.4 (10) $941!: See Note on Next Page 43% .. Ronald Reagan- -434 MAIL ROOM . 4 . 4? lid 1.x ?vi- 1* 1.4- . Honorable Ronald Reagan NOTE: Governor Reagan has visited our Los Angeles Of?ce 336 relations with him have been cordial. By letter mted 11-9-66 the Directoi congratulated Roma upon his election as Govemor. of" Ronald Reagan-435 1:13-35 (new; 5-22-94) . . 8 I Dots: 3/21/67 Transmit the following in (Type in platntext or code) VicDIRECTOR, FBI FROM 5" SAC, 1-03 ANGELES ?75 JUNIOR ROLAND HUMBLE, aka Gerald R. Humble, Slim THREAT AGAINST PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT Re Los Angeles teletype 3/10/67.' Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are five (5) copies of a letterhead memorandum (LHM) concerning this matter. One A copy of the LHM is being furnished to San Francisco and one copy to Las Vegas, for information. i FD-376 is being furnished for transmittal of the LHM to Secret Service, Washington, D. C. One copy of the LHM is being furnished to Secret Service, Los Angeles. One copy of the LHM is also being furnished to a a the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), District #18, ?p Norton Air Force Base, California, inasmuch as 081 was pre? viously furnished 1 orpation in this matter. a ,2 m. 5/4/74 rgwa ,3 5; ?k?ue 1 547* 7.3. A ?47 r? i ?55. 2? Bureau (Enos. - 4 E- - San Francisco (Enc. - 3 i? Las Vegas (Enc. - . 5? - Los Angeles Eff}. 105E ?g I it 5 - .1 4?1, far, 3155149 gr: - 451,95 Approved: Sent Per 53 APR ?ec??gagnt Charge 5 Ronald Reagan-436 (Rev. Bel-66} UNI STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1 9 In Reply, Please Refer to WASHINGTON, D.C. -0035 File No. LA 175-0 March 21, 1967 Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury JUNIOR ROLAND HUMBLE Washington, D. C. 20220 Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual who is believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning Presidential pro? tection, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. 3] Has attempted or threatened bodily harm to any government official or employee, including foreign government officials residing in or planning an imminent visit to the U. 8., because of his official status. 2. Has attempted or threatened to redress a grievance against any public official by other than legal means. 3. Because of background is potentially dangerous; or has been identified as member or participant in communist movement; or has been under active investigation as member of other group or organization inimical to U. S. 4. U. S. citizens or residents who defect from the U. S. to countries in the Soviet or Chinese Communist b10cs and return. 5. Subversives, ultrarightists, racists and fascists who meet one or more of the following criteria: Evidence of emotional instability (including unstable residence and employment record) or irrational or suicidal behavior: Expressions of strong or violent anti-U. S. sentiment; Prior acts (including arrests or convictions) or conduct or statements indicating a propensity for violence and antipathy toward good order and government. 6. Individuals involved in illegal bombing or illegal bomb-making. Photograph [3 has been furnished enclosed is not available may be available through Very truly yours, REGISTERED MAIL 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s) U. S. Secret Service, LOS Angeles (RM) (Upon removal of classified enclosures, if any, this transmittal form becomes UNCLASSIFIED.) Ronald Reagan-437 Ronald Reagan-438 STATES DEPARTMENT OF ICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Los Angeles 'Galifornia In I Pl 9 Re . File :50? eds fer ?0 March 21 3 1967 JUNIOR ROLAND HUMBLE m4;;5f an? THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN i 6216 1% 1:51 Siggmm?mrsorscmon or THE PRESIDENT ?ne I On March 10, 1967, Mr. A. E. Neilsen, Governor's Office, State of California, Los Angeles, California, fur- nished the following information to the Los Angeles Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). . Neilsen stated that oneLj quad advised his office that ?'Junior Role umble, had left the family home on March 9, 1967, to kill the Governor of California. She said that Humble, a retired Army Captain, is alcoholic and capable of an act of violence when he is drinking. She reported that he was armed with a derringer. - b6 bi?: According to Mr. Neilsen, the Pasadena, California, Police Department reports that Humble is capable of any des- perate act in that he has a past record of pulling a gun on police and recently reportedly threatened an unknown person with a knife. Humble has access to free military transportation and reportedly might go to Las Vegas, Nevada. Humble was described by Mr. Neilsen as white, male, age 66, born February 13, 1901, at Leeds, South Dakota, six feet tall, weight l?s pounds, blond hair, green eyes. He has FBI No. 615l9lA and 011 No. 585104. He was last arrested at San Bernardino, California, by the Sheriff's Office on January 1967 on a charge of drunk driving. Mr. Neilsen said that the Governor?s Office at Sacramento, California, had been advised, and that Governor Ronald Reagan was presently in Washington, D. C. A review of the files of the FBI at Los Angeles reflects that Humble is apparently identical with Junior Roland Humble, subject of an Impersonation case in 1950. Investigation at that time reflected that Humble was separated from the Armed Forces in 1945 as retired. He was rated as . This confirms t?12f11?'153 is?rmation colds furnished t3 ;461:4430 law on ?No further investigation is being 5/7? conducted in this matter. a - 50 4:71 - . A at?Jer? of] chaos/?. . .. ~1IyJUNIOR- ROLAND HUMBLE THREAT mms'r GOVERNOR RONALD mom Pnornc?rm? OF THE Pansmm one hundred per-cent disability, psy?honeurotic.? The basis Ljof the investigation was that during 1950 Humble had been gut111zin?g Air Force transportation while dressed 1n his Officer uniform, ?1?iM1n8 that as a retired officer under 155 ?.;m111tary regulat1ons he was permitted to ut111ze Air Force raircraft for transpartation. The case was. never presented, and no further information is aVailab1e 1n the files at 1he FBF at Los Angel es.? The above information was furnished to Special Agent Frank Slocum, U. 8. Secret Service, Los Angeles, at 11+ 1.14., March 10,; 1967, by Superv1sor wunm John Nolan, Los Angeles.- 1 In View of Humble's previous use of Air Force F13- transportation, Colonel John O'Connell. Office of Special - Invest1gations, District 18, Norton Air Force Base, California, was also advised of the above at 10:17 A.M., March 10, 19 7, '1by Supervisor William John No1an, FBI, Los Angeles. SUBJECT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS. This document oontains neither recommendations not ,conolusiona of the FBI. It is the p-roperty of the FBI and :18 loaned your agency; 1t and its contents are not to beg. 4,d1str1buted outside your "i . 1 1- 2* - -R0nak Reagan-439 OFHQNAL FORM N0. ?0 STATES . . - Memorandum TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 5/1/67 FRmu FRANCISCO (9-0) SUMECT: UNKNOWN SUBJECT, aka John Doe; C5 . GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN - VICTIM EXTORTION Enclosed herewith is one xerox cepy of a letter and enveloPe addressed to "Govenor Ronald Reagan". On April 27, 1967, ARTHUR VAN COURT, Chief, Special Services, Office of the Governor, State of California, Capitol Building, Sacramento, furnished Special Agent PETER T. SEXTON a xerox copy of a threatening letter, with envelope, received by the Governor's Office. The letter is dated April 5, 1957, and is signed "John Doe?. Mr. VAN COURT stated he turned the letter over to the California State Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation upon receipt and that agency is conducting investigation. Mr. VAN COURT advised he has already furnished a copy of the letter and envelope to STEPHEN A. BYRNE, Special Agent in Charge, United States Secret Service, Sacramento, for information purposes. He also stated he is providing the same to the FBI for the same reason. In view of investigation by C11, none is being conducted by this office. No dissemination is being made in view of the fact that the United States Secret Service is already in possession of this information. 7 4.1/ I /19 Xigf' I 1 I Bureau (Bnc. l) y5 ?23 rigs-ail San Francisco ?1:t 23?867 VI pr ww 5; mace gig/?? Ronald Reagan-440 wosma . . .. ., . M. GANY- 42353:. EM. QEKMEMMEM .. .. 2:T?P-wrw-vm" Mimi-'r-r ..-- 5 [Ronaid Reagan-4421.? .. TO FROM SUBJECT: 56JUE ?11? OPTIONAL roam no. 10 sale?106 . 2:135:42 27 Tolson STA rEs ?ch Memorandum 33:15:? Felt Gale MR. TOLSON DATE: June 15, 196'? Tovel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Candy W. M. FELT RONALD REAGAN GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA INSPECTION MATTERS On June 14, 1967, I met briefly with Governor Reagan in connection with my inspection of the Sacramento Resident Agency. Governor Reagan was high in his praise of the Bureau. He said that he had the highest admiration for the Director and he was extremely pleased that the Director's representative had called on him. Governor Reagan specifically requested that his kindest fr?. ?7 . personal regards be conveyed to the Director. RECOMMENDATION: That this be routed to the Director for his information. ALL INFORMAHDN CONTAINEL 54M HERBN i3 UNCLASQMEU (magi; a: 4L4?y&# 1 - Mr. DeLoach 3 It! $59985 4051,)93 1 - Mr. Wick 1 - Mr. Mohr 1 - Miss Gandy 3 (6) 5' as,? f/ a ., Wine JUN 23?: 1967 Ronald Reagan-443 01 447' 197677 1mm REC. UNIT. ,1 1 Mr. Tolson . .DeLoach - . .. VIR I PINKLEY M3 hr 2 . . . .3131? 51?? .. .- - . aper EDITOR a. IPUBLIISII-IER, RINKLEY CALIFQRNIA NEWSPAPERS 45-140 TOWNE STREET WP Mugoa?u??Lh $811328? . . F. Mr". Felt Mr. Sullivan Mr. Tavel Mr. Trotter Tele. Room . Mr. Gale . - Mr. RoSen Miss Holmes I . - Miss Gandy . J4When {was an recently I spent $555 tame 1 with Mr. J. Hoover. He- was most complimentary in his; remarks. Yam 5: note that I referred to his - evaluation of RenalMReagan in the enclosed article. . i . 'Certa 5.27.1? you: alh-out fight wains?c crime, and Efforts to improve the moral and spiritual values of 951: sieople, especially youth,? must continue. Best 95:59:15.1 regards-., 5 7 - 1 a - 1513509119 $1 01% CONTAEW SUNGLASSTWED . a Xuglge?l? 335533503 . 9.1 . - .4 Governor Ronald R5agan a $5555 of California. fw, a :2 Capitol Building . "?55 Sacramnto, California- 21..-: . A i I J. 1.6352: Hacv55 . as, ?3 1-5" 55.55550: .. . P555551 Bureau of Investigation I N55 RE ?.0an - w?ashington, D. C. 191- MAY 241967. MW :rWrfig, '32! r: 53 57 . .. CK: is) ?if Vnhl?v?lii? 55.. - Li? I gv'g'jgi: 3? 13,5?: 23 mm? i' Ronald Reagah-444 MAY I 962 EDITION .. 1 Ronald Reagan-445 OPTIONALFORM no 0 ll .1 50,0406 GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 UNITED STA res . DeLouch . emorandu . Callahan Conrad Felt TO MR. DE LOAC DATE: July 31, 1967 ?gferf Tuvel - FROM W. V. I?letltetjalqoomr SUBJECT: INQUIRY FROM OFF OF 31 if . GOVERNOR RONAL EAGAN I) D. C. Mr. Eel-Gillenwater, Washington representative for Governor Ronald Reagan of California, called on July 28, 1967, and advised that the wife of the Governor's press secretary,W . and three daughters plan to drive from Virginia to Sacramento, California, beginning August 7,1967. He stated that Mrs. Nofziger desires to obtain a permit to carry a pistol in her car for personal protection and Mr. Gillenwater requested guidance as to how this could be done. After checking with ASAC McDermott of the Washington Field Office, Mr. Gillenwater was advised that there is no:. such thing as a national gun permit, neither is there any one agency which 'can authorize a person to? carry a weapon in an automobile across the country, with the exception of Federal officers of course. He was further advised that a driver is subject to each state? particular laws regarding firearms. He was told that if Mrs. Nofziger had a California police officer chauffeur for her it was possible that each state would recognize the authority of a state policeman to carry a weapon in an automobile and/ or from one state to another. :3 Mr. Gillenwater stated that he felt it was highly impossible for them to make arrangements for a policeman- chauffeur. He then stated that perhaps if Mrs. Nofziger was to become an honorary California police officer she would be allowed to carry a pistol in her automobile without being subject to arrest. He was advised that the FBI could make no decision in this regard. Mr. Gillenwater was very appreciative for the information furnished him. 35:1 .1 ,g . fg ACTION: ?at l/ 5.. fut 0N CONIA "1723?? My} 551 . ale/96 . Sgg?gl?fs upRonald Reagan-446 - {Noise}: (r - - .. Eagleachtil ?50; :g?g 'i Tisfr. Casper 5). Aj-ff g; p; - Caliahan? ?5.73 1- Comad FBI NASH Dc I: as Wit: FBI LOS ANS. {5f 311'. Trotter I Tale. Roomw 07PM URGENT 8?4" 67 BAK :1 LESS 30111193.: Ax? Miss Gandy- To DIRECTOR FROM LOS ANGELES (175-0) (3 POSSIBLE THREAT AGAINST LIFE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN. ?Wm PROTECTION OF THE PRESIDENT. DET. JERRY LONRY, SANTA A, CALIF., PD, ADVISED THIS DATE THAT HE HAD ASCERTAINED FROM A SOURCE WHOM HE BELIEVES TO BE RELIABLE, THAT A BARBARA WHO HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH GROUP, HAVE MADE PLANS TO CREATE AN INCIDENT DURING THE ANNUAL SANTA BARBARA FIESTA SIXTEEN LOWRY STATED THAT THE GROUR PLANNED GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN DDRING THE FIESTA, BUT COULD FURNISH No PLAN AS TO HOW THE GROUP INTENDED TO REAGAN. LOWRY ADDED THAT THEY WANTED TO HAVE A DEMONSTRATION AT THE OLD MISSION SANTA BARBARA WEDNESDAY NIGHT, AUGUST SIXTEEN NEXT, WHERE THE GOVERNOR NILL ATTEND, OR DURING THE FIESTA PARADE THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST SEVENTEEN NEXT IN WHICH THE WM GOVERNOR NILL RIDE. aggjge ./~tjg END GEDNE AUG 9 1967 E251 XUG 16 1967 ALL 1' z/ ?96 ?4 MR. DRDADH FOR THE . . . .. . m. Ronald Reagan-447 . .43 . l? . PAGE TNO LA 175*0 LOWRY ALSO ADVISED THAT THERE WAS AN UNCONFIRMED RUMOR THAT BETWEEN THREE HUNDRED AND THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERSONS CONNECTED WITH THE BLACK POWER MOVEMENT LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND AND BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., WOULD BE COMING TO SANTA BARBARA FOR THIS INCIDENT. i SANTA BARBARA POLICE DEPARTMENT HAS ADVISED THE OFFICE IN SACRAMENTO, BUT HAS NOT ASCERTAINED IF REAGAN INTENDS TO CHANGE HIS CURRENT PLANS TO TAKE . k? I. V. I. far (I: gl?m DUTY AGENT RONALD HORNE, ONE HUNDRED FIFTEENTH A 'v GROUP, U.S. ARMY, SANTA BARBARA, NAS ADVISED OF THIS PART IN THE FIESTA. 5% i 6:35: (I INFORMATION. 5? SPECIAL AGENT RICHARD ZARZANA, SECRET SERVICE, Los ANCELEs, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED AT THREE FIFTY FIVE PM THIS DATE BY SA LEROY N. SHEETS. ADMINISTRATIVE: sue-OP?: Susnl'r' eaPy END NHR FBI NASH DC I 1.. CG6 MR. SULLIVAN mam mu 16;me mm . mom?setmm WhMr?thdM5ma-t mm mmammn mummy. WEI. M?y mm, . ?Ea Egg: q?i 7W IDEP 22 1967 J. 47 . I . dgar Ex?-113 1 - mm V69: ?25 1967 1-1mm 1 .. HEREIN IS w- Framing DATE. I mag-j Kb 1 8? E35147 I: EC- 6 {23! C3 1 31: NOTE: We have enjoyed cord? a1 relations with Govern6r Reagan. a?gF??zdi/j?mgn ,ry?at: .4 arm: a" g3 331-35; MAIL noon/1E] TELETYPE UNITE Ronald Reagan- -448 Su GHEVGD :trfo .Roo . ?iv ,3 TO FROM SUBJECT: a .3333: mm 0293, let/8?. '1 i 1 19STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum ornomn ronM N41. lo I MAY 1962 EDITION GSA GEN. REGTolson DeLrooch gshop f?CQSper Calla dun Co Gale Rosen Sullivan Tovel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Candy MR. TOLSON DATE: 10/27/67 cc Mr. DeLoach . D. DeLoacE-E?g GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN (Homosexuals on staff) 3 7 Jack Anderson, of called me A on 10/27/67, and stated that Pea son had called him from the West Coast to ascertain if any information could be picked up to confirm a rumor Pearson had received while on the Coast.3 Anderson told me that.Governor Reagan had on his staff Irecently complained that her l?uyear-old son had been the subject of a homosexual attack by a member of the staff of Governor Reagan. The Governor assigned an, investi ator the name look into this matter.i Iplaced a microphone in a cabin owned by i136 AnderSon stated that Pearson had learned that: 33C microphone reflected homosexual activities at the above-mentioned cabin on the_nart ofl another staff member whose name is land a third individual whose last name ?Anderson was unable to state whether this is or not). While at the cabin one of the visitors reportedly /o352. 37525173?? new. was a young FBI Agent who did not know that the three aboqe- named individuals were homosexuals made a pass at the FBI Agent. The FBI Agent allegedly turned him down and left the place. Anderson wondered if the FBI had any 3 statement to make concerning this matter. I stated we b6 did not. WC Anderson stated it could be that Pearson had garbled? his facts, inasmuch as Pearson had another rumor that R?agan- had become alarmed over the fact that was "leaking" the results of cabinet meetings, and he had therefore, asked to investigate the matter__33 .3 .n 62 DEC 1 1967 8 Ronam 3% ., UNREC Mr. Tolson investigate and ascertained that a newsPaper reporter had a compromising homosexual position with a young boy. The reporter then blackmailedl into leaking information concernin cabinet meetings. Governor Reagan, based onl Ievidence, I told Anderson that this was not a matter within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI and we could not be of any assistance to him whatsoever. I stated I wanted him to know, however, that we had no information whatsoever reflecting that any FBI Agent had been involved in such a matter. 4 b7C After talking with Anderson, I called SAC Grapp and asked if he knew any of the above information. Grapp stated there was no truth whatsoever to any statement that an FBI Agent was involved in this matter, but that he had icked up a rumor several weeks ago about the fact that been found in a compromising position by a reporter an had been blackmailed as a result. SAC Grapp mentioned that his source of information stated this was the reason for I told Grapp of Andersonisscall and of the fact that Pearson was out on the West Coast. I stated if he received calls from either one of these men he should make no comment whatsoever. Grapp stated he would be guided accordingly. ACTION: 12.4% For record purposes. 55 -O -2- Ronald Reagan-450 ?i ?MMemomnaQ - an: TO 70M this matter may be or is being investigated by some Federal law EN CLOSURE ,1 FM 6669?). I . . . .2 Minoan FORM "0.10 . - sow?loo . ., MAV l962 mmou - . Loac UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . 6 wn?g RR: Mr. DeLoaC DATE: I 10/24/67 Sullivan?? A . A Tove) a 1 $333.11. E. BiSh ygf/ Holm ALL HUG CONT 'Atl REE Candy l3 ALLEGED DIVULGENCE 0F WHITE ?mi page: HOUSE TELEGRAM OR DIOGRAM {$1794 Lssm??s BY GOVERNOR RONALD (CALIF. 5857/33? .1 It will be recalled that for the past several days press stories have advised that a telegram or radiogram (or copy thereof) - sent by Marvin Watson of the White House to Price Daniel on the SS Independence during the Governors? Conference somehow fell into the hands of Governor Ronald Reagan of California, who disclosed its .contents to the press. There has been speculation in the press that enforcement agency as a violation of the Federal Communications Act of 1934. . UPI ticker of 10/24/67 reflects that the White House denied any. knowledge of reports that the FBI planned to investigate the circum- stances which led to Reagan receiving a copy of this communication. The UPI story said that Press Secretary George Christian of the White House would not comment but .instead, referred questions to the FBI. On this UPI ticker the Director has noted, assume we are not in on this II. For the Director's information, we are not conducting any investigation into this matter, nor have we received a request from the Department Of Justice to conduct such an investigation as of this date. We are so stating in inquiries being received from the press by my office. zz?i'i TRECORDED . ?th line?s? ORIGINAL FILED IN 9/ . RECOMMENDATION a None. For information." 1. - Mr. DeLoach?: I I 1 - Mr. Rosen - f/ 1 - Mr. M. A. Jones at; at}; . 0 . . TE 35?; 9?3 5 I (WW Ot?p?gs? - I, . - 20? CRIME RESEARCH . - -.- h'I? 1' i r- ?In-1h? idlw1.- 0-20 '(Rev. 7-27-67) . Kn} lson74? DeLoach -. . Cas er Conrad Felt i Sull lIvanh Tcwel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes I 3 Rohald Reagan-452 UPI-57 ADD LBJ MESSAGE ABOARD CONSTITUTION (UPI- -14) A THE NHITE HOUSE DENIED ANY KNONLEDCE OF REPORTS THAT THE FBI PLANNED TO INVESTIGATE THE CIRCUMSTANCES UHICH LED TO REAGAN RECEIVING A COPY OF THE UNITE HOUSE TELECRAM. PRESS SECRETARY CHRISTIAN UOULD NOT COMMENT ON THE REPORTS. INSTEAD REFERRED QUESTIONS TO THE FBI. 10/2 W2 .ALL CONIAMLD 1 i i i . x. HEREIN Is UNCUISSMEU 5ij if" gin/g. I ROG \O\v Spl?j I 30!? ya) 353.3 A ?916: HA . - Q4. A MADE FOR MRI TOLAQE ANCEOSEAA WASHINGTON LOSURE L. NEWS SERVICE A ..-. A . watAgqu if?? . - . a [a Tel, or? 0-20' (Rev. 7-27-67) . ?Loach . A . Mohr Bishop . Casper Callahan Conrad Felt 63:51:? Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Gandy I UPI-26 . (LBJ MESSAGE) NEH EIGHT- DAY CRUISE OF POLITICS AND PLEASURE TOR THE NATION GOVERNORS ENDED YESTERDAY WITH THE SUSPENSION OF THE CHIEF .OPERATOR OF THE LUXURY LINER INDEPENDENCE, IN THE CASE OF THE. RADIOGRAM. A GOV REACAN, HHO RECEIVED A COPY OF THE RADIOGRAM INTENDED FOR A NHITE HOUSE LIAISON MAN ABOARD THE FLOATING CONFERENCE SAID: ACTION SMACA OF PERSECUTION. THIS IS THE GREAT SOCIETY AT BENEVOLENT REPORTS CIRCULATED THAT THE FBI HAS INVESTIGATING To SEE IT A FEDERAL LAN HAD BE EN BROKEN BUT SOURCES IN NASHINCTON SAID A COMPLAINT NOULD HAVE TO BE THROUGH THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT BEFORE AN INVESTIGATION. THAT HAS NOT BEEN DONE, THEY SAID. THE SUSPENSION OF THE RADIO OPERATOR CHARLES BERGER A VETERAN OT 16 YEARS HITH THE AMERICAN EXPORT- ISBRANDTSEN LINES HAS ANNOUNCED ESTERDAY AFTER THE INDEPENDENCE BROUGHT IKE NATIONAL I CONFERENCE BACK To NEH YORK. THE SUSPENSION NILL BE .IN 1 EFFECT PENDING AN INVESTIGATION, SAID LINER CAPTAIN, CHARLES I REAILLY. FLL JNFORMAIS 0N HEREIN ?3 UNCLIASSLT HI) A. 3L a/C 5547553; -r LillyQ .3. an.? .3 .l .31; . . WASHINGTON CAPITAL NEWS SERVICE - Ronald Reaganm? . m. Ronald Reagan-454 Tolson o-is?Tnev. 7327-671 . . - . F) 1 DeLoach Write an Remohe? in, Cavernors Ease AW NEW YORK, Oct. 24 The ?chief radio operator of the liner Independence was suspended today pending investigation of how'a White House telegram got into the wrong hands during the ship- board Governors? Conference. Shortly after the liner .brought the National Gover- 9nors? Conference back to New York, Capt. Charles W. Reilly announced he was suspending 'chief radio operator Charles Berger. cruit support for a resolution backing Mr. Johnson?s Viet-' nam policy Reagan told a news confer- ence ?in Sacramento, today that he had not broken any Federal law, intentionally or accidentally, when he read, and disclosed the radiogram?s contents. The delivery of the telegram to the wrong party could be the subject of an investigation either by the Marine Inspec?, tion Office of the Coast Guard or by the Federal Communica- The mysterious ?purloined?ions Commission. The FBI radiogram??as it came to be .known during the Governors? eight-day cruise to the Virgin Islands?was sent' by White House Aide-Marvin Watson to . former Gov. Price Daniel of Texas, President Johnson?s liaison man..'at the floating Cnference. But the message ended up -in the hands of California Gov. Ronald Reagan, who dis- 5closed its contents. It specifi- Daniels to re- said it would only conduct in- quiries into the matter at the equest of the Justice Depart- ment CC said late today they were{ not yet investigating the tele-ai gram incident; The criminal code makes it a crime for anyone ?not an agent of the sender? to divulge a'telegram message without authorizat' except in cases '9f_ ?ships Ail. INFUR MAT 10h! (SONIA: 1415? 1 Half.? .1l?l lg 911?" 13/6 1} 11:51 11111 61;; 465, I73 The Coast Guard, FBI and? - Mohr . . Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale ,Rosen Sullivan Tavel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes 1. Candy The Washington Post Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washington) The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post The New York Times The Sun (Baltimore) The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer 'People's World .47 7?s; o-tb (new. 7- I ?Reagan described as 27-67) this . Dil Says He Broke No Law in . Disclosing the Radiogram Special to The New York Times 1 SACRAMENTO.. Calif., 'Oct. 24?Gov. Ronald Reagan de- nied today'that he or his staff had broken any law in reading and disclosing the contents of ancopy of a wire from the White House to a Presidential conference?of the nation?s Gov- ,ernors. . . The Republican Governor aide at last week?s shipboard told reporters here that he had received a copy of the radio: . gram, in a seated envelope ad- dressed to him, as just one of the. number of mistaken. deliv- eries _at the conference. think in an operation this: big. it iust happened that this. - .?was Big Casino, this particular :message,? said Governor Rea- ?gan ?but there were at least a dozen that I know of-. mistaken deliveries. As a mat-? ter of fact Paul Laxalt, Gov: 'ernor of Nevada, received a message intended for me.? . Mr. Reagan said he had not been questioned by agents of he Federal Bureau of Investil ation about the incident", al- though there was a report that ,Ethe bureau was participating ,in, an investigation to determine i. Whether Federal law had been- violated by the disclosure of the wire?s contents. -1 would have thought that? Washington wouldhave pre- ferred to just let the matter die," Mr. Reagan said. {L?Intended for' Price Daniel The White House_rnessage Was intended for Price Daniel. former Governor of Texas, who was President Johnson's liaison man at the_59th Conference of Governors, which took place aboard the Independence on a cruise to the Virgin Islands. :The message, from W. Mar- vin Watson, at special assistant' to the President,? inciuded suggestions for what "Mr. ?arm- twisting" of several Republican Governors to get them to support the resolution backing the Administration?s Vietnam war policy.? 'He said that he and other Governors were seated around the table when conference aides began distributing mes- . sages to them and _their assistants. ?Mr. Reagan said three. were given to" his staff a'n immediately handekdrengmsmegma. the. segue. =a ?6 sees . a n. Hm" :"Wmm?lin sealed eta?m? 5, A and addressed to him. After. opening one, which turned out to be a copy of a message he had received earlier, the Cali-4 fornia Governor said. he opened - . another. ??When I opened it and saw the heading ?White House, 1 immediately'took the envelope andlooked again to make sure thataI hadn?t opened something in "mistake,? said Mr. Reagan. "?It was a Xeroxed copy. As. it: developed, Price Daniel re- c'?ived the .original _20 hours earlier than received this can . . . fl?liveryone almost every- ?ohe around-the table was re-2 ceiving messages. As I say it .r"w?as a. regular delivery. The first few lines were ob iously 'dEaling with a Vietnam reso- Ilution and a list of such reso- lutions in the Governors Con- ence. f3?50, frankly, I assumed that this must be.some kind?of a general distribution, trying _to convince us of the necesSity, for aii?dtingial .tion, and I read it. It wasnt Lintil ?th to the last fggv?lgines 'cided that evidently it?wasn?t :meant for'~ my eyes or anyone '-else?s because in the last few lines were the instructions for arm-twisting a couple of Re- publican governors.? . Governor Reagan said heare- turned it to his staff amgdis- closed to the Republican Gov- ernors the existence of the message ?and that evidently 'this whole thing [the Vietnam resolution] was as we _had thought from the beginning, the desire of the White House,- springing up from? our fellow Governors." That evening, a reporter- for The. Associated Press asked him about the message, Mr. Reagan said. .The reporter was, re- ferred to the Governor?s staff. The tions secretary, . Nofzxger, copy of . the wire 3 b?t?ald'clle?d: on ?the next page that?"I de-_ Governor's? "communica-; I Ronald Reagan-45a A Tolson . . DeLoo'ch - Mohr Bishop ., Casper Collohon Conrad Felt Gale ,Rosen Sullivan Tovel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Gondy an; thrush/men commute HEREIN lS ENCLOSURE In?ows v-u . ss??imsw a 405; M3 The Washington Post Times Herald The washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washington) The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post The New York Times . The Sun (Baltimore) The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer People's World OCT 2 5 19.57 Date 1-. . .. nu~ - klitf?x?? .- . . 7-27?67) . ?m . 1 Tolsocn - . a DeLooch . 9 Mohr Ronald Reagan-45 BishOp Casper .-. .. - . .1, . Callahan . i A ,1 - tam-=29. "-53 - .Jll. ?i ?as. 1 "luv?. ?v?llflilll} Gale Sat I la? . it"..unhulslirrgf Bosen . r43: . nlnunll'llil Sullivan By TED LEWIS - ??91 Trotter Washington; octf 24"?Now that federal law enforce'??: 1 mentagencres are in the act, presumably the White House-4 Te 6' Room finally find out how Gov. Ronald Reagan got hold of Holmes a secret message from a presidential political aid; Candy The? purpose of this political madness is impossible out. If it is an effort.to cut Reagan down to the-size of brain-'3 washed Gov.- Romneytit is a curiously inspired piece of political. shenanigans. . . Q. i 'Sure, the entire episode has been' . Masgage embarrassing to the President and the? . -. ?_?dministration! And the White House: - as a natural and admitted curiOsity- . Shaves concerning just how the ?leak occurred: ., . ?But theusuggestion is ludicrous .. . Forget hat 'Rea'gan acted unethically by readli "mg-and distributing. a White House: . - . =?telegram addressed to a Democratic, {politician Any politician would?ve a damfool in any big 'campaig'n; .if he didnt read?and make full use of?anytitillating bitof the." .opposition?s private correspondence that fell into his hands. - 3?13 So Reagan, whilevon the luxury cruise of the nation?s-gave: ernors aboard the Independence;- acted 'with political astuteness-t when he let other Republicans r? 4 see what the White House in-_ Km. - -, structions were to governors. - As a result of this leak "of "i course, the GOP governors irised to go along with a'White House plan for them to endorse formally the Johnson-Rusk Viet policy. And the President hadvto cancel tentative plans to fly diWn -to the Virgin Islands and make 8a speech commending \them on 1 their patriotism. - . The damage has been (loner 5 It would have been better for-all; sides to ferg?et the incident That") would be the advice of all?na-a, . tionally experienced politicians. They know that a display of vin- . dictiveness is ineffective in a case where voters find humor. rampant with politicians messed up by their own conniving. - Even Reagan, out in Sacra- abstain from re- examination C?f'llAtht areas is (remnants 4 singleLmsaSP-sz% ?as" 052193 . The Washington Post Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washington) I The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post ;i The New York Times The Sun (B altimore) viving the ?whole ethical-political . Th issue. today. He was aware at - Ronald Reagan :53; Worker the time . that the .Isbrandtsen 3 Was, it so terrible? 15,; r. The New Leader Line had investigated the leak. - "1?53, and that the coast guard ?_and the Federal? Communications Come; The Wall Street Journal a- mission wanted all the facts?just in case. The National Observer 1 Edit was even reported here that the FBI'w?as in on the-fringes? of the investigation! This is pnlikely of course, but when this adj? People's 66M ministration .expr'es'ses even- gimple curiomty rat. the- White'Houlse) 2 5' .1523? level, pretty much the whole Date ..- ..-. . .. .mus-I carafe". Won. x/ ?1 I nnonosnss a 7 l" v" A Form Letter. Reagan Thoughf wwm?? What Reagan had to say was comparatively unimpmtant ex?1 cept that he thought he we just getting a. copy of a fo_11n letter that while addressed to :liaison man on the cruise, Daniel of Texas, was in esumably for general distribution; 5.. ,He should not have weaselcd. He had all sorts of pieccdents fiom previous political wars to show that enemy co1respo1'1dence?; belonged to anyone who could lay his hands on it and exploit it. As far back as the oldest pa1ty hack can remember, both parties?{ national committees and campaign operatives have operated 011 th'e'i ;basi_s that nothing should be put in uniting if secrecy is vital. Teoi many times in the far distant past letters meant for the ?eyes on"ly??i .of another loyal party ?gure have turned up in the other party?s headquarters and in?uenced elections. In 1964, there Was a big hassle with hypociitical cries of ?1311-; . ethical? tossed around wildly. The GOP National Committee had; placed a ?spy? in Democratic Party headquarteis. Copies of LBJ s' travel plans wele leaked, so Barry Goldwate"rs managers knew\ where Johnson was going before local Dmocratic leadeis. was a real cute trick, but the Reagan affair was more like a case in the presidential election of 181_8, when Benjamin Harrison beat G10ve1 Clevland by a narrow margin. Just before Election Day that year, Blitish Ambassador Sack- ville West was revealed to have written a letter to an A111er:ican. citizen who pleaded for advice on how to vote as a British sympa3? thizer. sackville West 1eplied in effect: Vote for Cleveland. .Andi sine enough the diplomat? 5 letter ended up in GOP headquarters, as splanned? .. 1. - The Interesting Question of Ethics "ii How about the ethics in that skulduggery, which definitely Helpied Harlison win the election over incumbent Democrat Cleve- an 1 i And how about the ethics in Bairy Goldwater?s admitted she: nanigans at the GOP National Convention in 1964? He admitted a few weeks ago, and not sheepishly, that his suppmters had been 1eady to cut TV lines if at any time his GOP opposition appeared: able to sway the delegates against him. As for Reagan, some 'of his fancy- pants c1itics keep on insisting that, in the Independence incident, he had taken the cynical appi oach to politics when he had been expected to rise and shine above- the' gutter of partisanship. This insane admonition has been based 011'- ?his nice-guy roles on the late- late shows. In other words, he was letting down the little old ladies' in tennis; shoes by acting like a big- time politician rather than a novice from Hollywood. Regardless of the ethical controversy over his conduct, is no valid argument about one result-?-what he did in connection with the letter made the Texas mob, in and out of the White; ?,House look like rank amateurs. {1 That is why they have been bleeding so much'm-Marvin Watson 'iri the White House, who ?put in 'what 'no smart politician LWould' put?f 1'1 paucity: Price 1111111111? 'w?ho had?th? audacity to 'cry foul? I?on shipboaidj ?and Texa's' G'ov. John Cohn'ally,? who' suddenly My!? mission for Clean politics?at least outside of Texasm?t? . Ronald Reagan-457 Ronald Reagan?458 "if" Bisho" ?brin 11f QIaIifnmia OFFICE I Mr. 5111311.. A SACRAMENTO 95814 .: .- r. Felt Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. TeIe. Room? Miss Miss G5ndy-.. OCtOber 23' 1967 {w Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Hoover: Governor Reagan has asked to acknowledge receipt of your letter of ecent date, in which you informed him that the FBI has opened an additional office in Sacramento under the super- vision of Mr. John H. Williams. I have already spoken to Mr. Williams, and feel sure that we will become better acquainted in the future. Please be assured of this Office's fullest co~ Operation at all times. ALL INFORMAHON CONTAXNED Sincerely, HERENV ISU . "7777? .. agamame??lg' r?r?r 5 3 I I EdwiriAX se 5 (iji Legal Affairs Secretary :f?I gf?yfr 2pm ,gg/ LA REG 3% M53752 NOV 7 1967 Jr . mai??mmcs January 18, was 6 Harm-able Ronald Rama The Getter-her e: 031th Sacramenta, Canter-his; ?814 My dear Geverner Reagan: was certainly a pleasure ta we and Mr. weenie in my of?ee this naming. As memeetm the mansion, copies at the plants. graphs nude aiming year mt: Will be sent to yea and ML Mme separately. ALL WORMAHDN comma; . . . an 53 mammcu7 Sincerely years, 3.35- 31.3697 Rik Hoover <51 $539303 mblgSacramento - f: - {j 2 rs more path?? ?a v5 I.- JAN 19 1958 i? 1&9? Tolson DeLoach Mohr Bishop Casper a? ?2 11 Callahan .7 Conrad Felt G01 1 . ?1 305:? GTQ: Ll . t' .v {h Sullivan Tavel . . - it: :t 333" 23.5.3; Tro er Telg?oom' .4 - Holmes v? . Candy . MAIL ROOM TEL ETYPE UNIT El 61? a Ronald Reagan-459 r- 2/ 4-572 (Rev. 7-18-63) 31312223735? . we?. m. no a. 31' Ronald Reagan-460 UNITED STA rEs GOVERNMENT Memorandum T0 The Director 3 DATE: ?257 FROM 1 N. P. Callahan SUBJECT: The Congressional Record . ELSE . . . . . . - mam 'MEWE . .. . . Exam jim? (1964 items concern Walter Jenkins.) ?411.454 3 ., u' 1? Jr! EEPEE :3 c: ESSMED a 4 55%) 405/(93 4:01:16; O/d. 7 Au. mum ?wirmsz .. de?Z?E/rm f4? NOT WRECORDED Mimic ?Eli 1357 In the original of a memorandum captioned and dated as above, the Congressional Record for 2.5/60 was reviewed and pertinent items were marked for the /Director' 8 ttention. This form has been prepared in order that ?portrons of the original memorandum may be clipped mounted, and placed fpao?r?t?cgp urgau-ease or subject matter files. a 2 Li}, '1 '3'4 t? ?5 0-19 (Rev. 7-27?67) Ronald Reagan '3 in. {mushroom comma) asses i3 Mar - 5mm DATE..- 6 The Washing on erry-Go-Bound -461 [i [/73 Deo Tolson sperw (111011011..? Gov. Reagan9 ?Ti?9 Charge hallen ?ed credibility gap in Washington, Reagan must stand scrutiny as to his own credibility. Hearst?s veteran political re- porter, Marianne Means, was told by Mississippi?s Gov. Paul Johnson earlier this year that he had advised Reagan in a private conversation not to run for the Presidential nomi- nation in the South. Reagan at a luncheon of United Press International editors not only called the story a ?lie? but declared scornfully: ?Further- more, I have never met Gover- nor Johnson. She must have been talking to the hippies at Haight-AShbury.? The enterprising Miss Means produced a picture of Reagan and Johnson hud- dled together at a governors affair. Kossen, political writer for the San Francisco Exam- iner, told this column that he had heard Reagan tell a lum- 63y? Jack Anderson Four times in a 20- minute press conference, Gov. Ronald Reagan alst week called Drew Pearson a li1.ar It was one of the veteran actor?s most per su-asive performances. The point of Reagan?s per- formance was that 4 Pearson had lied-about the dismissal of two sex deviates from the Sacramento staff. Reagan de- scribed the Pearson column as ?scurrilous? and ?ridiculous.? ;When reporters pressed him about his investigation of homosexuals in his official- faIWov-ernor snap-:ped just don?t know what you are talking about, really Facts have now filtered out, disputing Reagan. Such re- spected newspapers as the New York Times and Boston Globe, after careful investigation, have concluded that Pearson was and Reagan Wrong bermen?s convention at San Charged the Globe. ?To put it as politely as possible for the readers of a family news- a: .. woo-d, on have seen them all. paper, Ronald Reagan is not Othery reporters were also to be believed.? . present, said Kossen. Columnists Rowland Evans Reagan not only denied he 33d); gobert Nov?k udeclaired had made the statement that a eagan was te 111g con- the reporters had heard With siderably less than the truth.? - . . their own ears, but he took the They quoted a prominent Cali- trouble of playing a tape of fornia Republican, following his speech for the reporters. Reagan?s press conference as Th 1 - . - tape omitted the contro- snorting. Mr. Integrity Just versial statement. Trained re? went down the drain.? porters, however, seldom make :Wide Credibility Gap mistakes. Reagan had made he statement. eSi-dentiall prospect 1 New York. columnist. and TV ing in the Ladies? Home Jour- n-,a1 has also told of mailing a registered letter to Reagan which he blandly denied re- eeiving Later, Sullivan was startled to read in Hedda Hop- per?s column: ?Ronald Reagan and I had a great laugh at that letter from that New York col- umnist. Reagan repeated his denial in a letter to Sullivan, date-d Hopper item, he said: have just never been a reader of the Hollywood columns.? Sullivan could swallow Rea- gan?s story of the unreceived letter, but he added with dis- belief: ?This statement that a Hollywood actor never read the Hollywood columns is in- credible.? .1 When asked whether his press secretary Nofziger had discussed the homosexual case with reporters on the govern-ors? conference cruise, Reagan snapped: am pre- pared to say that nothing like that ever happened Then he turned to his press secretary and asked: ?Want to confirm it, Lyn?? ?Confirmed,? said Nofziger grimly The New York Times has now published the names of Six reporters who heard N'of- ziger discuss the homosexual case: Paul Hope of the Wash- ington Star, David Broder of The Washington Post, Karl Fleming of Newsweek, Carl W: Greenberg of the 3M M-cDowgl oi ?e July 8, 1966. As for the Hedda? The Washington ost has Times Herald The Washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washington) The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post The New York Times The Sun (Baltimore) The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer People's World MW 9 Date old? 0 . isco Examiner ?and B111 Ames of the A Broadcasting System The question now buzzing in political circles is?why? It would have been far less damaging for him to admit the facts and point out that he had fired the homosexuals. Why did he try to cover up? The question will be asked by the politicians for many; months to come. is . a Challenge for Sen. Javit't?} For a long time Democratic leaders. in New York have been sitting on their swivel chairs figuring that Sen. Jacob Javits, the senior Republican of their state, was unbeatable. - However, a young Democratic Congressman, Joseph Y. Res- nick, from the Rip Van Winkle country up the Hudson Valley; lhas now decided to dispel their defeatism. Resnick will an; nounce this week that he will run for the Democratic nomi- nation for the Senate with a View to taking on Javits. Resnick, a Jewish liberal, Will run on a pro-American ticket. He intends to challenge what he calls the ?hate-Americans? and the ?peaceniks? who have inspired draft card burnings and peace marches. Indirectly he will also chal- lenge Sen Bobby Kennedy and John Burns, New York State Democratic chairman, who have exuded a sense of defeatism re-' garding bo?h Javits and the Vietnam war. 1967, Bell-McClure Syndicate Ronald Reagan-462 FIl()hd Trotter Tele.Room - Holmes .M. .- ef? SUBJECT: 64K a? - 1 OPIIONAL 140.10 5010-406 MAY 1962 EDITION GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 DeLocch UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT :1 a shop COSper Memorandum 333,130? Felt . Gale Mr. Bisl?? DATE January 18, 1968 Tove] GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN (R - CALIF.) I MEET WITH THE DIRECTOR THURSDAY, Veg," ,1 JANUARY 13, 1968, AT 10 ALL is 3?30; 02%. DATL I Reference is made memorandum T. E. Bishop to C. D. DeLoach dated January 12, 1968, captioned as above, which enclosed a brief for the Director's information in connection with Governor Reagan's meeting with him on January 18th. Late on January 17th, SAC Grapp, Los Angeles, telephoned the Bureau tO advise regarding a matter about which he has just learned, which Governor Reagan may discuss during his meeting with the Director. He said that the California Senate Judiciary Committee is currently holding meetings in Sacramento on a proposition that a state -wide campus police force be created and placed under the control Of the Governor. This would centralize law enforcement on the nearly 30 college and university campuses in the state. Grapp said this is apparently becoming a hot political issue and Reagan may ask the Director's views. He advised many of the campus police departments are in Opposition to this proposal and prefer to remain independent. Grapp ii ?gist? stated that although there could be certain advantages in the plan, such em as uniformity in administration and perhaps better training, it would seem best for the Director not to express an opinion since this is purely a state issue. This matter was discussed with Assistant Director Cas (per . who concurs. . 10 5 ga/ .. I151 11% JAN 19 1?68 For the Director's information mm 1? Mr. ,DeLoach 1 - Miss Gandy 1 Miss Holmes f: i ?1351?? Ronald Reagan-463 (8) I Mr. . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGAT DZLoachm U. 3. DEPARTMENT OFJUSTICE . OOMNONICATION Mi. 3:311:15" 3 JAN 181368 I own- A A: as (5:13:23: I: 3212;? I . Rosen FBI . Mr. Trotter NT 1?18?58 EEC Tele. Room Mi'ss HolmcsI TO DI CTOR aw? FROM PITTSBURGH (100-15884) PICKETING DEMONSTRATION OF GOVENOR RONALD DURINO HIS APPEARANCE AI PITTSBURGH, FA., JANUARY EISRIEEN SI TY i1t3_ INFORMATION CONCERNING. (IS). .?'l9umm?m?? ?3 SOON ?33; 9,1 RETEL PITTSBURGH IO BUREAU, JANUARY EIGHTEEN i :i DO JANUARY EIOHIEEN INSTANT LIEUTENANT CLARK TONER, PITTSBURGH PA., P.D. ADVISED THAT BETWEEN TWELVE NOON AND ONE VT SE 3" rm- 3 PM, INSTANT DATE, APPROXIMATELY THIRTY FIVE INDIVIDUALS Tam: II, - .3. 32' CONDUCTED PICKETING DEMONSTRATION BEFORE SYRIA MOSQUE, PITT- BURGH, WHERE GOVENOR REAGAN WAS SCHEDULED TO SPEAK AT REPUBLICAN FUND LUNCHEON AT TWELVE FORTY FIVE PM. Finis-mu DEMONSTRATION WAS CONCLUDED BEFORE ARRIVAL OF GOVENOR REAGAN. an" MOST OF SIGNS CARRIED BY DEMONSTRATORS PROTESTED U.S. INVOLVE- MENT IN WAR IN VIETNAM. LEAFLETS OPPOSING WAR IN VIETNAM WERE DISTRIBUTED. DEMONSTRATI WAS ORDERLY AND WITHOUT INCIDENT. ALL INFORMATION CONTAI LHM FOLLOWS. UNCTIIADSAFIED I, $51,244,! I I Mme 110 .3 END l?i?S? 3 JAN 22 1953 591% 55c! '95\9\ A 71wa XEROX 363 Ronald Reagan-464 JAN 1958 ?x cur-noun FORM no. in 5010?106 my 1902 EDITION GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 Tolson UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Leach Ronald Reagan-465 Memorandum (5333:2399 . -- .. Felt Gale DATE: December 22, 1967 3 Tavel 9? timed?ss??e?i?o? 329%? '99999999 2:33? SUBJECT: QQYERNQR RONALD FEM 4 9 /M?zw 9 REQUEST TO SEE THE DIRECTOR MORNING OF JANUARY 18, 1968 .. gr At approximately 1:30 p.m. today, 12/22/67, Ed. 3 Gillenwaters in Governor Ronald Reagan's (R- Calif. Washington 9? office telephonically contacted my office and made the following 3.. request: 93.191 Gillenwaters stated that Governor Reagan is making 31,333.79 3 an Eastern trip in January and would be in Washington, D. C. on the morning of January 18th and would appreciate an appointment to see the Di??tor that morning. Gillenwaters advised that Governor Reagan would have to leave Washington at approximately 11: 33 a. m. 2? .- that day as he has a luncheon engagement in Pittsburgh. Gillenwaters ?-3.33 3.3725929;- advised that the Governor would be most appreciative if he could visit .. with the Director, as he would like to talk with Mr. Hoover concerning '9 9" the crime problem and the situation at the University of California. Gillenwaters said that if the Director so desired, there would be absolutely no publicity in connection with the Governor' 5 visit in the event the Director could see him. 1 98 3g Gillenwaters was thanked for calling and advised of the a 31? Director?s heavy commitment schedule, but told that we would be in 9 g; touch with him within a few days. Gillenwaterh? office is Suite 708, 3 1101 17th Street, N. W. and his telephone number is 23? 1742. 3959 Elie?c?h/f?w?f??/ 3/3 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 *5 1953 9 - F: (1) That the Director indicate whether or not ha w?EQfe'z 9 5:1; 3 5 5:1, able to see Governor Reagan on the morning of January 18th next, and 3 ?9 99? in the event he does, the Crime Records Divigsion will prepare an . 3:3} apprOpriate brief. nil SENT DIRECTOR 33:3, 99 .39 99 FOR APPROVAL {3n :9 "399' 9 If?? 1111/: 59-999? (2) That this memorandum be returned to the Crime Records Division so that Gillenwaters can be appropriately advised of the Directors (19*?9 GJr-ywa in v4 . decision in this matter. [439/ .: :3 e1?: 39 1 - Mr. DeLoach 1 - Mr. Gale 1- Mr. Jones 1 Miss Holme?g 1? Mr. Rosen 9' ,r (36 If; 1- Mr. Sullivan EB) . at; it; $539. 5?51: 1- Miss Gandy OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 MAY 1962 EDIYION a GSA GEN. [66. NO. 27 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Ronald Reagan-466 egzomndum To Mr. DeLo??f/d/ DATE: January 2, 19.6% FROM . . \y SUBJECT: GQYERNQR RONALD REAGAN (R-CAL.) REQUEST TO SEE THE DIRECTOR MORNING OF JANUARY 18, 1968 2.1?3 1? 2 I BACKGROUND: Sullivan Tsvei Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Gondy The Director has agreed to see Governor Ronald Reagan of California at 10:00 a.m. January 18,1968. This appointment has been confirmed with the Governor Washington office. The Crime Records Division is preparing a suitable brief for the Director 3 use in connection with this visit. I 5 CURRENT REQUEST: 0n the morning of December 29, 1967, Donna Crouch, ,4 Secretary in the Governor's Washington office, telephonically con- tasted the Bureau and advised that she was calling in behalf of Ed Gillenwaters, head of Governor Reagan's Washington office. Gillenwaters was on leave for the week but had asked Miss Crouch to call the Bureau to advise that Governor Re would be; accompanied by individuals. She identified them as follows: E-d??mi who is the Governor' 5 Secretary for Legal Affairs and 'William Jr. who is th?Governors Executive Secretary, Miss Crouch indicated that these individuals are members of the Governor' 3 Cabinet, are appointees and not elected officials. 1?70?? cerrarm (1.315314 7? 2 SURCLASSIFI Mi 1 EASE 0n the basis of information furnished, Neese and Clark are not identifiable in Bureau files. r? at 1 RE COMMENDATION 3 FEB ?Ze1953 None. For the Director's information. The Crime Records Division will, through our Sacramento Office, ascer'T?a'in further details as to the background of Meese and Clark. 1 Mr. Delhoach 1 - Mr. Jones WW 1 Miss Holmes Q, 1 - Miss Gandy . 1- Mr. Gale DGH:dse (9) I it; .. 1- Mr. Rosenm 119.3,.? 1.. 1 - Mr. Sullivan OPTIONAI. FORM NO. 10 . 5010-406 my 1962 EDITION GSA GEN. (56. no. 27 . Tolson UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Blah A emomnd 2523.20? Felt TO 7 Mr. DeLoac January 1968 .- 'Tele. Room FROM 3 Mr. Bighogyd?g/ (O I MEET THE DIRECTOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1968, 10 A. M. 31/, The Director has indicated he will meet Governor A Reagan at captioned date and time. There is attached a brief concerning material of interest that the Director may use in his discussion with the Governor. RECOMMENDATION: For the Director's information. Enclosure Mr. DeLoach - Enclosure A A . . 17 Emlosure ALL comma? 1 MISS GandY Endosure mm. as unclassmm 1 - Miss Holmes - Enclosure 9 $949303 JHC. (8) A I 405(iv'k?Anew-2' ?Em 5 41/Ronald Reagan-467 TO FROM SUBJECT: .- OPTIONAI. FOIM NO 10 mu 1952 21:11qu csapEN. use. no UNITED STATES 00.1 5010?106 NMENT Memorandum Mr. Bishogypj 935? DATE 1?17-68 Tolson DeLooch Mohr Bishop Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen Sullivan Tovel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Gundy GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN (R. - CAL.) MEET THE DIRECTOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1968, 10 A. M. ,1 Reference is made to Mr. Bishop to DeLoach memorandum, 1-12-68, captioned as above, which enclosed a brief concerning material of interest that the Director may desire to use in captioned meeting with the Governor. There are attached; copies of two articles from Washington, D. C. newspapers concerning Governor Reagan. These have been received subsequent to preparation of the above- mentioned brief and they may be of interest to the Director in his discussion with the Governor. One article comments on the Governor's Republican election primary plans and the other sets forth his speechmaking schedule in conjunction with his current visit to Washington. Neither article mentions the fact that the Governor will meet Mr. Hoover. 323% 1% For the Director's information. Enclosures (2) I . I 1 Mr. DeLoach? Enclosures (2) 7/ ?at/t RECOMMENDATION: M7: VA innar- AA. A 55:53: R8 1 Mr. Bishop- Enclosures (2) 5:55.55 1 - Miss Gandy - Enclosures (2) A iv . 1 - Miss Holmes - Enclosures (2) innit comma g! i Aw A is Ramssxeio C:nls 8 DATE as}: BY fgip - A. ?1 '62Ft853 MQEBEOEY MADE FOR ER. Rec-R] Ronald Reagan- -468 A, so. ACKSON DOYLE. Special to The Star SACRAMENTO, Calif. Gov: Ronald Reagan says he will stay out of- states where his name is being entci ed in Republican pri- maries including New Hamp- shire, where he has become an ?unwilling? write-in. candidate. Reagan told a press confer- ence here yesterday that ve? done eveiything in the world Ii can in New Hampshire to stop" what he labeled a ?mailin. or write-in? campaign in his be- half. He said he ?certainly wouldn? t, stick my neck out by going; ,there. 1 Any such visit to New Hamp: shire, he said, ?would open up a; can of peas that I think we have; -?managed to keep the lid on. The leading contenders in the New Hampshire primary March 12 are Michigan Gov. George Romney and former Vice Presi- vdent Richard Nixon. Nixon? strategists fear any strong Reagan effort would take conservative votes away from Nixon. "Convention Group Named. - Reagan, just beginning his second year in the statehouse here, meantime announced ap- pointnient of a 36-member com-. .mittee composed largely of1 conservative Republicans but with a sprinkling of moderates. --. to help form his ?favorite .son? delegation to the GOP Na- tional Convention in Miami BeachinAugust. William French Smith, a Los Angeles attorney and longtime Reagan backer, was named, chairman of the organizing com-r mittee. . The panel does not includei Senators Thomas H. Kuchel or George Murphy, nor any other statewide officeholder. - Smith said both Kuchel, a moderate who refused to en- dorse Reagan for governor, and Murphy, longtime Hollywood as- sociate of Reagan? s, have said they do not want to be on the. BEE-member delegation' in August. This-, French said, is because "Kuchei will be busy seeking re- election, and Murphy will be busy as chairman of the Senate Campaign Committee. Mm?? 53h Won 1in States ?Where Name Is in ?imsy} I 'mmv?-w mg Financial Backers .J The organizing committee is: loaded with big financial back- ers ?including oil men and m- dustrialists who were among the earliest "Reagan for Governor? hackers and who worked for Barry Goldwater in 1964.1 There are a few on the organ- ?izing committee who supported New York _.Gov Nelson A. Rockefeller over Goldwater in the bitter 1964 California pri- marv. All 36 members of the organiz- ing have one thing in common they all supporte his nomination. Furthermore, they all have stuck by. him dur- ing his first year in office. Committee chairman Smith- said each of 86 convention delee gates and 86 alternates will be asked, as a condition of their appointment ?to remain com-. mitted to Reagan-unt11heRea?- gan, releases the delegation bind delegates to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged, even on the first ballot 1 1' 1 but they are morally bound to do? so until released": and historical! ly no delegate has Violated such? asnmmitment. Reagan has; .fund - raising giving next week through Tulsa, Okla. ., Washington, D. C. New York, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and St. Louis. He indicated yesterday that this will be the last out-of-state foray during the 1968 legislature session, which could run into late summer. Last year, Reagan spent a good deal of time politicking around the country?resulting in ever-rising speculation that he is, indeed, running for president. But he reiterated yesterday, him to campaign in states? other than California where he inheing pushed for the GOP nomination. -. ?a mil:- - .1 Reagan for governor following - California does not legally; that he can?t conceive of any circumstances that would lead ALL WQRHAHOH NED ?5 UNCLASSHEFQ L311 519- 7% The Evening Star Washington, D. C. . January 11, 1968 Page ?y Ronald "Reagan-466? M. Tolson 0-19 (Rev. 7?27-17) - .1 1 DeLo'ach I \1 .1 . . Mohr. . . Bishop I - . Casper Callahan Conrad Felt Reagan Plans A We Rose-n Talks Here . 51111111 Tovel Tomorrow . 1111111 Tele1--Room California?s Gov. Ronald Rea- - Holmes gan makes a one-day stop here . Gondy tomorrow in the midst of a five-. day nationwide tour to raise! close to $1 million for. the Reg; publioan 'pai?ty. .I The governor, often men- tioned as a possible candidate for the GOP presidential nomi-, nation, will raise no money for; the GOP while here. Tomorrow he will meet with GOP leaders in Congress and GOP members from California. He also will hold a mom con- ference. Reagan will be in Tulsa to- night to appear at events that will bring in a total of $90,000 for the GOP. On Thursday, he; 9 ALL li?t?FOR CONTASNED will ts111111111133was) is 0110111331th even 111 1 ur - to be raised End Phila- DATE 12.31011 5k. delphia, where the GOP expects me 5349803 #4 to gain $525, 000. 4051/43 - 7 On Friday, he will be back '1 in California to deal with a hot 1 issue there-the question of im- - posing tuition fees on students? of the University oi California . .. The Washington Post Times Herald 4.1.1. He resumes his fund-raising ;tor the Republicans on Satur-? day in St. Louis with a series E- of events expected to bring inI well over $100,000. ?Wild 1111.- .W :1 The Washington Daily News The Evening Star (Washingtomo The Sunday Star (Washington) Daily News (New York) Sunday News (New York) New York Post The New York Times The Sun (Baltimore) The Worker The New Leader The Wall Street Journal The National Observer Pe0ple's World Date JAN -1 6 1968 1111 3 ?11 4. 111g Rim? dJReagan-470 January 31, 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. TOLBON 0 On. Janoaryla, 1m, 1 eaw?emor?ooald??g?m of California, who was accompanied by Mr. Edwin Meese, the Governor's Secretary for Legal Altair-s. The Governor called to pay his respects and to renew his friendship. He was quite strong in his commendation at the excellent relationship-that exists between hi; of?ce in Sacrame and our Agent in Charge there. We discussed generally some of the problems which the Governor has had to face up to at the University of California and his determination to see that law and order are maintained there. The Governor evidenced strong support of the FBI. Very truly yours, ALL monomeric-n comman- :3 - 95k Eyelet, 5549803 3? John Edgar Hoover 45"? Director Tolson DeLooch . Mohr . Bishop - Casper Callahan (5) I I Conrad Felt Gale 5132;? M. 3:33:19 FEB 12195 Ronald ReagaLIjI-47 ndy MAIL ROOM :1 TELETYPE UNIT i: - a. . .mv- . AI 'n .9 i -us . State nf Qalifnmia OFFICE SACRAMENTO 958M 1 M4 RONALD REAGAN g" GOVERNOR r/ if; 1 3T Nil/f; January 24, 1968 The Honorable John Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Hoover: Thank you so much for the picture. Nancy is having it framed, and I shall be very proud to have it here in the office for all to see. It was good of you to give me go much time, and both Mr. Meese and I are very grateful; It was a most productive morning for us. Again thanks, and best regards. Sincerely, ALL MATION MATE. 3.1 LBT -. 40/96 553% - 4?25"? RONAL REAGANWWM GovernOr ME g} f; EEB 119% 8\ Ronald Reagan-472 w/ . 1-, MR.Toksdh Do?k I OFFICE OF DIRECTOR 7- MR. DELOACH FEDERAL BUREAU OF MR. MO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF MR. Egg, ?1 Ronald Reagan-473 MR. CASPER MR.CALLAHAN .GALE .ROSEN .SULLIVAN .TAVEL .TROTTER .JONES TELE.ROOM MRS.METCALF ALL CONTAINED may: 1:5 umcuassmm 9m SL869- $391803 4051!?!) Q7 Max:112, 1968 a) newbie Ronald Ream The Gamma: a! Camel-n1: Sacraments, Cameras?. 95814 My dear. Govemr Reagan: I It is a pleasure to unclean a my a! the Max-ah, 1988, ism o! ?Ths Investigator, smileys: of the FBI. The photograph 91 you taken in my attic: W8 .9180 19, I mm you might like to have this my. WLEQ 3 1 Sinesrely yours, MAR 2 1968 J- Edgar Hoover 1:23: Enclosure 1::7 1 Sacramento a 1: All COM/mew 5 :2 JRP- th (6) HEREIN all1968 555 i 406Tolson DeLouch 5? . r' Moll?$15.3 .1 CUSper Callahan Conrad Felt Gale Rosen Sullivan Bishop 149* Pi fl 19 1968 Holmes Ronald Reagan-474 MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT E3 1 Ronald Reagan-475 . Mn Nam? Mr. y, A. 933-3. FEDERAL BUREAU OF A Mr. Mohr ?2 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Mr. . COMMUNICATIONS sacrum . Mr, Casper Mr. 03.11.31 APR 1 1 1958 Mr. con. Q3 EEI UASAI DC AA 3,,?33 MA. ELETYPE (470 Mr. (W Mr. 1" I33 .333 Mr. Mr. Tavel1.?th Mr. Trotter . . Tale. Room- 4/11/69 JXR Miss OR A Ac. A23 3?3 (s2? MEAD 2P 3, 3~ 1% I 3.31 A. f- .36qu .. A 9 UU9UE 3 TH BEAT AGAIAST UDUEPMHD PCNALD Ar.? OF 3 362 APRIL TEN LAST, ALAMEDA, CALIFCENIATELEPHONV CALL TO THIS DATE. 1&3 333 ofg?? DURING THE EVENING HOURS OF APRIL L.- ST, I 1 AIR STATIQA, ALAAEDA, THE EQLLGAIAG AT APPEOXTHATELY THREE THIRTYFEVE P.A., APRIL TEA LA9T, wuo 19 ALSO EMPLOYED AT NAVAL AIR STATION AND AITH AHOA HE RITEE Tn AND FROM AQPE, EHICLE 1A CCAPAAY CF UTSUE CGLOPED 513 AOT PUT 22:37:: COLORED MAM SAID, ARE GGING To GET i: CONSTRUED THE9E As A THREAT TO THE LIFE OF PTA THE CALOAED NAN IS REPGRTEDLY INI THE FOLLOWING UER 303 3?333 0 dA43. c. ATEUEL, wHo 3331.1 .r 3333:1333 3333333333333 339. 9333633 ,11- i?A? .2 ..L REPORTING THIS IMMEDIATELY TC FRWESI E. SMITH, ASSISTANT LEGAL AFFAIRS SECRETARY, OFFICE OF GOVERNOR SPECIAL AGENT TIHCTEY 3C INTYRE, FECRET SERVICE, SAN FRANCISCO: HRS. JUANITA STERNE, DETECTIVE BUREAU, ALAEEDA POLICE AND FERGEANT JOHN NQCRE, IGENCE, COUNTY OFFICE. AIR FAIL COPY TO SACRAEENTO. LHE TO FOLLOW. END. GFH p91 mp CH DC Ronald Reagan-476 FD 36 (Rev. 5- 22- 64) 6. FBI Dme: ?[12/68 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code} AIRTEL AIRMAIL 10 (Priority) FBI (2, SAN FRANCISCO (52?52452) - i -reat Against Governor AGAN of California, E?i Apri1 10, 1968, Alameda, California MISCELLANEOUS - INFORMATION CONCERNING There are enclosed the original and three copies of a ,f/fletterhead memorandum in this matter for appropriate dissemina- tion. Copies of this LHM have been disseminated to U. S. Secret Service, San Francisco, Alameda County Sheriff's Office, Oakland, California; the Police Department, Alameda, California; an to Naval Intelligence Service Office, San Francisco. Four copies of this LHM are being enclosed.for Sacramento, which office should make appropriate dissemination to the office of Governor RONALD REAGAN and local authorities. in; ?moms 8L u? JACLASSIFIED W4, ??2114me 435/?3 @Bureau (Enos. - Sacramento (Enos. 1 San Francisco C972 ?7 a . 9/1 a aa/M 3 Ma 5 ?lm (I ?38 an!" 35 APR 17 1963 a a 31.2%? 2% 3 ?17 App?pgj?fd?go? Special Agent in Charge Sent Per RonaklReagan-477 UQTED STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIQN IerbJ%mesew San Francisco, California April 12, 1968 at UNKNOWN SUBJECT: THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN OF CALIFORNIA, APRIL 10, 1968, 405/75 ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA be On April 10, 1968, b7c Alameda Naval Air Station, Alameda, California, telephonically b7n furnished the following information to a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oakland, California: employed inl Alameda Naval Air Station, telephone He rides to and from work with I who is also employed inl resides atl Oakland, California, telephone that at apfroximately 3:35 P.N., April 10, 1968, he was standing by vehicle waiting to depart for home when up to the vehicle in company of a Nehro male. This Negro male is employed inl Iorl I also but his name is not known to He further identified this individual as the only Negro who works onl inif? ItoI land tol . Irelated that he did not overhear the conversation between the Negro male and: but that quoted remarks of the Negro male to him as ?We are going to get said he construed these words as a threat to the life of Governor RONALD REAGAN and felt the matter should be reported to appropriate authorities. The above information was telephonically furnished by Special Agent DONALD E. LARSEN, Federal Bureau of Investigation, San Fran? cisco, to the following individuals on April 11, 1968: Supervisory Special Agent ROBERT C. RIEDEL, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sacramento, California, #:25 P.M. RIBDEL advised that he was immediately furnishing this This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 2% Ni?; 97? ?imsy? Ronald Reagan-478 A. .4, . . . - . . . information to Mr. ERNEST B. SMITH, Assistant Legal Affairs Secretary in the office of Governor RONALD REAGAN. WILLIAM TIMOTHY MC INTYRE, Special Agent, U. S. Secret Service, San Francisco, California, at #:35 P.M. Mrs. JUANITA STERNE, Stenographic Clerk, Detective Bureau, Alameda, California, Police Department, at 4:40 P.M. Detective Sergeant JOHN MOORE, Intelligence Division, Alameda County, California, Sheriff's Office, at #:50 P.M. This information was also furnished to Mr. RALPH LOMELE, NaVal Intelligence Service Office, San Francisco, California,' at 9:00 A.M., April 12, 1968, by Special Agent GEORGE P. 2 Ronald Reagan-479 .- FEDERAL BUREAU OF 8. DEPARTM MAY 2 01958 TELETYPE FBI WASH DC 39 FBI CLEVELAND 208 URGENT 5-20-68 JMS DIRECTOR FROM CLEVELAND PROPOSED DEMONSTRATION AGAINST GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, CLEVELAND, OHIO, MAY TWENTY TWO, SIXTY EIGHT DASH INFORMATION CONCERNING. CLEVELAND wEws MEDIA ANNOUNCED on AMY SEVENTEEN, (g SIXTY EIGHT, GOVERNOR REAGAN SCHEDULED TO MAKE PUBLIC SPEECH IN CLEVELAND PUBLIC SOUARE MAY TWENTY Two NEXT . AT FIVE PM. CLEVELAND RELIABLE SOURCE ADVISED ON THIS Adja? DATE CLEVELAND CHAPTER UTH ACAIAST FASCISM WILL DEMONSTRATE IA PUBLIC AREA AT TIME OF REACAE SCHEDULED APPEARANCE. CLEVELAND POLLOV ADD SUTEL AFTER DEMONSTRATION. LOCAL AUTHORITIES ADVISED. Y1 END I I RECLZO GFH 1968 . Sifica?an a MAIEL. FBI . ADD COMMITTEE 5 3?1 a; I LAJIEQIQE ?rm {ymw/ XE 4b?193 f3 Ronald Reagan-480 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Bishop-? Mr. 1 Mr. Mr. Mr. Felt- Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Tela. Miss Helmet: Mill i ?wq?ar TMW. I Mr. l?h.I/EinlftRONALD Fer/\oAN. - eov?HNow - ?liltit oovaamonscoche' ?1 - ?B-i1.Tmtt 3.Tele R00: Bliss Iitlr i? May 6, 1968? The Honorable John Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Hoover: Thank you for your letter of April 23, 1968, concerning the correspondence between you and Mr. James M. Hall, Superintendent of Banks for the State of California. I appreciate your advising me of this informae tion. I have asked Edwin Meese, my Legal Affairs Secretary, to follow up on this matter with Mr. Hall. We are very grateful for the cooperation which has always been extended to my office by the w~ (Federal Bureau of Investigation. In particular, the close liaison which has been established by M. John Williams, Special Agent in charge of the gw?; rdivision headquartered in Sacramento, has been very beneficial. Best personal wishes; 7 Sincerely, All: anamrm - warm is UNCLASSIFIE a; A f; . 405, ?3 - Governor "afrmf I ,m NOT RECORDED 70?? 21958 . . i 102%?- I7i968 Ronald Reagan-481 -Ronald Reagan-482 .E 5-i6 R: UNEEN I NPR Hx*? IO 5R AND BALTIMOREA DUIEALO - ?erNwii77 AND NASNINGTON IIELD (CODE) NASNINGION IIELD AIIENTION DONESTIC INTELLIGENCE DIVISION IRON NEN . AxSLACK ANII-NAR ANII-DRAII UNION (NDANADU), RACIAL MATTERSI ALI, INIORNAII ON GDINIAIW I - . DATE. 6 10 - . - NIO SOURCE NIIN NNON INSUEIICIENI CONTACT HAS BEEN MADE IO 3 ESTABLISH RELIABILITY, ADVISED ON APRIL SIXTEEN LASI, THAI DNRINS IRE CONFERENCE OF THE NAIIE IN NYC DURING AIRIL INELVE IO IOURIEEN LASI ADR g? . 3 NEI IN VARIOUS RGONS IN THE DIILONAI HOTEL AND NELD DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING IREIR PLANS FOR ACTION AND IACIICS IO DISRUII INE US. SOURCE ADVISED T?n AT A SPECIAL MEETING NAS NELD If: INE AI ARINENI OI INHICH NDED BY II Mum a-?m 1W I: 5 9 AND SEVERAL OINER LEADERS IRON INE VARIOUS ILIE IN AIIE NDANCE AI THE CONIERENCE. A An MET IN VARIOUS ROOMS IN THE DIPLOMAT HOTEL AND HELD a: i GENERAL DISCUSSIONS CONCERNING THEIR PLANS FOR GUERRILLA - ?g REVOLUTIONARY ACTION AND TACTICS To DISRUPT THE U.S. SOURCE ADVISED THAT A SPECIAL MEETING WAS ALSO HELD AT. It; ., ARE 7, (gar/5M; THE APARTMENT OF (THE) (PH) 5 NYC. TELEPHO I 4 (A) - Bureau NOT - . :4 T\eletype Unit T83 WW 26 1963 39 NAM ABELAppro ed: Sent Per . Ronald . u. . . wReaan_485 . . - w_ (Rev. 5:229.FBI Date: Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) (Priority) WFO 157- PAGE TWO b6 A WHICH WAS ATTENDED BY STOKELY If 4:th A . WE. Aw; mam. (FNU) . AND SEVERAL OTHER LEADERS FROM THE VARIOUS GROUPS WHO WERE IN ATTENDANCE AT THE CAPTIONED A CONFERENCE. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED FREELY AMONG ALL i A AND PLACES: PRESENT, HOWEVER, N0 SPECIFIC PLANS WERE MADE AS TO DATES .. ONE. PREPARATION OF SMOKE BOMBS MADE FROM SULPHUR 3 AND SULFURIC ACID. IT WAS MENTIONED THAT THESE COULD BE USED IN POSSIBLE BANK ROBBERIES, AS WELL AS IN CAUSING CHAOS POPULATED AREAS. A WASHINGTON, D. C. HIGH i106 1378 QASCHOOL STUDENT, IS SUPPOSED TO BE HANDLING THIS MATTER. TWO. THROWING DYNAMITE ONTO THE FLOOR OF THE NEW TORK EXCHANGE TO CAUSE CHAOS ON WALL STREET. Approved: Sent . Per Special Agent in Charge . Ronald I. . . .. - a -.-. . .4. . . .gu. FD-36 (Rev. margin In '0 - .0 FBI Transmit the following in - (Type in plaintexc or code) I I I I Date: I 1 (Priority) I WFO 1574 PAGE THREE egg THREE. PLACING DYNAMITE IN THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. FOUR. DESTROYING THE ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS IN NYC, .PJTHEREBY CAUSING ANOTHER ON THE EASTERN SEADOARD. . SOURCE IS OF TI-E OPINION THAT THE ABOVE DISRUPTIVE JTACTICS ORIGINATE WITH WHOM HE DESCRIBED rl" any W1 EAS THE INDIVIDUAL WHO ATTEMPTED T0 DESTROY THE STATUE LIBERTY A FEW YEARS AGO. 31:2 ACCORDING TO THE SOURCE, A DISCUSSION WAS ALSO HELD RETALIATORY MEASURES FOR THE MURDER OF DR. 3 gamma ab? 3 A. AND GEORGE WALLACE WERE MENTIONED AS POSSIBLE TARGETS. ?ng DEFINITE PLANS CONCERNING THIS MATTER WERE MADE. 6? MARTIN LUTHER KING AND THE OF RICHARD NIXON, {16 5 '2 TE SOURCE ADVISED THAT THROUGHOUT THE MEETING IT WAS AGREED BY EVERYONE THAT ANY DISRUPTIVE ACTS Ea Approved: Sent Per Special Agent in Charge Ronald .. . .- . a .v . . rm. (Rev. 5?22-6433 . Date: (Type in plaintext or code) (Priority) PAGE FOUR SHOULD TAKE PLACE WITHIN A MONTH OR SHOULD BE 1? 1; . AND NATION MINISTRATIVE: REFERENCE NEW YORK TEL APRIL FIFTEEN LAST. SOURCE IS @m m/ waomwxr WASHINGTON, D. 0. b6 1370 10%) LEADS. ALL RECEIVING OFFICES ARE REQUESTED TO CONTACT SOURCES IN ORDER TO CORROBORATE AND TO DEVELOP ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THIS MATTER. Approved: Sent Per . Special Agent in Charge . R0na4., FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 0. DSPARTMENT Mr. Or? . COMMUNICATION Mr- DeLoach?m. Mr Mohr MAY221968 . I N: Mr- Mr. Mr. Felt Mr. Regen 2 1 1r. Sullivan? Mr Mr Trotterm Teie. Roomw MISS Holmes Miss . FBI WASH DC FBI CLEVELA ND 9%ij 5-22-68 GDS TO DIR on FROM CLEVELAND (100-28892) 1P PROPOSED DEMONSTRATION AGAINST GOV. RONALD REAGAN, CLEVELAND, OHIO, MAY SIXTYEIGHT, INFORMATION CONCERNING. RE MYTEL, MAY TWENTY, LAST, GOV. REAOAN APPEARED IN CLEVELAND, OHIO, FIVE PM THIS DATE AND MADE PUBLIC ADDRESS ON CLEVELAND PUBLIC SQUARE WITHOUT INCIDENT. PROPOSED DEMONSTRATION CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF UPPORT. assz?r NEON R33 .- END $5.2 ?38313; sew 3-114 ??11 CONEAIM 1958 I . 46'! [.93 5 a l/w Ronald 1? UDL 9 1968 01% Reagan- -489 OI-IIONAL pom N0. l0 50?0-l06 . MAY 1962 EDITION GSA can. use. no. 27 . Tolson UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT I 7" Bishop 4 Casper w! ijnunandunz Felt 019 To I Mr 0 W. C. 51111111311 Val? 5 DATE: June 22? 1968 ?j?j?iefcn ?7 No IISIM FROM J. Brenna I gm? RONALD REAGAN SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION OF 7 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES INFORMATION CONCERNING At 9: 30 a. June 22, 1968, Mr. Gary McCleod, Secret Service, telephonically advised Extra Duty Supervisor Herbert D. Clough, Jr., that protection of Ronald Reagan as a potential presidential candidate was initiated on June 21,1968. The aforementioned was for information purposes only and no request was made of EBI assistanceSullivan 1 - Mr. D.J. Brennan :r ska 1 Mr. B. C. Rachner - MI: H. D. Clough gx rim. 53 #0 C: 5 mm?: t/j?eg' AIM/fax 1M 1'2 261968 I i??gsjv; ?If? ET Ska: a}z?ka L. 9/ >41 gag/? ?/yy 2m KIDNTAINE IINRE NOT 0 DIIESIL all~ei?gm I E. I I JUN Ronaki Reagan-490 bun?6 If - July 10, 19681 GENERAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION This is the matter in?Iing the attempt to fire bomb the residence 0 Governor Ronald Reagan in Sacramento, California. Secret Service Agents on the scene were not able to apprehend individuals responsible for this attempt. We are conducting no investigation, and contact with Secret Service Headquarters discloses they are fully aware of all facts. AU. INFORMATION IS v52 52m: elqtp ?3498 Ronald Reagan-491 . rr?) Mr. sper VIA 1/ WASHINGTON JUL 1 01968 W12: . SB 356 AM 6-68 URGENT LAL I ER 5 Mr. Mr. Tavel-_-_ T0 DI CTOR PLAINTEXT ED 5 . -- mom SACRAMENTO 62-51%! 11311:: 3:13;? ATTEMPT TO FIREBOMB RESIDENCE OF GOVERNOJ RONALDCEEAGAN, SACRAMENTO, 5 CALIFORNIA, JULY NINE SIXTYEIGHT. Nico {lam CAPT. PAUL HANNIGAN, SACRAMENTO-PB, ADVISED JULY TEN INSTANT THAT TWO NEGRO MALES, TWENTY - TWENTYFIVE YRS. OF AGE, OBSERVED PARKING ACROSS STREET FROM GOVERNOR REAGAN RESIDENCE, ONE THREE FOUR ONE FIFTH STREET, SACRAMENTO, IN LATE MODEL CHEVROLET DURING LATE EVENING JULY NINE LAST AND WALK ACROSS STREET WITH WHAT APPEARED TO?/jg BE BOTTLES IN THEIR HANDS. THIS OBSERVED BY THREE SECRET SERVICE AGENTS WHO WERE PARRED IN VICINITY 0F GOVERNOR-S RESIDENCE. SECRET SERVICE AEENTS GOTEEUT OF THEIR CAR, APPROACHED THE TWO NEGRO MALES AND ORDERED THEM T5 STOP. THE NEGROS DROPPED TWO NOLOTOV COCKTAILS AND RAN, ONE ON ONE IN CAR THEY ARRIVED IN. ONE SECRET . FRONT SERVICE AGENT INTO AIR. ONE COCKTAIL DROPPED ON SIDEWALK IN T-: OF GOVERNOR- RESIDENCE THE OTHER 0N NEIGHBORS FRONT LAWN. NEITHER EX- 1C3 END PAGE ONE - 393 3: ?ma CONTPINEU REG-34 t. ?(17 - 1-. Wald/<14 ?amalgam *6 u: 405,193 - .7 . .. Ronald Reagan-492 RE qyjijL,E? MR. DELOACH FOR THE DIRECTOR PAGE 2 HAD BEEN IGNITED. THE TWO NEGRO MALES NOT APPREHENDED, BUT EYEWITNESS IN VICINITY BELIEVES HE CAN IDENTIFY ONE OF THEM. Ponce 0m CAPT. HANNIGAN ADVISED NOT FEEL THAT ABOVE INCIDENT AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. HE ADVISED GOVERNOR REAGAN AND HIS FAMILY WERE AT HOME BUT NOT AWARE OF INCIDENT WHEN IT TOOK PLACE. GOVERNOR REAGAN TO MAKE STATEMENT CONCERNING ABOVE AM INSTANT DATE. Mien Department SECRET SERVICE MAINTAINING VIGILENCE AT GOVERNOR- RESIDENCE. LETTEN IEAD ME SACRAMENTO WILL FOLLOW, KEEP BUREAU ADVISED, AND SUBMIT- 3M4 END ACK AND HOLD FLES RM FBI WASH DC Ronald Reagan-493 8 f. C) /16/ 1336" 1307C ERNMENT Memmu? FORM NO. 10 UNITED STATES MAY 1962 ECHTION GSA GEN. REGFROM 0? .H C3 :3 .524 .55: i: +3 (3) C: ?r?i 1-1 G) 43 {3 312? r?l I'-0r7-5 L1r7. (:10 C.) ., LC. - .1 L.) .1510 M055 82/594; NOT RECORDED 183 mm 21 1953 ox A (U Ci 2 (U *Tv mn-ww I ?.63 L9 . I, r} '1 3m. lved, SSI-FIED 1011 0031mm .4 rm IS NOLA ALI: INFORM: . Date: 7/10/68 I I Transmit the following in I 7" 20 (Type in plaintext or code) Vm AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Priority) T0: DIRECTOR, FBI M: SAC, SACRAMENTO (62-86) (0) \Ji?l/?gffh?hv ATTEMPT TO FIREBOP RESIDENCE 0F GOVERNOR RONA CONTAIN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA JULY 9,1968, 1.ng MW ASSAULT 0F PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE 405:1?) Re Sacramento teletype to Bureau dated 7/10/68. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are seven copies of a letterhead memorandum concerning captioned matter. Source in Governor's Office is Assistant Legal Affairs Secretary ERNEST B. SMITH (NA), Office of Governor RONALD REAGAN . Sacramento sources are being alerted to develop any information they can regarding two Negro males involved as well as to advise of any information indicating that further attempts to firebomb or otherwise attempt to harm the Gavernor, members of his family or residence. Sacramento Police Department is conducting active investigation in an a @mpt to identify unknown subjects. REC-68 am The Sa ?lg?atb Offideg is conductin??go act ve?3 investigation. 6/1755 - Bureau (Enc. (Rb?j?iapt - Sacramento l? . 532%: 25:,an NN 134$ Sent Ronaki SAPJUL 2 6 1933(11 Agent in Charge I may.) SC 62-86 A copy of the enclosed letterhead memorandum is not being furnished to Secret Service locally inasmuch as they.are the agency directly involved and are in complete possession of facts related thereto. Ronald Reagan-496 STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION InRWUJ%mem?rw Sacramento, California ?khm July 10, 1968 T0 FIREBOMB RESIDENCE OF GOVERNOR RONALD REACAN, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, JULY 9, 1968 On July 10, 1968, Captain Paul Hannigan, Sacramento, California, Police Department, advised that during the late evening of July 9, 1968, Secret Service Agents Michael Endicott and Robert Horan were sitting in their car just south of the Governor?s residence, 1341 - 45th Street, Sacramento, California, when they observed two Negro males, 20 to 25 years of age walking across 45th Street and then toward the Governor's residence. As the two Negro males approached the front of the Governor?s residence, the Secret Service Agents observed each of them carrying a bottle. ,At this time Secret Service Agent Endicott notified Bouglas Duncan, a Secret Service Agent who was near the front of the Governor's residence. ?When the two Negro males stopped on the front lawn of the Governor's residence, Secret Service.Agenu3Endicott and Horan got out of their car and yelled, ?Hold.? Captain Hannigan advised that the two Negro males immediately split up and ran, one north up the middle of 45th Street, and the other on the sidewalk north on 45th Street. One of them ran around the corner on Street where his car, believed to be a 1967 or 1968 yellow Chevrolet, was parked and drove west. No license number was noted. The other individual ran to Street and then east on Street. Secret Service.Agent'Duncan, when he found he was not going to be able to overtake this individual, fired one shot at him with no effect. 921% SCW??-llm -2: ., .- W- ,36930?% 5 4o; I - l/fs - RonaklReagan-497 RE ATTEMPT TO RESIDENCE 0F GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN, SACRAMENTO cameraman JULY 9, 1968 Captain Hannigan advised that when the two Negro males were told to ?Hold,? one of them smashed a molotov cocktail in the street and the other one threw his on the lawn just north of the Governor's residence. Neither cocktail ignited. Both cocktails were quart wine bottles, one with a Franzia Vin Rose label and the other with a Gallo Burgundy label. No fingerprints were found by the Sacramento, California, Police Department, on the bottle that was not smashed. Captain Hannigan advised that Governor Reagan and his family were at home but were not aware of the incident when it took place. He also advised that there were two witnesses in the vicinity who felt they might be able to identify the individual who fled on foot. These witnesses did View photographs at the Sacramento, California, Police Department, but did not find an individual wholooked like the one they observed. .A source in the Governor?s Office advised on July 10, 1968, that the Governor was not concerned about the above incident, indicated complete confidence in the security arrangements being afforded him by the Secret Service and the California State Police. The Governor also expressed this confidence to members of the press upon his arrival at the State Capitol Building in Sacramento, California, on the morning of July 10, 1968. Copies of this memorandum have been disseminated locally to the intelligence agencies of the Army, Navy and the Air Force. RonaklReagan-498 ATTEMPT TO FIREBOMB RESIDENCE OF GOVERNOR RONAED REAGAN, SACRAMENTO, JULY 9, 1968 This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. Ronald Reagan?499 1 - 1.. .5162 7-2_5-s7) l. 15- '3 Ronald Reaga?00 As YELLOW ALL INFORMATION 1? ED AIS UNCLASSIFI- 1 MAME-I 5 I ?9?3 CI IMMEDIATE Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: Date: 15? FIELD DISSEMINAIION [?rms ANduszC?f EJDIRECTOR, CIA . To: THE PRESIDENT I: SECRETARY OF STATE [j DIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY F0 WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM, ATT. SECRET SERVICE (PID) (For disseminating classified data to Secret Service) Cl AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENT ER DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE [21630 RET SERVICE (PID) BY PLAINTEXT TELETYPE 3 to From: DIRECTOR, FBI - .- . . FIN-J Iii; fez?? ClassificationSub ect: xo/rmgmaj 52; .131 A: 7~ - 5 3? {waf?m?a E?eg??ni WW ?59.9 Mo- MQMA - ins on next (Text of messa- Tolson DeLoach Mohr Bishop Casper Calloh an Conrad Felt Gale Hosea Sullivan Tove) Trotter I 1 FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION U. S. DEPARTIENT OF 1031165 COMMUNICATION SECTION JUL 1 1958 EL MAIL ROOM 1' ?mnpe Mr. Mr. JUL161968 111i: A - Mr. Casper Mr. gr 0' ER Mr. Mr. Felt-.. . Mr. Mr. Rosen-.. Mr. Mr. Tavel- Mr. A Tele. A Miss Holmes Miss Gandy I unsua; THREAT AG 135! a Eamon REABAH, Les AABELES, CALIFORHIA, JULY AEAINST PRESIDE SIXTY EIGAI. THREAT IAL AT TEN FIFIY FIVE A.A., HILLIS, CENTRAL COMMITTEE, Los ANGELES COUNTY, Les CALIFORNIA, r31, THAT AT TEN roar: FIVE A.n. tars DATE HE RECEIVED A FROM AA FEMALE STATEB, nozsu'r STAY HOME INSTEAD 9? seer aur OF STATE ALL THE HE 5AAULA NOT an anus sourA. HE SHOULB BE SHGI. 1 AA EOIHG re ALBA THE AAEA ASAEA re IDEHTIFY HERSELF. THE 1 H, FEMALE REPLIED. is FANILY. SHE HUNG UP. fl b6 PAGE on: h" Ronald Reagan-501 . .. . 1 Ag; A a . ta 115*: MM. DAT-TE nan: In runway?: W37 nan: "mm stunt: Les gnaxuksa 3? it: 930v; av mun ?mm 1.. mom, was:43?th =9 ~sueera . zua b6 an: FBI HASH 9c Ronald Reagan-502 a FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .1, 7" US. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMMUNICATION SECTION 710 822 0000 JULIG 68 Mr/ To TELETYPE FBI WASH DC PRIORITY 7-16-68 SLB TO U.S. SECRET SERVICE - INTELLIGENCE DIVISION FROM DIRECTOR FBI UNCLASSIFIED - UNKNOWN THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR REAGAN, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, SEVEN SIXTEEN SIXTYEIGHT THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. AT TEN FIFTY FIVE A.N., JULY SIXTEEN INSTANT, CLINT NILLIs, REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE, LOS ANSELES COUNTY, LOS ANCELES, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED FBI, Los ANCELES, THAT AT TEN FORTY FIVE A.N. THIS DATE HE RECEIVED A CALL FROM AN UNHNONN FENALE NHO STATED, REAGAN STAY HOHE INSTEAD OF GOING OUT OF STATE ALL THE HE SHOULD NOT GO DUNN SOUTH. HE SHOULD BE SHOT. I AH GOING To SIGN THE RECALL WHEN ASKED TO IDENTIFY HERSELF, THE UNKNOWN TENALE REPLIED, IS THE (PHONETIC) SHE be; THEN HUNG UP. AT ELEVEN TEN THIS DATE SPECIAL AGENT ANTHONY SHERMAN, SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES, ADVISED OF THE ABOVE BY SPECIAL AGENT MELVIN L. FLOHR, FBI, LOS ANGELES. END ATT INFORMATION comum TT TS UNCLASSIFIED AA. 710 822 0000 Ronald Reagan-503 .le TELETYPE JUL161968 ENCIPHERED LOS IOOBPM NSE URGENT 7-16-68 LRC TO LOS ANGELES FROM DIRECTOR 2P (UNCLASSIFIED) UNKNOWN THREAT AGAINST GOVERNOR NEAGAN, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, NINETEEN THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. AT TEN FIFTY FIVE A.N., JOLY SIXTEEN INSTANT, CLINT WILLIS, REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE, LOS ANGELES LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, ADVISED FBI, LOS-ANGELES, THAT AT TEN FORTY FIVE Ao?. THIS DATE NE RECEIVED A CALL FROM AN UNKNOWN FEMALE WHO STATED, REAGAN STAY HOME INSTEAO OF GOING OUT OF STATE ALL TNE NE SHOULO NOT GO DONN SOOTN. NE SHOOLD BE SHOT. -I AN GOING TO RECALL WHEN ASKED TO IDENTIFY HERSELF, THE UNKNOWN FEMALE REPLIED, IS THE (PHONETIC) FAMILY-T SHE THEN HUNG UP, b6 Mm commrm 337?: IS U25 CLAS IFIED ?gs/93 Ronald Reagan'506 PAGE THE A I I 1 AT ELEVEII TEN AJI. THIS DATE SPECIAL AGENT ANTHONY SHERMAN, SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES, ADVISED THE ABOVE SPECIAL AGENT MELVIN L. FLOHR, FBI L05 ANGELES. END II BOD FBI LBS ANGELES Ronald Reagan-507 I 3 FEDERAL SMILE-.1 U. EJUSEECE CCWEWELENECA i SECTIC. L. '3 HC8 p, FBI WASH DC FBI RICHMOND 112 PH URGENT 7-20-53 LNG To FROM CHMOND (175- -NEN) UNSU ALLEGED THREAT AGAINST CHARLOTTESVILLE, UA., JULY TWENTY, SIXTY-EIGHT (GOVERNOR RONA REAGAN, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE, SCHEDULED To APPEAR CHARLOTTESUILLE, JULY TWENTY, SIXTY-EIGHT) r- A: 33715 UNCLASSIFIED BY H. M. HAWKINS, MAIL CARRIER, i ENA., TODAY ADVISED THAT A PERSON STOPPED HIM ON MAIN 3 ST. STATING THE PERSON HAD BEEN IN A ON MAIN ST. AND SAN A MAN NITH A GERHAN LUGGER STUCK IN HIS BLET. NHEN ASKED NHAT THE GUN NAG FOR, STATED HE WAS GOING To SHOOT HIM A .C7C5L HAWKINS UNABLE TO FURNISH NAME 0R HANKINS STATED MAN TOLD HIM UNSUB IN LATE TNENTIES, 0F AVERAGE SIZE, FIVE TEN INCHES, ONE a? HUNDRED SEVENTY LBS., DRESSED IN NHI AND NAME OF RESTAURANT. 3M1 BLUE PANTS. ?y/A/Cf? 'ng 3 egg END PAGE . L, a a i A $51. Lav Apr} "Cf? 5 ROMA Ronald Reagan- -508 a9?? PAGE IVO RH L75 NEV SECRET SERVICE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES SERVING AREA NOTIFIED BY RA AND VIRGINIA STATE POLICE, RIORNOND, VA., ADVISED. LHM EOLLONS. BUREAU WILL BE FURNISHED ANY FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS IMMEDIATELY. -P- END. SHOULD BE TODAvawv END OAD FBI NASH Dc Ronald Reagan-509 1/ . a Ainsvx;fV' Mr. i 5-22-51Anti. . I Mr. Mr. (151151".811: . Mr. Conrad_ Defies-?er" 22 58 Mr. Feit__w 7/ . Mu A~_m Mr. 1., TransmIt the followmg 1n Mr - (Type in plaintext or code) - .7 .. MT- . 311? [Mr AIRTEL 1C1 - '1 dc . . (Pnonty) [Miss II me I TO DIRECTOR, FBI FROM sAc, RICHMOND (175-17) - SUBJECT: Alleged Threat Against ?Governor" July 20, 1968, (Governor 3001: ?ghA1an, Presidential Candidate, Appear Charlottesville, July 20, 1968) ,1 - Re Richmond teletype to Bureau, 7/20/68. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau, are 8 copies of a LHM captioned as above. Oral dissemination was made to the SecretSService at Charlottesville and to the Charlottesville, Va. PD by SA JOHN G. Oral dissemination to the VSP, Richmond, was made by SA CLAUDE A. BASS Dissemination of enclosed LHM is being made locally to the Secret Service, Richmond, Va., VSP, and Charlottesville, va. PD by Ff~342. W?dv k/ ited 632:5" Esafcn 7 i I Assets '7 a @Burea M?qu?z? 73 6.836%, 51 c? 6-- ALI: INFORMATION EONIAIW 7 I. HEREIN IS I rm- I I if 453;: 433?!" m" Sent pa, I RonaklReagan-510_ . .- STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL . BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Richmond, Virginia In Re I Please Refer to July 22, 1968, RE: UNKNOWN Alleged Threat Against "Governor", Charlottesville, Virginia, July 20, 1968, (Governor Ronald Reagan, Presidential Candidate, Scheduled to Appear Charlottesville, July 20, 19680 Hugh Hawkins, Postal Carrier, Charlottesville, Virginia, advised on July 20, 1968, that he had been approached by an individual on his delivery route on West main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, stating that he had just come out of one of the Joints on West main Street and while in the restroom saw a white male in his late twenties, 5 feet 10 inches, 170 pounds, with a white T?shirt and tight fitting blue jeans, carrying a German luger, and when asked what he was doing with the gun, stated he was ?going to shoot himself a Governor". Hawkins did not obtain the name of the individual furnishing the information or license number of the car driven by the individual. It should be noted that Governor Ronald Reagan of California was scheduled to arrive in Charlottesville, Virginia, at #:00 P.M., on July 20, 1968, to meet with Republican state leaders and to give a speech that evening in Charlottesville, Virginia. The information furnished by Hawkins was furnished at 10:30 A.M. to Joseph Stromick, United States Secret Service, temporarily assigned at Charlottesville, Virginia for protection of Governor Reagan. Information was also furnished to Chief of Police James E. Adams, Charlottesville, Virginia Police Department at 10:35 A.M. and to Sergeant R. H. Oliver, Vir inia State Police Headquarters, Richmond, Virginia, at 10: A.M. .P-B - ?v my: an?? .in? further inw?iigation 4; .654, a. a :smi?andi? marinated 111 this matter?if ,tna; a 4057/23 This confirms to .nhcnic information a. 5' ?11 . furnished to?! ?ora? on 7? 20, win?: age.? PM $749.60: @1/6657 BK?v//f- 1/ RonaklReagan-Sll ,r r? 1? ii? '5 1 ?vi-V -- - ?a . RE: UNKNOWN Alleged Threat Against "Governor", Charlottesville, Virginia, July 20, 1968, (Governor Ronald Reagan, Presidential Candidate, Scheduled to Appear Charlottesville, July 20, 1968 ?we Subsequently, on the morning of July 20, 1968, Chief of Police James E. Adams, Charlottesville, Virginia Police Department, advised that Patrolman Via, working a beat on West Main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, had been approached apparently by the same individual who approached Hawkins and Patrolman Via had obtained the individual's name as .?panoke, Virginia andLl lwas driving a car bearing Virginia license Adams advised that a search of the area by Via and Detective B. L. 00168 had failed to locate anyone fitting the description of the Unknown Subject. Chief Adams was requested to furnish the information developed by Patrolman Hie directly to the Secret Service at Charlottesville. be b7c On July 22, 1968, Secret Service Agent Joseph Stromick advised that he had made inquiry at bars and grills on West Main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia, on the morning of July 20, 1968 and failed to develop shat anyone fitting the description of the Unknown Subject had been in any of the bars and grills. Stromick further advised that telephonic contact with a Sergeant vest of Roanoke, Virginia Police Department determined known personally to vest as a heavy drinker and prevaricator. Secret Service Agent Stromick advised that all appropriate law enforcement agencies in the Charlottesville area had been alerted to the Unknown Subject's description and no incidents had occurred during Reagan's appearance in Charlottesville, Virginia. This decument contains neither recommendations nor conclusidnss of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 2* RonaklReagan-Slz .. :9 3.43?41. J. .1755 f" - I . BI NASH ??24 ?1??ng Q14. #19 53%- ?153% ENVL I: If E?s; MUOFI 7? FBI MASH DC - FBI-BUFFALO IOSOPM GENT 8-5-68 me TO RECTOR AND MIAMI BUFFALO c9 A w" THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN MIAMI w- BEACH, FLORIDA a u: . ix AT NINE FIFTY PM THIS DATE, BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVISED OF AN ANONYMOUS CALL RECEIVED LOCALLY AT ITS SNITCHBOARD WHEREIN CALLER ADVISED ABOVE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AT MIAMI AIRPORT AND THAT BOMB WAS LOCATED IN AIRPORT WHICH WOULD GO OFF AND KILL SEVERAL UNBEC COPY HUNDRED PEOPLE. MIAMI TELEPHONICALLY ADVISED OF ABOVE AND BUFFALO SECRET SERVICE ADVISED. MAI :33 5?53. A 5;,30 .9 SEQ END ELR FBI NASH Dc 6 AUG 6 1968 ?-me CONTAIHE -.. - - Iv?iniifn-z is: it?; .. I g- 1 . Ronald Reagan-513 ?6 5 6 AUG 141953 5 (NJ 1" .1, Tie . FBI WASH DC i174?: I Ronald Reagan-514 IIOOPN PRIORITY 8/5/68 ELR TELETYPE TO US SECRET SERVICE - INTELLIGENCE DIVISION FROM DIRECTOR FBI UNCLASSIFIED POSSIBLE THREAT TO GOVERNOR RONALD THREAT AGAINST PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. 1 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PHONEI THAT APPROXIMATELY ONE VEEK PREVIOUS NHILE NORRING SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ADANS AND FIGUEROA BRANCH, LOS ANGELES, A NEGRO HALE, FORTY FIVE To FIFTY, FIVE FEET TEN INCHES, BLACK HAIR, BROWN. be EYES, ONE HUNDRED NINETY POUNDS, HEAVY BUILD, BROUGHT b7C IN RECALL PETITION FOR GOVERNOR REAGAN TO BE SOME DISAGREEMENT FOLLOWED. MAN FINALLY STATED AFTER PETITION NOTARIZED THAT SHOULD PERSONALLY SIGN PETITION AS NAY SAVE SHE HAS NAME IN NOTARY BOOK AT BANK AND CAN FURNISH MONDAY NEXT. ROBERT J. SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES, ADVISED ELEVEN FORTY AH INSTANT. Lam; . RENEE END . NEAT ALL INFORMATION ETHERNET-I IS TJNOTNEBERIE I. it - A 7.0 822 0000 193 . T013031 h. Trotaer . Mr. - . VI VIA TELETYPE Bishop..- I . . rji? Mr. Caspex? ?1 Mr. HASH--5..- ?f Zr? 4 ERRED 3-3-53 EREJI E: 13% T0 IRECTOR (175-5) . In. Tav ., FROM LO ANGELES (175-POSSIBLE THREAT TO GOVERNOR RONALD THREAT PRESIDENTIAL A .21 CANDIDATE. 3?77 I PHONEL ADVISED INSTANT THAT APPROXIMATELY ONO WEEK SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANE, FORTY FIVE To FIFTY, FIVE FEET TEN INCHES, BLACK NAIR, BRORN EYES, ONE HUNDRED NINETY POUNDS, HEAVY BUILD, IN RECALL PETITION FOR GOVERNOR REACAN TO BE NOTORIZED. {if - SOME DISAOREEMENT FOLLOWED. MAN FINALLY J-. 1 PETITION NOTORIZED PERSONALLY SION PETITION 7., AS MAY SAVE SHE HAS NAME IN NOTARY BOON AT #354 CAN FURNISH MONDAY 730? *1 17?. 5 . 'Tn 100 ROBERT J. LUTZ, SECRET SERVICE, Lg? ANGELES, UL: 1958 ADAMS AND BRANCH, LOS ANGELES, A NECRO MALE, ;b6 14' I ~15 mam?H1. SUCOP -. va??f L/e I, END CORTAEW gyr?f" ?7 fer Jd?l [1 mm? . . I?g Ronald Reagan-515 ONRECORDED can mm IN - Mr. Troislso?nu . . Mr: A. Mr. VJAJELETYPE Y: 2:121:27? ?suns-- AUG 3 1968 E: 3333,1233: Mr. 5 I Eli: Gale . Mr. cm T0 '?WJTf?ai/?W?i Mr. Tavelr? I. .., Mr. 1? MI: ETTA. Miss Gandy- nan-m TRREAT To GUVERRGR LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, PHONE THAT APPROXIMATELY PREVIOUS YHILE AORKIAG SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ADAMS AND FIGUEROA BRANCH, Los ANGELES, A NEGRO MALE, FIVE To FIFTY, FIVE FEET TEN INCHES, BLACK HAIR, b7c aaown EYES, ONE HUNDRED NINETY POUNDS, HEAVY BUILD, BROUGHT IN RECALL PETITION FOR GOVERNOR REAGAN To BE SOME DISAGREEMENT FOLLOWED. MAN FIAALLY STATED AFTER PETITION PERSONALLY SIGN PETITIGA As MAY SAVE ?f SHE HAS NAME 1A NOTARY Bong AT LA BANK AND CAN FURNISH MONDAY NEXT. :51 ROBERT J. LUTZ, SECRET SERVICE, LOS ANGELES, ADVISED ELEVEN FORTY AN INSTANT. L- . . "a 9?33 33hm?i?n Ronald Reagan-516 gf?a?P1r_ Rama nduTted MD a ALL INFORMATION IS UNCLASSIYID L526 FBI YASH DC ?3 .563- 465,163 . 7-26-67?) 7. i bx . DISSEMINATION 12/? AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER '3 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 1m. Imonmrron 0mm - Is UNCLASSIFIED - DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE MAM {15, BY ?7 405, f) SECRET SERVICE (PID) Service) 3? HITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM, ATT. For disseminating classified data to Secret A .4 1 'cation: 4W d5 3 . 7/0 if}? 7? 4/7] 5; fjf? 1?41. L. L. I message begins on next page.) a I1.- haveELETYPE . a. - Approved . Ronald Reagan-517 Per 1: 9.: /f'i . I 516"? j? UNIT Sent .