FPA/N #: Received Date: WDFW Concurrence Due Date: WDFW Concurrence Review Completed: Comments Due Date: Forest Practices Application/Notification Decision Due Date: Office Checklist Page 1 lo/1 l /1- E 0 in y Harvest Method (rubber tired skidder, tracked skidder, dozer, shovel, full suspension cable, leading end suspension cable, helicopter, cable assist/tethered logging, animal, chipper, forwarder, slash bundler) skidder/shovel Page 5 of 9 G) .c "'C G) 0 - II) ... QI II) G) c:: :I: 80 G) Cc-0 G) .c -G) "'C G) -G) -II) 0, (1) - E ti 0 c:: E :::, 0 E o '--':::, QI >~ :I: 1620 0 > "'C -.,. G) (I) ·;t: -~ G) .c E .c 0-c G) QI - 0 :I: :::::.. 800 .:! c:: 0 > :I: 99 C. 0 ·-- -- t: en ::, II) QI g- II) QI c:: QI U) :I: 30 Western Washington 20. Reforestation. Check all that apply: Planting. Tree Species: _c_o_n_ife_r_ _ _ _ _ _ __ D D Natural. Include a Natural Regeneration Plan Not required because of one or more of the following: D I am converting some or all of this land to non-forest land in the next 3 years or lands are exempted under WAC 222-34-050. D D Individual dead, dying, down, or wind-thrown trees will be salvaged. D D D Trees are removed under a thinning program reasonably expected to maximize the long-term productivity of commercial timber. I am leaving at least 100 vigorous, undamaged, and well-distributed saplings or merchantable trees per acre. An average of 190 tree seedlings per acre are established on the harvest area and my harvest will not damage them. Road right-of-way or rock pit development harvest only. * * Do you own MORE than 80 acres of forest land in Washington? If yes, skip to Question 25 * * 21. Are you using the exempt 20-acre parcel riparian management zone (RMZ) rule (WAC 222-30-023) on type S, F, or Np Waters? • No Skip to Question 25. D Yes Continue to Question 22. See instructions for qualifications and information. 22. Choose the answer below that best fits your situation. Show all RMZs on the Activity Map. D a. ALL of the following apply to me and my land: (If no, answer b.) • Between June 5, 2006 and today's date I have always owned less than 80 acres of forest land in Washington . • Between June 5, 2006 and today's date this parcel has always been 20 acres or less of contiguous ownership. See RCW 76.09.020 for definition of 'contiguous'. • Between June 5, 2006 and today's date this parcel has always been owned by me or someone else that has owned less than 80 acres of forest land in Washington. b. ONE OR MORE of the following apply to me and/or my land (check all that apply): If any of the statements below apply AND you use the exempt 20-acre parcel RMZ rule, you are NOT authorized under the State's Incidental Take Permits (see explanation in FPA instructions under Question 22). 10/1/2018 D Between June 5, 2006 and tod ay's date I have owned more than 80 acres of forest land in Washington. D Between June 5, 2006 and today's date this parcel has been a part of more than 20 acres of contiguous ownership. See RCW 76.09.020 for definition of 'contiguous'. D Between June 5, 2006 and today's date this parcel has been owned by someone that has owned more than 80 forested acres in Washington. Page 6 of 9 Western Washington 23. If harvesting within 115 feet of a Type S or F Water on an exempt 20-acre parcel, complete the table below. Show RMZs and stream segment identifiers on the Activity Map. If you are harvesting within 75 feet or within the maximum RMZ (whichever is less), stream shade must be assessed and met following harvest. Describe in Question 28 how stream shade was determined to be met, using the 'Appendix F. Stream Shade Assessment Worksheet' if necessary. Stream Segment Identifier (letter) Water Type (S, F) Segment Length (feet) Bankfull Width (feet) Are you harvesting within the maximum RMZ? (Yor N) RMZ Maximum Width (feet) 24. Are you harvesting within 29 feet of a Type Np Water on an exempt 20-acre parcel? D No D Yes Skip to Question 27. See instructions and describe leave tree strategy in Question 28. Then skip to Question 27. 25. If harvesting within 200 feet of any Type Sor F Water or periodically inundated areas of their associated wetlands, complete the table below. Include Desired Future Condition (DFC) for all inner zone harvests unless you have an HCP prescription. Show RMZs, CMZs, and stream segment identifiers on the Activity Map. If you are harvesting within 75 feet or within the maximum RMZ, whichever is less, stream shade must be assessed and met following harvest. Describe in Question 28 how stream shade was determined to be met or use the 'Appendix F. Stream Shade Assessment Worksheet' if necessary. Stream Segment Identifier (letter) Water Type (S, F) Site Class (I - V) Stream Width (feet) Is there aCMZ? (YorN) RMZ Harvest Code(s) (see instructions) DFC Run Number Total width of RMZ (feet) - 26. If harvesting within 50 feet of Type Np Water, complete the table(s) below. Show RMZs and stream segment identifiers on the Activity Map. Stream Segment Identifier (letter) Total Stream Length in Harvest Unit (feet) Length of No-Harvest, 50-foot Buffers in Harvest Unit (feet) Stream Segment Identifier (letter) Total Stream Length in Harvest Unit (feet) Length of No-Harvest, 50-foot Buffers in Harvest Unit (feet) - 10/ 1/2018 Page 7 of 9 Western Washington 27. How are the following currently marked on the ground? (Flagging color, paint color, road, fence, etc.) Harvest/ Salvage Boundaries: Orange flashers, Orange ribbon, type change Clumped Wildlife Reserve Trees/Green Recruitment Trees: Single tree is Band of orange paint. Right-of-Way Limits/Road Centerlines: _n_a_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Stream Crossing Work: _n_a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Riparian Management Zone Boundaries and Leave/Take Trees: same es t:lariest bc;n,mdar:y S9 CJ/ j 2- / l