Word; b3 SIX Paul Co'well Stavehcoqu, For L03 Angela?s County Cecil Broadhursl: VERSE l. God Woe-H omc? H-aera Me 900% o-rounc? To Fo?nc? Him a court-t5 and this is wha? He. Fbund A Hand 0F am am? mount-dun and dessert wi?-der-ness And ?a mac?e an email-43 pa-m-d?se He CoileJLos Ange-?es. REERAIN Se-ven-t5 six has. Plan-t3 room For more. 52 -V2n m'nl- "on pea-pie 0- Pen '05 the door: Ara-99.05 we are nonesBut An-ge- li?nos none-the-?ess Forwe come From the com-t3 Hwy ca? 105 Ara-92423. 2. H: grew and grew and grew on& gremonci grew anti-grew and grew Md cw The oranges did Hossom card the mighty durcroFE New. 3F its growth Continues in H115 Most osbunde?ng way New York C4129 soon we? be. a suburb OF 3. 3. Your seven? -six cities, seventy-six. mayors seven million pea Peg sewn m?ai?fon car-es, . We? cou?d be has Ange?es Uncut shows g?umanah? How to live. and work (hage?'oer Hike a lb. Who?wr it's on wr% uake,a Fim,or a Woo-cu -- Angeiinos rise above BE with that spirit in their Hood}. Wins wor?d what's E's-m asunc?er With Prehistoric. hqke .. Heads the Count}; ot? Hm Angejs E0 bring 'aE. up 530 duh".