TAM MY 1.111151111115111 DC 201310 June 25. 20.14 Ms Catherine Gmmek 131613.118 N?ahs Of?ce of Inapectol Genel111 Dear MS. (1101111311: COMMEUEES: i .- HEALTH, EDUCATEDN, LABOR, AND PENS1ONS WEE BUDGET SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING -- 801151111111 851211111111 5 -- 011111111va .111111 1111111221 1113011111213 I 11111 11111111131 1111 136111111 01? my 00113111118111 who 11011111 like 10. concerns 111111111121111111111 111-1111: Tomah 1. 1110111111111 VA. I Would 11131116011111: your 11.111 review and 111111-3311 gatibn oftbe 11111011?.ng concams expressed by my constituent: '1 A large percentage 1.117110101111111 1313111 treated for 11111131111101: 111111111: 11171:. 1111? subs?lnces 1110111111111; 1113111183,. 13611201111121313111123 111111 31111111131113 which were 011 ginall 131'eSCI'ibed by VA. providers. '1'1113111: $111111: 11010111113 00111111111: 10 b1: 111638 substances 1117111111313 1111111111: in active 11111111110111. a T116111 1111: '11 1115.111 1111111131317 1111111311 c111111'0111311 151111311111ces 11.11: 113311 111101 1'0 alternative 1.111211 being 1111111611, a guidelinfes 11111.1 11318111115 in active 1.3T-SD 11'611?111113111 2111011111 .1101; be 111131113111 bccl.benzodiazepiners 1131' 1111:: best possible. treatment 011113011113, 110111131 01.11113 15_ 1111111111111 13111111121? 111' 1111: "1111111111 A 11111 1311111113} 1:11; 1116 (1111111111101: The (31'1? 11131: 01' 1111111111 11115" 1.1 111.61 111111111 (11111113111131 11'1" 1111: 101111-111 VA plasmibipg 1111111111: 111111131 1:11.111: [310001.15 11'; 111.011.1111; 1?00. 31011 111.111.119113111113 120111111111: 10 be 111111111111111131 1'01 .I?lease 1111131111 my of?ce 01110111 111111111 gs 11.1111 fem-111d 1111 031711131301111111101: to the 2211113111101} 01" Mike .Iz-Ie1bick i11111yiMiIx1111111-111 Senate 01110.6 11163.3 W. 11111100111111 Ave._. Suite- 1920. I 5.3203. or V111 11211313110111: 1-11; 4 .1 .4~297?445 1 3.110111013111111 111111: and 1310111131 1111811111111 10111.15 11111111311 Sincerely. Tammy Baldwi 11 United States 81211111111? TB 111111 13111311131111: