swam: a?iaa; BUGSET waa?ir?amm 2135113: . . - 9a January . Gk; ?dE?t-Ii?r? ft-ND id?TU??l The Honorabla Rebe?: A. 'Mc'Dona'ld Secretary Of Veterans Affairs .810 Vermont Washington, DC 20420- Dear Secretary MCDOnald; 1-3111 w??ng to request ?{hat you take immediate action to address extremely troubling reports of imperQr opiate prescribing:practices and. abuse 0f administrative authority at the 'Tomah VA Medical {36711th I naisad'thesc chcems On behalf of a constiment in. Aprii and Juneof. East year?- sending letters to the Tomah Of?ce .of Inspector {Banana}. respectively.? in. addition, the iss?cd a March 2014 report. {hairaiSQd a number-of serious cancel-'11; yet mm to address these; problems has not beea taken. Therefore, I. beiieya it is time yen to iniiewene; aad conduct 3 erad and t?o'nQagh investigation of the operaticnoftha Tomah. VA and ensure; that iaprQVidngE-the highesieqaality care: to Wiscoasin. yatanana.. TheManch 2014;0iG repertthatiloned ?11150 allegationsnevealed evidence of sznem'eiy hig?ieVSiS prescriptions at VA daring 135-911] year 2012, deaElihg yari??ce? ?admpandiQ other Veterans Integrated Service-:7 Network (V ISN) 1-2?facilities and prescrians, Indeed; out Qf'thQ 12 "facilities: ih? lay-fan this: highest 1.153? patient dosage naiQ. out of mere; tha? 31,200 I VISN lizproviders-g three physiCians zit-the Tomah VA were the highest? ??hhighest, an seyaath accamiting er33% Q'fall opiat?. pre.scr?ptiQQs in 12 {33313111, these aianni-ng Qut?aberswrangdeing, stating only {hat allegatmns deaiing with general average of Qarcotics at the {3611in may have had merit i? am 3130 of a?adr?iniatfative cal-{are {if Qatiaiid'a?on and dys?meiiQn at Tomah VA, Amending 1Q Bibs-01G report, four- pha?nacisis letihQ Tomah VA becaQ-se. Qf ?Concerns withi?ge facility's expectations er- dispensing- opicds-and other controlled sabatancasf? Dagpita this ?ndiag, 2318-0-16 didnot'sabstantiate a?ega?niQQ?s ofabQ-SQ ofaa?i?horiiy; While} understand that. patient populations. and their medical acacia yany byfaaii?y; I am troui?ed an the" nelactance tQ 2Q 21 cleanly 3.1 13:01:11er at the Toma}; VA Coupied with Qergonzal ?Qm veteran patients their; families: and farmer employees {he ailegaiions ii1sttigath by 1111? GIG?both and those umubsia?tzated; ban Q?nthiSQ vaiidatad by acii {311. Additionaliy, while the 016: r?port evaluated multiple accugations raised by a se?es of Wlusileblowers it was limited in eruS and therefore :10: a thorough invas?gation inte VA operations The veterans that rely: on ?ibis facility deserve a comprehensive and immediate investigation that dazermines theiull scope of the problem and leads to action! Mr Secretary? applaud your reliance on a ?ingle metric for evaluating the work: the quality. of {he outcome for the veteran. While the C-encei'ns raised arthe: Temah facility are: almmg; it baars noting that I the ovemheliming majority of Wisconsin VA emple?e-es strive every day is provide 'qnality and timely care to oar-veteranst To achieve: and maintain that: sfan?dard, it is- impe?ra?ve that you take aciion to addreSS 1116 issues a??ec?ng veterans and employees. at'the-Tamah I look. femard- tgwoszing wi?lyoutoward thai goal. Smears-13!: I United States Senate: