R0rJl¡{ls}t' !1.L.('. (^) (*/ Pavl Lct Ùr3v"¡ (lalen¿lar No. ,\,\IEND1\'IEN? ¡i() Ihrpose: To trlrovicle tbr thc rcciprocal telmination of sanctions rvitll respeet to mcurbers of the l¡e¡lel'al .r\ssenibl¡' of the Russi¿n !'eclcr¿rtion if the Govertment of the Russian Fcclcration terminates thc application of s¿nctions rvith respect to llemliers of' the Unitecl States Congress, IN THE SENATE OF TIIE IJIYIÏED STAfES-lr5th Cong., 2d Seee" H. R. 1877 To h¿rlt the rvholesale slaughter tif the S¡r{an peoplc, tlncour¿ìge a negotiated political settlemcnt, äncl hold Sy'iern Ìrurnan rights abusers accountal-rlc fbr thcir crimcs. Refþrrccl to the Committcc on orrlerecl to bo printeti Orclerccl ancl to lie on thc table ancl to btr priritecl Altpx¡xlux't intenclecl to be pr''oposed by IIr, Prul Yir,: 1 On ¡rage 28, betrveen lines 12 ancl liì, insert the fol2 lorving, (cl) Rnctpnocju, TatìlfIN¡\TIoN oF S.\NcTIoi\ii oN 3 4 L¡ItGlSl-ttOBs.-If thc Cio'ç'ernmcnt of the Russi¿n l'ecl5 eration tenninates thc a¡rplication of s¿rnctions lvith re6 spect to all i\'Iembers of the Unitecl States Senate or llousc 7 of Represcntatives, tire Presiclent shali rceiprocally termi8 n¿te the application of sanctions with res¡:cct to memhers R()fit8B96 2 kth4 I of the l¡ederal ¡lssembly of the llussian l'ecleration sane- 2 tionecl 3 4 5 6 7 I under- (1) Exeeutive Orcler 13660 (50 U.S.C. 1701 note; relating to blocking property of certain persons contributing to the situation irr Ukraine); or (2) Executive Orcler 13661 (50 U.S.C. 1701 note; relating to blocking pruperty of aclclitional persons eontributing to thc situati{¡n in Ukraine}.