MINNE TRIS TA POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT 765i County Road ill) Minneinsiu. MN 55%4 Phone' 446-! I31 icRat 18004845 AGENCV 0le MNaznsoo JUVENILE: 5 Reported:0972272l1181209 FirstArrivednase Laleleared:2027 Committed Stafl109-22-20181209 Committed End: 2 Title: Mental Health Short Description: See Supplement, Summary: Eversun made several comments about people lrying to kill him: relerenced 777 and God several times. - went to a peer's house, opened door and left. He was not wearing a shirt when he did this, left then drove to a gas station In excelsior where he got out, spotted someone he thought he knew and got In their vehicle leaving his vehicle behind. Several of his employees have said he has not been himself for the past few weeks, was told that he needed to get a mental health evaluation as well based upon his demeanor, Location(s) Address'-- City:Minnelrisia Stats: MN Zip: Country: USA 3 officerAssigned: Knkesn: Michael Badge No: Primary: Ni) 3 Officer Assigned: rnumpsomustin Badge No:133 Primary: No u. involvement: Subject Name: Grinen. Everson Dewayne DOE: 3 Age: xx 2 Involvement: Mentioned Name -- nos: Age: xx Involvement: Mentioned Name, -- DOB: Age: xx involvement: Mentioned Name: Kiawner: Kim August DOB: Age: xx Involvement: Mentioned Name: pica: Leslie Joseph DOB: Age: xx Involvement: Mentioned Name: Osman: Adam Joseph DOE: Age: xx Involvemem: Menlwoned Name: -- DOB: Age: xx Supplemental Report ICR: 13004345 Last Moditied: 097242013 1533 Title: Mental Health Hold 7 Kokesh <<116 Created By: Michael Kokesh On September 22"d 2018 at approximately 14l 1 hours i received a phone call irom Officer Adam Moore from the Smith Lake Mitinetonka police Depanntent ml tny squad - -ll phone. omcer Moore stated he was contacted by uho is the director ol'secur ,t tor the Minnesota Vikings. Kim requested Officer Moore to cheek on the wile and kids Vikings player Eversnn al their residence al Officer Moore said he discovered that the) mm'ed to 'n Minnetrista I advised Officer Moore 1 would Conlucl Kim for further in Ithen Called Klauilcr and spoke to him \ia cell phone Kim told me that he and other Vikings staff are concerned about erson Grti'lEn and what he mayor may do [0 htmseli'and his wife and kids. Kim said that he hasn't been acting normal lately and said that it's almost like he is having a nervous break down. Kim said that it \tas so had that the team told him not to play on Sunday and to go get his head straight. Eterson also ed up in practice Salutda) morning 09% 18 and was told not to Kim stated he at a hotel lty in Minneapolis and had to he remoyed hy Minneapolis Police as he was causing 2i dislurhance and was headed hack [0 his home in Minnelrisla. Kim stated that just happened. I spoke to Kim while 1 was driving to Eterson's and adyised him i uas pulling up the drivevtay and disconnected \\ilh him. I observed a female sitting in the drit er seat ola tehiele parked in the driteway I made contact with that female and she stated she "as the nanm and that Fund the kids packed up and lefi The nunnv was later identified as . I told that I needed in speak to -- who is Evcrson's wir - said she would Call'and an-anpe a place to meet - aid she wanted to not he at the house and quickly leave heeause was on his way back to the house and in rear he ntay pull up the driteway when we were there. I met- further down the road on -- attay from the residence as to not he een ifEVcrsoll came home. -called - and we agreed to meet in the lot at Surt'Side part in Mound. I followed - to Surf Side park in Mottnd and met with - - told me that she and Eterson hat been together for ahout eight years. They have three children in common. 'liilany' said they mmed to --in Minnetrista bout a year and hall'ago -said that Everson has not heen acting nonnal lately. She stat ast Sunday on 09-16-18 they were sleeping and in the middle ol'the night he up and leit. m! aid that he does this from time to time as he is fighting with "demons" in his head and that normal ror him to away and his done this throughout his life. -aid that Lterson didn't return home until Wednesday 91 8. lle said they verbally argued for a little hit and left about an hour later. that erson didn't return home until earlier in the morning Saturday 09722-1 3.-satd she was taking a shower and he waited into the bathroom and the first [hln he said to her wa '50 who Died?" Eyerson then made a comment about "1 [mi \1'lml help'ti said he didn't make any sense and asked him what he was talking about. A short time later Eyerson told - to "gel the l-rml". said she then left the httuse around 1145 hours: said she didnt feel right leattnp him so she newt lett and snack back inside the house. film" at 157 hours Evcrson leti the llhouse and went to Hotel try in downtown Minneapolis. uhich lS where she said he was slaving during week, I asked - 'Eterson ever made any suicidal comments or indicate he wanted to harm himsellor others. - said that a tow days prior on Wednesday 094 948 he sent her a lexl message saying "I'm gmtl, hail over fl'IL I wul' real. Alwayx. Your mom up. Always trust your hwrl. [triad Hard. 1' almosl That message -sent to me and I attached it to the re ort.l asked - it'he owns any weapons and she said no. there were no weapons in the house. showcd mc other messages from Evcrson that spoke about their relationship in which he stated he was done with the relalinnship but no specifics about wanting to harm himself. - said she didn't know what to do and that she wants him to get help. - said that Evcrson is not on any medication but should he.-said that Eterson hasn'l slept in days and thinks he is delusional because ol'the lack of sleep._ said there hasn't been any commems about wanting to hartn himselfor others. While speaking with - she looked all live securin cameras on her cell phone and stared lhal Everson had returned home as she could see his vehicle in lhe dri\ sway. I asked if she would be going back home and she said she probably wouldn't because she wams him to get some sleep and she would eilher slay with her sister or her molher. I laid her that Could accompany her back to Ihc house if she liked and I would be willing to lalk to him however she fell lhal would escalale Ihe mallet even further. i told - that at this point I have not been told anylhing that meet the criteria of placing Eversnn on a health and wellare hold. I explained to -she or someone else ma) want to speak to Everson to find out what is going on and ifhe says or does anything that is concerning to call 911. I recommended that ilshe went back to the house she should go with someone so she would reel safer. I asked - ilshe would try calling Eversnn to see what his state ofmirld was and to see ifhe would say anything lhal would warrant l'unhcr action. - tried calling Everson but he did not answer. I told -that i would try calling him to see how he is feeling. 1 then called Everson Griffen's cell phone. A male answered and 1 identified myselfasking ifhe was Mr. Griffen to which he confirmed. lie was difficult to hear as there was an echo and sounded as ifhe was far awayhverson said he was taking a showerl told him several times it was difficult to hear him and sounded as ill was on speaker phone. I asked him ifhe felt like harming himselror others. Everson said "no why wuuldlda that?" and that he "would" 'l him anyone . verson then went on to speak about how he was going to be gone for six to eight days and went on rambling about other things that I had difficulty hearing or making sense of. Evcrson then hung up on me. I tried calling him back but he did not answer. I told -al this point because he said he wouldn't hurt himsellor others including what she told me that the situation was not to the point where he needed to be placed on a health and welfare hold. -understood and I told her I would be following up with Leslie Pico who may have more information about Everson since l>ieo was the person Everson was supposed to speak with at Hotel lty in Minneapolis. I retumed to the MPSD and called Leslie Pico, Pieo is the Player Development director for the Minnesota Vikings. Pico said that Evcrson has really been struggling torthe pas! few weeks. He stated that Eterson is lacing a possible divorce with his wife. Pico said that during practice this past week Everson has been explosive. screaming and yelling in the work place. Pico said that management sent him and his agent a letter on Thursday 09720718 stating he is not allowed back until he has a mental health evaluation. Pico said Everson has paranoia and has been repealing himselflately. Pica said that Everson called him on Saturday >18 and said he wanted to talk to him at his house. Everson then changed the location to hotel 1w in Minneapolis. when Pico got to Hotel lvy. forgot that he wanted to speak to Pico and didn't want to talk to him. Pico said at no time did Everson make any comments about wanting to hurt himself or others. Fico said Evcrson is very sman about not making comments like that. Pieo said that Everson's speech is rapid and his conversations were irrational. Pico Stated while the Minnesota Vikings Want ls'vcrson to get a mental health evaluation. there is nothing that Everson has said or done that would rise it to the level where immediate action needs to be taken. Pico said, Everson is not a harm to himselfor others. I told Pico at this point there isn't anything I heard from him that is concerning where I need to go knock on Eversoll's door and say "hey you need to go in". Pico said honestly at this point no. there is no need for that. Pier) and I discussed a few other things and disconnected. As I was ending my conversation with Picn. I received a text message from -saying to please call me. I called - said that Everson was just at house located phone call from his fiance who stated Everson just brokc into their homo and jumped thru some bushes and he was not wearing a shin. I told -1 would go check it out. A few minutcs later she called back. - said that she just got a phonc call from an unknown male from phone number stating that he has her husband in his car and wantcd to know what to do with him. - said she told the to bring him to their house on I immediately called the phone number and spoke to a male who said he was with Everson and that he was on Highway 7 and Co Rd 19 and driving him to his house. The male then said he needed to make a U-tum and was now headed to Hotel ivy in Minneapolis. i asked the male to hold for me 2151 needed to let South Lake Mtka Police know what was going on in lheirjun'sdiction. The male then disconnected the phone call. I contacted ilennepin County dispatch. I told them I needed a tactical channel and to call the phone number ofthe person who was driving Everson around and to start getting information as to vehicle description. name etc, as was the only oit'tccr on duty at the time and needed to respond accordingly. also told them to call Minneapolis Police and let know that Everson was headed back to Hotel Ivy and they should have squads respond. A minutes later. -called my cell phone stating that Everson was now at home on omccr Thompson ofthis department and just arrived for his shift at 1700 hours and I quickly filled him in. We responded to -- Upon our arrival a black pickup truck came down the driveway at a high rate Thompson ordered the vehicle to stop. The male was making comments about how Everson was crazy and that he didn't feel safe at all and needed to get out or there. The male was shaking was trying to leave as I was trying to identity as I didn't know who he was or why he was there. I quickly grabbed his name and identified him as ADAM OSMAN. I had Osman pull offto the side and to wait tor us or an Officer to come to scene. I requested assistance from Orono PD. Orono was unable to assist so Officers from South Lake Mtka responded. I requested an Officer crime was committed. Officer Moore went to that address and it was later confirmed that Evcrson did come to the house. opened the front door then quickly ran avtay when the door XX XX XX Officer John Wareham or South Lake Minnetonka PD arrived at the -- address. I directed him to meet with the person in the pickup truck. Adam Osman to get a statement from him. Everson was outside yellingomcer Thompson and I approached Eversonr Officer Thompson and I spoke to Everson. Evetson was making comments about "777" and that he went to - house because "God made me do it" and went on to say that there was a sign on the front door saying "welt-amoral!" so that's why he went there. - would say that while they know the -, they are not good friends where he would just go down there and let himselfin. In talking with Everson we told him that he needed to go to a hospital to get checked out, I told him as he knew. the Vikings also wanted a mental health evaluation done. Everson agreed to go to the hospital. Ridgeview paramedics were requested to the scene. omcer Thompson stayed with Everson while I moved squads out ofthe entrance to the driveway so the ambulance could come up the driveway. See his repon ror runher details. Upon Ridgeview's arrival informed them orwhat was going on. i advised them even though Everson volunteered to go to the hospital I would still be completing a hold form on him based upon his actions and information 1 had acquired about him. Officer Thompson told me that Everson made several more eomments to him including comments about people trying to kill him. referencing 777 and God several times. I completed the attached hold form and provided it to the paramedics. It was determined in talking to Eversnn and his wife that he would be transported to Fairview in Edina I then spoke to Officer Wareham. He told me that Adam Osman was at the Minnico Gas Station on Highway 7 and Christmas Lake road. He said that Adam was at the pumps filling up gas in his new truck when Evermn pulled into the lot with his vehicle, Everson got out and was walking around the gas pumps and savt Adam and said he knew himeAdam said that he didn't know Everson and that Everson got in the passenger seat ofhis pickup truck and had him drive him around. Adam then called Everson's wife who instructed him to drive him home. It was later discovered that Adam works at XX XX XX and that Griffen family goes there and that's believed to be why Everson made the comment of saying he knows him. Adam said that Eversun did not have a shirt on so he gave Everson his sweatshirt I told him would said no that Everson can keep it because he Everson didn't have a shirt to wear. Due to the {act that Everson lefi his vehicle at the gas station afier he just drove it there. I had Officer Ricky Syhre of South Lake Mtka PD go visually cheek on his vehicle and see ifhe see's anything inside. lie did and reported that he did not see anything suspicious. Ridgeview paramedics then left the scene. At approximately 181 1 hours dispatch said that kidgeview paramedics were requesting us lights and sirens to Co Rd 44 and Stonebridge. Upon arrival Everson was out of the ambulance walking on the side of Co Rd 44 with his hands up in the air. I got out of my squad and told Everson to get back in the ambulance and he complied. In speaking with one of the paramedics, they stated that a few deer ran across the road and while they were driving Griffen got up and jumped out of the ambulance because he was in fear that someone was going to shoot him. They requested Griffen to lay down on the stretcher which he refused to do. Officer Thompson and I talked to Everson and convinced him to lay down on the stretcher vs sitting in their chair that they allowed him to do. After talking to him for a while it was determined that Officer Thompson would follow the ambulance to the hospital in case anything further happened. Chief Paul Falls and Lt. Craig Squires were made aware of the incident. Since no crime was commiued there are no criminal charges forthcoming regarding this incident in Minnetrista. supplemental Report ICR: 18004845 Last Modified: 09-25-2013 1033 Title: MH 7 Thompson 133 Created By: Justin Thompson On 9/22/18 at about 1700 hours. i was advised by Sgt. Kokcsh Ufa possible mental heath related incident involving a male, Everson Grift'en, at Sgt. Kokesh had recently talked to Evcrson's viit'e, - and believed Evcrson to be back his home. It was also stated Everson possibly entered a home at XX XX prior to going home. Sgt. Kokesh and I drove to and Southlake orricers Wareham and Moore were requested to check the xx xx address. Both oilicers also assisted on scene. Upon arrival. a black truck flashing his headlights began speeding from the house toward us. I used my squad to prevent him from leaving and advised him to stop. [he male, later identified as Adam Osman, stated vie needed to get up to the house because erson vias acting cra7y and he was dangerous. I Could see a male and two females standing in the front yard. I asked for ID and advised to provide it to Sgt. Kokesh who was walking up behind me. Adam then stated Everson was the male wearing a black sweatshirt in the front yard. Ridgeivew was started to the area. I approached on root and Everson became upset because -called the police. 1 explained that we were contacted by several people and that we were there to help. Evcrson was really last rambling about things or issues that were not relevant including saying "777." He said it was about (ind and asked ifl was going to kill him, I again explained I was there to help and had Everson sit on a bench near the driveway. kept repeating himselrand said he missed "doughnut club" at work and they made him leave. He stated he wasn't cra7y. but he felt people were trying to kill him When asked who, he stated - his mother in law, and everybody. Everson asked in knew his parents and ifl killed them. When asked why he went to xx xx. he stated to check on his friend - it should be noted that -is a coworker ofhis and owns the home. 1 asked why he felt he needed to eheek on him and Evcrson said because God told him to. He also kept saying there were two signs in the hem yard that said Happy Fall and Everson said he his car at the gas station at Highway 7 and Christmas Lake Rd and some guy gave him a ride home, hut could not explain why. Afler explaining my eoneems regarding his comments and health. Everson agreed to go to the hospital. lie stated he didn't feel safe and wanted to talk to someone. Ridgeview arrived. assessed and transponed Everson to rairview Southdale per his request. Sgt. Kokesh eompleted a health and welfare hold. Shortly after Ridgeview leaving. Helirlepin Dispatch advised Ridgeview was requesting assistance lights and sirens because the male fled from the ambulance near County Rd 44 and Stonebridge. Upon my arrival. Everson was back in the ambulance talking with staff. Everson repeated several times he didn't feel safe and asked ifI would transport him. It was decided that I would follow that ambulance if Everson agreed to cooperate. I then followed Ridgeivew and assisted Fairveiw medical staff, per their request, at the hospital. Please see Sgt. Kokesh's report for details. Clear.