I I i I, JULIE. SWETMCK. declare an Fuller?: 3 1. My name it: Julie Ewe?tm'clt and I am resident at Waiting-rm. D. C- I fully ?vii undemend the act-intranets ef the statements cenlnitted within this declaration- I have 5 pursuits] the lttfannatictn stated herein and il'called it: testify tn- the name '5 weld and enlald do an. 7 1. I am mduete 13f ?a'rtl?terabtn?i High Sehml in ?ttill'ted'shur?. MD. 5 . 3. presently held the l?nllewing active ciettraneeu emelated with waiting 9 the federal anvernment: Pub-tic Treat - 1.1.5. Depanrnent efTreItzury tam}. In Internal tut-mu- Service Ii. I have altItJ pretrluuely held the inaetitre eleerann-ea: Enerel - US. '1 Depenment nl' State UH. Department nt?Jtutlcc [ml] and Public - LLB. '3 Herertrnent nl' Securin end Bender Preteetinn 5. My prler Include: writing with. war 15 Willi-LI}. inlnt Harrie-e: I?mldere IJ.E. Department 431' Ill-arena: 1'5 ?tD?lJi in [13} US. Mint. LLS- Department of {ct [Ll-i. internal Hewnue Service 1.1.5. Department at? 'I'retteury'. td} ?ecemment Affairs and Department. Department el' GenereJ Sat-vice: ?3 nf'the [Hm-ict of Columbia [DE-Gear}: [eh and Bertie: Pmteetiun? 1'3 UJII. of Homeland Security; and {cl} the LLS. Department nl' Etete 1 I wae elect me at the first 't'n't?tl?rten in the tn achieve a Micmeiuft 22 Certi?ed System Engineering. Eertl?cathan traceat 11 E. I ?rst met: Met-It Judge and Brett Encarteugh in epprnet'mately 1 1" wm invaded-ed tn- them at a heme party that I attended in the Weathermen, area. I 15 churned Marl: Judge and Brett Kuwait as extremely clese friends dining the earl}.- . 1'5 I'il'??tt when I knew them and iraeracted them I would describe them an ?jnined at 17 ithe hip" and I Dunnialently new Ihem tngtether in men}.r auntie] settings- There.- is nu- 35 queetic-n in my mind that Matt-t Judge has signi?cant inl?en'natien the cundutn -1- eecuae'rtmmimuem'mc?