A Message to the Penn Community from Amy Gutmann, President Wendell Pritche7, Provost At Penn, we are strongly commi7ed to ensuring the success of our students on campus and beyond. To advance this mission for our undergraduate community – and a@er robust consultaAons with student leaders, College House faculty and staff, undergraduate deans, trustees, student advisors, and other campus partners – we are pleased to announce the creaAon and implementaAon of a new Second Year Experience Program. This year, the Program will begin to offer expanded programming and new events designed specifically for second-year students, both across campus and in individual College Houses. StarAng with the incoming Class of 2024, the Program will house all Penn sophomores in a two-year College House system. Just as the opening of the Quad more than a century ago profoundly and posiAvely impacted our University, the Second Year Experience Program will help shape the social, intellectual, and cultural connecAons that will disAnguish the Penn undergraduate experience for generaAons of students to come. We believe that a two-year College House system will measurably strengthen the sense of community among our first- and second-year students – promoAng students’ achievement and well-being, enhancing support for students’ academic and social lives, and increasing opportuniAes to engage with diverse programs and viewpoints. Housing all sophomores on campus also will eliminate a major source of stress and anxiety for first-year students, who have told us that they feel pressured to consider second-year housing opAons during their first semester as Penn students. Our new Second Year Experience will include special programs designed specifically to address the unique needs of secondyear students. These programs will encompass not only successful ongoing programs such as the Majors and More Dinners and the Wharton Sophomore Experience but also sophomore-specific courses, celebraAons, and social events, such as the new Sophomore Day that was held just a few weeks ago. Penn’s ability to support a full two-year College House system will be made possible with the opening of New College House West in fall 2021, which will increase capacity for an addiAonal 450 upperclass students on campus. In addiAon to New College House West, we will conAnue making major investments in Penn’s exisAng College Houses in the years ahead. Penn’s 12 College Houses, each with its own focus and tradiAons, offer vibrant opportuniAes for self-discovery and enrichment. As living and learning communiAes of undergraduates, faculty, staff and graduate students, they help bridge the academic life of the classroom with our living spaces. There is evidence that students engaged in College House-type programs adjust be7er to college life, develop healthier habits, engage in fewer high-risk behaviors, and perform be7er academically than their peers living off-campus. The 2017 Task Force on a Safe and Responsible Campus Community outlined these and related opportuniAes to be7er support student wellness and augment campus living and learning. A structured, community-oriented residenAal experience helps students develop smart, sound habits that will serve them well long a@er graduaAon. In the months ahead, we look forward to sharing more details about our new Second Year Experience Program and Penn’s transiAon to a two-year College House system. We are confident that these iniAaAves will further Penn’s commitment to helping all students thrive as members of our Penn community and in their lives a@er graduaAon. ---------This information is sent to all members of the University of Pennsylvania community. The message has been approved for distribution by the University Communications Office, the Office of the Provost, or the Division of Human Resources and is of importance to the University of Pennsylvania community. These lists are automatically generated based on an active status with the University. If you have received this message and are no longer affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, please contact your school to request that your records be updated to reflect your current status. Please address questions or comments about the content of this message to the contact listed within the message. Please address questions or comments about University-wide communications to University Communications, univcomms@pobox.upenn.edu.