DIANNE FEINSTEIN CALIFORNIA COMMITIEE ON THE JUDICIARY · RANKING MEMBER SELECT COMMITIEE ON INTELLIGENCE C:OMMITIEE ON APPROPRIATIONS <:OMMITIEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION September 20, 2018 Honorable Charles Grassley Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Grassley: I am writing in response to your request for an unredacted copy of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's letter containing allegations of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. As you know, I referred the unredacted letter to the FBI on September 12. The FBI redacted portions and sent it to the White House as part of the nominee's background investigation file. The decision on redactions was made by the FBI and the resulting letter is now part of the background investigation file that has been shared with the Senate under a memorandum agreement with the White House. This means that all Senators and a limited number of staff have access to the letter as produced in the file. As you know, the letter was given to me in confidence and I am giving it to you with the expectation that you will maintain its confidentiality and that it will not be released publicly or disseminated further, as requested by Dr. Blasey Ford's counsel Debra Katz. Sincerely, WASHINGTON, DC 20510-0504 http://feinstein.senate.gov July 30, 2018 CONFIDENTIAL -Senator Dianne Feinstein Qear Senator Feinste.ih: ··1am writing w ith inform·atron relevant.in evaluating·the current nom.lnee to:theSupreme Cburt. .As· a constituent, 1.expect that you wiH maintain. this as c:onf1dentic1I vntU 'J,./e hi:lv¢ fu r theropportunify to speak. Brett Kava-r,augh physically apd sex.ually assaulted me during High School in the ~arly 1980\ He CQnd.u~ted these ac;ts with the assJs~ance o.f h.is close friend> Mark G ..J udge. Both were 1-2 years older th~n me arid students ala local private school. The assa_ult occurre_<;I in a suburban -Maryland ·area hon-ie at- a gathering tha~- included_.me and 4 others: Kavanaugh physica !i/ pushe.d: me)ntq.a bed.r:opm as I was h~ade·d fqr a bathroom up a short stairwell·from the' living_Yoom. They lbtked the d oa.r a.nc!. play~d lq.u d music, pr.eclLlding·any successful a'ttempts to yell f<;ir help . .,Kavana(!_gh was on. top of me while lau~hing witti )udg,e; who pe·riodkally ]umped oiifo l{"ava naugh. They bo.t h laughed as Kavana!Jgh tried to dis·rbbe "!le· in their highly .inebriated state ..With l<~vanaugh's hand .over my mouth, !feared he may inadvertently kill ine. Frorn across t he room, i:l very_tjrunken JUdf:le ,said mixed '°1vords to_Ki;!vanaugh rariging tram "go'·for it'll to "'stop". At·one po.infwhen Judge jumped-onto the bed, the weig_h t on me was substanti'al. The pile toppl~_ d ,. and the.two ~crapped ·with each other. After a -few. at.tempts tp get away, I was.able to take this o_pportune moment.to· get up: a.nd n.rn across-to a haliway balhroqm. J lpc~ed the bathroo.m .door behind me ..Both loudly stumb!_ed do.wn the stc1irwe·11, at which point' otoer persons at the· 1-i.ouse ·_v,tere t alking wi th th.em . I exited. the bath'rootn, ran outsid.e of th!;!· ho.use and went home. J hav.e rlpt ~noviingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. i did -see l\llark Judge once. atthe Potomac Vi_llage Safeway, where .he was extremely uncomfortable seeing_m!,!. received m ~dical .treatment regaroing the.assault on July 6,. I notified my local governrnentrepresentative·to a_skthem bow to pr.oceed with sharing. this ihfonriatiqn. It is u ps~tt jng fo discuss sel(ual,assault arid (ts repercussioh:S, vet I felt guj!tv- and ~ompefled as a citizen aboL,1t'-the id.ea o{ I have not saying anything. I am avail~ble to· spea.k.furtner should you wish to -discuss. I am' currenfly 'iJacationing in the -midih «ind _will be in California after AugusflOth. · Atlantic until Aug'!,ist In Confidence, Christine )3l.asey Palq Afto, California