5-3 Bank DIEMORAND UM OF SALE Fiestas ?sseebsr12?2913_. . Broker. Nationeltleuldarers Buyeriaortress: ggsepj Menuhin llim Buyer hereby acknowledges that he has this day purchased from Bank ("Setter") {1.5555ng Subject to the within cono'itions. at he {allowing price: PU RCMSE PRICE 3 REQUEQ ti Bayer chases to have the vessel inspectes. rite setecteo surveyor. inspector er mechanic was at auyers own choice and Buyerfully understands that THIS VESSEL lS EEING SOLD IS. WHERE ts.? WIT ANY AND ALL FAULTS. BOTH KNOWN AND UNKNOWN. AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY 0? MERCHA NTAEIUTY OR FOR ANY PARTJCULAR PURPOSE. Buyer further understands that any and a3 information ptovidecl may or may not be accurate and that it Is Buyer's responsibility tn uen'iy lu'eseei?s conoi?on. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknenjleriged. the undersigned hereby RELEASE AND HOLD HARMIESS Bank. as Setter From any and all claims. iiahilities. damages and causes of action of my kind or nature. at law orin equity. which the undersigned anoior hlsiherrits and assigns sitar heel. new has or may hereafter have ,inolusing. but not limited to. defects or damage to the Vessel, her engines. tackle. or to any personal property on such Vessel at the time of pissing orctheratse. The undersigned further agree to AND HOLD HARMLESS Bank tor ail liabilities. losses. damages. expenses. eitemeys? fees and cost incurred by Seller in any action that may arise suhsemenl to the ciosing or this tWeasel for any alleged defect at damage to the Vessel existing at the time of ciosing. whether known or unknown. Broker: . Date: 17?" 3/5 . nd acknowledge receipt of the amount stated above; Date: I, O'gf? 13 Beumgaw Buy A latent Vice President