We wanted to reach out to you in light of the anticipated Boston Globe article on show cause hearings. The Globe has been submitting detailed questions, visiting courts and calling your offices for more than a year. We expect that the article will be critical of show cause of hearings using examples of a few cases that go back many years. It will also question credentials and various other aspects of work done by Clerks. The Appcinted Clerks Association has worked extensively with the reporters to educate and inform as to the operation of the Clerks show cause hearings. Additionally, the Trial Court worked with court departments to compile data along with detailed explanations and responded to most questions. except those related to individual personnel matters. Last week, we provided the following statement to the Globe. "Clerk-Magistrates and Assistant Clerk-Magistrates serve many roles in a court, including managing their office, administering court sessions and conducting various hearings including criminal show cause hearings pursuant to the law. In addition to making the determination of probable cause in statutorily mandated criminal show cause hearings, the Supreme Judicial Court has stated that one purpose of show cause/clerk--magistrate hearings is to enable the Clerk- Magistrate to screen minor criminal or potential criminal matters out o! the criminal justice system through the use 0/ a combination ol counseling, discussion or the threat of criminal prosecution. The role of the show cause hearings and the role of the Clerk-Magistrates in these cases is consistent with the recently passed Criminal Justice Reform legislation that supports diversion, increased impoundment and other elforts to avoid the lurther entanglement 0/ a person into the criminal justice system. The impetus for today's communication is to reinforce that we appreciate your dedication and commitment to the rule of law and to thank you for your effor1s to get it right every day. We support you as you decide cases, including show cause hearings. Deciding cases as the law requires is exactly what you should and are required to do. 9/27/2013 Globe Mall 7 tollowmg up We know that Clerk Magistrates and Assistant Clerk Magistrates are on the front line every day ensuring thatjustice is delivered. You successfully resolve tens of thousands of cases providing a neutral, safe place for parties to be heard, and where appropriate, craft a resolution that protects individuals from adverse consequences such as a criminal record, employment disqualification and potential discriminatory housing practices. We are confident in your work and our system and we are grateful for your daily efforts. We also are grateful for the input of the Clerks Association for their assistance in responding to this story. Our system is strong, thanks to all of you and the men and women of the Massachusetts Trial Court. (212%. Paula M. Carey Jonathan S. Williams Chief Justice of the Trial Coun Court Administrator