From AyoJohnsm ayolcr Sublect 0ch nuenes Date September 2m at 2 us PM To Good aam I to mllow up on tne olavns about child aottse at DCFS and would appleclate tl ll you would secure an update Iran! the Weeks told me last montn tnattnere be an lnvesllgatlon oenttucteo by an lnttepenttent party, and tnat me Dllectol nas oeen placed on leave As you know, on September a, I sent tne lullawlng quenesm your uepanrnent tonne attentren ol me head ol lne ennl servlce understand the director is away. Would it be possible to get some responses to the following questions from the head of civil service? 1. With respect to the investigation into the allegations ol abuse and neglect at the department ol child and family sen/ices, has an independent investigator been appointed? It not, when do you expect to appoint one? 2. Why have no other member of the DCFS stafl been suspended or put on administrative leave? You would be aware that separation orders were applied in respect ol tour members ol stafl, and the orders were allegedly ignored/violated. We plan to publish a follow up on our story bm/zota/OQ/agmy-neglecting: abusing-childrenO at 4 pm. today. Response would be appreciate belore then." We nave lecelved no reply and can only eonolttue that or arnns nas no lntentlen to tte so I would appleclate ll you would hung tnese quenestn the attenlton ot the runner, lnere are no Invesllgallon ls taklng place as key people nave not yet been contained, antt tnat a oover up by senlerorvrl servants may oe tn ellect ll an Independent Investlgatnr nas oeen appolnted' wno ls the person? wnen tne prone slam And why nas lnere been no ottolle announcement 7 What oe tne terms ol relerenoe ot tne Investlgatlon? On a related note It nas come to my attentren tnattne :2ch system at tne ottne treatment services nas not been eoeramnal tor a perm Would lne oe kind enough to tell us wnen will one oe mamad? slneetne nas agreed that government should tum gualdlans' Is not lne appeal Hellman a waste or taxpayers' nuner I slneerely neoe tnat we get responses oy rny puhllcatlon oeaolrne wnren Is 5 pm today Ayn