FLORIDA COMMISSION ON HUMAN RELATIONS 4075 Esplanade Way, Room 110, Tallahassee, FL 32399 WHISTLE-BLOWER RETALIATION CHR No. CHARGE OF DISCRIMINATION Name (Indicate Mr. Ms. or Mrs.) Date of Birth Christina Pumphrey 08/28/77 Street Address Phone number 4276 LaFlorida Drive (unpublished as Assistant State Attorney) (850) 566-9080 City, State, and Zip Code Marianna, FL 32448 List the state agency or independent contractor that discriminated against you. Name Number of Employees Telephone Number Glen Hess, Of?ce of the State Attorney, 15+ (850) 482-9555 Fourteenth Judicial Circuit Street Address City, State, and Zip Code County 4445 Lafayette Street, Jackson County Courthouse Marianna, FL 32446 Jackson CAUSE OF DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DATE MOST RECENT 0R CONTINUING ADVERSE PERSONNEL ACTION TOOK Public Whistleblower PLACE Date of ?ling of this charge and ongoing- last day of employment 9/28/18 THE PARTICULARS ARE (If additional Space is needed, attach extra Sheets(s): I believe that I have been discriminated against in violation of the Public Whistle-blower?s Act, ??112.3187?112.31895, Fla. Stat. for the following reasons: Plaintiff has been and continues to be retaliated against for participating in a protected activity. Plaintiff is an attorney who was employed as an Assistant State Attorney with the Of?ce of the State Attorney, Fourteenth Judicial Circuit from May 7, 2018 through September 28, 2018. During her employment with the Defendant, She discovered that one or more deputies with the Jackson County Sheriffs Of?ce (J CSO) were possibly fabricating evidence to support criminal charges against citizens in Jackson County. Upon investigation and review, Plaintiff initially reported what she thought there improprieties to her supervisor in the criminal charges. Thereafter, she participated in an investigation of these possible fabricated criminal charges conducted by the Jackson County Sheriffs Of?ce at which time she reported the improprieties in documents and cases she was working. Through another interview with the CSO, she reported these improprieties in not only her cases but others that were being handled by other attorneys within her of?ce. After her reporting of the fact that one or more deputies including Zack Wester were falsifying evidence to support false criminal charges against citizens, supported by documents and video evidence in Plaintiff?s and/or Defendant?s possession, she was ostracized and ignored. On September 4, 2018, Plaintiff was told by her supervisors that things were blowing up and she was yelled at about ?nding the evidence showing that criminal charges had been fabricated. Plaintiff was also told by her supervisor that she was messing up investigations by dismissing cases. It was also insinuated that Plaintiff did not do the right thing by reportng these fabricated charges that resulted in multiples of innocent citizens being not only charged with criminal offenses they did not commit but some were actually sentenced to jail time. As a result of Plaintiff? disclosures, this matter has made national news and hundreds of persons are being released from jail and/or charges dropped. In light of the above, Plaintiff has reported misfeasance, malfeasance and or gross misconduct to a person who has the ability to correct this problem, her supervisors and the CSO. Plaintiff was constructively discharged as a result of her disclosures and Defendant, upon information and belief, interfered with Plaintiff? ability to secure alternative employment. I REQUEST TO BE AFFORDED FULL RELIEF To WHICH I AM ENTITLED TO UNDER THE A Under penalty of perjury, I declare that] have ad the re ing charge of retaliation and that {m'facts stated in it are true. SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT ATE It 2 I - $030.0%$ NOTARY. neces or State and Local requlrements) 3 :31; 5 Date . I -.- ?9 2'6 ff SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN T0 BEFORE ME THIS DATE Eg?g ?$232037 :55 $0 0 (Day, month, and year) 261% 2019 7 . ma?a.- Marie A. Mattox. P.A .. Attornev for Comnlainant 310 East ??rdm?q?rm??aa ?allahasgee- 11132303 mam ?manna