Brad?s Questions: have been hearing about some current or impending changes in the administration '5 communications operation. They strike me as a possible story, and I wanted to run some questions past you.? QUESTION: I've heard the new communications hierarchy described as the iHub. Is that indeed what it is called? Could you help me describe the hierarchy, what it would do and who is involved? RESPONSE: We?re actually calling the initiative the Executive Branch Communications Hub. While still in the planning and formation stage, the group will be led by a marketing and communications director, a digital director and an executive producer. Marketing, social media, news gathering, and public relations teams will be formed by combining members of the executive branch communications staffs. The hub will perform work for all executive branch agencies. We?ll be located in one centralized location on the 8th floor of building 3 where we can work more efficiently to respond to media inquiries, create and deliver content from each agency, coordinate marketing efforts, manage social media and better plan public events and press conferences across all departments. QUESTION: Can you help me describe the ideas behind the strategy? RESPONSE: One of Governor Justice's top initiatives is to be more efficient in how government is run. As technology continues to advance and media consumption across the country continues to change we need to change as well by adapting to the way people consume information. We also want to eliminate duplicative. services and provide a more streamlined approach to communications. Some of the goals for the hub: 0 Foster an atmosphere of collaboration among the executive branch agencies. 0 Establish positive relationships with media agencies and respond more nimbly to inquiries. 0 Provide each agency with a more diverse set of resources than what is currently available to them within their organization. 0 Use each agency?s social media platforms to deliver relevant and timely content to their followers. 0 Work to make the executive branch agency web sites more user friendly. QUESTION: Has the governor's office hired additional people with broadcast experience -- Kelsey Takitch and Hillary Kemerer? What will their roles he? Are there additional hires or planned hires for people with television skills? RESPONSE: Yes, Kelsey Takitch and Hillary Kemerer were hired by the Governor?s office but will be transitioning to the new hub. Both have TV media backgrounds; however, their skill set is diverse. Both have experience in shooting video, editing and creating graphics. Plans for additional staffing, including the types of skills needed, are still being determined. QUESTION: Are there plans to move broadcast equipment or establish some sort of studio in Building 3? RESPONSE: Our current discussions include the creation of a studio space. Several agencies already have this type of space and equipment for video production, but upgrades are needed. Rather than each agency investing in upgrades, a single location will be created for use by all agencies. QUESTION: The governor played a nice, professionally-done video at Monday's revenue press conference. I think the same video or a similar one played prior to the governor's remarks at the business summit. Was the video produced internally? What personnel or departments were involved with its production? RESPONSE: Yes, the video was produced internally by Kelsey. It?s a new initiative. As we move forward with the formation of the hub, you will begin to see more video content being created for the executive branch agencies that will be used in all sorts of ways from promoting an initiative to recruiting employees.