ARREST AND PENDING DISMISSAL OF PHILADELPHIA POLICE OFFICERS PHILADELPHIA- On April 17, 2013, appresimately 10:10am, in the area ef 100 E. Sharpnack Street, Pelice Of?cer Matthew Walsh and Pelice Officer Marvin enes (beth assigned te the 14th District) stepped an adult male citiaen tier investigatien. Accerding te decumentatien subsequently prepared and submitted by the ef?ccrs, the citizen was stepped fer ?apparently using narcetics." Alse accerding te the efficcrs? paperwerk, during the cnceuntcr, the citizen was friskcd because he failed te take his hands eut ef his The citiacn was ultimately released witheut charges. Semetime after the enceunter, the citizen filed a cemplaint against pelice. The cemplaint was investigated by the Internal Affairs Divisien (TAD). That inyestigatien determined the fellewing: Based en 1ridee surveillance receyered during the ceurse ef the LAD investigatien, Felice Officer Walsh and Pelice Of?cer Jenes ceuld net have seen the citizen ?apparently using narcetics.? In additien, the citizen was fully cempliant at the time ef the step. Mereeser, the search ef the citizen (which resulted in the remeyal ef a preseriptien pharmaceutical frem the citizen?s pants pecket) was net neted en the ?Vehicle!? Pedestrian ltwestigatien Repert" prepared and submitted by the ef?cers. The IAD investigatien further determined that Of?cers 1Walsh and enes stepped the citizen witheut reasenable suspieien er prebable cause, impreperly searched the citizen (and his vehicle} witheut prebable cause, detained the citizen in handcuffs fer appreaimately 15 minutes, dreye him appresimately ene bleck away, then released the citizen appresimately ene minute later. Based en the eentents ef the yidee surveillance, the investigatien alse determined that Of?cers Walsh and Jenes falsi?ed the Vehicle? Pedestrian investigatien Repert they prepared and submitted. As a result ef this insestigatien, en 09-26-18, Officer Matthew Walsh and Of?cer Marvin Jenes were arrested and charged with Criminal Censpiracy (M2), False lmprisenment (M2), Tampering with Recerds (F3), Obstructing Administratien ef Law (M2), and Of?cial Oppressien (M2).