Redlands Uni?ed School District Tips for Working Smart Student Interactions, Social Media and Electronic Communication Teachers, sta?: and coaches should interact and communicate with students for educational purposes in a professional manner at all times. Further, courteous and professional relationships with students are expected at all times. All employees are expected to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries in their interactions with students inside and outside of the classroom. Below please ?nd tips for working with students as related to physical and emotional boundaries, social media and electronic communication. More than ever, employees are being scrutinized in their daily interactions with students; therefore, it is imperative that employees are cognizant of their actions in the performance of their professional duties. Behaviors that Raise Red Flags Regarding Professional Boundaries I When employees are alone with a student behind closed/locked doors. I When employees ask students to run their personal errands. I When employees transport students without proper authorization/district approval. I Even when approved to transport, when employees do not have another adult in their vehicle when transporting students. I When employees share their personal problems/stories/information with or in the presence of students. I When employees invite students to their home, unless it is a school sponsored extracurricular activity that is appropriately supervised. I When employees meet students in off-site locations without a parent/ guardian being present. I When employees exhibit behaviors which may be viewed as favoring one student over others. I When employees use innuendos that may be suggestively interpreted when talking with students. I When employees tell inappropriatejokes or make inappropriate comments about others to students. Strategies for Social Media (Fact-hunk. Twitter, lnstagram. etc.) I Use privacy settings to control access and keep personal accounts private. I ?Friending? students/parents on social media sites is strongly discouraged. I Keep personal accounts separate. Creating class/team accounts on school approved websites (School Fusion) is strongly encouraged. I Be cognizant of your own online identity. Personal posts/pictures may not be appropriate for students to see. I Anything posted on the internet could be subject to public viewing and republication by third parties without your knowledge. I Be careful about pictures you post. Think about the image you wish to present of yourself to colleagues, parents, and students. I Be cognizant about the language and topics you use on social media sites. Never discuss student information or any other con?dential matters. I Behavior on social media should mimic daily professional communication. RUSD 000729 Tips for Working Smart Tcxl?ing with Students I Cell phone numbers should only be provided if absolutely necessary to accomplish a District related or school related purpose. I Consider whether sending a text message is absolutely necessary. I Keep texting communication related to educational purposes, class matters or school activities. I Be respectful of the timing of electronic communications. Texting after 8:00 pm. or before 6:00 am. should be information based, absolutely necessary, and should include another adult as a recipient. I Whenever possible, avoid texting students one on one. I Consider using group text messages or including another adult (parent, club advisor, assistant coach, etc.) as a recipient. I Be aware of innuendo, casual or informal language (nickname, inside jokes, etc.). I Consider how something (context) sent could be perceived as inappropriate. 0 Example You looked really good yesterday (sent by a coach at I 0: 00 p. m. While the coach may have been talking about a student?s shot/swing/form, a parent or fellow student could interpret that message very differently. 0 Example Meet me at 11:00 behind the (sent by a teacher during a school dance). While the ASB advisor may be simply telling a student where to meet her to put signs and dance decorations in her car, a parent or fellow student could interpret that message very differently. Absolute Prohibitions The following are examples of interactions between employees and students that are absolutely prohibited: I Inappropriate physical contact with students I Inappropriate emotional relationships with students I Planning or discussing a future romantic relationship with a student I Engaging in any conduct that violates Board Policies, Regulations, Education Code, or constitutes criminal behavior Resources 3541.1 Employee Handbook of Mandated Noti?cation Handbook Acceptable Computer Use Policy Redlands Unified School District Coaches Handbook If you have further questions regarding interactions with students or working with social media and electronic communication, please contact your site administrator. 7/30/13 Page 2 RUSD 000730