SECTION IVs OTHER SPECIAL PROVISIONS (rhis section to he used fur inclusion provisions approved by the chic/judge as provided in Florida Family Law Rule 11610.) SECTION V. DIRECTIONS Y0 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER IN ENFORUNG THIS INIUNCTION (Unless ordered otherwise it the Iudge, all pro visions In this iniunction are considered mandatory provisions and should ire interpreted as part o/this ln/unnlmi.) 1. The Sheriff oi oAKou coum'v County, or any other authorized iaw eniorcement officen is ordered to serve this temporary injunction upon Respondent as soon as possible aftei Its issuance at: 2, This injunction Is valid and enloreeahie In all counties oi the state oi Florida. Violation oithis lnjun rt should he reported to the appropriate law enlorcentent agency. Law enforcement oilicersoithe jurisdiction In which a violation of this injunction occurs shall eniorce the provisions ol this injunction and are to arrest without a warrant pursuant to Section 901.15, Florida Stalules. ior any violation oI its provisions, which constitutes a criminal act under Section mun, Florida Statutes. 3, THIS INIUNCIION IS ENFORCEABLE IN ALI. CDIINYIES OF FLORIDA AND LAW ENFORCEMENY OFFICERS MAV EFFECT PURSUANT TO SECTION FLORIDA SUITUYES. The arresting agenl shaIl notify me State Attorneys Office immediater alter arrest. 4. Reporting alleged violations. if Respondent violates the terms of this injunction and has not oeen arrested, petitioner may contact the clerk oi the circuit court of the (clunky in which the violation is alleged to have occurred. The clerk shall assist Petitioner in preparing an affidavit in support oi reporting the violation or direct petitioner to the office operated by the court that has been designated by the chiefjudge of that circuit as the central intake point for violations or injunctions ior protection where Petitioner can receive assistance in the preparation cf the affidavit In support of the violation. The atlidavit shall be immediately iorwarded oy the aim assisting Petitioner to the state attorney ofthat circuit and to the judge designated by the chiefjudge as me recipient oiamdavits of violations oian injunction. Procedures relating to reporting alleged violations are gaverned oy section 734.0437, riorida statutes. CIWWMIM z. moo, 9' .ra IINWIMM CIRCUITJUDGE COPIES TD: Sheriff n! DAKOTA COUNTV Cnunly PetitionerD oy u, 5. Mail lav hand delivery iiespondent iorwarded to sheriff for service Other: ICERHFV thelore'olng Is a true copy or the original as It appears on tile in the omce oi the clerk oithe UVCIAII court oI PIneIlas CDIIHKV, Hedda, 2nd (hi! I have "finished copies :71 (his aide! as Indlcaled ibcvl. KEN BURKE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT av Deputy erlt rlorlda Supreme court Appnwed FamlIy taw Farm izsaoluh Temporary injunction ior Protection Stalking (oi/ill ll um - FD ml IEHIIDI (Inn mum JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, RT 05 IN AND son coumv, FLORIDA case MdSandra (amnlvu gum and Eu noxd. Erodkof Respondenl, 'l PETITION FOR INIUNCTION FOR PROTECFION AGAINST WALKING N) l, (lull legal name) belng sworn, denlly mar ml following aretrue: SECTIUNI, FETITIDNER (This section ls about you. It musr be completed; hnwaver, ll you renulre mar your address he canfldemlal fur szlety reasons. you should complete and file a Request for Confidential Fillng olAddress. Supreme Caun Approved Family sz Farm 11.98001), ind WIRE Ill (he space provided on farm lor your address and lelephune number.) 1. Petitioner resides as me {allowing address: (address, elry, sraxe, lip code) {Indicate applicable] Pet'moner seeks an injunction for prutecflall on behall of a Pelltioner Is the parent or legal guardlan ol (full legal name) 2 mlnor who Is Ilving home. 1. Pemmnar's inurney's Mme] address, and telephone numbev ls: [If ynu do no( have an anorney, wrlle SECTION II. RESPONDENY (This senlun is ahnux (he persnn you wan! to be protected Ironl. I: must be complelad.) 1. Responder" s, cltv, slate. and zlo code) Florida Supreme CounAppIaVed Fimlly uw Farm 12 950(k), PemJon lor 10! Protection Mill!" Slilkln' (ll/Isl KEN BURKE, PINELLAS COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIY COUKTAND Today/s DaleEE 2 i 5 Case Number: 999? '90 (D REPEAT or STALKING VIDLENC please all the type will hled INFORMATION SHEET please read: This is an information sheet to the clerk In preparing your Petition fo hinctlon Pmtenlun Against nomestle, Repeat or Violence you are the Petitioner, the In 5qu an"! gas till I wham you are filing is the Reipanderlr. Please fill In all information below wmpletely a is the hestyf . a your knowledge. Please be advised that the penalties and fines lor knowineg maklng large stigma; onaoetitlon are as follows r: r: Pg! um Making False criminal uflense; gulltv of a mlsdemeinnr of (he 2" Degree. and Flnes for ug' . as. 775.0329) For a Misdemeanor olxhe 1" Degree, a definite term a! imprisonment rial :xceedin: so divs. . [211350000 flne. mm: If the Respondent does not know your address, you may request a confidential hlln. ol your address. erle "Col-m null" on the flue; below where your cont: lnformatlpn ls (equeaed. . Petitioner's NameAilas/ Former Marne any): rIIn complete Address: (2 made/(ad Sam UN (nae Telephnne: A Date 0mm: 3 \30 3 nesaondenrsiiamemigbqel By and Brodfiorb m. Iss1 mt sum: emu Alias] Former Name (If any): l'lm man. but sun. 60mph" Address; -- Respandent's Plaee at Emplavmenl: . lessen men Blnh: ls either party a membel ol the armed forces (anlve, reserve or guard)? vs we Ifyex, indicate which yam Is a member onhe armed laraes; Dpetltlaner El Respondent inEmthV gl'fl mum "It"