Executive Order 2005-02 Climate Change Advisory Group WHEREAS, the Western Governors Association has recognized that, ?Climate variability has impacted the West in recent years, including very signi?cant droughts across much of the region,? and WHEREAS, Arizona and other Western States have particular concerns about the impacts of climate change and climate variability on our environment, including the potential for prolonged drought, severe forest ?res, warmer temperatures, increased snowmelt, reduced snow pack and other effects; and WHEREAS, the Western Governors Association has recognized that, ?The failure to take appropriate actions to address global climate change risks economic, environmental and societal damage,? and WHEREAS, scienti?c consensus has developed that increasing emissions of carbon dioxide (C02), methane and other greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere are affecting the Earth?s climate; and WHEREAS, there is growing interest in the United States in state-level actions to address the effects of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, a number of states are addressing climate change and greenhouse gas emissions on an individual and/0r regional basis, including through the West Coast Governor?s Climate Change Initiative, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and other collaborations; and WHEREAS, actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including increasing energy ef?ciency, conserving natural resources and developing renewable energy sources, may have multiple bene?ts including economic development, job creation, cost savings, and improved air quality; and WHEREAS, a stakeholder process to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in Arizona can build upon the work of, and further address issues raised by, the Energy Ef?ciency/Renewable Energy Working Group, the Essential Services Task Force, the Forest Health Advisory and Forest Health Oversight Councils, the Drought Task Force, the Governor?s Ef?ciency Review and other efforts of the State; NOW THEREFORE, 1, Janet Napolitano, Governor of the State of Arizona, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and laws of this State, do hereby order the following actions to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in Arizona: 1. The Climate Change Advisory Group is established and charged with the development of recommendations to the Governor to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Arizona, recognizing Arizona?s interests in continued growth, economic development and energy security. 2. The Climate Change Advisory Group shall be organized and coordinated by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. 3. The Climate Change Advisory Group shall not exceed 36 members each of whom shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Commission members should represent the scope and diversity that this issue holds for Arizona. They should include representatives ?om some or all of the following sectors: Electric Power Generation Fossil Fuel Industry Manufacturing/Mining Agriculture/Forestry Construction/Building Tourism/Recreation Health Care Non-Governmental Organizations Indian Tribes State and Local Government General Public enemoeebowe 4. The Climate Change Advisory Group shall produce an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in Arizona and their sources by June 30, 2005. 5. The Climate Change Advisory Group shall produce a Climate Change Action Plan with recommendations for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Arizona, to be submitted to the Governor by June 30, 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be af?xed the Great Seal of the State of Arizona. DONE at the Capitol in Phoenix on this ifwjday of February in the Year Two Thousand Five and of the independence of the United States of America the Two Hundred Twenty-Ninth. fl I .91 i SECRETARY OF STATE