ll MEMORANDUM To: Edythe Nash Gaiser, Clerk From: Justice Evan H. hula}? Date: October 9, 2018 Re: Robert Andrews, et v. Antero Resources Corp, er of. No. 17~~0126 Pursuant to Rule 33(3) of the Rules of Appellate Procedure, I have reviewed the motion for disquali?cation ?led by the petitioners in the above?captioned case- I ?nd no basis for my disquali?cation under Canon 1, Canon 2, Rule 2.3, Rule 2.4, or Rule 2.11 of the West Virginia Code of Judicial Conduct. The petitioners? motion for disquali?cation is based upon the fact that one of the respondents? lawyers represented me in unrelated litigation. I had no prior relationship with the lawyer, the representation was brief, and it has terminated. Therefore, I ?nd no reasonable grounds requiring my recusal. cc: Chief Justice Workman Justice Walker Justice Farrell Justice Annstead Bruce Kayuha, Chief Counsel Shannon Green, Administrative Assistant