Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 SEP2~ 2018 Ms. Sara Kaiser Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, D.C. 20005 Via email to: Re: HQ-2018-00196-F Dear Ms. Creighton, This is a partial response to the request for information that you sent to the Department of Energy (DOE) under the Freedom oflnformation Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552. You requested the following information: "All records reflecting any actual or projected expenditures for renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. All communications relating to actual or potential renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. Please provide all responsive records from January 20, 2017, to the date the search is conducted." On November 13, 2017, via fax, you fmther clarified "when our request referred to [?]renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor),[?] we also intended that language to encompass changes to furniture or other tangible objects in the office suites and common[s] areas in question." Your request was assigned to DOE's Office of Administration (MA-40) to conduct a search of their files for responsive documents. MA-40 started its search on November 3, 2017, which is the cutoff date for responsive records. At this time, MA-40 has located seven (7) documents responsive to your request , as described in the accompanying index. MA-40 is continuing to process your request and will provided additional documents in a subsequent response . AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT Upon review, DOE has determined that certain information should be withheld in the documents pursuant to Exemptions 3, 4, and 6 of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(6). Please note that two (2) of the seven (7) documents contain information related to obligating bulk funding and expenditures made on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA). BPA's are acquisition vehicles utilized for filling repetitive needs for qualified supplies or services (in this case electrical services). Thus, these BP A's are not solely used for services related to renovations or expenditures for presidentially-appointed, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at DOE but rather multiple offices with various need for electrical service work. Exemption 3 protects from disclosure information "specifically exempted from disclosure by statute (other than section 552 (b) of this title), if that statute-(A)(i) requires that the matters be withheld from the public in such a manner as to leave no discretion on the issue; or (ii) establishes particular criteria for withholding or refers to particular types of matters to be withheld[.]" 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3). The Internal Revenue Code (the "Code"), 26 U.S.C. § 6103 (2006), is one such statute that falls within the coverage of Exemption 3. See, e.g., Church of Scientology v. IRS, 484 U.S. 9, 15(1987) ("§ 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code is the so1t of statute referred to by the FOIA in 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(3)"). The Code states that return information shall be confidential, 26 U.S.C. § 6103(a). The information withheld under Exemption 3 consists of certain return information, namely a taxpayer's identification number, the disclosure of which is prohibited by the Code. Exemption 4 of the FOIA protects "trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person [that is] privileged or confidential." 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4). This exemption is intended to protect the interests of both the Government and submitters of inf01mation. Exemption 4 affords protection to submitters who provide trade secrets, or commercial or financial information to the Government by safeguarding them from the competitive disadvantages that could result from disclosure. The exemption covers two broad categories of information in Federal agency records: 1) trade secrets, and 2) information that is (a) commercial or financial and (b) obtained from a person, and (c) privileged and confidential. The information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of proprietary commercial and financial information regarding the submitter's line item contract pricing amounts and labor rates. Public disclosure of this information would cause substantial harm to submitting companies' competitive interests. Specifically, disclosure of this information would provide competitors with valuable insight into the submitter's pricing and give competitors pricing advantages over the submitter. Fmthermore, this information does not shed any light on government operations, and disclosure may curtail companies from providing such information to the government in the future. As such, this information will not be released. Exemption 6 generally is referred to as the "personal privacy" exemption; it provides that the disclosure requirements ofFOIA do not apply to "personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(6). In applying Exemption 6, DOE considered: I) whether a significant privacy interest would be invaded; 2) whether the release of the information would further the public AMERICA!\ PVERSIGHT interest by shedding light on the operations or activities of the Government; and 3) whether in balancing the privacy interests against the public interest, disclosure would constitute a clearly unwananted invasion of privacy. The information withheld under Exemption 6 consists of cell phone numbers and a private email address. This information qualifies as "similar files,, because it is information in which an individual has a privacy interest. Moreover, releasing the information could subject the individual to unwarranted or unsolicited communications. Since no public interest would be served by disclosing this mobile telephone number, and since there is a viable privacy interest that would be threatened by such disclosure, Exemption 6 authorizes withholding the information. Therefore, we have determined that the public interest in the information's release does not outweigh the overriding privacy interests in keeping it confidential. This satisfies the standard set forth in the Attorney General's March 19, 2009, memorandum that the agency is justified in not releasing material that the agency reasonably foresees would harm an interest protected by one of the statutory exemptions. This also satisfies DOE's regulations at 10 C.F.R. § 1004.1 to make records available which it is authorized to withhold under 5 U.S.C. § 552 when it determines that such disclosure is in the public interest. Accordingly, we will not disclose this information. Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 1004.7(b)(2), I am the individual responsible for the determination to withhold the information described above. The FOIA requires that "any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the portions which are exempt.,, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b). As a result, redacted versions of the documents are being released to you in accordance with 10 C.F.R. § 1004.7(b)(3). This decision may be appealed within 90 calendar days from your receipt of this letter pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 1004.8. Appeals should be addressed to Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals, HG-1, L'Enfant Plaza, U.S. Depaitment of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585-1615. The written appeal, including the envelope, must clearly indicate that a FOIA appeal is being made. You may also submit your appeal to, including the phrase "Freedom of Information Appeal,, in the subject line. The appeal must contain all of the elements required by 10 C.F.R. § 1004.8, including a copy of the determination letter. Thereafter, judicial review will be available to you in the Federal District Court either: 1) in the district where you reside; 2) where you have your principal place of business; 3) where DO E's records are situated; or 4) in the District of Columbia. You may contact DOE's FOIA Public Liaison, Alexander Morris, FOIA Officer, Office of Public Information, at 202-586-5955, or by mail at MA-46/Forrestal Building 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 for any further assistance and to discuss any aspect of your request. Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, AMERICA\J PVERSIGHT 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-mail at; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. The FOIA provides for the assessment of fees for the processing of requests. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(a)( 4)(A)(i); see also IO C.F.R. § 1004.9(a). Your request was placed in the "other" category for fee purposes. Requestors in this category are provided two free hours of search time and 100 pages at no cost. DOE's processing cost did not exceed $15.00, the minimum amount at which DOE assess fees. Thus, no fees will be charged for processing your request. DOE is continuing to process your request. If you have any questions about the processing of the request or this letter, you may contact: Mr. Joshua Kolsky Assistant United States Attorney United States Department of Justice Civil Division 555 4 th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 (202) 252-2541 I appreciate the opportunity to assist you with this matter. Enclosures AMEHICAN PVERSIGHT INDEX Request#: HQ-2018-00196-F First partial response for request from Ms. Sara Kaiser Creighton for: "All records reflecting any actual or projected expenditures for renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. All communications relating to actual or potential renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. Please provide all responsive records from January 20, 2017, to the date the search is conducted." On November 13, 2017, via fax, you further clarified "when our request referred to [?]renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor),[?] we also intended that language to encompass changes to furniture or other tangible objects in the office suites and common[s] areas in question." At this time, DOE has located seven (7) documents responsive to your request. • • • Three (3) documents are being withheld in part pursuant to Exemption (b)(3). Information withheld under Exemption 3 consists of ce1iain return infmmation, namely a taxpayer's identification number. • Two (2) of the three documents contain info1mation for a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). BPA's are acquisition vehicles utilized for filling repetitive needs for qualified supplies or services (in this case electrical services). Thus, these BPA's are not solely used for services related to renovations or expenditures for presidentially-appointed, Senateconfomed (PAS) positions at DOE but rather multiple offices with various need for electrical service work. One (1) document is being withheld in part pursuant to Exemptions (b)(4) and (b)(6). Information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of sensitive commercial and financial information that is maintained in confidence by the company, including line item contract pricing amounts and labor rates. Info1mation withheld under Exemption 6 consists of a cell phone number and a private email address. Three (3) documents are being withheld in part pursuant to Exemptions (b)(3), (b)(4), and (b)(6). Information withheld under Exemption 3 consists of certain return AMERICA\J PVERSIGHT information, namely a taxpayer's identification number. Information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of sensitive commercial and financial information that is maintained in confidence by the company, including line item contract pricing amounts and labor rates . Information withheld under Exemption 6 consists of cell phone numbers and a private email address. AMERICAN PVERSIGHT Document 1 I OROeRFOR SUPPLIESOR SERVJCES 2. CONTRACTNO.(lfany} 1 2 a. NAMEOF CONSIGNEE . ,4.REQUISITfONIA£FfRl=NCI:NO 3, ORDERNO. Office PE-MA0015947 U.S. Departm ent of Energy and Facilities Office of Logi::itico Aven ue , SW 1000 Independence (HQ) HQ t'S of Department of Bnergy Procurement Of fice of Headquarters U ~S,. 1.m-64 Ave., 1000 Independence W? DC 20505 and Fae. Op.s (FORS) Log. of b. STREETADDRESS to} S. ISSUING OFFICE(AddwilS COJtespondence services s.w. Operations o. CITY ,d~~~TE irlashington l2Q~~~~OU f, SUIP VIII MARKVOLLMAR 7. TO: PAGC::5 6. SHIPT0: 02/16/2017 Office 1 I wllh contractand/orordernumbers. IMPORTANT:M,;rk ..JIpi;clrages and oao81's 1. DATEOF ORDER l'AGE 0 a, "1AMCOF CONTRACTOR SOLUTIONSDEVMAR 8. lYPE OF 0RDfR b. COMPANYNAME !;9u, PURCI-IASE o. STREETADDRESS REFERENCEYOUR 0 LANE 8915 MOHAWK PlaaH lumlsh tile ro!l il!'UGdsubfl!CI ·OU1i1bcrod i:on:ff'; Oak Ridge AME«ICAaY {Signature) HQ U.S. Department of Energy Service Oak Ridg e l!inancial P.O. Box 4937 c. CITY 22. UNITEDSTATESOF for TN GRAND TOTAL $1,966.00 e, ZIPCOOE 37831 23, NAME (Typed) • 0FFICl:R TITLE:C0NTRACTING/0RDl:RING OPTIONALFORM~•7 '"'' · mon1 l'n~dt-1-0;~.R-'l:BCFR6'.C.t: MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000001 tn PAGE NO ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE ~ CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Marl.213(0 MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000002 PROJECTWORK ORDER AND FORM INSPECTIO_N/CERTIFICATION Program Integration and Logistics Operations Office, MA-432 Work Order No: FOR-ALT-17-02~007 _ WO Impact No.: ___ Work Order Type: _ __ _ Client Org Code: __ MA/S-1_ MA-43 Government Purchase Card Cardholder: Jesse Stephens, MA~432 Phone: 202-586..3774 CID Number: ACCOUNTING DATA: .• :· .. .. • • • ,/' ,' ' \". ,• ,t • ., • ••• • , , • .. ~· , , =··, .--~:•· : :• :· .· ·.· :-·:· . ., ... :· .. , ,• ,. ,. . .-· :· -· . 101 0.32 7.610000 60.30024 00.2. 017. j024 . .. .. _. .· . . .. .·. . . . .. . . . ' . . ,• , , . , ,' :· •,·· -· , ' .- . ,• $1966_ _ Tenant Alterations/ Program: ____ ' Description of Supplies/Services: Re1nove lobby door horseshoe r contractOl': ~o-ntact: Phone#: (b) (6) Cost: $_1966__ Date: 2__/_10_}_2017_ *To be si $----~--_f ___J _ _ the 7th floor Vendor No, 3: Vendor No. 2: Vendor No. 1: Devmar Construction Matk Vollmar ~ $- - - - --__J_j_ ed and dated bt the Buildin THE ABOVE J.>RlCEJS CONSIDERED FAIR AN PROCUREMENT AND GREENING THE GOV r,. r C?ardHolder: _Jesse Stephens_ t ·, Crv, l) INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION ' and Is Accepted for Payment I CERTIFY All Work Required Under this Order ls Satisfactory _ Date: __ _ _ : Building Alterations Inspector: ________ _ __ , __ _:it-"-, _ Date: __ Building Operations Specialist: ~: __ __ '-H-'--_,.....;.;....::.._ MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000003 DEV-MAR CONSTRUCTION DOE# 7TH FLOOR/HORSESHOE CREDITCARDWORICORDER DATE: 02.12.17 TO: JESSE STEPHENS @ DOE FORESTALL FROM: MARK. VOLLMAR@ DEVMAR CONSTRUCTION 8915 MOHAWKLANE BETHESDA,MD. 20817-3519 RE : DEPARTMENTOF ENERGY ORDER FOR SUPPLIESOR SERVICEFORESTALLBLDG. PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION SERVICES : CARPENTRY REMOVE EXISTING DOOR/FRAME/HARDWARE REMOVE WOOD CHAIR RAIL AND BASE REMOVE /REPLACE SOUNDSOKE INFILL OPENING WITH NEW PARTITION TAPE/BLOCK/SKIM READY FOR WALLPAPER WORK DURING NON BUSINESS HOURS PROTECT AND FINAL CLEAN AREA OF WORK 18 MAN HOURS(@,(b) (4 ) (b) (4 ) LABOR MATERJAL 10% OVERHEADAND MARKUP 10% PROFIT(b) (4 ) $1,966.00 8915 MOHAWKLANE BETHESDA,MD. 20817~3519 301 493 4897 (FX) AMf HCAN PVERSIGHT I I I I l ?)(4) TOTAL COST: (b) (6 ) I (CELL) MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000004 I II n,.,- .. ..,pnt? '. . PAGE 0 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES 1 Jl}/PORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with con1racl and/or order numbers. 2. CONTRACTNO. 1, DATE OF ORDER grany} I"· REQUISITION/REFERENCENO. 3,0RDERN0. of Log. and Fae. Office 17MA001452 DE-BP0005798 Ops (FORS) b. STREETADDRESS 5. ISSUINGOFFICE{Addresscorrespondenceto] Office of HQ PS (HQ) of Energy U.S. Department Procurement of Headquarters Office of Energy U.S. Department and E'acilities Office of Logistics Avenue, SW 1000 Independence Services MA-64 d. STATE Washington Vann, 202-586-3134 B, TYPE OF ORDER 0 IKJb, DELIVERY a. PURCHASE REFERENCEYOUR: c. STREETADDRESS Exceptfor bfflinglnslructions on the reverse,this delivery order is subject to instrucllons contained on this slde only ol this form and is Issuedsubject to the terms and condlllonsor the above-numbered contract. 1445 CONSTITUTIONAVE, NE Pleasefurnish the followingon the terms and condlUonsspecifiedon both sides of this ardor and on the attachedsheet, ii anv, lncludlnadeliveN as Indicated. I DC I20002 d,CITY e. STATE WASHINGTON f. ZIP CODE 10. REQUISITIONINGOFFICE 9. ACCOUNTINGANDAPPROPRIATIONDATA .. 11. BUSINESSCLASSIFICATION {Check appropriatebox(es)) • 0 b, OTHER THAN SMALL c. DISADVANTAGED O g. WOMEN-0\M>JEDSMALLBUSINESS(WOSB) VETERAN,O\NNED ELIGIBLEUNDERTHE WOSB PROGRAM 12. F.O.B. POINT Qd.WOMEN·OW'IED • I 0 e,HUBZone Destination h.EDWOSB 16. DISCOUNTTERMS 15. DELIVERTO F.O.B. POINT ON OR BJFORE~0afe) 14. GOVERNMENT8/L NO. 13. PLACE OF 08/31 b. ACCEPTANCE a. INSPECTION 201 NET Destination Destination e. ZIP CODE f.SHIPVIA Jerry b. COMPANYNAME 0 I 20585 DC B & C CONSTRUCTIONCO f. SERVICE•DISABLED Operations c. CITY S.W. a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR a.SMALL 4 a. NAME DF CONSIGNEE 07/17/2017 0 1 6.SHIPT0; DE-MA00048 9 Ave., 1000 lndependence Washington DC 20585 L TOWNES CORNEL 7.T0: PAGES 30 17, SCHEOULE(See reverse /or Re/~ctlons) QUANT1TY ORDERED UNIT (d) (c) SUPPLIESOR SERVJCES (b) ITEM NO. (a) QUA"1TffY ACCEPTED (g) UNIT AMOUNT (lJ PRICE (e} Tax ID Number: (b) (3) 616828315 DUNS Number: Provide the U.S . Depa rt ment of Energy with to services electrical alterations various in DOE Headquarters be conducted This is a bulk funded Facility. Forrestal ... Continued 17(h) !TOTAL (Cont. page3) 20, INVOICENO, 19. GROSS SHIPPING'A,'EIGHT 18. SHIPPINGPOINT • 2f. MAILINVOICE10: a, NAME SE1'B/LLING l/OJSTRUCTJONS b, STREETADDRESS (or P.O. Box) ON REVERSE $25,000.00 OR for HQ of Energy U.S. Department Service Financial Oak Ridge 4937 P.O. Box r-STATE o. CITY TN Oak Ridge 22. UNITEDSTATESOF AMERICABY (Signature) ) AOlttORlZED fOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE PVERSIGHT • 07/17/2017 Signature • 17(1} GRAND Center · $25,000.00 e.ZIPC0DE T 37831 23. NAME (Typed) on File Albert A. Manley TITLE: CONIBACTING/ORDERINGOFFICER OPTIONAi.FORM347\Rov. 2120121 CFR 51.213{1) by OSAJFAR-46 Pte.sutbed MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000005 2 SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT : Mark all packagesand paperswilf1 conlrac( and/ororder numbers. DATE OF ORDER lcONTRACT NO. 07/17/2017 ORDER NO. I DE-BP0005798 IDE-MA0004899 ITEM NO. SUPPLIES/SERVICES (a) (bl QUANTITY UNIT ORDERED (c) (d} UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED (e) (I) (9) this BPA call against Work orders BPA call. and will be shall not exceed $3,000.00 Authorized issued by the COR or Alterations Users. Price Not To Exceed: $25,000.00. 60 Fund: 02400 Appr Year: 2017 Allottee: 32101 300247 Object Class: Report Entity: 0000000 WFO: 1721069 Project: Program: 0000000 Local Use: 0000000 to 07/17/2017 Period of Performance: 08/31/2017 00001 Provide Bulk £unding Electrical Alterations per order. $3,000.00 Attachment: 1. Bulk Funding of BPA Call Procedures TOTALCARRIEDFORWARDTO 1STPAGE (ITEM 17(1-l)) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPOOUCTION PRl:VIOUS eamoN NOT USAlllE PVERSIGHT 25,000.00 for $25,000.00 jobs not to exceed > $25,000.00 OPTIONAL FORM 340 (Rav • ..,.,006) l'rE•<1ibedt,/ GSAFAR[A8CFR) 53.113(0 MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000006 '. DE-MA0004899 Attachment 2 Bulk Funded BPA Call Ordel'ingProcedures Pe1formance under this BPA call shall be subject to the following ordering procedure: (a) The Contractor shall incur costs under this BPA caU only in the perfonnance of Work Orders and revisions to Work Orders issued in accordance with this ordering procedure, No payment will be made for other work perfo1med without the express written consent of the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) or verbal approval given by the COR in an emergency. Work orders will be issued against this bulk funded BPA call issued by DOE and cannot exceed the not-to-exceed amount of $3,000,00. The sum amount of all Work Orders issued against a single BPA call cannot exceed the amount of funds found on the funded BPA call. (b) For all work performed against this BPA ca11,Work Orders will be issued in writing by individuals designated as the Contracting Officer's Representative to the Contractor designating (1) the work to be performed; (2) the schedule of perfom1ance; and (3) any Government-furnished property. Such Work Orders will specify deliverables and required delivery dates. Work orders will be signed by the COR. (c) Work Orders will be issued on forms specified and provided by the Government. Work Orders will be numbered. A revision to a Work Order will be identified by an alpha designation following the existing Work Order number indicating the revision sequence. (d) The Contractor shall submit within ten (10) working days, after receipt of each Work Order issued by the Contracting Officer's Representative, a Contractor Work Order Plan on forms specified and provided by the Government. Time extensions for Work Order Plans will be granted by the COR on a case by case basis. The Work Order Plan is the Contractor's overall estimate for the completion of the Work Order and shall include the following: (1) Estimated date of commencement of work, and any necessary revision to the schedule of performance. (2) Direct Productive Labor Hours (DPLH), both straight and overtime, (if authorized) by applicable labor category, and the total DPLH, including those in (4) below, estimated to complete the work order. (3) Material estimate. (4) An estimate for subcontractors; including the DPLH, if appHcable, (5) The total estimated amount for completion of the Work Order. (e) The Contractor's Work Order Plan is subject to the review and acceptance by the COR. There will be a not-to-exceed ceiling amount on each Work Order. COR issued Work Orders cannot have a notto-exceed value in excess of $3,000.00, Contractors are not authorized to exceed the not-to-exceed ceiling without first submitting a revised DE-MA0004899 Attachment 2 AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000007 Work Order Plan with explanatory notes to the COR and receiving a revised Work Order increasing the not-to-exceed ceiling. Revised Work Order Plans submitted by the Contractor are also subject to the review/approval of the Contracting Officer's Representative. (f) The Contractor is not authorized to incur costs on Work Orders which exceed the amount of funds on the related BPA call. (g) The Contractor is authorized to furnish the supplies or services under this BPA call to the U.S. Department of Energy upon request by authorized DOE representatives identified below. Individual Work Orders placed against this BPA call shall not exceed $3,000.00. Any Work Orders accepted from persons other than those listed below are unauthorized and will not be approved for payment. In the event of an extreme emergency and one of the COR's listed below are not available due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. illness or vacation), COR orde1ing authority can be delegated to a cognizant individual or the Contracting Officer. COR: Kelvin Jamison ph: 202-586-9126 Email: Alternative COR: Michael Watkins ph: 301-903-5418 Email: Other Authorized Users: Clint Cleveland ph: 202-586-6944 Email: Charles Kuzas ph: 202-586-3761 Email: Melvin Hale ph: 202-586-1341 Email: melvin.hale@hq Alterations Authorized Users: Michael Wolfe ph: 202-586-6615 Email: Fred Fanning ph: 202-287-5494 Email: fred.fanning@hq.doe .gov Jerry Vann ph: 202-586-3134 Email: (h) For emergency work, the COR may authorize work verbally. A formal Work Order Plan is not required in order to commence emergency work, however, the Contractor shall provide a verbal rough order of magnitude estimate to the COR as soon as possible. Emergency work cannot exceed $3,000.00 for one work order without the authorization of the Contracting Officer. AMERICA!\ PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000008 DOElF1J25.8 lW) UnitedStates Government Department of Energy MEMORANDUM March 9, 2017 DATE: TO REPLY ATTN,OF: : SUBJECT TO: Denburg, Karin BPA Call DE-MA0004899/DE-BP0005629 B & C CONS1RUCTION CO. FILE d BP A Call, This BPA Call Requisition 17MA000658 was issued to create a Bulk Funde s alterations electrical services at provides a pool of funds in the amount of$25,000.00 for variou CO. the DOE Forrestal Facility provided by B & C CONSTRUCTION ordeiing procedures in the Work orders will be issued by the COR in accordance with the contract (not to exceed $3,000.00 per order). Recommendation: of BPA call DE-BP0005629 in Based on the above, the Contract Specialist recommends award the amount ofNoUo~Exceed price of $25,000.00. KarinDenburg, Signed Electronically, March 9, 2017 Karin Denburg, Contract Specialist Office of Headquarters Procurement Services rf&,t,{ ~~ ~lh~ .#u:/JP,JP/? Albert A. Manley, Contracting Officer Office ofHeadquruters Procurement Services AMt YICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000009 CloseoutMemorandumTo The File to the The records maintained by the Officeof Headquarters Procurement Services relative contract contract identified below reflect that this instrument may be closed. Allrequired s/supplies administration actions have been fullyand satisfactorily accomplished. All service been have been received and accepted and final payment to the contractor/recipient has verified. Any uncosted funds have been deobligated, Contract Administration Office: HG..JL_ other ______ CH__ _ Contract No.: DE~BP0005798 ~04~8~9~9 _ _____ ~=M~A"'"""0~0 ..... Delivery Order/Purchase Order/BPA No.: _D'"""E Closeout Mod No.: ----- 000 Last ModificationNo.: ~------- Contractor Name: B&C Construction Co Summary of Financial Data: see liquidation status report _ O"--"'--'O..,_.O:;..; _____ Contract Value:_$=2=5:.i.,O=O _ "'", _ 0'--___ __ 0;....0 00__ ..... Ob ligation Amount;__,__$=25"" _ _0 o"""'.~0 ______ Payment Amount:~$~2~5,~o_o Un costed Obligations deobligated at closeout: _$=0=·-=-00=------ AdministrativeActionsCompleted COTRFinalAcceptance N/A YES X X X X OSTI Clearance Property Clearance Patent Clearance Audit Final·Release of Claims FinalPaymentMade X LiquidationSheet $0.00 X 03/01/18 Teresa Brown Contracting Officer AMf ~ICAN I PVERSIGHT Date Alexander Douglas C-190 Analyst Name & BNC MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000010 b )> < <: m~ JJ U.S. Department of Energy (") ~ :I: -f G) CPIV105 Contract Balance Source of Contracts, POs. Invoices Data: STARS Query Run Date: 2!7/201812:47:06 PM STARS data as of2/7/201812:26:14AM GL Period FE!e,.18(Current) ET Awardee / Vendor Name B & C CONSTRUCTJONCO Contract CID BP000579S GL Period Name Alt Parm rsequal to Current and [ ,Contract CID is equal to BP0005798 I CY Commitmentis not equal to/ is not in O or ITD Obligation is not equal to /is not in o or ITD Cost is not equalto / is not in D or YTD Prepaymentis not eQl.lalto / is not in o or ITDPaymentis not equal to / is not in o and 1 or YTD Obs Uncosted is n9t equal to / is not in O or Yro Obs Unpaid is not equal to I is not in 0 04 ~q '{ 'Qe.-A/lAOO rt:s11n MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000011 Query Run Date: 2/7/2018 12:47:06 PM CPIV105Contract Balance Page 1 iPortal Business Intelligence (Bl) -==------- ..,.• ,,.-.•..,_ ...........,,.=•~•· ,:,...---•,,z.,,.,;,,.; ..,.,.:m.-. ...;.,-.,~,,.,_ C-•,,_,,,.,,.,,~4\. .=·-- --u..--~~·----- -~--~-~,,~ .B -·~ ~ •~=-,,,,,;,~";:.'W,-.r,,,-z=o.,,,,....,,....,,......-:..-r==~.u.a»~~=--=-•• ~11-p;;,1,ai&~R~~-""'~~ < ·-~- m •..,~ ....,.,--.....,,_ .:A"~ .,....,,.,, .::1 ,,.__,..,,..,._~ca,_:a11........,...,,. n:ic::.:.-:1 Preliminary Estimate, by estimates JJ-··. Jerry Vann B & C Construction 4/05/2015 DE-MA0004899 - 2013 DOE BPA EJectrical B & C - Second Option· to 4/04/2016 25K Electrical Blanket· FOR-ALT-17-06-002 en - G) :::c -I Project Scope: 25K Electrical Blanket Supporting Alteration ProJects-Drawdown!Chargeback Division Summary'_(MF04} per Project. 26 - Electrical 27 - Communications 01 - General Re.9.uirement.s 02- Existing_Conditions 03 - Concrete 28 - ElectronicSgfety and Security 31 - Earthwork 04:-lV(asonry lm.Q:rovernents s2----=-1=xterior 33- Utilities 34-~Transpprtatlon 35 - Waterway and MarineTransportation 05 -Metals 06- Wood, Plasu~ and Composites 07.-Thermal and MoistLJreProtection OB~emngs 41 - Material Pro~lng 09 - Finishes 1o-s.eiciaJjies 11 -E~ment 12 - Furnishings 46 - Water and Wastewmer ~ment 48-;.:ElectricPowerGeneration Alternate 13- S,P_eclalConstructfon $25,000.00 Trades 14- Conveying Equipment s ion 21 - Fire S UEP_res 22 - Plumbing_ 23_-ji_eating,Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning{HVAC) Assemblies Material, Labor, and Equipment Totals (No Totalling Components} $0.00 Material: $25,000.00 Priced/Non-Priced Labor. Equipment Otller: Laborhours: Green Line ttems:0 and Handling Equipment 44 - Pollution Control Equipment FMR 'MF04 Total (Withouttotalling Total Priced Items: Total Non-Priced Items: $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 GrandTotal $25,000.00 components) 1 $25 ,000.00 1 $25,000.00 0 $0.00 0.00% $25,000.00 MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000012 •· Printed1 JUN20174:18PM112.632 Page 1 of2 25K Electrical Blanket - FOR-ALT-17-06-002 ,..._.., . ,,.nr•n• ",_,,....,,.....,..."',............. .,.........,,,,...,....... ··· ,-~~•·w~=- ----- • BB. .im_ t •~(llfNI il8G REQ/CID (AT EE EE ALT EPSA EPSA BP0005798 ALT EPSA EPSA BP0005798 ALT IN IN llP0005798 ALT LP LP BP000579B ALT LP LP BP000579B ALT LP LP BP0005798 ALT LP lP LP LP BP0005798 BP0005798 ALT ALT NNSA NNSA NA NA BP000579ll NA BP0005798 NA DT0013954 ALT ALT ALT SB SB BP0005798 ALT AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT .COS.I ellRe.osE 11 Portals 3 (NNSA}5FIInstall,12 1VMonitor/Waif Mount. Install 1 ElectWall/2HDMl/1Cable Outlet, Run HDMI(able from 1V Monitor to Computer $2,000.00 17-06-00, System, ReinforceWall 8G-08278-098 7H-0734A-146Install1V Elect 0utlet/Data drop 1>achlocation. 4A-146-In Conduit $2,005,00 17-06-002 Mode/Data drop In Wire Mode & Pandult SG-082,7B-098, 7H-073, 4A-t46 Install TV& Mount w/Elect Outlet per location . (Partial Payment) See $1,516.00 17-06-002 BP0005911for balance BF-049Install L6-30Amp (Jrcult In Condult/L6-30 $87400 17-06-002Receptacle 4B•127Replace Elect WallOutlet In Wire Mold. $130.00 17-06-002 (Final) 48-127& 5E-066Remove 1Tele /1 Elect Outlet. $1,220.00 17-06,001 Install 2 ElectWall/2Walldata & LANOutlets Reporters 6FIRemove 6 Base Feeds- deliver to RM mMf1. MQ RB.YBm.M.MENJS 7/26/17 PRTL SG-08278098 7H-073 4A-146 BG-08278· 098 7H--073 9/20/17 9(20/17 4A-146 2 2018 ELECTBPA 2 2018 ELECT8PA l 2018 ELECTBPA BF,049 8/22/17 8/25/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 48-127 7/17/17 7/17/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 48-127 7/13/17 7/13/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 7/19/17 7/1.0/17 l RPTR6 $840.00 17-06-002Harold Carter 4B-097 Install 2 Circuitsfor Base Feed/3 Base Feed Remove Base Feed lnst:ill Base Feed w/longer 4B-097 d Data Outlet length/Lan •06-002 17 .00 $2,755 48-097 $800,00 17,06-002 4B-097 lnstaUdedicated Circuit/Outlet for Copier GH-060Remove 4 Elect Outlets/3 Tele Outlets, Install 3 New Wall outfets/3 NewWall Lan/Data GH-060 $2,490.00 17,06-002 Outlets. 1J-051 $1,025.00 17-06-002 U-051 Install Base Feed/Dedicated Circuit A-119/233 NA · 3 OFFICES $7,653.67 17-06-002 A-229/233WALLALT 5B-194Remove 3 Elect/2TeleWallOutlets, Install 2 58•194 $1,670.00 17-06-002 Elect Wall Outlets/1 Dedicated Circuit 1018 ELECTBPA 2018 ELECTBPA 2 1018 ELECTBPA 2 7/6/17 7/14/17 8{2/17 8/3/17 8/21/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 2 2018 ELECTBPA MTRL$1041.18 2 2018 7/28/17 7/28{17 2 2018 ELECTBPA MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000013 Document3 -· I ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES contractand/ororder numbers. with papers and IMPORTANT : Mark all packages 1, DATEOF ORDER PAGE OF PAGES 1 I I 2 6, SHIPTO; 2. CONTRACTNO. (If any) a . NAMEOF CONSIGNEE 08/22/2017 NO. REQUISITION/REFERENCE 14. 3.0RDERNO , and Fae. of Log. Office Ops (FORS) DE-MA0016686 b, STREETADDRESS 5 . ISSUINGOFFICE{Address correspondence to) Offic e of HQ PS (HQ) of Energy U.S. Deparbnent Procu r ement Office of Headquarters MA.-64 Ave., s.w. 1000 Independence 205B5 DC ton Washing 7. TO: U.S. Department of Energy and Faciliti Office of Logistics Avenue, SW 1000 Independence Services Id.STATE c. CITY Washington DC SOLUTIONS DEVMAR D b. DELIVERY ~ a. PURCHASE REFERENCEYOUR: c. STREETADDRESS MOHAWKLANE ,., Pleasefumlshlhe followingon the tenns and cond!Uonsspecmed on both sides of !his Qfderand on the attachedsheet,If anv. fnctudlnadellveiv as indlcaled. 1e, STATE I'-ZIP CODE d, ClTY Bl!!THESDA MD 20817 Exceptfor billing lnslrucllonson lhe reve1se,this deliveryorder is subjectto lnslrucllonscontainedon this side only of lhls rormand i$ issuedsubject lo lhe lenns and condlllonsof lhe above-numbered conlracl. 10, REQUISITIONINGOFACE ANOAPPROPRIATIONDATA 8. ACCOUNT1NG Management 1721069 D b. OTHERTHAN SMALL D DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS(WOSB) f. SERVICE-DISABLED D g, WOMEN-Ov.NEDSMALL C, a, SMALL (FORS) 12. F,0.B. POINT 11.BUSINESSCLASSIFICATION(Chee/Rl\°lpi199.) 9. DESG~lPTION OF ITEMS OR SERVICES ITEMOR SERVICE(lrtclud•Spocl/;callonsaod Special lnstru«•mw y ~,,.,,.,,....., •w' <>'O•"···· - - 11 Bil. .ci.rua: Ba ORG R.EQ/Clll CAT AU-1 AU AlT SP0005911 AU-1 AU BP0005911 ALT er Cl BP0005911 ALT ED ED SP0005911 ALT WM £llReQ£E 1G-041 Install Wall Elect/Cable Outlet, Repair $2,790,00 17-06-014 CellingGrid/TileRemove dmgd SndSk RM 1G-042 4E-053 Install Square D sub Panel, 2 dedicated Circuits,100 Ampbreaker GE Panel to power Square panel/Remove 3 breakers GEPanel for 100 4E-053 -014 amp breaker/Re-Install 3 circuits Square D panel $3,000.00 17--08 8G-04S Install 2 'JVs& Mounts/2 Elect-2Cable 8G-048 $3,000.00 17-08-014 Outlets, Reinforce Wall 58-148 Install 2 ADAActivation Dood Push Plates, 2 Surface Boxes transmitters & Receiver. Install Shop 58-148 ~1.277,77 17-08 -014 Supplies/Elect Outlet ED ED BP0005911 ALT EPSA FE EPSA SP0005911 FE BP0005911 ALT ALT FE FE FE FE BP0005911 BP0005911 ALT ALT fE GC FE GC BP0005911 llP0005911 ALT ALT LP LP BP0005911 ALT 5B-148Install ADAActivation Kitw/2 ADAPush !;1,277,77 17-08-014 Plates, 2 Surhlce boxes, 2 Transmitters & Receiver 5B-148 8G--o82788G-082,7B-098, 7H-073, 4A-146 Install TV& Mount 098 7H-073 4A-146 $1,484.00 17-08-014 w/Elect Outlet (Partial BP0005798) 4G-084 $551,00 17-08-014 4G-084 Install Door Opener Elect 4G-084 lnstall Copier Dedicated Circuit, Elect Outlet 4G-084 $840.00 17-08,014 for Coffee Maker qG-084 $440.00 17-08-014 4G-084 Install Wall Elect/Cable outlet behind TV 4G--o64Replace Switches, Transmitters, Receiver 4G-084 $1,200.00 17-08-01-1for Auto Door Opener 6F-097 $940.00 17-08-014 6f -067 Install dedicated Circuit,Walt Elect Outlet 4B-127 Remove/Install Tele & Elect Outlets, Re4B-127 $1,425,00 17-08-014 Switch Lights, Install Light Switch ALT 7Ao75 Remove Floor Tele/Elect, Wall Elect/Cable/VGA,Reinforce Wall; Install TVMount, 17-08-014 TV,2 Wall Elect Outlets, VGA& Tele cable o MA1.1 MA BPooa5911 MA MA BP0005911 ALT $715.00 MA1.1 MA BP0005911 ALT $178.45 NNSA NA BP0005911 ALT $500,00 NNSA NA on on BP0005911 BP0005911 ALT ALT $660.00 $485,00 MA-43 WCF BP0005911 MA-43 WCF BP0005911 ALT ALT $475.00 $600,00 PVERSIGHT .c.oMMEN.ts COMeL MO BB...YR 2 2018 ELECTSPA 11/17/17 11/17/!7 2 2018 ELECTBPA 10/25/17 10/25/17 2 2018 ELECTSPA 9/26/17 9/27/17 1/18/18 1/23/18 2 2018 ELECTBPA 1/19/19 1/24/18 2 2018 ELECTBPA 9(20/17 9/20/17 10/30/17 10/30/17 2 2 2018 ELECTBPA 2018 ELECTBPA 1(10/18 2/7/18 1/11/18 2/9/18 2/8/18 2/8/18 11/16/17 11/16/17 2 2018 ELECT!IPA 2 2018 ELECTBPA l 2 2018 ELECTSPA 11/16/17 11/30/17 11/8/17 11/7/17 2018 ELECTBPA 2018 ELECTBPA 2018 ELECTSPA ?.=i:ii? 2 2018 ELECTBPA 2 >/'.i \c-1tL<;?:/: ti'i:iW/ii: /~1 /1s/i;i0i:+ 2:ii,i°91il:itU¢(ar.i:.. >:.':;,:-,:;-;/ .~J!iffo:iitfot ~n ii11 ,;,, i:r~~:iiif i1Ftii\Wyiiist;w \ ii.~fr\?} At'i: MAi:L, i'Mi'.'i>aifo~o AMf HICAN 7A-075 RECD 17-08-014 7E-074Replace Elect Walt/Cable Outlets 7E,028 Install 1 WaO/Remove2 ElectJFloorTele 17-os-014 Outlets 1F-019lnsta1l2 1/2"PVCTele Closet thru Wallfire 17-08-014 stop opening 1f-019Install Dialectrlcbreak-8oLF Fire Stop all 17-08-014 Openings 17-08-014 3H-086 Install Elect/data Outlet. Patch floor hole FORRLobby Install Wire Mold, 2 Junction Boxes & 17-08-014 pull Cable 17-08-014 GF-207Install 2 Elect Outlets tn Wire Mold 1/23/18 7E-704 1/23/17 7E·Ol8 2/13/18 1F-019 9/26/17 9/27/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 1F-019 3H-086 1/24/18 1/10/18 1/25/18 1/11/18 1. Lobby GF-207 10(3/17 10/3/17 10/19/17 10/19/17 2 2018 ELECTBPA 2 2018 ELE(TBPA 2018 ELECTBPA 2 1.018 ELECTBPA 2018 ELECTBPA 2 MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000025 FORRESTAL/GERMJrnTOWNPAINT TERM CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. DE-MA0014863 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 - January 15, 2018 6-8251 Phone: Requested By: Walter Bradford 11/15/2017 Date: Facility: Forrestal e4Clicks #: Requisition # FOR-ALT-17 -07-002 Job#cp&:;, Program Code: 1721069 Organization: MA-1.1 6-8251 Phone: Org. Contact: Walter Bradford Project Description: and Paint Specified 7th floor - 78 Exec Corridor Hallway- (Cloud White Paint) Repair Wall Hallway Area . GRANDTOTAL = $972.00 ~ ~ l I I f I AMf I PVE 1114 D,ywall Heightabove 12 ft, 0 Sq. ft. $2,81 1115 damagedDiywall Remove/Replace 0 Sq. fl. $2.34 Concrele or masonry Heig)ll~ 0 Sq. n. $1.37 1118 1117 Concrete or masoniyHeightabove 1211. 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000026 Document 5 ,, ,, I ORDER FOR SUPPLIESOR SERVICES IMPORTANT: Mark all packagesand paperswith contractand/or 2. CONTRACTNO. (/fany/ 1. DATE OF ORDER PAGE OF PAGES I 1 I order numbers. 2 6.SHIPTO: a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE 09/28/2017 14'REQUISITION/REFERENCENO. 3. 0ROERNO. o f Log. Office Fae. and Ops (FORS) DE-MA0016903 b. STREETADDRESS 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Addresscorrespondencelo) of HQ PS (HQ) Office of Energy ent Departm U.S. Procur ement of Headquarters Office MA-64 Av e ., s.w. 1000 Independence DC 20585 Washington 7. TO: MARVIS SATCHER a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR s' Depart ment of Energy and Facilities of Logistics Office SW Avenue, 1000 Independence lJ. Services DC 8. TYPE OF ORDER f;Da. PURCHASE REFERENCEYOUR: Please furnish the following on the terms and conditions specilladon both sides or this order and en the attached sheet, II anv. lncludlno dellverv as Indicated. I I e , STATE d. CITY DC f. ZIP CODE 200205300 11. BUSINESS CLASSIFJCAilON (Check ~pptopriata box(es/) • b. OTHERTHAN SMALL D f. SERVICE-DISABLED D c, DISADVANTAGED g. WOMEN-OWNEDSMALL BUSINESS(WOSB) EUGIBLE UNDER THE WOSB PROGRAM VETERAN-0\NNED this side only of this ronnandIs Issued subject to Utetenns and condilions of lhe above-numbered contracl. (FORS) Management 1721069 0 b, DELIVERY 10. REQUISITIONINGOFFICE 9, ACCOUNTINGAND APPROPRIATIONDATA a.SMALL • Except for billlng rnslruclfonson Ille reverse, lhls dellveiy order I& subject to lnslructlons contained on MINNESOTA AVE SE STE 201 WASHINGTON 0d . WOMEN•OWNED 0 I 12. F.O.B. POINT 0 e. HUBZone Destinat 16. DJSCOUNTTERMS 15. DELIVERTO F.0,B. POINT ON OR BEFORE (/Jate) NET 30 b. ACCEPTANCE Destination Destination i on h.EDWOSB 14, GOVERNMENTBIL NO. 13. PLACE OF a, INSPECTION 20585 f, SHIPVIA c. STREETADDRESS • on Washingt b. COMPANYNAME 2412 Id,STATE I:e, ZIP CODE c, CITY co SATCHER CONSTRUCTION Operations 17, SCHEDUI.E(See reverse for Rejections) QUANTITY ORDERED UNIT SUPPLIESOR SERVICES ITEM NO. (a) (dl (cl (b) UNIT PRICE (el QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) AMOUNi (I) (b) (3) Tax ID Number: 031778835 DUNS Number: Continued ' .. 17(h) TOTAL (Con/. pages) 20 , INVOICE NO. 19. GROSSSHIPPINGWEIGHT 18. SHIPPINGPOINT • • 21, MAIL!NVOICETO'. $955.00 a.NAME Sl:EB/LL/NG INSTRUCTIONS ONRfVERSE b. STREETADDRESS (or P.O. Box) OR for HQ of lJ. s. Department Oak Ridge Financial P.O. Box 4937 Energy Service r-STATE c.CITY TN Oak Ridge 17(1) GRAND TOTAL Center e.ZIPCODE $955.00 37831 23, NAME {Typed) 22. UNITEDSTATESOF AMERICABY (Signature) • TITLE: CONTRACTING/ORDERINGOFFICER mo121 OPTIONAL FOFIM347 t•..,. .f8 ¢f:A.Sl.213(() Pte!lcnb!idltJGSNFAA MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000027 - --- ........-------------------------------------,------------ PAGE NO ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION 2 number;. IMPORTANT : Merkall oackam,,. and ouoenswith contractand/ororder I OROERNO. DATE OF ORDER 'CONTRACTNO. DE-MA0016903 09/28/2017 QUANTITYUNIT ORDERED (d) (a) SUPPLIES/SERVICES ITEMNO. (b) (a) UNIT PRICE (e) AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED (f) (g) Mark For: Ma nagement (FORS) o f Energy U.S. Department Office of Management Building Forrestal 1000 Independ e nce Avenue, SW Washington DC 20585 Fund: 02400 Appr Year: 2017 Allott ee: 60 32101 300247 Obj e ct Class: Report Entity: WFO: 0000000 Project: 21069 Program: 17 0000000 Local Use: 0000000 00001 FOR- ALT-17-09-0l~~r to Jesse Stephens Pe r iod of Performa n ce : 09/27/2017 10/31/2017 TOTALCARRIEDFORWARDTO 1ST PAGE(r(EM 17(H)) FORLOCAl REPQOUCTION AUTHORIZED PREVIOUSEDITIONNOTUSABLE AMt=n1vAI\J PVERSIGHT s sign furnitu~A d t Qard. 955.00 to :{;955.UO OPTIONALFORMJ4B t•"·41.ZOOO) GSAFAR(40 CfR) s:uJ~'> Pte:sai'bt-dby MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000028 PROJECT WORK ORDER AND INSPECTION/CERTIFICATION FORM Program Integration and Logistics Operations Office, MA--432 Work Order/Project#:_,FOR-ALT-17-09-015 Work Order Type: -------~ _ Client Org Code: MA,______ STRIPES PR/ Award: Pttl'chase Card MAP43Govern111e11t Cardholder: Jesse Stephe11s Phone: 202-586-3774 riv '~:.;,R~-. -1i'..l f:'.--t1o ~)<.':Y.¾~;f:;,;7w,fp1,U!:)i\,,,"\~~..,tt-",,,';N!~t;1,L.7rh'tt(.':Y-'1?.-N:"t,,'""!'.~~ ~~"<::. .•1~..,;~•~:.·~·,..,~ Va'X~Y.~~ ..")·...4' .1$C:.'l.?.»~Y., ACCOUNTING DATA: ~02400.2017.60.300247.6100000.32101. !·.-..,;~•,•.;;,~~\fl\"(1 T..t-i:.f •1."-YP:f'-4!: ·;':« ·•7°":\'l',;.•]. \;it'!,,:,.•i,o-.,;r~•l..,; Tenant Alterations/ Progra1n: ____ $900.00 _ De.scriptlottof Supplies/Services: card. Repair S-2 sofa legs and arms on 8 chairs. Charge to Jesse Stephens credit Co1ttracto1·: Contact : Vendor No. 1: Satcher Construction Marvis Sakher Phone.// : (b) (6 ) Cost: $_900,00_ __ Pate: 09_/_27../2017_ Card Holder: Vendor No. 3; Vendor No. 2: $~------ __J__J _ $______ __ _/__j_ Jesse Stephens ! \~~~~~~===---..---Authod.zation to Proceed: Signa re:..J_ JeriyF, Vann Manager, Space Planui11g& Alterations Date: .!l..J~J2.. INSPECTION AND CERTfilCATION ptedfor Payment: I CERTIFY All Work RequiredUnderthis Order Is Satisfactoryand Is Acce Vera Dunmore _ ____ _ __ AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT : Building Alterations Inspector: ________ : Building Operations Specialist: ________ _ t>a.te:__ Date: _ _ _ MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000029 • ' ' Satcher Construction Co. 64 Cub Ct. Lothian Md. 20711 Ph. # ( 410) 741-6777 Fax ( 410) 741-6778 Email (b) (6) Cell # tbJ ~t>J Vera Dunmore US. Department of Energy ave.SW lOOOindependence Washington D.C. 20585 Propose to complete the following Job for------$ 4 (b) ( ) 7th floor horseshoe area S2 Sand / stain ( 8) chairs / one sofa $ materials cost---------------------- --------- 4 4 (b} < > ea.---------$ (b} ( ) --------...---$ 4 (b) ( ) Date 9---...27-..-..zO17 Signature Marvis AMf HCA t'd PVERSIGHT Satcher--✓~~ ~--p------ desa,o1.~ 1.tdes MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000030 Document6 ' r I S ORDER FOR SUPPLIESOR SERVICE I NO, Rt'.OUISITJONIREF!:RENCE of Log. and Fae. 89303018RMA000008 Ops (FORS} r ADDRESS b. STREc U.S. Department of Energy and Fac.:i.H.ties Office of Logistic,sl nue, SvJ Ave ence pend Inde 1000 ii.,) ncc 6, ISSUINGOFRGE(Addr.,.ssC:Off~p¢ndc Office of .HQ PS (HQ} U.S. Department of Ene.rgy Procurement Office of Headquarters MA-64 Ave., s.w. 1000 Independence 5 Washington DC 2058 Services DC Washington B, 'TYPEOF ORDl!R INC. 0 ![}a . PURCHASE REFEHENCEYOUR: c. SrREl::T ADDRESS 5600 GENERALiiJASHING'rON Ille lollmw111on Ille l&nns Plco~ef11111lsh lrolh $des or and r.nndlllon9spcdRcd 1111 I I "'STATE d. CllY VA AT...l~XANDRIA allached shee~ II lhl, mdcr und 0111110 t. ZIP CODE env, lnciudinqdclivONau Indicated. 22312 10. REQUISrrtONINB OFFICE ANDN'PROPRlATtONPATA 9. ACCOUNTING Management 1721069 s>) opprop,falebo~(c !1. BUSINESSCI./\SSIHCATION(Chock h. OlHER TH/INSMALL 0 0 Cl1.SER\IICE-tllSADLED 0VETERAN-OWNED c. OISADVANTAGED B) . WOME~O'M-Jl:O_SMALLllUSINESS(WOS 11 .E UNOERTHE \NOSOPROGHAM 1,:UGIBI I (e'ORS) i~ . F.O,8. POINT Destination Oe.HUE1Zor10 Qh.COIM'.>SB . ro r.o.of'OtNr 16.DELIVER ONOR DEl'ORE (Date) Destination ) -17,SCHEDULE(St4 ,~verse k>tRa/actions QUANTITY ORDERED UNIT (d) (c) SUPPLIESOR SERVICES ITEMNO. -· 10, otSCOUl'H TElllllS NE:'1' 30 b. ACCEPTANCE; Destination (a) O,t1/1/0MEN-OV•"'ll.';0 1-1.GOVERNMENTBil. NO. 13. PLACEOF a. lNSP-ECTION b. DELIVERY Excaptror billinolns\lUcllonson Ibo lhis delhl41Yc>rd¢r I~ teve1s11, subfe<:Ito lns!rucUOllsCOnllllried011 lhl~ $ld~only of \his rormandis Aubjecllo nie tcilns ~nrl Issue,O. Box 4937 OR for 11Q) GRAND Center TOTAL r~;TE o.Z IPC0DE c.cny $1,285.00 37831 Oak Ridge 22. Ulitreo STATESOf AMtnlCABY (Sfgna/11n,) • • $11285.00 23, NAME (1ypad) • OFFICER TITI.E: CONTRACTING/ORUf.'f~ING . M~•:ll OPTIONALl'ORMMT fR~,~3(.1) ~.~~lrtOSNi>Jl.(nCffl MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000031 --- _____ -----__ ,.----__ __ ___, ___________________________ ..,.... , ::.:. s and Daoer•wllhconlractand/ororder numbers. IMPORTANT: Mark aff cacl $1,995.00 OPTIONALFORM348 iR..,. 4/2006) P~'bed byGSAFAR{48 CfR) 6'1213(1) MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000036 ~~ m Preliminary JJ Estimate by estimates 1 Vera Dunmore Satcher Construction Various jobs for S-1 - FOR-ALT-18-10-007 Vera Dunmore ·yanousjobs-for.S'-'1 Project Scope: Various jobs for S-1 Division Summary_(MF04) _ _________________ _s ________ ·..c=..:un~i-ca-ti-.o-n 26 - Electrical 27-Comm 01 - Genera l Re_guirements - --------------------04-Mason·~ 03 - Concrete 32- ExteriorImp_rovements 05 • Metals 06 - Wood, Plastics. and Cof!!Qosites 07 • Thermal and Moisture Protection 33-Utllities 34 - Transe,ortation 35 - WaterwaY.and Marine Transportation _n_l ________ ~u~ip_m_e 41 - Material Processino and Handling Eq_ os·-Openings 09 • Finishes 10 • Sp_ecialtles .1L•...s.quipment _ 12- Furnishings ____ 13 - S.e_ecialConstruction m=en""t'---- - --ip ill!l..E.9.~___ ~-Cq~W ____________ 21 * Fire Sup_~re~s_s_io_n _ ____________________ ~8 - Electronic Safe!Y-and Secu;:;.;n.:.:·1y,.._ - -------------------rk'-'-------::;, Earthwo 31 - 02 - Existi.!!9Co11ditions ··- -- ·-------- --- --·------------ - ------ _ ____ _ _ ---- - --_______ _________ ---~_,_-..,,...,_,,... _, ,,.....,-----= "'b""i""'ng~_ "'m 22..:.f!.u ______________ 23. He~.liM, Ventilcrting.and Air-Cond itioning~(t!YA.;.C:::L _ _ _ _ _ .=en:;..;t;---,------------·-------· 44. Pollution Control Egu]P.:.;m _ ____ ____ ~e;.;.nt 46 - Water and Wastewater EqJJ""i"'pm,__ _ ___ 48 • Electric Power Gener.:::at-"-io""'n.,_ Alternate Trades _ ___ __ ___ _ S1.995.QQ Assemblies FMR S1 995 MF04 Total (Without totalling components} PricedlNon-Priced Material, Labor, and Equipment Totals (No Totalling Components) S0.00 Material: S1 .995.00 labor. S0.00 Equipment: S0.00 Other. Total Priced Items: Total Non-Priced Items: $1,995 .00 1 0 SO.DO 0.00% S1.995 .00 0.00 Laborhours: SO.OD Green Line llems :o $1,995.00 Grand Total MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000037 ____ _ _____________ _l ____ _ _ _ ,,.......... ..__ ._. .._11.,..,,.,._.,~, ....:=~~.V--O>\-,,.,....,_,, ........ Various jobs for S-1 - FOR-ALT -18- 10-007 "''"""'"~,._;.,,:i::<\l~lt'Sll-~t:l~':,t~i::.:,•.,,,.,....,,,m,::ur-~:..,~,q110ff1a::.::tr-r.;ne'\,.. ..a __ ·,w -•~,. .. ,_____ __ --=-..,,,ra,,,:-.l'T"tl,., :·:•= · .. 0. =u :·,-v.,,., ~ Page 1 of2 Printed 26 OCT 2017 3:27PM v2.633 __ _.,o1._, ....,,,....., · ·,o., ····..,. i'>"""'"""..,,.¥ ··;,· .... ,,..L...,=• --,-•,.,. ~l m 11 Preliminary JJ '"' Variousjob~ ·for,S _.;;.1 _; ·Estimator: Vera ·Dunmore G) Item ------- :::t- !J\lternate 1 Estimate, by estimates 1 Description S-1 variousjoi>s UM ------- - ·-- Ea Quantity 1.0000 Total Unit Cost S1.995.00 $1,995.00 -- - --- - -- -------·- - ----- - -- - ---- - -- · Book CUSTOM p L. 8 $1,955.00 Alternate Total 1,995.00 Estimate Grand Total MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000038 Printed 26 OCT 2017 3:27PM v2.633 Page2 of2 Va rious jobs for S-1 - FOR-ALT-18-10-007 -.,:c·r-- ..,··.···~•-• · --,~,--~ ·n ·, ····· · -•=--=· PROJECT WORI< ORDER AND INSPECTION/CERTIFICATION FORM 32 and Logistics Operations Office, MAw4 Program Integration Work OrdeifProject#:-FOR-ALT-18-10-007 Work Order Type: --------~ _ . _ S-1___ Client Org Code: __ STRIPES PR/ Award: MA-43 Government Purchase Card Cardholder: Vera Dunn1ore 202-586-4047 Phone: 247.6100000.32101. ACCOUNTING DATA: ;02400.2017.60.300 ____ Tenant Alte1·ations/Program: $1995.00 _ Description o_fSupplies/Services: rge to Vera Dunmore credit card. Completed various jobs in the S-1 suite. Cha Contructor: Contact; Phone II: Cost: Date: (b) (6) $_1995.00 ___ Vendor No. 3: Vendor No. 2: Vendor No. 1: Satcher Construction Marvis Satcher $______ _ ~f-f_ _j_/_ 10_/_26_/2017 _ _ $______ ,roved 1>1llw Pro ·ect-Mmw l'I': *To l>esi ued mul dnte,1ln lire B11i/di11 AN THE ABOVE PRICE IS CONSIDERED FAIR GOVE PROCUREMENT AND GREENING THE Catd Holdel': Vern Dunmol'e ate: _ 10_/_26_/2017 _ _ Sigm1t11rc: ______ Authorization to Ptoceed: Sig11t1ture: Jerry F. Vann Manager, Space Planning & Alterations INSPECTION Date: __ _;_ _____ /__J __ AND CERTIFICATION isfactory and Is Accepted for Payment: Sat Is er Ord this er Und d uire Req rk Wo I CERTIFY All _ Date: ___ ding Alterations Inspector: ____ re'-Buil ___ -=m:=o~ __,V~e-'-'-ra'-"D"""'t~m : Building Operat-ions Specialist: ________ AMf f f(,Af\ PVERSIGHT _ ____ Date: ___ MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000039 _ Satcher Construction Co. 64 Cub Ct. Lothian Md. 20711 Ph. # ( 410) 741-6777 Fax ( 410) 741-6778 Email (b) {6) Cell# Vera Dunmore US. Department of Energy 1000 Independence ave. SW Washington D.C. 20585 Propose to complete the following Job for----- ..·-- $ 1.995.00 7'11 floor horseshoe area S 1 Misc. Work Cleaning paint _off Leather Chairs thru. Out area. Hanging Clocks Pictures. Seals. Installing carpet wall base. Labor (b) (4 ) men hrs (b) <4 ) per Sand/ stain four Chairs (b) (4 ) Provide / install (b) <4> hrs.-----------------$ ea.--------- LF. red Oak Chair rail . -- 4 (b) ( ) Matenal cost--------------------------------------$ 4 (b) < ) ---$ per LF.--$ ~~ Date I 0---26----2017 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-473-A-000040 Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 OCT3 G2-018 Ms. Sara Kaiser Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, D.C. 20005 Via email to: Re: HQ-2018-00196-F Dear Ms. Creighton, This is a partial response to the request for information that you sent to the Department of Energy (DOE) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. ? 552. You requested the following information: "All records reflecting any actual or projected expenditures for renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. All communications relating to actual or potential renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. Please provide all responsive records from January 20, 2017, to the date the search is conducted." On November 13, 2017 , via fax, you further clarified "when our request refe1Tedto [?]renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor),(?] we also intended that language to encompass changes to furniture or other tangible objects in the office suites and common[s] areas in question ." Your request was assigned to DOE's Office of Administration (MA-40) to conduct a search of their files for responsive documents. MA-40 started its search on November 3, 2017, which is the cutoff date for responsive records. On September 28, 2018 , we provided you a partial response that consisted of seven (7) documents. At this time, MA-40 has located 22 documents responsive to your request, as described in the accompanying index. MA-40 is continuing to process your request and will provide additional documents in a subsequent response. AMf HICAN pVERSIGHT Upon review, DOE has determined that certain information should be withheld in the documents pursuant to Exemptions 4, 6, and 7(E) of the FOIA, 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(4), (b)(6), and (b)(7)(E). Exemption 4 of the FOIA protects "trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person [that is] privileged or confidential." 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(4). This exemption is intended to protect the interests of both the Government and submitters of inf01mation. Exemption 4 affords protection to submitters who provide trade secrets, or commercial or financial information to the Government by safeguarding them from the competitive disadvantages that could result from disclosure. The exemption covers two broad categories of information in Federal agency records: 1) trade secrets, and 2) information that is (a) commercial or financial and (b) obtained from a person, and (c) privileged and confidential. The information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of proprietary commercial and financial information regarding the submitter's line item contract pricing amounts, labor rates and in some cases quantity purchased. Public disclosure of this information would cause substantial harm to submitting companies' competitive interests. Specifically, disclosure of this information would provide competitors with valuable insight into the submitter's pricing and give competitors pricing advantages over the submitter. Fmihermore, this information does not shed any light on government operations, and disclosure may cmiail companies from providing such information to the government in the future. As such, this information will not be released. Exemption 6 generally is referred to as the "personal privacy" exemption; it provides that the disclosure requirements of FOIA do not apply to "personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b)(6). In applying Exemption 6, DOE considered: 1) whether a significant privacy interest would be invaded; 2) whether the release of the information would further the public interest by shedding light on the operations or activities of the Government; and 3) whether in balancing the privacy interests against the public interest, disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy. The information withheld under Exemption 6 consists of cell phone numbers, personal email address, and credit card account numbers. This information qualifies as "similar files" because it is information in which an individual has a privacy interest. Moreover, releasing the information could subject the individual to unwarranted oi-unsolicited communications. Since no public interest would be served by disclosing this mobile telephone number, and since there is a viable privacy interest that would be threatened by such disclosure, Exemption 6 authorizes withholding the information. Therefore, we have determined that the public interest in the information's release does not outweigh the overriding privacy interests in keeping it confidential. Exemption 7 protects from disclosure "records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes" that fall within the purview of one or more of six enumerated categories. To qualify under Exemption 7, the information must have been compiled, either originally or at some later date, for a law enforcement purpose, which includes crime prevention and security measures, even if that is only one of the many purposes for compilation. AMERICAN pVERSIGHT Exemption 7(E) provides that, "records or information complied for law enforcement purposes" may be withheld from disclosure, but only to the extent that the production of such documents "would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law." The information withheld under Exemption 7(E) consists of floor plans of the Secretary's office. That information was compiled in pati, for preventative law enforcement and/or security purposes to prevent security intrusions. Because the disclosure of this information could be used by an individual to obtain unauthorized access to classified or sensitive information, we are withholding this information pursuant to Exemption 7(E). This satisfies the standard set f01th in the Attorney General's March 19, 2009, memorandum that the agency is justified in not releasing material that the agency reasonably foresees would harm an interest protected by one of the statutory exemptions. This also satisfies DOE's regulations at 10 C.F.R. ? 1004.1 to make records available which it is authorized to withhold under 5 U.S.C. ? 552 when it determines that such disclosure is in the public interest. Accordingly, we will not disclose this information. Pursuant to 10 C.F .R. ? 1004.7(b)(2), I am the individual responsible for the determination to withhold the information described above. The FOIA requires that "any reasonably segregable portion of a record shall be provided to any person requesting such record after deletion of the portions which are exempt." 5 U.S.C. ? 552(b). As a result, redacted versions of the documents are being released to you in accordance with 10 C.F.R. ? 1004.7(b)(3). This decision may be appealed within 90 calendar days from your receipt of this letter pursuant to IO C.F.R. ? 1004.8. Appeals should be addressed to Director, Office of Hearings and Appeals, HG-1, L'Enfant Plaza, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585-1615. The written appeal, including the envelope, must indicate that a FOIA appeal is being made. You may also submit your appeal to, including the phrase "Freedom of Information Appeal" in the subject line. The appeal must contain all of the elements required by 10 C.F.R. ? 1004.8, including a copy of the determination letter. Thereafter, judicial review will be available to you in the Federal District Court either: 1) in the district where you reside; 2) where you have your principal place of business; 3) where DO E's records are situated; or 4) in the District of Columbia. You may contact DOE's FOIA Public Liaison, Alexander Morris, FOIA Officer, Office of Public Information, at 202-586-5955, or by mail at MA-46/Forrestal Building 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 for any further assistance and to discuss any aspect of your request. Additionally, you may contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) at the National Archives and Records Administration to inquire about the FOIA mediation services they offer. The contact information for OGIS is as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, AMFfllCAN PVERSIGHT 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-mail at; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. The FOIA provides for the assessment of fees for the processing of requests. See 5 U .S.C. ? 552(a)(4)(A)(i); see also 10 C.F.R. ? 1004.9(a). Your request was placed in the "other" category for fee purposes. Requestors in this category are provided two free hours of search time and 100 pages at no cost. DOE's processing cost did not exceed $15.00, the minimum amount at which DOE assess fees. Thus, no fees will be charged for processing your request. DOE is continuing to process your request. If you have any questions about the processing of the request or this letter, you may contact: Mr. Joshua Kolsky Assistant United States Attorney United States Depaitment of Justice Civil Division 555 4 th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 (202) 252-2541 I appreciate the opportunity to assist you with this matter. Office of Public Information Enclosures AMERICAN pVERSIGHT ' ' INDEX Request#: HQ-2018-00196-F First partial response for request from Ms. Sara Kaiser Creighton for: "All records reflecting any actual or projected expenditures for renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. All communications relating to actual or potential renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor) of any part of the office suites (including foyers, waiting rooms, conference rooms, adjacent hallways, or other common areas) for any individuals in, or acting in, Senate-confirmed (PAS) positions at your agency. Please provide all responsive records from January 20, 2017, to the date the search is conducted/' On November 13, 2017, via fax, you further clarified "when our request referred to {?]renovations (including remodeling or changes to decor),[?] we also intended that language to encompass changes to furniture or other tangible objects in the office suites and common[s] areas in question." At this time, DOE has located 22 documents responsive to your request. o o o AMERICAN Twenty (20) documents are being withheld in part pursuant to Exemptions (b)(4). Information withheld under Exemption 4 consists of sensitive commercial and financial information that is maintained in confidence by the company, including line item contract pricing amounts labor rates, and in some cases quantity purchased. Two (2) of the 20 documents are also being withheld in part pursuant to Exemption (b)(6). Information withheld under Exemption 6 consists of a cell phone numbers, personal email address and a credit card number. Two (2) of the 20 documents are also being withheld in part pursuant to Exemption (b)(7)(E). Information withheld under Exemption 7E consists of floor plans of the Secretary's office. pVERSIGHT 1Joc11me11t 1 MBE/DBE/No.11-135 Woman Owned TO: Glenmar Draperies, Inc. 7915-A Old Branch Avenue Clinton, Maryiar,d 20735 TeL {301) 868--5986 Fax (3Q1) 888-4153 1-800-.750-0408 GS?03F-115DA DATE: 7/27/2017 ESTIMATE NO: 60106ABC 23901 INVOICE Ms H. Bailey Department of Energy ATIN: Helen Bailey 202 586--6508 DESCRIPTION Upholster 1 Wing Chair, Fabric Beacon Hill . Pattern Saturn 446 Mink ... . ~~---'"oo ",oo-....- Uil;IV;II ?Elin:s ll('. i!llSoA tl.ll ? If.IF. ?lll!lll, 11';.!llt:5 ?-!j;,,l;loS.? Glenmar Received 8 yards Fabric at (b) (4) 7-26-17 Upholster 2 Side Chair Fabric United Fabrics Pattern Mirador - 32 Chino Glenmar Received 6 yards Fabric a1(b) (4) 7-26-17 Upholster 1 Sofa Fabric United Fabrics Pattern Pony - 66 Palomino Gfenmar Received 14 yards Fabric at (b) (4) 7-26-17 (b}(4} n.,.?l IW ?l\?-; T..-.. T!l: ll21 Sale V!SA-f-Jrn (b) (6) (b)(4) GBP,tr'! MW: lbiml ? On!irt 13:50:S? fl,S r,,:J.: 1 wll ?, &illliG t'...-t.haw ID: Jl;!!j;jl Amount: Tax: $ Upholster 2 Round Back Chaira Outside and Inside Bad< Total:$ $ 1.570J00 (b) (4) 0;00 ...=..,,. -o. Upholster Seat Cushion and Banding Around Bottom Fabric Pattern Saturn cofor Mink at (b) (4) (b) (4) Glenmar Received 4 yards Saturn color Mink at (b) (4) 7-26-17 Copy of packing List Per your request billing for fabric received by Glenmar. TOTAL __ ___ 1,570.00 BALANCE l::========:I AMLHICAN pVERSIGHT ..;._ MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000001 MBE:/DBE/No.11-135 WomanOWned Glenmar Draperies, Inc. 7915-AOld BranchAvenue Clinton,Maryland2.0735 DATE: 8/11/2017 Tel. (301) 868-5986 Fax (301} 868-4153 1-$00-750-0408 ESTIMATENO: 60106ABC INVOICE 23914 Ms H. Bailey TO: Departmentof Energy ATTN: Helen Bailey 202 586-6508 DESCRJPTION Upholster1 Wing Chair. Labor (b) (4) Upholster2 Side Chairs. Labor (b)(4) Upholster1 Sofa Labor (b)(4) Upholster2 Round Back Chairs Fabric 5 Yards Marvel - 2.1 Burlap at (b) <4) Labor (b) (4) . (b) (4) Pick Up and Delivery -- "fOTAL BALANCE 2,200 .00 AMERICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000002 J.P.~1organ MEMO STATEMENT JPMORGAN CHASEBANKNA PO BOX15918 MAILSUITE DEl-1404 WILMIHGTON DE 19850 THIS IS NOT A BILL e,ccOUNT NUMBER (b) (6) sTAJeMENIPATE. 00-27-17 !il:TTCHARGES LISA PETEET HQDEPTOFENERGY P.O. BOX23478 n ononooo MA-432 WASHINGTON DC 20026~3478 For recor.cillatlon piJr~~ only. Da /lot send payment. - ==o =>----------o ---~- -~w------------~-~ -o~-&o--o-o---o--o~ HQ t>EPTOF ENERGY ----------------~ -- - AGENCY/ORG JD ACCOUNTING CODE! Ha 0EP't OF ENERGY AGENCY NAME: BILI.INGOFACElD: f- /3 .... J? DISCAETIOHARY CODE: SINGLE l>URCH~SEWA1T: n,soo.oo. . ,(',11. ~ENT AGENCYIORG10: TAXEXEMPT#; CYCLEPURCHASELIMIT: $100,000 .00 MESSAGES ~;::o J ~!> Approving Slgnalura,._-.=------- Po,st Trail Datll Dato Reforence Number 741362340472 Tram,acllon Ooscrl tlon SQ 'WHITTINGTON .liVA Ct.lNTON MD P.O.S .: XZOZP3YlHXYQSSWZ!: SALES iAX : f0 ,00 Amount i,070.00 L \\\\ S:1 \\.. 030020089671 P,0.S.: 60100 GLE:NMAR DRAPERl!:;S INC 301-llSll-68&6 SALES TAX: $!:J.00 ACCOUNT NUMBER CUSTOMER SERVICE CALL Nl88-297-0781 ACCOVNT SUMMARY (b) (6) l.OST/STOlfN CARDS CALL 1-888-297-0782 TTY/TDD SERVICE CALL 1.aoo.955.soeo SEND BILLING IK~UIRlES 08/27/17 to : JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA P.O. BOX 2015 MAIL SUITEIL1-6225 ELGlN,IL 60121 MFRICAN OVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000003 USA.PETEET ACCOUNTNUMBER Ht) DEPT OF 1:;NERGV P.o. soxm1a (b)(6) MA.o:lz WASHIUOTONOC 2002Ef.3Ull Post Tran Date Date Refet(trice Number TransaoUon De111;rl0Uon o:i002ooaooe9 ~LENMAR P.O.:S,! 23914 oe-zs08-24 \... ,~, DRAPERIES INC 301-868-5986 SA!..ES TAX! $0.00 Sf\ pVERSIGHT MD \)'\-- ?' SALEs!0.00 \) \ 000673574-639 P.O.S.: l89l>i2:i0000 sHAw C00873574712 P,Q.S,l 1~!191230000 SHAW CONTRACT FLOOR SERV 708-532-71.SOGA CONTRACT 'L FLOOR SERV 706-532-7150 . GA ~ SALES TAX: $0.00 \__~ ~ ~~,~~~~.~ ~\~~~ PMC AMrfllCJ\N Amount tor I MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000004 'I Documentl US. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CALL ORDER FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE B&C Construction (Contractor) MAl . lnth Floor/S1 (CustomerProgram ti ROOMII) Date:. ,.,7./'J. .~/}7.. ........................... .,.,,,,...,.....,..,.,,.,..,..,,. ...... DE-BP0005798 BlanketNo . ............... ...... ~ ....,., ......................,. ............. FOR-ALT-17-06-002#09 ITEM QUAN- OR 1T1Y STOCIOIO. 01 DONOTWRITB UNIT .1NT8IS COLUMN Forrestal7th Floor/SI ChiselBlock Wallfor Outletfusert. Ins1alt(1) ElectricalWallOutlel Imtall (I) TelephoneWall Outlet. PleaseprovideQuoteto this OfficeASAP fur final Approval& Start Date: 07/26/17 Approved.Amount=~ MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000005 B-&.c-. -. . .. ' t, , . . ..-... _ . o. ~ . .... 1445- Constitution Avenue, NE .: w~:;hingto~.oc 2000.2 CONSTRUCTION co. -re.i:2oi-"6_ai~1-i23 USDepartment of Ener:gy lOOO. lnd.e _pendence Avenue.,$,W. .w.ashlngton.,D.c. 2058$ To. Whom This. May Concern: Wcwil_\'co.m _pl~tethe fol\owin~ -intbe Secretqr/ s S:uit~for $:6.75-.00. Chise:Ithe block wall. (b) <4 ) Install (1) ElectricalWcJII.OtJtlet_ ; (b} <4) ln$tail.(1) Tef_ ephone Wail Outlets. (b) <4) Shquld you have .any. question~ regarding this, pleas.e contact me on (202) 581-1123 ". . .Sincerelyi. /7. .., ~ . ~ _( ~ Cornell Townes Owner MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000006 Vann,Jerry From: Sent: To: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 11;53 AM ORFSCMAIL Vann, Jerry; Wolfe, Michael S.; Wentling, Deborah Message from FAST - Invoice Approval, PO=BP0005798, INVOICE=BP0005798-7060, OFFICE=WA Cc: Subject: ATTENTION: This vendor Is a small business according to the System for Award Management (SAM). Attached for processing is the Invoice APPROVAL for B & C CONSTRUCTION CO. -A,. This APPROVAL was submitted on 08/01/2017 0 "" = '.oc oo , - - 0 "orce!t;Je~-~- c,,.; VENDOR NAME: ' -o o . -:.;t.. .. o ;{ . . .:.~~ -=-=~ B & C CONSTRUCTION CO PO: BP0005798 BPOOOS 798-7060 INVOICE NUMBER: XlD: 4425264 TERMS: PROMPT NET 30 PROMPT PAY FLAG: y DISCOUNT ; N INVOICE DATE; 07/28/2017 RECEIVED DATE: . 07/28/2017 DUE DATE: 08/28/2017 INVOICE AMOUNT : $675.00 PAY AMOUNT: $675 .00 ORFSC COMMENTS: AMf-HICAN 11 :52 AM EST by VIPERS ELECTRONIC INVOICE pVERSIGHT 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000007 Document 3 U.S. l:EPARTMBITOF ENERGY CALL OlmER FOR ELECTRICALSERVICE Date: ....1ll7l.l.Z ........ ...... ............ -..,,.,,....,............. ,_,...... B&CConstruction(Contractor) MAI.lnth Floor/SI DE~BP0005798 B lankct No..... .......-,- ...................,.woo..................;...... (CustomerProgf!lmIi ROOM#) ................... ....TO ; Jerry Vann/Space Planning & Alterations WO/ARTS# FOR~ALT-17-06-002#05 W<>lt~r Bradford 6~5976 =que..~Ud't>y , ....... ~ ..............................................................,.... .,,,,,,.-, ..mmwum .oJlt.'.~IWU,'c.,-,.,..;:,.._ (Pel'!lonto be contacted) (Phone No.) PJ,.EASJl; FURNISHTHE FOLLOW.ING lTEMS WlilCB Aim NECESSARYFOR OFFICIALUSE ITEM Oil STOCJ:.NO. 01 QUANo TITY DESClUPTION UNIT OONOl'WIUT.B IN THIS COLUMN 7th Floor/St Install 120LF of Liquidtight and water proof Boxes, Install (3) ElectricalOutletsin Convectors. Install (3) TelephoneOutletsin Convectors. Install (1) Electrical Wall Outlet. Patch Walls at Convec1or . Please provideQuote to this OfficeASAP for final Approval& Start Date: fr!/19/17 N,._,,Estimated Start Date: # /7 AM~-HICAN pVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000008 .r . : ~ - t oo . o - -- ... - . - . .. . : - oo B&C 1445 Constitution Avenue) NE Washington, DC 20002 Tel: 202 -581-1123 CONSTRUCTION CO. July 17, 2017 US Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue 1 S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 To Whom This May Concern: We will complete the following in the 5-1 Office for $2,950.00. -Install 120 -linear FT,. _of liquid tight and water proof boxes. Install {3) electrical outlets-in convectors. (b) (4 ) Install (3) telephone outlets in convectors.y: ..................................... ......,...... (Pason to be contal!led) (Phone No.) o11;ii;i:.-t1111,11; ::m:,i. w : ,; ::: :,, 1m ..:R. . .. PI.EASEFURNISH.THE FOLi.OWING ITEMSWHICHARE NECESSARYFOR OFFICIAL USF. OONOTWlUTE t1BM OR 01 lNiHlS COU/MN DESC!tll"llON STOCKNO. 7th Floor/Si Remove (3) ElectricalOutlet from Floor. Remove (2) TelephoneOutlet from Floor. Remove (1) 15 amp ElectricalPlug and Install{l) 20 amp Plug. Remove Cut out in Convectorsfor New Outlets. Pleaseprovide Quoteto this Office ASAP for final Approval& Start Date: 07/19/17 Approved~ Notes: AMf-HICAN pVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000011 ;.; ,=- ': '-.. :c,. . ,-- -. . o -- . - - ~ .: - r~J;. /t~,_:_.. - -. _.__ -_:.. '. 5-1 B&C 1445 Constitution Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Tel: 202-581-1123 CONSTRUCTION CO. July 17, 2017 USDepart'!lent of Energy 1000 Independence Avenu.e,S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 . ToWhom This May Concern: We will complete the following in the S-1 Office for $950.00. 4 Remove (2) telephone and (3) electrical floor outlets .(b) < ) (b) (4) . . Remove (1) 15 amp electrical plug and install {1) 20 amp Remove cut out in convectors for new outlets. each = plug. (b) <4) 4 (b) < ) Should you have any questions regarding this 1 please contact me on (202) 581-1123. _ Sincerely, . t~1,l~ . Cornell Townes Owner MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000012 ~l m:JJ _.,_ ' ? (f) P - 7 G) J: .-1 GENERALPLAN NOTES amr!l:Cit.l.WOU:TOl~Q:.E"'1D~, l. CON~CIJK1,Ll.~W.ft1f~01Jnfl't'ffl11tw'.f;C'F!C\l :iiA~ , """"' COl'filt,l,C'Ct P1.W."aUDOil!.e:rtC-'t~~:!'.1:W:'".ril.ll'tlA.TEO S-1 3,485 sq.ft. ' OCCUPANTS UPDATED.2/9/17 l f'"~!;"s.~'?'m>\.:lEJ..l'ft'-.!Oi"COMl"=.!T~ l~tttr#.r1na1taA;,er1M QJ\l,\ W>Ll. Olr.'-D1 i'- ---- u.r.. Cl'.f"Ar.T,.,e.a01e,,lEil,Cl' ,;t:v,8, F"O,,P.B'i,.J, $.li!.Dl.lf:Y"CN\ FOii$::t;1.::J11 .20:-Ae-a :,. er jmr.~<:104,f~ f'Ta.JHt:S-.:"1~ J.nrlleinn --.J ~Gf..201 DRAWINGNOTES m m-AWIS. 1..,-..~11,-..dihQ.~~ ' 1:J,r,..'t'~A.1.-.A"'l;WEKl,liNEt&tG01CI U0 UD1.'Dill'fta:'DU!~bUll 1F;;a.1~Fl:tlCSit'OOt..1.PU.ltl&biE):::ncMOCC"".....+,\IEGTOR ~f\.\;2t,. 2 ~1"'-l'J:Qlf',,!:!'"'1.Z(.il)S't,uJJ.1$10 ...S:OOrur:.ltl~LO~Ptnr'M. . Atul:.K'o~ ~c;.a:oo ~o~lh ~a:J:.toeno~~ OOH\ltCJOA~MlW.l'Gl,,h'.DIOll.".AUtiOWi'II l ... -.,~or. .i;riw KOTGBP;: SIJ~V~f't$l,.~:oJ.c"1FWSl<-"'1AQJrlZSi"45:oELOWElt.A"RE.A . COr(ltfe:t:tl:-ClU0erfJLlt1Rb>lGN-ID.OX).'leXc:iti;utN,. UP~~E'~GWAU.OUl'tf!''!O/ltZJ".OunJJ X ~ lb &3 X ~~~ < ~'7 I';- C) !::i <~<;( :E Cl c,\: 0 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000013 . I.L. 1r11FS .rr mo zxa 1r:~=. .1~ ~a New Power Plan Jc:drJ;"&:.1'4" E-03 ISSUED: ----- --ooooo-.--JPY .--~----..-.,,~-o .o.o-o---. -oo o--.-. ,.__,_ .,...,.,.. ........,_. ,.___,,...__.,.,._.,,,... ....... -o;,-,,..,,,.-,,.._.,.~,r.-,-~.-.,;a,,,,o.,.o1,o'!m~K ..._ ,___-,..,.._-.,_~, .~...,."">o i I I I Vann, Jerry From: Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 5:04 PM ORFSCMAIL . Vann, Jerry; Wolfe, Michael S.; Wentling, Deborah Message from FAST - Invoice Approval, PO=BP0005798, INVOICE=BP0005798-7064, To: Cc: Subject: OFFICE=WA I II ! ! II . I I I l I' f " i' I l ATTENTION: Thls vendor is a small business according to the System for Award Management (SAM). Attached for processing is the invoice APPROVALfor B & C CONSTRUCTIONCO. This APPROVALwas submitted on 08/07/2017 05:03 PM EST by _,. ,.,._ .. - "' .- :~~~~~ VENDOR NAME: PO: INVOICENUMBER: XID: TERMS: PROMPT PAY FLAG: DISCOUNT: INVOICEDATE: B & C CONSTRUCTIONCO BP0005798 BP000579B-7064 4440478 PROMPT NET 30 y N 08/04/2017 RECEIVEDDATE: 08/04/2017 DUE DATE: 09/05/2017 INVOICEAMOUNT: $950.00 PAY AMOUNT: $950.00 ORFSC COMMENTS: VIPERS ELECTRONICINVOICE AME=f ~ICAN PVERSIGHT 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000014 Document 5 o i, , U.S.DEPARTMl::NT OFENERGY CALL ORDER FOR ELECTRICALSERVICE Date. .... 7/26/17 B&C Construction (Contractor) ........ ............................................... ....... DE-BP0005798 MALI/7th Floor/S1 Blanket No ... ....... ................... .......... .......... ................. . (Customer Program# ROOM#) ....................... TO: Jerry Vann/Space Planning & Alterations WO/ARTS# FOR-ALT-17-06-002#08 ~.~.?.? .~.?. ....... . .,,..,....,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::,,,,.w,,,,,, ...... _.-Reque~cAlp~~.~.~.~1!?.!! .............................. (Personto be contacted) (Phone No .) PLEASEFURNISH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WHICH ARE NECESSARYFOR OFFICIAL USE ITEM DONOIWRJTE INTHrS COLUMN OR. DESCRIPTION STQ_CKNO. 01 Forrestal 7th Floor/S1 Remove (1) Electrical Outlet from Floor. Install (2) Electrical Wall Outlets. Install (2} Telephone Wall Outlets. Please provide Quote to this Office ASAP for final Approval & Start Date: 07/26/17 Approved Amount= $1,200.00 ~ N?"" Estimated Start Date: h!t 7 AMf-HICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000015 ) ,. B&C 1445 Constitution Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 CONSTRUCTION CO. Tel: 202-581-1123 July 27, 2017 US Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 To Whom ThisMay Concern: We will complete the following in the Secretary's Suite for $1,200.00. 4 Install (2) Telephone Wall Outlets, 4 (b) ( ) each ==(b) (4 ) ~ach = (b) (4) Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact me on (202} 581-1123. Sincerely, d~ I If Remove (1) Electrical Outlet from floor. {b) < ) Install (2) EfectricalWallOutlets.(b) (4 ) I ~/~ CornellTownes Owner MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000016 I ~ b< ~ ~n m:i; G) :::c -I n:.,..', GENERALPLAN NOTES ~ L S-1 3,485 sq.ft. I COl\.'Tll'-C!O(tH~tlLOC(O'Jrl~o;,:1' ...~La,ai COM',~C. 2 ,111,L~c:::~JJ..t..~-PNte~'l~?~~alt~'! f~WOUZ ,.~a :r~,CJt C\l:r w u.;. llloAAl!J.MOFEl'C.Y ~esfOf'fl!en,-1I.IOI!. ~ 1-;WWDF?EN:t:etQA~tvf 'W.ASt!N::iTON.O .e. :; OCCUPANTS UPDATED2/9/17 -~~Q.l("Afh#laftQll'I. ~S:Of;.:z :17 ZJ,J~U.. ~ .r-~cri~.QOr,... 3 rettOf.lCI fuiloics - !!! Co91Cl:.W.,; ,Nny\>,ern DRAWING NOTES :Ol~l)A )J'l't'...ai1111IM AN.g,ir,, !'i':OdDNlf.llK 1 P.ld1'taoi. 'R'9'~\.'Ej.:j~l5n~J:...OOtV.OUNl~lElB't< ~.Ult e!tldlh~Q.d 2" ~:'3fE)1Sf:p,1Gf'~~lt1,1Qi:lffa)~IHC~ A,h:>lfet.-.1': f\C)Olt "3fAU.6S..t~anC'l'L'L l oe.1:10.- Non1: ii1c:AAtl!UA;o'll.6'1C>Zl4PO".t,C0<'I OH ( X ~ I<> (') X .._ o:>X ~~~ <:;:, ~ t;) !::; ~ 1'. ~02 l'<""l-V'-:'ll: No N,o,ol""""'""'"'~1\ol,:J:,""-'., _,.,.,v,., _ _ _ ...,.. ,, , Vann, Jerry From: orfscmail@science Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Friday,July 28, 2017 10:09AM ORFSCMAIL Vann, Jerry; Wolfe, Michael S.; Wentling, Deborah Message from FAST - Invoice Approval, PO='BP0005798,INVOICE=BP0005798-7057, OFFICE=WA ATTENTION: This vendor is a small business according to the System for Award Management (SAM). Attached for processing is the invoice APPROVALfor B & C CONSTRUCTIONCO. This APPROVALwas submitted on 07/28/2017 10:09 AM EST by VENDOR NAME: PO: INVOICE NUMBER: XID: TERMS: BP0005798 BP0005798-7057 4423283 PROMPT NET 30 PROMPT PAY FLAG: y DISCOUNT: N INVOICE DATE: 07/27/2017 RECEIVEDDATE: 07/27/2017 DUE DATE: 08/28/2017 INVOICEAMOUN, : $1,200.00 PAY AMOUNT: $1,200.00 ORFSC COMMENTS: VIPERS ELECTRONlC INVOICE AME=f ~ICAN PVERSIGHT 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000018 ,, I Document 6 U.S.DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CALL ORDERFOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE Date: .....~(1,Q{l.1. ..................... ................... ........................ B&C Construction (Contractor) MAl.1/7 Floor Security Guard Desk . (Customer Program# ROOM ti) .......................TO: Jerry Vann/Space Planning & Alterations DE-BP0005798 8lanketNo .... ..................................,............................ WO/ART S# FOR-ALT -17-06-002 #12 ."'""'""''"''':,,,.., ,..,,.,. ,,. ,.,.,. ..,..,.,., .,.RequesWJllit~~.~:,~~[?t~ ...........,............ ....:.?.~.~~?. .~....... (Person to be contacted) (Phone No .) PLEASEFURNISHTHEFOLLOWING ITEMSWlllCH ARE NECESSARYFOR OFFICIALUS& ITEM Olt STOCKNO . 01 QUAN1TfY UNIT DONOTWRlT .R JN'IHIS COLUMN Forrestal 7th Floor SecurityGuardDesk area. Install (1) ElectricalWall Outlet in Block Wall aQ.dPlaster. Install (I) Telephone Wall Outlet in Block Wall. Install (1) Double Duplex Electrical Outletin Wall. Install (2) telephone Wall Outlets. Drill and Cut out block and plaster to pull new TelephoneandElectricalwirii Patch wall as needed. Please provide Quote to this Office ASAP for final Approval& Start AZ!Ju~O Date: 08/10/17 Notes: Estimated Start Date:~ 7 AMf-HICAN pVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000019 BSlC -.--,. dONSTIUJCT.lON C-0. 14-45.bonstit~ti~n A\le~ue,NE Wa~hfngt~~:DC 20002 Tel:..202~581-1.1'23 VSDepartmentof Energy 1000lndep~noence .Avenue,s:w. W~shrngtol\D.C.2osas ToWh.omThis MayCont~rn: .we wm(:o-roplete the followJng Jn the 7th floor _ se.~tin&Area for N.e.w~eciLJrity"f>"ost for $-1,_900,00; .Jn~ta.ll.(1) Electrkal Wall_9t1t.l~tin.block-andplaster wall.(b) <4 ) lnstal{ (1) Telephon.e Waff OutJefin block wall..(b) (4 ) Install (.1}DoubletJuple_xi11the wall.(b) (4 ) Install (2) TelepfameWall Outl~ts,Cb)(4) each)b) <4) Drifll;lll~eut.out receive new and.elettric,~l-o.utlet. (b) (4) Patchwall es need_?!d.(b) <4 ) Shoi,ddyou have anyq1,.1estions :regardingthis, p[ease,-contact me,.on {'.2 _02) 581- 1.123. Sincerely:. c~~--1~ Corner!. Towne$ Owner MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000020 Vann, Jerry From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wednesday,August 16, 2017 5:04 PM Payments Vann, Jerry; Wolfe, Michael S.; Wentling, Deborah Message from FAST - Invoice Approval, PO=BP0005798, INVOICE=BP0005798-7065, OFFICE=WA . ATTENTION; This vendor Is a small business according to the System for Award Management (SAM). Attached for processing is the invoice APPROVALfor B & C CONSTRUCTIONCO. This APPROVALwas submitted on 08/16/2017 05:04 PM ESTby ,,, BP0005798 INVOICE NUMBER: XID: BP0005798.7065 4452757 TERMS: PROMPTNET 30 PROMPTPAY FLAG: DISCOUNT: y N INVOICEDATE: 08/10/2017 RECEIVEDDATE: 08/10/2017 DUE DATE: 09/11/2017 $1,900.00 INVOICEAMOUNT: PAY AMOUNT: $1,900.00 ORFSCCOMMENTS: VIPERS ELECTRONICINVOICE AMLHICAN PVERSIGHT 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000021 Document 7 Pagel Al!'AD OlSTRUCTIDNB QNllE>rrPAGE of 1 PROCURUMENT REQUEST NO. REQUISITION l'lMl\001107 -. ,, oMo RltQU181T10N OATGBP . IWdE,PllONEIIUMUER .ANOAOIJJ'JNG &YMUOL OFPERSONYOCOIITACT 04/12/2017 v~rA A, ounmore/202o586-4047 2. ~Pli OFAEiQUESf(Ch<>T Ill Sec Clearance: NO rund: 02400 Appr Year: 20l7 Allott~e : 60 Report Entity; 300247 Object ClA8Sl 32101 Program: 172106~ Project: 0000000 WFO: 0000000 Local Uset 0000:>00 00001 Pleaee charge Jesse Stephens credit c~rd; provide equipment and $Upervision: to labor, materials, provide and in$tall wall base wood in the Secretary ot{ice 1,975.00 toIA-1, 1 FOR-ALT-17-04-008 Dunmore Period of l?erf01:mance: 04/12/2017 to 04/26/2017 TOT.AL EBllMATEO coar $1, 975,00 10 AC()OIJNTIH~ l>ATA l\ccounting Info 1 Accounting code l AMERICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000022 PROJECT .woRI< ORDER AND INSPECTION/CERTIFICATION FORM P.rogtam Integration and Logistics Operations Office, MA-432 MAw43Government Purchase Card CardhoJder: Jesse Stephens Phone: 202-586-3774 Work Otde1y Project#:_FOR--ALT~1%04~008 Work Order Type: _______ _ _ __ _ Client Org Code: __ MAMl.l. STRIPES PR/Award: $1975.00 Tenant Altel'ations / Program: ----~ ,,f DescritJt/011 Stmplies/Servi'ces: 11 ) PrC>Vlde and i.nstall(75)LF of (6 wood waJIb~sein t-heSecretary office.Charge to JesseStephens Cl'edit card, Vendor No.1: Vendor No. 3: Veudot No. 2: Co1istntdlon Marvis Satcher Confr11cttll1 Satcher Colltild: (b) (6) en~\: $ 1975.00 Date: 04_J_12J2017 _ Phono II: $ $ _/_/_ Authol'izatio11 to Proc(;ed: Sigwrture:t----'I;;;._---"-" Jerry F. Vann ManagerJPYSpace Planning & AlteratiQns __f_j_ Date: .-=---'------- J/-/~/ l---7- INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Pf.;r2I: I I CERTIFYAll Work RequiredUnderthls'Order Is Safsfac o Vand Is jlcceJ?,ledfor Vern Dunmore : Bi.lilding Alterations Inspector: +-~~~~~---Date: !f/J AMF-r11v1 _.. PVERSIGHT :Building .Operations Spedal1st: _ D11t~:_ _ _ MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000023 Satcher Construed-onCo. 64 C1.1bCt. Lothian Md. 20711 Ph. # ( 410) 741-6777Fax{ 4.10) 74]-6778 Email (b) (6) CeJl # (b) (6) Vera Dunmore US, Department of Energy 1000Independence ave. SW Washington D.C.20585 Ptopose to complete the .following Job for----- ..----$1.975.00 ih floor Secretai'y of Enet'hl)'Office provide / install ( 75) LF. Of ( 6") wood wall base $ (b) (4) per LP.---------------_., ____________ ..______ ....,_ .._____ $ (b) (4) Date 4---..12-----20J7 SignatureMarvis Satcher4'/i..~.a~------------------ AMF-HICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000024 Q ...,._ --"==o~.-.~---.-,~--~ooo- ''I,...__ [ ~ itOU,l!R I[ Antfi'onvWhit.son Anth.onvWhitson o Antt\onv Whitson )\'~tli.cnv Whitson 1 ~nv Whltson I[ l\i'lthonvWh!tson ' Anthony Whitson Anu.ionv Whitson ArithonvWhltson "' Antl,onyW hitson ? ;o,,ti,onvW hltson Antl\onv Whitson 11::m ~onv Whitson Anthonv Whitson Anthony Whitson AnthonvWhltson AnthonvWhftson AnthonvWhitson Mthonv Whttson Anthonv Whitson Anthonv W~itson Anthonv Whitson AnthonvWhibcn AnthonvWh itson Alithcnv Whitson Mthonv Whitson. AnthonyWhl!son Anthony Whitson Anthonv Whitson Anthonv Whitson AnthonvW!,tt,on AnthonvWhll:lon AnlhonvWhitson Antho,,yWhitson AnthonvWhltscM Mthorw Whitson I AnthonyWhitson An1horrvWl,ltsan Anthony Whitson AntnonoWhltson AnthonYWhlt:son ArithonvWhltson AnthonvWhitson Ani!,onvW!,ltson AnthcnvWhitson AnthorwWhttson AnthonrWhlt,o" MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000025 TOTAL.. CREDITc;A.RD PROGRAM DAT!! ~OB/~08 REq\/ESTO~/PURPOSE REQUEST 12/8/2016 MIAOCC644 AnthonvWhltson 1012,/201'7 MIAOCC644 6<(kv Montova 1/>s/2017 MIAOC<:644 BeckvMonte"" MJADCC644 8eckv Monto~ 1/>.s/2011 MIADCC6L4 Bedcv Montova 1/2. 017 MIADCC644 Bt.ckVMontoya s/1/:z.o1 , MIAOCC644 a<011 BeckvManto,,. MIAOCC644 6/1h.D17 Bec:kvMcmtor.i 5h/lar, MIADCC6"" MIADCC644 SeckvMQnto'iil 6~/2017 B<117 MIADCC644 Jcnn\f~ J;ntos 8/oof>or, M!ADCC644 JeMlftrJanto.s q/81>.017 MIADCC644 Artl\onvWhit.on 0/,0/2017 VAWE IIEQ# , 124o06 '<124006 '124006 ><24006 CID ,,,,,.,, g,,,,,.,, ., ...o .o .. .. . .- o124006 o124006 '124005 ;;24006 o<24006 o12oo06 o<24o06 '124006 o 1uooG '124?06 o1l4006 S1'.24006 o114006 '124006 "'-'06 "12".006 '12')906 o1Hoo6 ,124006 o'll4o06 ,124006 >124006 ,12.0.006 '"'"06 ,124006 ><.24006 o-nooo5 0124006 o12ooo6 ,124006 ,,24006 ..,,,nos .,,.,..06 a,24006 >;24006 ,124006 o12o006 ,.,,006 ~10oo06 ,1~4006 ><24006 ~24006 aT,AOQ6 hO ,,.,....,..,,..,.,.-";:; Document8 .. .,,,..,n,- DESCRIPTION VENDOR aooralsols for s-, ~nd S-2 e lfts MIADCC644 Items of Value an llnuubcrintion Times MIADCC644 WASHINCTON on line ,ubcr!otlon MIADCC644 NewYork11mes MJAl)CC6...._ New YorkTllTles on lin.subcrlotton on Une.$Ubcrltition MIAOCC644 New YorkTimes on nnesubcrit1tion MIADCC644 New YorkTimes on line subcrlnt fon MIAOCC644 Washln-"on Post on line subcrl0t lon Washln.,,-on Post MIADCC644 on line subcrinttor, MIADCC6~4 Washlni:rtonPost MIAOCC~., on tlneStJbcrlotion W..shin.-ton Post onlinesubcriDtlon MIADCC644 Financial times on line subcriction MIAOCC644 Flnanc.i~ftlmes on tine subcriotlcn MIAOCC64.o Financialtlmil on line~ube.rh'tt ton MIAOCC6M Financialt imes on line subctlotlon MIAOCC644 W>IIstrutJoum> I on llnesubcrintioo M!ADCC644 w,1tstr .. tJourmil on linesvbcription MIADCC644 w. 11str .. tJourml on lin~$Ubaf,:ition MIADCC644 W:aUStr~etJcurmd on tine oubcr!otlon MIADCC644 USATodav on line ,ubcrintlon MIADCC644 USATodav on linesubcriotlon MIADCC6.o4 USATodav or, linesubcrlrrtlon MIADCC644 USATodav ln l'l\f MIADCC6<4 8&1-1Photo aooralsals for S-1and S-2 gifts MIAOCC644 1 Jtemscf Value Oranerv deanln"" MIADCC644 ALCDrane"' Cleanlnd MIAOCC6.u; USATodav on:11 ne.subcr1ot lon USATod:iv. . an lrnesubcr\ntlan MIAOCC6oo on linesubcriptlon MIADCC644 USATodav on line suberintlon MIADCC644 USATodatj MIADCC6oo INSoluijon re=irf.-secreta"' chairs en l!nt>sub,;rt:"t1on MIAOCC644 VSA10DAY USATODAY en:llne:subcrl'l'ltfon MIAOW44 onH~subcrlnth;>n M[A0CC644 IJSATODAY lJSATOOAY onUne:subcr lotlon MIAPCC644 MIADCC6,4 LJSATOOAY onllne.S1Jbc:rfntl on MIADCC644 USATOOoY onlln.e51.lbcrfoUor:i MIAOCC6<4 USATODA Y on nnesubaJl'ltlon MJADCC6o-o USATODAY on line 'Stlbcrl.ctlon annra!s,,is forS-, ,nd S-2 l!!fu Items of Value MIAOCC644 TRAVELMEDICALCNSURAN<:a MIAOCC644 UNtralHELYHCAREGLOBAL UNITEDHEL YHCAA ECLO!Al TRAVELMED IC.0.LINSURANC. MIADCC64o UNITEOHELYHCMEGLOl!AL "TRAVEl. MEDICALINSURANCE MIADC'"'o UN ITED He!. Y!;CARECLOBAl. 1AAVEL MEDICAL IN5UI\ANCE MIADW44 UNITEOHELYHCAREGl.OBAL MIAOCC644 TRAVEI.MEOICAL INSlJRAlC..4 0 1/2,/2017 ,12,12017 1/2>S.40 1/27/20<7 1/27/201' $200.,2 1/27/2017 $20Q.,2 1/27/lOfl 1/n/201, $200.u 1/27/2017 1b.7/20fl $:20Q,'Q 1t:,.7/2on 2J,l201, 2b.7/2017 $12.oo }/27/2017 2/1/2017 $12."0 ,t:,.,bo-r, $12.30 2/1/2017 l/27/20f7 $1'Z..:IQ 2/1/2017 2/1/lof} lfrthor, $no.a6 .i,,857.60 l/0/201? 2/2?/2017 $666.62 2/101201"1 2/21/2017 :;_r;,h$1a.82 3/1/201 .,,,120,7 $10.82 ohllo17 3/1/201, ~/l7/l01' $10.82 ,'27(2017 ,..,1/2011 $10,82 ~oo.oo a/1~/2017 s/27/lo17 o "107/).017 $10.8:J. <12/2.0t'/ 5/r;/2011 .$.10.82 s/1/2011 5/,t,.on s1~1,cn> J-1O .&1 t:10.8l. ,1>.12017 7/1017 .!ta.82 6/l7/l017 ."""17 $10.S~ ~/17/>0f} sl>/lat1 .$10.a::. 6/l.'1/>0!7 shh.017 PAA"iJStJPPLY OR AMOUNT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICGBP SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SJ;.RVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICGBP SERVICE SERVICE SE1\VICGBP SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICo SERVICE SUPPLY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SEIi.ViC.:. SERI/IC! SERVICE Sl;R\IICE SERVICE 5E~VJCE SERVJCE SERVICE S1:RVICE SEP.V ICE SERV ICE SERV ICE SERVICE srnv1cE SERV ICE: SalVICf $171.00 $535.s:, ~,71.00 1168.~6 ;536 .,;, SHs.o~ ~,56p7 ,,-,~--,,,..,,,... ,......,..,,. ........ ,,~,...--:==::-~--- ...,,.,.o..~.,.. ,,,. v-:o .-il'nr.= ..~.--,..,,...,...,.., ..,......,.. ,.,,...m. o..,.... ,..,.o._=~.<< ...,. ,,r- r:.l;ifzoi7 110,!l $aOl..06 $2,146.oS !~68 .16 . 6/17/1017 6/v/2011 6/1s/2017 B/16/lo,7 8116/20!7 8/>s/2017 8/25/2017 8/>o/20'7 8f27/,.0T7 8/>7/200 31,.7/201> 8/1s/2<117 8h'7hOfl 8h1/1.017 9/,1/2017 a'2obc17 9/27/2,117 : \ .. - of>:1 /:i.,:,11 0/27/,017. .. __ ._______________________________ D_o_c_wn_e_n_t_9 _____ : {f) FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN ., PAINT TERM CONTRACT CONTRACTNO. DE-MA00148G3 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 - January 15, 2018 Requested By: Walter Bradford _P_h .... o_n_e_ : ~--6_-8_2_5_1__ 11/2/2017 Date: Facillty: Forrestal e4Cllcks #: Requisition # Program Code: 1721069 Job# _ FOR-ALT-17- ~ Organization: MA1.1 Org, Contact: Walter Bradford 6-8251 Phone: Profoct Oescrlptlgn: 7th floor secretary space. B corridor. 7 offices. Hallways, Touch up paint where handrails are. And concrete . . I GRANDTOTAL = I $1,715.58 II II ! ,, r 1 i.i It., ,I. II !! ! I I i Ii Q II I I 111~ AM pv IJl)IWRIHQ[ght ~ 0 W.00 1116 ll.$lllOVe/R Dplace dam~glldDiyw311 '. 0 $0.00 m~ Cona-eteor m,1somyHc!ghlJll!.l' ('j $1).l)O 1117 Concr..teor masoruyHalght~ 0 $0.0() 0 f0.00 1118 Woad,Plywood ar Mela!Heigh!111!..lul.Jl.. Woad, Plywoodor Metol He{oh t abov,i12n. Sq.ff, $0,00 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000026 Document 10 FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN PAINT TERM CONTRACT CONTRACTNO. DE-MA0014863 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 ~ Jahuary 15, 2018 Phone: Requested By: Dato: Facility; Forrastal e4Clicks #: Requisition # 6/15/2017 FOR-ALT-17-02-011 Job# 5.1 Program Coda: 1721069 \ Organization:MA1.1 Org. Contact: Walter Bradford & Tony Whitson Phone: 6.8251 & 6-3156 Pro.oct Descrl tlon: S-1 Office touchupand hallwayrepaint GRANDTOTAL AM pv = ,$194.40 H13 Ol}WillHolul~~ a Sq, n, $0.00 1114 DrywallHel~h[~. ~ Sq.fl, ~.00 Sq. fl. $0. or maGohfY Heightlll1!m!J2.Jt. (I sq. 111U Wood,Plywoo~or Mula!I!eightup fa 12ft. Wood,i>fyWUOdor MoW Haightabo ?. Q =9-;;" ..L~ ~:~o '$0.00 .- --- 60,ilil $0.00 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000027 Document 11 FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN PAINTTERM CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. OE~MA0014863 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 -January 15, 2018 Requested By: Bradford Walter Phone: 6-8251 --------------! Date: 6/30/2017 Facility::Forrestal Reguisltion# e4Cllcks #: t->rogramCode: 1721069 Job# 35 Organization:MA1.1 Org. Contact: Bradford Walter Phone: 6-8251 Pro eet Oescrl tlon: Paint areas in S-1, s-2& S~3 areas = GRAND TOTAL Ory\~AilHolutir~ ' ---- $405.00 $0.00 ~u.OD Remove/Replaco01Y Height !!Jtltl.U. 40.00 Collc< or mason1"1 Heightabove 12 ft . $0.00 1118 Wood,PlyWoodor Mot.IIHeightup lo 12fl. Wood,Pl~woodor Molal Helnhlabove 0 $0.00 io.oo MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000034 Document 17 FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN PAINT TERM CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. DE-MA0014863 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 o January 15, 2018 Requested By: Walter Bradford Phone: Facility: Forrestal 6-8251 Date: Requisition # e4Clicks #: Program Code: 1721069 Job# 10/20/2017 FOR-ALT-17-02-011 w":f- Organfzation: MA1.1 Org. Contact: Walter Bradford Phone: 6-8251 Pro.ect Descri tion: 7th floor secretary space. Touchup GRAND TOTAL :::: $209.28 , I ~ -~ DrywallHalghl above 12fl. 1118 $0.00 Remove/Replace damaged Drywall 0 Sq. ff, $0,00 Concreteor mason,y Heigh!.YJl..lQ.1Z.Ih 0 Sq. ft. $0.00 Concrete ot masonryHeigh!above 12 IL 0 Wood, Plywoodot Melol Helghl.!!J!JQ...1ZJ!, Wood. PIWloo,jor Mela! Heigh! above j~ jl . __ , _, ., 0 II Sq. II. II Sq,R, [ I[ $0,00 $0.00 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000035 $0,00 Sq. fl.][ II Document 18 FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN PAINT TERM CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. DEMMA0014863 Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 - Janua~ 15, 2018 Requested By: Walter Bradford 6-8251 Phone: Facility: Forrestal 10/23/2017 Date: Requisition # . e4CHcks Program Code: 1721069 #: Job# FOR-AL T-17-02-011 [a'b Organization: MA1.1 Org. Contact: Walter Bradford 6-8251 Phone: Pro.ect Descri tion: 7th floor secretary space, Touchup GRAND TOTAL 1114 01)1Wall Heigh(above 12 ft. = $178,60 $0.D0 Remove/Replace damagedDl)'VfalJ 0 $0.00 1116 Concreloor masonryHelght~ 0 $0.00 1117 Concreteor masonJYHeightabove12 n. 0 1115_ 1118 Wood,Pl),woodor Metal Heightl1ll..!!!.1l1L. Woad, Plywoodor Melal Heiahtabove 12fl. 0 Sq.ft , $0.00 [ ] io.oo Sq. tt. [ l MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000036 Sq. ft $0,00 Document 19 A'\ FORRESTAL/GERMANTOWN PAINT TERM CONTRACT \::,I II CONTRACT NO. DE-MA0014863 t[ Period of Performance: January 16, 2017 o January 15, 2018 Date: Facility: Forrestal e4Clicks #; Requisition # l 6-8251 Phone: Requested By: Walter Bradford I! 10/25/2017 FOR-AL T-17-02-011 ! Job# {oCf Program Code: 1721069 I I l Organization: MA1.1. 6-8251 Phone: Org. Contact! Walter Bradford Pro.ect Descri tion: 7th floor secretary space. Pressroom/conference . Wall lnfront of conference room . Wall behind security. And lots of touchup. GRANDTOTAL = $739.60 ~- 1114 1i15 1116 1117 AMf pv D~all Heightabove 12 fl. Remove/Replacedamaged 01)1\Yall $0.00 $0.00 Concre(eor masonryHeigh!up lo 12ff. $0,00 Concreteor fllSSonryHeightabove 12 ll. $0.00 Wood,Plywoodor Mele! Helgh!J!l!..1Q...11.. Wood,Plywoodor Mela! Heightabo $0.00 $0.00 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000037 / '1 Document20 , t o . READ INS"fRUCTIONSON NEXTPAGE Page ?'.:. 1 of PROCUREMENTREQUESTNO. REQUISITION 17MA002251 REQU!SmON 0ATE ~- NAME, PHONENUMBER,AND ROUTINGSYMBOLOF PERSONTO CONTACT Lisa Peteet (MA)/ (202) 09/27/2017 287-5496 2. TYPE OF REQUEST(Chee\.'..'.~-?---,--. _ -..-.. Sub Totaf $1,721.70 Total $1,721 .70 $0 $1,721.70 0 $0.00 $0 $1,721.70 A; -... ~ --y,:,p o,;,,o.,-- =-------""7 ~1:t\l'.'i~.,,:,,1"!'r'~r, .. ,., .. , .o.,., , ..,_. ""' _./" .- ,o.x..;:,ooo--..= ."'--=-"'' . .. m .. R , .rn-"=.=----""""'"" %. .,_..? ..--,---- ="""""""' -o-ow~ .'~'I"''' vs """'.'". '...=-,.,.,.,,,, -.-o---- o-~---~ooo--o--=---o--~o-om~~ .------------ o< s: n-, m OMPETJTlONWORKSHEET en ------ - ---- - -- ------ 11":PCIpf$1 rt ? o It b ctnHwhrm ,.,"" = ,,,. rzr . Wa:;-- EXT; 202-586-8850 Date Due: tr<<< D i :c oo "'1l'Q Ct ;' - -~-o- Req. No PRMT092817 09/28/17 Date: James Dodd .... ----- Cati No.: CID No.: ---- r_ Jjl:.. {.... ......,,.;/'n\i"i!c Date: ..,dfP" :;,c ~!>V"""T ... woo arfao/z0 t7 J ,,-- --=~oJ.l'I~ ..,,.......r f --- Z s .. , ,w;oT o~= --,,.,..,.,., - ~--,-,~- ,._,_ ...o..., ..". ~ "'."."' ,. <~ ~Guft--1-o ls~ Y m"IJ :IJ () _ z G) :I: -I 1JUIA~S~ N-,LO ~~ ~{_;? CJ)'J> Funding Code MAAlterations 00670, o.,, Year Allottee ReoorungEntity 60 SGL Object Class Program Code 303831161000000 31100 3124711 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000043 ,~,,.~.-,o ..:,,.------.. ....., ....,........ , . , " ,...,..-~,..--,-7.,-:7,,-.;,.o~o ..oo o,--oe,,; ,.--,-.;,r,;,.,,_ ,..,..,- :--.. . .,,,.-; ..H-? t'~,-~._..,..,.,..,,. .o.... ,.,.,~ MBE/DBE/No,11-135 Woman Owned GS-03F-115DA Glenmar Draperies, Inc. 7915-A Old BranchAvenue Clinton, Maryland20735 Tel. (301) 868-5986 Fax (301) 868.4153 1-800-750-0408 DATE: 9/27/2017 60231 ESTIMATE NO: INVOICE TO: Helen Balley 202 586 6508 Department of Energy ATTN: Helen Bailey DESCRIPTION Upholster One Sofa Fabric - United Pattern Poney color 66 Palomino 14 Yards @(b) (4) (b) (4) 2 Pillows 18 by 18 Fabric United Fabric Pattern Klein color 57 Natural 1 1/4 Yards @(b) (4) (b) (4) I I Upholster 8 Conference-Chairs i Top of Chair Fabric ArcCom Pattern Navigator color #12 color Midnight Sun (b) (4) 8 Yards @(b) (4) Seat of Chair Fabric ArcCom Pattern Rogue color #3 Pebble 8 Yards @(b) (4) (b) (4) Upholster 2 Barrell Chairs Top of Chairs United Fabric Pattern Anagram #15 Chambray 3 Yards @(b) (4) Seat of Chairs Fabric Fabricut Pattern Pyrite color #1 Tiramisu. 4 Yards @ (b) (4) (b) (4) (b) (4) TOTAL 1-..........;..-'----'--I 2,057.75 BALANCE l:a:a:::::====a= AMLHICAN PVERSIGHT I MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000044 MBE/DBE/No.11-135 Woman Owned GS-03F-115DA Glenmar Draperies, Inc. 7915-A Old Branch Avenue Clinton,Maryland20735 Tel. {301)868-5986 Fax (301) 868-4153 1-800-750-0408 DATE: eSTIMATE NO: INVOICE TO: Department of Energy ATTN: Helen Bailey 9/27/2017 60232 Helen Bailey 202 586 6508 DESCRIPTION Upholster One Sofa Labor (b) (4) Make 2 Pillows 18 by 18 (b) (4) Upholster 8 Conference Chairs Labor l I (b) (4) ... Upholster 2 Barrell Chairs with New Foam In Seats Labor (b) (4) (b) (4) Pick up and Deliver TOTAL BALANce 2,935 .00 I l AMLHICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000045 Document21 SCS INTEGRATEP SUPPORT SOLUTIONS, LLC (SCS) DOE CONTRACT: DE-MA0011661 Project ID: RequisitionNo.: Pricing Effective04101/2017thru 03131/2018 Room(s): RECEPTIONAREA POC: Organization: PART B: ._:lnstallalloilJRemoval Carpet TIies ..:,.-;,;;.::,'.:;,:"{ :_., _.,..,,..; __ \-.':?""'\ :_,.-":" ;,,,:-,:;.i:. .:-'o-.-:---o . ..,.., \_<; ;.~:-:-'.'.-" .::-:i,:-,::L,:'/i':_;;.,.,7. -:.. ./1 L -.''. Carpet tile Rehimial- Re ular Time) t->: "::;;::.: ;:,_.;;\<'./\<.:~;;:,/ .;:y, .:_='",; :,o . SQ:.YDS'.: {b) : ..:,_:, 12...: .. Car" et Tne:lnstallaliori' Re .ula'rTime)'-.,:r X5X: .W/:20Q:o. .,,;_,:: ' 200 SQi YDS: . i':=':. 13;'-:.. Car et Tile Removal(P.rernium .'Tlrrie .<~; i" :..-;.'..''")\{h:, :':::.r..:c,,..:o .SQ. YDS.-: -:-::..14 : :. Car etTtle Jnstallatiori(PremiumTlnie ..:__ .f,.::i".) ...:: ={J~i,,';,ftt,j -.":-::': .o,::,.-,_:~ O 'SQ.-YDS:. >.:15: .:; FurnitureUftln Re ularTime) _,:, .-:i_-:, i/:';~d(~:i:':'."X: '. '.;s.:,,.,,;:0 :HOURLY. .o:_:;-16. ~ FurhltureLiftin-;.S. tem"Unils:(Re .ular-1:lme : .;-(i -"=:~;{;:":.c:('/4;? : '>,'--'.,..,=".0 .:HOURLY;. .,: :,;17,;... FiJrnlture .umn. :.CaseGoods (Premium-Time .,.--.. .,,,/s,:,:.,,.~:,:--:;.,::. .::= :::_ : <.'.i:O . HOURLY: ,. .-''. 18 ::._FurnitureLiftin : S .stem Units (PremiumTime ..-- ,},.-,;~i:'-,:if ;/t.i-. .:'.::..' ::..o.o :HOURLY ..,, '""'. .-.-,,.-.:.'Subtotal .lristallalloil/Removal Carpet Tiles - ." ,:o,-:.. _._,.._. .. ._.. o.--.=. . ' -t:, ',.:(./ (4) 0 .:/',,:),.;;/_,:,':C:,:\,:.,:(,-;.,: .::,,-~:-t.'... .;~::;[,,7,.'.:c,.::, . :~p:-lo:/.c ...'.':":c'.",.,,,_.,.,-...r, . r-:i19 .::;::: Coiie:Ba'se::_sii t :~f.:ff._:,~;:,'..~S;: -::..i_: .;.:-;::~,,.C::-::\}. ='.~;-\ _.Jk.>.iftf :~ _:'t. ~=o,, ,.c:o o .:-Cf oi'-LF-.--:-$ ."s '.,;;20.:;,,.':Ooi/e.Base,. Re'rl)'oval (Rl:lgUlarJlme) :'~';;,--~;_:,-"~'.--->i~ ;-.t{:f;,;'i\,;f \:%,= .-,:.'.)/\?,:,:O : ='/., lf .ce,,:: .. .~-:c 2f ~=:'.:i : Coite'Bas'e:;,fnstall1'1!I6n (RegulafJlme) .-::;,,: ,+"i-::'i:,--?f:".-i-:i'/,f,/f.: :,.,":V'"\.' <-'0 -:.,~YLF._ ,,:,:c, ., '<<:22 --~~,:Cove:Base._;: Remoilal.{PremiumTlnie) ._ -f.0_',:c';:.-:c>.t;:= :' ?.'''.$.i\/1: 'ofi:i . :;',~'-:t,-:;i;;(:O .'.:i<-LF:-'!:;':'; -: .v:o 23-.;~:,c;-tnstallalicii:r(Preiniun\ JIilie ./o ~\-;: \.';'.., .,,i!t>.::"'!:fo;=_}:;; .._.:.:::,~:.."=t .t,;== o -:" ='. ":.,L F/.,~i: . .--f:,::24..,,i_ Tra,nsillori,_ Slrip lng ;;Suppl :;p;:~/{i:."~;:c.< s,C\;~,>~..; 'i.'.'.":?a::St/I~ ::o;';-',:::z.:ii: :oJO '6'.;,:'LF >_/;,,s: e:~T 25 :;'~ Trt1TJsitlcin _Slrlp ing :Renfoval_(Re"!:Jlllar -Iime} . :,;::,,,, ;-:?-:= jftil:\;:F: ,,;,. T:f;/~':. .. 0':i:;~:;..<,O =t,:ie:;: PARl'._C; t:ove :BasEi'lnstallation/Reinoval "..-:o-. .:--"'''-'-+-S:-:::-Jg1,f}~i,:,;. il:f:Bl~/f:::''\". .\'::'/~-"~~; () :-';,? ::;sF:i-r;-;1 t;,;;'34,~;s_';'i VCToAdhes!i,i~ ;;tn;,,iec:;'i.;i,J\:;3,t:~:.~c-,=;t,..;,(so;?}t~-f}:';:i:,-, .!;tk~'(;,,j,){ d;:1.)ii:;,:.? 0 ;;,';r,iSF,~?/ ,;:J~iif.;';;i,-f~:.f~'.:0,1:,;Subtotal-Talie Up/tristallatiqn/Furnfture . Liftin . Car'. eflab6r ---,~~ it-':'o;'!~J/ TOTAL PARTS A, B, & C $3,004.00 MaslerWo,llsheet 0~120/15(0? /20/15 Updalo) SIGNATURE DATE AME=f ~ICAN PVERSIGHT MULTI-DOE-17-0473-B-000046 Document22 SCS INTEGRATED SUPPORT SOLUTIONS, LLC (SCS) DOE CONTRACT: DEoMA0011661 Project ID: RequisitionNo.: Pricing Effective04/01/2017 thru 03/31/2018 Room(s): CoS/Conf.Areas POC: Organization: (b) ,'.(4o);.,--::. PART.B::'.-, lnstallatlon/Reilioval Gatpet Tlles."';,'f.:"o .":/ .t,i;,'..- -,..'....'-:::.::-: . :.:.,:., .;_:, _,,,:,:c;:~..,; -:.,, ..,,_._,,-.: . ; .11 , >.Car et TIie Removal (Re .ularTlirie . ,;/-'io.. ,,.. .: "-'~t,,,f,:;:f\}t . ...o<0;\:; ,0 . SQ, YDS. ..\:.'12 . ;-,_Car el Tile Installation. Re .ularTJme , ._:.:io.>,. ..1:1"c/. }.\ft,:-:!}27.~ .:'.:...:> j278 YDS,._,-,_ ,13 _,,,.: CarpetTile Ref)1oiial Premlur'ilTime ./!: '. :, ;;.,,_.:-:::- 3/.ii)/;;f: .'<''-,-.'.: ;_-. '0 :SQ. YDS ; . .-.0:.:: 14 .''._'; car .et Tile lnstallaliorf Premlliril Time >:..-:-;_,, ::._'-:;-:},~: -At\;, .:~,>--,'-<0 SQ..yos. , -.:.:: .,.15 ,:.,.'FurnitureLiftin : Case. Goods (Re. ular Time :::_.o,) .' :}.;';':/f~:,.~;:::a_r: ~::,_;-:--.:-,,:.. o HOURLY. . .': 15. > . FurnitureLiftin. : .S slehrl:Jnlls. Re ular Time -~::::--. .,:.:.: -',?Q;J)\-t: .,:o::--~.-:-';...-,o HOURLY-. ..' '.,47 '.... FurnitureLiftin : Case-Gooos (PremiumTime) : ; . .. ,:,:,t:;_.J\, .i,h : i,:-.., ,<:,; o .'HOURLY. .. ,:-1s ...: FurnitureLiftin : S stem.Units(P.reniiurnTime . ., :.. --t1:'=:' :,;\'.\ti.;/, :0 :._,.. ..' . .: ..o :,HOURLY. : ..-,_.,._. '. .-;.'.:.-,.subtotal Installatlon/Renioval Cai"" et Tiles. . ..,,_.,, ..... 0 o. 0 ":.>. :~7! ~:6~~= ::::~~~=~t:t:'.;e,; ~ ~-~~ ,;:t:i;::tt(;\:_ .t~~)/;1'.;t~r::t -it.:j~t:lt 6ltt[t~:;~i: (b{(~yr ~::o-, I;,.~~,;.: .-F~: _;:,::.;,;f _\ 3/4 t}?f'}t:t?f ,:,;;a: ':'~!:1:/ 0 .;:;,.,:,;. LF. ,_+:: . 'J';im:,:;;> Removal_(Reg.u1arJiriie) : fu' '-21,/c.' Cove'Base?.lnstallation'(Regular:nme) ~-"':f'"l,.,::f,~: .{\f't',.'iit:t,:::::-:'.:.:r;::,.~t;,...; o .,.;;( LE o/;/ 0-.-I':>.~,;,~. :/i. 22 .-".,.Cove.Hase::::RemovaL(Pre.mium Tirrie);".',~ : . fit'::..{fti,::.:;-'.~cr:~-::.)::.:,-. o .,o::'.'j~: u:::-oc-:c ,.: rr:23'.'.;, C'.?;T;:":.;: o,:;c:-cr-.-,:2.h\t-;:;:; ti~-:.-\:.{.i:(:'!0 .'~.'~;;: t:F. /:,~t . .:,,::: 24 .,;.-,~, Transilim:i:strjpp!r19 ~,Sup ly"~-ld-li"t=:2':~'.,.i-:',::r, {\~'tf(~t;f;&( ;',;,.f+t.:,o.,; o :>Y'.': LF.ii,i:'; _;,?,~ 25-'~~'Tra~silioi)_Stripplfi9 Rem(iv_ar(f)egulahTime) '.,'i"::,:,,,.'-"'/1;-;','i'Si;;<; :.t,--'.:'.~.'t(~ ~o:s:\\;LF ;.;,;;:-. 'frarisilioii Stripping.1nstallat!dn" (Regular,Tirile).:~-;;-: .\ :~K:-?.-;J;;,. (? ..::.":. t H,:-~ ' o ,;Jf,-tf ::,-,, ,_;;. ..> 26.'~'l-~ f:;~27 ;:..;,;Trarisltior:i :Stripplng.Removal(Pre"mli.Jiji Time :~k:'\' .,':"if!:s\i?::h ;1-~~t:V".: :~'O t ,t l:F :it::_:;_ <,i728 "'-"'..Trahsitiqn Stripping. Jns,allatlor'i"(Preriilum,Tirile):i // ',:f':i;::o\hiffi -.;\,J:?t ::'?0 ,'i;,;;:~: LF:/t;.: 00t:;;.c::,: ::i-'o 29.:--\VCH ply ~i,-~-~-,~:-'.'~ ;.,;;/;;j~:,~,i'/\'Sc:f?';;:.i:"t'-:i'i :.'i:4"':~t':/,};l,t'i;':fE"i 0 .-Xe;,:' Sf f<.;; -_..;-\~ 30 .:\ i V.CT:Ren:iovat(Regi.ilat :nme) :;.~ri:.:: -~.-,;.;_.-l:a..,g;J;z..:'.t:7,,.: } 3/4 , ::.:..,,::-:;'."\fi<:;;-. o -.;i;:c:f SF ',::,i ; .i.f.,31??.'iVCT'lnstallatl9rr(Regular Jime} '\t c'~.:. ~~-~?,r!'F\:\i:; :,;,:;_~ ~( ; _;,':!g~;,;,:;::,;; o :._:t,f.; SF-":\1GBP :/.l 32 ~-~ VCJ;:Removal'(Premlum"Jime) .t:, 1/2 i-Si:C'.'/'\i~~;;:,_1 ~~:::, ..-~ _:.t..--ttE:i .O1:'/iiSF _j:;; Y~33\~; VOT,lnslal.Jallon. Pr~inlurfi.Jiri'i~) ,:;). ' .'ii?,e: ,E;/,\t\ !.:'cfi:'\t ,\'.~1G;o:iif !O ~~: SF./;;i( o:\134l..'::~ VCT-Adtiesjve'_/;~:1.'i,t;,;?,i->t;::,,,'c.:;'-'.c/.s,~~i/;i~ "-i\'..:.~~ (':\?!i':i!if~t~ii iH~:;,,,.l{i?, O;;\if.St:,t.i~ "e,_,".';-~ _i,~;\".~ :;;'oh.'::'/,'; ,_SLibtotanake Up'nrista11;ilion1F _urriltLfre Liftin . C~r~et Labor ~:.;'';j,1,,~-..-,:,'.!; . 0 :;: TOTAL PARTS A, B, & C $37,548.81 Master Workoheel 0 ?/20/15 (D4120/15Up; Vann,Jerry; Subject:RE:Carpet/Upholstery Ok,'toundout Jerryis ln training,Mikehasn't replied;so LisaI justwanted to say,let me knowif you need ony helpfrom me; but Ithink this Isin your trustyhandsnowright? I don't want to drop the ball; nor do Iwant to get in anybody'sbusiness!Sojust let me knowIf I'm needed, Thanks! Donna From:Blumenauer,Donna(CONTR) Sent:Tuesday,June 2D,2017 8:45 AM To:Wolfe,Michaels.; Vann,Jerry; Peteet, Lisa (} Subject:PN: Carpet/Upholstery Justreceivedthis morning.Canwe meet by phone today, maybeafter the PASmee.tlng(9:00)to collaborateon this? Please? Thanl(s,Donna From:Montoya,Rebecca Sent:Tuesday,June20, 2017 7:16 AM To: Blumenauer,Donna(CONTR) SubJect:FW:Carpet/Upholstery --=-.--===-==---=--....,--=-----=------ Ftom:Salinas,Minnie Sent, Monday,June 19, 2017 12:10:22PM .... .,.,.,. 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000001 I II I i I I I ro: Montoya,Rebecca Cc:Bradford,Walter Subject:Carpet/Upholstery I Ii I HIRebecca] Attachedare Mrs,Perry'supholsteryselectionsforthe furniture.I havethe hardcopiesand swatchesat mydeskandwe can discussuponyourreturn,Bradhasthe carpetsample, Pleaselet me lmowonceyou havean Ideaon a tentatiVedatefor the carpet arrivalso I cancoordinatewithscheduling. u ! ! II Thanks. Minnie I ' MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000002 Document2 Flores,Paola (CONTR) From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe;MichaelS. Wednesday,October24,20185:16PM Montoya,Rebecca FW:C,rpet/Upholstery upholsteryselectionsJune 2017.pdf From:Blumenauer,Donna(CONTR) Sent:Tuesday,June 20, 20178;45 AM To:Wolfe,MichaelS.; Vann,Jerry; Peteet, Lisa Subject:FW:Carpet/Upholstery Just receivedthis morning. Canwe meet by phone today,maybe after the PASmeeting (9:00) to collaborateon this? Please? Thanks,Donna From:Montoya,Rebecca Sent:Tuesday,June 20, 2017 7:16 AM To:Blumenauer,Donna{C0NTR) Subject:FW: Carpet/Upholstery From:Salinas,Minnie Sent: Monday,June 19, 2017 12:10:22 PM To:Montoya,Rebecca Cc:Bradford,Walter Subject:Carpet/Upholstery HIRebecca) Attachedare Mrs. Perry'supholsteryselectionsfor the furniture. I have the hard copies and swatchesat my desk and we can discussupon your return. Bradhas the carpet sample. Pleaselet me knowonce you have an Idea on a tentative date for the carpet arrivalso I can coordinatewithscheduling. Thanks, Minnie I 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000003 ,, U ~\ " . Flla-~S~ RETUR.}',I THtS Pattern: Color. Width: Repeat 30 DAYS ASH 55" NIA Contents: 100'/o Llnen oAbrasion: ...,._ ... $AM:n::E WI7}UN UNENBASKET .._.: ' 25,000 DOUBLE RUBS .' Flammablllty; J ~- ~-~Railroaded: NIA <"'" ~~.,;. Oligln: Belgium Finish: Washed _.Clean: WaterBasedCla_anlng Agfilija Brand: HILLMULTI PURPOSE BEACON Book: WOOL, & CASHM_ERE SOLIDS LINEN, Color. Comments:Avallab!e InAdditionalCo)ora : ,~~:~elf;,~f ~3:~;~:oi, -~ ---------------------~--------------=-----=~---,...,.,,,,..,,.._~--=.. ""'"""""""""""""'~~,.. =,--~on<="1=-"""'='"""'~="'-'-""' MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000004 ''"""'""""'"""""'"""""'"'""?"'""'""""""=~-- --- MU ?.024 1 mm ?brogzo ?Daub Egg. 993.. .. [aura 05mm? 33mg? mo?cao 08% mag 1 965? 0:3 . angina EchEuaMm Saw Enaba??mwngoa E. ?an?oi 922m . unsunvh r? . Id a .31" . $9.53. ha. ~..---f,, ' ~ ,,:,.,:~. -~;~1ft~\'.f~j~-i~f'. ,'. ..' ,,~;.~E?,:r,.,,;~.,-c 'o.I ," ,-,;.::_ ~.:;., . 11 oo ,( I ) f'{'-:i-~li!lltiJ \ ?~)\f{ij~{', . .,,.,,,,,.,i,1c,!1 ~ :It(- I, MIRAO.PR - 32 C~IINO o i' ' o11)',. 1i'11 ' 'I' .,. t'sl!!l""r ;?, I 11 , 11'1., - .r ', 1'1 :1 '.'o' '1j.;. ! .: 11, 1I ,I j ', I !' I I 11., , , : .. ,. , ' I,.~ 1'1,\! ,! -w.~-::.,_. ~~i".' ;,l,:1):_o,,' . . ''I1,.,.11 'I' .. , I J'. -oo1:ihi'. .. . .1 , I' , ! , .o ., ;.I ,l. ;, i o. I Ii' 1;; (:/?.';(:' .:\::::::: ::,,t:,);/I;(,::,~(,:~) , ' j ,, I o, o > ,Jf " o r:. .i ' /t,?.:..,.' ..',1 ',1,,o 11 I, ~!~it . i, ; '. ':: II .,l ;,,,;:. 1. o, o"':"s, l f. ;'.::,._ .....,; ~ . ,,.I ' ;. ,.1o. I :. ., t: -.~... t~:( .. ....' ; -... {\: ! ,1i,t11,(L11.,}1,I ,., ' . ~ o,o . .:,..o. l: I ! ,, o ._.:.~~--..l.~.-:....:...,..1 ..tfi>>!.Lt~iro- -----.-.-."---. ' --ii,.!.. "\ .:"'-.:: \\.'. I _.:,,.,.,;..;;\.:.-:.1-i~o.a ~.. 1l1 ii 'o, 1, \.11;:,. ~\1,.,:\~:i'~:o ..::_:;,: i r (J!' , 'lni./1;1,'l' 'i /1i111',. ii #, ') ,',; 'o, 1,t-11\ \J)l;ll!1i,~i'il ;i ' , '. 'r 1 '.- ','I , 11 ! oI', 1, , '11 i' < )f 1<~~~\Sj::\t 1o I i. . ''/"IoI ' J. I o 111~oo/11,\':flft . ' ,I ''Ii i1o ,i1r 11l'~i!,,'.1.lrl,:,i 'o/11,,,.1,1 . 1', .,: ,,f.I'[ 11.11 1 1 I j I o''11._1, 'It 1 , ,I 1"o'1 I 11 ' o 11.1 l, I 1'J o [Io' Io, 1 .111 1 ..1~1,1Hio1, .'o ~1/i.1, .1\''l_''il';i1 1',, 1 oo,r 1 1 'll\?1oo1o,', 1 ",~'jj',111',,<111;,,,1.\,'il" ',,jll,11/: ,-/',I 1 ,:1 I_ ,,I ,,:,iii\1 ..-. y ..oJj,.)o.=.l'U~t(o::;, 1i",I, ,.11,1~ 1: ,Ji. ~!r lilill ,:..,,,,,,f '.1,-,!,-, 11 11 1 ./ .: / ;\~::)::o,:~; o,, j 11 l(,1 ) 1 1, .. 1 ' j/,'oilo,llfl.1 .. ,,.:.lo'/rl:;"' 1 '!11o',1"11,,,',1o1!,:_.- 1. o,,., .Ir I1 l1o'o1'l1'l'1 ~,'1o 'J(,.,1.1, , f ! I 1 I 1 o\ "1Po' I ,;l o , o ,oa:. 1 , I , ,ii: ,t,, 1,: 1 o/ 1 1 ro ' ., 111 1 ,,11i''o _-. .:o.:-7o oo:.,!11,. 11I o ' ' , o 1l 1 ' 1 '1 o1 1 ', " 1 I ' ,J '. o ' " o .' :1 ';f.J, "_,i Io, ill ,l,1!o1\'i o,1''.!/ ( /1 ,rlo[i','.,IJ'!! 11;/ir'f1'V 'i[-1,'/ .-n: ~.~!. .... ,,1 o,, '/li,'1' 1 11 'I : '~\(!iii,{ !:1,,'{1 / ",d ,f ~: 'o 1 1,lbl,:-.14o ;"~1;: -)1)'i1lot,ll'd:i11'o',1', 1 o oIo., 1oo~ ,, ,.)J l1 , -,,, 1:1,fl 1 I .1 o,' ., '::{'ti. J;:o:})t)JY'(:1,)::,(,'1:\ 1,;f Joo '. , ' 1 ,,1.'i, 1 ~:lttti.\-: J ..1>1., > ' 1 , I , , i;lh:~:..: ... .:.o.,: . ~\''. ; , I.1 /'' ,~t:11 1,1.,,Jj 1 1 ~.::.. . 1' 1'/1o '1'1J,: .r;:' 'o"o.o . . . , 1,1,,.:,',\,,,, I 1111,I~~~ !- o ,..,, ,,.:.,1: 11 :. l"''i'l. ' ..I '1: ...I.!.. ,1,..=.:11 i.1.o.1 'i' /' .,1,..,1,;...,1:i,' I I I,'\' ; .. JJ..' "11 oo } .\Ii ,1!! . ,,,;i,,, I ',I "I . 1, I o I 1 ' ,, I ' .. , , , ,1 o I J o 1 ,-.;.-- ." :;7 ~;:;1:,, ;,,;;-..:. ' ',i 1.1o"''. .I I :.:1, ljl1.fl.1 11 l , 1 I I 1, 1, 1 ,I /111 ~ 1 ,' "1. , 1o 1'i' l.,,.11' 1 I :.!., 1,,1,;oo ',r 1o 1' 10 .' ' 1t .,,,,'. / i\-\r;.,;; Vlslt 1or addlttonal colors :fr'o 'Io o/1;1,:i1,1,1, 1 ,'lo1 71% Acrylic,29"/,:1 Polyaster 1 Flepaal:18 1/4 1' H-11 1/4 1 V,Wldth:54111 Shown:UTA Cleaning Cede:~-UFAO OlassI, Oal117Sec,E Double Rubs- Origin: USA Abrasion: 1.5,000 , .Upholstery ~.--,.-,>u~.~~~~~-',t~~~~-, .I /'.'I;;;<~(:/:oo .1,''!I 1" 1 'l!I ~. '_'J ., .~; .. -----=~--~---. --------=--~---.---. MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000006 .. ""'"""'"""""'"""""''""'"'''""""""""""'= /J----- o o.oo=="""""""""'""'"''""""""""""""''~=<==~_,.,;,,,,.,,=,,,'?""N"""""""'~=--o """'""'"'?""'""""'"'-~...,..,,_,, II i ! l i I I I II ! I II i I I I i Ii i I ! I I II I I I II ~ ! MARVEL-21 BURLAP 55% Cotton,45% O!afin Repeat 2 1/4 ".H-47"'V,W!dlh:65"~Shown~ RR ClearnngCade:W -UFAC ClassI o Abraalon:40.oao DoubleAubs-Ori1_1in: USA o Upholole,y Vieit www.unltedfabncs,comforaddttlonal colors MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000007 Ii ' ' !i I I I I I I I, I ' I l .. '.' LINENBASKET Color.. "llNEN . :Width:. . . -137cm .. . :. Pattem: 5 1/4 5~----- i10~~:-m~ _,, ,~_. ,;_:. : Cohtepts: I I ..Abrasion:. 100'/4Linen. :zs,imo DoubleRubs . .. o Flammability: o : . .. .= -=,o Railroaded: NIA... ... o Belgium. Ori9ln: Washed . .. . . Fimsh: -WalerBasedCleaningAgents Clean: BEAGON HILLMULTIPURPOSE . Brand: Book: . . LINEN,WOOL& CAS~MERE SOLIDS. 002BEIGE01_6,01.. o.. o . , .. Comments: AilaiiabioinAddlttanai'calo,;. ..' CFARecommended-Dye Lot.1/a'rlattons Calo,: I I I I ' II ! I '' Ii !i I : MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000008 Document3 .' ." f ORDl=RfOR SUPPLIESOR SERVICES :J,ORDERNO, ,4,Rl:QU!SITlON/flE'f'ERENOENO, Offica Dl!Hdl\0016784 of Q ~s Department of :tog. and ltac. h. STREET MlQlteSS 6, WSUlNGOf.HeeA_Md11:s$C!l,Wf&O,llf(IW'41 to) tl,S. 2 o,UAMG OJ!c0NS!GNEE 09/12/2017 Office PAet:5 6,SHIF'TO: l CQ!ffltACTNO,tff1>11y) 1, PJ.TEO!=ORflF.R 01 11AGE I 1 <>11 dforordornumher.a. IMPORTANT: Me:!< al acksaasandM"erG\Vithconlracl ca I U,$. Office of Headg~artexs Procurement MA-64 1000 lndependence Ave,, .s.w. Oopa.rtmant of office of'togistics 1000 lndependence o:f F..nargy Se~v:t~es Ops (FORS) and Facilities Avenue, SW I: e,CITY Jd,STATE u, 21~<:ooe DC 20585 Wat1hington wa.shingtt'ln DC 2058.5 Operatio;1a 1.'fo: l-lAI\VI$ Sll?CH>m n. MAME-Or OOHTRAOTOR SATCaER CONSTROCorxow co t,SH!PVIA b, COMP/I.NY NAME IK)4,J>lJRCHASF. o.smear.mot-teas fl!.:i'aUCHCE VOUR! .o,'n'PE-OFORIHm 2412 t-llNNESOTAJWg sm s.rE 201 ? b, OElJVJmY (or bfiOog ln~1t,wo on It\& &~ rever~.lhb dcll-lc,y1)r!U(lt i1,mrv WASilINGTON , !-. t-'lb.alC (\lmbhUtefalfowlngUR{hf) ,~1;n11 tin4t41ldlliGM tp~cl6td Ollb!Jlh~aa<'I[ !hi, tirdtrnfld tu\th$.Qllad\ed ~111111\, r, f ISTATS f, 71Pcorn: DC 10, REQUJlltrlON!NO OFFICE! 1721069 Managemo11t (FORS). f-f, BUSlNCOS Ot.ASS!FIOAflON{Obed<. JJ'PlflPtMit~(o~)) ? ti. ontm111AN SMN,'? oo"""u. (I. VKIMF.M-OV..'NEU-SMALLeUS1NE88 (WOsR) ~uauteUND~lH!i \\l()Af:IffiO GRAM I ~. INSPlwilON 0 W0f,li!N-VAftrAGEO [},, \ltn'EhflN.Q'A.~EI] e:andl!/oo~ of1h1111; 31\V,fnd'-tdlr,q dl!\M!!filulridl~ted. 200205300 9, ACCOllNflNA ANDAPPROl'RIATION 0/\TA Cl,.SlmVIC-"-DlfWlU!U 0 ,ubJect~ lns\i\Jlllfc,J1t t:flnlclncdc,n l!lt,n!dn ,i.lfyol !llfsftim'landrs !saUe.d&ilift\dlo lf1t1lerm5 11hd 10. OfUCOUNrlt?..ttMS h.}.CCF.PT/1.NCI! Destination Pestinatlon NJ;!T 30 QUI\NTIT'I' oMeneouw,r SuPPLIE808 fif.RVlGES JfEMNC,, (b) (") ~) (d) Tax IO Nmnher: (b) (3) DUNS Number~ 031?78835 Continued .oo I iB, SHlPP/NQPO!Hi t&. GROSS SHtrrms 1AGBPJattr UNIT tlUNUffY PR!Cl! At.lOUN1' M lQ AOC"Sf>l'CO . (,) 17\ll) .ao,!ff\10101=: NO. .,.OT/J. Cont. 2h MM.INVO)CETO: a.NAME Sl:F.Jl!l,WJO JJ,JSTRlJOJfQJJSIJ.SlRE.iffA'OOREaa oNR.eVEll$c' (>; .oo ? 17(1) """"" Bol< 4937 r;;.. Oak Rid\fa 2?. ll>>ITEOlffATESOF AMERICABY (STJlil~} $1,27?. OR fo< llQ U. s ~ Depa:r:ttnent of Energy Oak RJ.dge li':inanoiaJ. sez:vi6e Center "'""' e,...,f>GOl.'lfS: $1,272.00 T? 37831 23.,NMIE(l!/PtdJ ? 11ltEtCOHTRACl1NO/OROGRING OFJPY1Ci=R MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000009 I ',;.,,___!!~,----------------------------------~----------ORDER FOR SUPP~IES OR SERVICES o o I! ,AOE KO I SC EDULE o CON'rlNUAT ON IMPORTAtfr.M~flcal!naco. . 111Blldna~e1.1,w)ll!.~11lniol1111!1(orordn1 number~. DATEOFORDER rl'::OMlW,CT NO, 09/1212011 I D)l;-}ll\.0016784 I QUANTITY \/Ni\' ORPliRED (c} {d) SIJPPJ..lESISERVlCES rreMNO, (bl I' ORPERNO. UNIT Pll!OE=: (o) QUANTllY AMOUNT I ACCEPTED lo) (0 ! Mark For: Management (iORS) o.a. I Dapp~C~ent of Energt Office ot Nanagement Forrestal aui1ding 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washingt~n DC 20585 Fund: 02400 App~ YeaXI 2017 ~i1ottee: 60 Report Entitff 300247 Object C1asa1 3210l Program: 1121069 Pro1eot: 0000000 WFO: 0000000 Local Use: 0000000 00001 1,272.00 FO~-nLT-17-09-004 Supply and install $h~lves f.or the S2 closet, Asaign to Jesse iftephetis oradit card Period of ~erformanoe: 09/15/2017 09/11/2011 I to i I I YOTALCARR.lEO rORW/IRD'JO1STPAGl:(ITEM 17(HI) AtmiDRIZEtlfORLOCAi. REPODUOTIDH PR!fflOUS EOlflDII NOTtJSABU: '> ,1,212.00 OM"l01lAl.fD!lM ao1~.oll:!l'.O!:) ''"'~~(UUl.l'MlUCHijn:l~(t MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000010 ... ' ' ,, -~.. PROJECTWORI 5 Cell # (bl ( ) Jesse Stephens US. Department of Euergy l 000Independenceave. SW WashingtonD.C. 20:585 ' ' Materials Cost for the following Job fur---------- $ 1.272.00 l I1 f I Rm, # 71hFloor Hol'seshoearea Ii Closet/ bath fun, Accwsoxles./ allheavy Duty bmshednickel rod / six brackets/two closet poJes/tY10shelving ~ ---o......---........--....------.--...--....--- ~~ 'I j(b) (4) I One Glacier bay, whito bathroom meclioineCabinet/ two Coat,,,..,.._~ Hooks/ toiletpaper holder-------.--------~-----$ l; Morman,Laurie cc:O'Konskl,Peter; Brown,David Subject:RE:Options Twoof theseoptionshaveeightstaff. Oneoptionaccommodates sevenstaff, l thinkJimtold me a total of sevenstaff; COS, DeputyCOS, 2 poli<,>y staffers,onescheduler,two admins. Pleasemakethe chai'ls consistent.We can always!etthemlcnowthatthe spacecouldaccommodateanotherstaffer. Thanks. From:Montoya,Rebecca Sent: Monday,July31, 20177: ?2 PM To: Kolb,Ingrid; Morman,Laurie Cc:O'Konsld,Peter ; Brown,David Subject:Options Ingrid/Laurie .Attachetl'.afii"thtee"15ptibM"-~~ Becky 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000013 Flores, Paola (CONTR) From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe,MichaelS. _Wednesday, October24, 2018 4:49 PM Montoya,Rebecca FW:Options Option2.pdf;Optionl.pdf; Option3.pdf t From:Montoya,Rebecca Sent: Monday,July 31, 2017 7:02 PM To: Kolb,Ingrid; Morman,Laurie Cc:O'Konskl,Peter ; Brown,David Subject: Options Ingrid/Laurie Attachedarethree optionsfor S2 space. ! Io I I I Becky I ! II II 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000014 (7X5) 3-62 MU (7X5) MU w; (7)05) MU 1m. Documents Page 1 of 1 AEADINSTfl,UCTIONS ONNEXTPAGS lPRoCUREMENT R6QUE'ST NO, REQUISITION 17MA0020H REQUJamONDATE o NAME,PHONENtlMBEfl SYMllOLOFPERSON TO ClONTAOT 1 ANDROUTING 09/0l./2011 Ve~a A,.Dunmore/202-586~4047 2, TIPl:i OF REQUEST(Ch~one) 3. ORIGINAllN!a OfFICEDATA A.(i]NcWReQUI!ST (FORS) Management B.OcHANGETO 4. ADDITJDNAL lNFDRMA.TIO)II (Sug9Mltldsupply ,ourca,, $6WJJlydala,e1ti.) pl;NDINGPR 1'10, TO O.QMODIFTOATION CONTRACTOR oRt>ERNO, .. 6, coNSIGHEEAND OESllNAllOM 5. APPROVALS ROUTUJG GYMIIOL (8) APPROVIHOOFFIU!AUI (Al OAJE (O} OOERN,"J...ROUTINSOffice ., """'~ RtlU!!Nn i;Vl-latlq~) {l)AUl"HORIZEO fl,EQUl6\T10N5R HQ 09/01/2017 COTS 09/02/2017 V'el:'i:.tDunmore o.s. of Log. and ll'ac. Ops (FOI\8) Depa-:cbnent of E:ne.rgy . Office of hogistics and Facilities 1000 tndependence Avenue, SW Washington DC 20585 i (~ :Cnterfa.~a Financial 1 7, OAlE(S)REOUIRED (0) Deborah ii 09/02/2017 HQ Wentling lJ, GOl/l?RHMENfF\JF\NlBHED PROl'l:fUY (0 Jerry 09/01/2017 HQ Vann Oves illJNo I l~'YII,'111flf.B~fllllWdflflllm~ull"'~ 9, DESCR1PTION OF trEMSOR seRVIOl=S ITfMND. 11'1:.M OR SERV/Cl!~t~~Judts,~u'l:c;o!Jo1n ud Dpecli,I hulnre\l~M) "'' {A) . aUI\WTITYUNIT ID) (OJ AA~lrt Seo Cleatanoe: NO 60 Repbrt Fund: 02400 Appr Year; 2017 Allottee: 300247 Object ClMs: 32101 Pro~:rillit.~ Entity: 1121073 P,x>ject, 0000000 WFOI 0000000 Local Use: 0000000 Eerform construction accoxditig requi.tementa 25B9, Additional 00001 complete Enterprise I.LC; 1 i to drawings nuniber for. S-2, lDIQ enc 40,587.96 D.E-MA0014953; COll .!er.r.y V'ann MA~l,1 FOR-ALT-17-09-003 Stephens/Dunmore Period of Perfo:anancet 09/01/2017 ' to 09/29/2017 'TOlALtITTlMATED COST ~48,587.96 10.ACCOUNllNS DATA ~ccounting fufo ' Accounting I EBTIMAYEDCOST ,V~,T dode 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000018 I ' o ' ' Document5 PAGES I f'/\OE 01 DRDcll.FORSUPPLIESDR SERVICES I 1 1MP0.,...AN11 Ma!K a,Unt1clcat1c& Md-"em wUhwnl'(TM)l1 arw/or<1tdormimbetri" f, Mmoronom &~2Ull\ s'~ Q9/21/2017 u,NAMEOFCON!lla-N$3 It tl,ORlJEt\NO, R 1/4 QIJIUlffl.lWREfERt:NDlt No, 11!dll.00204! Dll-P'.rOOHllO s,u1su1Wa t'Wflc&:(Add/1,t,n~1resJfOnd~nc:e 111} u, S. o~tmeut of Energy OffiQe of Logiutioo and r"oilities Dopartmont of ~1tergy Office of Headgua~te.ts Pxoourenont Senica~ Attent.ionf (GBPfrat. & loot & ,route) 1000 Indopenden~8 Avenue, SW Washinrrt-~n~c 20505 1000 Indepf;lndenoo A.ventttJ1 BIi 7, TOI M~J'.,VIN PUm l,sH:l'\1,\ .i, ffAM~OFCOHTRI\OiOrl C&C(X)MPL~'l'El FLOORIN~~~~PU'ISES 1 Wasllingtall DC ' INC, OMlln<>a/UlG 1\1:F.C-fl!!NC!! VOOO: 7335 OLO JILEXANDI\I.>,FSI\RY ROl'lll l HD I'. 20735 i!.IPCOOO ll9o.oe\M!RY - ~pt !orbU,111/rednk'.{bU!t 11[1 lho f'ltati, tbln"bUmfollol'll~II 11nthe ldm1s pqd <<:ihtll\W\l1t,~od nn ltnll\ tA1ttM tbl,Oldunxdi,11l11!1 iillJPY11~rf Pli&I,,!l 1~,t-to4.t'!!bltt1kilh,~,m1 ,wt tn',', ~nrt~fo\lY&N ~1 tMl!U11lhl1dallfor,l(lfd,,rn ,ubj<<~lo kufr:lt?Ql!~lithlllllPl'lb!I 91! tttr,dd&ol\1'}001, rorl'I! 11ntl h .:on<l\lract. fn4!e,.11.\d 1 !I,I\O(.:n{JJ,,UING AAO,'J>PftOPRIA:flON Df(th 10,kti'OU!tm10H1NtJ Ol'liY"E Account1,ng uodo l Offioa o:1!Lo Q!, WO.. NoOm,} 0 r,JIOWf(lf:.DlSAIJU:O 0 0, \'IOMEN-OV,UUGh!AUft'JAINF.88(~'OS9} D ~FJ>WOSR \ll!TEnAH.O\\ttEO Oo.H\IO~no De.:Jtlna.t:lon l!l.{Q181J; ONDSlnlfl WOS.8 PROGR/;M ttl.PIM!i()f' IOesl::inaJ:1on u.UISP~w'ltoN U, 01H.l\lf=R TOF.0.'8,r'OINl' OWOAl\lIYNMI~ Operat~ons Jd,al'Ale f:e,Z!Peao~ c,CJ'rY e.0TREErAnDfUIB8 d.CIIY CT~IMfON I Off).aa ot X.og, and ~ao, Opo (P.0RS) b. STREETAOPJlllOS Office Qf HQPS (Jrorreotoll u,s, I 2 fl,SHJPTO.: l!mT 30 (R)AmnY IL .\bl ~ax lD Numl,eti WIT !>i\lOC Ot;UEREb Ullli' 8UPPLIRJQRS\::1WIC6S ITI:MNO, (ol l(b)(3) DUNSNumbstl 3o284S78l The pux~ose of this Peilv~xy/tnsk (d) .IMOllllr I<\ (I) 41.JAl,'l'HY MCEPUi.D fu) Order l~ foe the '.(lerf'ormance 0GBP a.J,terationtt ,f(lr the. ?n. oo):".ridor t>f "the lro~.r.:estal 'Sullclll\g, Continued o , ~ 18.$i!P}'-/NGPOll{f llJ. , 1'. cmoss-Ef-ttrl'ING waettr 7(,b/ OTAI. 111.1.NVOICGHO, (aoDI, '{1~5) ~t.MA!LlNVOI.OGTOt V.HM\li Ul:PJu.lllr1 JNST/ltJ,:1ltJfJt11,~lREe"l'AUOfte'SS > oorl,Je/i'p~ ~-8,587,96 DC f'"'"'" wa.shlngton ? I 17M BfW/o a,..,,, ----. c.OIIJ it ~40, 587, 9G HQ~ Wa~hington U.S, Oepettman(: of Jlne,;gy l? 20026~3~78 ? 09/21/2017 S~gnatur6.0lt ~ile llil,NMU! (Typ111J) ' l\lbeot T~ I\, Manley COrtlflACTINWflOl!RlNO OJ/flCD.R I MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000019 I I i I r ' l " -~. ! ORDERFOR SUPP~IESOR SERVICES SCllEDUJ..E"CONTINUATION i:lA1EOl"QI\Dl:R 1conrAActN0. 09/21/2017 IDl!l-101'"01495, llEtiitla, 2 ! umr ORllEl\llll, II DEI-DT0014110 eUP/lllg5//lllf\VIOl:a lb) mate~ials and lllliormu$t be parfo~roe4 in acco~da.nce w~th the SOW{drawing 2689) for tbe fiDl\ fixed p:doe o.e. $48 1 587.96. IrundJ 02400 ~ppr 1eatJ 20i7 Allottae1 60 Repo~t Entity: ~00247 Object Cl~ss1 32101 Pragoam< 1721073 Frojact, 0000000 wro: 0000D00 ~ocal Use; 0000000 Pa~iod o~ Performanc~: 08/10/~017 tQ 08/09/2020 OUANTITY UNIT OflOERED , (o) I~ l\MOUtff PRICE {ij {e) QUAf.ll'fN ACCEl:'Tfi'.P (ol . I II . . I I' ,o~ omncl:AL08>1 ONLY 00001 i J?e::dol:lll construction. acaordibg- to Otawings number 2589. .Additiottal requizentents fo::r; S-2, lP!Q enc Complete Entexp~ise, LLCJ DR-NA0?14953, ! ! con Jerr~ Vann ! I Ml\o1,1 ttOR-ALT-17-09-003 Stephsns/DoninO):'$ Ii. I ! II I I TOTi\1.0-MfUl;tl FORWArmlU (6TPAl3Ei'(ITEM t71HJI ,\\JfflORIW]fOIU.Q0/11.f\r.f'ODllcnoH PRIWiOUlJIUlltlOl{UOT(R)'llln OP'OoNAL l'OBM348cnw,ir,'lJA RECEPTACLES. o DEMO(13) LIGHTSWITCHES. . o INSTALi.(2) FLOORMOUN1EDELECTRICALRECEPTACLES. - lNSTAll.(2) Fl.DORMOUNTEDDATARECEPTACLES. - INSTAIJ.(17)WALL MOUNTEDELECTRICALRECEPTACLES. - INSTAll.)15) WALi. MOUNTEDDATA RECEPTACLES. - INSTALL{10)LIGHTSWITCHES. -RESWITCH (10)LIGHT CIRCU!TS. o RELOCATio(34)!JGHTS. 0 LIFESAFETY(/3YOTHERS): o RELOCATESPEAKERSTROBEAS SPECJFIED -INSTAll. NEWEXIT SlGN - JNSTAll. EMERGENCYWALL PACKSAS SPEClFlED -lNSTALL NEW $PEAKERSTROBE MECHANICAL: -SUPPLY NEW DIFFUSERS. FOROFFrCIAL USE ONLY ,_..,~ ______ w.-..--= ,__________ =-= ,____ = S-2 7A-219Renovalion-FOR-ALT-17-08-8005 flage1 of4 P~nted31 AU132017 2:19PMv2.633 """'''""Q :,;;m:;.co.:.a _..,.,,.__......,....,,....1 ' ...-== -=- __ ---1+o= -.------.----------------------------- =-- """"''''"""~""""'"'"""'" , MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000021 ",.o.. .= C-"""'7'~'-"""""""''"""""'"""~--"""''"=--- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Final Estimate CARPET(BYOTHERS)! o JNSTAlLNEWCARPETlNS-2 SUITE.BLUEROU.CARPlafo .. INSTALLNEVVCARPET IN GUESTRECEFTION. TILE GAR?ET. FINISH (BY O'rHERS): - ENTIRE SUITE TO BE REPAINTED. oNEWPAlNTFORGUESTRECSPnON. Est1rnate Scope: New requirements for S-2.sulte. Division summary_(ll'IF041 27 - C:ommuof~tions 28 -Electronic Safety and Security .31- Earthwork 32 - Bcterlor Im o-rovements 33- Ut)uties "34~-Transportation 35:..Wa,terwa"y and Mar!ne'fransporta_P.on 41-MaterLal froceSslnqaTid Handling Equipment 44-Polluliori-ContrOlEquipment 46-Waterand wastewaterEgiJlpment 48 - Electric PowerGeneration Alternate- Trades ~erilbli~ -(TM)R Material~ L.abor, and (No iotaifing Components) Material; Lzbor: Equipment Q1her: Laborhcm-s: Green Uoe ltems:0- .54s~5~Ef~ "MF04TotaT(Wrth.outtofa.Ilinq cornponents) [terns'Withouta Division B_y_6g 548.587.96 Prtceti!Non-Prfoed SO.OD $0.00 $0.00 .fNoo~Offk:e/ 1S GA. Sllpp~nstau 1S GAoteelfrell\o pln dcor closer, ( Al53?D lloOSsatum cy",ndiioallockset bright an brassifrush),stand'iHd Hot:rs 5 0178 327, Thtashold-S"W'.id&r :E(tn.'ded Ait.mlnum Threshoid.., 112"thicJC:< 6"Wde:X EA 35~tong.. standard Hours.!. Ii 0180 828,SoundlnsUCatlon Kit. Usod!n oomblna!JDnwillt lnsulatlon!:it fncllldlngautoan. 25 _ga2o112"o24" o.c.9' lall rn7 i; 112!11 902,.Stabw Slat, Partif.on 'W!lns-Jla:fion, 20-ga 3'~,.. 24" O.C.metal.sir.ids wfaneSF layer112"stmchmis,,;t,.. ch slde ond 3-1/Z'sound battllberglassmsul.up1D ga. Layed or.goxjjfa tape or aqua!prio.-to im'p3et 1asfening.Fmishshiill be ta~IockfsldmwJr.i:tl,. standard.Houts 9 0209 903i Siabto Slab ~.artit"ron Framing \l'dlnSulation. Z>ga, 3-618o.. z.;,w O.C.r.GBP:ta1 SF studs ont;wilb3-1/Z'acousu~batt Insulation; tracl>'W/eMcaps. -1't12" call'& btackiinishaluminummetarl.isert stained w/MJnwaxe.u'ly Amerlcar..staln and MltNr.O:semJ.gkls$ 'Wat!:c:' based sealer.. standard Hours LF . ~25,MapleWainscot,aso tall mapleplywoodv.r.,14' f!lld<1' x 4"maplewood SF Quantify Unit Cost ~ E'. Book Tola! $1,138.80 ~1:2011..aar p $3.SSS.60~E2017-(R)7 p ,;: ~ raised p,nets W/45deg. chamferededges.11.;pla plywoo~$MU baAB gmde sm::edveneer.~mbry sr.aube-t.1ainedvm-.ti'twlax eafly Pmetiaansta1nand Wnwaxseml-glosswatetbasecfseaier..,standard:HOUl"S' 14 929,STCfa'reci~on-Sfngle 0261 layerQt:ietRcck.2.flga S-.Sltr'-24*0.C.melz!l SF .$435.:S600GBP20f7-007 p o stucr.s w/anei:ayer5/8~ oQt.Jietrock"'Q'.'6 eachs'itlaariaa-mo-Qulet:zo,ne" iib"ll!lasslnsuLup lo 1S'!allAllTradcsharrbe20 ga. Layed ongor!llalapo or equal)lllor 1oil'npactfas!wng. Finishshall be tap:I powermodel,On:ludesall asso-cicnedme-\WU and ha:rttwat'e-),PremiumHOU1S EA $3,-'47.S4,~0EZl17..00T p 18 04a5 16:25,Suppl)l'Jmloll comJl"otWrutV,,..her, Supp~;,r- EA $'t1;5/9.76~Cer,,.f7.mT p 19 0499 1632.Supplyl!ns1aU 20 o,,iet, SUpp.'Y/JrmaJI oew1:ZOV20Apower EA outTetin t'le:w"oonstruction. _(includes device,b~& eover plate).P;emtumHours $508~45~0.E2ffl..007 p 20 0505 1535, OldworkPl:JwerO~lot, SUpplyJ!nstall r.-e\v1:20V:!llA.pao=t olJ.letlnqkf constndf:Jn.. Q_r,clm:!es device, ckfwork box&coverprare)~Pr.amit%n Hmd EA 21 0559 1562,Warrmounled PMne/Oala,Stlpplyllns!all&llfacemountedpan; Morman,Laurie; Montoya,Rebecca Subject:\s-2PDF Peryour request. JL~,;;,9,ttpehed:file'"s., Any questions,please let me know, Thankyou, MikeW. 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000025 ! I II ' r l Flores,Paola (CONTR) I To: Wolfe,Michaels. Wednesday,October 24, 2018 6:07 PM Montoya,Rebecca Subject: Attachments: 0002.pdf,0003.pdf l'rcim: Sent: I FW:S-2 PDF I I From:Wolfe, MichaelS. Sent: Tues(lay,August 01, 2017 5:19 PM To: Kolb,Ingrid<>; Morman, Laurie; Montoya,Rebecca Subject: S-2 PDF Per your request .. See attached files. Any questions, please let me know. Thank you. MlkeW. 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000026 I I MULTI-DOE-17-0473-0-000027 . . gang" .5 . . tings! I?U?o?u; In! via.? Iilm 31E.- Muwau?soia 93%. xii. as 3 I903 . ans?n 0 391% Egg)? gig! :inu 85? EgigJIJ-m .152ng ?33533 luggage: vagugsg Eggi t?nz?l?sn?. qz??x?og?g gunk nag; .anx??gg {gig go?gnahwi Whip to) 58.- lash?2.5a Hum?hang: I Eng gun-i. :3 5?29"; 39.35965? 53153023 air-.9 In ??86 gg?g?v?i?. higher. in" ?a BB Egg g? ?ighgn?hn?i airing 538% :??gix?gg H?u?u u?ui?nzik?aig? . (7x5) 022242?. Eat-?gun .533. 343.5% Egg; Eggnog 2613.: 39.9.8 Eggyg gagging .59??g_n ?23. Egg Eggs. . 3303:2533 wagon? ?.8398 35.8 og?g? ?gangs 5.882 n. . 9893" 4.92! Big .3 Ian anus-4n. 512.5 9% ?g {air??g .535" arse-.5 00 2 nu nzasm. 2.53233? ?g?ns?gu nut? is: an: E5625. 9? E?r? 9.23 3953,?833 ?g 85 138:3?. 3898.? gnawing ?nova?45w.? #3va Eng? ?ugg ??guzgzug gauze 82: 33.1.9352 33.353383? gun?? tog gigs 3:23.. ?Egg". uza?aa?ng? Egas??u? ?Briggs 2339? 7 gug?a 1 gg?zn?g?naug? EU ?in: . . is"; Eugig?s??n? 9035: ?gauge-$518100 35302 gig ?nknt?e?t?g Egg: Eo??gn?ug was ?3 33 E32 g?igagu?q??. gd?azz?a? Ks. ?sh?shi?uan??x? g?o?g? ?31- 935. gig ?gm?ownhu m. ?a?aquaunun?ail?o? guns; 5.: giggi- I HEnmlx?aaxu Egg?sg 33%? 3; ?g an ?5.513432%; or??uiuu?on?vzug. Eng-85.552 2339.2? gen?egg gasoxegugi?b Egg: gagging; unchanging: Is? #333 ?3.22: ?1345" 3.339. .3 Eggng?nni t9? Egan-3383.5. . gamma ?rim?? 3% 5:5. . ?g?i?sf Ida! 331k (?Hunk 3331x2836?; ?39. 20.50 25m ammnum?uxm I Document? ,, ',, I l lMPORTAMTl Mm!allpackagesand natiafawttheoolmotimdf6r(lfdart1.U1YobOr& 'l a,W,MEOf Ct'JliSIGN!ta OS/12/ZOl 7 1~o $,ORDER.HO. ~SITION'Al.t:ff.:R6NCE NO, Office of Log, and Fae, ops D~-1,jA001G705 S, ISSUJNaOFFICI:{Mdms Office I' 2 EI.SfQP'fO: 2, CON'JRAOT NO./U""1 1, PAlt!OFO!lomt PA.GEc'liPAai;s I ORDER1'01PROfRIATION DATA 10, Rt;QUl$1TION.1!,IG OFf{Cl:i 1-721069 O;iab.a,onlE"nr (d) ,~ SllPPUl::SORSERvtces. lli;MHO. (bl Tax J;D "Nmnber: l(bj (3) OOHSNumber; 031779935 Continued o.o I 18.SIJJPPINQPO[ITT UNIT Q.UANflrY I\MOUNf PRJCti
    I.AC~~F 11. . ~.X(oplforb\lha1Qll111.!<;ikin4ffl lhe, lhl, dclloJ<<)'<oN:d m,.,,,, ,o, 1w.1e lJTLBtCONTRACTIIWJORPLlfllNO OfflO'ER OMIO>>ft.(.FORM3,l7~MOl1) l'ft.etnj~twfAA ftffftmllll) MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000029 f ORDgR FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICE!$ SCHEDULE!oCONTINUATION I ORDERNO, DAlCOFOROER jCONTRACTNC), 0911212011 llJil-t,!A0016785 I QUANTITYUN\T ORDI::fleD (o) (ti) SUPPLIBS/.SER\IICES (b) (,) Ma.:rk For: Management QUAITTtn' UNIT f>RICE lol ACCerTAb (Q Col (FORS) u,s. Department of Energy Office of M~agement Forrestal auilding 1000 Independence l\ven1.1e, SW Washington DC 2058S Fund: 02400 App4 Yea~: 2017 Allottee: 60 Report Entity: 300247 Object Class: 32101 Programi 1121069 Project} 0000000 i'IFOI 0000000 uocal Oee1 0000000 00001 i iI FOR~AL~-17-09-005 Supply and install .~,l.xtuces fo~ the si bathroom, A$si~n to Jesse stepbens ~redit card eeriod aGBP eetformanoe; 09/11/2017 to l 09/15/2017 I I I I 1't'liALCilRRIEOj!O;I.WARD TO 1STPAGE(ITEM17/H)J AUU(ORl2GBPDf'O!llOOAlREPoOUOT\Otl ptt&VIOllB fWITI-ON ffllTWAIIU; > iil11800.0D Op-TfON/\Lf'ORM 34fltmr,~ rrma>tsl~,o~i.rni.t~oof11J ~~1j(~ MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000030 ' ,_ ., . I PROJECTWORI Subject:FW:S-2Options From:Wolfe,Michaels. Sent: Wednesday,August02, 20178:56 AM To:Kolb,Ingrid Ct;;O'Konskl, Peter;_ Montoya,Rebecca(Rebecca.Montoya@hg.doe,gov) ; Shlncovlch,Michael; Morman,Laurie Subject:S-2Options Ma'am, Perourconver.st1tion this mornlng,,j'i_gg~/$:s'~nhef; Morman, Laurie Subject: FW:5-2 Options See attached. From: Lieu, David (CONTR) Date: Wednesday,Aug 02, 2017, 12:20PM To: Wolfe,MichaelS. Subject: S-2 Options Mike, Per your request, here are the options for S-2. Thank you, DavidUeu, Space Planner ChainbrldgeSolutions I 12700 FairLakesCircle,Suite 230 I Fairfax,VA22033 p: +1.703.623.8318 I 1 'MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000034 Ii (b) (7)(E) It t 1 'l I 1I ~ ~ " .? I i ! II I ~ t"l I V1 ..- z .-... 0 0-, 0 z ~ 0.. C w V) 0 0.. g 0.. MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000035 ! I l I o' 1 [ (b) (7)(E) I[ 7 I I II I' I '~ ! ~ I :'i I j I i I !' ~ i~ ti .~ i! ! o II c..-; ' V cN z - 0 ..... 0.. 0 I z ~ 0.. 0 w ti) 0 0.. 0 er:: a.. MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000036 I' '1 ! I I I .1 Document9 l Wolfe,MichaelS. l'rom: S&n!; To: Ce: SUbJect: Kolb,Ingrid Wednesday, August02,20175:48PM Wolfe,MichaelS. Morman,Lamie;Montoya,Rebecca;Shlncovioh,Michael;O'Konski,Peter;Brown,David RE:7lh floor Horsashoe Thanks, (b) (6) .. . ..,.,..~" , ,,,, . ...,.,. ' From:Wolfe,MichaelS. sent: Wednesday,August02, 20174:22 PM To:Kolb,.11,grid Cc:Morman,Laurie; Montoya,Rebecca ; Shincovich, Michael; O'l; Brown,David Subject:7th FloorHorseshoe Ma"dln, Fromtoday's meeting, (i[olosea1stho'Opdot!ld floorplon;r ll ! I I left lwo (2) pJintedcopies In your office. Thankyou. MikeWolfe 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000037 l I II Flores,Paola (CONTR) From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Wolfe,MichaelS. Wednesday,October 24,2018 5:07PM Montoya,Rebecca FW:7th FloorHorseshoe 7th FloorPDF.pdf II I II From:Wolfe,MichaelS. Sent:Wednesday, August02, 2017 4:22 PM lo: Kolb,Ingrid Cc:Morman,Laurie; Montoya,Rebecca( ; Shincovlch,Michael; O'Konskl,Peter ; Brown,David Subject:7th FloorHorseshoe Ma'am, From today's meeting, enclosed is the updated floor plan. I left two (2) printed copies In your office. Thank you. Mike Wolfe MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000038 II ! I I' (b) (7)(E) t I oi; i1 o iPI11 1 i 1.. I! HJn r! 11~ f! i ft Il I ,,o I Ri u, Ii .I-i ,, ;. "i',. nl1uu tf~ I io ,~ti' ~i11 M h .. i hltn ! lls11 l I~ h. Io i ii t i1 H" 1 oI o !; 1f . UIn 1: ,ttIi I.. !I'i 1 t n lji! tiI 1 1 -H1 iifiili Ii lij~,l~ ,~i!if~'! . .! fi . 2ig p ih I 11. I 1lal iii ij!I x 1t111Imi~111 1 z .I d f . !.i' Iii'' ! il'l~11111 ~ !I J ~ unflhnm MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000039 l I ,. ' ! } I ! it i. ~;, 'i' t ~ j ~ ' MU 1wOmDWma ~52 a Ewg?nr .25.. 3.3.) 155. ill ii?h?g?g E33833 a. ?g gar? ?tutti . . g?g? garag. mini.? ?:10 right-.32 Egan-gin?! . . . .yiug?nn??nta?. Essa ~asunn63r2? gang; 3.32.39in mk?g?w ?$55.63. ?35584. an: Eg??g .1335 8% 559. tn ?59.0- 23555:: (7X5) Eng . 193995 3.3.: hashing, g?u?w?unk??c?m gags-525a. 38354362. . is 13%; king: . iguana? 5% 303.53% nag ?Etur?? Mugs: Eu gig 93.29 ua?nga. his HIE AIR Eighth-G. aging lI Document 10 I Page 1 o:t 1 REIil]INSTRUCTJONS ONNeXfPAS!; I PROCllst:Ml=NT R~QUESTNO. REQUISITION l.7Mll001883 ,. REU\l!$mOJmA16 I. NAME'", PHDHENUMDJ:R, ANDRoUTl!lG-S..\'MUOL OFPl=RtiON10001-/TA!;T Debot-ali 11en.tlii'ig/202-saG-42~6 08/l5/20L7 :),OIUG!NAllltli OFl'iCI!DATA 2,n'f'E.OF' l{EQIJE.S'l'(Clm.kon!!} A,(&INEWREOlJ~sr Managefllent (FORll) ii ; o,OMon1F10A11onTo CONlRI\O'J'Ot\ I OROERNO, 6,APPROVALS ., tl.Ol.lml~ tlY/JJlOL ~, ll'FROVIII.Q OfflOMLS ~, ,. lliIEflt-lN.f\OUTIHO JUmi\JI """'' avnvDLpl) UlAt.lTflOIUZEOfteOUl81TlOHM - Numo.suwanab 08/15/~011 liQ ! I 0. OoNSIGNEE"AND Dl:;6'rfNl\110N DATE Of.fioe of )Jog, and l)'ao, Opa (FORS) ot ~ne~gy U,S, bepartment 1Uffice aGBP Iiogistics qnd racilitiaa 1000 Inctependanca Avenue, SW lwashington DC 205ij5 "' 1'1 7, D.11.TEjSJ R!;OU!RED \IJ IJ,GOVEtiNMt!NTPURNlSHEm rROPERTY 90 Day~ After NotiQe to P:rooe~d Qyi;{I IB1"o jfy,1;-ui~v oo ,rll~llol'UIMd.Jl~J P,l)gscRIPTIONOf ffEMSOR~6RVICES llEMNO, M} 111:M OR SEURRVICf(li!t!;l~i . Be.o Cleatance 0.U/tNTITYUNIT f;jll/lll<<~1n1and.or,,1t1ll"illlllll11111) Is, . IOI (O) E$Tll,h\TSD COS'f Mounr '!;J '" t NO ~und; 02400 l\ppx Ye~rt 20i7 Allottee; 60 Repo)!t Entity, 300247 O~ject Clas5J 3~101 Pxogram1 1121012 Pro;leot; 0000000 W!101 0000000 Local Use~ 0000000 00001 1A Ho~aeshoe abatelll.ent roR-ALT-11-00-00~ 51, 88:L.13 awa1.'don IDIQ DJH'l\0010688 - TOTAJ. e&TIMATfD GOEll" $51,801,13 iO,AQOOi,1/if(NG Dl\17\ l\aco\inting . Info V I! ll,QGHf\ltGJ':.'(() rENDlNG PR,io. tAoDJf/Olh\l lNl'ORMAl{Otf(S"ll!l~'lad 6\ljlplyiP\lltll;, Hi;tlinyl{ala, a!o.) ! I 1721073 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000041 I Il ~:...-. 08/16/2017 D&-D'l/0013822 OCfice of l!Q es (llill u~s. Uaparlment of 1!1nergy I' of Log. and Ji'ao. Ops (i'ORSI u,s, Department o[ l!.n~:r:gy Qffioe of LOgistics Md J!'ao;Uities 1000 Independence .&venue, SW Pxocutement Servioos Ml\o64 .' s.w. Ava,, tt, STREE.fAOPJU:S~ ' II.ISSUING OFFICE(Atfd1r".,utorte~anctf(l} 1000 Independence I ' ' -. WA.\!HW CONSlONEE l7MAOOl883 Offic~ of Roadquattars 2 8,SIIIPlQ: I ?. ttEQIJ16moHml!FEtteNcfi t~o. 3,0ROERt/0. r'AGES I l M2ffli"fol.'ll'61l'~"J 1, CA1EOfOR06f\ PAGE , I ORDERFOR 5UPPLlE!I OR !IERVIOES 1MPORTi\tH1 M;ukallnack11t1as end....,,!hi:.oo!fanl .mtftor01dernumbeti. t ...~ o o..CJJY ,4,STAlC V/auhlngton Washington JlC 20585 7,'fO; I' Opar.rtions l/!,.Ztp(.,-001: 00 2058S L SHIPVIA e..NAM'a OFCON.TMGTOR C&O COM~l,lsTRE'.LOORl!IGl!.'NTE!U'IUSES 1 lNC .0.1YP~ Of Ol\Offi tJ&flJRCIJAGo b.,COMPlllflllilDRTllPERRY ROAD bcopl flJ/'llAin1,1 lrbV(R)Uorl.l on lhl j11.MD !lrATli \ :f.zwoooe 207351832 4crn' Cl,nlTON 1K}b.OELIVEI\Y R!:Fl:RENCE '!'OUR: Pia~o[0011th IIo rolQwln~ OftII~ UflM "'d l"Mldl!Gllt :p11dtitd, >o, I' 1G.DIWOUNTili'RMS 'Nm'l' 30 OUAUTflY OruJEfU!OUNIT (di (o) (b) """ PRtce. lo) AMOUU1 (f) ~UJ\WTITV AQtE;f>TED (!!) (b)(3) 'l'ax XO Ntnnbar: PONS N\lll\Qcx, oestinution 1 J'il'./1W1'2'll'l:f~'' ~IJPPUE&ORSER\llCE,O (o) 1?..f,0,P, fOINl' I\ HUffleno ta.>>a.wi:::n TOP.O,a, romr is."'""J:;,Hl?" Dest nation a. lNOPUOTION I . [Jh.RDWOSB 1-4.C'?OVEANMENT IJILNO, 13.Pl.ACEOF ' 06. W'lMJ:N.OWNED. 0 'i lI condg~oflhl>llibnvoffllmbald ~n~1t0l. lblHitlllf;indQn Jh9, :i;U:ichad 1heel,It lUl'o', lnclurll.Jlll "~ trs l11tllt8{Gd. 9.ACC01ll1fl>>GAND APrROf'ruATION DATA 11,BUSINESS L'tASGli90A'ilON (Cfttnklljlpmplfo/i?iioX(eir)) QaSMAll h. OlllF-1\lll.\H 6Ml,lL o..DISAPVi\NTMEO tev~,;I\ Ildadllfl'{al)'QrdotJs a.ubjedlu ln~allll~Uons <nl, ..,..; 21,W,U.INVOIOElO: - a.NWie .,..wi,. $51,881.13 BQ - Wa.shington u, s ~ l'.lepartment of Energy 1',0 Box 2:1478 ADDHllilS ffl~rJWonvN:Jb.-DTRlifil' (orP~O,eoJC) "" ? .1111 GRANO e.<-;rm.,oe r6TAU~ 0,.-..11, Washington VO 22. UHtreOSTA'n'!:S Of M,WOA~Y {&.!milutn) 1,UTHOW:tm~ltLOCAltt!>TAACTNO. 08/16/2017 II _ QUANTITY UNff ORDERED [,) Id) UNIT PRIC~ loI QlJAN1'1'N /\MOUNT II ACCEPTE'D [Q (g) by drawing number 2583 for the Offioe of the Secretary on behalf of the Office of Logistics and The period of Facillty Ope7ations. pa:r:formanca will ba from All.gust 16, 2017 to Novembet 15, 201?. l'i.ttachments: 1} P:i:.icinq 2) n.rawinga Jl'Und: 02400 App~ Year; 201~ Allottee: 60 Report llntityo 300247 OJ,ject Class: 32101 J?rogramJ 1721072 Project1 0000000 WF01 0000000 Local Use: 0000000 Petiod of Pe~formance: oen6/2017 to 11/15/2011 00001 I I i I 51,881,13 I TOTAi.CARRiED FORWARD TO 1STFActf;(ITEM17(/f}l AlJYHOIUlED PORL00/\1.FIEPOOUOTION PRE\IIOUSEDfJIONHOT V:tAm,.tt '= .~.1,881;10 OPflOliALfOltM:'148(llw.4,tb(,ll P1-"141>y~,1.1J.R(OCffll&.1'.ltil.l) MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000043 I FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Final Estimate David.Lieu encEnterprises DE-MA0010688 MOD-015 o Z014 DOE IDIQ Genera[ Construction CnC o First Optiono 6/0012015to 6/08/2017 S-2 7Ao219 Abatement.- FOR..ALT-17-0B-009 l?1,88i.13 .?_5'{,881._~ Mafertal, Labor, and Equipment Totals (No Totalling Components) Matenal: Labor. Equipment Dlher: Laborhours: GreenLineltems:O Pr1ce-clINon-Ptlced $0.00 $0.00 so.oo $51,881.13 TotalPricedltems: Tot:!lNon-Priced Items: o.oo i6:ii ~ 18 $5 o 2 $51.-881.13 0.00% io.oo Grant!Total $51,881.13 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Printed11AUG201711:51AMv2.633 .-~-----------------.. page1Cf2 S-2 7Ao219Abaternent-FOR-ALT-17-08-009 ----==---~--.---==--------------------------- -- MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000044 o.<, """ +- .......,,.,,.=-=~"'"""""""'""'"== -~--o""'-~""''"'~---. ,,...,,,....,..,.,~ ....... -- - FOR OFFICJAI.; USE ONLY Final Estimate Item QuantitJI Other 1 0022 proJe-cts 0ver S'L0.,000.00 Tntotclt constn.tcSon, 4 Ml!($ ;,erdayd (;OOS'truction. sc..'ie:lt::!a In advante of actualprolett. DaysshaI'be basedon001)$'.ructfcn stanciatd Hours 121, Rema\laIof Mbest0s Flog.rTie.,.R.emoval of~fioortte. 2. 0045 (EnVTechnioiaQ), P01r.4~8 a.w. oCl!Y ld.S.TATI!ta,ZIPCOOE wa:ihington. Wa~hington DC 20(185 DC 20585 f.SHIPYIA 1.TO: COIWELJ.i 'l.'O\iN~S a.HAMi!OFtolmiACYOR B & C conattuction Co t IL OOMl>AN\' lfMIE !Kin, l'tlftCHAfiE c.~TRmr AOPI\ESS REfalEtlCi;YollR: lYJ>f.Of'OROffR Oi,,.om.rvsRY ' 14.45 Conat:it.nt-.ion. Ave. NE ~<cx(o,)J b.OrJiERTtfANSM/ltl e.SIAALL [] o OIO/.tWMTAG"1> Q 0 Qf,$Eroll01:--tl!SAOLEO ? V,WOMCN,OWJ-lt:D tMAU.BUSl/mis(WOSB) El11J1ut.u u~8{ mswaoorROGRAM \/ETEfWklWtiEO "'n-1srecnou f2, F,tl,B, PO!tff 0d.WOMl:N-OWNeo 0 n, HIJ8ZnJ!CI Destination Oti.i:bWOSD 1&.OJ.lNllfl TO F.0.11. Pt~trr.~.. Ott ORDeFORf(Db(o) t,i, 00\'f'fltfMr,;tff Oil.UO.. 1"3.flJ\Cl!.Of' tum-dP:kj~tlklth, lffll1S111i11 o,nlfllkm uf 11\eelioV4il\lo.llbtWf eonlmd ;;mlw1K11Uw1r. spec$d Qt\?Olh,tlf.,t l.l( IMous:JM llw!b11 II>> 11!11clitd ,ho!, If 1(1.b!Rr.OUNTlERMS 11.o.AeoEPl'AtlCll Dostination WlT 30 De.Gtina.tion \'I, S~IEOUlE($~ot~Vb#,il fnrRt/ttdtms} {:i) TaK l'.D N\m\haJ;": umr QllANllTY ORDfiR!iUUNIT SUPPLlllO 0061:AVJGro (b) Ire.MOO, (ol rruCF. ( ~ltNOJCENO. l'O'D\L (Con' """) 21.MAILINVOICE.TO: a.NAME """""" r.o. U,s, Depat'b\lent JJ,JlmEETADl:'IRESS /HBJ~ ON~SE {or Ow:) N1)tl01U1liUFCR1.QCN.fW1\UbUi100II l>fti:MOlJS~ fiOTUUMI-G o )lo)( 170) OAAHD t937 r;.- .-...Oal,:1'$"Wilh conTl'dat andlororderT1Umb~"', DATI:OF ORDERlOITTRACTNO, (b} (o} 00001. ' lOROERtlO, DJM ai/50,00 OPTIONAi. FORM3?fl CRtt, tllCQ,) l'Jt<<,'ilit(h'QSAF.I.R(IJCfll}U'.tl~(I) MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000047 I! ! I iI Il ...~,. r I PROJECT WORK ORDER AND INSPECTION/CERTIFICATION FORM !o t ! ,'I i Program Integration and Logistics Operations Office, :MA-432 MA-43 Government Putchase Card Cai:dholder: Jesse Stephens Phone: ((202) 586-404'7 l 7 Work OrderjProject#:_FOR-ALT-17-0ft.,, OI . Work Orde1oType: _______ _ Client Org Code: _MA-1,1. ___ _ STRIPES1'11/Award:17MA001554 ACCOUNTING DATA: 02400.2017.60.3002~7.6100000.32101.fllll A Tenant Alterations/ P1'ogL'1tm: $_750.00__ Qescript-io11 o.fSnpplies/SenJices: Hang 9 picturesnnd 7 c~ptlonsIn cm.1.ido1. 7A-257.Chmog,e to JesseStephens credl\ card, Vendm.No, 1: Venclor No. 3; VendorNo,2i Conh'octori B&C Constrnction __________ _ Contu,1, Cornell Townes l'hono n, l(b) (6 ) o Cosll $_750,00.__ Dnte; _6_}_21.J,..Y.017_ $_______ _J _ $_____ _____J_ _ _/__J. __ *Tobe slg111yl nud dated lm tlurn11ildl11g O1mrat1011~ B cc nfM ,wd a . v o11b1 tlta_1'roiect Mn1111sai.: TElf.AllOVlll'RICll lS CON$1DllRllD FAIR AND R A ONADLEANP IS COMPLtANCli WITH PlsOCUREMllN AND GREENINGTHEGOVllRNMEN1'REGU AT[ Vai1n . Manager,Space l'lnmtlng & Alterntlons i INSPECTIONAND CBRTIFICATION I CERTIFYAll Work RequiredUnderthis Orderls Satisfactoryand Is Acceptedfor Payment: Vem D1mmore___ ________ 1 lfoil,;lh1gAlterations fosped01~________ .:Bulll'!lngOpel'atlons Specialist: 0rite1__ Date: __ _ _ MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000048 I' ,. " Preliminary Estimate, by estimates Vera Onnmore B & C Construction Hang 9 pictures and 7 captions in corridor 7 A-257 - FOR-ALT-17-06-017 Vera ounmore Estimator:Vera Dunmore ProJectScope: Hang 9 pictures and 7 captions in corridor7A-257 'Kang9 pfctures and 7 capljons in corrl'dor7A-257 Division Summary: (MF04} _Q:t:-.GeneralRegulremgrrts 02 - Exls1ioqConditions .o_~coPC(R).t~ -04- MasQ!!D:. os~ ~ew,,,-JJPY1oc.s,=======:::---.---~------------- 1 1f6-Wood. Plastics. and Composites. o1-Therrna1end MolSttifeP'rote_!:lfon Men ~S--:-Wi:iierivay and fJJ.arlne Transportation .51-:Jilateria.l Processinganf!.Handf111g'Egui1L11J-.e,,,n"t~-------------44_PollutionCentro(~ment 46':W_a1~r~O~stewa1er"'Ea~tnp>,_ ~m~,-_i:_i~\------------------- _Q?_-~ .Qkfinis~ ::u,_,.?E~ _11-?g_g:!_D_t!),epL 12 - 48 - Electric Power Generation Jterno-te._ _________ 13-SpeciatconstQ!_c:llon,o.,.------ --------q...-- .:11::..9-q,,Qy~ng ~guiproe11 21 - FireSup;pressfon '2'i'=P!umbino 23.- Healing.Vent!latinQ,and Air-Condffioni!).g_.(HVAC) ....,,_ .. ------~, ... ...- Materlat. LabcrT and Equipment Totals (No T ot?__!!ing~omponents} MF04T9tal {WithoUtfi:!.~l~!U9 c:otnpone..!WJ~:- . W,50::.Qg ~-- --ffi(Crf Total Prii:e1<==-,0""""""', ............. , ,,.,,...,,,_,,,,,,,,~---- ..--,,..~ Preliminary Haii'i:('9pic.ti.mes='an_d 7 captions.-iti"carti.ilor'JA~257 :Estimator: Veira.Durimbre Item o Estimate, by estimates Descrlptlon UM Quantity Unit Cost Total Book Alternate , 1 Hang'9 picturesand7 captiol'IS in corrtdor7.A-25T Ea 1.0000 S750.00 Alternate Total .----------- ~ p B 57:50.00 Estimate Grand Total Prinled21 .l!JN 201711:30AM'12632 S75D.00CUSTOM Page2 ol2 750.00 'HangS picttlresand7 c:aptrons ineorridor7A-257o FOR-ALTo17--06-017 -.----------------------------------------MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000050 ----------------.---~--. """""""'"""''"""~- .,,,.,.,,""""""' ""'""""""""'""""'"'==='=',,..~-,.,_.......,-=,.,..,,-~, II II II 1445 Constltullon A,,enue, NE Waolllngton, DC 20002 B&C 'l'ol: 202-581 o1123 CONSTRUCTIONCO. June 20, 2017 USDepartment of Energy 1000 IndependenceAvenue, S.W. Wo;1shlngton, D.C.20585 To Whom This May Concern: We will completethe following In 7A-257Corridor for $750.00. Hang(9) Picturesand (7) Captions.($750.00) Shouldyou have any questions regardingthis, pleasecontact me on (202) 581-1123. Sin9Jrely, L .~ / ~ . CornellTownes owner MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000051 Ii I ! Document 12 Flores, Paola (CONTR) From: Sent: . To: Subject: Attachments: I Wolfe,Michael S. Wednesday, October 24, 2018 4:55 PM Montoya, Rebecca FW:Secretary Horseshoe Project S 7A-219#2581-A-03 Abatement Plan.pd/;S 7A-219#2581-A-04 Construction Plan.pdf; S 7A-219 #2581-A-02 Demo Plan.pdf I ! ! I ' From: Lieu,David (CONTR) Sent: Monday,August 07, 2017 3:09 PM To: D'Ascenzo,Mark Cc:Vann,Jerry ; Wolfe, MichaelS, ;Shlncovich,Michael Subject:Secretary Horseshoe Project I Mark, Enclosed are the drawings for demolition and construction for the Secretary and Undersecretary suite, A Side, The SOW calls for the reconfiguration of offices fo create an office for the new S-2 and an enclosed guest reception area. This space needs lo be checked for abatement. Thisis a very high priority project with the start time of construction by the end of this week, Thank you, I I David Lieu, Space Planner ChainbridgeSolutions I 12700 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 230 p: +1.703,623.8318 I Fairfax, VA 22033 ! I n 'i i '! f II ! 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000052 MU (7X5) GENERAL NOTES L. Fem! SUMMER ?my? mwm?xomrma?amm 2. mum WWKW mmrmamma?w ma halt-KW magnum 590-80 it 1?3? 803 195641: 958:: 6 l: w. @lij111.o &~~~ . ' II ; I o o" I I i 1111 ht; 'ii; di' i1l ~" ,it. ,nl.uds 500-00-ll.lW.~ol 18%HlMO l l~il .~ 41~...-ci I~ (b) (7)(E) i ! ' I I I ~ I 1 r, "i i1 it ~. .I I. 1. ~!J I!! 0 .~ z !hi Q rff CO~T ~290,412,74 10,ACCQUNTlllG DATA Accounting :mto ' 1721073 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000056 I ORDERFORSUPPUESORsgRVICllS IMPORTA~n MIUI< .U acl(acasMa """lalf$wJtb conln;1.~t andkn"ol'der ll\lmba/4, {.DATi: Of OROElt DE-0~00:1.39~7 Office of l,og. GBPUJ.d1l'ae, 171\11100;!.866 aQ PS of Depa:rtment 0GBP Ene.cgy of Raadquarte:i;s Frociu:mnent {ii4ot last I orie~tiona 1000 lndepandenca A.venue, SW Sbrvice:1 route} 1000 rndapendence AVCHUA, SW Waahl.ngton oc 2.0585 oOllY 7.TOJ MEJ:,VXN~!\ICE f,8H1P\ih\ & (li'Oru)) u.s. oaparbnent of ronergy Office of Logistics and Facil~tiea (Forro$tal) U,$, .Attention: Ops b.~l'RIDAboness 6, ls.Sl)IN0OFFJCU{AddrlJccor1arpond1'.!"s 111) Office 2 u.HAt~ OFCONS:IGtlEI; ,,!.REQ\ll8m?Nm~JU!:HCe: No. 3, ORDER t/0, l 6. SHl?m ~nl"88l~'!l g't"'1 09/06/2017 PAGE Oi l','\t:11:;S I & 1P,6TAT6~,Zlf'CDD6 Washington DC 0585 I a, tu\MlaOFCONIDAGTOR C&C CJO>IPu!l'l'EW.LOORINGENTJ,Rl?)USES, INC. D,WPEOF0t10El1 b, GOMP.Affl' NAM!! 011t.PLIRr.Hl'\SE o..~TAOOl'll:SS ~f;YOUJt ROAD 7335 OLD AL1$XANORIA l11APl'rt0JlfdAi10HDATI\ 10. Rt:OU1smoHIN~ Off!CI! l 7?.10'13 Office 11,aUSII-Jl-'..SS cL\M!l"J?cATION (CheckqppiapdulobrQo'lad Destin.:ition Oeotiua t.ion. Ol\001fl) llF,T 30 UNlr PftlCS N,\Ol!Nf (d) M (Q M (bl la) 18. DlSOOUN'f'IJ:HMS trol:1.aa to Ull/1 (R)/tN11fY aurr-rn:o 01tseR.vtoes lffitUlo. De-atlnation """?"' ( b.AOCEPlAHca a. INSl"Rl'.:!rfON 12. f.0.8. POINT ? o, tiWZDn. 1-4,00\11:RHMF.NrllllNO, 13,Pl.ACf!Of l>f!he, llbll\'CoI\U1tlbo/etl t,il\lim.i, of Log. and Fae, Opo (EO!ilHG\jtl:IGHT tlODD.t) 21.WJLIHVQICETO: ~tw,m $2$0,412,74 Bl). - Waahington stm8JUJN~ ltMJWGrTON!t..BYRaITAOORESS CINJt&VM:le (<rgy 170) e.o Box 23d78 GRANO TOTM. r-."~ t.CITI' WOJ1hincon ~. UNrfeDIHAlEBOF , /'A1ER1CADY (6/q11afllfe} AllnfOll.~D FOil\.O!W.Rl:f'JI00lAH!Otf Mm'JbUS mTlO>I Jto1UIW!l.2 ~290,d;l.2,74 tl.ZlfCOO,;:; DC ? 09/06/2017 S igna tuie on rile 20026-3418 ? 23.NAMI!~ Albert A, Manloy TITLE:CONmt\(n:INGIOAOG:RING owm1::R MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000057 PAGE:NO ORDERFOR SUPPLIESOR SERVICES SCHEDU E "CONTINUATION. 2 I OAlE.OF-01'1.0ER ICONTAAOTNO, 09/06/2017 ORDERNO. DE-D~00l3947 DJH1A0014S53 ITWNO. ~UPf'LieB/SERV!CES QUANTITY UNIT OROEReP (.::) ((IJ (,) Par..forinance Will be fo:r: the UNIT PR!CE (o) AMOUNT QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) (Q firm-:fixed price of $290,412,74 as shown in the a4Clic~s print out (Attac~ent 2}. F~icing is in acco.rdance with the parameters base l'.OIQ DE-MA0014953. of ' ~ttachments: 1 - D~awings/SOW 2 - Pricing Sheet (e4Clicks) JJUnd: 02400 1\.ppr Yea,;: 2017 P.llottee: 60 Report Entity: 300247 Object ciass: 32101 Pxograml 1721073 Project: 0000000 WFO: 0000000 ~ocal Use: 0000000 Period of PerfoPlW.noe~ 09/06/2017 .to 09/05/2010 00001 FOROFFIC!l\1 osmO~LY 7A Horseshoe F~oject WOR-ALT-17-08-005 00002 Bondin9 I 281,954.11 FOR OFFICIAt USE ONLY B,4.58.63 TOT/\lCAtl.R!EO FORWAIW TO1$TfAG~{IT11.M 17(H)) AIJlHOIVlB)FORLOO.A.t.RllJ'OOUOT{O~ PRE.\IIOUiEQ)f<lSTAL!..NEVVSP~ STROSE MECHANICAL: o SUPPC..YN5WDIFFUSERS. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Printed10 AUG :201.75:48PMv2.633 Page 1 of8 S-'2 7k-219 Reno-.r.rtion-FDR-ALT-17-08-8005 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000059 ------~o=o~=,..,=-==o="''"'"'"="'""'"'~""'"""""'"'"" ___________________ -----------.- _____________ _ ===o ,,_I_ = = -- ~= -- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Final Estimate CARPET (8Y' OTHERS): o INSTAU. NEW CARPET lN S-2 SUITE. BUJE ROU. CARPET, - lNSTAll. Nl,!M CARPET IN GUEST RECEPJJON.TlLE CARPET. FIMISH(BY'OTHERS~ -ENllRESUITETO 6E REPAINTED. - N5W PAINT FOR GUESTRECEPTION. 27- communications 28 - Sectronji; Safetyand Secunty ~:t::.~rthWork 32 - Exteriorlmprovements ~s"=UtiITties 34: "FranSJ?Ortatfon :35-Wafelyffly-anct:MarineTransportation 41 - Mateq?,1 Processlr)gapd HandlingEgujpment 44-pollut1on Contr<>I Egutpment __ 46 - Water and WasteWaterEgtiipment 48- Bectr!c PowerGenerat,lon ~ten'@!g_ _Ii:_a_Jj_~ Assentbl~ FMR .Mf'04 __ T0fal(Wjthc_U_tto1:alling components) Aif.:Condi1ionlnq (~ Material.,.Lab()!, and EctJPYipment :rotars (No Totalling Components) Matelial; $0.00 $0~00 L2llor. Eouipmerit other. l..aborhours: GreenLineItems:O -~:Ml~ [terns without a Q!V!Slon $281,954..11 Priced/Non ..Priced Total Priced!terns: T-otalNon-Priced(terns: ,;za1.s~t~1 0.00 ff7 0 $281.954.11 ff7 $281,954.11 $0.00 0.000-/4 $0.00 Grand iota! $281,954.11 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Printed 10 AUG 2017 5:48PM v.2.633 Page2of8 S-2 7A,219 Renovalion - FOR-ALT-17-08-8005 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000060 ".""...."o.'.."'""'"--"--"--'""~'"""'.'"'"""'-".'"'o"C. ,,,.,,.,.,,,,--,,,,,,,,,,.__._-.-.oo;a..,.,.-------------------- ,........ ------.---------.-----------------------------~-- ---- :.--ttteWO, O ...,.,..., ...,_ FOR OFFICIAL.USE ONLY Final Estimate -~~- ,.... r-o1. ,4;J1i;--2_1,:iE!I:.3GBP1'i.r.;.~~r,~rt,;~.' ~~jJD~ :.o,i:l!,Jlla: . tlrft11>,~,. ,. ' ~~ &MEURi~,U~ Item Description ~ ~' Book UM --- Other 1 0006 2 -oozo ---0016 3 --4 0022 5 Ol)26 6 - p HR $4.4$4.0Q 00!:2m7-00S '!07. Seclric:atEngtneec, Ll:ense!!ElectricalBtgineer, Starn:rard Ho'Jr.S HR ~1,007.Jl4~- ? 109,Artt11lectural DrallSpor,;on{cad), Arthttecfural,Mecllarl:;a\& Sec'.ncal co__ElptitEt' ~ffin9 -pe.rsonneJ, StmdarclHours HR ~24.00 ~17-00, p 11.0,Constructic?'l. Projed:Manager,Project.manager neededfor comtructron 4 hoL"t'S per dey cf cm...~cn. projects.aover$10.000.00 .mtotalcor..s1rudioo, Ogysshat! be JJasedon consfrudi.onschedule in 2.d.oJUJ.:eOfactual ~ject,. HR '$7,018.20 ~7.00S p ' Standard HoUB 0028 -7 0067 s 0068 - ooa3 9 . 102.t.Aecfl:anTcal Enslneer,Ucensef! t-t.ed" Engtneer.StarnlaidHot.!ra ios:m.c~ p ;1:,177..0D 112-.Movable.Oust Sarrier Plas!lc 4 MK,Floorto flnlshed t:emng4 :Mlplastk:dust L.F ban'leron pressure aeltJ:siedmovable ~"ds ~(1 gorilla nlpe..{C'.ez-or Sle:-cig.(Install 2.nd ~move ~plete), Standerd Hours p 113~t=i)ywood Bartc.ade-"Floor to.Cetlirlg-. st--,gleslde 1/2"Fire rated JllyW~don S SF 5/S'2S ga. Metalotudsw/br-aclng as needed ands!.')JJlepofntentzy doarwsatety and c:on.struC'!fon slgoo,s-lab10stab~eparalicnup to 14'tall UI13tal! andretl"lc\le compla.te},Standatd Hoen- $77S.91~1- 201, Cei'JinSGrfd& Tile Oemo!ltton. Demotlsh& removesi:.Gpendedce.'Ung gdd, SF tile, slJ_J'port~ & wall angle corm::~., Stan~ H~ 202,.OoQT/Frame/Hd1t-1tOemolitloo, DemoEsh&rerr..ov~existingbaffl buitcfing EA officeorha!lwa:y-tloor~ steel frame & 2.$$eclat,or-..d liatdW"c?-corr,ple!etromstd steel -$788..90DOE21l17.11JS:p o ~,21)3.75 "s"""'_,. ? stud & gwl:lpartition.1 S!:andaroHours 10 ooss --- 203, GV'.JB PartflfonDemolitionSlab-Sia!:!, & rernovel!ghtga1..tge steel SF traml!"!S, fa.g!:ene."S ? steelstroctur&,bSUla-tion and gwb comi;lete.,.~ Hours $1,756.80~-00$ p 2i 0, GWBPartittcnDemnUticn StaiDemofls.'h & rem.ow. lightgaugesteel SS.669.70tlOE"i017--QlS p SF o iraming, fasteners, steel$'llcture, irl$ulzti'cn and:gw!Jcomp!ete.(G:1dbig:11), Standard HcL.'fS 11 6093 214, Cone.Ctlre Crill.$eleciive core tm!l-U-.m: concreteupto 1<1" 1tuc:kand tmder E?A fiotnd!a. Un~es l/JO~ct~ ncn,.busin~ h~~)_!s+~a~ ~_ ij801.50""""17.QDO p 12 0095 2.15.Souild-Soak0etrio1itian. Demolish&.rerr..ove .sound:saak:an:i:3tons _c:_omptets. _(does t'\OtindUdewan mpaiQ, sta."tdaroHou.ts SF $976..50ooe:il0.17..(;1$ p 13 21GBP',Sheet meta! D~etDemolition,SelacSvedemctruorHllldrerr.avaI. at e)dst. Coes notinck,xfe: Sheet metal suppty/rett,mdu:.t,.lnstJ;atiooand hangers\r=,_;r. _gssod.iltedc:emngwo~ .u_p_to ~ Standard Hours SF 217,Mlnworl<, Prov'.delallor lo demclisnmiscellimo"""ltetnsof HR - 0027 14 0099 sr. carper.tryor mss:omy~ StandardHours o DEMOU$tl o a ~ F;XISTJNGCHAIR RAIL. oADDITlO)W.UBORPOR REMOVl>I. DFADDt110NA!. G1/\'BONT.-CClln1heforre,tal and Germancown BU\ldlngs,SllmdardH:rorS 20 0168 azi:, Stcrafront,GlassS!creFn::ots-Aw. Mearni08.4126.10,stand:m<.HO'.lrS 21 0205 901, Ce~ SF H!glt Parti1lonWilnsulallon, 26 !l2 2-112"-24" O.C. 9'1all metal SF studsw/one~.er1J2" standardgwb-each.sideand2~1.12" soundbatt:fibers(ass ~5.66"4.80 ~- p ,$19,{167..40 ~0~005' p 119-,10?a?em'IT.aJa p 'lF""7- I' ",,""'oer= p .$382.30~0!2017..C05 o p $~ Jnsc.:r. Alt Trae.1<; shall be:25 ga. t.ayed on gor-Jlaiap:s:Ot' equacpdcrto Impact fastening. Mtl1~i$Mll ba iapelblocld"s.\r;Im \v/mtl}-bead',StandarttHOUIS SF 22 0".07 902. Slab 10:S~b Partlt!onVlt/lnsotatiori. 2!l g:t 3S/a., -24" C.C.. metalstuds W/f>C'le layer 1JZ".standardgwb ea.ehSde. anrl:3..,tJ2,o:soundbattflbe..-gtass i.'\Scl. up 10 16'<:allAUTrad<.shoU be 20 ~o- Ll!yed on gorillat,oe. or equal priorto impactfastenln,g.rlnlsh shaUbe tapelb!ock/sklmwlmtl. standard:icw. 23 OZ19 908, Laninated Partiti91'Wastmas):. Lammatee:xistirig~n ctwal[v.tlh 1J;?> SF gwb.. Tape block skim finrs.11 "11\ F3St mask @.:top cf tami:nation.. care.ea screw and conS3lldicnadhesiveshall be used "SS r.eec!;(L.StandartiHOUIS .24 0225 911, Bu-@ Coill'1!!' SovaUonBreak,Bul!J1 fa-Sllpl'orl Wiresand associatedtar:t.-.areare !nc~de=-..--. --""o =o-.---------------- --.---------------------------- .-----------~------------------------------------~---=-=-FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Final Estimate Z'l = 26 0249 Oesccriptlon Quantify UM 915, SUpp.,Y/lnS'lall 2 xOa~ UnltCost Book Tcla! ?"1= llldS TIie,ru>movaand "'Jllare lcrecrly, Siand.n! SF $417GBP<1 Houra 923'.,ChalrRsli, Stained (neA!!gia;!e s!tced vene2r.A.ssemb!yShal: be stamed: wtM!rr~-ax:early Am~canstalt'l and M~semi ..g.osswaterbised seal&r.s StandaniHours $Z0,GBP'22.7S?'2?11~ 30 92"1,STC:atedparfi[on-2dsffn.~ Pdon. t.amL,ate:e;(i'sgnaparti:lon1M"th 0t1a SF ]!!)'OJ"Of 518"No. 527"qule!roc'<'" dlymilLApplyawJSt'cal d ilexib!educt. EA aamper.and~off -- SF. perspeom::miolls., Stmta,d Houis .:;;~ $959.ZO~Elll17..,. p $$4&..41~tl17.00S p -~ FOR OFFICIAL US!=ONLY PoolediOAl.,'G2017 5.'4BPMv2.6$3 Page5of8 S-2 7A.;!19 R"'10\/atlon-FOR-AI.To17-Q8.llll06 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000063 .~----o==~... ~"'"' ..oo. ..--,,,,,.,_,,_,..,..,.,,_,.,,_,,,_=".~'-."."'''""'.'.'."o"""'ff"'"=""'-= FOR OFFIC!A!.USE ONLY Final Estimate ,t'/'''~. ,nn ,11,~~~'iW'i''bil.;, ,.L~r, '>o~~ o ~~J.4~m ,,,. 1 ,lf,!u}Bfl!EN, ,~.....!; , ',, _,';jp-J~~. , Otllor Item 38 0345 UM Pescriptlon 10091 SUpplyDtffuser{Ad]ustlocation).Relocate2 xz 21."t'SUJ)ply ~rile.P;'o\f,de EA n,m R-6foilfaced flex duct mzicllingdlffcserneolLsg iabriea!ionlmodllicat!on asneedeU:'S 50 0407 1~. H'/drostmo tesling,?rnssuratest If !;1 0423 -52 1-545,Seal airpass:age'2SS:emblyWroughvJall.,Se:d pet;mer.e.t~-duct,t,ror'Atdud: EA. board. or duct'-"IT2P to W2.iI wfflt a~~ cacffit.., 5talr-.da:-d Hours 0425 16"9, COverg,!lloldiffi1'SerwillJ MEf\\/a-, Covera:dslingrefu:!l glilla or EA., supp(ydUfu:ser,'lllthv.mva Fl1ter alJPY! remove at.end of project.,. S'tandarciHours FOR OFFICIALUSE ON!..Y Printed 10 AUG 2017 5;48?M \t2.633 ?age 6cf B - - e,. $112..62 ~1~S a p $642.00 00e2:D-1.7.;:&S p o S.2 7A.ztg Rer.ovallon-FOR-ALT-17-08-6005 , MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000064 .~---=.--'"--.-""""'"'--o-......""."".'.''.'. "'"'''..""'o~=o.--~..""'~~~ ............... , FOR OFFlC!AL USE ONLY Item UM Descrlption Final Estimate Quantity UnitCost Sook Total 5S 0440 1603.1.._ EMT & Flttlngs.Supplylinsta.111" elecfrtcalrmt.alU?QingWls'..eel set screw!..F 'tffli.' pell string. SUpportshall be vari~ w!minralac.Oll8hoJe.alY;hreada'l.d !tind.oritrays.Pullboxesare lnatudedper NEC-(ceilingremcvalnot include:!), Standard r'..ours $3;,007.80 ~E:2017.Q!!S 54 1SOS.. ? SIT & FJttings, Su;ip)'flinstall1.oel.ecticat metal.tublng vtstee!'setscraw!F 1lttrngs& :p1.lll :t!J:ing. St!pportShall hevafed wlminraiac,.tme hole,a!l-'C1reacl. and ldndO'lftrays.Pull b~ are 1."lclucL"'Ci p:erNEC.(cenlng remcvalnot Included). $1,225.40 0<40 l' ?""7- p $104..$0 CO~..otlS o l' .S3.121.54 i?E2017-005 p Standard Hours 55 000 l56 O e-icf llatt!Wara},FremtumHours EA 1622, Supp1Y/lr1StallZ ,r2 Ugh! Fod:ura,Suppl)il/\stlllbaSe buiJrlinii2i7V2x2 tluorescentlight and energlastromswltt:hedpowermodel,{.toc:Judes ~ a&.s0ci'ated rnc\'Jre .:.mthardware),P'iemiumHoers EA !j'l.$06..00~OE2.iJ1T.ilM p S'- $5,1'36.00~~QS p "(R)ltwilh il9 0493 1629, Ro.&.,r.ro277V 60 049S 1630, SupplyA!lGBPtail 20 amp J.Jsht s,wi::h, Supplylinslallnew120Vor277V20A EA lightS)','itchinne\V-construwm:. Onciu:tes devfc;e,box & coverple+-e)i Premium 61 0505 L!gl1t(Forresta.~,Re-s>..;t<;ll ex;s1!nglig~ highvoimo,bovecei!ing.Upto ?ramlcmHours E ,$92.,4..50 ~.oos ? Hours 62 0519 63 0521 1635, Ola worl>stfr'.g~foorm~!ed !!Ktti:: EA $1,07$.SS ~zn11-0Cl5 p mont:Tlent;repalrfloor,~_rane.F.E.earpetr:iie. PremiumHoU'S 64 0523 65 0525 1644, Aocrmomte~ telephoneir~, enstatr telephonemorr.imentlnun~ ilcor racev.-ay~ rep.a!rexis"Jngcarpet'w1To G.l=.E..~tl!e, Pre:niam HOU':iS- $410.8&COE,l1Wlion-FOR.,,,.LTo17.0S.aQ05 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000065 ,.,,a,.,,a.,ea.,, ..,..,,,,,e o --~~"'"'""'"''o'""'""""'""o"'-'"''"'"""......,'"'"''"''""'"'"''"o'"~"''"'"'"""o""'o"'o'"'o"'".".''"'o"'o""o'"'"o"'o"o'M'.n,,So=~, ,~=--------------o-------~--------- .... ",,,.."' e ... -.--------------------- .- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Final Estimate ., B~illlfieffi~iilii,,1\fi J'fi~'r~ul ~~lliliUlrfU~iJ(J Item 66 0555 67 0559 !JM Description Quantity BS: 166?, Eec!nCalMtse;Hour-r.SeGBPecllvee!eel.'1~ se,v!ces needed to fa<.lll!ate r:R construction not(;O"w'ered rnJO!Qline !te.mbreS.Jt.-o~ U:ensed e-ledticlan or J~aa. PremiumHuUl'S -PER!'O.~MEL!lC"JRICl\l.SURVEY. -REMOVAt.OFALL SPECIFIEDP..IJSHMOUNTEDLIGHTSWlTCf'.ES,El.ECTRfCALAf,!O DATAOUT!.EfS, -LOCK OlJTTAGOUT. o INSTALLNaN LIGHTSEN'.SORS !N SPECIFIED1.CCA.TIONS. 60+:26= 86.00 1662,Wallmcun!edPhone/ll.ia, S1lpplylinstallS'Jr!a::e moUO!"..d p!llllluit (dev~. ~ox~ti pullstf!Og}fur datertele:oncne, Prerrlum Hc<.trs EA Total Book $.li.500.24~'17..0CS D05l0f1-(R)5' o p p $2tl,!l54.11 otherTotar Estimate Grand Total !'rlnled iOAUG 2017:5:46PM'12.633 16.0000 Unit Cost FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ?aaaaofB 28'1,954.11 S-:1:7M219Renow!ioo -FOR-At.T-17-0!14!005 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000066 ! Document 14 I I I Wolfe,MfohaelS. f'rom: sent: To: Co: Subject: Attachments; Uribe,Enrique Friday,August11,20178:00AM Wolfe,MichaelS.; Lieu,David(CONTR) Williams, Cherylynne 7th FJ~l'.JB\19,'(~(lo,n.JA)W~~.nfy pliin.d[f\11'!09 .. ,. .. l?Rf.."219~2581'2-Temp. part1t1on duringoonstruot1on.pdf . ff I ! I Ii ' I Mike: Goodmorning. I did this drawingbased onour conversationsandthe discussionsduring the meeting, I calledJohn Mordersy..sterdayand run this throughhim.I havea pre-approval,but I 0111 sendingthis to himnext. ' Pleaselet meknowif youhaveanythoughtsor comments before sendingft out. Thankyou, I I i E11rique Uribe, P,E. Fire ProtectionEngineer UnitedStates Departmentof Energy,MA-433, 1000Independet1ce AvenueSW Washingtoh,DC,20585 202,586.9225 Enrlque,uribe@hq, I 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000067 I I I Flores, Paola (CONTR) From: Sent: To: subject: Attachments: Wolfe,MichaelS. Wednesday,October 24, 2018 5:58 PM Montoya,Rebecca FW:7th Floorrenovationemergencyplan drawing S 7A-219112581-2-Temp partitionduring construction.pd! ----OriginalMessage---From:Uribe,Enrique Sent: Friday,August 11, 2017 12:41 PM To:John Morders Cc:Wolfe,MichaelS.; Williams,Cherylynne; Shlncovlch,Michael; Vann,Jerry Subject: FW:7th Floor renovation emergency plan drawing John: ' The attached sheet Is the temporary egress plan during cpnstruction of the 7th floor office renovation. It summarizes yesterday'sconversation. Let me knowIfyou have questions or comments. I willsend out the final alterations drawing right after I get it and review it. Thankyou, EnriqueUribe,P.E, Fire ProtectionEngineer UnitedStates Department of Energy,MA-433. 1000 independence AvenueSW Washington,DC,20585 202,586.9225 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000068 i ! ! 1 I j II II II I I u I! I I ' Ca~;totfll,Clln ~1\1>1> !c 'ttCi!t ,~/emcr;~ l'lttl:l-cl NtKidwo~C~,. cdt ~ iccpe durltlaconi~l't ~ i,l\l>lltk~,tc 1/4 hb,~ ._ ' I n ;, I._.::::::; i 21 ~ 1:1 (i) ? .:r ,_ E __ w:. .:::' Cil"~01~ JMl&il~..,,_1llll01ml l00Cfl'~!'Qal~1,Vl,;M ? , .,.,,._ -o= 'W,.;lfl>,IG'JQUlJ:,~ .>>.... _..,."',,_(_,; ~i:;,iq,du.1;,.., r..JoelcoM" ~ ~, =-~ < ;o~ C).,,!. ... ~ -of -. 'I ; G'ENERAl PIANNOTES ~ OOtlGnt!Mwn: OFEGtESSCl:El,NANCI CUW!:fflOMAN(~~~~ !.Mi:E't..u.!ATt'.1.1. ~3. MAH BmAHCE~Nl1 COlcnlU'CtlON SHAU.ll!!:AS-SHOWl4+ n;e f'Jt,Jmtomo assilli POR1H1Sl'U!!t0Sas.v.u.rromuoe ~ II r----; ---. ' ,I ' I l '\OVl'S1l1EemtOENCfOOl'1.J.,W,IIOO.CURJKO CON~ON r0ll: :OJ<.,\!!l OM,.'( o ...U.T'"..Mi'OAA!ffPAP.':J!'lO~ MllfORTHl5"P'fli,.SESHMJ.alo~EL."t~-''flflE ENOOf ?HASEi ~ ,A' 0 ~ m\tLB!~ILYACCSSIW!A'ff,U.U,ltS., $. OOS!:A!!l;S-"'i'lOIJ,Al,l~O~ARWSIWLJEml'O.=,!JtAT .-.u.."1lr.\5.Ol'<.'llOtlS:~HAI.I..l'dCl ~78:lEO'f. O&mi.JC1~G ?RCC55 ATMi'(T'.M!. &. NOte.iPOt>.iffn'..CC,,.not>,:~STORS) ~RES:iAt.t.5i:. P&Mm8:)MOIJNI!ff~~FLOO~~ 7. AU.M'!Af.MM'-''IO~sme-ACC~St<<:l!! t:El'f~~ DU!!tlG-Wom.lG!,Ol.l~. tElallJcS!' J\N Ol.1t,\tiEA$ !UIQl.l!m,ANOPRCV!O/;A;ige W1,.7Cl'IAS ).18;:$1. ~l.'r\l!"lOS'O~TilUO:-AtW'CTH~'IHE~OOJt -- ..- n Temp.fsiess "- nOVJDeA.T?'~~aAAAJaVi-'ll'HP.CCUSJCil!MERGem:t ~-A:s!Gt!SJW.I. WENS'fAI.OD,1.1lHtit'AA\1l10N l!&,.O\NG F AHe-;ITstGl,! 1SKOTVl:Sll!l..f PlOM.llif "EMER~V E>'JI". Emew:en~ P{an ~ ....--er occ.>>'\;O Sll:E.Ofif!E P.13:PJER.A iiMi'OIIAAV 0Nt$HA1.L !!'E l)'!S"',1t,L1.BlA1'1HAi1.0CliilON.a:mtlGTHlOIJCHntlSlMJ.IU: FT-01 ISSUED. ------.---- MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000069 ----------.-------------------=~--=-..'.'-"""o""-"""""'-'"'"""'"'"'""""'"'""'"'-""-'"""'"'"''""'"''""""""''""'''''''"""'"'~-"''"'"''''""' Document 15 Wolfe,MichaelS. From: Sent: io: Shlnoovlch, Michael Friday,August04,20173:03PM Subject: Wolfe,MichaelS. RE:7thFloorPDFChange f; '/es, Petertold me lnertdsaidthat ls the option. Projecttsstlllon. Jenn didnot get to surveyyastcrday.(b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) o (b)(6) - . JenyV lsworkingon colorboar for paint,carpet,etc, Seeyou TUodayl! I f From:Wolfe,MichaelS, Sent: Friday,August04,20176:57AM 'fo; Ueu, Davld(CONTR} Cc:Shlncovlch, Michael Subject: RE:7th FloorPDFChange Did theydecideto b"'with thopod optlon'/,Montoya,Rebecca Date:Tb.,~sdny, Aug03,2017,3:47PM To: Lic11, David(CONTR), Woltb,MichaelS. , O'Konskl, Peter Subject:llE: 7th FloorPDFChange David,as we discussedthe storyboard shouldbe of onlythe two phases-o(lAand lB). thanks Becky ,._ From,Lieu,David(CONTR) Sent Thursday,AugustOf;,20;1.712:31PM TotMontoya,Rebeccaya@hq,> Cc:Shlncovlch, Mlchael subject:7th FloorPDFChange Becky, ~1GBP_~\/1.~!o,~J.R~ Jh\lY.:1\11!;! .th.~<;hangt,:.,.. _1 100ScjJCorncebuilo out . Removalorlwo I' .. - . . o Adding3 personsystemspod. 'fhankyou, MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000070 '' II Il i DavidLieu, Space Planner ChainbrlctgeSolutionsI 12700 Falr LakesCircle,Suite 230 I Fairfax,VA 2iW33 p, +1.703.('i23.8318I I I ! I II 2 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000071 ###### # # # # ### # # # # ### # # ##### #### ##### ## # # #### # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # ##### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # ## ### ### ### ## # ### ## ### ## ## # # # # ## # # # ## ## ## ## ## #### # # # # # # # # # ### Job : 468 Date: 12/20/2018 Time: 1:02:53 PM MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000072 #### # ##### # # ## # ### ## # 11Q-1Dl8.D08LJ'L-F Morris, Alexander From: Sent: To: Subject: DOE.WEBMASTER@hq.doe.govon behalf of Department of Energy <> Friday, March 23, 2018 3:09 PM FOJA-Central Form submission from: DOE Headquarters FOIA Request Form Submitted on Friday, March 23, 2018 - 15:08 Submitted by anonymous user: 2601:645:4001:652b:fdcb:96f9:105d:581c Submitted values are: ==Contact information== Nam~ma Foehringer Mercha~ Organization: Greentech Media ..._,/ Address: 580 Howard St., Suite 402 San Francisco, CA 94105 Fax number: Phone number: 952-649-7453 Email address: ==Reasonably Describe Records== Description: FOIA Office Requester Service Center March 23, 2018 Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC20585 Re: Freedom of Information Act Request under the Freedom of Information Act. This is a request I am a staff writer with Greentech Media seeking information pertaining to discussions around an address given by Energy Secretary Rick Perry. (on March 14, 2018, Energy Secretary Rick Perry gave a videotaped Summit< https:/ /www _JFdLQ&feature=>. I am requesting the emails, texts, draft speeches and attached documents associated with the organization of this address and the drafting of the address itself. I hereby request the following terms contained in the subject or body fields from the accounts of Rick Perry and Brian McCormack, sent or received I speech at the ARPA-EEnergy Innovation between December 1, 2017 and March 15, 2018. "ARPA-E" or; "Energy Innovation Summit" or; "eventPower" 1 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000073 Additionally I would like any text messages sent to or from McCormack or Perry concerning the addres~ I ask that any attachments, including draft copies of the specified address, be included in the responsive documents. Fee Waiver and Fee Benefit: Greentech Media is an online publication that focuses on the clean energy industry that reaches a wide audience in the energy industry. As a member of the media, I am requesting this information to contribute to the public's understanding of the operations or activities of federal and governmental bodies and the framing of their views on clean energy technologies. Disclosure of this information is not primarily in my commercial interest. I am therefore requesting a fee waiver of search and review fees. For more about Greentech Media, please visit our website: . I prefer the documents in electronic format. Expedited Processing: I am also requesting expedited processing of this request. Because of the Trump administration's recent release of the proposed 2019 federal budget, including elimination of ARPA-E'sentire budget, it is pertinent that any information and conversations related to the administration's public messaging on clean energy and ARPA-Ebe released as soon as possible. This request fits within "urgency to inform the public" about actual activities of the government, in their framing of policy positions on clean energy and their position on this specific agency. I certify that my statements concerning the need for expedited processing are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Electronic Records: Please furnish all responsive records in electronic format delivered to my email address: If that's not possible, please send records on a CD-ROMsent to the following address: Emma Foehringer Merchant 580 Howard St., Suite 402 San Francisco, CA94105 Further Correspondence: Allfuture correspondence related to this request can be directed to me at Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Emma Foehringer Merchant 580 Howard Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, CA 94105 p: 952-649-7453 Specify preferred form or format: Electronic via email, or CD-ROM 2 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000074 if records are too voluminous ==Type of requestor== Select a description of yourself and the purpose of the request to help determine your category for assessing fees; A representative of the news media and the request is made as part of news gathering and not for commercial use. Affiliation: Greentech Media Type of media: Magazine Other media type: ==Fees and waivers== Please select the statement that applies: I request a waiver or reduction of fees. Maximum fee amount: ==Waiver factors== The subject of the request: Greentech Media is an online publication that focuses on the clean energy industry that reaches a wide audience in the energy industry. As a member of the media, I am requesting this information to contribute to the public's understanding of the operations or activities of federal and governmental bodies and the framing of their views on clean energy technologies. Disclosure of this information is not primarily in my commercial interest. I am therefore requesting a fee waiver of search and review fees. For more about Greentech Media, please visit our website: . The informative value of the information to be disclosed: Greentech Media is an online publication that focuses on the clean energy industry that reaches a wide audience in the energy industry. As a member of the media, I am requesting this information to contribute to the public's understanding of the operations or activities of federal and governmental bodies and the framing of their views on clean energy technologies. Disclosure of this information is not primarily in my commercial interest. I am therefore requesting a fee waiver of search and review fees. For more about Greentech Media, please visit our website:. Contribution to an understanding by the general public: Greentech 3 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000075 Media is an online publication that focuses on the clean energy industry that reaches a wide audience In the energy industry. As a member of the media, I am requesting this information to contribute to the public's understanding of the operations or activities of federal and governmental bodies and the framing of their views on clean energy technologies. Disclosure of this information is not primarily in my commercial interest. I am therefore requesting a fee waiver of search and review fees. For more about Greentech Media, please visit our website: The significance of the contribution to public understanding: Greentech Media is an online publication that focuses on the clean energy industry that reaches a wide audience in the energy industry. As a member of the media, I am requesting this information to contribute to the public's understanding of the operations or activities of federal and governmental bodies and the framing of their views on clean energy technologies. The existence and magnitude of a commercial interest: The primary interest in disclosure: ==Expedited processing== Justification: Please provide your specific justification for expedited processing: The results of this submission may be viewed at: 4 MULTI-DOE-17-0473-C-000076