SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1000 DEFENSE FENTAGQN WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1000 SEP 1 7 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARIES OF THE MILITARY DEPARTMENTS UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR AND SUSTAINMENT UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. FOR PERSONNEL AND READINESS SUBJECT: NDS Implementation Mission Capability ot?Critical Aviation Platforms in order to preserve the most lethal military in the world the Department of Defense must maintain a competitive adi antagc in every domain in concert 11 ith giound and nan al assets for which separate guidance 11 ill be pro1 ided our air assets must prove dominant over the battle?elds of both today and tomorrow. A key component or this ettort 1s ensuring our critical aviation platforms meet their mission capability targets b} the end of FY 2019. As current Military Department prov: am objectite meinoranduins make clear 11111 Department faces budget constraints and shortfalls in aviation squad1 cm across the torce. As a result our aviation i111 entory and supporting intrastructuie softer lrom systemic underperformance overcapitalization and unrealized capacity. 1 am con?dent in our Department's ability to gene1ate additional capacity from our current aircraft 1111 entory alongside the commercial aviation industry 3 sustainment of high at, ailability rates. As we seek to achieve our Uoals we can learn from industry's benchmarks for measuring speed cost and mission capabilitgir as well as its best p1 actices for implementing a sustainable Department wide system As Sets ice Secretaries and stew ards 01 this process vour leadership 1s critical t: :1 creating an enduring and modern a1 iation sustainment system that maintains out assets infrastructure and supply chain. You must be agents of change. as we adjust and scale our processes across individual plattorms.Ser11ce?owned inventories and Militaiy Departments For change to be effective and ethcient we must teens on meeting our most critical p1iorities These include achieving a minimum of 80% mission capability rates for our FY 2019 Navy and Air Force inventories assets that town the backbone of our tactical air pon- er - and reducing these platforms opet stint1 and maintenance costs every year starting 111 Fr 2019 Progress cannot be limited to these platforms alone Our Militant Departments must also set and pursue aggressite targets for other enduring ?xed? and rotary sing at iation assets Close coordination across the Department will be necessari to achieie these piiorities Beginning 111 October 2018 the ader Secretary of Detensc for Peisonnel and ll 231' 21'- 5542038 1 ll 1 Readiness in collaboration with the Military Departments, will provide de?nitions and reporting procedures to measure mission capability and cost. the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sitstainnient and the Military - Departments must also work together to develop and deliver effective implementation frameworks for the B35, 13?22, I 6 and -18 no later than October 9018. These frameworks must outline how best practices will be incorporated in units, depots, and supply chains. AS our Nation?s defenders. it is our duty to pass onto generations a stronger and more lethal US. military than the one we inherited. With these steps, I am con?dent we. will be able to do just that. {g?mw?m ?if?naegjjxe; i . Eur cc: CMO USDU) Chief, NGB Director, CAPE