f1 1? Approved For Re?ha?se A 18 July 1955 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chrfa, All Area Divisions Chief, I0 Division Chiefa, All PP Staff Diviaiona SUBJECT: Record of CIA Operationa, Department of State Filea REFERENCE: OPP name of 10 February 1955, subject, CS Liaison on PP Matters with the Department of State 25X1A 1. Attention is called to paragraph 5 of referenced Mbmorandum which dealt with paragraph 3 Theae regulations remain in force subject, however, to the following procedural modificationa. 2. In order ?to protect CIA security it has been agreed that all memoranda and similar docmaenta furniahed the Department of State by CIA and concerning PP operations in accordance with the above- mentioned paragraph 5, shall he maintained in a special file by Riggs. Such file will not ?be considered part of Department of State's files. Thia applies equally to Mr. Eigga' memoranda to 01M 3. The full aecurity of such documents will be protected in practice thus: a. All docmnenta furnished m. Riggs will bear, in addition Approved For Release 2002/01/31 CIA-RDP83-00764R000300080026-4 - 1 Drank-r Approved For Ruk?se 2002/01/01 CIA-RDP83-00764RQQD300080026-4 to a CIA stamp with the words OF CIA. To Be Returned When No Longer Needed." 25X1A CSKI h. Mr. Riggs will maintain an inventory of the documents and. has . been instructed to confine lumwledge of the safe'a combination. FRANK G. WISNER Deputy Director (Plans) Approved For Rel?ase 20021011351 I CIA-RDP83-00764R000300080026-4 n, 5 citing