Th: Loris Mail OFFICIAL LEFTER 0F RESIGNATION I I Marta Jewson OFFICIAL LETTER OF RESIGNATION 3 messages> Sat, Sep 29, 2013 at 7:01 PM Repl To To. Pamela Marshall , Rayven Galloway "Dr. Susan Moore" Marian Madison Telrl Peyton Finally, Alter the traumatic expelience endured at Mary Dora Coghill School on Wednesday' September 25' 2013, I am finally able to leel sale and relaxed enough to give you my oincial letter.-the letter I intended to give to you by hand on my way out olCoghill alter collecting my belongings on 9/25, Firslt the situation at Coghill where you (7 or more people) held me in your building against my Will, relused to let me leave, and lorced me to have to call 9.1-1 (Twice) to simply retrieve my own personal items' was unnecessary and uncalled tor. ANY workel at ANY job nas the right to resign and peacelully collect their belongings without retaliation and conirontation lrom their supervisors and/or otners. Find enclosed my letter oi resignation, which I would have presented to you then, ill had been given the sale opportunity to do so. Farmer--same: 14K Charles Maldonado Sat, Sep 29, 2013 at 7:05 PM To. mjewson@tnelensnola,org Sent lrom my iPhone Begin lonrvarded message, From: Date: September 29' 2013 at 701209 PM CDT To: Pamela Marshall , Marian Madison (marlan com>, Terli Peyton Subject OFFICIAL LETTER OF RESIGNATION Reply-To: lexl hidden] 2 attachments noname.htm| fi_ 1K 14K Marla Jewson Sal, Sep 29, 2018 317209 PM