MTM RISK MANAGEMENT Prdessimdsm As a growirg organization with an hcreas'ng amount of major investors, reputation and public image isvital. Becauseof the increasirg piblic visibility and partnersh?ps, MTM's cirde of in?uence is broadening from a founder and a few g?rls in West Pointto a comle dozen employees and major, Katie Meylefs reputation isn?t on the ?ne, everyone?s is and if something goes wrorg, or God forbid fais, the more people have invested the angier they wil be. Because MTM is growingasan organization and isand wil be receivirg more and more piblic scrutiny it?svital we grow in a little- though not loose the youthfu enthusiasm. This means adopt'ng policies and a code ofconduct that al employees and volunteers must folow. wrentcancems indude: 0 Your; (often vict'ms of sexual exploitation) behg aromd expats ckinkig and smokig at parties. Three chidren live at the MTM staff house where some ofthese parties take place. This has been observed and criticized by expats in Monrovia. Your: y'rls sleepirg over at stif houses [Katie and Macintosh are included). Takirg lrids from West Point without guardian consent. Most of the time this is not a problem, but there was one incident where Katie took-and her wardian (who isa Madam for the recordlcame to the MTM staff house and the restaurant they were at and threatened to in] her. The police had to come and talie everyone to the police station. Suggestions: 0 Strict boundaries for girls and staff, especialy at the staff house. 0 Code of Conduct that ALLstaff and volmteers must adhere to. Amman Commurication Often our greatest can be a domle-erged sword. MTM is briliant at marketirg and communications. However, this can be negative when it?s discoveredthat the promises and stories are not actually accuate or the promises are not kept. MTM needs to be more carefd about the promises it males and the accuracy ofthe stories it tells. Examples: 0 Shine on Foundation: In December 2012 Katie promised on national television that MTM would partner with Shine On Foundation to start a girls academy. That promise ended up falirg through. One example of a regular habit. Sofar, these haven?t caused major backlashes, but if promises are made to major donors and they are not kept it coudcause more serious reactions. 0 The websitegives the impressionthat our girls are the ?rst in their class. This iscommunicated to donors and volunteers around the world. In fact, based on a recent assessment most of our girls can barely reador write. This is mostly dueto the poor education system in Liberia which isthe main reasonwhy MTM is startirg its own academy, but it?s not accurate to communicate tha our girls are exceling academicaly. Truth be told, right now they are not. We hope that the new academy wi charge al this.This is a small ample of another reoccurring trend to not He exactly, but maybe exaggerate the truth in a way that's notso truthfulanymore. Safety I llealthcare MTM isa grassroot organization, which means operating guerila style, but safety must be emdiasized/considered as decisions are made. Not only is ita bad press story if one ofou' teachers or studentsgets hit ona but more importantly how can wesaywe area humanitarian organizationthat is dedcated to improving peoples lives if we are putting our own staff and students in darger? It?s all in pod fun untilsomethirg happens. CurrentConcems: hadequate healthcare for staff in Lberia Puttirg kids on for transportation 0 Staff regilarly riding on without helmets for transportation 0 Alowirg local staff with little diving experience todrive the MTM vehicle (Twodifferent drivers have already hit other cars and the police threatenedto impound the car it one instance) 0 Alowig non-staff to chive the MTM vehicle [Why is our security guard drivirgoucar?) Emrioyee Well-Being Yes, MTM is a small grassroots organization, but we did just win a milion dollars. For better or worse, that means people know we have money. We are beirgaucited and we are beirgjudged bythe world aromd us. But, it?s not just about what they think. It's also about what?s r'ght. As a changemaker, we need to be at the forefront of social impact in business andthat means not only providing the best opportunitiesfor education for our gils, but also takirg care of om employees and ensurirg that staff can thrive whie workirg for More Than Me. CurrentConcems: 0 us. hires are being asked to s'gn consdtant contract agreement that do not al indude healthcare or benefit. These ermloyees are expected to work fil-time hows that often have them on thejob at al timesof the day. Theydo not have tune to have anotherjob and they do not make enough to pay their own healthcare. It appears that the consultant contract are only to cut cost on healthcare, benefits, and tax payments to the US. gowrnment htemational Staff in Lineria do not have sufficient healthcare coverag. Theydo havea medical hsitance plan that covers mecical evacuations. It says it covers costs ofcinics in-country as well. We thoroughly questioned the company representative before pudtasing the insurance however we hate not yet submitted a claim and it's stil questionable that they have done due d?ence in Lberia to know which cknics and hospitals are quakty. The bestcinic in the area is AirMed which provides comprehensivecare indudirg ambulance service, heicopter evacuation, and out of comtry medical evacuation if needed. This provider does require a membersh'p of $25/per month per person. it's the best medical provider in the country and world insure that al medical needs can be talrencare of at anytime ofthe day withone phonecal. Katie needs life insurance and gobal health insurance Staff needvacation timewhenthey are not expected to be avaiable. Theyare al overworked and dorft have planed time-off. If we want to keep them, we need to ensure they are not overtaxed and burnout. 0 Staff need boundaries (especially it their ivirgquartersl both inthe US. and Lberia officesfhouses. Both locations need standard rides/guidelines that are adhered to be all people livirg in the house so residents know what?s acceptable and macceptable behavior. It one case, a tenant was smoking marijuana on a regdar basis in the house making the other residents feel uncomfortable tothe point they wodd rather go work ata coffee shop than work at the office/house. The international staff in Lberia do not make much money ($300 per month) and can?t afford to hire a taxi to tale them aromd. There is only one vehicle, so they have limited means of transportation and often ride motorcydes to get aromd. ThOigh this is not officialy endorsed by MTM, it has becornea standard. Most agencies on the ground in Lberia speci?caly restrict their staff from ridirg includrg UN Staff and U.S. Marines. Not al ofthe MTM staff are comfortable using in Monrovia, nor should they be. It?s one of the most dangerous activities in thecity. International staff should not be expected to ride motorcydes nor have to rely anthem for transportation. Suggestions: 0 Provide healthcare coverage [and perhaps other benefitsl to everyone 0 Develop an employee hanrbook with employment standards includrg vacation time, sick days, healthcare coverage, Createa better transportation solution in Liberia. Hie a driver. Purchase helmets. Give staff higher st'pends to hire taxis. Thejustice system in Lberia is frustratirg at best. Judges desks are stacked with cases that aren?t f'nakzed for years. Land disputes area dimea dozen. It seems unjust to wait on slow, corrmt justice swtem to move forward with someth'ngso needed asa school, but there is sti a colossal risk that wedon?t actually know who owns the property that the school is on and if we wil stil be able to use the land a year ortwo from now. Itseems more thana little rislo/ to port thousandsofdollarsintoa property that is beirg contested in cout. Money Matters 0 Katie shodd not manage any money. She regdarfy looses money andcurrently owes the organization severalthousand dolars for she cannot account for. She doesn?t keep receipts, looses paperwork, and doesn't see the importance of keepirg track of al the numbers. Suggestions: 0 Hire a finance manager to work in Lberia (not Paul