DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY NOTICE OF CUSTODY DETERMINATION Alien'e Name: A-Ftie Number: Date: 07/13/2 019 Event ID: Subject tD: FIN: Pursuant to the authority contained in section 236 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and part 236 of title 8. Code of Federal Regulations. I have determined that. pending a final administrative determination in your case. you will be: 8] Detained by the Department of Homeland Security. Released (check all that appiy): [3 Under bond inthe amount of 1% On your own recognizance. [3 Under other conditions. {Additionai document(s) will be provided] PETE YBANBZ 1008 Name and Signature of Authorized Of?cer Date and Time of Custody Determination rte-r me PATROL AGENT IN canoe wesmco. Texas Title Office LooationIAddress You may request a review of this custody determination by an immigration tudge. Iacknowledge recei tot this notification, and 8 I do request an immigration judge review of this custody determination. I do not request an immigration judge review of this custody determination. Jul 13 201 3 Signature of Alien Date The contents of this notioe were read to in the Spanish language. (Marne oTAtian) (Name of Language) . 1} . VICTOR M. CUELLAR. VICTOR M. CUELLAR Name and Signature of (Tf?cer Name or Number of Interpreter (if applicable) BORDER PATROL AGENT Title DHS Form I-236 (1:14) .1. Departamento de Seguridail Nacional Nombre del thranjero: Namero Extranjero: Event No: Aviso de los Derechos Di3posici6n Sus Derechos Usted ha sido arrestado. porque agentes dc! Departamento de Seguridad Namonal creen que usted est? iiegair?nente en los Estados Unidos. ser arrestado, ustcd tiene ciertos derechos. Nadia puede negarie cstos derechos. Este aviso le explica cuales son sus derechos. El Derecho de Usar el Tel?fono Usted tiene cl derecho de llamar a 51.1 madre padre. 0110 pariente que sea un adulto. Usted puede iiamar a un amigo adulto. Si usted no sabe usar cl tci?fono, un agent: del Departamcnto dc Seguridad Nacional le ayudar?. El Derecho de ser Representado por un Abugado Adjunto a este aviso, se encuemra una lista de abogados que pueden habiar con usted ayudarlo sin costo alguno? El abogado le puede CXplicar todos sus derechos. pLIede rcpresentarle en su audiencia. El Derecho a una Audiencia ante an Juez Inmigraci?n Bi Juez dccidir? 3i usted debe salir puede quedarse on Los Estados Unidos. Si por aiguna raz?n no desea regresar a su pais, tiene micdo de rcgresar. usted puede pedir una audiencia ante e1 Juez de Inmigracibn. Si usted no desea una audiencia ante cl Inez. usted puedc escoger {egrcsar a su pais. Lectura de este Aviso: He ieido este aviso. Este aviso me ha sido leido. Derecho dc Usm- cl Tel?i'ono: Completar Io siguiente _es opcionai: Me he comunicado con mis padres 0 guardian legal. de 'a persona qmc" ?med "mm" Me he comunicado con un amigo pariente adulto. NO deseo hablar con nadie por tel?fono. Nombre de la persona a quien usted llam?. Derecho a Ser Representado par un Abogado: [3 He hablado con un abogado. El No deseo hablar con un abogado. Derecho 3 mm Audien cia: Enticndo mi derecho a una audiencia ante e1 Juez dc lnmigraci?n. El Deseo una audiencin ante el juez. I ?Md July 13. 2018 . Erma: Fecha: No dcseo mm audioncia ante eljuez. Esmy en Ios Estados Uniclos ilegalmente deseo regresar a mi pais. Pais: Fecha: Firma.? Form l-770 (Spanish) (Prior editions may not be used) INSTRUCTIONS To This advisal is required to be given to all persons who are taken into custody and who appear. are known. or claim to be under the age of eighteen and who are not accompanied by one of their natural or lawful parents. No such person can be offered or permitted to depart voluntarily from the United States except after having been given this notice. The required procedure distinguishes between two classes of minors. 1) The first class are those minors apprehended in the immediate vicinity of the border and who permanently reside in Canada or Mexico. These persons shall be informed that they have a rig ht to make a telephone call to any of the persons mentioned in the notice. The purpose of this call is so that they can seek advice as to whether they should voluntarily depart or whether they should request a deportation hearing. We are required to make a record of any refusal to accept our offer of a telephone call. 2) As to all other minors. they must not only be given access to a telephone. they must establish communication, telephonic or otherwise, with one of the persons listed in the notice before they can be offered voluntary departure. The DHS retains the right to decide when to allow telephone calls. The only prohibition is that the minor cannot be asked to voluntarily depart until after telephone access is provided. If the minor is not offered voluntary departure but is put into deportation proceedings by issuance of a Notice to Appear? this procedure is not necessary. It is our duty to make reasonable efforts to contact the person of the minor's choice. but after unsuccessful efforts to reach that person, we can facilitate contact with another such person. Whenever the minor elects to pursue a process. such as a call to a foreign country, which is operationa'iy unacceptable. we can always proceed to issue a Notice to Appear. The minor must tell the type of person that helshe talked to but need not give us that person?s name or identifying information. If a minor. of his/her own wofition, asks to contact a consular officer, this will satisfy the requirements of the notice. The officer need not read the notice to the minor unless the minor is under 14 years of age. or unable to understand the notice. The of?cer must ask the minor whether hefshe wanted to make a call. whether a communication was made and, if made. to whom. The officer must also verify whether the minor wanted vo'untary departure or a hearing, and must sign and date the form to show this was done. Officers are not to offer any advice to any minor as to what heishe should or should not do. To be completed by the Officer: i' verify th at: Spanish 1.3. The subject named was given this notice to read. b. I read this notice to the name subject in the foitowing language: 2. asked this subject whether helshe wanted to make a tetephone call, and offered assistance in the use of the telephone. 3a. The subject told me that helshe did not want to make a telephone call, or b. The subject told me that he/she established communication and the form was marked to indicate it; c. [j The subject was unable to establish telephone communication with the desired individual. The following number of attempts were made: 0 4a. The subject requested a hearing. b. CI The subject admitted deportability and requested to return to hislher country voluntarily. without a heanng. 5.a. A Notice to Appear was issued because, the subject was unable to establish contact with any of the individuals specified after making the number of attempts indicated above (ttem 3 and after assistance to establish contact 'was given or offered. .v .2 1r Inca-on one July 13. 2013 Signature of or?er Date Form l?770 (Prior edrtions may not be used] Page 2 of 2